Top 535 Extreme Quotes

My background was Rude Boys, Teddy Boys, rockabillys and skinheads. I was into reggae and Blondie and The Cure, and especially The Specials – these black and white guys getting it together. Extreme personalities. Extreme talent.
The existing principle of selfish interest and competition has been carried to its extreme point; and, in its progress, has isolated the heart of man, blunted the edge of his finest sensibilities, and annihilated all his most generous impulses and sympathies.
Frances Wright
My friend and I sang an a cappella rendition of Extreme’s ‘More Than Words’ at one of our football pep rallies in a desperate attempt to look cool. For a while, I wore pink Converse All Stars because I thought it made me seem daring and irreverent.
Ed Helms
The precariatised mind is one without anchors, flitting from subject to subject, in the extreme suffering from attention deficit disorder. But it is also nomadic in its dealings with other people.
Guy Standing
I was a very ambitious, young actor, grateful and getting out there, working hard. I was single-minded in pursuit of my career. I am also the oldest of seven and had this extreme responsibility for everyone around me. I was a caregiver and not taking care of myself as much as I should have.
I have people in my family with bipolar disorder, and for years I’ve watched them struggle with the disorder’s extreme moods and often devastating consequences.
Jenna Blum
The Millennium Development Goals were a pledge to uphold the principles of human dignity, equality and equity, and free the world from extreme poverty. The MDGs, with eight goals and a set of measurable time-bound targets, established a blueprint for tackling the most pressing development challenges of our time.
Ban Ki-moon
The District of Columbia is an extreme example of disconnect between financial input and educational outcome. Unfortunately, extreme is not the same as abnormal.
P. J. O’Rourke
I’ve got used to criticisms and, naturally, I try to make sure I don’t listen to the more extreme ones because most of the people who have taken their right-wing extremist view of my life are people that I’ve never met.
Maurice Strong
Terrorism and the refugee crisis have changed the political mood in the West and brought the extreme right to prominence there.
Jamal Khashoggi
I was crazy into performing when I was younger. I was obsessed with the craft of acting, and theatre, and stage. You know the term ‘theatre geek?’ I am the extreme theatre geek.
Vincent Rodriguez III
An extreme optimist is a man who believes that humanity will probably survive even if it doesn’t take his advice.
John McCarthy
Profit at any cost is one extreme of the spectrum. On the other extreme is unselfish submission for the social good or, more accurately, charity. Somewhere in the middle is peaceful, and much required, coexistence.
Tulsi Tanti
I have been fighting climate change for two decades, and people often ask me how I remain hopeful in the face of extreme weather and grim forecasts. The answer is simple: I see countless solutions spreading across the nation and across the world. But we need more investment.
Frances Beinecke
First, you do a piece of material that begins and ends and has a flow; it’s not chopped up as in a film, where in an extreme case you might be doing the last scene of the script the first day that you go to work, and you don’t know enough about the character you’re playing.
Jean Stapleton
It is more raw and unfettered and I’m more likely going into something you could call extreme cartooning. There’s a lot of that in the course of ‘Holy Terror.’ There are interludes where there are pictures – cartoon pictures – of modern figures and they are all wordless. It’s up to readers to put the words in.
Frank Miller
The whole drive of western culture, the part of it which is serious, is towards an extreme objectification. It’s carried to the point where the human subject is treated almost as if it’s dirt in the works of a watch.
Henry Flynt
I feel like I’m creeping closer to finding the situation that triggers songwriting, which is obviously an extreme of an emotion.
Laura Marling
I love Chicago. It’s such a great town, and it’s got great culture and great history, and it’s not as extreme as LA or New York, and it’s just- it’s hard for me for work, because I don’t live and work in the same place and that’s tough. But I’m- I love it.
Joan Cusack
I’m drawn to provocative characters that find themselves in extreme situations. And I think I’m drawn to that consistently.
Kathryn Bigelow
Modernism in other arts brought extreme difficulty. In poetry, the characteristic difficulty imported under the name of modernism was obscurity. But obscurity could just as easily be a quality of metrical as of free verse.
James Fenton
Weather can kill you so fast. The first priority of survival is getting protection from the extreme weather.
Bear Grylls
The Russians are extreme people: they are generous but crazy at the same time. They always have something to say, and I really like that.
Carine Roitfeld
So when I’m working out I do things extreme.
Taylor Dayne
Extreme pain to extreme pleasure has been the story of

Extreme pain to extreme pleasure has been the story of my entire life.
If the sensitive washout has no taste for extreme gestures, total self-destruction, then his hope for singularity rests in his voice. Tone is everything.
Darryl Pinckney
The first step to prescribing the right medicine is to recognize the cause of the illness. And, when it comes to what is ailing the global economy, extreme monetary easing has been more cause than cure. The sooner we recognize that, the stronger and more sustainable the global economic recovery will be.
Raghuram Rajan
To jump and break the sound barrier will not be a mere record breaking experience or another extreme event that ends once the mission is accomplished.
Felix Baumgartner
I know a moderate, more centered candidate like myself doesn’t get as much attention as people who tend to say more extreme things.
John Delaney
Fitness isn’t about being extreme and hard-core. Healthy eating is not about counting calories, weighing food, or finding less tasteful ingredients. Life is about balance.
Harley Pasternak
Local news taught me to take each moment as one of extreme importance – don’t waste people’s time. Give them solid information in a compelling fashion so they will remember it and use it in their lives.
Harris Faulkner
Languages and cultures are disappearing at an enormously fast rate, and many of them are in Canada. These are extreme examples of removal of freedom of expression – to actually lose a language and the ability to express that culture.
John Ralston Saul
We must all stand against both the continual, systematic, and structural racial inequities that normalize daily violence as well as against extreme acts of racial terror.
Kimberle Williams Crenshaw
I think ‘Magneto’ is definitely an anti-hero. He’s fighting for the right thing, but his methods are far too extreme. He’s not above breaking the law, stretching the limits of what is moral and putting evil to work for good.
Cullen Bunn
I have no religious belief myself, but I don’t think we should fight about it. In particular, I think that we should not rubbish moderate religious leaders like the Archbishop of Canterbury because I think we all agree that extreme fundamentalism is a threat, and we need all the allies we can muster against it.
Martin Rees
I think size zero is extreme. Even if I starve and stop eating, I don’t think I would ever reach size zero in life.
Parineeti Chopra
They’re pretty extreme, but I loved the two ‘Human Centipede’ films from Tom Six. Those movies are fun because they’re well-made. They’re crazy and psychotic and perverted and twisted, but they’re really well-made.
Bill Moseley
I just couldn’t imagine hitting a child. But in ‘The Slap’ it’s an extreme situation. You have to ask yourself – would you step in if a child was out of control?
Jonathan LaPaglia
Artistic ambition is important. And it seems it would be a great time to do some theatre, like a new extreme.
Emile Hirsch
Athletes and actors do really crazy things, and we do them under weird circumstances because we love what we do and because we take things in an extreme manner.
Anika Noni Rose
I had been a hurricane all my life. And that was, of course, because I was bipolar and did not know it. And I was – you know, the mania took control. When you’re on stage and when you’re performing, you’re heightened, and it’s an extreme.
Jenifer Lewis
Boxing is not always about standing in the middle going toe to toe. It’s about poise and grace under extreme pressure.
Peter Berg
Extreme hopes are born from extreme misery.
Bertrand Russell
My dad was quite an extreme man.
Boy George
For years, Republicans have effectively outsourced their thought leadership to the loudmouths at the end of the bar. But perhaps the most extreme example of that trend has been the issue of guns, where the party has ceded control to a gun lobby that has built its brand on absolutism.
Charlie Sykes
Great personal style is an extreme curiosity about yourself.
Iris Apfel
There is no life to be found in violence. Every act of violence brings us closer to death. Whether it’s the mundane violence we do to our bodies by overeating toxic food or drink or the extreme violence of child abuse, domestic warfare, life-threatening poverty, addiction, or state terrorism.
bell hooks
I looked at the photos at the VMAs and my hair was the most. That was a time when we were the most extreme – like, I totally looked like Cher. And it always took, like, two bottles of hairspray every morning. Yeah, we’ve definitely changed a lot. But I love that we have that history, and I enjoy looking back.
Bill Kaulitz
While everyone is focused on security and civil liberties, Trump’s Cabinet of billionaires will try to quietly push through even more extreme measures to enrich themselves and their class, like dismantling Social Security or auctioning off major pieces of government for profit.
Naomi Klein