Top 55 Intellectual Property Quotes

When it comes to China, there are genuine giants that need to be conquered and dragons to tame. Protecting intellectual property rights and leveling the playing field for international trade are serious matters that must be resolved. But that will happen through honest negotiation.
Neil Bush
I was the first generation of filmmakers where videogames were a serious part of my life. I regard them as just as valid as books or plays in terms of an intellectual property.
Paul W. S. Anderson
From the business point of view – not to overstate it – intellectual property is dead; long live intellectual process. Long live service; long live performance.
Esther Dyson
To ensure fair competition, there must be effective controls on currency manipulation, and monopoly pricing needs to be outlawed on such items as intellectual property, especially pharmaceuticals.
Danny K. Davis
I wasn’t political enough to write articles about myself or go to cocktail parties, meaning that not only has my art been pirated and my intellectual property rights stolen, but my work has been misrepresented.
Michael Heizer
For years, members of Congress have heard from constituents who want them to protect the nation from crime, terrorism and intellectual property violation. They have not faced equally robust demands that online rights and freedoms be preserved.
Rebecca MacKinnon
We’ve seen it time and again – Chinese companies don’t play by the rules, committing intellectual property theft and disregarding basic regulatory standards at the expense of investors. Not a single taxpayer dollar should be invested with these entities that have a clear history of corruption.
Tommy Tuberville