Top 60 Nina Agdal Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Nina Agdal Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I want girls to be able to relate to me, and I think th

I want girls to be able to relate to me, and I think that’s why a lot of commercial clients like me: because I’m just like everyone else.
Nina Agdal
Miami’s great. I love going there for a weekend of fun.
Nina Agdal
Everywhere else in the day, my brain is in a thousand different places, but when I’m working out, I can only focus on the pain.
Nina Agdal
I grew up very active, and my parents made me try every single sport there was.
Nina Agdal
Michael Phelps is a beast. He’s like a human fish.
Nina Agdal
A regular workout for me is 30 minutes of intense cardio followed by lifting weights.
Nina Agdal
If I want to detox, I’ll do the juicing thing for sure. I’ll have two juices and then a solid meal for either dinner or lunch.
Nina Agdal
I don’t think I read an entire book in high school.
Nina Agdal
English was my worst subject in school.
Nina Agdal
I love a confident guy and a guy that makes me laugh and who is a little hard to get.
Nina Agdal
My ideal Friday and Saturday evening would be… Friday to go out and have dinner with my girlfriends. Saturday night, I would stay in. I would have somebody cook for me out there because I do not cook very well.
Nina Agdal
I always try and have a snack before an event – usually a small bowl of chickpea pasta, which is quick to make and delicious with just salt and pepper and a little bit of butter.
Nina Agdal
My dream date would be a hike through the woods followed by an outdoor picnic followed by a glass of wine at sunset. Heaven!
Nina Agdal
I do wear makeup when I work out. I am one of those people.
Nina Agdal
I eat a lot of Greek yogurt with honey, a lot of lean protein, vegetables.
Nina Agdal
I’m always trying to do something active because I love it.
Nina Agdal
There have been times when people have told me to lose weight or tone up certain areas… It hurts no matter who you are and how skinny you are or how big you are.
Nina Agdal
I do a bunch of Y7 yoga, which is amazing because it’s dark, and nobody’s judging you.
Nina Agdal
I love being outdoors. I love just spending time in the sun and hanging out with my friends.
Nina Agdal
In general, I can’t stand people who always turn a conversation into something about them. I can’t stand it when people are too into themselves.
Nina Agdal
I am really good at saving my money… I want, like, 100 kids, so I’m going to have to save a lot of money for that.
Nina Agdal
I prefer to keep my face as clean as possible when I am not working.
Nina Agdal
I’m not embarrassed that I’m a fan of Justin Bieber.
Nina Agdal
It’s important to protect your skin in the sun.
Nina Agdal
I just support people that truly believe that all women are beautiful.
Nina Agdal
From my childhood, my mom always told me to stay pretty clean and not put anything on my skin. That definitely helped me because I never wear too much makeup.
Nina Agdal
Vimmia is my new favorite thing. I absolutely love the fabric. I do a lot of high-intensity workouts, so the clothing is perfect for that.
Nina Agdal
If you feel like an idiot wearing neon yellow shorts, you shouldn’t wear them.
Nina Agdal
If something is meant to be, then it will be.
Nina Agdal
I personally love working out, but I always try to switch it up.
Nina Agdal
I try to always work with the same hair and makeup people, so they’re my friends, and that makes the process so much more fun.
Nina Agdal
I always have either nuts, Luna bars, or fruit in my ba

I always have either nuts, Luna bars, or fruit in my bag. A pack of instant oatmeal is also good to carry because it’s a quick, nutritious meal you can make almost anywhere.
Nina Agdal
My mom actually arranged for all my friends and I to have a makeup tutorial when we first started wearing makeup. That way, we learned how not to do our makeup.
Nina Agdal
I make egg whites… that’s about it.
Nina Agdal
To me, having a good brow is very important because it is what frames the most important feature on you: your eyes.
Nina Agdal
I think planks and crunches are an old-school simple move, but it’s the way to go.
Nina Agdal
When I have a really big shoot, I start thinking about the calories and how much I’m eating compared to how much I’m working out.
Nina Agdal
I strongly believe that education is a human right and that it’s extremely valuable, no matter where you live in the world.
Nina Agdal
I always tell myself, ‘There are so many things you regret doing or eating, but you never regret a workout.’ I always feel better after a workout. I have more energy, and mentally, I’m in a better place.
Nina Agdal
I think Dwyane Wade is really a wonderful guy.
Nina Agdal
I actually love spinning for relaxation and to keep my body healthy, but besides that, I love exploring new restaurants.
Nina Agdal
If you’re dehydrated, you will automatically lose the glow in your skin.
Nina Agdal
I do Y7 Yoga; I take a lot of Akin’s Army classes, soul cycle, boot camps, tone house, SLT, boxing. I do everything.
Nina Agdal
When I work out in the morning, I go bare-faced. I do spinning, and it’s dark in there anyway, so no one sees you. If it’s after work, I remove whatever’s on my skin from the day.
Nina Agdal
You can’t really fake confidence.
Nina Agdal
What you sweat is what you get.
Nina Agdal
Keep your face clean. I don’t believe in using too many products. I think that confuses your skin.
Nina Agdal
I usually work out around six times a week, but if I have the ‘Swimsuit’ issue, I’ll work out seven times a week.
Nina Agdal
People think that models don’t eat. We do eat. Or at least I do. I just work really hard to stay in shape.
Nina Agdal
I make sure to eat lots of lean protein.
Nina Agdal
For me, working out is to zone out and just be you. Who cares what you look like?
Nina Agdal
Who doesn’t want that salty beach hair?
Nina Agdal
Ain’t nobody got time for crusty lips.
Nina Agdal
I think Danish girls might be a little more chill – at least, that’s what I’ve heard from people who’ve also dated American girls.
Nina Agdal
I wish I loved to run, because I’d love to run through Central Park or on vacation on the beach, but I absolutely hate it.
Nina Agdal
If I had a shoot the next day, I would definitely try to cut down on the salt because that’s really bad for bloating, and you want to look fresh.
Nina Agdal
If you’re stressed out by someone, or if something is dragging you down, it will show on your skin.
Nina Agdal
I don’t really like blush, but I like bronzer from Nars.
Nina Agdal
When I do my own hair, I love Oribe Texture spray and Redken dry shampoo whenever I’m in a rush. It gives it texture and makes it look clean!
Nina Agdal
You can’t take yourself too seriously with anything.
Nina Agdal