Top 525 Republican Quotes

We have a president who stole the presidency through family ties, arrogance and intimidation, employing Republican operatives to exercise the tactics of voter fraud by disenfranchising thousands of blacks, elderly Jews and other minorities.
Barbra Streisand
I tend to vote Republican, but I don’t like the hardcore views on either side, and I’m not in bed with anybody.
Kid Rock
No Republican presidential candidate is a viable option for pro-choice voters of any political philosophy – Democrat, Republican or otherwise.
Christine Pelosi
Well, my constituents are happy that the Republican Party has finally gotten off its duff, seeing that we do control the House and the Senate and the presidency, and taken up the issue of illegal immigration.
Dana Rohrabacher
President Obama is now losing to ‘Republican Nominee’ in polls – no name needed.
Jon Meacham
I would wear one of those plastic pocket protectors, but they make you look like a Republican.
John F. Kennedy Jr.
I’m the ranking Republican on the foreign aid appropriations subcommittee, so I know Tunisia well.
Lindsey Graham
Well, I’ve been a Republican for all of my voting life.
Carly Fiorina
In my state, the Republican Party was the most progressive party.
Edward Brooke
I don’t care who the president is – it ain’t just all about who’s black or who’s white or who’s Republican or Democrat, it’s about who is for the betterment of people, period.
Big Boi
My military service is the thing I’m most proud of, but when I think of everything happening in the Middle East, I can’t help but tell myself I wish we would have achieved some sort of lasting victory. No one touched that subject before Trump, especially not in the Republican Party.
J. D. Vance
Those of us in the Congress must confront and overcome Republican intransigence to increasing the minimum wage, extending unemployment insurance and protecting food stamps.
Charles B. Rangel
I’m a Bill Clinton social Republican.
John Catsimatidis
It is the sincere desire of the writer that our citizens should early understand that the genuine source of correct republican principles is the bible, particularly the New Testament or the Christian religion.
Noah Webster
Goodness knows the Republican electorate is a pretty narrow slice of the population.
David Price
Republican secretaries of state from Kissinger to Baker, Powell to Rice, President Bush, 71 United States Senators all supported President Obama’s new START treaty, but not Mitt Romney.
John F. Kerry
There’s a huge cost in being bipartisan, a tradition started by Newt Gingrich when he took over the House in 1994 and has continued forward, that you dare not vote against the Republican Party even if you’re voting against your own initiatives and your own interests.
Gwen Moore
I remember my Republican Party as fiscally conservative

I remember my Republican Party as fiscally conservative, as caring about the environment.
Lincoln Chafee
It seems to me an indictment of the Republican Party that if you talk about issues of poverty and upward mobility, people assume you’re a Democrat.
J. D. Vance
The platform we had in Dallas, the 1984 Republican platform, all the ideas we supported there – from tax policy, to foreign policy; from individual rights, to neighborhood security – are things that Jefferson Davis and his people believed in.
Trent Lott
I don’t think that John Kerry is the Messiah or the Democratic Party is the answer, but I don’t like the evangelical community blessing the Republican Party as some kind of God-ordained instrument for solving the world’s problems.
Tony Campolo
In 1993, as House Democratic Leader, I led the fight to pass the Clinton-Gore economic plan – a plan designed to slash the deficit, invest in education, cut taxes for working families, and ask the wealthy among us to pay their fair share… Not one Republican voted for that plan. They said it was a job killer.
Dick Gephardt
I don’t understand how anybody’s still a Democrat or a Republican. I don’t know what they’re basing it on.
Lewis Black
I was a Mitt Romney Republican because he was pro-business.
John Catsimatidis
And, finally, as a Republican, I believe it is important to keep our word and keep our covenant, and that is exactly what we should do with the Wright amendment today.
Michael C. Burgess
I will continue to work with the Republican Party to try to encourage primaries.
Mitt Romney
Joe Scarborough was one of 74 Republicans elected to the Congress in 1994 in response to the missteps of the early Clinton era. He was the first Republican elected to Congress from his northern Florida district since the 1870s and handily won re-election three times.
Christopher Buckley
Doctrines provide an architecture for both Republican and Democrat presidents to carry out policies.
Malcolm Wallop
In the past, the Republican Party has depended on unified support at election time from Evangelical Christians. But times are changing!
Tony Campolo
I changed to Republican when Reagan became president because I wanted to see a change to years of Democrat-run Senate. And I voted Republican until Obama. I think he’s terrific.
Dennis Hopper
Defending birthright citizenship is about being on the right side of liberty. The 14th Amendment is a great legacy of the Republican Party.
Mark McKinnon
It is important that the United States remain a two-party system. I’m a fellow who likes small parties and the Republican Party can’t be too small to suit me.
Lyndon B. Johnson
I consider myself a Republican.
Robert M. Gates
The British don’t runaway from terrorism. We have had 30-odd years of terrorism in our own country from the Irish Republican Army. We’re used to it.
John Major
It must kill George Bush that John McCain is the most popular and Beloved Republican in America.
Paul Begala
I’m not a Republican.
Adam Carolla
Being the Republican front-runner was three of the most exciting hours of my entire life. I’ve come to grips with it, and the only lasting effect is that I refuse to go on a stage that has more than one podium on it.
Rick Perry
As a Republican, I voted with President Clinton consistently in our efforts to bail out our European friends in Kosovo to stop genocide. I am proud of those votes. I am proud of President Clinton for that.
Gordon Smith
If any Republican nominee wants to run on the idea that borrowing money and printing it up and sending it to foreign countries that often hate us and burn our flag and think it’s a good idea, feel free to run on that issue. But it’s not really popular with the people.
Rand Paul
I consider myself a moderate Republican. I have very, very moderate social views, and I’m pretty strong on, on defense matters.
Colin Powell
You’ve got to speak; you’ve got to be able to articulate the Republican message to the American people and take that fight to the president, but you also have to bridge internally.
Jason Chaffetz
The Republican consciousness has no integrity and it falls apart once you check it out. If you’re a Christian, why would you want to fry this dude?
Ken Kesey
The Republican establishment may in fact be so desirous of getting rid of the Tea Party as its base, they may be willing to lose some elections in order to get rid of their base and put up a new base.
Rush Limbaugh
I’ve often heard the complaint from both Democrat and Republican voters alike that they hate the fact that politicians get into office and they – and they’re fearful, they’re fearful to make tough decisions because they think more about the next election than they do about the next-generation.
Scott Walker
I’m neither Democrat nor Republican.
Calvin Klein
The Republican leadership thinks the best way to avoid losing elections is to let the Democrats win every controversial issue.
Rush Limbaugh
I never really thought that anyone thought there was just one kind of Republican woman.
Nicolle Wallace
If you’re honest with yourself, you’re going to find out whether you truly love America, or whether your primary allegiance is to the Republican party.
Vincent Bugliosi
It's not politically incorrect to say you're Republican

It’s not politically incorrect to say you’re Republican or conservative.
Joe Wurzelbacher
My Republican friends are lamenting reconciliation. But I would recommend for them to go back and look at history.
Harry Reid
A Republican in my state of Arkansas feels about as out of place as Michael Vick at the West Minister dog show.
Mike Huckabee
It is our responsibility as Americans to provide for the families of those who have died to defend our nation. Raising the military death benefit is not a Democrat or Republican issue – it is an American issue.
Brian Baird
Newt Gingrich is one of the brightest people in the Republican Party and he’s always been a little unorthodox in his approach to politics, but that’s what makes him Newt Gingrich.
Gary Bauer
The father is always a Republican toward his son, and his mother’s always a Democrat.
Robert Frost
The fact that a Republican is in the late Senator Kennedy’s old seat probably must have him rolling in his grave, probably spilling his drink.
Ann Coulter
I think one of the great problems we have in the Republican Party is that we don’t encourage you to be nasty. We encourage you to be neat, obedient, loyal and faithful and all those Boy Scout words, which would be great around a campfire but are lousy in politics.
Newt Gingrich
Thank God for some Republican control of one branch of the government.
Lindsey Graham
I’ve been a staunch Republican.
Montel Williams
The term ‘serious actor’ is kind of an oxymoron, isn’t it? Like ‘Republican party’ or ‘airplane food.’
Johnny Depp
Originally, I thought Republican. Now I’m an equal opportunity politician-hater.
Kenneth Fisher
I don’t necessarily support Romney, I don’t consider myself a Republican. I’m pretty much an independent.
Sean Duffy
Unfortunately, the Republican leadership in the House right now seems to have been strangled by the tea party.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
I’m not a hard-line Republican, because I’m a lot more open-minded than that.
James Denton
I am not predicting here that Obama will fail like Jimmy Carter. What I am predicting is the Republican Party is not extinct and will after a period of time become a strong opposition party.
Ed Rollins