Top 555 Embrace Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Embrace Quotes from famous people such as Sam Altman, Thomas Kuhn, Casey Neistat, Christa Campbell, Robert Jeffress, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Do I think every culture will embrace location technolo

Do I think every culture will embrace location technology? Yes.
Sam Altman
Rather than being an interpreter, the scientist who embraces a new paradigm is like the man wearing inverting lenses.
Thomas Kuhn
I love seeing the way in which young people embrace video, and the YouTube vlogger is a fantastic phenomenon.
Casey Neistat
I definitely have a fear of spiders. Don’t we want to embrace our fears?
Christa Campbell
Quite frankly, I would prefer to have a non-Christian like Mitt Romney who at least pretends to embrace biblical principles over a professing Christian like Barack Obama who embraces very unbiblical positions on abortion.
Robert Jeffress
I never ever believed that I would be able to give up on this dream which has driven me to live, breathe, love and embrace the game of rugby from the earliest days that I can remember.
Jonny Wilkinson
I love who I am, and I encourage other people to love and embrace who they are. But it definitely wasn’t easy – it took me a while.
Serena Williams
It is well known that apes in the wild offer spontaneous assistance to each other, defending against leopards, say, or consoling distressed companions with tender embraces.
Frans de Waal
Work hard, take it seriously, embrace your ambition. And when you’re not doing that, do something – whatever it happens to be – that taps into the part of you that makes you forget about all the rest of it.
Ryan Holiday
It’s, like, bigots want to embrace me, and I politely take their arms from around my neck. I don’t share their views – never have.
Isaiah Washington
I guess the thing I would say most fervently is that your original impulse to write something is an impulse you should trust, and that if it doesn’t work on the first draft, which it hardly ever does, the commitment to revising ought to be something you embrace really early. And to revise and revise and revise.
Antonya Nelson
We need to seek wise leaders who will seek common ground among Americans instead of dividing us further for political gain. As citizens, we must embrace those who embrace ideas, thoughtfulness, civility and kindness to others no matter what their political beliefs.
James McGreevey
Until you are somewhat comfortable and confident and embrace who you are as a person, you can’t possibly love somebody else because you don’t like yourself that much.
Djimon Hounsou
Judaism to me, as badly as I practiced it, what I’ve always loved about it was its total embrace of complexity, its admission of unknowability.
Ben Marcus
When it comes to MMA, there is a big chip on my shoulder. There is a way that I look at myself. I think it’s really, really important, and it’s something I’m not really apologetic for it. As I get older, and I win more, I start to embrace it even more.
Jon Jones
The only difference between me and my critics is that I don’t lie to the world about who I am. People are complicated and often seemingly hypocritical. Embrace the diversity of your mind.
Mike Cernovich
I’m proud of my sexuality. I embrace it. It’s just another part of me.
Adam Lambert
Democrats embrace The Affordable Care Act. We’re very proud of it.
Nancy Pelosi
We have reached an important milestone and achieved a new momentum in reaching a goal all Americans should embrace – building a secure, peaceful, democratic Iraq that is no longer a threat to the United States or the international community.
Joe Lieberman
Yes, I play computer games. I think you’ve got to embrace the latest technology. For someone to dismiss games as not important would be the same as saying the Internet is not important.
Bruce Feirstein
Complexity excites the mind, and order rewards it. In the garden, one finds both, including vanishingly small orders too complex to spot, and orders so vast the mind struggles to embrace them.
Diane Ackerman
When I get dolled up to go out, men turn their heads and I’m used to it. But I think all women are sexy and should embrace that side of themselves.
Malin Akerman
You’re going to learn a lot every time you fail. So embrace that.
Jonny Kim
Every single woman is beautifully unique, and the sexiest thing she can do is own her curves, embrace her differences, and stand tall in exactly who she is.
Nikita Dragun
I can’t be a man. But I can embrace the head of a man, the intelligence of a man, the spirit of a man.
Linda Hunt
If you embrace that the things that you can do are limitless, you can put your ding in the universe. You can change the world.
Tim Cook
If our culture is so often readily and easily appropriated, imagine what happens when we embrace our full blackness and know that our contributions are just as important to the shaping of the country and, more broadly, the world.
Angela Rye
The decision to open up Bahrain to embrace all people indiscriminately was fostered in me ever since I was a child.
Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa
What Enron was doing, what caused investors to embrace it in a rapture of baffled awe, was hiding debt.
P. J. O’Rourke
I think it was really entering my 30s that I began to embrace feminism and call myself a feminist.
Roxane Gay
I think the challenge for me in this role is going to be, is there any heart in Negan? For me, I look at that as a challenge as an actor, and that’s the kind of thing that I embrace and really look forward to.
Jeffrey Dean Morgan
'Black Panther' has made me embrace my natural black ha

‘Black Panther’ has made me embrace my natural black hair. The representation of natural black hair in the film has made me reflect on myself.
Letitia Wright
Journalists like to give themselves credit for being on the hunt for ‘the truth.’ But if we embrace this undoubtedly noble but somewhat haughty interpretation of a calling, we inevitably become susceptible to slam dunk answers.
Gwen Ifill
We all have challenges. We have to face them, embrace them, defy them, and conquer them.
Victoria Arlen
One of my mantras is, ‘Embrace what makes you unique, even if it makes others uncomfortable.’ I keep that with me in my back pocket. Shoot, I keep it in my front pocket! I keep it in my hair.
Janelle Monae
Just look at ‘K-pop’ – who would’ve expected American fans to embrace it? It’s really cool to be one of those artists who can break through the American market. I’m not trying to conquer America; I just want to make music and see if people like it.
Hold me in your arms, lava lamp! Let me seek magma comfort and peace in the warmth of your kryptonite embrace.
Isabel Yosito
Good people struggle against what’s imperfect about them. The people that we call ‘bad’ people embrace that kind of stuff, embrace the darker side.
Brian Azzarello
In order to be an image of God, the spirit must turn to what is eternal, hold it in spirit, keep it in memory, and by loving it, embrace it in the will.
Edith Stein
Europe embraces new ideas in transportation like no other region in the world and is uniquely positioned to take the next great leap in transportation with Hyperloop One.
Shervin Pishevar
I went through a lot in middle school, and you always try so many different looks and try to be so many different people. I finally realized I’m awkward, I’m lanky, and I’m going to embrace it – make fun of myself and just laugh.
Ireland Baldwin
My size is a huge part of me. You just have to appreciate those kinds of things. So I wasn’t born with long legs – who cares. You just have to embrace it. Being body positive is really important to your overall happiness.
Sabrina Carpenter
Europe were kind of the first ones to embrace my music; the kids from around the way would come out to my shows and really enjoy it.
Theophilus London
What is essential in love is what the French call ‘amour fou.’ What is that in English? Crazy love? That doesn’t sound as beautiful. It’s a total kind of love that not only embraces feelings, actions, but a kind of understanding of the world from the perspective of love.
Mario Vargas Llosa
You go through those awkward, dorky, geeky stages, and growing up in the industry amplifies all that. Fortunately, I have a mother who encouraged me to build my confidence from within and embrace my imperfections.
Jurnee Smollett-Bell
You, too, women, cast away all the cowards from your embraces; they will give you only cowards for children, and you who are the daughters of the land of beauty must bear children who are noble and brave.
Giuseppe Garibaldi
Embrace yourself and do what you can to look and feel your best. Don’t put on so many fashion trends that create a ridiculous style statement. Pick and choose what feels good, and flatters your own body.
Camila Alves
Not to sound too Dr. Phil all of a sudden, but I think the key to survival is to embrace one’s past and to not run away from it. And to come to some sort of relationship with it or understanding of it.
Anderson Cooper
Our notion of the perfect society embraces the family as its center and ornament, and this paradise is not secure until children appear to animate and complete the picture.
Amos Bronson Alcott
Middle-out economics rejects the old misconception that an economy is a perfectly efficient, mechanistic system and embraces the much more accurate idea of an economy as a complex ecosystem made up of real people who are dependent on one another.
Nick Hanauer
For me now, I will continue to focus ever harder on my goal of being the very best I can be with Toulon Rugby Club and continue to embrace and enjoy wherever that path takes me.
Jonny Wilkinson
We are not the Westboro Baptist Church. We are a church that embraces the tenants of historic Christianity – there’s nothing hateful about our members at all.
Robert Jeffress
When I left prison, I had to figure out how to embrace my past.
Fernando Flores
For me, masculinity is about control, and femininity is more of an embrace, the art of listening. It’s very inspiring to explore the shadows of masculinity and femininity, and the tensions between both, and the place of women in the world right now.
Denis Villeneuve
The most successful politicians are the ones who embrace their best traits while turning their liabilities into loveable attributes. And yet, many a candidate tries to run as something they aren’t simply because the strategy dictates it.
Chuck Todd
I think Los Angeles is often portrayed as kind of a petri dish, where bad decisions start and then spread to the rest of the world. I don’t see it that way. I feel Los Angeles is a place of almost primal struggle and survival. It’s not a city that embraces its inhabitants.
Dan Gilroy
Christ died for me and you, and we embrace that or we don’t.
Tony Vincent
If I can help one family embrace their child and not displace them and throw them out, I’m happy about that.
Yance Ford
Together let us desire, conceive, and create the new structure of the future, which will embrace architecture and sculpture and painting in one unity and which will one day rise toward Heaven from the hands of a million workers like the crystal symbol of a new faith.
Walter Gropius
With tens of thousands of patients dying every year from preventable medical errors, it is imperative that we embrace available technologies and drastically improve the way medical records are handled and processed.
Jon Porter
I get to go to so many different countries and hear so much music and collect totally different records. It’s all very inspiring, and I’m trying to embrace that experience because not that many producers get to have that.
Jamie xx
I will embrace the first opportunity to get to California and it is altogether probable that when once there I shall never again leave it.
George Stoneman
We must embrace unity, not separation - sharing, go bac

We must embrace unity, not separation – sharing, go back to small, caring communities. Unity, not separation, is what has to happen.
Genesis P-Orridge
I could be myself. I’m very shy and awkward. I think the best thing is to embrace it.
Hunter Hayes
As an only child, I embrace loneliness. Hollywood loneliness helped to understand Marilyn Monroe in a real way. I was able to portray her very well.
Catherine Hicks
I feel like you are allowed in fiction to embrace imagination and try to enter other worlds. And I feel like you should push yourself to try to persuade your reader that you have the authority to engage with people who, you know, lived in the past, who live in the future, other genders, other places, other cultures.
Anthony Doerr
A poor choice of words conveyed to some the impression that I embrace the discarded policies of the past. Nothing could be further from the truth, and I apologize to anyone who was offended by my statement.
Trent Lott
Fake tan is really difficult to get right. When I was younger, I’d always do it wrong. I’d leave it on and forget to wash it off. So I embrace being pale. I like getting a tan, but I also think that if you’re going to do it, it has to be gradual. I just work the pale thing now.
Georgia May Jagger
Some of my favorite actresses are Cate Blanchett, I love her. I love Zoe Saldana, and Julianne Moore is one of my favorites. I like women who choose diverse roles and have that strength, which I think all women have but some women embrace it, present it, and live in it.
Jessica Clark
I want someone who is my partner in life. Who supports me, and I support her. I can share all my experiences in life with her, and she can share hers back with me. Not only do we love each other, but we accept, embrace, nurture, and care for each other.
Tucker Max
We must embrace a new agenda based on inclusiveness; a commitment to reconnecting the social and the economic; a relinking of the latter to a plausible redistributive system; and a determination to ensure that everyone has access to justice. All these things are within our reach.
Noreena Hertz
‘Nightmare on Elm Street’ really lends itself to using new technologies. CGI would be a great way to exploit and embrace the dream sequences.
Robert Englund
It’s a huge mistake not to embrace social media. We need to stay in touch and stay relevant to young people.
Brian L. Roberts
In ‘Gran Torino,’ I play a guy who’s racially offensive. But he learned. It shows that you’re never too old to learn and embrace people that you don’t understand to begin with. It seems like nobody else got that message, I guess.
Clint Eastwood
Any business today that embraces the status quo as an operating principle is going to be on a death march.
Howard Schultz
Your 30s is the time to embrace bold, zingy colour patterns and to follow trends while taking time to get used to what really suits you.
John Rocha
I don’t feel like a dork, but I certainly have many moments of nerdism, and I embrace it wholeheartedly. I’ve always cottoned to that crowd more, anyway.
Paul Rudd
The idea of victimage is a dreadful thing, a product of a safe middle-class perspective. What people who are not safe develop is a tragic wisdom, a wisdom that embraces contradiction and seeks a sense of balance rather than going to extremes.
Gerald Vizenor
Don’t ignore the past, but deal with it, on your own pace. Once you deal with it, you are free of it; and you are free to embrace your life and be a happy loving person because if you don’t, the past will come back to haunt and keep coming back to haunt you.
Boris Kodjoe
Science is the best idea humans have ever had. The more people who embrace that idea, the better.
Bill Nye
I have self-doubt. I have insecurity. I have fear of failure. I have nights when I show up at the arena and I’m like, ‘My back hurts, my feet hurt, my knees hurt. I don’t have it. I just want to chill.’ We all have self-doubt. You don’t deny it, but you also don’t capitulate to it. You embrace it.
Kobe Bryant
‘Democratic socialism’ is awful as a slogan and catastrophic as a policy. And ‘social democracy’ – a term that better fits the belief of more ordinary liberals who want, say, Medicare for all – is a politically dying force. Democrats who aren’t yet sick of all their losing should feel free to embrace them both.
Bret Stephens
There are always new, grander challenges to confront, and a true winner will embrace each one.
Mia Hamm
You can only begin to be great when you embrace a sense of your own ridiculousness.
Alex Kapranos
A Jewish community that is diverse and openly embraces all who seek to lead actively Jewish lives will be a Jewish community that is stronger and more enduring for generations to come.
Lynn Schusterman
You can better embrace life, you can enjoy it more, when you are conscious that it will end. You bite life.
Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu
I like texting as much as the next kidult – and embrace it as yet more evidence, along with email, that we live now in the post-aural age, when an unsolicited phone call is, thankfully, becoming more and more understood to be an unspeakable social solecism, tantamount to an impertinent invasion of privacy.
Will Self
I try to find the core values that are so fundamental that they transcend ethnic identity. That doesn’t mean I run from it. I embrace African-American culture and I love it and embrace it, but it is a part of a human identity. So I’m always trying to make a larger human statement.
Wynton Marsalis
I hate the stereotype that women who fight are ‘butch’ or ‘wannabe men.’ It’s nice to be able to embrace being a beautiful, strong woman.
Miesha Tate
After the threat of war is gone, we should not turn our backs on the men and women who eliminated that threat. We should embrace them and keep our promises we made to them.
Charles B. Rangel
Having viewed Europe as an extension and projection of itself, France now finds Europe developing a mind and identity of its own which embraces France but is not controlled by France.
Peter Mandelson
The meteoric rise of the ‘wellness’ industry online has launched an entire industry of fitness celebrities on social media. Millions of followers embrace their regimens for diet and exercise, but increasingly, the drive for ‘wellness’ and ‘clean eating’ has become stealthy cover for more dieting and deprivation.
Rachel Simmons
I embrace the PKI because it is a revolutionary force. PKI go forward. PKI never retreat. PKI grow. PKI be strong. Onward.
I embrace everything about Ally... I don't particularly

I embrace everything about Ally… I don’t particularly see her as a whiner. One week she’s tough, the next she’s really weak. I love that. She’s human.
Calista Flockhart
At the end of the day, we need to realize that segregation is not the human condition at its best. Which isn’t to say we need to all be the same. It simply means we need to embrace each other’s differences to help tell our stories together.
Michael Arden
Buddhism teaches you to embrace change.
Koo Stark
I’m trying to be me and embrace all the parts of me that have grown up, listened to more music and soaked up more influences.
John Legend
If you think you aren’t valid for whatever reason, let my existence and the way the world embraces my existence tell you that you are valid. You deserve to look, live, and walk through the world however you see fit. That’s why I find it extremely important to be so out, so black, and so myself.
Lena Waithe
We must stop the division among us. We must stop factionalism. We must embrace unity; we must embrace working together, because if we are divided, we will not be able to win in 2019.
Cyril Ramaphosa
I had to embrace just basically writing and recording on my laptop. On long drives through the Rockies, I would take my laptop and mess around with ideas and make rough sketches of songs.
St. Lucia
Reject racial or religious hate. Embrace moderate Islam.
Geraldo Rivera
There’s no California tan about me. People assume I can’t tan, but I actually can. I went on a trip to Hawaii when I was younger and came back so tan that people were like, ‘What happened?’ It’s just not something I actively do. I want to embrace my ivory.
Lily Collins
Style is timeless. It transcends generations – it’s enduring. If you’re thinking about fashion, it’s of the moment. And that doesn’t mean that it’s not important at times to embrace trends and that type of thing, but style is less about trends than it is about how you carry yourself.
John Varvatos
I just try to love my body, to embrace who I am and really be the best version of myself. You have to know how much you’re worth.
Sara Sampaio
Big-government proponents embrace both the power of the federal government and the idea that millions of Americans ought to be dependent on its largesse. It’s time to return to our Founders’ love for small government. More is not always better.
Gary Bauer
Now that judges embrace forcibly starving someone to death, Congress should use its appropriation power to starve the judicial budget.
Phyllis Schlafly
Compassion, in which all ethics must take root, can only attain its full breadth and depth if it embraces all living creatures and does not limit itself to mankind.
Albert Schweitzer
I wrote a song on the record called ‘Flawed Design’ and it’s basically looking at that, and it was just exploring how everybody obviously has flaws. I think to embrace those flaws – enjoy them, embrace them – and actually be a real person is something that a lot of people struggle with, myself included.
Adam Gontier
Americans are the most generous country on the planet. I’ve worked in Europe, I’ve worked in Australia. There is no where else where you get absolutely no attitude for being a foreigner. If you do your job well, they embrace you.
Hugh Jackman
Digital-Original publishing embraces the non-conventional and genre-busting story. It allows me to share good stories with readers who will enjoy them, and at a reasonable price.
Michael A. Stackpole
I’m never going to look like a Nordic model, so I play with what I’ve got. Instead of going gray, I dye my hair bright colors; I have bad vision, so I wear sparkly glasses. I embrace that I look like a crazy lady.
Jenji Kohan
Trump can embrace dictators and gulags, but we the people stand for human rights, for dignity, for keeping families together.
Pramila Jayapal
My father was just a hell of a guy. He had a real strong sense of honor, and he tried to pass that on to me. I like to think that I embrace that.
Joe R. Lansdale
I play for the America that embraces refugees from war-torn nations, for the America that welcomes all people who want the chance to experience the American Dream, for the America that appreciates the contributions from all the people it shelters.
Becky Sauerbrunn
The romantic embrace can only be compared with music and with prayer.
Havelock Ellis
There’s sort of a very symbiotic thing that happens on good TV shows with great writers, which is that they start to sort of embrace who the actors are and try to make the roles more specific to what they bring and what they can do.
Lucas Neff
The more you embrace the weird crazy things about you, the more you find your tribe.
Jinkx Monsoon
Embrace your vulnerability and celebrate your flaws; it will let you appreciate the world around you and make you more compassionate.
Masaba Gupta
I found myself getting more publicly shy when the gala events and big crowds started. Some people embrace it. To me, it’s not worth enough to risk my private life being public.
Matt Damon
The danger facing us comes not from lack of resources, but from people who insist that we have run out of resources. If you embrace their idea of a world where there is only so much to go around, then you are endorsing a program of genocide and a war of all against all.
Robert Zubrin
In order to inhabit a character, you’ve got to embrace and empathise with them.
Willem Dafoe
I think women should start to embrace their age. What’s the alternative to getting older? You die. I can’t change the day I was born. But I can take care of my skin, my body, my mind, and try to live my life and be happy.
Olivia Munn
Embrace every opportunity of exercising kind feelings and doing good to others, especially to the household of faith.
Adoniram Judson
I come from the Midwest, from the suburbs – growing up hanging out at the mall and looking at the corn fields across the street. I kind of was embarrassed by it for a long time. Then I decided, ‘Hey, if everyone else can embrace their homeland and where they’re from, I can do the same!’
Alice Ripley
I think any message behind a lifestyle brand should emb

I think any message behind a lifestyle brand should embrace everyone.
Kate Hudson
Any time there’s significant change, there’s going to be some people who embrace the change and others who are against the change.
Dara Khosrowshahi
Being ugly didn’t offend me. It’s like: Yeah, I’m ugly. What? Make me ugly-sexy. Embrace it.
J Hus
People should embrace themselves.
Erin Heatherton
We need to have an educational system that’s able to embrace all sorts of minds, and where a student doesn’t have to fit into a certain mold of learning.
James Hillman
Our life is all about the choices we make, and when I was looking for a mate for life, I really was looking for someone who was a family man, somebody who would embrace my girls as much as they were going to embrace me. I guess I just wasn’t finished having children yet.
Joan Lunden
Stay healthy, have fun with it, and embrace all the moments. Because anything can happen.
Simone Biles
Let us embrace Science and the new technologies unfettered, for it is these which will liberate mankind from the myth of god, and free us from our age old fears, from disease, death and the sweat of labor.
Claude Vorilhon
The Bible was written in several languages, embraces many literary forms, and reflects cultures very different from our own. These are important considerations for properly understanding the Bible in its context.
Troy Perry
We should all try to embrace our own quirkiness.
Stephanie Szostak
I learned to embrace my individuality, and if that meant writing a song on one chord over and over again, then that’s what I do.
Beth Orton
For me, personally, when I’m afraid of something – when you’re afraid of something, normally you try to go away, you try to avoid it. Instead of avoiding it, to overcome your fear, I believe you need to embrace it.
Georges St-Pierre
The work of a team should always embrace a great player but the great player must always work.
Alex Ferguson
Storytelling is an ancient and honorable act. An essential role to play in the community or tribe. It’s one that I embrace wholeheartedly and have been fortunate enough to be rewarded for.
Russell Banks
Poetry helps me understand who I am. It helps me understand the world around me. But above all, what poetry has taught me is the fact that I need to embrace mystery in order to be completely human.
Yusef Komunyakaa
I want to encourage women to embrace their own uniqueness. Because just like a rose is beautiful, so is a sunflower, so is a peony. I mean, all flowers are beautiful in their own way, and that’s like women too.
Miranda Kerr
As a woman, I believe you have to embrace your body, and feel beautiful both inside and out.
Tamara Ecclestone
We repress the things we’re scared of, but if we just look at and embrace the things we’re scared of, it’s a much fuller, richer life that’s also not as scary.
Gary Ross
Documentaries can embrace contradictions in a way that journalism can’t.
Alex Gibney
I love a lot of the ’70s singers: Pam Grier from the ‘Foxy Brown’ movie, Diana Ross, Tina Turner. They’ve always been able to embrace their hair, and they’ve never been afraid to take risks and go all out and make it thick and fun and a statement at the same time.
Jillian Hervey
No, we should not be afraid of the populists; we should embrace those they are fighting.
Jean-Claude Juncker
I think the more we embrace the culture of life and respect life, the better that we do.
Bob McDonnell
Fashion embraces the weirdos. They’re into that. There are always young people that people in fashion are interested in. You know, youth and vitality and energy – it brings something different.
Chloe Sevigny
Strong brows is what I have, and I embrace them.
Jennifer Connelly
To go out with the setting sun on an empty beach is to truly embrace your solitude.
Jeanne Moreau
You have to embrace your authenticity and your unique perspective as a woman.
Elise Stefanik
When you’ve moved past a point where you’re just scrambling for jobs, you think about the things that you want to do. And the things that you want to do are governed by what you’ve seen, what you choose to embrace.
Danny Glover
The more brutal it gets in the working world, the more appealing the prospect of having someone at home creating a sanctuary becomes. Increasingly couples, particularly with children, are making that tough choice, with one or other partner electing to embrace domestic duties while the other brings home the cash.
Mariella Frostrup
This future is ours to embrace. Whether we, the established generations, choose to accept that is in our court.
Rosario Dawson
I was raised Jewish and fully embrace the core beliefs of Judaism – the ones that I identify as core beliefs, which are essentially freedom and justice. But the supernatural aspects of religion were never important to me.
Harold Ramis
It was with 9/11 that I came to fully appreciate and embrace NPR’s irreplaceability as a sanity preserver, its unique virtues as first responder on the burning scene.
James Wolcott
For the jihadists, Muslim women who embrace Western mor

For the jihadists, Muslim women who embrace Western mores, and wear tight jeans or mini skirts, are hated symbols of corruption that need to be eradicated. For the ideological mentors of Breivik, a similar disturbance comes from the burqa, which is banned in France and Belgium, partly thanks to their efforts.
Mustafa Akyol
I would like to find a way to embrace what Led Zeppelin did, in filmmaking.
Nicolas Cage
I discovered that my insecurities and my flaws were things that I actually need to embrace, and I let them become my superpowers.
Skylar Grey
All over the world I’m known. Whenever I go out on the street people come up to me and say… ‘Hi, Beave,’ and that doesn’t bother me at all. It’s something that I embrace.
Jerry Mathers
I tend to stay with the panic. I embrace the panic.
Larry David
Our rational minds often attempt to minimise or negate the mystical encounters. We forget the power of our experiences. We must embrace the reality of that event, which is a miracle.
Brian Weiss
I fully embrace myself as a hypocrite.
Bo Burnham
President Clinton is going to embrace President Obama, as he should. They are working together. They’re different kinds of people. Obama is cool, Clinton is a schmoozer. Both are great speakers. It’s a great merging of the party.
Bill Richardson
When the conscious mind expands to embrace deeper levels of thinking, the thought wave becomes more powerful and results in added energy and intelligence.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Everyone has something unique to bring to this world. And if you understand that, if you cherish that, if you embrace who you are and then capture that with your clothes… then that is when fashion can make a powerful statement about who you are and what you are about.
Matt Czuchry
We must select the illusion which appeals to our temperament, and embrace it with passion, if we want to be happy.
Cyril Connolly
Our goal is to really have young women of color embrace the tech marketplace and the tech innovation space as both leaders and creators.
Kimberly Bryant
After I transitioned, a lot of people said, ‘I like you so much more now,’ because before, I was unhappy. Making that change was a big part of becoming me. Whoever you are, as a gay man or a lesbian or a trans woman, embrace it. Turn it into an asset.
Vivienne Ming
Yes, Europe needs to be more welcoming, but that’s only half of it. Muslims need to embrace the obligations of European residence and citizenship.
David Ignatius
Once you embrace the absolute truth that every leader needs a mentor, you can begin to achieve the massive growth and success that you seek.
Clay Clark
I didn’t expect people would embrace ‘Ang Probinsyano’ the way they did during its first year.
Coco Martin
I think the key to great art and great artists is to just fully be yourself and not be scared of that, and be the extremes of your personality. Show the extremes of your personality and embrace the imperfections. Embrace the things about yourself that you might not like.
King Tuff
I embrace the idea that I’m an entertainer.
Wayne Coyne
I embrace everything.
David Hasselhoff
My true function within a society which embraces all of us is to continue an age-old tradition. This tradition is to create images from the depths of the imagination and to give them form, whether visual, intellectual or musical.
Michael Tippett
I don’t think I’m your typical rock-hard ripped girl. But that’s what I love and embrace about myself. I feel good, but I always feel like I can be better. That’s what I thrive on.
Jamie Anderson
Society is so quick to encourage women to see each other as competition, but I think it’s important we celebrate and embrace the pieces of our identity we share with others.
Ashleigh Murray
I wish feminism wasn’t so scary to people. It should be an evolving concept. I think it’s an umbrella term to embrace conflicting ideas.
Merritt Wever
Far too many of our elected officials are chained to an ideology that is rooted in the past. They are keepers of normalcy who embrace things as they’ve always been.
Jared Polis
Sex is the driving force on the planet. We should embrace it, not see it as the enemy.
Hugh Hefner
I’m particularly happy that the Ronald Reagan Building is both public and private, and embraces his lifelong belief… in free and open trade.
Nancy Reagan
The euro zone must strike for a better governance structure, and there is no alternative to that. Euro zone countries must either develop an exit mechanism for troubled members, or it should embrace a closer political union: an effective governance structure that is capable of enforcing rules.
Lou Jiwei
I have an amazing spouse; we’re a team. He works, and I work, and we sort of do this dance with each other so that we can be present to our kids. But I think the whole ‘balance’ thing is an illusion; we just embrace the imbalance.
Sarah Rafferty
To step into reverence for your body, you must pardon yourself for all you have done and not done to care for it. You must bless what works and accept and embrace all you perceive to be wrong.
Debbie Ford
Behold, my friends, the spring is come; the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of their love!
Sitting Bull
I don’t like seeing celebs looking too skinny, I love it when they look healthy and comfortable in their bodies and embrace their curves.
Lily James
We've got to demonstrate why European unity and integra

We’ve got to demonstrate why European unity and integration, our vast single market, our single currency, equip us with the strength to embrace globalization.
Peter Mandelson
The folks celebrating Jim Bunning are seeing him as an anti-government, anti-spending activist. But to embrace Jim Bunning is to embrace a strange record, if you really are a libertarian, if you really are a deficit hawk, if you really care about spending and responsibility.
Rachel Maddow
I really love my hair. I really embrace it, and I’m so glad that I made the decision to wear it natural.
Amandla Stenberg
I have never denied my background or my culture. I have taught my child to embrace her Mexican heritage, to love my first language, Spanish, to learn about Mexican history, music, folk art, food, and even the Mexican candy I grew up with.
Salma Hayek
Emotions are products of our mind, and we can actually train ourselves to choose whether we banish or embrace them.
Mariella Frostrup
Donald Trump embraces his wealth. Hillary Clinton wants us to forget that she made $21.5 million on 92 speeches.
Kellyanne Conway
To embrace the whole world in friendship is wisdom. This wisdom is not changeable like the flowers that bloom and fade.
‘Carpe Diem’ is a phrase that I try to embrace. It means seize the day, to make the most of the present and to give little thought to the past or future. In the time that I have here, I want to love and live life to the fullest while being a positive influence on others. And I want a full life for everyone.
Matt Czuchry
When tempest tossed, embrace chaos.
Dean Koontz
If there’s anyone out there that looks a bit like me, or just feels a little bit out of place just trying to get into performing, you are beautiful; embrace it. You are intelligent; embrace it. You are powerful; embrace it.
Michaela Coel
I love being outdoors. I love listening to the crickets. I want to embrace nature.
Miranda Kerr
When something really extreme happens, you have to find a way to embrace that and include it in how you think about the character. Sometimes it’s not easy.
David Ogden Stiers
McCain courted in 2008 what I would call ‘fringe’ evangelicals, in part because evangelicals were skeptical of his commitment to values voters. McCain’s embrace of Palin came after having to scuttle endorsements from John Hagee and Rod Parsley, charismatics who believed in Armageddon and fiercely supported Israel.
Anthea Butler
It’s rare for the studios to find a filmmaker who wants to make a family film. To find someone that has an idea, embraces it, has kids and wants to make something exciting – well, they don’t see that too often.
Robert Rodriguez
Love who you are, embrace who you are. Love yourself. When you love yourself, people can kind of pick up on that: they can see confidence, they can see self-esteem, and naturally, people gravitate towards you.
Lilly Singh
Without grounding, it’s easy to embrace the ‘baller’ lifestyle: dropping out of tech, throwing money at cars, boats and real estate, and slipping into a cycle of spending and indulgence.
Ryan Holmes
Embrace’s infant warmers are a novel solution. The product has been designed specifically for resource-constrained settings.
Jane Chen
I am comfortable with my body and embrace who I am. I love to work it.
Chanel Iman
I honor the sanctity of all religions – I’m not here to put them down. But the only religion that I personally embrace is the religion of kindness.
Leslie Jordan
Religion and science are the two conjugated faces or phases of one and the same complete act of knowledge – the only one which can embrace the past and future of evolution and so contemplate, measure and fulfil them.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Knowledge is recognition of something absent; it is a salutation, not an embrace.
George Santayana
As an ardent supporter of the Nietzschean conception of the eternal recurrence, I firmly believe that one cannot validate the totality of a life unless one accepts and embraces all the experiences that comprise it. That said, I sometimes wish I’d gone to film school.
Dave Itzkoff
I admit I can’t shake the idea that there is virtue in suffering, that there is a sort of psychic economy, whereby if you embrace success, happiness and comfort, these things have to be paid for.
Hugh Laurie
Every age has its storytelling form, and video gaming is a huge part of our culture. You can ignore or embrace video games and imbue them with the best artistic quality. People are enthralled with video games in the same way as other people love the cinema or theatre.
Andy Serkis
As a designer, you are not only a designer, you are also a celebrity, an entertainer, and a spokesperson that speaks on behalf of the company. So you need to realize that you have to embrace all those sides.
Patrick Cox
It is a very brave choice to go against traditional medicine and embrace the alternative route. It’s easier to try the traditional route and then, if it fails, go to the alternatives, but often it can be too late.
Suzanne Somers
The best quality about Kobe Bryant? You want me to be honest? I don’t know. I’ll tell you why. I open my arms to everybody. But he never stepped forward for the embrace. So I never really got to know him. I don’t know anything about him, and it’s kinda sad.
Shaquille O’Neal
The fiesta of soccer, a feast for the legs that play and the eyes that watch, is much more than a big business run by overlords from Switzerland. The most popular sport in the world wants to serve the people who embrace it.
Eduardo Galeano
I know that people think I’m sexy and I am looked at as that. It is cool with me. It’s wonderful to have sexy appeal. If you embrace it, it can be a very beautiful thing.
Soaps are one of the few areas on TV that really embrace older women. In drama, there’s this ridiculous invisibility for women between the ages of 40 and 60. Unless you’re old enough to play a grandmother, there just aren’t the roles.
Amanda Donohoe
I fight to embrace the entire circle of human activity to the full extent of my ability.
Nikos Kazantzakis
Since the earliest days of Eventbrite, we've made our p

Since the earliest days of Eventbrite, we’ve made our people core to our mission. Our culture is an ever-evolving manifestation of those on our team. As people join, we believe in earning their trust by demonstrating we’ll embrace them and help them grow.
Julia Hartz
Your life is like a play with several acts. Some of the characters who enter have short roles to play, others, much larger. Some are villains and others are good guys. But all of them are necessary; otherwise, they wouldn’t be in the play. Embrace them all, and move on to the next act.
Wayne Dyer
Sometimes as human beings, we’re so contradictory – we may say something or do something and completely contradict ourselves. That’s what I’m learning to embrace in television – not knowing what’s going to happen.
Aja Naomi King
Guerrilla leaders win wars by being paranoid and ruthless. Once they take power, they are expected to abandon those qualities and embrace opposite ones: tolerance, compromise and humility. Almost none manages to do so.
Stephen Kinzer
I work better when I’m juggling projects. Nothing worse than watching someone really embrace what they’re doing if they love it too much.
Fred Armisen
I think, for the most part, our culture embraces that artists are born, not made.
Chris Van Allsburg
I want to know where my food comes from and the conditions in which it’s grown. I also want to embrace traditional British produce, and seasonality.
Sheherazade Goldsmith
Knowledge is not eating, and we cannot expect to devour and possess what we mean. Knowledge is recognition of something absent; it is a salutation, not an embrace.
George Santayana
Just because something is on trend doesn’t mean you have to embrace it. You can look at it and admire it, but that doesn’t mean you have to wear black nail polish or red lipstick.
Aerin Lauder
Forget being ‘discovered.’ All you can do is write. If you write well enough, and are stubborn enough to embrace failure, and if you happen to fall into the narrow categories that the book market recognizes, then you might make a little money. Otherwise, it’s a struggle. A gorgeous struggle.
Jess Walter
In the face of patriarchy, it is a brave act indeed for both men and women to embrace, rather than shame or attempt to eradicate, the feminine.
Alanis Morissette
Sometimes good countries are so traumatized by events that they lose their bearings and embrace bad leaders.
David Ignatius
You have to let it all hang out, let go of the ideas that were more comfortable and embrace some of the sadness in your life.
Madeleine Peyroux
We should insist that governments receiving American aid live up to standards of accountability and transparency, and we should support countries that embrace market reforms, democracy, and the rule of law.
Lee H. Hamilton
I never really enjoyed getting a portfolio together then sending it out; whereas, putting up the website is quite an enjoyable experience. The net’s just a much faster and more modern way to distribute things, and you have to embrace it.
Anton Corbijn
I definitely want to embrace the relationships I have with the people I love.
James McCartney
I have learned that champions aren’t just born; champions can be made when they embrace and commit to life-changing positive habits.
Lewis Howes
We have this American president, Obama, born of an African father, who is saying we will not give you aid if you don’t embrace homosexuality. We ask, was he born out of homosexuality? We need continuity in our race, and that comes from the woman, and no to homosexuality.
Robert Mugabe
Heinrich Heine once imagined the exiled Israelite as a dog who regains his stolen manhood only when he embraces the Sabbath bride. I see western swing performing a similar function in hardscrabble Texas, turning dirt-poor hired hands into Dapper Dans with magic feet at the Saturday night hoe-down.
Clive Sinclair
If you were there behind every family’s closed doors, everyone’s a little wacko. Chances are that your family is no weirder than the next family or than the other girl at school’s family. Everyone can be quirky at times, and I embrace that, personally.
Meaghan Jette Martin
You have got to welcome and embrace complexity.
Paul Singer
Someone like David Tennant is able to embrace people’s love for ‘Doctor Who’ in a totally positive way. I have huge admiration for people who are able to do that.
Romola Garai
After a long, impartial enquiry of the truth, and after much and earnest calling upon God, to give unto me the spirit and revelation in the knowledge of Him, I find myself obliged, both by the principles of reason and Scripture, to embrace the opinion I now hold forth.
John Biddle
I am proud that London is a city where, the vast majority of the time, Jewish people, Christians, Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists, those who are not members of an organized faith, black, white, rich, young, gay, lesbian – don’t simply tolerate each other but respect, embrace, and celebrate each other.
Sadiq Khan
I think critics tend to think that comedy is freakin’ math. Like, this is the Pythagorean Theorem. They’re not sophisticated enough to know that comedy is fluid, that it evolves, and these organic evolutions are what you have to embrace.
Ken Jeong
I guess you could say I was kind of a nerd in high school, so I was in the upper division math courses – I embrace my inner nerd.
Justin Lee
I was offered some film roles, and I did not do them. It would have been interesting, but I have no regrets. I am where I am; I accept and embrace the mistakes because they’re character-building and they build perspective and talent.
Peter Scolari
I’m a writer who simply can’t know what I’m writing about until the writing lets me discover it. In a sense, my writing process embraces the gapped nature of my memory process, leaping across spaces that represent all I’ve lost and establishing fresh patterns within all that remains.
Floyd Skloot
It’s not easy being number two. As a marketer, you have limited choices – you can pretend you’re not defined by the market leader, or, you can embrace your position and go directly after your nemesis.
John Battelle
I don’t know of a filmmaker who does not feel buoyed and lifted when their peers embrace the work.
Bennett Miller
Miami can be super-kitschy at times, and it’s fun to embrace that.
Camila Mendes
The election is over, and even though there are people

The election is over, and even though there are people who have different ideologies and beliefs, from now on we must all embrace each other, creating a harmonious and unified new Taiwan through our love and tolerance.
Chen Shui-bian
Faith embraces many truths which seem to contradict each other.
Blaise Pascal
Black people come in so many different bodies, genders, and sexualities, so it’s important that we’re conscious of that so we can fight for a world that embraces and uplifts black people of every kind. Our voices are powerful and have the ability to make change.
Franchesca Ramsey
I don’t embrace irony, but I do think it’s a pre-existing condition; we manage it as best we can.
Fred Tomaselli
Nothing shocks me anymore. I’ve embraced men in thongs, I’ve embraced women with padded bras. I mean, I can embrace Larry King saying ‘fierce.’
Johnny Weir
There are some liberals eager to embrace a culture void of morals, but the majority of America is made up of honest, hard-working families who turned out in droves to protect the traditional way of life.
John Doolittle
Life is mortal. There are all these rewards and consequences. Sometimes you embrace them, and sometimes they knock you over.
Kurt Vile
What a dichotomy. What conflicting ideas that we love and embrace these women, and entrust them to raise our children and to feed us and to bathe us, but we keep something as silly as a bathroom separate.
Kathryn Stockett
That is America. That is America. Those bonds of affection; that common creed. We don’t fear the future; we shape it. We embrace it, as one people, stronger together than we are on our own.
Barack Obama
It used to bother me – having bigger, fuller brows. I even plucked them once so I’d fit in, but I hated them and couldn’t wait for them to grow back. Now I embrace them. I realized the quirky things that make you different are what make you beautiful.
Lily Collins
Secularism does not accept many things as absolutes. Its principal objectives are pleasure and self-interest. Often, those who embrace secularism have a different look about them.
James E. Faust
I’m a big believer in change and embrace the fact that English is probably the fastest-moving language in the world.
Susie Dent
We are a multicultural country – always have been, and to our credit, always will be. It is something that we should be very proud of and embrace.
Cheech Marin
You embrace disruption. I think it’s a good thing.
Denise Morrison
There is usually an ‘X factor’ that is hard to define. For HTC, I think it is our culture. We embrace the best of our Eastern roots and combine it with the best of the Western cultures where we have leadership and offices. It makes the culture colorful as well as energetic and creative.
Cher Wang
Every other year, I was the new boy. I found that the only way to survive was to embrace it, make a little fortress on the outside and to pretend to blend in but not to invest too much because you’ll be somewhere else next year.
Padgett Powell
Nothing is less important than which fork you use. Etiquette is the science of living. It embraces everything. It is ethics. It is honor.
Emily Post
I think once a year it’s good to look back at the history of Oscar and to embrace the great work that everybody’s done this year and set it in place to the great work that’s gone on before us.
Howard Shore
The only concept or experience or core belief that I can attribute my other-ness to is that I just started out a weirdo and I stayed a weirdo. And it took me a long time to embrace my outsidership and see it as a strength rather than a weakness.
Aisha Tyler
We have been so pleased with the response to our unique schools in the Nashville area, and we are confident that other areas will embrace our concept, as well.
Scott Thompson
As freely as the firmament embraces the world, or the sun pours forth impartially his beams, so mercy must encircle both friend and foe.
Friedrich Schiller
I’m a worker. I do the work to communicate, and I want people to embrace it, and when they do I’m happy.
Patti Smith
The Democrats have prevailed because, at heart, we have embodied a great idea, which is that an elected government can be the instrument of the common purpose of a free people; that government can embrace great causes and do great things.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
If you embrace ‘positive thinking,’ you are – by definition – spurning ‘negative thinking.’ So it’s as if you were on a teeter-totter and are trying desperately to put all your weight on one side – the ‘positive thinking’ side.
Srikumar Rao
We’ve got a very difficult situation created by this embrace of the so-called Arab Spring. And that’s not getting better. It’s getting worse. The carnage for the people of Syria is horrific, and it’s quite frankly too little, too late to reverse a lot of that.
Oliver North
Don’t fear change – embrace it.
Anthony J. D’Angelo
When people move from one extreme set of views to embrace another equally batty picture of the world, they expect us to applaud their choice, as if the fact that they have rejected one form of nuttiness somehow validates the screwball views they hold now.
Simon Hoggart
I try to embrace people with love, unconditional love, like Christ did.
Thomas Kinkade
The thing about Wagner is we’re always wrong about him, because he always embraces opposites. There are things in his operas which viewed one way are naturalistic, and viewed another way are symbolic, but the problem is you can’t represent both views on stage at once.
Daniel Barenboim
You’ve got to embrace the future. You can whine about it, but you’ve got to embrace it.
Matt Groening
When people show me clothing that seems very, very feminine, it’s hard for me to embrace that, because it just doesn’t feel like me.
Ellen DeGeneres
I wanted to create a line for women and men alike that

I wanted to create a line for women and men alike that would encourage them to embrace the harmony and divine balance of sensuality and spirituality within all of us. Forplai is an opportunity to not only smell good and feel good, but to also take time to connect with the heavens above and the god in you.
Lamman Rucker
I was willing to accept a bad reputation if I deserved it, but it was going to be based on my actions, not on anybody’s history. I’m not running from my family – I couldn’t embrace my family more. But I wanted to work in an industry where I could define myself, not be defined by my grandfather’s history.
Casey Wasserman
Sometimes I catch myself if I’m shopping, and I’m like, ‘I want to hide my thighs and my arms.’ And then I kind of take a minute where I’m like, ‘No, that’s not really being kind to yourself. Maybe learn to embrace things that we’re taught as women not to like.’
Kether Donohue
I try and open a few doors to the mind, encourage people to embrace change and to stretch their capabilities.
Max Walker
I had a hope that the Iraqis would embrace a new government, would establish a new Iraq very quickly, and, but I never had that as an expectation.
Tommy Franks
If you want to be happy you need to think of yourself as a container of energy. There is a universal energy, yes of course, it embraces us. When you appreciate this, life becomes a lot more exciting. You don’t live life, life lives you.
Noel Edmonds
Venice is the perfect place for a phase of art to die. No other city on earth embraces entropy quite like this magical floating mall.
Jerry Saltz
The parts of graffiti I like are really antagonizing still – it’s not something that a museum would really embrace.
Barry McGee
Ireland and England are like two sisters; I would have them embrace like one brother.
Boyle Roche
I’d started acting as a child. But I wanted to see if it was something my true personality was interested in. I stepped away from offers when I took five years off to go to college. I’ve only really just decided to whole-heartedly embrace acting.
Gaby Hoffmann
Nashville is a boys’ club of redneck conservative ideas. But they’re ready to embrace gay people. I never felt for one second that someone was judging me. Some people are like, ‘Oh, I love gay people’ in that ‘I have lots of black friends’ kind of way. It’s awkward, but you have to appreciate that they’re trying.
Shane McAnally
It was a huge shock. I’ve never had hair that short in my life! I think the rest of the cast and crew were mourning my haircut more than I was! But after a while, I felt liberated, I learned to embrace it.
Camilla Belle
I’ve been a Republican all my life because I embrace the conservative values of hard work, personal freedom, less government and fewer taxes. But I also believe in compassion, inclusion, and helping those who want to help themselves.
Lionel Sosa
Let’s embrace being not normal!
Angelina Jolie
Embrace your differences and the qualities about you that you think are weird. Eventually, they’re going to be the only things separating you from everyone else.
Sebastian Stan
For me, I just began, eventually, to embrace what I had. This is what I have to deal with and, not just deal with, but this is what I have to share, and how can I do that the best way.
Amy Purdy
The need to do something about global warming is obvious. And it’s also pretty clear that the public understands the need for change and is ready to embrace it. What is missing is political will in Congress to stand up to the powerful energy companies and their well-paid lobbyists.
Chellie Pingree
The reason why Silicon Valley is a worldwide innovation center is because it is a open culture that embraces diversity. You see people from all over the world. When you have many people from different backgrounds gathered together, that is where innovation comes from.
Eric Yuan
I’m not saying that I don’t like the stuff I put out into the world, because I genuinely enjoy my videos and think they are funny. What I’m saying is that I embrace the fact that I have a punchable face, and that if I could punch myself without feeling it, I would.
Shane Dawson
It wasn’t popular for college athletics to embrace Title IX.
Grant Hill
You have to be really willing to embrace life and life’s turns, and play that for your audience, because there is value in every moment of that journey.
Lesley Ann Warren
For me personally, it doesn’t matter if I’m in a short film, a commercial, a digital series, a TV show, or a movie. Acting is acting. You have to embrace whatever medium you happen to be in and not worry about everything else around it.
Milo Ventimiglia
If Trump publicly commits to embrace science, stops threatening censorship of the Internet, rejects fake news and denounces hate against our diverse employees, only then it would make sense for tech leaders to visit Trump Tower.
Chris Sacca
I embrace old age. Look, I’m never going to dunk on LeBron James, and I’ve learned to accept that. I got a pretty good life, and I’m very fortunate, and I have my blessings.
Mark Wahlberg
I think it’s easier for the general public to embrace me in a negative way. You have people who already have a perception of me that says I’m a bad person.
Curtis Jackson
There are times I felt insecure or not sure: I’m unsure of myself, or I get nervous, but nerves are good. I try and embrace all those things. I try and embrace the times where I’m not sure of myself or I’m like, ‘Is this going to work? Is this going to land?’
Chelsea Handler
Baalbek is so beautiful. It is the heart of beauty in the Middle East – I want to embrace these people with my music. I will try so hard for them. Their president is a Christian, their prime minister is a Muslim. Music is for everyone.
Mstislav Rostropovich
‘Dream’ is about having fears and doing your best to embrace them no matter how strenuous the grip is.
Bishop Briggs
I think I don’t regret a single ‘excess’ of my responsive youth – I only regret, in my chilled age, certain occasions and possibilities I didn’t embrace.
Henry James
India appeals to everybody. For me personally, I always felt like we would come here when we wanted to embrace all colours. I don’t mean racially, but literally; just all the colours of the world.
Chris Martin
We are properly ready for marriage when we are strong enough to embrace a life of frustration.
Alain de Botton
In my life and career I want to embrace ageing because

In my life and career I want to embrace ageing because I think that’s what’s interesting.
Kim Cattrall
I’m going to feel intimidated whatever: that’s just my natural state. So I may as well embrace intimidation.
Jack Thorne
The process of writing and directing drives you to such extremes that it’s natural to feel an affinity with insanity. I approach that madness as something dangerous, and I’m afraid, but also I want to go to it, to see what’s there, to embrace it. I don’t know why, but I’m drawn.
Dario Argento
I’ve certainly seen a lot of my cartoonist friends embrace ‘Little Lulu’ in a much deeper way because their kids love it so much. But that’s not gonna be happening for me. There are no kids coming.
See, winners embrace hard work.
Lou Holtz
I talked late, swam late, did not learn to ride a bike until college – and might never have walked or learned to drive a car if my parents hadn’t overruled my lack of motivation and virtually forced me to embrace both forms of transportation. I suspect I was happy to sit in a corner with a book.
Julia Glass
Silicon Valley isn’t the only game in town. Tech is increasingly decentralized. Around the world, new tech centers with younger companies are able to embrace a different approach to talent: recruit locally, identify homegrown prospects and, in a phrase, bring them along for the ride.
Ryan Holmes
Our sexual lives are maintained by the shadow side and the light side, so the more we can understand and embrace enlightenment, the less need there is for chemical enhancement.
Kyan Douglas
Government is truly beginning to embrace the power of innovation for the people and by the people, the idea that if government collaborates openly with and unleashes the ingenuity of the public, it will get much more done, much faster and at much lower cost than if government acted alone.
Todd Park
In order for fashion to progress, we have to always be willing to invest in someone or something new and embrace risks, regardless of the economy.
Renzo Rosso
I just think Christmas is a time to embrace all the naughty little things.
Jade Thirlwall
Your Highest Self is not just an idea that sounds lofty and spiritual. It is a way of being. It is the very first principle that you must come to understand and embrace as you move toward attracting to you that which you want and need for this parenthesis in eternity that you know as your life.
Wayne Dyer
Be who you are. It’s easy to feel like you have to blend in, but it takes courage to live your life with conviction and embrace the person that you are.
Halima Aden
You have to embrace your body, whether it’s curvy or whatever you may be. You have to embrace who you are. Beauty comes from the inside not out.
Cheryl Burke
I’ve never felt like I was in my mother’s shadow. If anything, I felt like I was in her embrace.
Tracee Ellis Ross
What I’m trying to argue, as passionately as I can, is that the Jesus story isn’t worth dying for, it’s worth living for. Jesus presents a third way, a way of being in the worth that embraces the Sermon on the Mount, with its challenge to violence and greed.
Jay Parini
My goal is to embrace the people, the ‘natural resources’ of Israel, and to build businesses with the creative Israelis.
Ashton Kutcher
We can just keep doing it the way we’re doing it. We can attack everybody for small-minded things and crush everybody with a new idea. And where are we going to be? Where we are now – behind. Or we can embrace new things and try to be positive and let everybody play a role.
Gina Raimondo
As we embrace the American dream and the freedoms it represents, we must also ensure that those who wish to enjoy those freedoms become a part of our society and learn to speak our language.
Bobby Jindal
MC Lyte definitely embraces me. Jada Pinkett Smith embraces me. Those are two people that I can call and get advice. Those are two people that will call me to see what I’m doing.
Lil Mama
I’m a late bloomer, so I’m going to embrace it all.
Paula Pell
Anybody who is really walking with the Lord is embracing the foibles and the beauties and the differences of humanity, regardless of race, color, creed, economic stature and sexual proclivity, whatever. You embrace the beauty of humanity and not be exacting and belittling about the differences.
Marcia Gay Harden
If you want to keep on being relevant as a director, I think you have to embrace the times. And with the times come technologies and formats.
Alfonso Cuaron
A cashmere knit is like a book. It is something to save and go back to time after time. It is the feeling of an embrace.
Brunello Cucinelli
You want to be appreciated for all your work as opposed to one performance, but I’ll always be ‘that bloke from ‘Lock, Stock’.’ You’ve got to embrace it.
Nick Moran
Having the book-club army embrace you is a gift that keeps giving for years.
Christina Baker Kline
As women gain weight, they start judging themselves. But who cares! Embrace what you have. Say, ‘Belly, you might be poking out today, but I’m going to choose to love you and nurture you.’
Ashley Graham
I’ve never understood why artists, who so often condescend to the cliches of their own culture, are so eager to embrace the cliches of cultures they know nothing about.
Brad Holland
Unlike Frank Sinatra, I have no regrets in my life. Zero. Whatever hardships I have faced, or have caused myself, are moments I have to embrace in order to move forward. I have no problem coming to grips with either the highs or lows in my life.
Paul Heyman
For every reader and writer of steampunk fiction, there are probably hundreds or thousands of other activists who gleefully embrace some non-written manifestation of the steampunk ethos.
Paul Di Filippo
False friendship, like the ivy, decays and ruins the walls it embraces; but true friendship gives new life and animation to the object it supports.
Richard Burton
Love has its own time, its own season, and its own reas

Love has its own time, its own season, and its own reasons from coming and going. You cannot bribe it or coerce it or reason it into staying. You can only embrace it when it arrives and give it away when it comes to you.
Kent Nerburn
I wrote ‘A Mindful Nation’ to promote the values of slowing down, taking care of ourselves, being kind, and helping each other. It seems to me that if we embrace these values individually, it will benefit us collectively. And our country will be a little bit better off as a result.
Tim Ryan
This marketplace where people can buy insurance who don’t have it today – a competitive marketplace: That’s an idea that both sides embrace.
David Axelrod
Modern free-traders… embrace their ideal with a passion that makes Robespierre seem prudent. They embrace unbridled free trade, even as it helps China become a superpower.
Robert Lighthizer
I don’t have a problem with ageing – in fact, I embrace that aspect of it. And am able to and obviously am going to be able to quite easily… it doesn’t faze me at all.
David Bowie
Every generation is gonna keep changing, and you just have to embrace the change.
Wyclef Jean
Some people don’t like change, but you need to embrace change if the alternative is disaster.
Elon Musk
It’s been amazing to step out of a bottle of ink on to an iPad. There’s no better time than right now to embrace this fabulous sandpit of technology. Because intuitively, at the touch of a finger, most of it is possible.
Max Walker
Manifest plainness, embrace simplicity, reduce selfishness, have few desires.
Lao Tzu
Everybody knows that the great reversed triangle of land, with its base in the north and its apex in the south, which is called India, embraces fourteen hundred thousand square miles, upon which is spread unequally a population of one hundred and eighty millions of souls.
Jules Verne
The Bachelor’ has always been a great show that embraces what’s happening in the world and embraces pop culture.
Chris Harrison
Unless one is planning to go shopping – basically begging to be smothered by the ravening throngs of returners and bargain hunters; an embrace as constricting as that hugging machine designed by autistic author Temple Grandin – then Boxing Day feels like a bar after last call when the lights have been turned up.
David Rakoff
I’ve always had a tomboy quality to me that I embrace and don’t run away from. At the same time I’m a real girlie-girl.
Julianna Margulies
After 2012, all of the Washington political consultants and all the mainstream media came to Republicans and said, ‘You’ve got to do better with Hispanics, and the way to do better with Hispanics is to embrace amnesty.’ And, look, a lot of Republicans in Washington were scared.
Ted Cruz
My favourite places on earth are the wild waterways where the forest opens its arms and a silver curve of river folds the traveller into its embrace.
Rory MacLean
The message of the free world to any potential Palestinian leadership should be a simple one: Embrace democratic reform and we will embrace you.
Natan Sharansky
Some things happen by accident – embrace them.
Mario Testino
Whatever it is that makes your movie unique is something you should embrace.
James Wan
The arms of God reach to embrace, and somehow you feel yourself just outside God’s fingertips.
Greg Boyle
I love the nation of Israel. I love Jewish people. My King was Jewish, and I embrace that.
Sonny Sandoval
I’m not saying you can’t be successful in the music industry without Spotify. But when I look at the future of music, I don’t think scarcity is the model anymore. We have to embrace ubiquity – that music is everywhere.
Daniel Ek
It’s important for anyone working at a hyper growth company such as Airbnb to embrace learning and be open in order to keep pace with the changing environment.
Belinda Johnson
You have to embrace the people that love you because you’re making a difference in people’s lives, and you’re making them feel something with your music. That, I think, is the biggest key: to stay grounded and focused and stay true to who you are as a person.
Caleb Johnson
I realized, ‘Oh, it’s easier to get what I want if I embrace the sex symbol thing.’ Microphones are more in my face, and I can say things about the kids that I mentor and open more access to more doors.
Omari Hardwick
Everything is a part of what God’s up to in your life, so I think our job is to embrace it. Everything. Embrace it all and consider it God’s will for this moment.
Gloria Gaither
You just – no matter how good things are, or how bad things could be, there’s always going to be negativity or something like that going on, and you just gotta, you know, embrace it, I guess. But don’t let it dictate kind of like how you’re going to live.
Charles Melton
I want to inspire through example. I hope my books motivate others to open doors and windows that will help them to embrace their own truth, light and joy.
Alexandra Stoddard
Tanpinar presciently feared that to embrace the western conception of progress was to be mentally enslaved by a whole new epistemology, one that compartmentalised knowledge and concealed an instrumental view of human beings as no more than things to be manipulated.
Pankaj Mishra
For me, I guess the general reason for using social media is that the connection I have with people who are interested in my music is extremely important to me. That connection is like the pillar in everything I do. I want to embrace that connection and make it stronger.
Steve Aoki
What I love about my work is the variety and not knowing what’s coming next, and being able to embrace something for a period of time and know something new is going to follow.
Rose McIver
Let me embrace thee, sour adversity, for wise men say it is the wisest course.
William Shakespeare
There comes a time in the history of nations when their

There comes a time in the history of nations when their peoples must become fully reconciled to their past if they are to go forward with confidence to embrace their future.
Kevin Rudd
Parenting takes a lot of creativity, and I embrace it fully.
Carrie-Anne Moss
The American people deserve to know what’s on Trump’s tax returns. And Trump must show that he truly embraces accountability and transparency and understands what it means to work on behalf of the public interest.
Reid Hoffman
Embrace the faff. Stare out of the window. Bend paperclips. Stand in the middle of the room trying to remember what you came downstairs for. Pace. Drum your fingertips. Move papers around. Hum. Look at the garden.
Tom Hodgkinson
Ukrainian business must really embrace global competition. We need to understand that competition for resources and clients is not with competitors from across the street or from another city, but with millions of businesses around the world.
Victor Pinchuk
Embrace risk. The driving force behind our economic model at Illumination Mac Guff is designed to preserve the opportunity to take risk. Subvert the expectation of the audience. Surprise them with unexpected choices.
Chris Meledandri
Story was that human civilization started to develop with first social network. Emerged where population concentration was high. Helped propel to where we are now. Facebook is next step of creating a huge human brain to embrace hundreds of million, possibly billions of people.
Yuri Milner
I try not to get too low. I fight adversity as hard as I can fight it, not to get too low. When good things happen, I don’t really embrace it. I just say it’s a lucky day.
Rick Pitino
Almost everybody embraces life.
Elizabeth Edwards
The only good reason to embrace a philosophical position is that you are convinced it is true or at least makes sense of the world better than the alternatives.
Julian Baggini
Society tends to always make multiples – whether it’s twins or triplets or whatever – one person. And it’s not always fair. I encourage multiples to embrace their individual uniqueness because, just as you are an amazing unit together, that can only happen when you are strong individually.
Tia Mowry
I really embrace everything about my daughter.
Farrah Abraham
I thought everybody would embrace and understand my reasons for becoming Muslim.
Cat Stevens
I think ‘weird’ is an interesting way to say ‘unique.’ It has a strange connotation, but weird is good. If you embrace your weirdness, you’ll be on the way to becoming who you are.
Ben Falcone
We’re going to be human, and we are going to make mistakes, but you really should understand the power that you have and embrace it in a positive way.
Drake Bell
If networked science is to reach its potential, scientists will have to embrace and reward the open sharing of all forms of scientific knowledge, not just traditional journal publication. Networked science must be open science.
Michael Nielsen
And, moreover, it is art in its most general and comprehensive form that is here discussed, for the dialogue embraces everything connected with it, from its greatest object, the state, to its least, the embellishment of sensuous existence.
Friedrich Schleiermacher
I think people sleepwalk through their lives, and for me, I wanted to embrace everything. And that meant the agonizing pain and the transcendence, and you can’t have one without the other.
Aisha Tyler
Some people are both genders. I think you just come out the way you come out, and you have to embrace it honestly.
Grace Jones
As a director, when you embrace a project, you try to understand as much as you can about its world, and you do that by embracing and engaging with people who are in that world. Then it’s down to your best instincts, which is what most directing is about anyway.
David MacKenzie
I embrace my blackness, just as I do my conservatism and my Christianity, but I don’t want to be defined or pigeonholed by any one of the many elements that make up my character.
J. C. Watts
I think that literature is something that embraces a much larger experience than politics. It’s an expression of what is life, of what are all the dimensions of life. But politics is one among others.
Mario Vargas Llosa
Meditation can help us embrace our worries, our fear, our anger; and that is very healing. We let our own natural capacity of healing do the work.
Thich Nhat Hanh
The humanitarian ecosystem is diverse – not only is there a variety of traditional humanitarian actors, but the system should also embrace an increasing diversity of private sector actors.
Peter Maurer
You must recognize, embrace, and be honest about what is real for you today and allow that understanding to inform the choices you make. Only then will you be able to build the future of your dreams.
Suze Orman
We embrace all of our friends from every background.
Farrah Abraham
Those revolutionaries who have, by chance, escaped the gallows should live and show to the world that they cannot only embrace gallows for the ideal but also bear the worst type of tortures in the dark, dingy prison cells.
Bhagat Singh
When I was in my 20s, I thought I knew who I was. And then as soon as I turned 30, I realized that person has bruises and bumps and dark parts. And you kind of go, well, that’s it. I’d rather embrace it than force myself to change.
Sam Worthington
I love everybody. You have to embrace all facets of humanity; love and accept everyone as being part of yourself.
Ariel Pink
I want a man, but I want a man that also wants to embrace his inner child.
Paula Patton
As a lover of both hip-hop and jazz, I feel like much of the latter community still doesn’t truly embrace hip-hop as a musical extension.
Amanda Seales
It's become easy for Americans to live in a cocoon of m

It’s become easy for Americans to live in a cocoon of monolithic ideology and thought. It’s time to embrace diversity of thought and diversity of experience.
Ana Navarro
Every story is different, so what is a detail in one might not be in something else. Diversity is something I embrace and love about my work.
Colleen Atwood
I don’t maybe follow the normal star profile, and it’s not something that I particularly want to embrace in terms of the publicity thing and wanting to be famous and known.
Brendan Gleeson
Rather than wringing our hands about robots taking over the world, smart organizations will embrace strategic automation use cases. Strategic decisions will be based on how the technology will free up time to do the types of tasks that humans are uniquely positioned to perform.
Clara Shih
I do realize that God has given me so many blessings in my life. I mean, not only with football, but with the family that He’s blessed me with and the opportunity He’s given me to grow up in a home that embraces God.
Sam Bradford
I used to hate my legs, but I learned to embrace them. They may be bigger than the average person’s, but they’re beautiful. I love them, and I wear short shorts all of the time.
Barbie Ferreira
Too much of British business and industry feels similarly secure in the warm embrace of the European single market and is failing to recognise that today’s great export opportunities lie in the developing world, particularly in Asia.
Nigel Lawson
Every nation on the Earth that embraces market economics and the free enterprise system is pulling millions of its people out of poverty. The free enterprise system creates prosperity, not denies it.
Marco Rubio
To cherish others is to cherish ourselves. To cherish ourselves is to cherish others. And in that same way, we relate to the truth. If we support it, if we embrace it, if we uphold it, we will be embraced by it, we will be supported and upheld by it.
Sharon Salzberg
I love out-of-the-way, rugged places. For me, holidays are about the experiences, and the people, and the memories, rather than sitting on a nice beach getting tanned. I try to plant myself where I am and embrace what is there in front of me.
Evelyn Glennie
Republicans should embrace the possibility that Obamacare could pave the way toward lower health care entitlement spending overall. That won’t be easy. But it’s not unthinkable, either.
Joe Klein
Turning 50 can be difficult, sometimes dangerous, for women. The danger is in that blip that can come from the fact that you become invisible, and if you’re not careful and don’t embrace that, it can trip you up and you lose confidence.
Dawn French
I am so sorry to see the state of reading in such decline. I think it says something really scary and terrible about us as a culture. I think it does have to do with everyone’s total global embrace of technology.
Lee Smith
I’m an actor and I’ve created a lasting and memorable character named Frasier, who is not me, but who most people think is. So when I have a chance to play something that’s different, I embrace it because it’s fun; also in this case, he’s a memorable character.
Kelsey Grammer
In both the presence of evil and the eventual triumph over evil the sweep is cosmic. It embraces the entire universe, what to man is both seen and unseen. The victory is to be accomplished through Christ.
Kenneth Scott Latourette
Bitcoin represents the first major breakthrough in economics and finance since double-entry bookkeeping was invented in 1494, and activists need to embrace its power.
Max Keiser
It’s not complicated to embrace life. You just have to make the choice.
Faith Hill
I feel like life is really short, and it’s important to enjoy yourself and embrace whatever comes your way, whether it’s a challenging day or a great day, just welcome it with open arms. No matter who you are, you can’t escape challenges; they are part of life.
Miranda Kerr
Vulnerability is the essence of romance. It’s the art of being uncalculated, the willingness to look foolish, the courage to say, ‘This is me, and I’m interested in you enough to show you my flaws with the hope that you may embrace me for all that I am but, more important, all that I am not.’
Ashton Kutcher
You cannot convince a Buddhist to become a Protestant any more than you can convince a person who embraces realism as the highest form of art that fantasy is an equally important manifestation. It’s impossible.
Guillermo del Toro
I learned that if we embrace what’s happening, we are also embracing what is possible – and a road opens up for God to meet us halfway.
Suzan-Lori Parks
I don’t believe in being a size 0. I don’t believe in starving. Women should totally embrace their curves.
Priyanka Chopra
It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.
Alan Cohen
We have to embrace the good over the bad. That has to be one’s personal project.
Yusef Komunyakaa
Today, we are fortunate that the historical novel has reached such extraordinary heights of technical mastery. The ability of society to connect with the past holds out the greatest hope for it being able to embrace the future.
Amanda Foreman
There are people who are destined to embrace endless pain and suffering, and there are people who desire to dream. Everybody dreams, of course. But does anybody desperately want to dream more than the people of North Korea?
Lee Hyeon-seo
Not being able to grow in comfort is a beautiful thing when you’re uncomfortable, so just embrace it and roll with it, and you’ll come out stronger.
Maddie Marlow
Things that came before, people and things and experiences – that does mean something to me. It doesn’t mean I don’t embrace the new, but I don’t forget the past, either.
Vera Wang
My mother had abandoned the family, so grandmother raised me. And she was instrumental in that she taught me that the world is a glorious place. She taught me to embrace humanity. And she’d say there’s never an excuse for joy. And to be thankful.
Jewell Parker Rhodes
When people embrace character, there’s latzie. It’s the stuffing of a scene that’s not written. It’s not in the stage direction and it’s not in the words. When people embrace character, it informs their living, breathing moments in a scene so well.
Nathan Fillion
That is not something I embrace. I think there are real distinctions between the Koch brothers and us.
Tom Steyer
You have to embrace trends; it's crazy to think you can

You have to embrace trends; it’s crazy to think you can live above it. Like digital, like selling online, like social networks – if you fear them, they’re going to eat you alive.
Antoine Arnault
Clearly, some of the reason people embrace alternatives and reject vaccines is that they are angry and mistrustful of government and of pharmaceutical conglomerates. More than that, we pay too much for health care, it’s not good enough, and the system is too complex. We need alternatives.
Michael Specter
The NBA has been extraordinary in its use and embrace of social media; they are by far the leader in professional sports.
Casey Wasserman
Once you understand that someone has Tourette and that they can’t help their tics, it takes away the distraction. And you can engage your compassion. You feel for them. You embrace them.
Dylan McDermott
You’ve got to embrace what you don’t know.
Sara Blakely
We embrace two-legged beings, and can warm to four-legged beings, too, but for most people, six legs is pushing it. Most don’t need multi-eyed, antennaed face time.
Diane Ackerman
A lot of groups spend their whole cultural and aesthetic identity trying to move away from Africa, which I think is a mistake. One of the reasons I love Cuba and cultures like that is because they’re not trying to move away from their African roots, they’re trying to embrace them. That’s part of the culture.
Arturo O’Farrill
A lot of the reason I wanted to become an entrepreneur and avoid working for others is that you get to create the world you want to live in and the company you want to work for, and I’ve loved that. It’s a part of entrepreneurship that women should really embrace.
Caterina Fake
Perhaps it’s the people whose lives have taken sudden new twists – people who have learned to embrace the creative possibilities of change – who stand the best chance of penetrating life’s mysteries.
Hugh Mackay
As always, the British especially shudder at the latest American vulgarity, and then they embrace it with enthusiasm two years later.
Alistair Cooke
You get one life. I’m going to embrace mine.
Kevin Hart
The most successful families embrace and elevate their family history, particularly their failures, setbacks and other missteps.
Bruce Feiler
To throw a shoe at a man in Dundee is the equivalent of a kiss on the cheek and an embrace in London. Dundee is a very different place; they have their own rules.
Calvin Harris
Government can run and fund programs, but it can’t love, it can’t show compassion, and it can’t embrace. Our faith is designed to have social implications, not just heavenly ones. The spiritual and the social must be connected.
Tony Evans
Being a female athlete, sometimes your clothes don’t fit right if you have a small waist and broad shoulders, or strong hips. And it’s OK to embrace that.
Michelle Carter
Comedy fans are the best fans. They embrace and support you doing low-budget work and will follow you to the end of the earth!
June Diane Raphael
I think it’s important to show that… you can’t be perfect, and you have to embrace the fact that you’re original, and it’s what makes you interesting.
Pom Klementieff
With our national savings rate well below one-percent, it is imperative that the government embrace innovative and cost-effective means of boosting personal savings.
Jim Cooper
I wish every woman would love herself and embrace what she was given naturally.
Queen Latifah
I’ve always set out to embrace all that I am.
Chris Ofili
You find a personality whom you think the TV audience will embrace and find a format that is tailor-made for the personality. In the case of Andy Griffith, we moved the personality of a wily country shark – a funny and shrewd guy – into another arena. In this case, he is a lawyer, and it is a dramatic series.
Fred Silverman
I had to get to the point where I just had to embrace carrying the torch for the traditional girls out there. I love representing the traditional black woman.
Tamera Mowry
I’m very proud of being a woman, and as a woman, I don’t even like the word ‘feminism’ because when I hear that word, I associate it with women trying to pretend to be men, and I’m not interested in trying to pretend to be a man. I don’t want to embrace manhood; I want to embrace my womanhood.
Evangeline Lilly
The move towards neoliberalism in Britain was intimately bound up with the embrace of the U.S. as the country to be aped and copied.
Martin Jacques
For organisations, flexibility is a must to cope with fluctuations in demand and remain competitive, and people must be able to develop adaptable attitudes to quickly embrace evolving business conditions, new business opportunities, and shifting strategies.
Alain Dehaze
New Orleans just embraces people who love music.
Mannie Fresh
What makes life worth living? Better surely, to yield to the stain of suicide blood in me and seek forgetfulness in the embrace of cold dark death.
Zane Grey
I’m a devilish kind of person, but I embrace it. I don’t try to fight it. It’s proven very well for me.
Chelsea Handler
We’ve truly transformed Accenture capabilities to help our clients embrace the new, applying innovation and intelligence at the heart of their organizations.
Pierre Nanterme
As a person, I have a lot of different sides to me, and I genuinely just embrace them. I don’t think, ‘Oh, I gotta put on my cool face now!’
It’s nice to just embrace the natural beauty within you.
Victoria Justice
CEOs must embrace the role of serving as the public fac

CEOs must embrace the role of serving as the public face of the company to their customer community and the marketplace at large.
Simon Mainwaring
The fastest way to break the cycle of perfectionism and become a fearless mother is to give up the idea of doing it perfectly – indeed to embrace uncertainty and imperfection.
Arianna Huffington
I don’t sing very loud, which some people have given me trouble about, but we all have to figure out what our voices are, embrace that.
Gretchen Parlato
I think the key to a great romcom is to not fight against the genre. The trend more recently has been to apologise or be snarky, so it’s an anti-romcom. Just lean in and embrace the fact it’s a love story, and it’s funny, and it’s light. It can still be uber-smart and deal with zeitgeist issues.
Lake Bell
It’s a big theme throughout my music to just embrace everything about your own mind and to always feel powerful. It’s not just a feminine thing, but for men, too, whether they feel weak, or strong or crazy or reclusive. I want everyone to feel powerful no matter what little beasts they have in their head.
Glossier is really for anyone who wants to embrace the present and live in the now. It’s about embracing constant change and who you are at any given moment, and that’s often someone who’s imperfect – and that’s cool.
Emily Weiss
What is magical and mystifying to me about style is not that by seeing we can believe. It is that eventually, we can believe, because we can see… we can embrace change the more we can make it tangible.
Stacy London
Oh yes, there’s lots of great food in America. But the fast food is about as destructive and evil as it gets. It celebrates a mentality of sloth, convenience, and a cheerful embrace of food we know is hurting us.
Anthony Bourdain
If you’re trying to write something that you don’t understand and embrace at the very core of you, it’s not going to turn out with quite the authenticity and passion it should have.
Terrence McNally
An actual scientist embraces debate because it sharpens their research.
Greg Gutfeld
Maybe the biggest award show of the largest entertainment importer in the world needs an economic incentive to embrace diversity. Indeed, maybe we should boycott the show and pressure advertisers to do the same. Or maybe the Academy should learn the lesson of history and change because it’s the right thing to do.
Lexi Alexander
Journalism isn’t about how smart you are. It’s not about where you’re from. It’s not about who you know or how clever your questions are. And thank God for that. It’s about your ability to embrace change and uncertainty. It’s about being fearless personally and professionally.
Mary Pilon
Girls on the Run is an organization that believes every girl can embrace who she is. It’s all about girl empowerment. I’ve volunteered for different things before, but I didn’t get to work hands-on. I thought this program sounded wonderful because I could go in and work with girls face-to-face.
Peyton List
People with a growth mindset believe that they can improve with effort. They outperform those with a fixed mindset, even when they have a lower IQ, because they embrace challenges, treating them as opportunities to learn something new.
Travis Bradberry
I love seeing my mom and my daughter embrace their natural hair. I’m glad I’ve embraced it, too.
Kimberly Elise
The earth has received the embrace of the sun and we shall see the results of that love.
Sitting Bull
I would say that being open to new things is kind of vital in this line of work, if not all lines of work, and being prepared to embrace the challenge of the new thing is something I want in my life until the day it’s over.
Rupert Friend
There is not one description of beauty – that in fact it has different faces, different stories, and different background, and it’s important to embrace all of those.
Halima Aden
I’m kind of stunned by hip-hop and R&B’s embrace of what is essentially early-to-mid-Nineties Euro pop.
James Murphy
The ‘that’s right’ breakthrough usually doesn’t come at the beginning of a negotiation. It’s invisible to the counterpart when it occurs, and they embrace what you’ve said. To them, it’s a subtle epiphany.
Christopher Voss
Most policy makers embrace a religious-like belief that the market can and should solve every problem.
Eric Maskin
We cannot embrace God’s forgiveness if we are so busy clinging to past wounds and nursing old grudges.
T. D. Jakes
What we have found is that we were the principal mediators in many cases between the Iraqis and their own security forces and their own government, and so you have to almost embrace that role.
H. R. McMaster
I don’t think you should ever run from history. You should learn from it and embrace it.
Doc Rivers
I don’t consider it jumping ship. The ‘Star Trek’ philosophy is to embrace the diversity of the universe, and ‘Star Wars’ is part of that diversity. I also think ‘Star Trek’ and ‘Star Wars’ are related beyond both having the word ‘Star.’
George Takei
The smartest thing that an actor can do is embrace the thing that made them famous as opposed to run away from it or deny that it happened. That does a disservice to most actors. To me, it looks like you’re ungrateful.
Sean Hayes
A lot of people resist transition and therefore never allow themselves to enjoy who they are. Embrace the change, no matter what it is; once you do, you can learn about the new world you’re in and take advantage of it.
Nikki Giovanni
Fame is something that is tough when it comes. It’s a weird thing to take on in real life. I was a little bit afraid and, as a result, kind of turned my back on it. You should embrace it because it’s going to be a part of who you are, and it’s going to be a part of what this business is about.
Kevin Bacon
At the highest level of your craft, you don’t have to play games or make people feel small; you can just embrace.
Sterling K. Brown
Today I choose life. Every morning when I wake up I can choose joy, happiness, negativity, pain… To feel the freedom that comes from being able to continue to make mistakes and choices – today I choose to feel life, not to deny my humanity but embrace it.
Kevyn Aucoin
Getting older is baggage for so many people but I don’t spend time on things I can’t control. Wrinkles don’t scare me; they’re a part of life, and I will and do embrace them, but I look at surgery, and that scares me.
Christy Turlington
Certainly, my advice is that communicating, lobbying, f

Certainly, my advice is that communicating, lobbying, fundraising and engaging the public in policy and politics is far more exciting and inexpensive via the Internet. Old guard organizations like Common Cause had to evolve to embrace this new environment.
Chellie Pingree
Northeastern conservatism is moderate, accepts the modern welfare state, and dislikes mixing religion with politics. Western conservatism is hawkish, hates government, and embraces individual freedom. Southern conservatism is populist, draws on evangelical Christianity, and plays upon racial resentments.
Jacob Weisberg
It’s always liberating to feel like I’m changing my hair and know that my fans are supporting that. I like to feel like I’m really expressing myself, and when people embrace it, it feels like an authentic connection.
‘Be passionate about your work and your life’ was instilled in me by my mother Dada, who was a potter. She also introduced me to the arts and encouraged me to embrace the new.
Richard Rogers
Congressman Bridenstine’s legislative record and his own testimony during his nomination hearing show that he rejects NASA’s role in earth science, adopts industry perspectives without critical analysis, and embraces extreme and divisive social views. NASA deserves better.
Brian Schatz
Aging in Hollywood sucks. There’s always so much pressure to look way younger than you are, and everyone’s watching! I’d like to embrace getting older, because it’s kind of inevitable. The different, wiser me, to be at peace with how I look and I’m supposed to look – it’s a work in progress.
Lisa Vidal
I converted Dec. 31, 1999. It was a Friday. That was my second time going to the mosque. The woman who is my wife now… was basically raised Muslim – and she was at that point where she was deciding or trying to come to terms with her own relationship with Islam and how to embrace that for herself.
Mahershala Ali
I think the success of any brand reboot is to acknowledge the heritage but to embrace and interpret it in a way that makes it relevant and wearable to the modern consumer.
Simon Spurr
The older I get, the more I embrace who I am.
K. D. Lang
Let me say, I fully embrace equality, and I believe in the innate value of every single human being and that all students, no matter their age, should be able to attend a school and feel safe and be free of discrimination.
Betsy DeVos
It is our belief that nations should embrace dialogue and peaceful settlement of disputes instead of rushing to arms, for suffering and bloodshed will ensue.
Mwai Kibaki
High school students ought to seek out campus communities where they feel not only empowered to engage their talents, but also challenged to leave their comfort zones. The ability to embrace new opportunities emerges, in part, from a willingness to take risks and to fail.
Drew Gilpin Faust
Light makes photography. Embrace light. Admire it. Love it. But above all, know light. Know it for all you are worth, and you will know the key to photography.
George Eastman
The natural instinct is to join in the chorus of conflict, to make your voice louder, your point bigger, and your position stronger. But we will not solve the significant and real problems our country faces if we cannot bring ourselves to embrace a mindset of grace.
Betsy DeVos
I just hope that people, women specifically, embrace that side of themselves that maybe is a little nuts or that society tells us is crazy.
Jenny Mollen
The lesson is the same as it always has been to the HIV/AIDS community: embrace and celebrate the progress while not letting up the pressure until there is a cure.
David Mixner
The guitar is something you kind of embrace, and the piano is something you kind of – when you play it, you sort of push it away. It feels very different.
Nick Cave
A huge part of acting in movies is appetite. You do your best work when you’ve got a lot of appetite and you really want to embrace something. When you get tired, you don’t have that hunger.
Clive Owen
I’ve never really been a traditional country kind of guy. I wanted my music to sound more like the end of the ’90s and to have the kind of great music, pop or whatever, that radio will embrace.
Bryan White
With honesty of purpose, balance, a respect for tradition, courage, and, above all, a philosophy of life, any young person who embraces the historical profession will find it rich in rewards and durable in satisfaction.
Samuel E. Morison
We need to embrace fitness. We only have to blame ourselves for our lack of fitness.
Rahul Dev
Aesthetically, I don’t really like the blond, tan thing. I am pale. So I may as well embrace the pale. Long, blond hair and a bad spray tan is the stuff of my nightmares.
Rachael Taylor
A lot of people would be embarrassed to admit that they were on ‘Barney’, but I embrace the fact. I just had such a wonderful time doing that show. I learned what a camera and prop is, and all that. I learned my manners too, so I guess that’s a good thing!
Selena Gomez
The Israeli public’s willingness to enlist, the warm embrace for the soldiers and the residents of the south, and the desire to contribute and to give at any given moment really warm the heart, and it gives all of us strength.
Yair Lapid
The really important victory of the civil rights movement was that it made racism unpopular, whereas a generation ago at the turn of the last century, you had to embrace racism to get elected to anything.
Carol Moseley Braun
We who reject Trump’s bankrupt leadership must heal old wounds, reorient ourselves, and embrace common goals. And if there is one thing on which we can all agree, it’s this: we cannot concede any ground.
David Brock
Embrace the humanity of everyone, especially those you don’t understand.
Jake Tapper
Embrace good smells. No cost, no calories, no energy, no time – a quick hit of pleasure.
Gretchen Rubin
The average member of the public thinks of ‘business’ as an impersonal corporate entity owned by the very rich and managed by overpaid executives. There is an almost total failure to appreciate that ‘business’ actually embraces – in one way or another – most Americans.
Lewis F. Powell, Jr.
Education happens to be something that all people, all cultures, need to embrace. Math, science, the words of the world. To be able to speak and be able to have clarity and to be able to think. Those are the greatest of gifts.
Bill Cosby
I have my flaws, but I embrace them and I love them because they’re mine.
Winnie Harlow
We always make the mistake in the United States of Amer

We always make the mistake in the United States of America in Democratic or Republican administrations alike is we tend to embrace the despot that’s least troublesome to us. That should not be the way we view things.
Anthony Weiner
I would like to make it known, on this program, loud and clear, that I would absolutely embrace with all five of my arms being a Bond villain.
Ben Kingsley
Parisian women have an inner elegance that’s envied the world over. They are so relaxed about ageing and seem to acquire more charisma and beauty with time. Who wouldn’t want to be like them? That’s the trick – to embrace the natural progression of life and to be confident.
Naomi Watts
‘Street Legal’ is like a cult classic. It’s pretty cheesy at times, but you learn to embrace it.
Kurt Vile
Those who improve with age embrace the power of personal growth and personal achievement and begin to replace youth with wisdom, innocence with understanding, and lack of purpose with self-actualization.
Bo Bennett
The best leaders begin with an environment that embraces and rewards change and innovation.
Lynne Doughtie
Even if the world outside is destroying itself and fragmented and paranoid and fearful, the job of the artist is to embrace and hold people and say, ‘It’s OK, be safe here.’
Genesis P-Orridge
We must look to an open, tolerant, inclusive England, which embraces the values of a Britain that still leads the world in terms of an open democracy, as well as an understanding of the needs for responsibilities and obligations to run alongside the affirmation of individual rights.
David Blunkett
When we’re looking for compassion, we need someone who is deeply rooted, is able to bend and, most of all, embraces us for our strengths and struggles.
Brene Brown
I have my moments. Ever since I was a boy, I never was someone who was at ease with happiness. Too often I embrace introspection and self-doubt. I wish I could embrace the good things.
Hugh Laurie
Millions of people have come to the United States in pursuit of liberty and a better way of life. They contribute to this tremendous melting pot and embrace the opportunities which are presented for them and their families.
Matt Rosendale
I love seeing a young woman embrace who she is.
Darby Stanchfield
I don’t think any other holiday embraces the food of the Midwest quite like Thanksgiving. There’s roasted meat and mashed potatoes. But being here is also about heritage. Cleveland is really a giant melting pot – not only is my family a melting pot, but so is the city.
Michael Symon
In terms of style, the best advocates are relaxed, clear, in control, and confident. They embrace the hard questions with gusto. But no matter how hard you prepare, it’s impossible to prepare for every conceivable question.
Lisa Blatt
I grew up in a religious community, and like everyone, I went through a period of doubt and later made a conscious choice to embrace the faith of my childhood.
Gene Luen Yang
There are very few people who are creative and imaginative. Therefore, fiction is difficult for people to embrace.
Rita Mae Brown
A thoughtful piece of criticism by somebody who understands the context of what you are doing is a tremendous gift and honor to read, even if they don’t completely embrace your work.
Jon Favreau
Enjoy the pressure. Enjoy the stress. Enjoy being uncomfortable. And don’t shy away from it, embrace it.
Gary Woodland
The great living experience for every man is his adventure into the woman. The man embraces in the woman all that is not himself, and from that one resultant, from that embrace, comes every new action.
D. H. Lawrence
When the music business failed to embrace the Internet, I thought it was game, set and match for the industry, and I quit.
Tony Fernandes
If we want our regulators to do better, we have to embrace a simple idea: regulation isn’t an obstacle to thriving free markets; it’s a vital part of them.
James Surowiecki
For better and for worse, I feel like sorrow and grief are really transformative personal experiences for me, and I question what I would be had I decided to take a different path and not embrace that kind of pain.
Karyn Kusama
We should embrace our immigrant roots and recognize that newcomers to our land are not part of the problem, they are part of the solution.
Roger Mahony
Perhaps summer’s ephemeral nature is what inspires us to embrace the beach read. We tell ourselves that these twisted plots and wild characters are literary ice cream sundaes – extravagant treats that aren’t as calorie-laden when we’re wearing flip flops.
Sarah MacLean
I think people’s perception of a rich girl is literal, but metaphorically I embrace it as being rich in love, spirit, joy and religion. So it’s not about money.
Angie Stone
Hip-hop kind of absorbed rock in terms of the attitude and the whole point of why rock was important music. Young people felt like rock music was theirs, from Elvis to the Beatles to the Ramones to Nirvana. This was theirs; it wasn’t their parents’. I think hip-hop became the musical style that embraces that mentality.
Chris Cornell
Part of me really wants to believe that hope is entirely available to all of us. We don’t have to embrace it. It would be sentimental and silly to say that we all need it, but it is absolutely available to all of us.
Colum McCann
I must admit that self-tanner is one beauty arena I’ve been hesitant to explore, let alone fully embrace.
Emily Weiss