Top 540 Control Quotes

If black people use their resources properly, they can become as competitive as any group in society – take control of our neighborhoods, our businesses, our schools, including our teachers. The only thing keeping black people from doing it is this idiotic idea about integration, about being racially balanced.
James Meredith
Control is the source of strategic power.
Noam Chomsky
I’m in control of my life, not anyone in Hollywood.
Heath Ledger
If every woman who’s had an abortion took tomorrow off in protest, America would grind to a halt. And that would be symbolic: because women grind to a halt if they are not in control of their fertility.
Caitlin Moran
The creative process is a process of surrender, not control.
Julia Cameron
I have a control problem. I hate the feeling of not being in control.
Adam Driver
In 1939, Germany established gun control. From 1939 to 1945, six million Jews and seven million others unable to defend themselves were exterminated.
Joe Wurzelbacher
A visual always brings a first impression. But if there’s going to be a first impression, I might as well use it to control the story. So why not do something like throw a mask on?
MF Doom
I have the ordinary experience of being anonymous when I’m in an airplane talking to air-traffic control, and they don’t know who they’re talking to. I have a lot of common experiences.
Harrison Ford
I think where people get into trouble is hiding and feeling ashamed about what they don’t have any control over in the first place.
Mark Ruffalo
I’d always wanted to be an actress, and suddenly I knew that learning to control my facial muscles was one of the best assets I could have as a performer.
Jane Greer
You can move past your eating disorder and not let it h

You can move past your eating disorder and not let it have control over your life anymore.
Alexa Bliss
Watch out for the fellow who talks about putting things in order! Putting things in order always means getting other people under your control.
Denis Diderot
We have two American flags always: one for the rich and one for the poor. When the rich fly it means that things are under control; when the poor fly it means danger, revolution, anarchy.
Henry Miller
We can control how we run, and that’s about it.
Kevin Harvick
Giving women education, work, the ability to control their own income, inherit and own property, benefits the society. If a woman is empowered, her children and her family will be better off. If families prosper, the village prospers, and eventually so does the whole country.
Isabel Allende
Learn from the past, set vivid, detailed goals for the future, and live in the only moment of time over which you have any control: now.
Denis Waitley
I don’t blame or complain about things like the economy, the government, taxes, employees, gas prices, or any of the external things that I don’t have control over. The only thing I have control over is my response to these things.
Jack Canfield
Bureaucratic advancement means fewer peers, more span of control, generally an increasing information-pump function, and increased distance from the actual implementation of whatever it is the organization does.
Chris Fussell
Since Europe is dependent on imports of energy and most of its raw materials, it can be subdued, if not quite conquered, without all those nuclear weapons the Soviets have aimed at it simply through the shipping routes and raw materials they control.
Barbara Amiel
Not many people are really that meticulous with what they do, I suppose, but I’m just a control freak and terribly afraid of failure or regret. I work very hard on these things.
George Michael
‘The English Patient’ was a huge turning point in my career and my life; it became this huge thing. But the whole Oscar build-up got completely out of control; I spent more time talking about that film than I spent making it!
Kristin Scott Thomas
I think you have to control the materials to an extent, but it’s important to let the materials have a kind of power for themselves; like the natural power of gravity, if you are painting on a wall, it makes the paint trickle and it drips; there is no reason to fight that.
Keith Haring
Susan Collins’ vote to put Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court may be paying off for her, but it’s put women’s control over their own health care decisions in extreme jeopardy.
Sara Gideon
Freedom is control in your own life.
Willie Nelson
Should the high court be able to roll back state health regulations whose efficacy was at least debatable? If your answer is yes, logical consistency should encourage you to apply this same logic to the court’s consideration of state-level gun control.
Kayleigh McEnany
The American people have no control over what the military does. We have no say in American foreign policy.
Aaron McGruder
I do not want to foresee the future. I am concerned with taking care of the present. God has given me no control over the moment following.
Mahatma Gandhi
If we want more trade in the world, we should establish bilateral trade agreements with other democratic countries. That way we can control the decision-making process. The major economic countries of the world will enter into those agreements.
Dana Rohrabacher
The most perfect political community is one in which the middle class is in control, and outnumbers both of the other classes.
Globalisation feels like a runaway train, out of control.
Gordon Brown
When I’m off the road, and I can really control my diet down to the calorie, I juice seven days a week. Every afternoon, whatever I have at hand, beets, carrots, ginger, whatever. I juice, literally, every single day. And on the road, I try to find fresh juice wherever I can.
Henry Rollins
But I like schlocky violent movies, but I’m for strict gun control. But then there was a time I was at a laser tag place, and I had such a good time hiding in a corner shooting at people. In other words, I’m your basic confused human when it comes to violence.
Robert Sapolsky
There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
To the degree we’re not living our dreams, our comfort zone has more control of us than we have over ourselves.
Peter McWilliams
I have lived a life that has been beautiful and painful at some moments. But I am convinced others can learn how to control a certain kind of rage that bubbles up in many Americans, particularly, but not limited to, women, blacks, and other minorities.
Jayson Blair
Our whole constitutional heritage rebels at the thought of giving government the power to control men’s minds.
Thurgood Marshall
Debt is such a powerful tool, it is such a useful tool, it’s much better than colonialism ever was because you can keep control without having an army, without having a whole administration.
Susan George
A hustler has to deal with danger and risk. It’s part of the game. You cannot control it all, nor would you want to. Chaos, unknown factors are not something to be anxious about.
Robert Greene
Modern education has devoted itself to the teaching of impudence, and then we complain that we can no longer control our mobs.
John Ruskin
You know, one of the things I think you understand as president is you’re held responsible for everything, but you don’t always have control of everything, right?
Barack Obama
The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward.
Amelia Earhart
I think people want very much to simplify their lives e

I think people want very much to simplify their lives enough so that they can control the things that make it possible to sleep at night.
Twyla Tharp
I think that if you live long enough, you realize that so much of what happens in life is out of your control, but how you respond to it is in your control. That’s what I try to remember.
Hillary Clinton
If you want to write the software to control the national medical system of a large country, Java is perfect.
James Gosling
I always say I write my own novels and the characters don’t take control of me, but in fact, I look at the characters in the early stages and I think, ‘What is he or she like,’ and they slowly come together and they become the person they are.
A. S. Byatt
Everyone is insecure. I think, really, it comes from, like, a desire to want to be in control of how you’re represented.
Laverne Cox
The only thing that’s in my control is to win ballgames and God is always taking care of me.
Dusty Baker
Concern should drive us into action and not into a depression. No man is free who cannot control himself.
My husband has the philosophy that if you can work a Nintendo control, you can chop an onion. So, we have our children in the kitchen. We sit down every night for dinner. We’re trying to give our kids a sense of what’s going into their bodies, and it’s also good for family time.
Debi Mazar
Life comes with many challenges. The ones that should not scare us are the ones we can take on and take control of.
Angelina Jolie
I’m not in control of my muse. My muse does all the work.
Ray Bradbury
What we can control is our performance and our execution, and that’s what we’re going to focus on.
Bill Belichick
Money is a mechanism for control.
David Korten
Science of mind teaches you how to realize how much control you have over your own life. It teaches you that we have the ability to change our lives at any point we choose.
Marla Gibbs
Multinational corporations do control. They control the politicians. They control the media. They control the pattern of consumption, entertainment, thinking. They’re destroying the planet and laying the foundation for violent outbursts and racial division.
Jerry Brown
We animals live life in all its glorious uncertainty. Why do politicians think they can control events?
Rita Mae Brown
You learn to control every aspect of your muscles, your face, your toes, your fingernails. And that is how you tell a story, through movement.
Karlie Kloss
I’m too much of a control freak.
Dido Armstrong