Top 55 Futures Quotes

Weston Bakeries is proud to support local children’s charities across Canada. We believe the more we invest in our kids’ futures today, the better our communities will be tomorrow.
Galen Weston
ncrementalism is out, and doing deals with people just for power, when our children’s futures at stake is not something I will ever do.
Elizabeth May
I’m jumping on a trend to try to engage my younger constituents. They need to know that a lot of what’s happening now will impact their futures. If taking a ‘selfie’ with the chair of the SEC, Steny Hoyer, or Alzheimer’s research advocates, gets their attention, then it’s worth it. Plus, it’s fun.
Sean Duffy
For years, we’ve grown dependant on American consumers as the world’s spenders of last resort. They’ve kept Europe out of recession, allowed China to industrialise, and prevented global deflation. But at the same time, they’ve not been looking after their own futures.
Evan Davis
It might be the history major in me, but I look to the past when I try to construct my fictional futures.
Alexandra Bracken