Top 60 Blockbuster Quotes

There’s a very specific thing you can do to get in magazines. I’m much happier to just show up and do the job. I haven’t taken the active approach to making myself a star. I haven’t been in a blockbuster.
Paul Rudd
We’re seeing this disintegration of the family movie into these blockbuster things that kids should not be exposed to with explosions, carnage and violence.
Billy Crystal
When I was a little girl, whenever I would get sick, my mom would go and get stacks and stacks of VHS tapes from Blockbuster.
Jessica Rothe
I like money but I love performance art and it goes hand in hand. I’m not the ‘Titanic,’ I’m ‘The Rocky Horror Picture Show.’ I’m not a blockbuster, I’m a cult classic. I think my strong but cult-like fanbase expects me to challenge norms.
Sharon Needles
Black Panther is a cool superhero and all, but let’s be honest: He doesn’t quite have the legs to prop up a blockbuster on his own.
Jermaine Fowler
When I read the news that Wonder Woman was going to be resurrected for a blockbuster movie in 2016, ‘Batman vs. Superman’, it made me excited – and anxious. Would the producers give her a role as fierce as her origins – and maybe some shoulder straps – or would she just be cartoon eye candy?
Amanda Foreman
As an Asian guy, I would love to see a big blockbuster with Asian lead characters.
Hiro Murai