Top 55 Violet Chachki Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Violet Chachki Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

A reveal should be unexpected and clever.

A reveal should be unexpected and clever.
Violet Chachki
I perform in theaters, international stages with people screaming for me, and then I go back to my hotel room, take all my makeup off, and I’m alone.
Violet Chachki
I just love glamour so any time period that had a lot of excess and glamour, I draw inspiration from. All the stuff from the 60s and 70s, very specific times in the 80s.
Violet Chachki
Getting success really quickly – overnight success – it’s a bit jarring at first, for sure, to transition into that.
Violet Chachki
I draw a lot of inspiration from different time periods.
Violet Chachki
I get asked really dumb questions.
Violet Chachki
There’s nothing I love more than admiring the details and embellishments on the works of art that I wear.
Violet Chachki
I’m a fashion hoarder. I have a ton of stuff, and I like to cycle it out to have room for more stuff.
Violet Chachki
There’s something really intimate about getting in drag in your bedroom in the safety of your own home.
Violet Chachki
Showing variety in representation in casting is super important, it gives minorities a platform and I think it definitely creates a safe space for conversation and progress.
Violet Chachki
My name itself is extremely campy. Violet Chachki literally translates to purple doodad.
Violet Chachki
Drag Race’ is a huge opportunity for us to elevate drag culture, to tell our stories. It really is a career-maker.
Violet Chachki
I think I always knew aesthetically what excited me the most, and I think I was always looking for that aesthetic in other people and it didn’t really happen. I decided to take it upon myself to be the change I wanted to see in nightlife.
Violet Chachki
I’ve always been interested in androgyny and a lot of my work explores gender identity.
Violet Chachki
For me, drag is about two things – confidence and glamour. Drag is about using artiface and illusion to tap into the self-confidence we all have. And glamour is about taking what you have naturally and showcasing in a way that makes you feel good. It’s truly a practice in faking it until you make it.
Violet Chachki
I’m not a social justice warrior – that was never my goal, to be a political figurehead.
Violet Chachki
I don’t necessarily like being a TV personality, I just want to be an artist.
Violet Chachki
I’m a visual person, and I love visual extremes and aesthetic discipline.
Violet Chachki
I just love a little bit of tinted moisturiser or an SPF on days where I don’t have to wear any makeup. Giving your skin a break is crucial and there’s actually a bit of glamour in beautiful skincare and no makeup days.
Violet Chachki
I’ve always dreamed of creating my own show.
Violet Chachki
It’s very important to have visual representation, to show that queers are important, queers are powerful, queers are beautiful, queers are valid, and you can’t erase us.
Violet Chachki
I started as an inexperienced drag queen with awful makeup serving daiquiris to obnoxious bachelorette parties.
Violet Chachki
I definitely think that I, as a drag queen, can endure pain a lot better than most people.
Violet Chachki
I’ve always wanted to put my drag character in film because you can have total control over what you’re projecting, what image you’re portraying.
Violet Chachki
A word of advice for all the aspiring drag queens out there: be resourceful.
Violet Chachki
That’s what I really love about glamour and drag; it’s about celebrating femininity and fun, while being really provocative.
Violet Chachki
There are so many drag queens on ‘Drag Race.’ In order to have a fulfilling career, you have to do well on the show. You have to make yourself stand out.
Violet Chachki
I’ve always been inspired by vintage clothing and vintage styles.
Violet Chachki
I’m living and doing my work on my own terms. It’s a lot of pressure, not just for the audience, but for myself.
Violet Chachki
My solo show, ‘A Lot More Me,’ is part drag show, part burlesque show, part circus show, and part fashion show.
Violet Chachki
Drag is all about taking references, taking pop culture and flipping it on its head.
Violet Chachki
I'm like a cross between Bettie Page and Lady Miss Kier

I’m like a cross between Bettie Page and Lady Miss Kier but a guy.
Violet Chachki
I feel like I have a legacy that I’ve built. I feel like I’ve made my little notch in history.
Violet Chachki
You always have to try something to know what’s gonna happen next.
Violet Chachki
I always have been excited by taboo things, especially growing up, going to Catholic school.
Violet Chachki
I use glamour as a tool, almost like armor to confidently take up space, to provoke questions and conversations about society and gender norms.
Violet Chachki
For me, makeup will always be about glamour, fantasy, and escapism!
Violet Chachki
Notes on ‘Camp’ talks a lot about homosexuality and androgyny and performance and a false seriousness, nit-picking the trivial things and making them funny. And that’s exactly what drag does. Reading through the entire essay I couldn’t help but relate all of it back to drag.
Violet Chachki
I really really love Atlanta. There are tons of amazing artists.
Violet Chachki
Sometimes, when I am in a moment of self-doubt, I think – you’re Violet Chachki, you can do and achieve whatever you want.
Violet Chachki
I started doing drag as a form of rebellion and expression and then I got attention and it snowballed.
Violet Chachki
You’re not alone if you have skin problems or if makeup is irritating you.
Violet Chachki
When I was smelling Heretic for the first time, I was impressed because it was organic-smelling and light and refreshing and natural and not overbearing at all and not too synthetic or floral. It doesn’t smell like you’re wearing cotton candy.
Violet Chachki
Well, I was raised in the south, so it’s like Bible belt vibes. I went to Catholic school, so I had a male uniform my whole life. I always had very specific gender roles with hair and makeup and nails. Every single little aspect of me was gendered and then I was told aesthetically what was allowed per my gender.
Violet Chachki
I’m from Atlanta, which is the capital of drag, so very competitive. For my first booking in 2011 I was paid $35, I did three performances and a call back so that’s four looks.
Violet Chachki
My drag character is very dominant and domineering, and that’s a quality that I am inspired by.
Violet Chachki
I just take inspiration from anything that visually stimulates me.
Violet Chachki
In the drag community it’s mostly women in the audience, even for burlesque. I think people look at strippping as a male gaze thing and I think the actual neo-classical burlesque community is more about women supporting women and their creativity, along with freedom of expression.
Violet Chachki
What’s holding us back from being free is fear. Whether it be fear of those on the outside who don’t understand queer people or any other minority, or the actual minorities themselves being scared. The lack of freedom we experience is all tied to fear.
Violet Chachki
I am, by nature, not optimistic: my fellow drag queens would probably describe me as a pessimist.
Violet Chachki
I have an amazing collaborative relationship with Albert Sanchez and Pedro Zalba. They always understand my vision and also have their own references to bring to the table, the results are always incredible.
Violet Chachki
I’ve always really loved cinematography and glamorous old Hollywood movies and they go hand in hand.
Violet Chachki
I don’t want to look like a woman. I want to look like a drawing of a woman.
Violet Chachki
I was constantly getting in trouble, constantly trying to break the rules. Even when I was coming up in the drag scene, I was known as sort of the rule breaker, the rebel, the bad girl.
Violet Chachki
I have a lamp problem. I’m addicted to lamps.
Violet Chachki