Top 55 Sixto Rodriguez Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Sixto Rodriguez Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

The earth is going to survive, it's the people that are

The earth is going to survive, it’s the people that aren’t.
Sixto Rodriguez
I’ve had such an ordinary life.
Sixto Rodriguez
I’m not getting old, I’m getting dead.
Sixto Rodriguez
The Isley Brothers, there’s a group that stays together because they’re a family band.
Sixto Rodriguez
Education, information and knowledge are all one.
Sixto Rodriguez
I always like to say that you’ve got to… use all your talent.
Sixto Rodriguez
Rock ‘n’ roll is a crazy world, and it’s how things work out you can’t predict.
Sixto Rodriguez
The film, ‘Searching For Sugar Man,’ has excited my music career.
Sixto Rodriguez
In the music business, there’s a lot of criticism and rejection. If you embrace it, you’ll be better off when the adjustment comes.
Sixto Rodriguez
Musicians want to be heard. So I’m not hiding. But I do like to leave it there onstage and be myself, in that sense. Because some people carry it with them.
Sixto Rodriguez
Was ‘Crucify Your Mind’ dedicated to anybody? No, it was a generalization. ‘A Most Disgusting Song’ is like that, too.
Sixto Rodriguez
I sing about social issues, not the boy-girl stuff.
Sixto Rodriguez
You never throw away your work clothes. There is always something to do in the house.
Sixto Rodriguez
Voice is the first instrument.
Sixto Rodriguez
I don’t mind going out to do my shows but I can still retreat back into my own private world, you know? And that is very key.
Sixto Rodriguez
I have a sloppy style of playing guitar. A percussive style. Unique in fact.
Sixto Rodriguez
I like language, words. And I think the survival skills I’ve developed over the years have added a lot to my perspective.
Sixto Rodriguez
There are beautiful songs people write about love and dancing. But it’s political issues that should be addressed.
Sixto Rodriguez
I stopped chasing the music dream back in ’74.
Sixto Rodriguez
I like Detroit.
Sixto Rodriguez
I’m a family person, and you make those choices.
Sixto Rodriguez
Some want to do pretty songs with pretty words about pretty people, but that ain’t me.
Sixto Rodriguez
Entertainment news doesn’t interest me.
Sixto Rodriguez
You want to know the secret of life? It is to breathe in and out. And the mystery of life? You never know when it is going to end.
Sixto Rodriguez
I’ve been a candidate for office at least eight times. A couple times for mayor, state representative, city council.
Sixto Rodriguez
Every 20 years or so, I feel that young people confront the same issues – a new war, new challenges.
Sixto Rodriguez
I was ready for the world. I don’t think the world was ready for me.
Sixto Rodriguez
That’s the way I always listened to music. I’d listen and copy it. I play by ear so that’s easier than reading.
Sixto Rodriguez
I’ve only written 30 songs or something. Dylan’s written over 500 songs. There’s no comparison. He’s the Shakespeare of rock ‘n’ roll and popular music.
Sixto Rodriguez
If I sound political, it’s because I am.
Sixto Rodriguez
I’m lucky. It’s okay that success has come later to me, because I might have burned up if it had happened earlier.
Sixto Rodriguez
My career, it's been a mess.

My career, it’s been a mess.
Sixto Rodriguez
I loved Jimmy Reed, the chord changes, the lyrics.
Sixto Rodriguez
I did a lot of heavy-lifting – construction, demolition, that kind of thing. Dusty, dirty work.
Sixto Rodriguez
Music is a living art.
Sixto Rodriguez
I play guitar and I’m always trying to find out the latest kinds of riffs.
Sixto Rodriguez
I graduated from Wayne State University, but there’s a whole lot you don’t learn in school.
Sixto Rodriguez
I’m a musical political, I tend to stick to what I see happening outside my front door.
Sixto Rodriguez
I play by ear – I’m self-taught. And so everything I do is through that technique.
Sixto Rodriguez
I chose music and that’s what I do.
Sixto Rodriguez
You can’t get around certain stuff, whether it’s in Darfur or on your block at home. What makes us political is your home turf, your family, your life space. You walk down the street, and automatically a human being is territorial, and political happens in that.
Sixto Rodriguez
I’m a fortunate man, quite fortunate.
Sixto Rodriguez
There are no guarantees in the music field. There’s a lot of rejection, a lot of criticism and a lot of disappointment. You have to be prepared for that. And after 1973, it just wasn’t happening for me.
Sixto Rodriguez
My dad, he was my role model – my mom died when I was three – and the way we honor our parents is remembering their heritage.
Sixto Rodriguez
My work is more to me than just music.
Sixto Rodriguez
I got my style. I got my own way of playing. I’m a musician. I’m self-taught.
Sixto Rodriguez
It’s an honor and a pleasure to be heard.
Sixto Rodriguez
It took me 10 years to get a four-year degree, but I graduated.
Sixto Rodriguez
I’m born and bred out of Detroit. Detroit is an interesting place. You’ve got to be from somewhere.
Sixto Rodriguez
I know I did ‘Establishment Blues,’ and I said ‘This is not a song it’s an outburst’ and I’d play it, I never did describe it as a rant – R-A-N-T – but the thing is it’s exactly that. Sometimes it sounds like that, but there’s a lot out there on the everyday man, on the plight of the little guy.
Sixto Rodriguez
Whenever I speak, I talk to the collective consciousness of my audience.
Sixto Rodriguez
Where other people live in an artificial world, I feel I live in the real world. And nothing beats reality.
Sixto Rodriguez
I’m a lucky man.
Sixto Rodriguez
In the ’60s and ’70s, a protest song was a genre in music.
Sixto Rodriguez
I don’t like litter and blight.
Sixto Rodriguez