Top 55 John Ridley Quotes

There are still some people out there who believe comic books are nothing more than, well, comic books. But the true cognoscenti know graphic novels are – at their best – an amazing blend of art literature and the theater of the mind.
John Ridley
For children, diversity needs to be real and not merely relegated to learning the names of the usual suspects during Black History Month or enjoying south-of-the-border cuisine on Cinco de Mayo. It means talking to and spending time with kids not like them so that they may discover those kids are in fact just like them.
John Ridley
If there are two kinds of people in the world – DC Comics people and Marvel Comics people – what kind am I? Well, to be honest… I’m a Wildstorm kinda guy. In the interest of full and fair disclosure, I write for Wildstorm. But even if I didn’t, I’d love what they do. No, seriously, I’d love their stuff.
John Ridley
Certainly as a kid, I grew up with Batman, Superman, whoever – they didn’t need to be black for me to relate to them. But when a character like Cyborg came along, I got excited, because he looked a little bit more like me; his experiences were a little bit more like mine.
John Ridley
Slavery was not a bad day on the job. It was not your boss yelling at you. It was not hard work for little pay. This was a full system of human subjugation.
John Ridley
I don’t know what’s hipper: to Facebook or to Twitter. I just know for me, personally, discretion never went out of style.
John Ridley
In the Everybody-Give-Me-A-Hug victim culture in which we live, the obese want a spot at the table along with those who face discrimination based on the way that God or Nature or our Intelligent Designer created us.
John Ridley
Gay marriage will be universally accepted in time. But if I may be so bold as to say to gays and lesbians, don’t wait for that time to arrive. Just as my father and his generation did not ‘wait’ for their civil rights, nor should you. The toothpaste ain’t going back in the tube. The tide has turned.
John Ridley