Top 55 Southern California Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Southern California Quotes from famous people such as Toni Tennille, Matthew Rhys, Ruth J. Simmons, John Sexton, Michael Waltrip, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

In 1969, I wrote a musical called 'Mother Earth.' It wa

In 1969, I wrote a musical called ‘Mother Earth.’ It was a rock musical with an ecology theme. We did it at the South Coast Repertory Theatre in Southern California where I was a member. It was a smash hit in this small theater.
Toni Tennille
Well, it’s a little harder in New York. It’s not as forgiving to a film crew. You hold up a bunch of New Yorkers who can’t cross the street, they’re not going to take it well. Southern California? They’ll wait. It’s cool man. In New York, they’re like, ‘Are you kidding me? I gotta get to work.’
Matthew Rhys
Probably the first time I was a boss was when I was associate dean of the graduate school at the University of Southern California. I was in my early 30s.
Ruth J. Simmons
And as part of my activity there, he had indicated he wanted me to work with him on that and conduct the various technical tests. And so a few months later I moved from Southern California up to the Monterey Peninsula where I still live today.
John Sexton
I am just so proud to be able to take my NAPA car, my NAPA Toyota, to the West Coast and race in front of the fans in Southern California.
Michael Waltrip
I’ve always been drawn back to the South, whether it’s Southern California or in Florida, where I grew up, and I wanted to write a song about that.
Don Felder
I first saw the ocean as a kid. We would drive from Arizona in the summer and arrive as the sun was starting to come down over the hill near Laguna in southern California. We would always sing a song, and it was a big joyous family moment when we came over the hill.
Ted Danson
As one went to Europe to see the living past, so one must visit Southern California to observe the future.
Alison Lurie
I’m also performing regularly in Southern California with two bands. As a solo artist doing acoustic sets and a member of the Jenerators, my rock n roll band that has been around for a long time now.
Bill Mumy
When I was 7, we bought a big house at the corner of Wilshire and Western and put in one of the earliest swimming pools in Southern California.
Jackie Coogan
Then I left that school and I went to Cerritos College, which was in southern California; they had one of the best big band programs in the country at the time.
Bobby McFerrin
I could probably go on for a long time about the differences between Northern California and Southern California Mexican food.
Samin Nosrat
Like a physically beautiful but otherwise rather dull person who trades on his or her looks, Southern California swings perpetually between a profound inferiority complex and an equally profound sense of entitlement.
Meghan Daum
Southern California and Las Vegas are my kind of places.
Colin Cowherd
One of my most vivid memories from 1974 was the gas station at the foot of the hill below my Southern California high school – car lines snaking out into the street, heralding the failure of the government’s price controls and lame ideas such as odd-even rationing.
Nina Easton
My father had a lot of allergies, and he just didn’t like the cold of Chicago, and his father – his parents had broken up when he was young, and his father had lived in Pasadena for a while, and he kind of fell in love with Southern California.
Larry Wilmore
I live in one of the coastal cities in Southern California, and every so often I like to take a walk down the boardwalk in Venice during the weekends when it is abuzz with lively activity.
Al Seckel
I wanted to be a cartoonist, and then I wanted to go into film – not as an actor, but as a writer-director – and then I found myself during film school at the University of Southern California listening to the Clarence Thomas hearings in class on my Walkman, and I realized L.A. was not really for me.
Jake Tapper
I didn’t really grow up with any traditions. I grew up in a pretty liberal household in Southern California. I think that’s part of my interest in thinking about heritage. I don’t have a second language or cultural heritage in that way.
Martine Syms
I grew up in the San Fernando Valley of Southern California in the 1970s. My friends and I were into bicycle motocross and into skateboarding in empty swimming pools. Those activities shaped my generation.
Scott Borchetta
I grew up in Southern California, so there is just a part of me that is a Hollywood rocker.
Scott Borchetta
I’m originally from southern California, so I, like, say ‘like’, like, a lot. I’ve been trying to scrub any traces of Valley Girl from my speech since I moved to New York, but it’s, like, totally way harder than anyone thinks, you know?
Mara Wilson
The day after my mom died I fly back to California and spend the three weeks before the California primary making arrangements for her cremation, planning and getting the house ready for a memorial service and covering political rallies in Southern California. The normalcy of work helps.
Brianna Keilar
To be able to come out to Southern California, talk football, and have the ability to also have conversations with celebrities who love football, it’s been a dream, and I never once thought, ‘Well, this is a lot of pressure.’
Rich Eisen
My parents divorced when I was 3 years old. They had a lounge act in Las Vegas, where I was born. The band broke up and the marriage dissolved, and my mother, my sister and I moved to Southern California. And I didn’t see my dad a lot growing up; he was on the road a lot. I’d see him every couple years.
Jenny Lewis
Adultery – which is the only grounds for divorce in New York – is not grounds for divorce in California. As a matter of fact, adultery in Southern California is grounds for marriage.
Allan Sherman
Well, I’ll tell you, one of things I’m proud of is for someone from Southern California, who didn’t grow up around coal mines, I learned a lot that tragic day we lost twenty-nine miners at Upper Big Branch coal mine.
Hilda Solis
I was a Southern California boy raised on rap music and cussed like a sailor.
Gabe Kapler
We live in this fabulous place, Southern California, with fabulous weather and abundance, so you share your wealth, and you share your bounty. You take everything you have and make it better.
Julie Newmar
Southern California is a nice place, if you could cut out the show-business cancer. It just keeps spreading.
P. J. O’Rourke
I grew up in Southern California, Simi Valley. I’ve lived in the same house all my life.
Jason Dolley
I grew up in southern California in the '80s. Yes, I am

I grew up in southern California in the ’80s. Yes, I am a walking cliche.
John Scalzi
The University of Southern California has a wonderful social work department, and I was thrilled to find out that they have a whole veterans’ initiative program there. They approached me, and I set up a scholarship that would go to a military-oriented person to learn techniques and skills to better help veterans.
Gary Sinise
You could be a locavore in Florida or southern California. But I tried that. It was really limiting.
Mark Kurlansky
I speak as much Spanish as anyone who has grown up in Southern California or Texas or Arizona. I had my three years of high-school Spanish and a couple of semesters in college.
Will Ferrell
I was not a Southern California girl. I hated having my photograph taken. I felt shy and embarrassed around famous people.
Allegra Huston
I’d like to be able to use Storm’s powers for good, like have it rain more in Southern California. We could do with it.
Halle Berry
On ‘Justified’, we’re driving all around Southern California trying to find a location that we can call Kentucky.
Timothy Olyphant
I grew up with fantastic Southern food. In Southern California.
Nora Ephron
I grew up in Southern California and always loved melodic pop music.
Belinda Carlisle
I tried to swim as much as possible. Being in Southern California in the summer time, it’s so nice because you have the warm beaches, so I try to swim every day.
Klay Thompson
I think in the old days, the nexus of weirdness ran through Southern California, and to a degree New York City. I think it’s changed so that every bizarre story in the country now has a Florida connection. I don’t know why, except it must be some inversion of magnetic poles or something.
Carl Hiaasen
Oh, yeah. I grew up in Southern California in the 1960’s. It was very different. I was an only child as opposed to having siblings. My brothers all lived with my step-mom. I am very close to them, but we were not raised in the same house.
David Cassidy
All of the beach volleyball coaches and all the top players, everything is based out of Southern California.
Brooke Sweat
History has been my primary intellectual passion ever since, as a boy in Southern California, I began reading books on World War II and the life of Winston Churchill.
Max Boot
Growing up in Southern California, it’s all car culture. When I was a kid, I knew every single model of every single car dealer; I knew every style of every year.
Cheech Marin
Having lived in the arid deserts of Southern California since the 1970s, my interest in water conservation is a very personal concern. Water! The source of life! Some people are squandering the world’s most precious resource while others have too little clean water to drink.
Eric Burdon
If one wants to talk about the end of the world, the apocalypse, you’re talking about the world itself. It’s not Southern California breaking into the sea. The story is global, and it requires that kind of approach.
David Seltzer
I have always identified with Joan Didion’s depiction of Los Angeles and Southern California, ever since reading ‘Play It As It Lays,’ ‘Slouching Towards Bethlehem’ and ‘The White Album.’
Henry Rollins
I’m a surfer. I grew up in Southern California and used to surf twice a day, every day.
Paul Walker
Certainly the experiences of Seth and his relationship to his parents and his point of view of the world are very similar to my own and very much based on my experiences at the University of Southern California.
Josh Schwartz
I’m pursuing soundtrack work in the southern California area and down the line I plan to make a moody, intense acoustic album. Not all acoustic, but an acoustic – oriented guitar record that I’ve already written most of the material for.
Ronnie Montrose
I am presently in my thirteenth year of teaching a graduate course at the University of Southern California.
Shelley Berman
The first two pictures I did, I played a young student in prep school. When I did Lifeguard, everyone was saying, You’re so Southern California. It was a surprise to me.
Parker Stevenson
I never saw a gun until I was 24. I didn’t grow up in Mayberry; I grew up in Southern California.
Susan Straight