Top 55 Stripped Quotes

When your outlet is taken away from you, when your catharsis is stripped from you and you don’t understand why, and you’re so disappointed, and you’re so blindsided by it, it hurts.
Tomi Lahren
I believe that government should confine itself to the public realm and that it should be as stripped down as possible, within reason. It should not be burdened by excess bureaucracy.
Camille Paglia
Our common realm is not and cannot be stripped of values – I absolutely reject the idea that religion should somehow be tolerated but not encouraged in public life.
Gordon Brown
Kanye is producing in the true sense of the word. ‘Real Friends’ was an idea started by me and Boi-1da. We passed it off to Kanye, and Kanye kind of stripped it down and had Havoc add some drums to it. Kanye had the vision. That’s really true-school production.
Frank Dukes
You have stripped from me the rank and privileges of the professorship and the doctoral degree which I earned, and you have set me at the level of the lowest criminal.
Kurt Huber
I just always loved the storytelling aspect. Even with the production that’s happening right now in music, I still think the core of country songs are very stripped down, and they tell a story in the most pure sense.
Cassadee Pope
I want to be able to show my vocals off and when I do do live performances, I’m going to do some acoustics just with a guitar and a stripped back version.
Megan McKenna