Top 605 Future Quotes

The past is a source of knowledge, and the future is a source of hope. Love of the past implies faith in the future.
Stephen Ambrose
Building sustainable cities – and a sustainable future – will need open dialogue among all branches of national, regional and local government. And it will need the engagement of all stakeholders – including the private sector and civil society, and especially the poor and marginalized.
Ban Ki-moon
I don’t think about my past or future.
Keerthy Suresh
We have to do with the past only as we can make it useful to the present and the future.
Frederick Douglass
Look back over the past, with its changing empires that rose and fell, and you can foresee the future, too.
Marcus Aurelius
People used to define me as a futurist designer, but, you know, the future is now for me.
Nicolas Ghesquiere
The future depends entirely on what each of us does every day; a movement is only people moving.
Gloria Steinem
Grounded in the natural philosophy of the Middle Ages, alchemy formed a bridge: on the one hand into the past, to Gnosticism, and on the other into the future, to the modern psychology of the unconscious.
Carl Jung
Character robotics could plant the seed for robots that actually have empathy. So, if they achieve human level intelligence or, quite possibly, greater than human levels of intelligence, this could be the seeds of hope for our future.
David Hanson
There is no formula that will guarantee success in forecasting, no magic words that will part the clouds. The real problem, as the old saw puts it, is that the future lies ahead.
Edgar Fiedler
I believe that agriculture land – productive agricultural land with water on site – will be valuable in the future.
Michael Burry
I’m a fortune teller, but I don’t like to know my future.
Walter Mercado
I had faith in Israel before it was established, I have in it now. I believe it has a glorious future before it – not just another sovereign nation, but as an embodiment of the great ideals of our civilization.
Harry S Truman
Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine.
Nikola Tesla
After all, the past is our only real guide to the future, and historical analogies are instruments for distilling and organizing the past and converting it to a map by which we can navigate.
Michael Mandelbaum
Biodiversity starts in the distant past and it points toward the future.
Frans Lanting
Happy is the person who knows what to remember of the past, what to enjoy in the present, and what to plan for in the future.
Arnold H. Glasow
Once I knew only darkness and stillness… my life was without past or future… but a little word from the fingers of another fell into my hand that clutched at emptiness, and my heart leaped to the rapture of living.
Helen Keller
As I’ve always said: The future lies ahead.
Pat Paulsen
The importance of money flows from it being a link between the present and the future.
John Maynard Keynes
Pearl Harbor caused our Nation to wholeheartedly commit to winning World War II, changing the course of our Nation’s history and the world’s future.
Joe Baca
If the ‘Post’ can play the role of a connector between the West and the East, I have confidence in the paper’s future success.
Jack Ma
A child in India grows up with the idea that you have to make choices that will create a better future. In fact, your whole life is a continuum of choices, so the more conscious you are, the greater your life will be.
Deepak Chopra
We should regret our mistakes and learn from them, but never carry them forward into the future with us.
Lucy Maud Montgomery
The future starts today, not tomorrow.

The future starts today, not tomorrow.
Pope John Paul II
Freedom is secured every day by our men and women in uniform. We must build a future worthy of their sacrifice.
Nancy Pelosi
I’m a huge ‘Back to the Future’ fan.
Sadie Sink
Knowing your HIV status is so important for your future health and that of your loved ones.
David Furnish
Do your duty and a little more and the future will take care of itself.
Andrew Carnegie
The final upshot of thinking is the exercise of volition, and of this thought no longer forms a part; but belief is only a stadium of mental action, an effect upon our nature due to thought, which will influence future thinking.
Charles Sanders Peirce
When you’re poor, you know nothing about the future, you know nothing about the world, nothing that goes on outside 300 yards around you.
Lee Trevino
Sabotage did not involve loss of life, and it offered the best hope for future race relations. Bitterness would be kept to a minimum and, if the policy bore fruit, democratic government could become a reality.
Nelson Mandela
I am not interested in the past, except as the road to the future.
Gianni Versace
The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time.
Dean Acheson
Futurists don’t consider overpopulation one of the issues of the future. They consider it the issue of the future.
Dan Brown