Top 60 Gillian Jacobs Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Gillian Jacobs Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I am wrestling with the overalls trend. I wore so many

I am wrestling with the overalls trend. I wore so many pairs in junior high, and no one thought they were cute. Perhaps I’ll try them cuffed with a tasteful crop top?
Gillian Jacobs
My grandfather can barely even hear, and Chevy Chase makes a face, and he laughs.
Gillian Jacobs
I always had an easier time with adults. Somehow, I was always old! I still feel old.
Gillian Jacobs
I feel like so often I’m just, like, running around and eating in the car, which is, like, not good, or eating as I’m walking down the street.
Gillian Jacobs
Thinking back about throwing myself at certain gentlemen that had no interest in me, that’ll bring a blush to my face if I think about it too often.
Gillian Jacobs
I keep reminding myself, through all the ups and downs of ‘Community,’ that I might never have another job that really means something to people the way ‘Community’ means something to people. That’s more powerful than ratings.
Gillian Jacobs
The more attention you give to your negative feelings, the more they grow, so I think things just start to blow totally out of proportion.
Gillian Jacobs
I’m a very law-abiding citizen, and I’ve never consciously broken any law. I get nervous just jaywalking in Los Angeles!
Gillian Jacobs
In sixth grade, we all had to write this opinion paper. Most wrote about things like why we should be able to chew gum in class – I wrote about why women should receive equal pay.
Gillian Jacobs
My poor, problematic feet don’t let me wear anything much over a three- or four-inch heel.
Gillian Jacobs
I think that there are a lot of really beautiful Christmas carols, and then sometimes there are horrible renditions of them that are played to death in malls that make me sad. I try to avoid stores where they’re playing bad versions of Christmas songs on repeat.
Gillian Jacobs
I’ve had a very positive experience in L.A. in the comedy world and found everyone to be very nice and welcoming. It’s been really fun.
Gillian Jacobs
I am trying to break free from my stripes addiction, but the pull is strong! I need help buying non-stripes.
Gillian Jacobs
I’m a Bravoholic, and I love ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race.’
Gillian Jacobs
I am short, so even if there are things that I like, or like on other people, I have to be aware that sometimes that won’t work on me because I’m not 5’10. It has to have a shape for my body; otherwise, I look like I am two inches tall. I have to wear things that skim my body more closely than a runway model would.
Gillian Jacobs
I have a hard time watching people getting punched on screen; I have to close my eyes a lot.
Gillian Jacobs
I feel like the Internet has embraced the pizza dance. I feel appreciated for once in my life.
Gillian Jacobs
In Los Angeles, sometimes it’s hard to find a magazine stand, let alone one that has the magazine that you want. So I find that the longer I live in L.A., the more digitally I consume.
Gillian Jacobs
‘Fresh Air’ I listen to, like, every day.
Gillian Jacobs
I haven’t ever seen ‘Lost’… I’m sorry.
Gillian Jacobs
As you become an adult and start to make your way in life, you realize how much your friends are your family – though you get to make fun of your friends, too.
Gillian Jacobs
I used to babysit. And the kids I babysat were huge Hilary Duff fans, and so we used to have dance parties every day to her music. So I am very familiar with the albums of Miss Hilary Duff.
Gillian Jacobs
I haven’t done improv since I was in middle school.
Gillian Jacobs
I always want to do something I haven’t done before and get to work with other actors, writers, or directors that I want to work with.
Gillian Jacobs
When you can impress your mom by saying you’ve been to someone’s concert, you know you’re pretty lame.
Gillian Jacobs
NBC gives comedies a chance to find their legs.
Gillian Jacobs
I’ve always wanted to work with Elizabeth Banks. She’s so talented and funny, and she’s become this force of nature – directing, producing. Being around her is kind of inspiring.
Gillian Jacobs
I’m really excited that ‘The Other Woman’ did so well at the box office, and I hope that will keep encouraging people to make movies about women, starring women, about female friendships. More. Please.
Gillian Jacobs
My mom wouldn’t know Tom Cruise if he punched her in the face.
Gillian Jacobs
I’ve been getting into drinking smoothies in the morning – I like those a lot.
Gillian Jacobs
I’m a terrible cook.
Gillian Jacobs
I don't think I've ever been mistaken for anyone.

I don’t think I’ve ever been mistaken for anyone.
Gillian Jacobs
It really does mean so much when your cast mates, who you respect so much, tell you that you made them laugh.
Gillian Jacobs
I’m not really a rapper!
Gillian Jacobs
In my sort of young, idealistic mind, I was just like, ‘Well, it’s either theater or film for me, and that will be that!’
Gillian Jacobs
A friend of mine wrote a script, a feminist romantic comedy. She had a feminist scholar consult on it. My friend said, ‘Oh, my friend Gillian read it and really loved it.’ She goes, ‘Gillian Jacobs, you mean: Britta Perry, feminist icon?’
Gillian Jacobs
I think, you know, when you’re an actor who’s had periods of unemployment, it makes you feel really good to have a job – to say that you’re expected somewhere, do you know what I mean?
Gillian Jacobs
I wasn’t necessarily looking to do comedy on TV, but I don’t think it’s an accident that I ended up on ‘Community.’
Gillian Jacobs
I can’t tell you the number of people that are like, ‘Has anyone ever told you you look like a blonde Liv Tyler?’ And at this point, I’m like, ‘Yes… yes, I’ve been told that.’ I mean, she’s beautiful. It’s not like I’m not totally flattered by it, but then again, I think I look like myself.
Gillian Jacobs
I am very up front about about my inability to pronounce things correctly.
Gillian Jacobs
Nobody knows what the future is except for wizards.
Gillian Jacobs
I’ve gotten super into restaurants in L.A., so I try to go to different restaurants all the time… that’s a good way to explore L.A.: you can drive to a restaurant and discover a new neighborhood.
Gillian Jacobs
It’s really nice when life comes full circle and you get to work with people four years down the line.
Gillian Jacobs
Craig Robinson is basically the mayor of wherever he goes.
Gillian Jacobs
I really like the concept of, like, slowing down and savoring your food, enjoying it.
Gillian Jacobs
‘Dancing on My Own’ is actually a really sad song! It has totally made me cry.
Gillian Jacobs
While I love film and want to continue to pursue it 100 percent, my home is TV.
Gillian Jacobs
You can convey a lot of emotion with just some eyebrows and mouth movement.
Gillian Jacobs
I had my life Monday through Friday in school, and then I had my ‘real life,’ which was my acting class on Saturday.
Gillian Jacobs
I’ve thought a lot about how if something horrible happened, and if it were like ‘The Road’ situation, I’ve decided I don’t want to survive past the death of society as we know it.
Gillian Jacobs
A lot of my friends are guys, so I’m used to bro antics.
Gillian Jacobs
For me, I really love ‘Tim and Eric’ and ‘Dr. Steve Brule’ and a lot of the Adult Swim shows, so I like strange, weird, sometimes slightly upsetting humor.
Gillian Jacobs
Boy, you know, it’s amazing how your brain can turn into a sieve, and you can literally forget episodes that you have shot.
Gillian Jacobs
Hey, I’m nothing but honest!
Gillian Jacobs
I’m spending way too much time test running my Vine videos. I’ll go into a room and close the door and be in there for an hour workshopping a Vine video that I never even post. So that’s probably a huge time suck.
Gillian Jacobs
I have a lot of good stories for talk shows about the conditions in which I worked.
Gillian Jacobs
I think maybe my mom thought that Katharine Hepburn would be a good role model of, like, a strong, smart, independent woman. Maybe she steered me in that direction. You know, because she was really so ahead of her time.
Gillian Jacobs
You have to have an awareness of where you’re going, what the event is, what you’re promoting, and who the audience is. That always informs the way you dress.
Gillian Jacobs
‘The Comeback’ is my favorite TV show of all-time because it’s just brill. It’s Lisa Kudrow’s show about what it’s like to be an actor on a TV show. She’s so amazing on it.
Gillian Jacobs
I had kissed a girl in the second season of ‘Community,’ but that was my first time kissing a girl ever, and I was so nervous, I almost knocked Brit Marling’s teeth out.
Gillian Jacobs