Top 580 Discover Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Discover Quotes from famous people such as Robert Kurson, Louis Farrakhan, Jill Clayburgh, Henry Ward Beecher, Mo Farah, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Once you discover that real pirates are more interestin

Once you discover that real pirates are more interesting than fictional ones, you can’t look away.
Robert Kurson
We are all gifted, but we have to discover the gift, uncover the gift, nurture and develop the gift and use it for the Glory of God and for the liberation struggle of our people.
Louis Farrakhan
I don’t theorize too much. I sort of let the experience sink in, and I have to discover what the character is by doing it, and having those thoughts that she’s thinking.
Jill Clayburgh
The unthankful heart… discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings!
Henry Ward Beecher
There is so much to discover in Dubai.
Mo Farah
There’s another horizon out there, one more horizon that you have to make for yourself and let other people discover it, and someone else will take it further on, you know.
Gordon Parks
As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.
Audrey Hepburn
If we look into ourselves we discover propensities which declare that our intellects have arisen from a lower form; could our minds be made visible we should find them tailed.
William Winwood Reade
I think that the practice of religion allows one to discover emotional and psychological truth of a kind not available in the secular world.
Jay Parini
The more defensive and angry I get, the more I later discover those feelings are usually just projections of feelings I am having towards myself.
Andy Dunn
You discover who you truly are only when you live alone.
Kriti Kharbanda
Negative thinking is subtle and deceptive. It wears many faces and hides behind the mask of excuses. It is important to strip away the mask and discover the real, root emotion.
Robert H. Schuller
What is important, I think, is to reach as many people as you can and do it as well as you can. Reach them and inspire them or amuse them, or maybe in some odd moments help them to discover something they hadn’t thought of before.
Max von Sydow
I’ve been astounded to discover how good to their teams and crew that Marvel are. They’re so collaborative, so smart with their stories. They have rich, dynamic characters which are so much fun to play.
Evangeline Lilly
Examining your behavior on social media could give you insight into your own personality as well as how others perceive you. You may think you’re presenting yourself in a certain light, only to discover other people view your behavior completely different.
Amy Morin
It takes half your life before you discover life is a do-it-yourself project.
Napoleon Hill
Whenever people talk about Don and I recording again, which almost everybody usually mentions, I always say ‘Well, there’s plenty of things that you haven’t heard! Plenty of things out there to discover!’
Phil Everly
In recent generations, women’s sports have been a blessing. Some of us can remember the bad old days in the ’50s, when we would discover in casual schoolyard play that a girl could outrun most of us or hold her own in basketball or hit a softball – but there were no teams, no coaches, for girls.
George Vecsey
Many a man who thinks to found a home discovers that he has merely opened a tavern for his friends.
Norman Douglas
Growing up, when I was younger, I didn’t feel all that tough or smart or strong. As I got older, I was able to discover my own strength.
Alexandra Daddario
It was tremendously exciting to discover that science was not destroying religion, as people popularly believe, but that it could cast light on theism and Christianity.
Susan Howatch
If you want to write about people, you can make it up. But if you spend time talking to someone and examining what it is you want to write about, you discover a level of detail that you wouldn’t have noticed otherwise.
Dave Eggers
I’m not patient at all. I avoid writer’s block by writing. I power through with a bad version, so I can move on, and usually once I’ve gotten to the next scene, I’ll discover what was missing from the bad version scene. Then I can easily rewrite it to get back on the right path.
Anders Holm
I also hate those holidays that fall on a Monday where you don’t get mail, those fake holidays like Columbus Day. What did Christopher Columbus do, discover America? If he hadn’t, somebody else would have and we’d still be here. Big deal.
John Waters
There comes a time in the seeker’s life when he discovers that he is at once the lover and the beloved.
Sri Chinmoy
Usually its users discover sooner or later that their program does not deliver all the desired results, or worse, that the results requested were not the ones really needed.
Niklaus Wirth
Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it.
That was one of the things that interested me about the character. He doesn’t want to be a hero, and has no real desire to save the earth or discover aliens. He’s sniffing around looking to see what will fall in his lap.
Orlando Jones
Columbus only discovered that he was in some new place. He didn’t discover America.
Louise Erdrich
What one discovers in life, I find, is that one’s personality defects don’t come and go.
Lynne Truss
Every science has for its basis a system of principles as fixed and unalterable as those by which the universe is regulated and governed. Man cannot make principles; he can only discover them.
Thomas Paine
So once you hit like that place, where everything is st

So once you hit like that place, where everything is stripped from you, everything is taken from you, you really discover who you really are. I discovered that I’m a real hero, that I can deal with that situation, that I can rise up to the challenge.
Yossi Ghinsberg
Every book has an intrinsic impossibility, which its writer discovers as soon as his first excitement dwindles.
Annie Dillard
When you grow up your mother says, ‘Wear rubbers or you’ll catch cold.’ When you become an adult you discover that you have the right not to wear rubbers and to see if you catch cold or not. It’s something like that.
Diane Arbus
This life is for us to discover the divine within. And that’s really the key to life in many ways for me. And the thing is, it’s not for us to reason why everything is what it is… just do it.
Jon Anderson
In France today, people no longer eat as much heavy food and fat as they did 15 or 20 years ago. These days, French cooking, through the influence of ‘grande cuisine,’ has become a bit lighter. And we are beginning to discover the original flavors of our produce.
Joel Robuchon
Airbnb is a trusted online marketplace for people to list, discover, and book unique accommodations around the world. From a private room to a private island, we offer an entertaining and personal way for travelers to unlock local experiences and see their surroundings through the eyes of a local.
Joe Gebbia
It takes generosity to discover the whole through others. If you realize you are only a violin, you can open yourself up to the world by playing your role in the concert.
Jacques Yves Cousteau
Whatever your ethnicity is, in this life you are going to be on a journey to discover who you are and how you feel about yourself.
Lauren London
You know when you take the paint off an old canvas and you discover that something’s been painted underneath it? That’s what I feel like – that part of the old is coming through the new.
Carly Simon
Try not to get lost in comparing yourself to others. Discover your gifts and let them shine! Softball is amazing that way as a sport. Everyone on the field has a slightly different ability that makes them perfect for their position.
Jennie Finch
Learners are encouraged to discover facts and relationships for themselves.
Jerome Bruner
I read the papers every day just to discover if one mentions Anna Held.
Anna Held
I believe love just happens once. You can be mistaken, you can think you are in love, but after a while you discover that you’re really not. Real love is different.
Adriana Lima
I hope films will be somehow preserved and seen by as many people as possible in the future. There are endless treasures for audiences to discover, if only we can keep them from disappearing.
Thelma Schoonmaker
Discover the time of day when you write best, and write then. For me it’s about 7 am to noon. For other people it’s overnight. Try not to do anything other than write between those times.
Jon Ronson
The greatest and noblest pleasure which we have in this world is to discover new truths, and the next is to shake off old prejudices.
Frederick the Great
Living in England is fascinating: I discover a new world every day.
Roberto Mancini
Throughout the western world, new systems have risen up whose job is to constantly record and monitor the present – and then compare that to the recorded past. The aim is to discover patterns, coincidences and correlations, and from that, find ways of stopping change. Keeping things the same.
Adam Curtis
No sooner does man discover intelligence than he tries to involve it in his own stupidity.
Jacques Yves Cousteau
‘Get Out,’ of course, is the surprise hit movie that Peele wrote and directed about a black man named Chris, who discovers that his white girlfriend’s family is running a nasty racist conspiracy.
Wesley Morris
I still don’t know what genre I fit into. I want to try my hand at different things and find out what I am best at. I want to discover myself as an actress.
Esha Gupta
I became a fanatic of the architecture of Le Corbusier and I visited almost all his buildings and read all his books. Only later on did I discover that all the things that impressed me in his books, particular his ideology, he had picked up from Auguste Perret.
Santiago Calatrava
It took me fifteen years to discover I had no talent for writing, but I couldn’t give it up because by that time I was too famous.
Robert Benchley
When you discover first love as a teenager, your whole life revolves around it and you open yourself up to it.
Patrick Dempsey
As a scientist, I don’t believe science will ever discover whether God exists. Nor do I believe religion will ever prove it.
Alan Lightman
One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time.
Andre Gide
It is important to recognize that folklore is not simply a way of obtaining available date about identity for social scientists; it is actually one of the principal means by which an individual and a group discovers or establishes his or its identity.
Alan Dundes
I think when you go to a store and you go to the Justin Timberlake page and stream it from there, that’s great, but that means you went to the store. iTunes Radio lets you discover it without you having to think about it.
Eddy Cue
To succeed in the world, it is much more necessary to possess the penetration to discern who is a fool, than to discover who is a clever man.
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand
France has always had a special place for Apple. This is the best place to discover and chat with all musicians, graphic designers, designers, or photographers who use our products. There is such creative energy.
Tim Cook
Ideally a book would have no order to it, and the reader would have to discover his own.
Mark Twain
When you've been going on about something for a while,

When you’ve been going on about something for a while, it is always satisfying to discover that other people agree with you.
Bill Nighy
You wanna do a lot of backstory for your character – as an actor, you wanna research that. But on the show, it’s fun to remain in that naive place as you go along, and be able to continue to discover things about your character as the writers come up with them.
Alison Brie
Take any person, put them in the wrong environment, and they can get off to some pretty bad things. Warren Buffett has said that he would not like to get into debt because he doesn’t want to discover what behavior he’s capable of.
Guy Spier
We need to learn the names of God because when we know His character and His capacity, we will find rest and discover peace and power in His covenantal care of us.
Tony Evans
As in geology, so in social institutions, we may discover the causes of all past changes in the present invariable order of society.
Henry David Thoreau
In order to press further with who you want to become, you have to take risks, put yourself out there… That’s the only way to discover you’re actually capable.
Emily Beecham
The kind of acting I love is when you watch and you discover what you think perhaps you weren’t supposed to see: the chink in the armor.
Marian Seldes
I discover real-time news far more often on Facebook than on Google News or a regular Google search.
Marvin Ammori
And so, I think when I got to college, you discover who you are and find yourself more than you did before.
Sean Hayes
There isn’t any formula or method. You learn to love by loving – by paying attention and doing what one thereby discovers has to be done.
Aldous Huxley
In most organizations, change comes in only two flavors: trivial and traumatic. Review the history of the average organization and you’ll discover long periods of incremental fiddling punctuated by occasional bouts of frantic, crisis-driven change.
Gary Hamel
If one were to bring ten of the wisest men in the world together and ask them what was the most stupid thing in existence, they would not be able to discover anything so stupid as astrology.
David Hilbert
The future author is one who discovers that language, the exploration and manipulation of the resources of language, will serve him in winning through to his way.
Thornton Wilder
Strange – is it not? That of the myriads who Before us passed the door of Darkness through, Not one returns to tell us of the road Which to discover we must travel too.
I think the shocking thing to discover is the owls are not stupid and very feral, very hard to train.
Robbie Coltrane
The drills we do, where you’re telling kids to memorize things, don’t actually work. What works is engaging them and letting them do things and discover things.
Mae Jemison
You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you.
Eric Hoffer
The beautiful is in nature, and it is encountered under the most diverse forms of reality. Once it is found it belongs to art, or rather to the artist who discovers it.
Gustave Courbet
Discover your passion and do it to the best of your ability.
Philip Rivers
It takes a wise man to discover a wise man.
I want to discover more things about acting.
Emily Mortimer
When we put the pen to paper, we articulate things in our life that we may have felt vague about. Before you write about something, somebody says, ‘How do you feel?’ and you say, ‘Oh, I feel okay.’ Then you write about it, and you discover you don’t feel okay.
Julia Cameron
It is sometimes said that the major discoveries have already been made and that there is nothing important left to find. This attitude is altogether too pessimistic. There are plenty of ideas and plenty of things left to discover. The trick is to find the right path from one to the other.
John Vane
The secret of concentration is the secret of self-discovery. You reach inside yourself to discover your personal resources, and what it takes to match them to the challenge.
Arnold Palmer
I think a lot of people who become music fans have that moment where they break from their parents’ music, they break from the radio and MTV – at least in my generation, they did, and MTV isn’t really a thing anymore. And you discover something that defines you, that is outside of the mainstream.
Ben Gibbard
It’s always great to discover a new star of tomorrow.
Brian De Palma
For me, cinema is very important. I grew up with television; then, as a teenager, you discover cinema.
Juergen Teller
Appetite is essentially insatiable, and where it operates as a criterion of both action and enjoyment (that is, everywhere in the Western world since the sixteenth century) it will infallibly discover congenial agencies (mechanical and political) of expression.
Marshall McLuhan
When I was in Enschende, beside my apartment there was a field with cows grazing in it. Then, I’m in Milan and discover Fashion Week, the restaurants, the clubs and only beautiful women.
Marko Arnautovic
We’re not going to just duplicate ‘Heavy Rain,’ because we are passionate about innovation and discovery, so we’re trying to discover new ground and see how we can move from ‘Heavy Rain’ and create something even more immersive.
David Cage
I always say that you don’t have to like ‘The Room’, but you will discover something – maybe a tiny little thing – and say, ‘Wait a minute, maybe I want to see more.’
Tommy Wiseau
I find it both fascinating and disconcerting when I dis

I find it both fascinating and disconcerting when I discover yet another person who believes that writing can’t be taught. Frankly, I don’t understand this point of view.
Elizabeth George
Some dreamers demand that scientists only discover things that can be used for good.
John Polanyi
I’ve often gone to start a film only to find the producers surprised to discover that I’m American.
Alessandro Nivola
One must know oneself. If this does not serve to discover truth, it at least serves as a rule of life and there is nothing better.
Blaise Pascal
It has only been within my lifetime that asteroids have been considered a credible threat to our planet. And since then, there’s been a focused effort underway to discover and catalog these objects. I am lucky enough to be part of this effort. I’m part of a team of scientists that use NASA’s NEOWISE telescope.
Carrie Nugent
You cannot teach creativity – how to become a good writer. But you can help a young writer discover within himself what kind of writer he would like to be.
Mario Vargas Llosa
The more time we invest imitating others, the less that’s available to discover and be ourselves.
LZ Granderson
A good leader is one who can tell another how to reach his or her potential; a great leader is one who can help another discover this potential for him or herself.
Bo Bennett
When you get into a film, it is one story and one set development of a character, and you are able to delve into one character for a short period of time and discover everything about them.
Alexander Gould
I’m always excited when I can discover new filmmakers.
James Wan
For me, writing is an experience. It’s an exercise in which I want to discover myself by taking my characters to the edges of human experience, to the edges of themselves and then, asking certain questions – about love, what does it mean to love? What’s beauty? What is true beauty? What does it mean to be insane – crazy?
Ted Dekker
The purpose of random testing is not to catch, punish, or expose students who use drugs, but to save their lives and discover abuse problems early so that students can grow up and learn in a drug-free environment.
John Walters
Like lots of people who say, ‘I’m going to write a novel,’ it’s actually more comfortable to think I could write a novel than to discover that you can’t.
Hugh Grant
For the life of the believer, one thing is beautifully and abundantly true: God’s chief concern in your suffering is to be with you and be Himself for you. And in the end, what we discover is that this really is enough.
Tullian Tchividjian
I am always keen to discover something new, but my advice is always to exfoliate. Get rid of those dead, dry cells; then the new skin is ready for moisturising, and you find your inner dewy, youthful glow. It’s in there somewhere.
When Libya was in turmoil in 2011, the Chinese public was surprised to discover that more than thirty thousand of their countrymen were living there, most of them working on Chinese-run oil projects.
Evan Osnos
If men could regard the events of their own lives with more open minds, they would frequently discover that they did not really desire the things they failed to obtain.
Andre Maurois
One is always considered mad, when one discovers something that others cannot grasp.
Ed Wood
One of the frustrating tics of our society’s progressive vanguard is the assumption that every evil it discovers was entirely invisible in the past, that this generation is the first to wrestle with dominance and cruelty.
Ross Douthat
If a black doctor discovers a cure for cancer, ain’t no hospital going to lock him out.
Jesse Jackson
We were all on this ship in the sixties, our generation, a ship going to discover the New World. And the Beatles were in the crow’s nest of that ship.
John Lennon
That honeymoon phase is so much fun in real life, when you meet and discover somebody new and fall in love and chase them. The pursuit. And that climactic final moment of ultimate togetherness.
Lucas Neff
I beg you, don’t use the verb, ‘discover’, I hate it. What does it mean, that I didn’t exist before?
We’ve all got to discover the courage to ask the difficult questions about the future of our party and the future of the working-class communities who need a Labour government.
Jess Phillips
It is through science that we prove, but through intuition that we discover.
Henri Poincare
What again I tell my people is that no matter how much you know, it’s never enough. You will always discover, after the fact, that you’ve missed something.
Lakhdar Brahimi
These rare senses and powers of reasoning were given to be used freely, but not audaciously, to discover, not to pervert the truth.
William John Wills
I feel there’s a power in theatre, but it’s an indirect power. It’s like the relationship of the sleeper to the unconscious. You discover things you can’t afford to countenance in waking life. You can forget them, remember them a day later or not have any idea what they are about.
Tony Kushner
Isn’t it astonishing that all these secrets have been preserved for so many years just so we could discover them!
Orville Wright
The richer you are and the more financial advisers you employ, the less likelihood there is that you can ever discover what you are really worth.
Felix Dennis
Medically speaking, there is no such thing as a nervous breakdown. Which is very annoying to discover when you’re right in the middle of one.
Marian Keyes
Only through destroying myself can I discover the great

Only through destroying myself can I discover the greater power of my spirit.
Chuck Palahniuk
Books don’t exist unless you read them. And it’s a two way process – you write the book as you read it and you fill in the gaps. You discover it and you put the marks together and without you doing it they’re just marks.
Samuel West
I have worked with a lot of people, all very different creatives, helping me hone my craft and discover myself as an artist and the record I want to make. It’s such an amazing process seeing and hearing the tracks that people could eventually be listening to on my debut album!
Calum Scott
Making lists of favorite things is, for me, a task ridden with anxiety. What if I’ve accidentally excluded something I love? What if I discover something new tomorrow that I love even more?
Sara Zarr
It’s amazing what you’ll discover if you start exploring what God has placed within you.
Victoria Osteen
When you dream, you dialogue with aspects of yourself that normally are not with you in the daytime and you discover that you know a great deal more than you thought you did.
Toni Cade Bambara
I think, at heart, unless you discover faith in something else, something other, it’s very hard to shake the thing that you’re adrift alone.
Robert Smith
One of the things I discover a lot in marriage counseling is the husband or wife trying to get their spiritual thirst quenched by their partner; I think that’s a real common mistake that we make.
Max Lucado
Keeping the facts differentiated from the fantasy is incredibly helpful in gathering your information as you discover if a person is a match for you.
Tracee Ellis Ross
This whole thing about reality television to me is really indicative of America saying we’re not satisfied just watching television, we want to star in our own TV shows. We want you to discover us and put us in your own TV show, and we want television to be about us, finally.
Steven Spielberg
Scientists often have a naive faith that if only they could discover enough facts about a problem, these facts would somehow arrange themselves in a compelling and true solution.
Theodosius Dobzhansky
Too often you see someone fall, break a rib, go in to the doctor and discover a tumor.
Elizabeth Holmes
What I love about sci-fi is that every generation’s films are based on what we know at that point in time. We make movies about the future, but it’s always based on what we have. Then, as science grows and we discover new things, so do our ideas.
Olga Kurylenko
I have never been to Mars. What will we discover when we get there? A red landscape, quiet horizon, frozen glaciers? Probably all is as beautiful, in its own way, as the Earth was thousands of years ago.
Ma Yansong
Middle grade fiction, to me, is really about emergence of self. It’s about expressing the idea that the world is going to start affecting you more, and your parents’ influence is going to wane. Middle grade is when a lot of kids discover their passions – art, music, sports, what have you.
Greg van Eekhout
The first question I ask myself when something doesn’t seem to be beautiful is why do I think it’s not beautiful. And very shortly you discover that there is no reason.
John Cage
What you come to discover is, it isn’t how you get there, it’s that you get there. If that’s what it took to get me where I’m at today, so be it.
Charlie Sheen
I kind of date my musical discovery back to when I was 13 years old, getting my iTunes account and using that as a major tool to discover new music.
Nick Jonas
Watch what people are cynical about, and one can often discover what they lack.
George S. Patton
A policeman, as you discover, has to put up with a hell of a lot of abuse. A man in any other line of work would nail a guy who laid that kind of abuse on him. I know I would.
Kent McCord
In history, psychedelic plants were used by priests and shamans with a desire to discover the interior.
Alejandro Jodorowsky
When you rely on incentives, you undermine virtues. Then when you discover that you actually need people who want to do the right thing, those people don’t exist because you’ve crushed anyone’s desire to do the right thing with all these incentives.
Barry Schwartz
Open eyes will discover opportunities everywhere; open ears will never fail to detect the cries of those who are perishing for assistance; open hearts will never want for worthy objects upon which to bestow their gifts; open hands will never lack for noble work to do.
Orison Swett Marden
While drawing, I discover what I really want to say.
Dario Fo
EBay gave me the framework to discover I was an e-commerce entrepreneur. I touched everything, from shipping to logistics.
Sophia Amoruso
Aspects of guilt or handwringing that one might expect in a film set in the ’50s about women who discover their love for other women – a lot of these things are not in ‘Carol.’
Todd Haynes
I assure you, Ladies and Gentlemen, that we shall discover ourselves in peace more than we have with war and confrontation, as I am sure that the Israelis, in turn shall find themselves in peace more than they have found it in war.
Yasser Arafat
I was concerned about that, because I’ve always been so specific about doing independent films, but I’ve never done anything that’s so genuinely and ridiculously fun. And that’s a great thing, for me to discover that that’s possible.
Sarah Polley
Voyagers discover that the world can never be larger than the person that is in the world; but it is impossible to foresee this, it is impossible to be warned.
James Baldwin
I want to get better as an actor, to keep trying to work harder, trying to discover something different. In some ways, it’s a pretty frightening experience. But normally, I do tend to walk against fear and hope that I’ll be able to survive.
Forest Whitaker
‘The Tales’ are an important part of ‘Hollow City,’ when the kids discover secrets encoded in them that end up saving their lives. I wrote two tales as part of ‘Hollow City,’ and spent the next couple of years finishing the trilogy but itching to write more tales.
Ransom Riggs
Sometimes in churches somebody will discover a particul

Sometimes in churches somebody will discover a particular vein of spirituality and seek to recruit others into it, or assume a superior position because they have found certain techniques – but no one actually wants to become like them.
John Ortberg
I don’t know what God has planned for me or you or anyone, but I do know that in darkness, you discover an indistinguishable light.
Cory Booker
As an actor, you can certainly, at any moment and at any time, discover 400 people who think you’re stupid, fat and ugly.
Amy Poehler
I don’t judge people. I don’t even judge people on ‘The Voice.’ I’m a coach. I’m there for constructive criticism and to aid and abet and discover new talent.
CeeLo Green
It is hard for anyone who discovers George Washington not to write about him, perhaps because he is so hard to discover and such a surprise when you do.
Edmund Morgan
The bitterest creature under heaven is the wife who discovers that her husband’s bravery is only bravado, that his strength is only a uniform, that his power is but a gun in the hands of a fool.
Pearl S. Buck
You don’t realize how useful a therapist is until you see yourself on e and discover you have more problems than you ever dreamed of.
Claire Danes
I have never understood models. I find it really hard to find beauty in that or to discover beauty because the beauty was so obvious.
Anton Corbijn
I’m constantly astounded by the way people talk so openly to someone they don’t know. They clarify in their own minds what is important to them, discover another person has similar problems, and create trust and even a friendship.
Theodore Zeldin
YouTube is a good way to discover new music now because it comes up with that thing at the side with other artists you might like.
Jake Bugg
You have to think that the answer – and the right answer – for you and your organization might not be something that’s been done before. And it’s up to you to discover and work with your team to form and figure out how to do successfully.
Abigail Johnson
A big part of engaging kids in science is not getting the single, correct answer; it’s being willing to work with students to discover the correct answer.
Mae Jemison
When we seek to discover the best in others, we somehow bring out the best in ourselves.
William Arthur Ward
It doesn’t matter what you’re trying to accomplish. It’s all a matter of discipline. I was determined to discover what life held for me beyond the inner-city streets.
Wilma Rudolph
You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you’ll discover will be wonderful. What you’ll discover is yourself.
Alan Alda
My dad was a keen philatelist and, when he died, he left me an album he’d curated over some 40 years. He’d handpicked every item, saying each one reminded him of me. I opened it to discover the pages were full of beige stamps bearing the image of George V. Take from that what you will.
Sue Perkins
Because I never plan anything out ahead of time, I’m always in the process of learning about my characters. Without a biographical sketch to guide me, I discover things about my heroines as the stories unfold. Only in ‘Body Double’ did I discover that Maura’s mother was a serial killer.
Tess Gerritsen
There are many movies which come with an attitude of black and white. I am good and you are bad. And there are many movies that are also trying to see the reality as it is or to discover what really is behind the character or events.
Ashraf Barhom
I think there’s a real joy in going to see movies when you discover them yourself.
Jeff Bridges
To discover the true principles of Morality, men have no need of theology, of revelation, or of gods: They have need only of common sense.
Baron d’Holbach
No one ever discovers the depths of his own loneliness.
Georges Bernanos
I think leadership is not something you learn; it’s something you discover.
Myles Munroe
If I can help a kid discover a liking, or even a passion for music in their life, then that’s a wonderful thing.
Eddie Van Halen
When we discover that the truth is already in us, we are all at once our original selves.
Right, different generations come along, and discover the music, I think.
Wanda Jackson
If a woman goes to Planned Parenthood for birth control and discovers in the course of her visit that she has high blood pressure, Planned Parenthood can’t help her. She has to be referred to a FQHC for treatment.
Abby Johnson
Life’s challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they’re supposed to help you discover who you are.
Bernice Johnson Reagon
Wit invents; inspiration reveals. The inventions of wit are conceits – metaphors and paradoxes – that discover the secret correspondences that unite beings and things among and with themselves; inspiration is condemned to dissipate its revelations – unless a form can be found to contain them.
Octavio Paz
For my part, I would say that the male sperm and seeds of plants have been penetrated so far that there is nothing further to discover in this great secret, but I could err in my opinion.
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
I have the instruments, ideas, technology, computer techniques. We try to create or see something, which has not been known before – just to discover something together. This is always my dream.
Lennart Nilsson
There are men who would quickly love each other if once they were speak to each other; for when they spoke they would discover that their souls had only separated by phantoms and delusions.
Ernest Hello
The first and simplest emotion which we discover in the

The first and simplest emotion which we discover in the human mind, is curiosity.
Edmund Burke
Every day now, I discover something new. Go through phases in which I feel much more in touch with my feminine side in ways I never thought possible. I’m letting the woman inside of me speak, the desires of this woman, speak as loud as they can.
Most people die of a sort of creeping common sense, and discover when it is too late that the only things one never regrets are one’s mistakes.
Oscar Wilde
Historians and archaeologists will one day discover that the ads of our time are the richest and most faithful reflections that any society ever made of its entire range of activities.
Marshall McLuhan
History is a certain way, but you just change the point of view a little bit, and you discover a whole new side of it.
Allison Schroeder
On Tumblr, I’m really careful about not following too many things. I enjoy going on there to discover new things more than anywhere else now.
Felicia Day
My science teachers always encouraged their classes to ‘go out and discover something’ because all scientific endeavors depend on observation and experimentation. Through such pursuits, anyone can find something new to science, and if it’s truly novel, the entire edifice of science might have to be restructured.
Greg Graffin
Then, you were supposed to discover the city, where they were. But because somebody like skeletons. And that they discovered that they were at a cheap price, we used too many skeletons all over the place, and the public got the wrong message.
John Hench
Take the time to discover how African-Americans have had a great impact on this country. In science, education, literature, art, and politics.
Lynn Swann
For a sculptor, a painter, a weaver, a potter, the dialogue between one’s materials and what one makes from them is easy to see: discover a new material or a new way to use a familiar one, and new things can be made, sometimes leading to the discovery of more new material, leading to more creation.
Andrea Barrett
I’ve been traveling the world and experiencing different places, and you always discover new things.
Jason Derulo
The way to solve problems in the world is to become scientists and technologists and build things that haven’t been built before and discover things that people really don’t know about.
Rana el Kaliouby
I think that I’ve just kind of found my niche, if that makes sense. I still write the same, but I feel like I’ve found what separates me, and I always try to stay in that when I write. It took me a long time to discover that, so I try to be protective.
Kelsea Ballerini
Building the right product requires systematically and relentlessly testing that vision to discover which elements of it are brilliant, and which are crazy.
Eric Ries
I knew what I wanted to be, but I didn’t know exactly how to get there. I thought you move to Nashville, you sing downtown, and someone discovers you, and you become a country music star. I had no idea.
Tyler Farr
People are intrigued when they discover you date a footballer – women especially.
Zoe Foster Blake
People who dismiss science in favor of religion sometimes confuse the challenge of rigorously understanding the world with a deliberate intellectual exclusion that leads them to mistrust scientists and, to their detriment, what they discover.
Lisa Randall
A most highly multiplying trait in point of far-reaching influences is that of ability to discover and use strong men. This trait stands out impressively in Rothschild’s ‘Lincoln, Master of Men’.
John Mott
I’m a writer who simply can’t know what I’m writing about until the writing lets me discover it. In a sense, my writing process embraces the gapped nature of my memory process, leaping across spaces that represent all I’ve lost and establishing fresh patterns within all that remains.
Floyd Skloot
I was the executive editor on a little magazine called Greek Accent, whose only claim to fame is that its art director went on to be the art director of Discover for many years.
Jane Haddam
I teach at Caltech and oversee a research laboratory there. In general, I find that the majority of young people are excited by the prospects of research, but they soon discover that in the current market, many doctorate-level scientists are holding temporary positions or are unemployed.
Ahmed Zewail
Artistically I am still a child with a whole life ahead of me to discover and create. I want something, but I won’t know what it is until I succeed in doing it.
Alberto Giacometti
As I came to New York, it was for me a new beginning. To discover what people are living here. What do they need, what do they expect, what would they like to be the image and the performance of the New York Philharmonic?
Kurt Masur
Since scarcity is the basic economic problem, if it does not exist then there is no reason for my economics course. Devoting time to the study of how people use limited resources to fulfill unlimited wants and needs should help us to discover how to best utilize the resources we have at our disposal.
Kurt Bills
When I was a kid, dealing with trying to discover myself, I didn’t have anybody to talk to. I didn’t have any Internet and didn’t have any friends. You felt very alone and very frightened.
Rob Halford
A lot of readers and a lot of editors had a story problem with Oracle, in that she made for such an easy, convenient story accelerator, that we missed the sense of having characters have to struggle to discover, to solve mysteries. Famously, it helped make Batman less of a detective and more of a monster hunter.
Gail Simone
When we feel like we discover something, we are usually uncovering or realizing what has always been there. The laws of nature are always present, waiting for us to tune in.
Tara Stiles
It’s only when you risk failure that you discover things. When you play it safe, you’re not expressing the utmost of your human experience.
Lupita Nyong’o
I subscribe to ‘National Geographic,’ ‘Scientific American,’ ‘Discover,’ and a slew of other magazines. And it is while reading articles for pleasure and interest that an interesting ‘What if?’ will pop into my head.
James Rollins
There are many mediocre entertainers who don’t aspire to much more than fame and glory. It’s very easy to have them as your role models because there aren’t as many greats. Go back, discover the greats, and take it from there.
Carmen Ejogo
If I look to see what I ever did that, for all I now know, some other man might not have done, I am utterly unable to discover the certainly unique deed.
Josiah Royce
When something is written for you or handed to you, som

When something is written for you or handed to you, sometimes there’s a very interesting dance as you discover what it is that’s required.
Mark Sheppard
Blake & Murphy and I used to be best friends. They helped me discover who I am. They taught me that Bliss was good, but bad is better. Because of the boys, I was able to really express who I am instead of being the pixie princess I was pretending to be.
Alexa Bliss
I’ve tried in my career to do most everything, because it all intrigues me. And I’ve found the first time I work in a new form, I discover all the things that make that an exciting medium. I’ve been very busy most of my career. I’ve had very few vacations.
Rupert Holmes
I wrote a very bad play about Prince William when I was 23 in which he went off to the island of Iona to discover himself. It was very long, and audiences should probably be very pleased that the computer it was on blew up.
Mike Bartlett
Whosoever wisely examines the works of God will speedily discover what is next to be done.
Thomas Becket
You can leave Paris, but when you come back, you discover it again.
Jeanne Damas
Try and understand what part you have to play in the world in which you live. There’s more to life than you know and it’s all happening out there. Discover what part you can play and then go for it.
Ian Mckellen
The need to write comes from the need to make sense of one’s life and discover one’s usefulness.
John Cheever
Someday, when the ultimate laws of physics are in our grasp, we may discover that the notion of time isn’t actually essential. Time might instead emerge to play an important role in the macroscopic world of our experience, even if it is nowhere to be found in the final Theory of Everything.
Sean M. Carroll
A few years ago, kids from poor areas in France were asked to draw items of food. For a chicken, they drew a drumstick. For a fish, they drew a fish stick. Those are extremes, but there is a lot that needs to be done to help children discover good food.
Joel Robuchon
Now that Arab women are pouring into the streets by the million, men discover with dismay that they, not women, were the captives of the harem dream.
Fatema Mernissi
We are constantly learning and growing and changing. We are really an experiment. We are endeavoring to discover if a community of faith can exist purely for the good of others.
Erwin McManus
Not even the most powerful organs of the press, including Time, Newsweek, and The New York Times, can discover a new artist or certify his work and make it stick. They can only bring you the scores.
Thomas Wolfe
I have been very fortunate to be a part of tours with other artists that have exposed me to new places that I’ve never been before. Once you discover something beautiful, you just want to keep coming back.
Sara Bareilles
In both business and personal life, I’ve always found that travel inspires me more than anything else I do. Evidence of the languages, cultures, scenery, food, and design sensibilities that I discover all over the world can be found in every piece of my jewelry.
Ivanka Trump
All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.
Galileo Galilei
I love the idea of a woman being able to discover the idea of power this way, on such a scale. And I don’t know about that, what it means – well, I guess I’d better, or my part’s in trouble.
Mary McDonnell
You think once you’ve shown what you can do, and your movies have been successful, that snap, you work. So to discover the difference between guys’ roles and girls’ roles made me plain mad. It’s unjust.
Connie Nielsen
I think ‘Sex and the City’ is a chapter that will never close. In a wonderful way, it’s always going to be an open chapter because it seems like new generations discover the show and relate to it, which is amazing, and you can’t hope for that.
Darren Star
We learn wisdom from failure much more than from success. We often discover what will do, by finding out what will not do; and probably he who never made a mistake never made a discovery.
Samuel Smiles
Everybody is in a hurry to decode you in a certain way, and then they expect you to adhere to their definition. How can they possibly do that when you yourself are finding it hard to discover yourself?
Sushant Singh Rajput
Wisdom comes out of dialogue so you have to develop the capacity to expose your own ignorance in order that they may discover their own wisdom.
John B. Goodenough
Few revolutions succeed, and when they do, you often discover they did not gain what you hoped for, and you condemn yourself to perpetual fear, as the parties you defeated may always regain power and work for your ruin.
Francesco Guicciardini
There are an endless number of things to discover about robotics. A lot of it is just too fantastic for people to believe.
Daniel H. Wilson
Discover your own style. Don’t try to repeat what has already been written – have the courage to do your own thing and don’t be afraid to do something different.
Cecelia Ahern
You can have a spiritual awakening and discover a new side of you at any age. And best of all, love can happen at any age. Life can just start to get exciting when you’re in your 40s and 50s. You have to believe that.
Salma Hayek
People who do not recognize their Owner and discover their Master are miserable and bewildered. But those who do, and then take refuge in His Mercy and rely on His Power, see this desolate world transformed into a place of rest and felicity, a place of exchange for the Hereafter.
Said Nursi
I didn’t discover how music and film could work together until Jim Jarmusch had me do ‘Ghost Dog.’
It’s easy to be lazy when there’s food lying around backstage or there’s a fast-food joint a couple blocks away. But if you walk a little further, ask around a bit, of course there are exciting things to discover.
Alex Kapranos
I always liked it when people go back in time to discover things about themselves, like with ‘A Christmas Carol’ and you’re getting a tour of your life by the ghosts of Christmas past, present and future.
John Cusack
You discover your brain is a powerful tool, something that is so powerful that sometimes you are surprised by the outcomes, how quickly it adapts to situations and how quickly you learn.
Robert Kubica
Since the composer has said everything, if you discover

Since the composer has said everything, if you discover everything, it will be enough and you will be a happy man. Don’t try to say it’s your taste, and because of that you are changing this or that. And I must say this respect is still there.
Kurt Masur
There’s nothing in this world like being the first to discover some fundamental fact of nature. It’s profoundly satisfying.
Carolyn Porco
In the fast-changing, information-filled world of the Internet, you never know what you might find. Maybe you’ll discover a great price on an airline ticket, or maybe you’ll come across that quote you’ve been racking your brain for.
Dick Durbin
Discover the times when you’re most creative – mornings, nights, afternoons – and clear the time to work then. Many writers find the mornings are best, and the afternoons are only good for editorial corrections, or getting the washing done. Others can only work through the night, drunk.
Deborah Moggach
‘Focusing’ is no conventional repackaging of self-help wisdom. It is at once a manual and a philosophy. It talks about the body’s wisdom, the steps of the focusing technique, how to discover the richness in others by learning to listen.
Marilyn Ferguson
We must declare ourselves, become known; allow the world to discover this subterranean life of ours which connects kings and farm boys, artists and clerks. Let them see that the important thing is not the object of love, but the emotion itself.
Gore Vidal
In 2016, one of the things I really hope to do is discover new talent and help develop it. Take what I’ve learned and what I can do and help amplify those voices.
Tyler Oakley
As dutiful bishops soon discover, authoritarianism, or control from the top down, characterizes the hierarchical tradition.
Eugene Kennedy
I’ve seen a lot of the United States, having stayed in so many different cities and towns for work. It’s such a strange and fascinating country, and instead of learning about it through a textbook, I would rather discover its history and traditions and institutions through fiction and nonfiction writers.
Hope Davis
I believe giving back is one of the greatest life lessons we can teach our children: that the world isn’t all about them and that, through our actions, people will really discover what kind of a person we truly are.
Gretchen Carlson
To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.
Lewis B. Smedes
I have no problem being 53. Why would I want to be 35 again? I want to discover who I am in my 50s. And if I tried too hard to look younger, it would seem that I was uncomfortable with who I am, wouldn’t it?
Ellen Barkin
I think for us up-and-coming artists, once you’re out there, once you’ve put stuff up, once people know who you are, once you discover who you are, we’re all in the same boat: it’s down to whether people appreciate the music or not.
Ella Eyre
You must submit to supreme suffering in order to discover the completion of joy.
John Calvin
We read advertisements… to discover and enlarge our desires. We are always ready – even eager – to discover, from the announcement of a new product, what we have all along wanted without really knowing it.
Daniel J. Boorstin
All honest work is good work; it is capable of leading to self-development, provided the doer seeks to discover the inherent lessons and makes the most of the potentialities for such growth.
Paramahansa Yogananda
I use Pinterest for everything. Book collections, trips, hobbies. It’s all there. I planned my wedding on it. When I had a kid, I planned all his stuff on it. So it was nice to discover that I wasn’t the only one.
Ben Silbermann
I don’t ever know where I’m going. Because one of the wonderful things about writing, which is different than working in programming, you don’t need to know. You could just write and discover where you’re going. And it’s a great deal of fun.
Walter Mosley
Whether or not you discover your talents and passions is partly a matter of opportunity. If you’ve never been sailing, or picked up an instrument, or tried to teach or to write fiction, how would you know if you had a talent for these things?
Ken Robinson
I still like complete sentences that are grammatically correct without spelling errors. I don’t always achieve this, and it is irksome to read a message I have sent and discover errors. I know I often leave out words in e-mail, not by choice, but because of the way my brain works.
Ray Tomlinson
I’ve been reading Tanith Lee since I was a teenager, beginning with ‘The Birthgrave’ and ‘The Storm Lord.’ Only recently did I discover, to my delight, how many more of her books I’ve yet to read.
Neal Asher
One of my motivations to become a blood specialist was to study malaria in red blood cells. But in science, you discover something and you want to go this way, but your work goes that way.
Peter Agre
It’s always great when you discover someone.
Brian De Palma
For me, writing is an experience. It’s an exercise in which I want to discover myself by taking my characters to the edges of human experience, to the edges of themselves and then, asking certain questions – about love, what does it mean to love? What’s beauty? What is true beauty?
Ted Dekker
At some time in their careers, most good historians itch to write a history of the world, endeavor to discover what makes humanity the most destructive and creative of species.
Paul Johnson
You discover two things when you’re a teenager. One, that your parents are not the idols that you thought they were when you were growing up, if you had nice parents. And two, that you have power over them, and you can upset them and confront them and attack them.
Kenneth Lonergan
I’m not trying to uncover the facts of my life but to discover the dramatic truth of the situations I was in.
Edward St Aubyn
I love Elektra. I really have a special place in my heart for her. It was very enjoyable for me to discover her and to adapt her for this project and bring myself to this character. So I have a special spot for her.
Elodie Yung
All of us want something in life, all of us have flaws, and all of us have strengths. So, I always try to discover those things in a character and then try to expose it in one way or another.
Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu
I am amazed to discover that I am a very patient guy.
Abhinav Shukla
‘Dependent web’ platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Google and Yahoo are where people go to discover and share new content. Independent sites are the millions of blogs, community and service sites where passionate individuals ‘hang out’ with like-minded folks. This is where shared content is often created.
John Battelle
In the history of medicine, it is not always the great

In the history of medicine, it is not always the great scientist or the learned doctor who goes forward to discover new fields, new avenues, new ideas.
Elizabeth Kenny
Acting allows me to explore new worlds, to discover characters by delving into their lives, and ultimately to become someone else entirely.
Pierce Brosnan
Reading ‘Moby-Dick’ helps you discover how to live.
Nathaniel Philbrick
I was a bit late on Erykah Badu, but I don’t think you can really be late on music. You discover it whenever; music is timeless.
Jorja Smith
True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country.
Kurt Vonnegut
One of the first things a British visitor to Southern California discovers is that he must have a car. Freeways. Bad public transport. I took driving lessons.
Christopher Lee
I love working with actors who will just go, ‘Oh O.K., let’s try it and see where it goes,’ and ‘Let’s see what we can discover.’
George C. Wolfe
Giving oneself permission to write to begin with is the first enormous challenge. But you discover that this permission involves a requirement: To write about things that are difficult because they are, in fact, your subject.
Jonathan Galassi
StumbleUpon has humanized the Web and mastered a way for people to discover online content by incorporating an individual’s personal preferences and recommendations of friends and like-minded people.
Mitch Kapor
The end of the First World War had thrown Germany’s youth into great turmoil. The reins of power had fallen from the hands of a deeply disillusioned older generation, and the younger ones drew together in larger and smaller groups to blaze new paths or, at least, to discover a new star to steer by.
Werner Heisenberg
If you drive to, say, Shenandoah National Park, or the Great Smoky Mountains, you’ll get some appreciation for the scale and beauty of the outdoors. When you walk into it, then you see it in a completely different way. You discover it in a much slower, more majestic sort of way.
Bill Bryson
You have got to discover you, what you do, and trust it.
Barbra Streisand
Yet it is in this loneliness that the deepest activities begin. It is here that you discover act without motion, labor that is profound repose, vision in obscurity, and, beyond all desire, a fulfillment whose limits extend to infinity.
Thomas Merton
When I was a child, I wanted to… go into space! To go to Mars. I wanted to explore and explore and explore. I wanted to go to the Lost World in South America – I was heartbroken to discover there were no dinosaurs; I still don’t accept it.
Brian Blessed
I was hugely relieved to discover there was a purpose for girls with loud voices.
Betty Buckley
You don’t have to be the sexiest girl or the most talented person to have the X factor. X factor is something you are born with that is your own. And the moment that you realize how to tap into that quality that you have within, and how to bring that individuality out of yourself, that is when you discover the X factor.
Sonu Nigam
To discover your mission and put it into action – instead of worrying on the sidelines – is to find peace of mind and a heart full of love.
Scilla Elworthy
What they’ve found so far in the Amazon is 5 percent of what there is yet to discover to eat in the Amazon because it’s completely unknown. I’ve eaten things I’ve never eaten before over there.
Alain Ducasse
Being president, you may have more power than anyone else in the country, but you quickly discover that you have much, much less than you thought you’d have going in. You’re hamstrung in ways you never dreamed of.
Tina Brown
In a lot of cases, writers discover that the novel needs to begin later in the action than they’d first thought.
Will Hobbs
It is only by drawing often, drawing everything, drawing incessantly, that one fine day you discover to your surprise that you have rendered something in its true character.
Camille Pissarro
Life has its own hidden forces which you can only discover by living.
Soren Kierkegaard
Acting is different from mental gymnastics. You try to discover as much about the character as you can, but a large area is mysterious.
Faye Dunaway
I always wanted to do good work, the best that I was able to, to really discover myself, getting better with each role, and find newer ways to do the same thing.
I grew up with The Beatles, Bob Marley and Talking Heads. I like the melody-with-rhythm aspect of music – there’s so much to discover still.
Albert Hammond, Jr.
No matter how many times you’ve done it, the early stages of getting a show up on its feet is very hit and miss. There seem to be thousands of options on every page to discover.
Laurie Metcalf
We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
The only thing I have never known is true intimacy with a man. I absolutely wanted to discover that before dying.
Jane Fonda
My students frequently ask what their next project should be. My advice: immerse yourself in the music you love and you will find what you want to do; you will discover your next project.
Lukas Foss
A broker who discovers an undervalued stock does not advertise it until he has bought a large enough quantity without letting the price go up. When the brokers’ connection with a stock becomes public knowledge, it is usually a sure sign of manipulation and that the broker is seeking to drive up the price.
Sucheta Dalal
A novel is a journey into your own soul, and you seek there to discover those things that you share with all others.
Richard Flanagan
Take lots of walks. It's the best way to discover your

Take lots of walks. It’s the best way to discover your world, both inner and outer.
Jen Sincero
I didn’t want to sit around and wait for someone to discover me, so I created my own self through the Internet.
Jeffree Star
In these days when science is clearly in the saddle and when our knowledge of disease is advancing at a breathless pace, we are apt to forget that not all can ride and that he also serves who waits and who applies what the horseman discovers.
Harvey Cushing
I’d much rather go out and have music randomly presented to me by different DJs than stay home and discover it on my own.
There are people that you don’t like because you’re jealous of them until you meet them. And you haven’t read their book because it’s had so much attention. Then you meet them and discover they’ve been jealous of you, and you become friends.
Peter Carey
I cannot discover that anyone knows enough to say definitely what is and what is not possible.
Henry Ford
My favourite thing is to discover what someone does well and say, ‘Do that for me.’
Laurie Simmons
The origin of the absurd idea of immortal life is easy to discover; it is kept alive by hope and fear, by childish faith, and by cowardice.
Clarence Darrow
It’s far more impressive when others discover your good qualities without your help.
Judith Martin
I don’t have my novel outlined, and I have to write to discover what I am doing. Like the old lady, I don’t know so well what I think until I see what I say; then I have to say it over again.
Flannery O’Connor
It isn’t always simple when America discovers you at 11 years old. Suddenly, it’s not just homework that you’re responsible for. Your name becomes a hashtag, and if you’re lucky, you might even get invited on ‘Ellen.’
Marley Dias
At the very least we should be given a bit of credit and a little bit of space, and maybe the media should think we could help them discover why English teams do not win European competitions.
Jose Mourinho
It’s always nice when people discover I’m a normal person and not, because of my appearance, a half-crazed lunatic who may stab them with a Bic pen.
Jason Mantzoukas
I don’t have so many things in the fashion world that interest me. It’s probably because I am so deeply into it. Often when you go very deep into something, you also discover what it’s about, and you understand it better. With the art world, I still have a lot of curiosity.
Raf Simons
When I was a student, the laws of physics were regarded as completely off limits. The job of the scientist, we were told, is to discover the laws and apply them, not inquire into their provenance.
Paul Davies
What I’m really focused on is connecting people around shared interests, so together they can make good stuff happen. I’m more focused on helping people discover their power as individuals, but through those connections with one another.
Pierre Omidyar
If you go in and audition for roles rather than just be offered them, then you kind of get a chance to kind of discover that you can do something that you didn’t think you could do.
Peter Sarsgaard
I always knew that I was called to do something. I didn’t know what, but I finally rationalized after I met Martin – and it took a lot of praying to discover this – that this was probably what God had called me to do: to marry him.
Coretta Scott King
I feel like the first record was really finding my feet, figuring out what music I wanted to make… Now that I’ve done that, I feel like I’ve got a much clearer idea of what I want to sound like and what I want to discover. It’s exciting.
You can’t get there by bus, only by hard work and risk and by not quite knowing what you’re doing. What you’ll discover will be wonderful. What you’ll discover will be yourself.
Alan Alda
The strangeness will wear off and I think we will discover the deeper meanings in modern art.
Jackson Pollock
Pinterest is offering consumers a way to discover things on the web, in a serendipitous way, with a beautiful user interface. So it’s offering a whole new paradigm called ‘discover’ and allowing users to be creative.
Ron Conway
If you keep proving stuff that others have done, getting confidence, increasing the complexities of your solutions – for the fun of it – then one day you’ll turn around and discover that nobody actually did that one!
Richard P. Feynman
I had a drummer in my band who started teaching me tricks to come up with interesting rhythms. Because I don’t come from a musical background, I’ve never studied music, and I don’t know music theory at all, so a lot of stuff I discover on my own are things students would learn in the first grade of music.
Jens Lekman
Partnering with Rent the Runway’s innovative model, combined with their affinity amongst millennials, provides an exciting opportunity for us. Together, we’re helping the next generation of luxury consumers discover and fall in love with designer fashion.
Karen Katz
I suppose I’ve always lived in my own head. I didn’t discover boys till sixth form. Then suddenly it was, ‘Oh! Boys!’
Malorie Blackman
True refuge is that which allows us to be at home, at peace, to discover true happiness. The only thing that can give us true refuge is the awareness and love that is intrinsic to who we are. Ultimately, it’s our own true nature.
Tara Brach
Literature is always trying to show other parts of this immense universe in which we live. It’s endless. I’m sure there will be other writers who will discover new worlds.
Nathalie Sarraute
I think mobility is very important, not only to discover opportunities elsewhere but at times, also to appreciate better what your home town has. Allahabad, for instance, has the feel of a small, tightly-knit community where everyone participates.
Vikas Swarup
People always come up to me and say, ‘you should do standup.’ It’s nice to discover things about yourself. That keeps everything lively and fun.
James Patterson
Every morning, I take a deep breath and then go online to discover what new insult or smear has been thrown in my direction. Whether it’s tweets, blogposts or comment threads, the abuse is as relentless as it is vicious.
Mehdi Hasan
There are many wonderful themes from 'Moana' that peopl

There are many wonderful themes from ‘Moana’ that people discover, and I also hope they’re inspired to go on their own journeys and to learn more about the Polynesian culture, because we’re pretty great! I’m so proud of the people the filmmakers talked to – the Oceanic Trust.
Auli’i Cravalho
I can explain to you in detail just how a tree can be made into paper. But I’ve always wondered – and hoped – that someday, someone would help me discover how paper can be made back into a tree.
Hope Jahren
I did not discover literature of any kind until I was about eleven, or ten.
Ben Peek
Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views.
William F. Buckley, Jr.
There was a time when radio stations wouldn’t play Gaga’s music because it was considered dance. Outside of live performances, the Internet became our primary tool to help people discover her music.
Troy Carter
The overwhelming bulk of the cosmos is deathly quiet. But here and there – on worlds where matter is thick and conditions are right – noises are commonplace. And in some cases, these noisy worlds may ring with the sounds of life – the bleats and bellows of creatures we have never seen, but may someday discover.
Seth Shostak
It was Einstein’s dream to discover the grand design of the universe, a single theory that explains everything. However, physicists in Einstein’s day hadn’t made enough progress in understanding the forces of nature for that to be a realistic goal.
Stephen Hawking
It is the forces of the universe that make human beings fall ill. Having learnt to recognize how sun qualities and moon qualities live in plants, animals and minerals, we discover how we can find counterforces and also individual natural forces that point us towards medicines for specific internal illnesses.
Rudolf Steiner
You think you know what love is – until you have a child and discover that unconditional mother love.
Halle Berry
In a film you only get two hours to do this big arc and so you have to pick and choose your moments carefully, but with television you get to take your time and just take it episode by episode and discover new things.
Chris Zylka
You’re watching the movie for the first time when you’re working with the actors in front of the camera. You don’t think about how the audience will react. You discover the film.
Juan Antonio Bayona
A lot of movies that come from Israel are about war, but there is such good, funny, rounded writing that comes from the country that I wish more people would discover.
Odeya Rush
I don’t go on set with an army of people because the most expensive elements of a movie production are the plane tickets, the hotel rooms, food and gasoline. If you’re willing to discover new colleagues in the place that you are, you can save a ton of money.
Francis Ford Coppola
I think a lot of films do themselves a disfavor by putting in way too much information, and everyone knows what’s gonna happen next, and no one can actually discover things as they go.
Elizabeth Olsen
The Blind Boys are truly the deepest well of American musical heritage you can discover.
Ben Harper
I was surprised when I finally moved to Boston and the East Coast, to discover that there weren’t that many vibraphone players around. And I was the only one playing with four mallets.
Gary Burton
Realize you won’t master data structures until you are working on a real-world problem and discover that a hash is the solution to your performance woes.
Robert Love
When I was living an almost mechanical lifestyle as an idol, I was constantly wrapped up in thoughts about who I was. That’s when I entered a phase in which I was trying to discover myself. Because I was able to get past that difficult phase, I now realize how important it is to protect myself and my identity.
Park Hyung-sik
When you start out with goals – mine were to play polytonally and polyrhythmically – you never exhaust that. I started doing that in the 1940s. It’s still a challenge to discover what can be done with just those two elements.
Dave Brubeck
Everything of importance has been said before by somebody who did not discover it.
Alfred North Whitehead
Those who set out to serve both God and Mammon soon discover that there is no God.
Logan Pearsall Smith
He who wonders discovers that this in itself is wonder.
M. C. Escher
There are all these interesting rules about asteroid nomenclature. Once you discover it, you have the right to name it, but there’s a catch.
Carrie Nugent
The power of Ayasdi is its unique ability to automatically discover insights – regardless of complexity – without asking questions.
Gurjeet Singh
There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened.
Douglas Adams
Once you discover that you can, then you must. And it’s not easy. You have to take direct steps. You really have to count your blessings and you have to make a decided effort to not get seduced by the blues.
Al Jarreau
I, for one, find writing excruciating. Some mornings, as I’m on my way to my desk, my hands actually tremble with fear. The fear, of course, is that I’ll sit down at the desk and discover that what I’ve written is claptrap. Fear inevitably leads to procrastination.
Rosemary Mahoney
All of us are born for a reason, but all of us don’t discover why. Success in life has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It’s what you do for others.
Danny Thomas
Once working people discover that, collectively, we have more power than we do as individual silos, then we become an incredibly powerful force. But I think that there are powers that be that are invested in us remaining divided along racial lines, along economic lines.
Lynn Nottage
It’s the difficulty we had with Mr. Bean, actually, when it went from TV to film. You certainly discover that you need to explain more about a character.
Rowan Atkinson
If you spend all of your time racing ahead to the future, you’re liable to discover you’ve left a great present behind.
Tom Wilson
You may be surprised to discover you're rich, especiall

You may be surprised to discover you’re rich, especially if you’re broke.
P. J. O’Rourke
I discover what I mean as I write. That can be both terrifically exciting and very dangerous, because when you look at your words later, you wonder, ‘Did I really mean that, or am I just making verbal patterns?’
Peter Shaffer
But when you’re a celebrity, you discover that you’re no longer the pursuer, but the one being pursued. That’s one of the disappointments I have had since becoming a single man.
Hugh Grant
People discover you at festivals. They come to see Coldplay or whoever, and then wander over and catch your act. Festivals make a lot of sense to me.
Tinie Tempah
As much as I love to shop online, I also love walking the streets on a beautiful day and seeing what finds I can discover in a small shop or vintage store.
Natalie Massenet
You get talent when you discover the ground of your pain.
H. R. Giger
Users are trying to discover apps; we are trying to improve the app discovery process, and developers are trying to reach users. If you step back, it’s a problem we solved with search and ads in search.
Sundar Pichai
I have had a pretty hardcore crash course on living out of a suitcase. Some people take consistency in their lives for granted. When you have little to none, you discover it’s kind of a nice thing.
Chet Faker
Rather than wait to be discovered, discover yourself. Whatever it is that you intend to do later, start doing it now, get good at it, and show people what you’ve done. Actions speak louder than words.
This is a polarizing statement, as I have come to discover, but I am a Pats, Red Sox, Celtics and Bruins fan from birth until death.
Rachel Nichols
What matters is not the facts but how you discover and think about them.
Richard Dawkins
It is, generally, in the season of prosperity that men discover their real temper, principles, and designs.
Edmund Burke
So in the first draft, I’m inventing people and place with a broad schematic idea of what’s going to happen. In the process, of course, I discover all sorts of bigger and more substantial things.
Peter Carey
It is indeed an odd business that it has taken this Court nearly two centuries to ‘discover’ a constitutional mandate to have counsel at a preliminary hearing.
Warren E. Burger
One of the things you’ll discover… as you listen to your own soul is that you spend a great amount of your life trying to bring meaning to your own life. And, by the way, most people are not going to church, so the place they’re actually trying to find meaning in their life is at work.
Erwin McManus
The thing to keep in mind is that we’re still in the very early days when it comes to the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. Saying there’s a silence is a bit like if Columbus, looking to discover a new continent, only sailed 10 miles off the coast of Spain before turning back to say, ‘Nothing out there!’
Seth Shostak
When combining the elements on the Total Guide Solution, we believe we are positioning it to be the starting point for consumers to discover and enjoy digital entertainment on their television. And our name changed to Rovi embodied the ability to be that homepage for consumer search through the TV.
Alfred Amoroso
I have to shoot and work out and play and discover all the time.
Theodore Melfi
Most of the time I was in the Northeast, I lived in the country, and I think that helped me to discover my material for writing.
Bobbie Ann Mason
Stand and fight for those who are not weak but have yet to discover the strength that the evil of this world has done its best to conceal.
There’s no better feeling as a writer than to see your piece going beyond what you can have ever imagined. And a wonderful way for that to happen is for new audiences to discover it.
Tom Kitt
Because I have two houses, I invariably get immersed in a book and then discover it’s at the other house.
Lois Lowry
To me, novels are a trip of discovery, and you discover things that you don’t know and you assume that many of your readers don’t know, and you try to bring them to life on the page.
Tom Wolfe
Writing has certainly helped me explore about 20,000 versions of my authentic self. I suppose that’s what most writers discover if they write long enough: there are a lot of selves roaming around in there.
Gillian Flynn
I love finding EPs for bands that you just discover.
Fred Durst
I can’t tell you, as a parent, how it feels when the doctor tells you your child has diabetes. First off, you don’t really know much about it. Then you discover there is no cure.
John Lasseter
The Spanish troops returned and we could yet discover the grass beaten down in the direction which they went.
Zebulon Pike
In the history of physics, every time we’ve looked beyond the scales and energies we were familiar with, we’ve found things that we wouldn’t have thought were there. You look inside the atom, and eventually you discover quarks. Who would have thought that?
Lisa Randall
Appallingly, I hadn’t thought about it one jot. I never daydreamed as a little girl of getting married and having children. I was as surprised to discover I was getting married as I was to discover I was up the duff.
Helen McCrory
Perhaps the most telling witness against the claim of accurate history for the Bible comes when we read the earliest narrative of the crucifixion found in Mark’s gospel and discover that it is not based on eyewitness testimony at all.
John Shelby Spong
For children, diversity needs to be real and not merely relegated to learning the names of the usual suspects during Black History Month or enjoying south-of-the-border cuisine on Cinco de Mayo. It means talking to and spending time with kids not like them so that they may discover those kids are in fact just like them.
John Ridley
For me, when I 'discover' a story, there is a feeling o

For me, when I ‘discover’ a story, there is a feeling of buoyancy and clarity, perhaps similar to early morning out on a prairie highway, when darkness lifts and reveals the outline of farmhouses and copses of trees in the distance.
David Bergen
There is a lot of history buried in Chicago that I still have yet to discover.
Jamila Woods
As I began to discover my own truth and endeavored to possess it with clarity, I became more and more alienated from that which my companions held, or professed to hold.
Juan Goytisolo
Nobody is bored when he is trying to make something that is beautiful, or to discover something that is true.
William Inge
And when your phone rings, pick it up. Open yourself up to the possibility a phone call offers. Discover this remarkable device called the telephone. It will give you a serious competitive advantage.
Dan Pallotta
If you don’t like something, talk about something else that’s great and maybe someone else will discover it and think it’s great too.
Elizabeth Olsen
Try to put well in practice what you already know. In so doing, you will, in good time, discover the hidden things you now inquire about.
Remy de Gourmont
There is no ‘us’ and ‘them’; it’s an illusion. We are all human beings, and we all have a responsibility to support one another and to discover ways of wresting the power from the very, very few people who control all the cash and all the property.
Roger Waters
We really don’t discover fully what ‘Westworld’ is for this first season, until we get there. The first 10 episodes are the journey. The colors become brighter, the vistas become clearer, and the history is more understood with each step we take along the way.
Jeffrey Wright
I have exercises that lead participants to discover for themselves that their deepest fulfillment comes when what they’re doing is of benefit to larger society in some way. This really knocks some for a loop – especially those schooled in the ‘take no prisoners’ approach.
Srikumar Rao
Use anything you can think of to understand and be understood, and you’ll discover the creativity that connects you with others.
Martha Beck
The three parts of the theory are analytical ability, the ability to analyze things to judge, to criticize. Creative, the ability to create, to invent and discover and practical, the ability to apply and use what you know.
Robert Sternberg
What I’m interested in as an actor is exploring universes that I have not come across before. It’s interesting to me to be able to discover new things. I do like fantasies, and I like when film is inspiring and it puts creative ideas into the minds of the audience.
Sidse Babett Knudsen
The trouble with conservatives is that too many of them come to Washington thinking they are going to drain the swamp, only to discover that Washington is a hot tub.
M. Stanton Evans
Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.
Andre Gide
When you have a traumatic event in your life, you change. You’re not the same person you were, and you have to discover who you’ve become.
Isabel Gillies
I like to come back to the science fiction of Stanislaw Lem. He is comforting but also funny, and although I know his books, there’s always something new to discover.
Olga Tokarczuk
We’re always waiting to discover new parts of ourselves.
Real Madrid? There is no agreement, but I promised my grandfather I would play there one day. Why wouldn’t I want to discover new things? As I’ve said several times, I’d like to play in Spain and have good weather for once in my life!
Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang
When I began to write my books about Coalwood, I was surprised to discover, upon reflection, that it wasn’t an ordinary place at all.
Homer Hickam
I find a place I love and want to tell people about it. Same thing with Photoshop tips. When I discover a cool tip, I can’t keep it to myself.
Scott Kelby
We have found a direct correlation between grit and positive emotions, but the fact that I have no evidence that grit is bad for you doesn’t mean it’s not. It’s always a possibility that in the future researchers will discover a downside to grit.
Angela Duckworth
Dialogue is the place that books are most alive and forge the most direct connection with readers. It is also where we as writers discover our characters and allow them to become real.
Laini Taylor
You can’t know what you don’t know. You can’t know about things you have yet to discover.
Jonathan Raymond
Wonder, connected with a principle of rational curiosity, is the source of all knowledge and discover, and it is a principle even of piety; but wonder which ends in wonder, and is satisfied with wonder, is the quality of an idiot.
Samuel Horsley
It’s an interesting thing when you discover something about yourself. To go: ‘Wow, I’m not the person I thought I was. I’m in the middle of something and I can’t actually deal with it.’
Keira Knightley
I have spent my life on the road waking in a pleasant, or not so pleasant hotel, and setting off every morning after breakfast hoping to discover something new and repeatable, something worth writing about.
Paul Theroux
As we get used to women in power, we are likely to discover that they behave much like powerful men – vain, entitled, always looking for more.
Hanna Rosin
Many Android users aren’t aware of some the things that Android can already do such as supporting the enforcement of companywide security policies, encrypting phone data and providing e-mail and calendar widgets that update in real-time. Our job is to help people and businesses discover and use these features.
Guy Kawasaki
We learn our virtues from our friends who love us; our faults from the enemy who hates us. We cannot easily discover our real character from a friend. He is a mirror, on which the warmth of our breath impedes the clearness of the reflection.
Jean Paul
The more we study the more we discover our ignorance.
Percy Bysshe Shelley
People have asked me whether I have a science backgroun

People have asked me whether I have a science background. No, but I have a great curiosity about the kinds of things we do on ‘Discover.’
Peter Graves
We could live at the present day without a Plato, but a double number of Newtons is required to discover the secrets of nature, and to bring life into harmony with the laws of nature.
Dmitri Mendeleev
If you review the commercial history, you will discover anyone who controls oriental trade will get hold of global wealth.
James J. Hill
I believe that if you can discover something of the truth of a person, then you will start to understand, and to understand is to move towards, if not like, then at least an empathy of some kind.
Rupert Friend
We’ve progressed well beyond the four humors in the two thousand-odd years since Hippocrates, but we still haven’t satisfied the urge to discover ways of sorting people into personalities and types and, in so doing, predict how they might act in specific situations.
Maria Konnikova
‘Bell Choir Coast’ is about a fictional land where I was able to start over, discover myself, and learn to take life a lot less seriously.
Sydney Wayser
You have to remember that I was an Australian girl of the Fifties and Sixties. For Australians at that time, it was imperative to get out of the country and discover the world.
Robyn Davidson
In fact, I think when we carry out a complete analysis of time, I think what we’re going to discover is that like matter, time is composed of elemental, discrete types.
Terence McKenna
There are a lot of bands that my parents used to go see that I haven’t necessarily heard of, and asking them to dig up stuff like that is a really fun way to discover music.
Liv Bruce
I love Jules Feiffer. I didn’t discover him until I was a little older.
Alison Bechdel
I discover that my friends think only of my apparel, and those upon whom I have conferred acts of kindness prefer to remind me of my errors.
John James Audubon
Definitely that’s the worst, to discover that something you’re doing has already been done.
Justin Roiland
It is easier to discover a deficiency in individuals, in states, and in Providence, than to see their real import and value.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
When I investigate and when I discover that the forces of the heavens and the planets are within ourselves, then truly I seem to be living among the gods.
Leon Battista Alberti
When you get over the anxiety, you discover you should have been mad a long time ago.
Amy Clampitt
In working on a poem, I love to revise. Lots of younger poets don’t enjoy this, but in the process of revision I discover things.
Rita Dove
To be a writer does not mean to preach a truth, it means to discover a truth.
Milan Kundera
Hopefully, the people that would look at a Good Charlotte record and dismiss it for maybe what they think is a certain kind of content, if they do discover something meaningful, then it’s a nice surprise. I like those kinds of contradictions.
Benji Madden
Romantic love is an illusion. Most of us discover this truth at the end of a love affair or else when the sweet emotions of love lead us into marriage and then turn down their flames.
Thomas Moore
No adult in my family would ever tell me anything about who my father was. I knew from an older cousin – only four years older than I am – everything, or what little I could discover about him.
John Irving
I think you’re lucky if you discover what you really love at a young age. College wasn’t something I was going to do. I wanted to keep acting, and I didn’t want to go to New York or California and pound the pavement.
Gary Sinise
I keep an ongoing list of my fifty favorite books, which I recalibrate whenever I discover a new one that seems to demand a spot there.
Kevin Brockmeier
We go into parenting, and we discover that we don’t have the answers. We are at a loss.
Julia Cameron
I want to kick-start your imagination and let you discover the places it can take you.
Terry Brooks
If someone doubts our right to exist – be it on the hills of Umm al-Fahem or in Munich’s beer halls, in Gaza’s crowded streets or in the thick woods of Babi Yar – it’s their problem. Proud states do not break into wails and crawl under the carpet when they discover someone doesn’t love them.
Yair Lapid
I try not to recommend too many books, frankly, because I think there’s a certain synchronicity that happens when people discover books.
James Redfield
I’m not one of those people who only believe in the Netflix model. I go see films in the theater and love that experience and don’t want it to ever die. But I like that Netflix exists, and you can discover so many different types of movies and TV and content you wouldn’t have access to.
Charlie McDowell
I don’t think I’m really so unique. If every black person looked at their life they would quickly discover that they have been influenced by every type of music prevalent in America.
Roy Ayers
If we do discover more than one type of life on Earth, we can be fairly certain that the universe is teeming with it, for it would be inconceivable that life started twice here but never on all the other earth-like planets.
Paul Davies
The eyes of a poet discover in each person a unique and irreplaceable humanity. While arrogant intellect seeks to control and manipulate the world, the poetic spirit bows with reverence before its mysteries.
Daisaku Ikeda
It’s in the knockout games that you discover who the great players really are.
Through travel, you discover a new aspect to your perso

Through travel, you discover a new aspect to your personality. You discover things which you wouldn’t seated in the confines of your home.
Imtiaz Ali
You discover yourself through the research of your work.
Carine Roitfeld
The word ‘seek’ means to go in search of, try to discover, try to acquire. It requires an active, assertive approach to life.
Joseph B. Wirthlin
The case of Iran, a nuclear program that the Iranians admit was 18 years on, that we underestimated. And, in fact, we didn’t discover it. It was discovered by a group of Iranian dissidents outside the country who pointed the international community at the location.
David Kay
We grew up during the ‘peace and love’ of the 1960s, only to discover that there are wars everywhere, and love and romance is a con.
Viv Albertine
As I grew up, I began to discover a little bit about the situation of black people in America and experienced an immediate empathy with the victims of such senseless discrimination. Because although the Turks were never slaves, they were regarded as enemies within Europe because of their Muslim beliefs.
Ahmet Ertegun
I can’t tell a story just by deciding to tell a story, do it in a didactic way. I need to have my own emotion, to feel, ‘Wow, there is something I can discover, I can create.’
Raoul Peck
Tennis was always sort of a – a learning. It was a vehicle for me to discover a lot about myself. And the things that I sort of discovered at times I not only didn’t want to see it for myself but I certainly didn’t want millions of people to see it.
Andre Agassi
Because I’m pretty, everybody thinks I’m stupid. But it is like a mask, and you have to break the mask to show that there is something else behind it. You have to show who you are to make the others come to discover you.
Monica Bellucci
Comebacks don’t seem likely when your back is up against the wall and your hope is depleted. But if you will stay the course, you will discover God’s power to reverse the irreversible in your life.
Tony Evans
We call first truths those we discover after all the others.
Albert Camus
One we discover how to appreciate the timeless values in our daily experiences, we can enjoy the best things in life.
Jerome K. Jerome
To think in terms of what the effect of a story is going to be, as opposed to trying to discover its inner logic, is one of the fundamental dangers in the process.
David Milch
I didn’t even know what it was when I started. But I was lucky. I found it at 16. Most people don’t discover decathlon until they’re 21 or 22.
Daley Thompson
We don’t receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one can take for us or spare us.
Marcel Proust
The bottom line is, when people are crystal clear about the most important priorities of the organization and team they work with and prioritized their work around those top priorities, not only are they many times more productive, they discover they have the time they need to have a whole life.
Stephen Covey
Technologies like Ayasdi’s exist now to automatically discover information from data without having someone making guesses up front.
Gurjeet Singh
My absolutely favorite time of working on a project is the time I spend not knowing what it is. Because the longer you live inside that period, the likelier you are to discover something new.
George C. Wolfe
You have to discover when you’re inadequate to be funny and you don’t know you’re inadequate when you’re a kid.
Larry David strives to be the e-commerce destination where consumers can find and discover anything they want to buy online.
Jeff Bezos
My dream is to build a tech company that helps people discover content.
Nuseir Yassin
When you’ve opened your heart to a child as you have to, there’s always the fear that you may discover that the child is not viable. Losing that child is not a position you want to find yourself in.
John Rhys-Davies
It feels great to discover a planet, just like any discovery in science, except that it has more of the feel of exploration – you can go back and look at it. However, I can never visit.
Dimitar Sasselov
Seriously, who really cares how long the Nile river is, or who was the first to discover cheese? How is memorizing that ever going to help anyone? Instead, we need to give kids projects that allow them to exercise their minds and discover things for themselves.
Aaron Swartz
We have new ways to be born, humane and symbolic ways to die, different ways to be rich… new ways to be human and to discover what we are to each other.
Marilyn Ferguson
I do spend time trying to find good melodies, and I try to remember them when I do discover them. But also it’s mostly intuitive; I noodle around with the line until it sounds and feels right.
Phil Elverum
Well, you always discover a lot in the editing room. Particularly the action, because you have to over-shoot a lot and shoot an enormous amount of material because many of the sequences have to be discovered in the editing and manipulation of it.
Christopher Nolan
You never know what you will learn till you start writing. Then you discover truths you never knew existed.
Anita Brookner
I spend so long writing each of my novels that by the time I’m done with one, I’m ready to discover a totally different world.
Jennifer Egan
It would be curious to discover who it is to whom one writes in a diary. Possibly to some mysterious personification of one’s own identity.
Beatrice Webb
Some people are afraid of what they might find if they try to analyze themselves too much, but you have to crawl into your wounds to discover where your fears are. Once the bleeding starts, the cleansing can begin.
Tori Amos
Try to imagine a character like Batman whose whole life

Try to imagine a character like Batman whose whole life has been about fighting crime, whose whole existence and identity is his war against criminals, and he wakes up one morning to discover there are no criminals. What happens to him?
Marc Guggenheim
The period of time just before you awaken is the time I have my most creative thoughts and discover the best solutions.
Lisa Marie Presley
I’m more interested in what I discover than what I invent.
Paul Simon
Personally, I would be delighted if there were a life after death, especially if it permitted me to continue to learn about this world and others, if it gave me a chance to discover how history turns out.
Carl Sagan
It’s more of an adventure when you set off into unknown territory, and there’s nothing like that feeling you get when you discover a place on the Earth where no one has ever been.
Conrad Anker
To be a straight person and discover you’re infertile is almost like discovering you’re not a straight person.
Dan Savage
You instinctively discover how to entertain an audience.
Anna Held
I’m in the camp that needs to discover and take risks, sometimes it’s with the promise of something special and new, sometimes it’s to stay awake, either way it’s much more stressful with all the uncertainty but worth the pain in the end.
Karen O
Once an ebook hits the Kindle Top 100, sales tend to snowball as new customers discover it in greater numbers.
Andrew Shaffer
Startups have finite time and resources to find product/market fit before they run out of money. Therefore startups trade off certainty for speed, adopting ‘good enough decision making’ and iterating and pivoting as they fail, learn, and discover their business model.
Steve Blank
Whenever I write a novel, I have a strong sense that I am doing something I was unable to do before. With each new work, I move up a step and discover something new inside me.
Haruki Murakami
We’re put here on Earth to learn our own lessons. No one can tell you what your lessons are; it is part of your personal journey to discover them. On these journeys we may be given a lot, or just a little bit, of the things we must grapple with, but never more than we can handle.
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Satire is a sort of glass, wherein beholders do generally discover everybody’s face but their own.
Jonathan Swift
It was so interesting to discover Nixon was a Californian. I always think Nixon should come from a cold place.
Peter Morgan
I didn’t discover curves; I only uncovered them.
Mae West
Elegance is achieved when all that is superfluous has been discarded and the human being discovers simplicity and concentration: the simpler and more sober the posture, the more beautiful it will be.
Paulo Coelho
The best scientific way to discover if one factor influences another is to do a controlled experiment.
Alison Gopnik
When two people first meet, they can only have a very ordinary kind of friendship. But when you begin to understand each other, when you get close to them, you discover that you’re suddenly eager to know him or her even better.
Zhang Ziyi
What a world this will be when human possibilities are freed, when we discover each other, when the stranger is no longer the potential criminal and the certain inferior!
W. E. B. Du Bois
We need to live our truth. We need to discover ourselves. And no matter how much you prepare for everything, life will always find a way to surprise you.
Manisha Koirala
It’s a funny kind of month, October. For the really keen cricket fan, it’s when you discover that your wife left you in May.
Denis Norden
I didn’t really discover ‘Risky Business’ until later in life because I was so young when it came out.
Cobie Smulders
Only when the tide goes out do you discover who’s been swimming naked.
Warren Buffett
I would play games long enough to discover what games were doing and how they were doing it. And then I’d spend the rest of my time building.
Tim Sweeney
I like writing in an illustrative, descriptive way. I prefer describing to rather than explaining. One, I rarely have anything to say. It’s much more interesting for me to discover some meaning that you didn’t know that you could create.
Samuel Ervin Beam
I think what my father appreciated was the science experiment of life. He had these kids, and they had their own experiences. He wanted us to discover the world for ourselves.
Ahmet Zappa
If you drill down on any success story, you always discover that luck was a huge part of it. You can’t control luck, but you can move from a game with bad odds to one with better odds. You can make it easier for luck to find you. The most useful thing you can do is stay in the game.
Scott Adams
Make New Year’s goals. Dig within, and discover what you would like to have happen in your life this year. This helps you do your part. It is an affirmation that you’re interested in fully living life in the year to come.
Melody Beattie
Astronomers are using every technique at their disposal to discover and study asteroids.
Carrie Nugent
If every gay person were to come out only to his/her own family, friends, neighbors and fellow workers, within days the entire state would discover that we are not the stereotypes generally assumed.
Harvey Milk
Rather big part of my time is to read scientific journals and to discover what others are doing.
Jacques Dubochet
Often, investors will discover a manager after he's had

Often, investors will discover a manager after he’s had a terrific run, usually when he lands on a magazine cover somewhere. Invariably, funds swell up with new investor money just before they revert to their long-term averages.
Barry Ritholtz
In should be the duty of every soldier to reflect on the experiences of the past, in the endeavor to discover improvements, in his particular sphere of action, which are practicable in the immediate future.
B. H. Liddell Hart
And I’m always interested when other musicians are trying to discover new worlds of sound.
Karlheinz Stockhausen
Usually, I don’t feel comfortable with a character until I’ve played him before an audience for several performances. It is not until after three months of performing that I learn to discover what I call ‘all the nooks and crannies’ of the person.
Brian Stokes Mitchell
National service coupled with education awards, such as AmeriCorps programs or Teach For America, can help young people gain skills and contribute to society without accumulating excessive debt. It gives them a means to develop job skills and discover career paths.
Tae Yoo
Mulan represents honour and bravery, but, for me, it’s also that she’s willing to discover herself and willing to go forward. I think that’s important to audiences too. Not many people would be willing to do that in the first place.
Liu Yifei
The brave who focus on all things good and all things beautiful and all things true, even in the small, who give thanks for it and discover joy even in the here and now, they are the change agents who bring fullest Light to all the world.
Ann Voskamp
When you don’t have anything to lose, you discover something wonderful: you’re free to take great risks without fear or reservation.
Tullian Tchividjian
‘Jaws’ freed me to discover that a successful movie didn’t make a damn bit of difference to my life.
Lorraine Gary
The cat is classic whilst the dog is Gothic – nowhere in the animal world can we discover such really Hellenic perfection of form, with anatomy adapted to function, as in the felidae.
H. P. Lovecraft
You discover how confounding the world is when you try to draw it. You look at a car, and you try to see its car-ness, and you’re like an immigrant to your own world. You don’t have to travel to encounter weirdness. You wake up to it.
Shaun Tan
More than anything, acting helped me discover who I’m not. I’ve learned that I’m a girly girl, but not a prissy girl.
Debby Ryan
I’d known that the visit would be highly scripted and that genuine interactions with citizens wouldn’t be possible, since it’s illegal for them to speak with foreigners. Still, I’d thought I’d had a unique look at North Korea, only to discover I was wrong.
Adam Johnson
Though all afflictions are evils in themselves, yet they are good for us, because they discover to us our disease and tend to our cure.
David Viscott
Period costume films are fun to discover, but they’re not relatable. It’s more, ‘Wow, that’s cool – did it really look like that back then?’ Whereas with a comedy, you’re like, ‘Yeah, that’s me, that’s my friends.’ No matter what, I want people to relate.
Paul Feig
It’s great to go on your own and discover new things just for yourself, to meet new people and all that. If you’re all on your own, then there is nobody there to guide you and you have to make all the decisions for yourself. It’s quite liberating in a way.
Dido Armstrong
I don’t like to diet, so I work out with a trainer a few times a week. We do kickboxing and strengthening – it’s hard! I also do yoga and love to walk everywhere. I live in Brooklyn, so walking is the best way to discover the city and the neighbourhoods.
Anna Ewers
Physics is really figuring out how to discover new things that are counterintuitive, like quantum mechanics. It’s really counterintuitive.
Elon Musk
No man can discover his own talents.
Brendan Behan
Only out of great vulnerability do you discover what strength you have. Having a daughter who I love with all my being has helped me mine the source of that strength to previously unknown depths.
Emilia Fox
If you think you’re in shape, try boxing. You’ll discover that you are not. It’s the most physically challenging thing I’ve ever attempted, but I love it and I want to keep up some of the training.
Seth Numrich
I guess Malayali women like bubbly, happy-go-lucky guys, and I am all of that. I’m yet to discover how I’m such a hit there. The fans there are difficult to win over.
Allu Arjun
When they discover I have a green card there may be some problems.
Bruce Greenwood
Your understanding of a place changes the longer you stay; you discover more, and your own life gets woven into the fabric of the community.
Kim Edwards
When I was thirteen years old, I didn’t exactly discover epic fantasy on my own. I acquired it as a social defence mechanism.
Tansy Rayner Roberts
I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.
Henry David Thoreau
The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt.
Max Lerner
To realize that your mother’s love life has been far more interesting than one’s own is a weird thing to discover.
Anderson Cooper
In the end we discover the only condition for living is to die.
Jose Saramago
When girls can be honest with each other, they can make mistakes on their own terms and discover through experience – and not through knee-jerk adult intervention – what a healthy friendship should look like.
Rachel Simmons
I think, certainly, directing is a visual medium, but it’s also about communication, and a lot of times, great directors are lacking in communication skills, which is rather shocking to discover that.
Diane Lane
I don't like going where I've already been. Life is a m

I don’t like going where I’ve already been. Life is a myriad of territories to discover. I don’t want to waste time with what I already know.
Jeanne Moreau
Great moments in science: Einstein discovers that time is actually money.
Gary Larson
You remember all those phrases about how ‘these people’ – Asians – don’t value human life like we do. Well if you spend any time around them, you discover that they love their children just as much as we love ours. That is certainly true of the Vietnamese.
Neil Sheehan
Christopher Columbus, as everyone knows, is honored by posterity because he was the last to discover America.
James Joyce
During this earlier period of his activity Voltaire seems to have been trying – half unconsciously, perhaps – to discover and to express the fundamental quality of his genius.
Lytton Strachey
Changing laws and changing the political dialogue, while necessary, is insufficient to ensure that bullying stops; to ensure that every young person is supported by their parents and their teachers as they question who they are and they discover who they are regardless of the sexuality.
Chelsea Clinton
Freedom requires religion just as religion requires freedom. Freedom opens the windows of the soul so that man can discover his most profound beliefs and commune with God. Freedom and religion endure together, or perish alone.
Mitt Romney
Science, engineering, and technology discovers and invents new ways of doing things – but it doesn’t dictate how we should do them.
Mark Walport
I would rather discover one true cause than gain the kingdom of Persia.
A true critic ought to dwell upon excellencies rather than imperfections, to discover the concealed beauties of a writer, and communicate to the world such things as are worth their observation.
Joseph Addison
Women will not talk about football unless one of them is in love with a football player, and then suddenly you discover that they know everything that is to be known about it.
Jeanne Moreau
Praying privately in churches, I began to discover that heaven was my true home and also that it was here and now, woven into this life.
Lionel Blue
If something is boring after two minutes, try it for four. If still boring, then eight. Then sixteen. Then thirty-two. Eventually one discovers that it is not boring at all.
John Cage
The liberation children experience when they discover the Internet is quickly counteracted by the lure of e-commerce web sites, which are customized to each individual user’s psychological profile in order to maximize their effectiveness.
Douglas Rushkoff
It would be difficult to discover the truth about the universe if we refused to consider anything that might be true.
Richard Morris
In my own case, I’m an artist, and I’m really interested in expanding the vocabulary of human action, and basically empowering people through interactivity. I want people to discover themselves as actors, as creative actors, by having interactive experiences.
Golan Levin
When we discover New Earth – a planet we could call home – the question of the ‘plurality of worlds’ will come front and center, reminding us yet again that we are not the center of the universe.
Dimitar Sasselov
Everyone wants to pretend like they sprang out of the ground with an Animal Collective record in their hands and a David Bowie haircut, and that’s just not the case. You discover these things gradually.
Patrick Stump
When I discover who I am, I’ll be free.
Ralph Ellison
To my utter despair I have discovered, and discover every day anew, that there is in the masses no revolutionary idea or hope or passion.
Mikhail Bakunin
I began my career as an economics professor but became frustrated because the economic theories I taught in the classroom didn’t have any meaning in the lives of poor people I saw all around me. I decided to turn away from the textbooks and discover the real-life economics of a poor person’s existence.
Muhammad Yunus
The scriptures make the danger of delay clear. It is that we may discover that we have run out of time. The God who gives us each day as a treasure will require an accounting.
Henry B. Eyring