Top 55 Adrian Dunbar Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Adrian Dunbar Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I would hope that the Government would still support th

I would hope that the Government would still support those small, struggling independent theatre companies and also maybe look to the built architecture of the theaters because we can’t let them get into disrepair. They are part of the fabric of the country.
Adrian Dunbar
You don’t want to be acting your way towards something. The sense of believability has to be great, so bringing it as close to yourself as you can always helps.
Adrian Dunbar
I am on a mural in Belfast with ‘Floating up the Lagan in a bubble’ on it. You know you have made it when you have got a mural.
Adrian Dunbar
You hope that some day a part will come along and you can do your stuff and people will go, ‘oh that’s good.’ I just got very lucky.
Adrian Dunbar
There are so many police series that we all end up playing a cop of one hue or another eventually.
Adrian Dunbar
When something like ‘Line of Duty’ happens, your profile is such that you’re asked to do different things. I’m careful not to spread myself too thinly or it just goes mad.
Adrian Dunbar
Yes, I did have a band for two or three years. They were called Adie and the Jonahs.
Adrian Dunbar
I do like the dark, gritty psychological thrillers, but sometimes we need a little respite from that.
Adrian Dunbar
When they see you on the street, I was at the bottom of Highgate West Hill the other day and the police came down the hill with blue lights and screeched to a halt and went, ‘Oi, ‘Line Of Duty!’
Adrian Dunbar
I was really proud of the response to the first series of ‘Blood.’ Right from the get-go I knew it was a really good yarn and that it would have a chance if we got it right.
Adrian Dunbar
There was a big thing in the Behan family of achieving and wanting to be something special. There was a big drive in the family, even though it was poor and working class, to do something important, to contribute something to Irish culture. He certainly achieved that in a spectacular way.
Adrian Dunbar
I think it would be difficult to explore some aspects of Ted’s past, because ‘Line of Duty’ investigates fictitious police forces – you never know, and you should never know, who it is we might be investigating.
Adrian Dunbar
Belfast has many advantages for the filmmakers, one of which is the existence of an airport right in the middle of the city.
Adrian Dunbar
You don’t want to alienate your audiences, so you have to be careful but yet you have to be true enough to what you believe.
Adrian Dunbar
A lot of the time in Ireland we put people into boxes and that’s it.
Adrian Dunbar
I’m over the moon to play an iconic character like Ted Hastings and for my career to be defined by this role – that’s a place very few actors get to.
Adrian Dunbar
It’s much better as an actor if you can bring as much of yourself as possible to a character.
Adrian Dunbar
I try and speak out on things that affect where I live in London, and at home in Enniskillen. For instance, I am very keen we get our bypass – the town is completely clogged with traffic and it’s one of the most beautiful inland towns in Ireland.
Adrian Dunbar
There was a period in my life when alcohol was a good friend. Then there came a point when I realized that it was definitely not a good friend. I haven’t had a drink now for many years.
Adrian Dunbar
I love going back to Northern Ireland.
Adrian Dunbar
Ted Hastings is the guy you would hope would be part of the police. He’s got his problems, but is relentless in the pursuit of the truth.
Adrian Dunbar
The variety of my career is amazing and amazingly satisfying.
Adrian Dunbar
I think if we had an All-Ireland economy and the North was in the U.K. and in the E.U. that would be very good for the North.
Adrian Dunbar
I’ve always been fascinated by Oscar Wilde.
Adrian Dunbar
Sometimes when working on TV, especially when doing procedural cop work, you can refer to your notes. Your notes, of course, do contain, naturally, all the information you need.
Adrian Dunbar
People believe that forensics these days is the answer to everything and because we believe so ardently that forensics can lead us to the criminal we’re also a bit nonplussed when someone gets in there and manipulates forensics to their advantage.
Adrian Dunbar
I think ‘Blood’ is honest about the dysfunction of family life and Jim will have to get to the bottom of secrets being kept from him.
Adrian Dunbar
The Frank Matcham theaters in the West End in particular are incredible pieces of architecture.
Adrian Dunbar
I’d love to do something funny. Our work often deals with tough subjects. You do your research and it can be quite dark. So after all these years of drama, I’d like to go to work someday with the sole intention of making people laugh.
Adrian Dunbar
I’m not sure about doing 10 takes of running up a flight of stairs, whether I’m really up to that… but I’ll definitely have a go!
Adrian Dunbar
I’ve been sweating away for 30 years – then I became Hastings.
Adrian Dunbar
Belfast is great.

Belfast is great.
Adrian Dunbar
I have to learn sometimes 25 pages at a time. The takes can last 20 minutes – we do big, long takes. You always hope that you get a couple of days in between so you can learn the next one because you can’t keep everything in your head at the one time.
Adrian Dunbar
I am an Irish person. I’m an Irishman, but I’m also an Ulsterman.
Adrian Dunbar
It seems to me that after the second world war, Beckett finally realized he had something to write about.
Adrian Dunbar
Myth is sometimes more important than history.
Adrian Dunbar
The list of unlikely sex symbols is pretty long if you look online.
Adrian Dunbar
When you are younger and more radical, the police seem like the enemy.
Adrian Dunbar
I used to feel sorry for some of the guys who were in ‘EastEnders,’ who had done something terrible to somebody, and people were shouting at them in the street. I’d think: ‘God, I’d hate it if that happened to me.’
Adrian Dunbar
My mother never once asked me to stay at home, because she knew acting was something I really wanted to do. She was great.
Adrian Dunbar
Integrated education should be the norm – I’m passionate about that.
Adrian Dunbar
You really can’t pigeon hole yourself into one particular artistic area any more; the days of one vocation in the arts have long gone.
Adrian Dunbar
I’d actually love to do comedy. It would be great to go to work to get a laugh.
Adrian Dunbar
Shakespeare was very political, but he was also a fabulous entertainer. That’s where his genius comes in as a playwright.
Adrian Dunbar
I think the scripts for ‘Line of Duty’ and ‘Blood’ are both asking the audience to get involved in speculating as to what is going to happen next, or what should be happening next.
Adrian Dunbar
You show me a family, I’ll show you dysfunction.
Adrian Dunbar
We don’t know what is going to happen with Brexit, it’s not going to be good for the North anyway whatever happens. It’s not going to be good for Ireland whatever happens. And the problem is we don’t know what is going to happen so we can’t really prepare so everything is speculation.
Adrian Dunbar
There’s no doubt that New York held its temptations for any writer – it still does.
Adrian Dunbar
We’re in a golden age for television. TV 25 years ago was slow, plodding , boring. The production values were not great. Today it’s so much better. People get really invested it.
Adrian Dunbar
The arts don’t care what your background is. They belong to everyone.
Adrian Dunbar
The ‘Mother of God’ stuff comes from my dad who used to use that all the time. He would say, ‘Mother of God’ all the time. He used to just say ‘Mother’ and we know what he meant.
Adrian Dunbar
In Shakespeare, the moral balances are very fine.
Adrian Dunbar
Because of ‘Line Of Duty’s proper adherence to police procedure, by definition we end up doing some very long interrogation scenes which are difficult to learn, and require lots of concentration to sustain them across shooting.
Adrian Dunbar
I’ve been singing all of my life, one way or another.
Adrian Dunbar
I try to get out to The Skelligs, and people will know The Skelligs from ‘Star Wars’ and so forth, but they really are the most incredible monastic settlement on this island off the south coast, the Kerry coast.
Adrian Dunbar