Top 575 Critical Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Critical Quotes from famous people such as Eva Moskowitz, Bruce Rauner, Maurice Sendak, Ivan Reitman, Dan Coats, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I think it's fairly unique to define the end goal of K-

I think it’s fairly unique to define the end goal of K-12 schooling as helping students become better thinkers, more creative thinkers, and to organize the whole school around creative and critical thinking.
Eva Moskowitz
The critical thing is that we have to reduce the tax burden.
Bruce Rauner
If life is so critical, if Anne Frank could die, if my friend could die, children were as vulnerable as adults, and that gave me a secret purpose to my work, to make them live. Because I wanted to live. I wanted to grow up.
Maurice Sendak
Everybody says how hard comedy is, but, when it comes time to honor things, whether it’s on a weekly critical basis or whether it’s award time, at that time of the year, comedy is the poor, dumb child of dramatic work.
Ivan Reitman
A major attack on our cyber systems could shut down our critical infrastructure – financial systems, communications systems, electric grids, power plants, water treatment centers, transportation systems and refineries – that allows us to run our economy and protect the safety of Americans.
Dan Coats
In 2008, Obama won 56 percent of the women’s vote to John McCain’s 43 percent. It was the critical difference in the race.
Juan Williams
Coming up with a way to fix mistakes challenges your creativity and your critical thinking skills and your resourcefulness. Often you end up with something better than what you planned on in the first place.
Mark Frauenfelder
I’m pretty critical of myself as far as reaching some sort of perfect bull’s-eye or target that I’m aiming for.
Jeff Bridges
By withholding critical details and stonewalling congressional inquiries, President Obama seems to be hiding whether or not he and others broke U.S. law by sending $1.7 billion in cash to Iran.
Mike Pompeo
Pretty much at all times music motivates me. How can I say this without sounding in any way proud of myself? Obviously I’ve always written songs that are critical of our government, and talk about our times. Hopefully you attempt to be timeless while doing it.
Eddie Vedder
Economic progress and better education have directly resulted in the birth of a class of voters who are better informed, very demanding and highly critical.
Najib Razak
I believe in the critical importance of participating in the political system – from voting to standing for election. It’s both rewarding and necessary that men and women of good will and clear thinking engage in honest, open debate.
Michael Nutter
Our most important priority is sustained economic growth, and I think we can absolutely get to sustained 3% to 4% GDP, and that is absolutely critical for the country.
Steve Mnuchin
For me, making schedules are critical to make sure we attend to all the needs of the kids and our family. After adding everyone’s schedule on the calendar, I make sure that every day I have some sacred time for myself so I can recharge.
Gisele Bundchen
We need strong public health institutions to respond to any challenge. We need to deal with critical infrastructure. The reality is that very little money has flowed to communities to help our first responders; to help our hospitals; to help the public health infrastructure.
Bob Menendez
I’m not trying to brainwash my critics. If they’re critics, they’re critics, and that’s their job to be critical, but I certainly enjoy the involvement I have with my fans. I enjoy the time I get to spend with them, and I don’t waste time with someone stubborn who is not going to come around.
John Cena
Shelters, conservationists, those concerned about unnecessary cruelty toward the animals we eat, and people working against species extinction fight to preserve the true riches of our planet, our real inheritance. These are big, critical goals.
April Gornik
Maybe to my own detriment, but I watched all of ‘Fargo’ probably more than once. And I tend to be a little critical of myself. But I can also let things go. So I can think, ‘Well, that moment didn’t read as well as I thought it would,’ but it doesn’t keep me up at night.
Allison Tolman
Mr. Trump needs to show how he will address the critical issues on the minds of Americans: national security and economic opportunity for hardworking American families. Americans need to see more vision and less trash talk.
Bill Flores
I try to keep myself on an even keel by trying to be as critical of myself as I am of other people. I try to separate my performance from myself.
Damon Hill
It is much easier to be critical than to be correct.
Benjamin Disraeli
How can we have critical thinking without being able to quote and being able to compare what happened in the past? Television is dreadfully unrecorded and unquotable.
Brewster Kahle
I’ve been really lucky with critical reaction, overall, even if my films don’t often resemble each other.
Todd Haynes
Arizona has excellent medical schools, both public and private, and it is critical that we create an environment that keeps medical students in Arizona to practice medicine once they complete medical school and their residency programs.
Doug Ducey
In all the years with IBM Research, I have especially appreciated the freedom to pursue the activities I found interesting and greatly enjoyed the stimulus, collegial cooperation, frankness, and intellectual generosity of two scientific communities, namely in superconductivity and critical phenomena.
Heinrich Rohrer
Relationships with people in general, in no matter what capacity, are something that’s very emotional. They mean a lot to you. I think having eyes on that in a critical way can be really tough.
Emma Chamberlain
Greater public recognition will also be critical in encouraging prevention and early intervention, and more generally in building public support to meet the challenges of dementia.
Julie Bishop
I’m a judge. It seemed to me that it was critical to try to take action to stem the criticism and help people understand that in the constitutional framework, it’s terribly important not to have a system of retaliation against decisions people don’t like.
Sandra Day O’Connor
For the next week, try the best you can to pay attention to sounds. You will start hearing all these sounds coming in. Once you let them in, you’ve already done the first and most critical thing, you’ve honored that information by including it. And by doing that, you’ve actually changed the world.
Robert Irwin
We’re also passionate about music and very critical about the music that we listen to.
Will Champion
To retain his dignity, an artist must live in opposition. He must be critical of his country. If not, then he is worthless.
Bruno Dumont
For someone who's had the level of success I've had, th

For someone who’s had the level of success I’ve had, there’s been very little critical review of my work, which is pretty fascinating.
Billy Corgan
Civil and political rights are critical, but not often the real problem for the destitute sick. My patients in Haiti can now vote but they can’t get medical care or clean water.
Paul Farmer
If the goal is to build companies that maximize long-term equity value, then optimizing corporate performance in a way that Wall Street appreciates is obviously critical to that goal.
Bill Gurley
I made the decision to take on board the critical feedback. Reviews are something you can easily ignore as a performer or writer but I chose to not ignore them here and I think that I benefited. I think I’m stronger for it – and I have a tougher skin as a result.
Rufus Wainwright
Raised on Bill Nye videos, LEGOs, and CD-ROMs of dinosaurs, I was a lump of nerdy clay waiting to be molded. ‘Mythbusters’ came to me at a critical time, and it transformed me into who I am today.
Kyle Hill
My original intent for investing into Sprint – the main strategy was to buy Sprint and T-Mobile at the same time, so we’d have a critical mass to fight against AT&T and Verizon. The U.S. government didn’t accept that. They rejected it. So my fundamental strategy was broken.
Masayoshi Son
For real change, we need feminine energy in the management of the world. We need a critical number of women in positions of power, and we need to nurture the feminine energy in men.
Isabel Allende
Math and science fields are not the only areas where we see the United States lagging behind. Less than 1 percent of American high school students study the critical foreign languages of Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean or Russian, combined.
Cathy McMorris Rodgers
The nature of how we are as human beings is that we’re much more interested in being critical rather than praising something.
Ellie Goulding
It is critical that we have a comprehensive energy plan to provide affordable and reliable supplies of energy so that our economy will not be dependent on foreign sources of energy.
Richard Burr
I’m inspired by looking at art, by looking at precedent. Looking is what you have to do if you want to make things, so you develop a critical eye.
Annabelle Selldorf
What is needed in the theater, in fact for all our art forms, is a vibrant critical tradition.
F. Sionil Jose
You get a show where people are jumping up and dancing, but it’s not a critical event in the sense of profound catharsis. Essentially it’s celebratory.
Archie Shepp
I believe activism is the true source of change in the world. Pushing to change social structures in communities that you are a part of is critical for making real lasting change.
Marley Dias
It is critical that low-income consumers have access to alternative products and services such as rent-to-own. It gives working-class families opportunities to obtain decent household items without incurring the burden of debt.
William Lacy Clay, Jr.
In addition, the oil royalties the Federal Government does not collect from big oil will starve the Land and Water Conservation Fund of critical financial resources.
Ron Kind
My second book, Follow Me Down had some success, got good critical notices, went into a second printing and things like that, but Shiloh was by far the most successful of those first five novels.
Shelby Foote
Well, I think that those of us in public life that are trying to do a good job, and that are faced with this popular new game that the media has of being critical of everything that anybody in public office does probably are thin-skinned.
Bill Scott
The ‘Protect America First Act’ is critical to secure our Southern border, conserve American culture, and defend U.S. sovereignty.
Marjorie Taylor Greene
Enterprise search is becoming an indispensable tool to businesses of all sizes, helping people to find, use and share critical business information quickly.
Jeff Raikes
Anyone familiar with my work knows that I am extremely critical of all religious faiths.
Sam Harris
I’ve been interested in the idea of forgiveness and the necessity of it. I think of it as the most critical piece of any relationship, whether that be business, or romantic, or familial. We fail each other. We make mistakes. If we contract to go on after those mistakes, forgiveness is involved. Forgiveness is required.
Bill Clegg
Hugs are helpful, especially when women step out into a mostly male political world. Emotional support, at critical moments, enables women to stay in the race.
Madeleine M. Kunin
Safe storage and child access prevention laws are critical steps as we seek to reduce the occurrence of accidental shootings and suicides involving guns.
Carl Levin
The big problem that is holding back Linux is games. People don’t realize how critical games are in driving consumer purchasing behavior. We want to make it as easy as possible for the 2,500 games on Steam to run on Linux as well.
Gabe Newell
It’s not good for me to see things while they’re being edited. I can be highly critical, so I try to stay away.
Jenny Slate
Working with people, the musical part is one thing but the personal part is totally different and just as critical. If the friendship is there and it’s a lasting friendship, then it will take care of itself.
John Mayall
It’s not that the creative act and the critical act are simultaneous. It’s more like you blurt something out and then analyze it.
Robert Motherwell
Responding to emails during off-work hours isn’t the only area in which you need to set boundaries. You need to make the critical distinction between what belongs to your employer and what belongs to you and you only.
Travis Bradberry
In the government schools, which are referred to as public schools, Indian policy has been instituted there, and its a policy where they do not encourage, in fact, discourage, critical thinking and the creation of ideas and public education.
Russell Means
Writing by myself, I spread that out more. I’ll spend more time on a song then. I’m more critical about it, because there’s no one else in the room to tell me, ‘That’s really not translating. I’m not getting what you’re saying.’ So, I’m constantly rewriting it, thinking, ‘No, that’s fine,’ and going back.
Hunter Hayes
I'm so critical of my own work that it's difficult for

I’m so critical of my own work that it’s difficult for me to disassociate myself and watch it as an audience.
Tobey Maguire
Common Core, the initiative that claims to more accurately measure K-12 student knowledge in English and math, also encourages children to step up their ‘critical thinking.’
David Harsanyi
As a dancer, I’ve always checked my body constantly: ‘Am I having a good day, or am I having a fat day?’ I am probably more critical of myself than anyone else. I am very tiny – 5’1 and a half inches – so there’s nowhere for weight to hide.
Bonnie Langford
President after president has said energy independence is critical. But then you have the EPA tasked to go after American companies producing coal and penalizing them. You can’t have it both ways.
Corey Lewandowski
My father was not only a planetary scientist and a great popularizer of science, but he thought very deeply about the world. He was a scholar, he studied history. He taught a class in critical thinking, and he was very, very aware of the directions we might go.
Nick Sagan
The quicker we humans learn that saving open space and wildlife is critical to our welfare and quality of life, maybe we’ll start thinking of doing something about it.
Jim Fowler
We are approaching a new age of synthesis. Knowledge cannot be merely a degree or a skill… it demands a broader vision, capabilities in critical thinking and logical deduction without which we cannot have constructive progress.
Li Ka-shing
An art whose medium is language will always show a high degree of critical creativeness, for speech is itself a critique of life: it names, it characterizes, it passes judgment, in that it creates.
Thomas Mann
For my entire career, I have worked to bring electronic inventions to healthcare markets where there is a critical and urgent need.
Chris Toumazou
We have to start grounding our policies in facts and recognize that a strong economy is critical for funding progressive priorities.
John Delaney
Comics, at least in periodical form, exist almost entirely free of any pretense; the critical world of art hardly touches them, and they’re 100% personal.
Chris Ware
The United States plays, for the most part, a constructive global role, and to the extent that that role shrinks, other countries, even those most critical of what America does abroad, will suffer.
Michael Mandelbaum
Somewhere it is written that parents who are critical of other people’s children and publicly admit they can do better are asking for it.
Erma Bombeck
It’s critical that states improve how teachers are trained, recruited, evaluated, compensated, advanced, and retained.
Eli Broad
Critical and liberating dialogue, which presupposes action, must be carried on with the oppressed at whatever the stage of their struggle for liberation. The content of that dialogue can and should vary in accordance with historical conditions and the level at which the oppressed perceive reality.
Paulo Freire
Trust me: our critical infrastructure is vulnerable to cyber-attack, to potential terrorist attack, and we are not taking this threat seriously enough.
Ron Johnson
The most dynamic cities have always been immersed in the critical innovations of their time.
Geoff Mulgan
The family meal is really the nursery of democracy. It’s where we learn to share; it’s where we learn to argue without offending. It’s just too critical to let go, as we’ve been so blithely doing.
Michael Pollan
We must have systems of checks and balances to make sure that those people who are making critical decisions for our country are held accountable, and nowhere is that more important than in the area of national security.
Chris Van Hollen
People, as critical as it looks, we’re OK. We are in control, whether we feel it or not.
Lionel Richie
Country of Origin labelling is something that consumers really want, and I think it’s critical to support Australian farmers.
Christine Milne
Since my asana techniques increase circulation to all organs in the body and increase lung efficiency, I recommend Bikram Balance natural whole food beverage as a way to provide all the critical nutrients to oxygenate the blood and restore the acid/alkaline balance.
Bikram Choudhury
I think a moment of critical energy has suddenly emerged. But moments like this come and go unless we seize them at their height.
Jonathan Kozol
Water, like many other resources, is harvested, transported and used throughout all aspects of society. Unlike other resources, water is critical to the survival of all forms of life. The underlying question that sits at the core of my exploration is to what degree can we shape water before it begins to shape us.
Edward Burtynsky
It is critical that writers who embrace the light of Christ’s redemptive love characterize the darkness arrayed against us in a way that is consistent with its true nature.
Ted Dekker
Infrastructure investment is critical to closing the digital divide in our country and bringing high-speed Internet access to more rural Americans.
Ajit Pai
When kids are young, before the age of ten, there is a critical window of opportunity when their habits and motivations can be influenced.
Richard Attias
Look at what is happening in China and in Russia. They have units that are specifically targeted cyber warfare. They are carrying it out. Our critical infrastructure is attacked thousands of times a day.
Marsha Blackburn
Especially right after 9/11. Especially when the war in Afghanistan is going on. There was a real sense that you don’t get that critical of a government that’s leading us in war time.
Walter Isaacson
I think I am aggressive, I think I am critical when it’s necessary.
Jane Harman
It’s critical to show that we can meet our commitment to students with disabilities without raising taxes and without increasing the deficit. In the past, there’s been strong support for full funding and I’m still hearing that from many of my colleagues.
Jared Polis
Many times, what people call 'writer's block' is the co

Many times, what people call ‘writer’s block’ is the confusion that happens when a writer has a great idea, but their writing skill is not up to the task of putting that idea down on paper. I think that learning the craft of writing is critical.
Pearl Cleage
Our progress against malaria is impressive. But vigilance remains a critical ingredient to protect the health of all people.
Tom Frieden
A writer is a spectator, looking at everything with a highly critical eye.
Bernard Malamud
Windows Mobile enables our industry partners to customize devices according to their customers’ needs while including productivity features such as access to e-mail, contacts, calendar, and other critical business information for mobile workers on the go.
Suzan DelBene
Critical thinking and curiosity are the key to creativity.
Amala Akkineni
It is critical that parents and other trusted adults initiate conversations with kids about underage drinking well in advance of the first time they are faced with a decision regarding alcohol.
Xavier Becerra
The realization of a sustainable economic development strategy for Maine’s Native American communities has always been a priority and a critical element of my administration’s overall economic development strategy.
John Baldacci
Under Lenin, hardly less than under Stalin, historians harbored critical opinions at their peril. The writing, let alone the publication, of political diaries was virtually impossible.
Norman Davies
If we take as given that critical infrastructures are vulnerable to a cyber terrorist attack, then the question becomes whether there are actors with the capability and motivation to carry out such an operation.
Dorothy Denning
And whether it is equal pay, health care, Social Security, or family leave, this Congress has refused to address issues critical to hard-working American women.
Louise Slaughter
In the fantasy, sci-fi world, the fans are so discerning and they’re so tough and they’re so intelligent, and they’re so critical.
Scott Bakula
Afghanistan is going to be here a long time, and what’s critical is that Afghanistan’s relationship with its neighbors are, to the maximum extent they can be, constructive and operationally useful.
John R. Allen
It is easier to be critical than correct.
Benjamin Disraeli
I ask everyone to join together – Republicans, Democrats, Independents and ‘I Don’t Cares’ – to stand against racism of all kinds. Every kind of racism. Stand together against this kind of racism: critical race theory.
Marjorie Taylor Greene
You have to be an optimist, right? You have to be critical, then you have to be an optimist. Or else you’re really stupid.
Ted Danson
The simplest definition of advertising, and one that will probably meet the test of critical examination, is that advertising is selling in print.
Daniel Starch
It is especially important to encourage unorthodox thinking when the situation is critical: At such moments every new word and fresh thought is more precious than gold. Indeed, people must not be deprived of the right to think their own thoughts.
Boris Yeltsin
It’s okay to take that reservoir of passion that you have and let it flow into whatever you love. Experiment, question, replicate, be critical, be nerdy, be yourself.
Kyle Hill
House and Senate Republicans are now united in adopting earmark bans. We hope President Obama will follow through on his support for an earmark ban by pressing Democratic leaders to join House and Senate Republicans in taking this critical step to restore public trust.
John Boehner
One thing matters more than anything else for a dating product, and that is the quantity and quality of the people who use the product. It’s really freaking hard to get critical mass.
Sam Yagan
Music is critical in our lives and culture. It’s the inspiration that drives us. It’s also the window to our souls. It’s a reflection as to who we are, what we stand for and where we’re going.
Bill Walton
Because policymakers often rely on think tanks’ research when crafting laws and regulations, it’s critical to know whether these organizations are truly independent.
Elizabeth Warren
Some experts look at global warming, increased world temperature, as the critical tipping point that is causing a crash in coral reef health around the world. And there’s no question that it is a factor, but it’s preceded by the loss of resilience and degradation.
Sylvia Earle
Giving teenagers some inspiration, a single role model and an opportunity to be part of something bigger at a critical point in their lives can be the difference between being a productive or being a destructive member of society.
Ricardo Salinas Pliego
The establishment of free trade agreements can be a critical and progressive step towards greater economic integration, and continues to become more valuable in an increasingly global world.
Dan Kildee
That Germany was so immensely strong and Austria so dependent upon German strength that the word and will of Germany would at the critical moment be decisive with Austria.
Edward Grey
There are so many things to think about when you make an album. Like, who am I trying to impress? Am I going to get respect, critical acclaim? Or am I going to sell lots of records?
Ellie Goulding
I think it’s critical that you feel you’re working for a person who is committed to advancing your career.
Andrea Jung
The idea of critical windows extends beyond just vision, of course: almost every system in the brain has a critical window when it needs to experience certain stimuli, or it won’t get wired up properly. The most obvious example is language: if you don’t learn a language early on, it’s nigh impossible to become truly fluent.
Sam Kean
The Interest Rate Reduction Act takes a first step toward providing critical stability by eliminating the threat of an immediate interest rate increase, while making clear the need to move toward a long-term solution that serves the best interests of taxpayers and borrowers.
John Kline
Thinklogical’s systems play a key role in the delivery and visualization of mission critical data used every day by military and intelligence communities worldwide.
James G. Stavridis
I can't speak for readers in general, but personally I

I can’t speak for readers in general, but personally I like to read stories behind which there is some truth, something real and above all, something emotional. I don’t like to read essays on literature; I don’t like to read critical or rational or impersonal or cold disquisitions on subjects.
Laura Esquivel
I get emotionally attached with every film I do, and that stops me from being critical. I can’t fight my emotions.
The critical importance of honest journalism and a free flowing, respectful national conversation needs to be had in our country. But it is being buried as collateral damage in a war whose battles include political correctness and ideological orthodoxy.
Juan Williams
My hope is that we would begin to have a dialogue in this country about the importance of civility. We can have strong differences, but it does seem to me that most of the country believes it’s gone to critical mass in what I would call the professional class across the political spectrum – left and right.
Tom Brokaw
Teach For America provides one of the most critical pipelines for bringing new talent into public education.
Eli Broad
I think it’s critical, a sense of humor. It did help me – it does help me, continuously.
Teri Garr
Bush the father did well in placing his sons as governors and did not forget to pass on the expertise in fraud from the leaders of the region to Florida to use it in critical moments.
Osama bin Laden
I don’t look at my work in a critical or analytical way; I just don’t think of myself objectively. It doesn’t interest me.
Tom Stoppard
Not only do the majority of senior women executives have sports in their background, they recognize that the behaviors and techniques learned through sports are critical to motivating teams and improving performance in a corporate environment.
Beth Brooke
I am constantly re-evaluating my goals and trying to strike items from my to-do list that aren’t critical.
Aisha Tyler
Once you learn to look at architecture not merely as an art more or less well or more or less badly done, but as a social manifestation, the critical eye becomes clairvoyant.
Louis Sullivan
I’m highly critical of myself. There’s not something someone else might say that makes me feel I need to be motivated in a different way. I’m a self-motivated guy.
Nnamdi Asomugha
Failing well is a skill. Letting girls do it gives them critical practice coping with a negative experience. It also gives them the opportunity to develop a kind of confidence and resilience that can only be forged in times of challenge.
Rachel Simmons
I don’t think ‘Cocktail’ was a perfect critical success, but it touched a vein in our culture.
Elisabeth Shue
I’m usually very critical of myself.
Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu
It has been religious people, often within the organized church, who have been the most critical of and even hostile to my relationship with God.
Anne Graham Lotz
Just make games for yourself and try to have a critical eye to what you do. If you genuinely like the game, there will be other people who like it as well.
Markus Persson
I became a war hero before going on to critical acclaim as a professional victim.
Dave Pelzer
We took ‘BFF’ around to try and take it somewhere else because we were really proud of it, and it had gotten all that critical acclaim, and Twitter fans were going crazy about it.
Lennon Parham
The Department of Energy is a critical component of our efforts to curtail climate change; that work will be less effective unless we collaboratively rebuild confidence in the agency and its programs.
Kate Brown
An accurate census is critical to our democracy and to our economy. It underpins fair representation in government and allows us to ensure that our communities receive equitable funding for schools, roads, health care, and much more.
Alex Padilla
My mom is a self-taught home cook, so books that offer guidelines on how to organize menus are critical to ‘cook from the book’ people like her.
Alex Guarnaschelli
Millions upon millions of people came here full of hope and aspiration to this extraordinary land of liberty and opportunity, and helped build the United States. So the Atlantic Ocean was absolutely critical to the story of America.
Simon Winchester
The only moment I become aware of being the only woman in a meeting is when actresses are being discussed. If someone’s critical of how a woman looks, they turn to me and apologize.
Jane Goldman
When I first heard rap, I wasn’t quick to be critical. I couldn’t understand what they were saying, but I had a feeling it was a reflection of what’s been happening in the ghetto.
Casey Kasem
Sometimes I get insecure about being a real director because I look at the great directors, and they have such command. But maybe that keeps me critical of myself. Maybe it keeps me moving forward.
Ben Affleck
I developed my camera system, called the Medusa, jointly with a colleague down in Australia as a method of exploring the ocean unobtrusively. The critical thing was that we didn’t use white light, which I believe has been scaring the animals away.
Edith Widder
Even scientific knowledge, if there is anything to it, is not a random observation of random objects; for the critical objectivity of significant knowledge is attained as a practice only philosophically in inner action.
Karl Jaspers
I love round people, I love skinny people. I love people in general; we’ve got to get past labels and stop being so critical about everything.
David Arquette
The ultimate authority must always rest with the individual’s own reason and critical analysis.
Dalai Lama
My mum was critical in getting me to recognise very early on that although what I was doing was pretty serious, quite selfish, and probably to most people pretty obsessive, there actually was more to life than running quickly twice round a track.
Sebastian Coe
It's critical to be able to see things in other people

It’s critical to be able to see things in other people that sometimes they don’t see in themselves.
Aja Brown
I hope that they enjoy the movie. Don’t be critical. Don’t expect to get the same feelings you got when you watched the series when you were 10 years old. Let your kids see it and experience it on their own.
Mark Goddard
I have my sympathies and also my critical views, and they aren’t much of a secret, but my first job is to see and hear and think about what I’ve seen and heard.
George Packer
I’m very critical of myself.
Jermaine O’Neal
Every single university student should study philosophy. You need to lead the examined life and question your beliefs. If you don’t learn critical thinking, then political debate degenerates into a contest of slogans.
Martha Nussbaum
Every one of us has a small but critical part to play in the battle against coronavirus. From washing our hands to wearing a face covering on public transport and in shops, every time we take one of these actions, we push the virus further into retreat.
Alok Sharma
Common Core reminds us what testing can do right. Modeled on standards of the world’s education superpowers, questions demand critical thinking and creativity. Students are asked to write at length, show their work, and explain their reasoning.
Wendy Kopp
Being a successful CEO, where I’ve driven a bottom line, assembled teams, driven results, that’s a critical benefit to running the state government.
Bruce Rauner
We held the team together for as long as possible and then sent all except the most critical personnel home.
Bo Gritz
Although professors regard improving critical thinking as the most important goal of college, tests reveal that seniors who began their studies with average critical thinking skills have progressed only from the 50th percentile of entering freshmen to about the 69th percentile.
Derek Bok
The relationship between the public and the artist is complex and difficult to explain. There is a fine line between using this critical energy creatively and pandering to it.
Andy Goldsworthy
Oh, my gosh, I’ve never seen a film unless, you know, if I have to go and do ADR, loop-loop. But I don’t watch after. I’m too critical.
Rene Russo
Foresight turns out to be a critical adaptive strategy for times of great stress.
Jamais Cascio
We do not need to be heroes to save the world; all we need is humility, a critical view of the commercial and political interests of those who would mislead us into wrongdoing, and a sense of wonder.
John Burnside
Mental and physical preparation is critical in tournament poker events like the WSOP.
Phil Hellmuth
I’m pro-WWE, but also I maintain my independence and speak my true thoughts, never bashing the product. But yes, I can be critical. I’ve earned the right to be critical.
Stone Cold Steve Austin
Social media has come a long way. With the good has come some bad, and you always have a lot of people hiding behind their computers and being very critical of what you do on and off the field, of what you tweet, of what you say, of everything you do.
Alex Morgan
There are significant human rights abuses in China. In some areas, the situation is worse today than in the past. In other areas, there have been improvements. We will recognize the latter, and be critical of the former.
Max Baucus
You know, children philosophize more than adults – and they are critical of adults.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
If Washington continues to fumble issues like taking care of the debt, getting the troops home, and rebuilding our economy, my wife and I may sit down and say, ‘These are critical things and maybe we need to get back in the ball.’
Joe Scarborough
While many people think that we as reporters are whining and that this is a time of war, we are really the conveyors of truth in a very critical time and people need to know that truth.
Judd Rose
Being real is what keeps me humble. It doesn’t matter how much money I make or how much I accomplish. What’s critical is staying real to myself and keeping my feet on the ground. That’s what helps keep me going.
Anuel AA
There has to be a willingness to constantly accept critical feedback and rapidly iterate to make things better.
Sam Yagan
Then we can help these failed states turn around and give their people a better life. This, too, is a critical part of this global war on terrorism, and Canada and the United States are together.
Paul Cellucci
If the crisis lasts moments, rapid action is critical. But if it’s simply the beginning of a broader issue, especially one where the root cause isn’t known yet, the worst thing a leader can do is act immediately.
Brad Feld
I went to an inner-city school in Buffalo. We had no money. But our teachers believed in hands-on active learning – there was a mandatory science fair, which was critical.
Megan Smith
Preserving the 30-year prepayable fixed-rate mortgage – it’s like the bedrock of the housing system – is critical.
Bill Ackman
Star performers are my favorite to manage and lead. Star performers are critical to any organization, and the key is how can you capture their heart-share and their mind-share when they’re on this fast track.
John Stumpf
You know, Arabs are critical of United States foreign policy, but they also associate the U.S. with democratic principles and opportunity.
Jehane Noujaim
The tech-driven economy leads to a two-tier job market where workers are either critical or ‘commodity.’ This divisive ‘winner-take-all’ mentality hurts most Americans and worsens economic inequality.
Tom Steyer
Working with Kanye is one of the greatest things ever. It’s also one of the most nerve-wracking things ever. He’s, like, the most critical, particular, artistic person ever.
Big Sean
Civility is not not saying negative or harsh things. It

Civility is not not saying negative or harsh things. It is not the absence of critical analysis. It is the manner in which we are sharing this territorial freedom of political discussion. If our discourse is yelled and screamed and interrupted and patronized, that’s uncivil.
Richard Dreyfuss
The scaling theory of localization demonstrated that the disorder-induced M-I transition was a true phase transition with a well defined critical point.
Alan J. Heeger
Post-modernism has cut off the present from all futures. The daily media add to this by cutting off the past. Which means that critical opinion is often orphaned in the present.
John Berger
It’s critical to have a sound foundation in free-market economics and the Constitution. A great many Republicans in Washington don’t have that foundation.
Ted Cruz
Restoration I did because I really loved e novel and I like Michael Hoffman, who directed it, but it wasn’t a really challenging part for me. I’m not critical of the film: I just don’t think I gave a very interesting performance.
David Thewlis
I am able to ride the bike and think clearly about strategy and tyres. I also have positive thinking. I am very constructively critical.
Valentino Rossi
Understanding and respecting your roots is critical not only to winning the tech talent wars but leaving a legacy that transcends bottom lines.
Ryan Holmes
I know some really great actors who are pretty judgmental people, pretty critical people. But they’re great actors. When they’re acting, that’s the craft.
Philip Seymour Hoffman
The ability to reflect is associated with critical thinking and reasoning ability. And the capacity to be alone is one of the highest levels of development. It’s important to know how to self-soothe and be confident of other people’s love even when they’re not there in front of you.
Laurie Helgoe
There is every likelihood that the Jihadi movement, much of it highly critical of bin Laden, could have been split and undermined after 9/11.
Noam Chomsky
The entire American media apparatus bought into the drug war – which is an enormously damaging and costly undertaking for this country – and there wasn’t enough critical reporting about it and that’s why it’s gotten out of hand.
David Talbot
Mars was this water-based planet, and we know there was stable water on the surface for a long time, which is critical for life having a chance to develop.
Ellen Stofan
I have no interest whatsoever in pursuing acting or becoming a mogul. I love writing and directing; I see those two jobs as the most critical in the making of a film.
James Gray
I don’t want people to say, ‘Something is true because Tyson says it is true.’ That’s not critical thinking.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Every time I criticize the anti-Zionists, they say, ‘You are trying to silence us.’ I don’t deny there are some people who are critical of Israel who are not anti-Semitic. But to criticize Israel, and then criticize Zionism, is not quite the same thing.
Howard Jacobson
In times of disaster, basic connectivity is a form of aid that connects people to the resources critical for survival and enables humanitarian organizations to quickly deliver life-saving information.
Tae Yoo
There is a lack of critical assessment of the past. But you have to understand that the current ruling elite is actually the old ruling elite. So they are incapable of a self-critical approach to the past.
Ryszard Kapuscinski
If an adult is constantly criticizing how other people look, the girl will have a more critical voice about herself and others.
Megan Shull
I am honored to be able to serve GM at this critical juncture and take part in its reinvention.
Edward Whitacre, Jr.
There will be certain points of time when everything collides together and reaches critical mass around a new concept or a new thing that ends up being hugely relevant to a high percentage of people or businesses. But it’s really really hard to predict those. I don’t believe anyone can.
Marc Andreessen
Rituals, anthropologists will tell us, are about transformation. The rituals we use for marriage, baptism or inaugurating a president are as elaborate as they are because we associate the ritual with a major life passage, the crossing of a critical threshold, or in other words, with transformation.
Abraham Verghese
Community colleges are popular among political leaders of both parties. But because of the lack of funding and a lack of direction, they have lost their critical edge in preparing workers for a 21st-century economy.
Nina Easton
I don’t think a system or a government should fear critical opinions or views. Only by heeding those critical views would it be possible for us to further improve our work and make further progress.
Wen Jiabao
Anyone who says that writing for children or teens is easier than writing for adults has never tried it, because they are so much more critical than adults. You cannot get anything past them.
Margaret Stohl
You’re never going to hear me say, ‘Well, I’ve been critical of Obama five times, so now I need to be critical of McCain five times.’ That is a false equivalence, and that’s what I think is wrong with journalism.
Campbell Brown
When you’re a producer and an artist you’re very critical of yourself. I like to produce other people, but I’m not that good at producing myself.
Valerie Simpson
Coal is absolutely critical to our nation’s economic health and global competitiveness.
Jerry Costello
I didn’t take into account the critical tsunami that comes with having work going out. I’ve gone from being a complete narcissist, someone who googles my own name, to someone who has to work separately from that to avoid creative paralysis.
Abi Morgan
Access to a college degree is critical.
John Sharp
The idea of modernity is beginning to lose its vitality. It is losing it because modernity is no longer a critical attitude but an accepted, codified convention.
Octavio Paz
‘Showgirls’ was a critical point in my life. I had my head handed to me. At 21 years old, I had to find my self-esteem again. It was a very hard time.
Elizabeth Berkley
Obstacles, of course, are developmentally necessary: th

Obstacles, of course, are developmentally necessary: they teach kids strategy, patience, critical thinking, resilience and resourcefulness.
Naomi Wolf
We’ve sued out-of-state power plants that are polluting our air and led a coalition of attorneys general from Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, and Massachusetts against efforts in the U.S. House of Representatives to remove critical environmental regulations that protect New York communities from toxic pollution.
Eric Schneiderman
Hezbollah will support Assad to the end because his continuing hold on power is critical to its own survival.
Ehud Barak
Republicans have always talked about having a big tent, but it doesn’t do any good if the tent doesn’t have any chairs in it. Bringing Latinos to the forefront, bringing women in is absolutely critical.
Cory Gardner
In ‘Three Cups of Tea’ I was fairly critical of the military. And I mentioned that they’re laptop warriors and there’s no boots on the ground. But I can say now that they’ve gone through a tremendous learning curve.
Greg Mortenson
Courses in the humanities, in particular, often seem impractical, but they are vital, because they stretch your imagination and challenge your mind to become more responsive, more critical, bigger.
Martha Nussbaum
I know that electing Hillary Clinton as our next president is critical for America’s future.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
No one doubts the enormity of the social challenges we face around the world but one critical element of our response must be the generation of new thinking and ideas. Yet creating the conditions that make this possible is not simple.
Simon Mainwaring
But the truth is that critics are by definition critical. That’s their job.
Frank Black
There’s four main pillars to the bow tie – self-representation, service, collaboration and critical thought. You have to understand how to represent yourself and critically understand how to collaborate and serve others.
Dhani Jones
I think the American people are very smart in understanding our country is very trustworthy with nuclear weapons. We’ve had them from the beginning. But they have also been critical for keeping the world more at peace than it would have been if it hadn’t been for the American nuclear umbrella.
Haley Barbour
I think Facebook is an extraordinarily important part of the Internet ecosystem, and having a robust presence there is a critical part of any brand (or company’s) strategy.
John Battelle
Make it your habit not to be critical about small things.
Edward Everett Hale
Cuvier had preceded Lamarck in specifying the kinds and degrees of variation, which his own observations and critical judgment of the reports of others led him to admit.
Richard Owen
I-70 is a crucial economic artery for Colorado and the West, and on an average day, almost 5,000 semi-trucks carrying medicine, food, livestock, fuel, and other critical supplies travel on this federal highway.
Lauren Boebert
I was once a welfare recipient and am very aware of the successes and failures of this critical safety net. There are those that would have us believe that those receiving TANF benefits are lazy, shiftless, freeloaders who are just sitting around thinking of another way to suckle from the government teat.
Gwen Moore
If I weren’t involved with food, I’d be working in architecture. Design is that critical to me.
Alice Waters
To prevent a crippling attack on our nation’s critical networks, U.S. companies and the federal government must work together to combat those who wish to do us harm.
Michael McCaul
Intellectual work is essentially a lonely process, and if you can find a way of doing something so that you’re in company without being disturbed, that, for me, is the critical thing. I often get to feel isolated so often if I’m sitting either where there aren’t people or isn’t a view.
Whitfield Diffie
I am always analysing myself; I am always critical of myself and always trying to improve.
Raheem Sterling
Given that religious faith is an intrinsic element of human experience, it is best to approach and engage the subject with a sense of history and a critical sensibility.
Jon Meacham
Instead of being critical of people in authority over you and envious of their position, be happy you’re not responsible for everything they have to do. Instead of piling on complaints, thank them for what they do. Overwhelm them with encouragement and appreciation!
Joyce Meyer
Wes Craven’s ‘Shocker’ is one of my favorite soundtracks. I don’t know where that movie stands in the critical eye of cinema, but it was a really fun movie because of all the bands that were part of it.
Adam Green
When something’s made in the smallest volume – as a one-off couture piece – or in large quantities, deep care is critical to determine authentic, successful design and, ultimately, manufacture.
Jonathan Ive
I have had that same experience where there are several people who have come up in my life at the right time and have made critical contributions to how I see the world and how I see myself.
Mahershala Ali
Our mission, as set forth by the Congress is a critical one: to preserve price stability, to foster maximum sustainable growth in output and employment, and to promote a stable and efficient financial system that serves all Americans well and fairly.
Ben Bernanke
I’ve said for a long time, clearly the – a, a critical key to success in the region is going to be Pakistan and our relationship with Pakistan, which was one that was broken in the late ’80s and which we’ve worked hard to restore.
Michael Mullen
NDAA should be about providing critical funding for our troops, not debating immigration policy.
Paul Gosar
I think it has been a weird mistake to have people with their own music careers going on and judging people because when they’re too critical, it affects them. They don’t want to be that honest, because they need to keep their appearance up.
Neil Patrick Harris
You’ve got to try to guard, make an effort to defend to the best of your ability. You have to rebound the ball, which was an area that was so critical. And they wanted you to play smart and have fun. I’ve kind of tried to let our people understand those are the most important things that I could possibly tell them.
Larry Brown
A lot of the work in United States is highly critical of technology. I’m using 15,000 watts of power and 18 different pieces of electronic equipment to say that.
Laurie Anderson
The war industry people are very together; they know ex

The war industry people are very together; they know exactly what they want; they don’t even have to talk to each other. The peace industry people are just intellectuals who are very critical of each other… Unless the peace industry is powerful, we’re always going to have war. It is as simple as that.
Yoko Ono
Growing economies are critical; we will never be able to end poverty unless economies are growing. We also need to find ways of growing economies so that the growth creates good jobs, especially for young people, especially for women, especially for the poorest who have been excluded from the economic system.
Jim Yong Kim
Religion and morality are critical to how students think about politics and form opinions on political issues.
Jeanne Shaheen
Being different is critical.
Ana Patricia Botin
In Wichita, the district I represent, the ‘Air Capital of the World,’ general aviation is critical to the proper functioning of our airspace and is a key driver of economic growth, innovation, and job creation.
Mike Pompeo
It’s fundamentally unfair to have so much of the tax relief go to so few. And it is a 10-year tax plan rather than one, as mine, focused on the next two years, which in my opinion is the critical time to jumpstart the economy.
Bob Graham
African elephants have long been thought of as a single species, but a critical mass of genetic studies now proves there are two.
Lydia Millet
I have known healthy, wealthy people who were depressed, and people with critical illnesses who could honestly attest to joy.
Marianne Williamson
A novelist’s lack of awareness of and critical distance to his own body of work is due to a phenomenon that I have noticed in myself and many others: as soon as it is written, every new book erases the last one, leaving me with the impression that I have forgotten it.
Patrick Modiano
It’s critical that we use a very dark brush to paint evil. When you bring the light into that darkness as characterized in John 1, that light is very vivid. When it dispels the darkness, we see the brilliance that’s there.
Ted Dekker
We can be critical of the things that we love. That is possible.
Anita Sarkeesian
To be critical of television is almost like questioning the fact of God’s existence.
Sayed Kashua
There’s a lot of pride that business owners have. It’s actually really critical that pride and ownership extends to everyone in the organization. I think of everyone is in the same boat in driving the company forward.
Aaron Levie
It is surprising how little most small business values the customers. A positive feedback from the customer is critical to your business, and what’s more important is their referral.
Fabrizio Moreira
In order for critical pedagogy, dialogue, and thought to have real effects, they must advocate the message that all citizens, old and young, are equally entitled, if not equally empowered, to shape the society in which they live.
Henry Giroux
Essays, entitled critical, are epistles addressed to the public, through which the mind of the recluse relieves itself of its impressions.
Margaret Fuller
It remains to be seen the extent to which the critical needs of seniors in low income high rises, people with home medical needs and those with disabilities have been adequately planned for and met during widespread power outages. I fear the answers.
Sheri Fink
Obviously it’s critical that the three cars are able to contribute to the program. I think that certainly has given much of the reason as to why we did so well at Indy over the last several years.
Bobby Rahal
We see entrepreneurship and small businesses and supply chains as a critical part of the economic growth and competitiveness agenda.
Karen Mills
Success was always critical to me. What it meant was winning enough praise and external admiration that I could feel myself to be a logical extension of my Uncle Alex, Uncle Zoli, and my father, in that order.
Michael Korda
Vigorous independent and critical media are indispensable in a democracy.
Geoff Mulgan
There’s so much of, it could have been a very critical examination of what happened, and really the emotional lives of the people involved sort of carry the characters forward.
Jeremy Northam
I mean, look, we’re living in a country where you can’t have a non-denominational response. If you’re slightly critical of either party, all of the partisans jump on you like you’re a lunatic.
Junot Diaz
I have nine armchairs from which I can be critical.
Rick Moranis
Men are very tough, very critical of me. I think they expect you to basically just be a picture. They don’t want to hear you speak.
Chrissy Teigen
I would expect the family would continue to play a critical role in leading Fidelity. However, the company does not necessarily have to be run day-to-day by a family member. It will be run by the person who is determined to have the right skills and chemistry.
Edward Johnson, III
For me, good service is efficient and discreet; it’s that critical balance. As soon as the client sits down, the communication flow has to start. Customers need to feel that the waiters are supervised – that there’s a system in place.
Daniel Boulud
Whether you’re a founder, a leader, or an individual contributor, building a strong team is critical to your success.
Julia Hartz
Kids are so fiercely opinionated, that if they love the Harry Potter books and they go see the movie, they’ll be the first to say, ‘That was wrong! They didn’t get that right!’ They’re storytellers themselves. They’re critics. They’re going to have the critical opinion.
Spike Jonze
I am perfectly happy to compromise and work with anybody: Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians – I’ll work with Martians if – and the if is critical – they’re willing to cut spending and reduce the debt.
Ted Cruz
When you are pursuing art, it is critical to develop something signature. There are plenty of people who are followers, but it is absolutely necessary to have something that sets you apart.
Nadia Ali
Kids need time for problem solving, critical thinking,

Kids need time for problem solving, critical thinking, applying knowledge through project-based instruction, working in teams, falling down and getting right back up to figure out what they didn’t understand and why.
Randi Weingarten
Time management is surely the most critical aspect of acing multiple arenas: home, work, and family.
Sonali Bendre
I think you have to judge everything based on your personal taste. And if that means being critical, so be it. I hate political correctness. I absolutely loathe it.
Simon Cowell
If we examine the Hague Convention carefully, we see that it considers the offer of good offices a duty of every nation. In other words, such offers should be made whenever a dispute becomes critical and threatens to explode into war.
Charles Albert Gobat
While Republican voters have remained universally supportive of their President, Democrats and Independents are returning to a more naturally critical stance.
Thomas E. Mann
Silicon Valley has evolved a critical mass of engineers and venture capitalists and all the support structure – the law firms, the real estate, all that – that are all actually geared toward being accepting of startups.
Elon Musk
Except for a few episodes, I have not watched any of my shows. I don’t think I like to watch myself on TV. I get very critical about what I am saying.
Mouni Roy
But an experienced reader is also a self-aware and critical reader. I can’t remember ever reading a story without judging it.
Hilary Mantel
There’s an old rule in neuroscience that does not alter with age: use it or lose it. It is a very hopeful principle when applied to critical thought in the reading brain because it implies choice.
Maryanne Wolf
I think with comedy I get very sort of critical of myself and try and do the best I can and it doesn’t come as second nature. I work at those kinds of films. It doesn’t mean I can’t do them – I’ve done two now, and I have a great time doing them, but I just find myself a little bit more neurotic.
Elisha Cuthbert
Especially as we engage in critical conversations about the vast inequalities that persist across our Commonwealth and our country, we need to dive deeper into how we can address the systemic challenges that permeate our healthcare system.
Abigail Spanberger
Well, they are critics of the Bush administration generally on the human rights record of the administration, and in particular, they are very, very critical of this use of science.
Jane Mayer
A suppressing person isn’t critical. A suppressing person is a person who denies the rights of others.
L. Ron Hubbard
That always seemed to be the most critical test that a child was confronted with – loss of parents, loss of direction, loss of love. Can you live without a mother and a father?
Maurice Sendak
Just as we have the power to harm the ocean, we have the power to put in place policies and modify our own behavior in ways that would be an insurance policy for the future of the sea, for the creatures there, and for us, protecting special critical areas in the ocean.
Sylvia Earle
Philosophy, most broadly viewed, is the critical survey of existence from the standpoint of value.
Sidney Hook
Before you can become a millionaire, you must learn to think like one. You must learn how to motivate yourself to counter fear with courage. Making critical decisions about your career, business, investments and other resources conjures up fear, fear that is part of the process of becoming a financial success.
Thomas J. Stanley
An aggressor nation or extremist group could gain control of critical switches and derail passenger trains, or trains loaded with lethal chemicals.
Leon Panetta
What I think is happening in China is that they are recognizing mobile infrastructure is actually a critical piece of national infrastructure.
Borje Ekholm
With post offices and postal workers already on the ground, USPS could partner with banks to make a critical difference for millions of Americans who don’t have basic banking services because there are almost no banks or bank branches in their neighborhoods.
Elizabeth Warren
So in 2000, when we changed the business model and started really focusing on that triangle and putting the customer in the center, we decided we should hold off – we’ve done enough consolidation; we’ve got enough critical mass.
Sanjay Kumar
For instance, ‘The Sixth Sense’ had mediocre to bad reviews. Slowly, the audience pushed it and it received critical attention.
M. Night Shyamalan
Love, friendship, networking – these are all critical connections and the foundation of a healthy, happy life.
Whitney Wolfe Herd
Our country stands at a critical point in its history. Our heritage as a nation of immigrants is at stake.
Roger Mahony
I think all of us are multitasking a little more today than we used to or than we would like to. And I think that the issue of work-life balance is a critical issue for every company around the world.
Irene Rosenfeld
Statistics show that diversity in the media is pretty dismal. Critical voices from women and people of color are missing from many important conversations.
Cameron Russell
Our present time is indeed a criticizing and critical time, hovering between the wish, and the inability to believe. Our complaints are like arrows shot up into the air at no target: and with no purpose they only fall back upon our own heads and destroy ourselves.
William Temple
There are two aspects to being competitive; one is to do with sports, and the other is about technical skills. Being able to recollect the moves and apply them when necessary is a critical aspect.
Viswanathan Anand
Globalisation must have, as a critical component, international dispensation in the locality of U.N. institutions. It cannot be, and must not be, business as usual in the establishment and location of international institutions, especially of the United Nations.
Anthony Carmona
We managed to put together a compilation that had some creativity to it. In the meantime I was listening to the free radio stations and I noticed that during their war coverage they were playing these songs born out of the Vietnam War that were all critical of the soldiers.
Joni Mitchell
I am fully aware of the critical moments we face as a country.
Antonis Samaras
I had a critical father. I'm more like my father. He wa

I had a critical father. I’m more like my father. He was a sales rep for pharmaceutical companies.
Martha Stewart
Nevertheless during these two seasons, Chapman impressed me a lot because he had the faculty to pull himself out of the most critical situations.
Jacky Ickx
U.S. assistance provides the Jordanian government needed flexibility to pursue policies that are of critical importance to U.S. national security and to foreign policy objectives in the Middle East.
Richard Armitage
A lesson learned, both in the SEAL teams and as an entrepreneur, is that failure is sometimes a critical component of success.
Brandon Webb
You can’t look back at the worst financial crisis of our lifetimes that started in 2008 and not have some important lessons about the critical nature of oversights in financial markets and institutions.
Austan Goolsbee
I think we’ve learned that the S.B.A. plays a critical role in providing access and opportunity when the market is not providing that access. We help banks get that money out into the hands of important and viable businesses, particularly those owned by minorities, women, immigrants and veterans.
Karen Mills
Work from home will relieve the pressure on urban infrastructure and land, which can be released for mass housing or public transport, and critical lung space.
Rohini Nilekani
A critical component of progress is engaging with people you don’t agree with – everything else is the status quo.
Anthony Albanese
Maintaining the trust of the consumer is critical to our business. We live and breathe only one thing, which is wanting to connect consumers with great local businesses, and I don’t feel we can do that if we don’t have effective ways to prevent gaming of the system.
Jeremy Stoppelman
We have played a critical role in meeting the new safety standards. The Canadian space industry contributed new tools that make the inspection of the space shuttle possible.
Marc Garneau
It is critical that the American people, and not just their financial institutions, be represented at the negotiating table.
Elizabeth Warren
Seeing the world around you clearly is a critical step in developing an idea for a business, carrying out that idea, and then thriving with an ongoing concern. Through choice, predilection, lack of education, impatience, or other causes, the entrepreneur lives, in a way, outside the mainstream.
Paul Hawken
You have to keep listening and thinking and being critical and self-critical. Remember General Nivelle, in the First World War, at Verdun? He said he had the solution and then destroyed the French Army until it mutinied.
H. R. McMaster
The really interesting moment will be when you have a critical mass of people engaging through the networks, more than through the press and TV. When that happens, the culture of politics has to change, moving away from controlled one-way messages towards a political culture that is more questioning.
Geoff Mulgan
I had in mind a message, although I hope it doesn’t intrude too badly, persuading Americans, and especially Southerners, of the critical importance of land and our vanishing natural environment and wildlife.
E. O. Wilson
Larger Post Panamax ships are critical to securing America’s position in a global market, and all our ports, including Jaxport, must be deep enough to handle them.
Ander Crenshaw
What we can do where we live is advocate again to bring back to life the 10th Amendment, to bring back to life those boundaries in our constitutional system that were supposed to be the critical checks in the checks and balances system. Without them, we lose – gradually, we lose our liberty.
Ken Cuccinelli
It’s critical that the manager has the respect of players so he can make the moves that he feels is appropriate without having somebody go to the papers. They respect you. So you respect them back.
Dale Murphy
Geeks are a critical driver of America’s innovation ecosystem, from the entrepreneurs launching startups in Silicon Valley to the scientists experimenting in university research labs to the whiz kids building gadgets in their parents’ garages.
Todd Park
After two years of hard work and debate, Congress has passed a highway bill that will help fuel our economy by creating roughly 500,000 new jobs, as well as address many critical transportation needs in Ohio and the 18th Congressional District.
Bob Ney
As I get, I give. Giving as you get is critical. It has everything to do with being happy for yourself, and making others happy is the cause of making yourself happy, and it’s the cycle of giving and getting.
Russell Simmons
I have always been of the opinion that the right kind of journalism is a critical part of our democracy.
Pierre Omidyar
Apple has always leveraged technologies that the PC industry has driven to critical mass – the bus structures, the graphics cards, the peripherals, the connection networks, things like that – so they’re kind of in the PC ecosystem and kind of not.
Bill Gates
The imagination imitates. It is the critical spirit that creates.
Oscar Wilde
I not only lived physically away from my native land, but the values and critical judgments of those closest to me became stranger and stranger.
Juan Goytisolo
You read glowing things and it doesn’t feel deserved. You read things that are critical and it cuts you to the bone.
Tim Tebow
Narrative drives most of economics. Everything seems to be part of a story, and how that story is told often leads to critical error.
Barry Ritholtz
The truth of the matter is that the people who succeed in the arts most often are the people who get up again after getting knocked down. Persistence is critical.
Scott Turow
Empowering small farmers to increase productivity, improve crop quality and access reliable markets is critical to addressing global hunger and poverty.
Sylvia Mathews Burwell
I never think of myself as wise. I think of myself as possessing a critical intelligence which I intend to allow to operate.
Harold Pinter
I don’t want to sound too critical, but we’re taking a wait-and-see approach on UltraViolet.
Bob Iger
I don't like to watch myself. For the most part, I find

I don’t like to watch myself. For the most part, I find it weird. It depresses me; I’m very critical.
Elizabeth Reaser
Some people don’t need parental commitment, they will still come out great, but for others, parents can be critical in providing moral and academic guidance.
Amy Chua
As a communication medium, social media is a critical tool for terror groups to exploit.
James Comey
Broadband is not a luxury; it’s critical infrastructure.
Kim Reynolds
I now sit at the table in a variety of ways with the House leadership… as we go through taking a look at threat assessments and hot spots around the world. It’s a national position, but certainly I don’t forget that New Jersey has a critical part of national defense.
Rodney Frelinghuysen
It is critical that special counsels have the independence and resources they need to lead investigations.
Thom Tillis
If I body-shame a woman, it is more a reflection of me being critical of my body, me not being able to keep up to certain standards I have, and so making sure that the women around me feel the same way.
Rupi Kaur
It is critical that kids start to learn the value of money, short-term and long-term saving and budgeting at an early age.
Alexa Von Tobel
I’m a Scorpio with a Pisces moon. I am very critical of myself. I’m actually way less critical of others than I am of myself. I’m in my own head a lot. It’s hard and really discouraging.
In the aftermath of September 11th, it is critical to secure our borders.
Bobby Jindal
When I’m composing a scene for the first time, I try to imitate my character. The less critical distance the better – particularly when they’re acting badly.
Jonathan Dee
A well-trained workforce is critical to small-business success. What I hear from business is that it’s hard to find help that meets their needs.
Jon Tester
When I get economic development calls from business leaders who are considering relocating or expanding in Arkansas, the abilities of our workforce are always a critical part of the conversation.
Asa Hutchinson
The mission that unites all of the programs of the Teach For All global network is that of cultivating the leadership capacity critical to ultimately ensuring educational opportunity for all.
Wendy Kopp
And let’s be clear: It’s not enough just to limit ads for foods that aren’t healthy. It’s also going to be critical to increase marketing for foods that are healthy.
Michelle Obama
The higher the general average of intelligence, all things else being equal, the less the disposition to be meddlesome, critical, and overbearing.
Paul P. Harris
The United States is at a critical juncture in time. Our government is riddled with historic debt, and the limited resources of philanthropic and non-profit efforts cannot meet the scale of social challenges we face with necessary force.
Simon Mainwaring
With the media, I could be quick and ugly and critical. I tend to wear my emotions on my sleeve.
Payne Stewart
An important skill for all SpaceXers is the ability to accept critical feedback. This is key to anyone’s growth and becoming better at what they do.
Gwynne Shotwell
I understand that not everyone agrees with my perspective on Ray Kelly. But what you gotta look at here is somebody like Bill de Blasio talking out of both sides of his mouth and trying to have it both ways on a really critical issue like stop-and-frisk.
Christine Quinn
Learning is a critical part of our mission and organizational culture.
Charles Best
I think that just because you’ve been through an experience doesn’t make you the ultimate arbiter of what it means. We figure things out; we work things out through the help of other people who can engage with us but also be intelligently critical.
Phil Klay
The Fed’s independence is critical.
Ben Bernanke
As long as our user base continues to grow, at some point it will have critical mass, and at some point it will tip, and at some point, people will just have to use WhatsApp because their friends are using WhatsApp.
Jan Koum
I was critical of the Israeli government, however, for not being prepared for the move. One does not uproot thousands of people without planning in advance what will be done with them. This was a political and human error in which the government functioned poorly.
Norman Lamm
I hope that we can continue this cooperation on other critical issues related to America’s future technological competitiveness. We must work together to encourage the creative talents that have made our country the world leader in technology.
Dan Lipinski
Community health centers do a great deal with limited resources. They provide critical medical care services to many who would otherwise have no other place to go or would end up in an emergency room.
Jan Schakowsky
I’m demanding and critical about myself. It’s something my parents passed on to me.
Milos Raonic
I loved the Sunday funnies, and then, as I got a little bit older, I think my dad recognized that it was important for children, and especially girls, to have that time with their dad so that they could help develop their confidence and their critical thinking skills.
Dana Perino
Preventing cardiovascular disease can help free up critical resources for treating HIV/AIDS and other illnesses.
Dean Ornish
I was critical of race-based affirmative action early on in my career and I’ve changed my mind. And I’ve publicly acknowledged that I was wrong.
Alan Dershowitz
Dialogue between people of differing views is critical

Dialogue between people of differing views is critical for fostering understanding in a democracy.
Alex Gibney
I think that the idea of people wanting to steal your genome remains a little bit in the world of science fiction. It’s a new technology, and it’s new science that people are becoming familiar with. It’s critical for us to do everything we can to enable the privacy level that people want.
Anne Wojcicki
I think we’ve got to be competitive here in Illinois. It’s critical we’re competitive. We’re hurting our economy by having the minimum wage above the national. We’ve got to move back to the national.
Bruce Rauner
The critical question is: How do we ensure that the Internet develops in a way that is compatible with democracy?
Rebecca MacKinnon
In any match, there are few critical moments where there’s no second best decision. The rest of the moves are intuitive.
Viswanathan Anand
Critics… They’re like traffic cops. They say what they have to say, then leave, and another guy moves in ,and he has his say – and it’s often just the opposite. The result is either critical acclaim or critical murder, and neither has any bearing on my music or direction.
Jeff Buckley
As this body of knowledge has evolved, a much more critical job for researchers and scientists has evolved into explaining and educating policy makers and the public to the risks of global warming and the possible consequences of action or of no action.
John Olver
Right-wing media and politicians are looking for any opportunity to be critical of the reporters who are here. Some reporters make judgments, but that is not my style. I present both sides and report what I see with my own eyes.
Peter Arnett
And when these advances are made, hydrogen can fill critical energy needs beyond transportation. Hydrogen can also be used to heat and generate electricity for our homes. The future possibilities of this energy source are enormous.
Dan Lipinski
Good critical writing is measured by the perception and evaluation of the subject; bad critical writing by the necessity of maintaining the professional standing of the critic.
Raymond Chandler
In a biological system, the software builds its own hardware, but design is critical, and if you start with digital information, it has to be really accurate.
Craig Venter
Most people know that forests are the lungs of our planet, literally playing a critical role in every breath we take. And that they’re also home to incredible animals like the orangutan and elephant, which will go extinct if we keep cutting down their forests.
Chris Noth
An actor is totally vulnerable. His total personality is exposed to critical judgment – his intellect, his bearing, his diction, his whole appearance. In short, his ego.
Alec Guinness
Color is a very critical thing. I’ve found that architects don’t like colors. Engineers too. And so somebody has to stand in. Because this is the finish of it. It is the emotional part of a structure.
John Hench
In high school, my English teacher Celeste McMenamin introduced me to the great novels and Shakespeare and taught me how to write. Essays, poetry, critical analysis. Writing is a skill that was painful then but a love of mine now.
Aaron Lazar
The premise of Nossiter in ‘Mondovino’ would have been a lot more accurate when I started writing about wine in 1978 than when the movie was made in 2003. When I started, I was enormously critical of California wines, and I thought the entire wine industry was on a real slippery slope.
Robert M. Parker, Jr.
If people who cherish freedom, who know the importance of mutual respect and are aware of the imperative necessity to establish a constructive and critical debate, if these people are not ready to speak out, to be more committed and visible, then we can expect sad, painful tomorrows. The choice is ours.
Tariq Ramadan
I could never do a show, or be a personality like Howard Stern, where you take all that heat from critics. What he does, he does, but the critical heat would crucify me.
Chuck Barris
I am humble enough to understand there are many people who know much more than I do on many subjects, so I listen to them. Integrity is also critical to leadership, so I believe there must always be alignment between what you think, say, and do.
Ajay Piramal
Developing a diet that is healthful, balanced, and appropriate for your particular caloric needs is easy enough and is absolutely critical to establishing a healthful lifestyle that incorporates proper nutrition, adequate fitness, and mental resilience.
Daphne Oz
Everyone who is critical of Israeli policy is deluged by crazed messages intended to flood their email system or, more insidiously, passwords are accessed and messages sent out under their name! I’m sure it’s illegal. It’s also an effort to undermine free speech.
Noam Chomsky
The problem with writing a monthly book is that you’re going through your work like a man running for a bus, red-faced and out of breath. There isn’t time for reflection or critical self-examination.
J. Michael Straczynski
It seems that the creative faculty and the critical faculty cannot exist together in their highest perfection.
W. Somerset Maugham
I think that any woman who had a conversation with me and had an opportunity to truly understand my life story wouldn’t view it through a critical lens. There are people, of course, in the world of politics, who look for things to be critical about. But those people are already against you.
Wendy Davis
Learning to read the Bible in the light of the times in which it was written is critical. Reading it uncritically, without understanding the cultural and historical setting of the text, leaves us forced to accept scientific and sociological norms of the ancient Near East from 3,000 years ago.
Adam Hamilton
Access to capital is critical for small business success and crucial to our economic recovery. Without access to capital, many small companies are not able to maintain operations, let alone expand and create new jobs.
Sam Graves
No matter what’s happening in the Middle East – the Arab Spring, et cetera, the economic challenges, high rates of unemployment – the emotional, critical issue is always the Israeli-Palestinian one.
Abdullah II of Jordan
Regardless of your marital status, your age, or the language you speak, you are a beloved spirit daughter of Heavenly Father who is destined to play a critical part in the onward movement of the gospel kingdom.
Sheri L. Dew
Running back-to-back races requires a certain tactical prudence. Going too hard in any one race might jeopardize your performance in another. Maintaining proper hydration and caloric equilibrium also becomes increasingly critical.
Dean Karnazes
The War on Terror is one of the most critical national security efforts in our history.
Sue Kelly
With over 1 billion users and counting worldwide, the Internet has quickly become a critical place for individuals, business communities and governments to share and distribute information.
Robin Hayes
The critical period of matrimony is breakfast-time.

The critical period of matrimony is breakfast-time.
A. P. Herbert
When talking to first-time entrepreneurs, I often ask them: ‘How do you know that people want your product or service?’ As you can expect, the answer is often that they don’t yet, but will know once they launch. And they’re right. That’s why it’s critical to launch as quickly as possible so you can get that feedback.
Kathryn Minshew
The U.S. news media have a critical role to play in educating the public about climate change.
Amy Goodman
That attitude and toughness that we want to play with, that, to me, is the most critical thing.
Dan Quinn
Cable is a dynamic and highly innovative industry, providing cutting edge services and content that Americans love. The broadband platform the industry has deployed is a critical part of the infrastructure needed to realize our national ambition to be a great nation in the Information Age.
Michael K. Powell
Biology sets the context, and that is critical, but obesity still boils down to whether a person eats too much or exercises enough.
Robin Marantz Henig
Maybe we could think of science as being like a nuclear chain reaction in which people and ideas bounce off each other, and if critical mass is reached, a new field is formed.
Alvin E. Roth
The first stage in a technology’s advance is that it’ll fall below a critical price. After it falls below a critical price, it will tend, if it’s successful, to rise above a critical mass, a penetration.
Chris Anderson
One of the main focuses of my training sessions is to help individuals find their unique voices in the learning process. We all have our strengths, our weaknesses, our styles of learning, our personalities. Developing introspective sensitivity to these issues is critical to long-term success.
Joshua Waitzkin
Be passionate and bold. Always keep learning. You stop doing useful things if you don’t learn. So the last part to me is the key, especially if you have had some initial success. It becomes even more critical that you have the learning ‘bit’ always switched on.
Satya Nadella
I think a liberal arts education isn’t necessarily about doing something with your degree; it’s about becoming a critical thinker. And I think that critical thinking is so integral to being an actor.
Sarah Gadon
End of the sixties, Keith Blazey interested me to work on GdAlO3, an antiferromagnet on which he had done optic experiments. This started a fruitful cooperation on magnetic phase diagrams, which eventually brought me into the field of critical phenomena.
Heinrich Rohrer
We will primarily focus on affordable housing, water supply and transport infrastructure, as these are critical for Mumbai. Infrastructure deficit is an issue in all urban areas.
Sharad Pawar
In order to conquer the world of economics with his new theory, it was critical for Keynes to destroy his rivals within Cambridge itself. In his mind, he who controlled Cambridge controlled the world.
Murray Rothbard
I really feel like knife skills – not just in the kitchen, but in life – are really critical.
Tim Ferriss
I always wanted to be a writer… ‘Critical Care’ was my first published work. I was 34 when it came out. I was accumulating ‘Critical Care’ for years. I would go for a whole year and not touch it. And then I’d go back to it.
Richard Dooling
I am doing the remake of ‘Bai Chali Sasariye,’ which was my debut in the Rajasthani film industry. It became a major critical and commercial hit in the history of Rajasthani cinema.
Upasana Singh
My colleagues, while it is good that the Nation is finally focused on the critical issue of securing our ports, our rhetoric and our passion about Dubai must be matched by the funding necessary to keep our ports and our citizens safe.
Allyson Schwartz
The critical reaction to ‘Bloom’ has been similar to ‘Brick.’ There are people on board with it and people who are not.
Rian Johnson
I’m very grateful and proud of the progress Yahoo! has made over the past year. When I took the position as chairman, I told the board that my intention was to serve for one year in order to help Yahoo! during a critical time of transformation.
Alfred Amoroso
Newt Gingrich has a restless and outsized intelligence that is tragically unleavened by any kind of critical sensibility.
John Podhoretz
It was critical to finding a way out. I had assumed young women knew the history of feminism and must have felt gratitude to the movement for the opportunities that the work we have done has afforded them.
Betty Buckley
I’m not sure I can write about America for the same reason I’m not sure I can write about adults – I have no critical distance on either place.
Meg Rosoff
From birth to death, anyone can fish. I just think it’s fantastic to see old people going fishing with young people and teaching them things. I’m very, very critical.
Rex Hunt
There can be no doubt that the transportation sector is the most critical sector of our economy.
Robert Brady
To me, the most critical thing in agriculture is investing in the peasant agriculture, transforming peasant agriculture.
Jakaya Kikwete
Black girls are punished, many times violently so, for questioning and challenging authority, which is something that is often celebrated and encouraged as a sign of intelligence and critical thinking in white boys.
Kimberle Williams Crenshaw
Now you mustn’t think that I don’t have any ideas for novels in my head. I’ve got ideas for ten novels in my head. But with every idea I have, I already foresee the wrong novels I would write, because I also have critical ideas in my head; I’ve got a full theory of the perfect novel, and that’s what stumps me.
Italo Calvino
We seem to be our own worst enemies. We should require critical U.S. infrastructure to remain in U.S. hands.
Duncan Hunter
At times, our circumstances call for us to make critical choices to keep our covenants or to compromise them. Covenants should never be compromised, even when at the moment some circumstances might seem to justify it.
L. Lionel Kendrick
I think having a visionary CEO is awesome, and visionary leadership is one thing, but you also need checks and balances on whether this company can withstand a very honest and critical look at itself.
Julia Hartz
Efforts to develop critical thinking falter in practice

Efforts to develop critical thinking falter in practice because too many professors still lecture to passive audiences instead of challenging students to apply what they have learned to new questions.
Derek Bok
Self-awareness is a trait – or maybe ‘practice’ is the more accurate way to put it – that everyone can always improve at. It is part emotional intelligence, part perceptiveness, part critical thinking. It means knowing your weaknesses, of course, but it also means knowing your strengths and what motivates you.
Neil Blumenthal
Psychological factors are critical in supporting immune function. If you suppress this psychological support by telling someone he’s condemned to die, your words alone will have condemned him.
Luc Montagnier
Reiterating the belief that HIV is the cause of AIDS is an easy thing to do. Understanding the science and politics of the situation is much more complicated and requires study with a critical and open mind.
Nate Mendel
National languages are all huge systems of vested interests which sullenly resist critical inquiry.
Edward Sapir
Huwaei receives significant funding from the Chinese government and is run by a former director of the telecoms research unit of the People’s Liberation Army. The components are feared to have given China the ability to disrupt or shut down key parts of the U.K.’s critical national infrastructure.
Crispin Blunt
It is only when there is the supervision and critical oversight from the people that the government will be in a position to do an even better job, and employees of government departments will be the true public servants of the people.
Wen Jiabao
A comprehensive national energy policy is critical to our nation’s economy and our national security. Energy expenditures account for about 7% percent of our total economy and influence pricing in the much of the rest of the economy.
Heather Wilson
The cinema, as literature, as all the plastic arts, do not exist outside of a critical system that allows us to study them.
Jacques Audiard
Being critical of yourself is important sometimes: not during the season, because you need to be confident, but during the winter, it’s always a good time to look at yourself in the mirror and say, ‘This, this, and this I need to improve.’ That’s how it is.
Jean-Eric Vergne
Well obviously the economy is critical to everything we do and we need to get the economy back in shape, the deficit down, the debt paid off, so that the economy can grow again and grow properly.
Iain Duncan Smith
The classic problem as an entrepreneur is that they have a hard time delegating. But that’s really crazy. Recruiting other executives is critical, so is dealing with customers and dealing with regulators. Those are functions that only the top founders can do.
Robert Pozen
The trick at Le Mans is to get the car ‘in the window.’ Everything is critical: the tyre pressure, the brake temperature, and that means you have to push the car a lot to get it into the window – it’s about getting everything to work right and getting the car to flow through the corners.
Tom Kristensen
Novels for me are how I find out what’s going on in my own head. And so that’s a really useful and indeed critical thing to do when you do as many of these other things as I do.
Cory Doctorow
Whoever utters ‘Kafkaesque’ has neither fathomed nor intuited nor felt the impress of Kafka’s devisings. If there is one imperative that ought to accompany any biographical or critical approach, it is that Kafka is not to be mistaken for the Kafkaesque.
Cynthia Ozick
The critical role of Congress in the adoption of international agreements was clearly laid out by our Founding Fathers in our Constitution. And it’s a principle upon which Democrats and Republicans have largely agreed.
Tom Cotton
My efforts in Congress are guided by the belief that environmental preservation and restoration are a critical part of the legacy we leave to future generations.
Sue Kelly
America has a critical place to play in the end of extreme poverty.
Hugh Evans
I think the idea of getting money out of politics is critical.
Russell Simmons
I think first and foremost everybody should understand that Canadians are strongly committed to the system of universal health insurance, to the principle that your ability to pay does not determine your access to critical medical service.
Stephen Harper
What I am best at is reading a book and then writing a critical essay.
Rivers Cuomo
Fairness forces you – even when you’re writing a piece highly critical of, say, genetically modified food, as I have done – to make sure you represent the other side as extensively and as accurately as you possibly can.
Michael Pollan
Since we don’t know with any certainty what specific aptitudes today’s students will need tomorrow, we need to ensure they have the critical thinking and problem-solving abilities that extend beyond any one technology or program.
Eric Adams
I’ve been really fortunate that I’ve been at a lot of critical crossroads in my musical journey. When I look back, there are some pretty interesting things to look at.
Robbie Robertson
This ability to have reliable sources of energy and a reliable transmission of energy here in North America is critical for both of us and for Mexico as we want to keep our economies growing.
Paul Cellucci
It’s no sin to make a critical study of Brazil’s reality. A small percentage own land. Most people don’t.
Paulo Freire
I would be surprised though if I don’t get unbelievable critical acclaim for ‘Dirty Picture’ and a national award for my actress, Vidya Balan. The movie has one of the most well-written scripts I have come across, and a lot of youngsters in my office have looked at it with great admiration.
Ekta Kapoor
The first thing you get from the humanities, when they’re well taught, is critical thinking. Philosophy in particular can play that role, not just in universities but in schools as well.
Martha Nussbaum
It is absolutely essential that the oppressed participate in the revolutionary process with an increasingly critical awareness of their role as subjects of the transformation.
Paulo Freire
In Utah, one word sums up our business prowess: investment. Simply put, we know we can’t have long-term economic growth and maintain Utah’s enviable quality of life without making some critical investments.
Gary Herbert
Audiences of critical thinkers are my favorite kinds of audiences. There are jokes I tell in the show that don’t get laughs unless I am in front of an audience of critical thinkers. Put me in front of a crowd of science teachers or astronauts! The guileless aren’t our audience – it’s the critical thinkers we love.
Adam Savage
Given political history in Chile, it seemed to me that

Given political history in Chile, it seemed to me that there was a critical task of consolidating a democracy and creating healthy civic-military and political-military relationships.
Michelle Bachelet
The sugar tax is fine. I agree with that. But I think it probably doesn’t go too far. But then, I work on ‘The Great British Bake Off.’ We make cakes with sugar and butter. I can’t be too critical. It is like anything in life: it is all about moderation.
Paul Hollywood
I like to regard myself as someone who’s capable of critical thought, that is to say, who can evaluate claims.
Bill Nye
The successful establishment of a buffer zone around Fort Carson will provide an example for other bases around the country as we seek to protect the training mission of the U.S. military while preserving critical habitats on our ranges.
Wayne Allard
No, Arrested Development was such an amazing experience in every way, and you know it was very unique in that it was a show that received a lot of critical acclaim, and yet we didn’t ever achieve the ratings that we wanted.
Will Arnett
I think it’s critical in any character you play that it really is about reacting instead of acting. You can always tell when a person is acting.
Malin Akerman
True fans of the Constitution, like true fans of the national pastime, acknowledge the critical role of human judgment in making tough calls. We don’t expect flawless interpretation. We expect good faith. We demand honesty.
Eric Liu
Finance is critical. If sufficient investment is made in infrastructure and venture capital is made available, there will be a big improvement in the situation.
Sanjay Kumar
I can see how the young girls really get hurt when their moms are critical, or vice versa when they’re overly critical of their moms. It can be so painful.
Tori Amos
To me, the psychology behind the character is critical. So I work very hard to get into the mind of the man that I’m going to be playing, because number one, I want to understand why he’s doing what he’s doing. It’s essential, it’s absolutely essential.
Andre Braugher
I look back on my 20s. It’s supposed to be the prime of your life, the most vital, the most beautiful. But you’re making your critical decisions and sometimes your most critical mistakes.
Ann Brashares
It took an entire generation of critical thinking for Douglas Sirk’s films to be really appreciated.
Todd Haynes
My role in the White House was grossly exaggerated by the press. Fortunately for the American people, when the president had to make a critical economic decision or a decision on a weapons system, he did not turn to me and say, ‘Hamilton, what in the hell do I do?’
Hamilton Jordan
I’m a voracious reader, and I like to explore all sorts of writing without prejudice and without paying any attention to labels, conventions or silly critical fads.
Carlos Ruiz Zafon
I have a critical nature, in the sense that when I look at something I often look for the flaws.
Donald Fagen
To my mind the boy who gives least promise is one in whom the critical faculty develops in advance of the imagination.
When quick results are imperative, the manipulation of the masses through symbols may be the only quick way of having a critical thing done.
John Grierson
First of all, at any company, the investment in research and development in the products is the lifeblood, so that is a critical element of anyone’s future going forward.
Stephen Elop
The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed critical vulnerabilities in our pharmaceutical supply chain.
Abigail Spanberger
Students now arrive at the university ignorant and cynical about our political heritage, lacking the wherewithal to be either inspired by it or seriously critical of it.
Allan Bloom
All I am looking for is a fine combination of critical and commercial acclaim. Whether conventional or unconventional – does not matter.
Ayushmann Khurrana
All Australians understand that high-quality, reliable and affordable broadband is a critical part of the infrastructure our nation needs to prosper in coming years.
Malcolm Turnbull
I think reviewers are sexist… This isn’t to sound bitter, but I think you’re more likely to get a critical kicking if you’re a woman. I just think that’s a fact. I really think less value is put in general on women’s voices, across the board.
Marian Keyes
I’m real critical of myself and if I take the bandana off my head I’m completely bald headed and go from being 58 to looking 68 instantly.
Hulk Hogan
The passage of time is likely to make high-speed rail more and more desirable, making it critical that politicians of today think ahead to tomorrow.
Anthony Albanese
There are 13 Asian countries that still have elephants, and Elephant Family is looking to invest in further projects that will be the most critical for saving elephants while there is still time.
Mark Shand
Obama and the Democrats were so critical of what Bush did, the interrogations, the secret prisons, Guantanamo and all of that, and even the war on terror. Obama won’t use the word. He’s made war on the war on terror.
Charles Krauthammer
I’m more critical of the films I make than anyone else.
Rowan Atkinson
Phones remain a critical component of the Microsoft device portfolio and an important piece of our mobility strategy, but a restructuring is in order.
B. Kevin Turner
Productive givers focus on acting in the long-term best interests of others, even if it’s not pleasant. They have the courage to give the critical feedback we prefer not to hear, but truly need to hear. They offer tough love, knowing that we might like them less, but we’ll come to trust and respect them more.
Adam Grant
Critical race theory is racist. It does nothing to bring us together.
Marjorie Taylor Greene
There is a real patriotism underneath the best of my mu

There is a real patriotism underneath the best of my music but it is a critical, questioning and often angry patriotism.
Bruce Springsteen
There’s a great book about John Kennedy and his relationship to civil rights called ‘The Bystander.’ The title alone suggests that he did as little as possible, any minimal critical effort, to really facilitate civil rights in the White House.
Michael Eric Dyson
I have always felt a special affinity with V. S. Pritchett. He worked from the ear, primarily, as I do, and he was an all-rounder, writing short stories, novels, memoir, travelogue, critical biography. He lived to be almost 100, and he never stopped, and his work is unified by a great generosity of spirit.
Kevin Barry
There are no heroes in most of my stories. I look at our society with a critical eye and find nothing extraordinary in the people I see.
Naguib Mahfouz
As we celebrate Labor Day, we honor the men and women who fought tirelessly for workers’ rights, which are so critical to our strong and successful labor force.
Elizabeth Esty
There’s no denying that cancer is a gloomy subject. We repeat positive phrases to ourselves as a sort of mantra. And while positive thinking alone can’t cure cancer, attitude is critical to getting through the process and growing as a person.
Suleika Jaouad
I am often critical of Israel’s policies when in the country, but then feel defensive of them when overseas.
Zubin Mehta
A local pharmacy is a great place to get a safe and effective COVID vaccine as well as a flu shot. It’s critical that people get these vaccines to protect themselves and slow the spread of the COVID virus as well as the flu.
Roy Cooper
My father’s peripatetic career also gave me critical perspective when it came to my own career choices.
Hannah Storm
If you look at the Malaysian media, you will find that, although some are supportive of the government, many are not, and they are very critical of the government.
Mahathir Mohamad
Lithium remains the gold standard, but many drugs now treat bipolar disorder. Medication is critical and should be combined with psychotherapy. Compliance is a major problem. Patients believe that once they’re better, they no longer need the medication. It doesn’t work that way.
Kay Redfield Jamison
Education is critical not only to each one of us individually, but also to build the economic vitality of our state.
John Hoeven
Many people do not understand that business investment is a critical prosperity-booster, leading to more jobs, higher wages, and stronger family income. Put another way, rising tax and regulatory burdens that penalize investors and businesses also punish middle-income wage earners.
Lawrence Kudlow
The power of the print reviewer is one of those urban myths. There have always been shows that slipped under the critical radar to become popular successes: ‘Tobacco Road’, ‘Abie’s Irish Rose’ and our old friend ‘Spider-Man’, which got the worst reviews in theatre history and is still apparently going strong.
Ben Brantley
At 20 and 30, we are like travelers in a foreign country, reading the guide book to learn how to behave, to learn when the post office is open. Trivia looms important; critical issues fade into a pastel background, unrecognized.
Karen DeCrow
I can feel pretty critical of people, and I understand that sort of feeling of when you’re going through something that’s painful, taking it out on the world and projecting onto other people, finding faults with other people because it’s harder to find faults in yourself.
Noah Baumbach
Most critical writing is drivel and half of it is dishonest. It is a short cut to oblivion, anyway. Thinking in terms of ideas destroys the power to think in terms of emotions and sensations.
Raymond Chandler
To be sure, governments will remain critical to any comprehensive effort to save our planet.
Lawrence Bender
As more ad spending shifts online, the ability to have expertise and to innovate quickly will become critical.
Kara Swisher
So when we’re really addressing issues like poverty, you can’t do that without addressing the real driver of some of those, which is stable homes, families. So that’s why to me those issues are important. They’re not frivolous. They’re critical economic issues.
Mike Huckabee
As a businessperson, I don’t have the power to change the government. That is in the hands of the political leaders. However, as a taxpayer, we have the right to be critical of the government and demand change.
Tadashi Yanai
The critical method which denies literary modernity would appear – and even, in certain respects, would be – the most modern of critical movements.
Paul de Man
I find it easier to approach things from a critical angle that otherwise may seem daunting because I’m used to being scared.
Rupert Friend
I see that idea that we need a new form as something critical. I mean, we do need to invent and not be benchmarking all the time. That’s important to me.
William McDonough
I’m very critical of crime novels that use gratuitous violence to shock readers when it isn’t necessary. If that’s all you have to offer as a writer, perhaps you’re in the wrong job.
Michael Robotham
I uplift people and see the good in a bad situation. The worst is I’m very critical of myself. If I do a performance, I watch it 100 times afterwards and pick it apart.
Fleur East
For working mothers, creating a work-life balance is critical, as we must ensure we do not neglect any significant part of our lives – our children, our family’s health, our own health and fitness, our marriage, and, of course, our careers.
Sonali Bendre
I spent most of high school working on the debate team, probably at some expense to my grades. Being a member of the team was great training in critical analysis, organization, and logic.
David Einhorn
I think ‘Ratcatcher’ broke even as a film, but it got a good critical response. I think that people knew that it wasn’t going to be a conventional piece of work, but they were still willing to invest in it. With this material you have to be quite courageous.
Lynne Ramsay
Art is a critical component in a well-rounded education. Art is the level playing field – no matter how rich or poor, tall or short, pretty or ugly to the bone, if you can draw, you can find personal fulfillment and build self-confidence. Art is the highest achievement of mankind.
Lynda Resnick
Investing in women and girls may once have been considered a radical notion or even a waste of resources, but in most places in the world today, women and girls are increasingly recognized as a critical link to greater prosperity, political stability, better health and public policy.
Pat Mitchell
Let's face it: fitness is boring. But it's critical to

Let’s face it: fitness is boring. But it’s critical to be extremely dedicated to whatever you decide to take up to achieve a desired result. There’s no way you are going to get there without dedication, which is the key for me.
Harbhajan Singh
I support secure borders both north and south and I support a guest worker program for those here today illegally. Labor and skilled workers are critical to our Texas economy.
David Dewhurst
You are enough, which I believe is critical for any human being to get in their bones.
KaDee Strickland
That’s a very critical phase in customer service because you can start to really understand what part of customer service has value to customers and what part is bothering customers.
Sanjay Kumar
‘Mrs. Doubtfire’ is still a fun movie, and it’s still fun to watch, but it is hard to watch myself sometimes. I get very critical. And people will say, ‘Mara, you were five.’ And I’m like, ‘Yeah, but I still should have known better!’ I’m a lifelong perfectionist, what can I say?
Mara Wilson
For me, there will be no enemies but unemployment, the deficit, excessive debt, economic stagnation and anything else that keeps our country in these critical circumstances.
Mariano Rajoy
Truly, we do live on a ‘water planet.’ For us, water is that critical issue that we need. It’s the most precious substance on the planet, and it links us to pretty much every environmental issue, including climate change, that we’re facing.
Philippe Cousteau, Jr.
The whole argument with the anti-suffragists, or even the critical suffragist man, is this: that you can govern human beings without their consent.
Emmeline Pankhurst
I used to obsess on critical reactions to my films, and it’s really not a healthy way to live your life, so my new take on it is simply, ‘I hope people like it!’ I’m not going to be looking at the tomato meter for at least a year! I was very lucky on ’50/50′ that most critics really liked it.
Jonathan Levine
I was studying with Peter Carey, Colum McCann; but also, my fellow students were really critical readers for me.
Phil Klay
While Hurricane Katrina demonstrated the dangers of failing to evacuate hospitals from the path of a storm, Hurricane Gustav demonstrated that moving thousands of sick people has its own risks. Gustav also highlighted a critical vulnerability of American hospitals – an inability to withstand prolonged blackouts.
Sheri Fink
It’s so critical for people frustrated with the economy, with changing tides in government, who aren’t able to hear their voices, questions or their ills being talked about, to have a place for discussing what others won’t.
George Noory
Older audiences are hard to win over. They’re very specific in their tastes and critical of new music.
Melanie Fiona
As somebody who thinks Tennessee history is important, I want to make certain that’s still a part of the curriculum. I think that’s critical for the people growing up in our school system.
Bill Haslam
I am highly critical of myself. I am never satisfied with my work.
Anushka Shetty
Design is so critical it should be on the agenda of every meeting in every single department.
Tom Peters
Peace is what enables development and is critical in providing opportunities to young people. Efforts to preserve peace are absolutely vital in bringing prosperity and hope for the future.
Kim Yuna
We get emails from parents asking us what kale is because their kids are asking for it. That kind of extraordinary presence in the community is critical to the future of real food.
Kimbal Musk
A lot of people have said that I’m super-snarky and mean. But honesty is the only way to get people to change. It’s very important to be constructively critical – give people alternatives and you’re giving them a new way to see themselves.
Stacy London
Having a proper understanding of countries’ external positions – current accounts, stock positions, and currencies – is critical to highlight policymakers’ shared responsibility to tackle external imbalances before they become too risky.
Gita Gopinath
Judges are like umpires. Umpires don’t make the rules. They apply them. The role of an umpire and a judge is critical. They make sure everybody plays by the rules. But it is a limited role. Nobody ever went to a ballgame to see the umpire.
John Roberts
Florida is one of the first states that sort of gives the legislature a very clear criteria for re-drawing electoral district maps. Basically, all the criteria do is tell the legislators that you can’t draw a seat that helps yourself or a political party. That’s really critical.
Dan Gelber
What we’re looking at is a future where cars will be comfortable and safe and offer the luxuries of both home and office. That means lots of sensors and software, as well as the critical safety systems to protect the car’s information from hackers.
Dinesh Paliwal
Eviction often leads to a disruption in critical services like Medicaid and nutrition assistance when families need them most.
Michael Bennet
Every time we share something rather than own it ourselves, we reduce the stress on the planet. That could make the critical difference as the global population continues to grow.
Lisa Gansky
I think that literature has the important effect of creating free, independent, critical citizens who cannot be manipulated.
Mario Vargas Llosa
Eliminating the Death Tax will continue to restore consumer confidence, spur capital investment, and create new jobs which are critical components of economic growth, particularly within the small business community.
Howard Coble
The United Nations has a critical role to play in promoting stability, security, democracy, human rights, and economic development. The UN is as relevant today as at any time in its history, but it needs reform.
Chuck Hagel
Maintaining confidence in international trade will be critical to the broader economic recovery in the post-Covid world.
Liz Truss
Today’s global landscape is increasingly interconnected. China and the Middle East play critical roles towards international peace and security.
Rick Larsen
I am fighting for those middle-class families who want us to deal with our debt and deficit, but they also want the investments that are critical to our country moving forward.
Patty Murray
I've witnessed firsthand the critical role suppliers -

I’ve witnessed firsthand the critical role suppliers – and especially the best ones – play in Boeing’s success.
Dennis Muilenburg
Toronto was a great place to work, a fun place to work. People were so hockey-oriented, hockey-minded, without being too critical. In Montreal, they got downright nasty sometimes.
Pat Burns
When our world is telling girls and women who they should be or what they should look like, it is critical that we empower those girls and young women to be confident with who they are.
Hilary Knight
The Israeli military plays more than a critical role in defending the citizens of the Jewish state. It also plays an important social, scientific and psychological role in preparing its young citizens for the challenging task of being Israelis in a difficult world.
Alan Dershowitz
Credentials are critical if you want to do something professional. If you want to become a doctor or lawyer or teacher or professor, there is a credentialing process. But there are a lot of other things where it’s not clear they’re that important.
Peter Thiel
As both developed and developing nations search for alternative sources of energy in response to the growing energy crisis, we at Acumen Fund believe that investing in entrepreneurs who provide innovative energy solutions is an increasingly critical part of the solution.
Jacqueline Novogratz
We need to ensure our men and women in uniform are equipped with the very best money can buy. We also have to make sure critical military technologies are developed in America and that the U.S. defense manufacturing base remains healthy and strong.
Joe Lieberman
What I’m looking for in my interaction is critical thinking on the part of the person pitching to me.
Brad Feld
It goes against the grain of modern education to teach students to program. What fun is there to making plans, acquiring discipline, organizing thoughts, devoting attention to detail, and learning to be self critical.
Alan Perlis
Movements begin when oppressed people make – and keep remaking – a deeply inward decision to stop consenting to external demands that contradict a critical inner truth, the truth that they are worthy of respect.
Parker Palmer
I think there is a difference between being critical of plays and being critical of players and coaches.
Mike Leach
Pakistan has done some really terrible things, and yet they also have facilitated our military capabilities in ways that are critical to our country.
Trent Franks
It’s pretty challenging in a small country to develop a business school with a world-class reputation because of the problem of attracting a critical mass of top-class researchers.
John Quelch
I wish I had had more mentorship and more access, not only for capital, but the critical thinking.
David Cohen
I think musical theater fans – obsessive fans – are very much like Comic Con fans in our personalities. We’re very possessive, and we’re very obsessive, and we’re very critical. So don’t screw with our stuff.
Richard LaGravenese
The doctor-patient relationship is critical to the placebo effect.
Irving Kirsch
At times he could be very critical. He didn’t like prints on me. He didn’t like stripes. He didn’t like boldness. He said I was petite and that was taking away from my looks.
Priscilla Presley