Top 616 France Quotes

Words matter. These are the best France Quotes from famous people such as Lytton Strachey, Parker Harris, Dimitri Payet, Anthony Martial, Francois Hollande, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Though, with the ascendancy of Louis, the political pow

Though, with the ascendancy of Louis, the political power of the nobles finally came to an end, France remained, in the whole complexion of her social life, completely aristocratic.
Lytton Strachey
I took a detour to France in my senior year in high school. So that’s part of what ended up sending me, actually, to Middlebury because I went to school with people who were more from the Northeast.
Parker Harris
The level here in England is much higher than in France.
Dimitri Payet
It’s true that the atmosphere here is quite different from the one in France. People live and breathe football here, and that’s what I like. Every footballer wants to play in the Premier League.
Anthony Martial
The extremists wanted to divide France; it came together.
Francois Hollande
I don’t think I am a great. I think I’ve done nothing. I’ve done nothing in soccer. I’ve won leagues, but I haven’t won the Champions League, the World Cup, the Euro. Winning the Euro in France, that wouldn’t be bad.
Paul Pogba
I try to come to Asia twice a year. I also go to Europe – to London as well as to France to see my family – four or five times a year.
Daniel Boulud
France is a fantastic country. It’s between the Anglo-Saxon and Latin cultures. We have some of the Anglo-Saxon rigor, and some of the Latin quirkiness.
Xavier Niel
I can’t move back to England. My home is in France now. I’d love to but I can’t. My family’s all there now.
Kristin Scott Thomas
I am going to fight – I, a socialist and Syndicalist – so that we shall make an end to war, so that the little ones of France will sleep in peace, and the women go without fear.
Philip Gibbs
I was a ‘runaway girl’ from France who married an American and moved to New York City. I’m not sure I would have continued as an artist had I remained in Paris because of the family setup.
Louise Bourgeois
I think I was pretty much hated in France. The French press ignored me. There was a movement when the children of celebrities faced strong animosity.
Lou Doillon
I will protect and defend France’s vital interests. I will protect and defend Europe.
Emmanuel Macron
I live in Dublin, God knows why. There are greatly more congenial places I could have settled in – Italy, France, Manhattan – but I like the climate here, and Irish light seems to be essential for me and for my writing.
John Banville
The decision by France to resume nuclear testing in the South Pacific has destroyed this hope and raised a storm of protest at home, in the South Pacific and thankfully around the world.
Jenny Shipley
I am a peasant from the Auvergne. I want to keep my farm, and I want to keep France. Nothing else matters now.
Pierre Laval
I think in France, for example, we can say whatever we want about the French, but going out and dining is more about the intellectual moment to share with the people you dine with than trying to figure out what the chef did with that little piece of salmon or lobster and all that.
Daniel Boulud
Being identified as a poet in France or Denmark or India one is greeted with gracious respect.
James Broughton
My first flight was to Majorca as a 17-year-old and I went to Seattle to visit a friend after that. But the first time I really ventured out abroad to Canada and Japan as well as to Europe, to France, Spain, Italy, Germany and the Netherlands, was to promote my first album.
Corinne Bailey Rae
France is my home.
Gael Monfils
I read many riveting escape-and-evade accounts of airmen and of the Resistance networks organized to hide them and then send them on grueling treks across the Pyrenees to safety. But it was the people I met in France and Belgium who made the period come alive for me. They had lived it.
Bobbie Ann Mason
At my dinner parties, I like to serve cheese after the main course because you still have red wine in the glass, and it goes very well with the cheese. And that is what they do in France, and I think they set a good example.
Mary Berry
I think it’s a thing in France, and I think you see it a little bit in Spain with Atletico: the countries and the cities just absolutely love their football. It’s not because they’re just marketing geniuses; it’s because they’ve made it simple.
Lucy Bronze
When I was younger, I could never have imagined that me at 24 would have already won a league in Portugal, a league in France, a league in England, and playing for the national team.
Bernardo Silva
When I got to France I realized I didn’t know very much about food at all. I’d never had a real cake. I’d had those cakes from cake mixes or the ones that have a lot of baking powder in them. A really good French cake doesn’t have anything like that in it – it’s all egg power.
Julia Child
I studied history at university, so I’m always quite fascinated by the Second World War and France. That’s one of my interests.
Ruth Wilson
I like health-conscious cooking, but growing up in the South, I do love southern cooking; southern France, southern Italy, southern Spain. I love southern cooking.
Clarence Clemons
Foucault was the one person I met in France that I could talk to. He was a mensch. You know whether you agree with him or not because you know what he is saying.
Leslie Fiedler
There is a Western world. There is America. There is Great Britain and Germany and France and Russia and China and other nations. I doubt that there is one country amongst those I mentioned which has a desire to see Iran, with its fundamentalist, Islamic, extremist government, possessing nuclear weapons.
Ehud Olmert
Godard is incredibly brilliant, the things he says. Apparently here in France, the most interesting thing when a new film of his is going to come out are his press conferences, because he’s so brilliant.
Brian De Palma
France will be on the front line in the fight against terrorism.
Emmanuel Macron
When I was a kid, my mum had a lot of Dumas books in th

When I was a kid, my mum had a lot of Dumas books in the house, and she’s from France originally. My mother had one particular Dumas book that was a family heirloom – this old, beat-up 1938 edition of ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’ in French. She came to America after losing her parents in World War II as a little kid.
Tom Reiss
In 2008, I moved to Lyon, one of France’s top clubs. I had some very strong team mates, and I proved to be at their level. I began training very hard and always respecting my coach’s advice.
Miralem Pjanic
Polemical debates happen all the time in France.
Michel Houellebecq
France is, for me, the country of happiness.
Max von Sydow
The euro ceases to exist the moment that France leaves.
Marine Le Pen
I’m from a little town from the south tip of France, to be able to play in Coachella and meet other artists from all over the world and to connect with people that I love from my hometown is something amazing.
Quality of life is very important in France. I have many friends who turned down promotions and more money because it would affect their quality of life as a couple or a mother.
Mireille Guiliano
Louisiana commenced her existence as a state under a code of laws differing from all the other states which were founded on the common law, in that its code, a new one, was founded mainly on the Civil Law and the Code Napoleon of France.
Samuel Freeman Miller
I think you get better at staring into space. Especially living in the South of France.
Adrian Lyne
Floral emblems have been often adopted. The houses of York and Lancaster had their roses, the Bourbons of France, the fleur-de-lis, Scotland her thistle, and Ireland her shamrock.
Dorothea Dix
Pam has always been my glamorous big sister – 13 years older than I. She played on the women’s circuit for nine years and came home to tell me stories of France, Japan.
Tracy Austin
My father, Prince Aly Khan, and mother divorced when I was only 3. I used to spend summers with him in the South of France.
Yasmin Aga Khan
If George W. Bush is elected president, I’m leaving for France.
Robert Altman
I truly do believe that history teaches that weakness arouses evil, and whether it be the horrific attack in France, the inspired attacks here in the United States, the instability in Turkey that led to a coup.
Mike Pence
France has always succeeded because it is part of the world.
Emmanuel Macron
It’s really a drag to sit around when you’re old, and think, ‘Ah, gee, I never went to France.’ Go to France. Life is very short; you’ve got to pack it all in there.
Grace Slick
My husband is Australian, and my family is scattered around the U.K. and France mostly, but we try to get a big group together for the holidays.
Darcey Bussell
Well, I grew up between Holland and Israel and then moved to France when I was eleven.
Keren Ann
The United Nations will be at the heart of our international activities. France will assume its full responsibilities at the Security Council by putting its status at the service of peace, respect for human rights and development.
Francois Hollande
Financial globalisation and Islamist globalisation are helping each other out. Those two ideologies want to bring France to its knees.
Marine Le Pen
When I arrived in France, I cried every day. Not because I was in France – I could have been anywhere – but because I was so far, far away from my parents. I missed them so much.
Didier Drogba
I think France should be free, independent, and be the cultural heart of the world because those play a balance in the world.
Marine Le Pen
Before you, I engage myself to serve my country with the devotion and the exemplary that this post demands. I understand responsibilities of the job and, as such, I give a republican salute to Nicolas Sarkozy who has led France for 5 years and who deserves all of our respect.
Francois Hollande
I consider that France does not have to submit to the calendar of the United States, so I want France to leave the integrated command of NATO.
Marine Le Pen
France has more need of me than I have need of France.
Napoleon Bonaparte
I love France. It’s got the sun down at the bottom, the Alps for skiing, and all that wine and food.
Paul Hollywood
A lot of my travel is at least partly work, visiting schools and libraries, especially in France.
Quentin Blake
In 19th-century France, artists were part of government. Artists are very sensitive to their time. They’re very thoughtful people – it makes sense to hear what they have to say.
Elizabeth Peyton
I asked a French critic a couple of years ago why my books did so well in France. He said it was because in my novels people both act and think. I got a kick out of that.
Jim Harrison
Today’s cinema is a global art form, it is impossible to make movies for a market the size of France, representing no more than 4% of the world’s total.
Jean-Jacques Annaud
I had my father on the Under-21 team and during the World Cup in France in 1998 – and also in AC Milan for four months. So it was a weird experience, because having your father as a coach is pretty weird, and I was the captain. But he was great.
Paolo Maldini
The name of our country, France, still rings out like a

The name of our country, France, still rings out like a call to freedom.
Marine Le Pen
When you do deals with France involved, you want to make sure that the government endorses your deal, understands the strategic rationale.
Rajeev Suri
In France we have a saying, ‘Joie de vivre,’ which actually doesn’t exist in the English language. It means looking at your life as something that is to be taken with great pleasure and enjoy it.
Mireille Guiliano
It was pretty awful for us children because we never really knew the local children. Mother was keen for us to learn languages, so our travels took us to France and Italy, as well as the West Country.
Mary Wesley
Even during negotiation with HAL, Dassault felt that the cost with which the HAL will produce will be far higher than the aircraft produced in France. That was the reality.
Nirmala Sitharaman
Experts say that Britain and France have strong spy agencies; Germany’s is competent but afraid to level with its public; the rest are relatively weak, and there is no Europe-wide spy agency.
David Ignatius
I’d rather not have an address in France but an address in Italy because I love the country.
Gerard Depardieu
France has been struck on the day of her national holiday – the 14th of July, Bastille Day – the symbol of liberty, because human rights are denied by fanatics, and France is clearly their target.
Francois Hollande
I love anywhere new and different. That’s the fun of travel. I’ve always loved driving through Spain, France and Italy – sometimes in an Alfa Spider.
Rory Bremner
I grew up in France, my first language was French, and I tend to gravitate towards French cooking.
Robert Stack
That’s only in America. We don’t have French doors in France.
Gad Elmaleh
I really want to learn French so I think it would be great to go and live in France and maybe learn the language for a few months.
Tessa Virtue
I have tried to lift France out of the mud. But she will return to her errors and vomitings. I cannot prevent the French from being French.
Charles de Gaulle
Though there are laws against blasphemy and insult to religion in many European countries, France has institutionalised its anti-clerical past by proscribing religion from public life.
Pankaj Mishra
I see no reason why France and Britain should not have excellent relations – we are old allies.
Marine Le Pen
Why does there exist a global American entertainment industry, but there isn’t an equivalent coming from France or Italy? This is the case simply because the English language opens the whole world to the American cinema.
Andrzej Wajda
I don’t have a chateau in France. There’s no private airplane or yacht.
Sam Neill
Why PSG? Because to leave United, the biggest team in England, you need something like PSG, which is the biggest in France. I could not play in another English club.
Ander Herrera
Each country has a soul, and France’s soul is equality.
Francois Hollande
France and America have a long history of mutual loathing and longing. Americans still dream of Paris; Parisians still dream of the America they find in the movies of David Lynch.
Rosecrans Baldwin
As for the role of France and Germany: French politics is often more self-confident then German politics due to the catastrophe in the first half of the last century. If Berlin and Paris don’t agree, then it is difficult to make progress in Europe.
Wolfgang Schauble
It’s funny because I think that both France and Britain are known for their distinctive styles, and everyone says that France is so chic and elegant but I think, more than that, French women are renowned for dressing in what suits them.
Alexa Chung
You can spend your whole life in France without ever thinking about the Legion.
Claire Denis
France is different from the U.S.A.’s El Dorado, American Dream image.
Marine Le Pen
In France, I have lots of opportunities. Maybe now I’ll be offered films in America. It’s the encounter, with the director and the story that counts.
Jean Dujardin
I was thinking of going to London drama schools or to New York, because France didn’t accommodate the things I wanted to do in film.
Vincent Cassel
It’s very important to say that French doesn’t belong to France and to French people. Now you have very wonderful poets and writers in French who are not French or Algerian – who are from Senegal, from Haiti, from Canada, a lot of parts of the world.
Leila Slimani
France has been maintaining a very special relationship with India on defence matters.
Nirmala Sitharaman
Everyone says Francois Mitterrand had huge charisma. But before he was president they used to call him badly dressed, old, archaic and say he knew nothing about the economy… until the day he was elected. It’s called universal suffrage. When you’re elected, you become the person that embodies France.
Francois Hollande
The States which form the northern border of the United States westward from the Great Lakes to the Pacific coast include an area several times larger than France and could contain ten Englands and still have room to spare.
John Moody
Let the French ministers take care of France; we will take care of Italy!
Matteo Salvini
In France, the image I had was of a shy girl - a poor l

In France, the image I had was of a shy girl – a poor lonely girl and not too good-looking. When I went to England, I had another image. I felt the journalists were much more interested in my looks than in my songs.
Francoise Hardy
What unites us is an unconditional love for France.
Marion Marechal-Le Pen
If you love food and you love red wine and they put you in France, you’re in a good place and you’re in a bad place at the same time. You have to weigh yourself every day, and you have to have an alarm number. When you get to that number, you have to start putting it in reverse.
Salma Hayek
I did get offers from Hollywood, but they were all scripts with monsters in them. If I had done them, I would have disappeared. I would have come back to France anyway, and I would have had to start all over again and lost a lot of time.
Carole Bouquet
My father died in France, and my sisters and I went over with my mum to bring back his body. I remember going to the funeral parlour in France and being given a laminated menu of coffins, and thinking, surely there is an ice cream at the back of here!
Rachel Joyce
France will always be France no matter what, but America involves striving toward an ideal.
Rich Lowry
Tithing is like training wheels when it comes to giving. It’s intended to help you get started, but not recommended for the Tour de France.
John Ortberg
When we grew up, our family and kind of gaggle of cousins would go to the south of France for the summers. And we just had a grand time.
Dara Khosrowshahi
In France we have a law which doesn’t allow the press to publish a photo that you didn’t approve. It lets the paparazzi take the picture, but if they publish this picture, you have the choice to sue the newspaper. So me, I always sued them.
Audrey Tautou
The French want less Europe and more France.
Marine Le Pen
The primary school I attended in Shanghai was a very liberal one, established by scholars who had return from an education in France. The children of leading families were enrolled there, including the son of a well-known man believed to be a top gangster of the underworld!
Charles K. Kao
I want to be the president of all the people of France, for the patriots facing the threat of nationalism.
Emmanuel Macron
In France, the matches are sometimes very tight, and so it is difficult to score. A free kick can unlock a game.
Angel Di Maria
There are some countries where there is not an issue with women in physics. Malaysia, for example, has physics departments where 60 per cent of undergraduates are female, and France and Italy are strong, too. It is not about ability but more about what the culture says is appropriate.
Jocelyn Bell Burnell
My husband is a general’s chauffeur somewhere in France.
Lillie Langtry
There is not, and there will not be, any other laws and values in France other than French laws. We will not be going back – no withdrawing. No compromises!
Marine Le Pen
I speak on due consideration because Britain, France, and Mexico, have abolished slavery, and all other European states are preparing to abolish it as speedily as they can.
William H. Seward
When you get into the final week of the Tour de France, it becomes a different kind of race. As the distance and the fatigue really tell, that is when it becomes a proper test of everyone’s fitness.
Bradley Wiggins
I was called up for Spain against France, my international debut, and it was said that I had gastroenteritis when I had an anxiety attack. But no one wants to talk about that. Football’s not interested.
Bojan Krkic
So, thanks God, our films, our first films were suddenly being appreciated by the Western media; especially France was very good, and Switzerland was very good.
Milos Forman
Once I accidentally left my passport in Nice, France, when I was on my way to Prague. Upon arriving in Vienna, after taking an overnight, and being asked to present my travel documents and realizing I forgot them at the hotel, they kicked me off the train and sent me back!
Megalyn Echikunwoke
Somebody’s going to have to stand up to ISIS. It is a threat. When we have Americans beheaded, when we have people posing as refugees and become terrorists as in France, this is a scary time in the world.
Rick Scott
I like France quite a lot, and I like Italy.
Bonnie Wright
The recent riots in France demonstrate the problem European countries face where second and third generation immigrants still do not consider themselves French, German, or English.
Bobby Jindal
I consider myself a ‘local’ actor in France. I started out in France, I went to drama school in France and the French film community was very welcoming to me when I was a young actress.
Diane Kruger
France is not poetic; she even feels, in fact, a congenital horror of poetry. Among the writers who use verse, those whom she will always prefer are the most prosaic.
Charles Baudelaire
Spring Break is very strange. I grew up in France, so I don’t know Spring Break. That doesn’t exist in Europe.
Alexandre Aja
In America, black urban teenagers have long been lacking in inclusion. In France, there is a comparable lack of inclusion among North Africans. In much of Europe, there has been little attempt to include the Roma.
Edmund Phelps
In France, Christmas is a family holiday. You stay home. New Year’s Eve is when you go out.
Alain Ducasse
Anyway, I collapsed in France in the middle of a tour. I hadn’t been eating properly, I was getting very phobic about audiences, and I collapsed in pure fright.
Andy Partridge
I hope that France – and all of Europe – we would take an initiative for the year 2012 to be the year of peace between Israel and the Palestinians.
Nicolas Sarkozy
France can never accept that it is no longer a dominati

France can never accept that it is no longer a dominating power in the world of culture. This is true both of the French right and the French left. They keep thinking that Americans are primitive cowboys or farmers who do not understand anything.
Adam Michnik
Whether it’s in America, Quebec, or France, if I can tell a story that takes me out of my comfort zone, then I’m surfing.
Jean-Marc Vallee
France is no longer herself when she is folded in on herself, tormented by ignorance and intolerance. The country would plunge into decline if it refused to be itself, if it was afraid of the future, afraid of the world.
Francois Hollande
Russia is not a threat to France – why should I be hostile to Russia.
Marine Le Pen
You know, I left the country when Reagan got in; I went to France.
Tommy Chong
I’m a child of provincial France.
Emmanuel Macron
A lot of folks are still demanding more evidence before they actually consider Iraq a threat. For example, France wants more evidence. And you know I’m thinking, the last time France wanted more evidence they rolled right through Paris with the German flag.
David Letterman
My father played five years for Valence in France’s second division. I’d always cry when he would leave for training. Every morning, I’d say, ‘Dad, take me with you. Please, please take me with you!’
Henrikh Mkhitaryan
It’s still the height of every four years for me, regardless of Tours de France and everything: it’s all about the Olympics.
Bradley Wiggins
Before the Second World War, L’Oreal in France was an active supporter of the French fascists. The cosmetic group’s founder Eugene Schueller was an active member of the ‘Cagoule’ group, committed to the violent overthrow of the Third Republic, and hosted meetings at Oreal headquarters.
Geoff Mulgan
Do we have to give Mr Sarkozy a history lesson? Yes, there are Gauls among our ancestors. But there are also Romans, Normans, Celts, Nicois, Corsicans, Arabs, Italians, Spanish. That’s France.
Najat Vallaud-Belkacem
When I grew up in France, I was a normal size. And then I came to the United States and I gained 20 pounds.
Mireille Guiliano
In France, a hip replacement was captured using two GoPros in a stereoscopic 3D arrangement. Students can watch the surgery using a virtual reality headset.
Nick Woodman
For years I have been going to the South of France to cool out.
Suzanne Somers
I wanted to play piano in restaurants in the south of France. I went there on holiday once and I saw this guy playing in an old tuxedo. He was all disheveled, with a whisky glass on the piano. I thought that was the coolest thing. So what’s happened to me with ‘Twilight’ isn’t really what I’d planned.
Robert Pattinson
In France, for instance, one magazine writer was convinced that On The Road had been a huge influence on Lost Souls and was crushed to learn that I hadn’t read the one until after I’d written the other.
Poppy Z. Brite
I happen to have the benefit of having a son-in-law who was the former Mr. France and a trainer. I like being his benefactor and I like the way he works.
Suzanne Somers
If an Internet company steals content, they shut it down. And let me tell you, Apple France, Yahoo France or Google France, none of them have gone out of business.
Harvey Weinstein
I’ve had a private pilot’s license for years and flown all round the U.K. and over to France.
Michael Gambon
My mission is to put France back on its feet. The priority is employment. Efforts have to be made, but those efforts must be made fairly.
Francois Hollande
Sometimes I say in France: Europe is no more the center of the world – and the United States, neither. We have other key players on the international stage: China, of course; but also Brazil, India and South Africa. And their influence is very, very strong.
Alain Juppe
If I were living in France, I’d vote for Jacques Chirac, despite the fact that he can’t seem to keep his hands out of the cash till.
Pim Fortuyn
China is trying to become America without democracy while America is trying to become France without cheese calories.
P. J. O’Rourke
France, and the whole of Europe have a great culture and an amazing history. Most important thing though is that people there know how to live! In America they’ve forgotten all about it. I’m afraid that the American culture is a disaster.
Johnny Depp
We spoke French at home and I didn’t know any English until I went to school. My mother was French and met my father when he visited France as a student on a teaching placement.
Joanne Harris
I spent a whole year in New York without going back to France. And I always came back because my mother was living in New York since I was 13. So I went to summer camps, hang out at the Roxy, go to class for ballet, so I always had part of my life in New York.
Vincent Cassel
When I was 12, we began hosting exchange students from Norway, Sweden, Japan and Spain. I soon realized there was a whole world out there. I was determined to spend my sophomore year in high school abroad. My school taught only Spanish, but I wanted to go to France, and I did.
Guy Fieri
Everywhere I go in America, when they learn I’m from France, the first thing they ask me is if I’m a huge Jerry Lewis fan. I’ve never been able to figure that out.
Gad Elmaleh
France was very opposite of the show-business experience I’d been living; I was anonymous and alone. I wore no makeup, wore the same clothes every day. And I wrote and wrote and wrote.
Tift Merritt
Oh, in France you can’t defame an idea, only a person.
Pierre Dukan
‘Orange Is the New Black’ was by far the most watched show in both France and Germany and, in fact, all of the markets that we launched.
Ted Sarandos
The pomp, power, and military bombast of 'La Marseillai

The pomp, power, and military bombast of ‘La Marseillaise’ draws me into the history of France and my own. The surname I was born with was French: D’Orsay; perhaps an ancestor was amongst those troops that marched to this evocative anthem for the first time as they entered Paris 200 years ago!
Engelbert Humperdinck
Potentially he could be. He scored the goal four years ago in France against Argentina that was extraordinary.
Alan Hansen
From France, you can call anywhere in the world for free. Americans can’t do that!
Xavier Niel
We don’t have drama in public schools in France. I had never taking an acting class.
Stephanie Szostak
I’m not an American actor. I’m a French actor. I’ll continue in France. If I could make another silent movie in America, I’d like to!
Jean Dujardin
The country that consistently ranks among the highest in educational achievement is Finland. A rich country, but education is free. Germany, education is free. France, education is free.
Noam Chomsky
It is crystal clear to me that if Arabs put down a draft resolution blaming Israel for the recent earthquake in Iran it would probably have a majority, the U.S. would veto it and Britain and France would abstain.
Amos Oz
The best meeting I ever went to was a meeting in France where the talk slots were 60 minutes long, but you were told to prepare a five-minute talk. It was absolutely great because the entire talk was a conversation between the speaker and the audience.
Tim Hunt
I remember that the first country I visited was Canada, and then France. After that, I knew that I loved traveling and seeing the world. I feel that I’m so blessed and fortunate to get to visit so many places and see the world.
Brittany Bowe
Every day since the start of the Tour de France, the popular ‘Le Parisien’ newspaper has published a story about a book written with the bicycle in mind.
Elaine Sciolino
When I go back to France now I spend all the my time with press and sponsors. I do not have a lot of time to spend at home with my family.
Jean Alesi
I was going to France to do my masters and my Ph.D., but I didn’t know how to say, ‘bonjour.’ You really feel like a baby, starting everything from scratch.
Zeresenay Alemseged
For John le Carre, it was always who’s betraying who: the hall-of-mirrors kind of thing. When you go back to the ’30s, it’s a case of good vs. evil, and no kidding. When I have a hero who believes France and Britain are on the right side, a reader is not going to question that.
Alan Furst
In England, you laugh at yourselves; in France, we laugh at others.
Lou Doillon
I want France to become the European hub for R&D.
Emmanuel Macron
I met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel, visited our allies in the Arab Gulf, traveled to Tunisia and Iraq, met with President Petro Poroshenko in Ukraine, and visited our allies in Germany, France, and the United Kingdom.
Kevin McCarthy
France is the bridge between northern Europe and southern Europe. I refuse any division. If Europe has been reunified, it’s not for it to then fall into egotism or ‘each for one’s own’. Our duty is to set common rules around the principles of responsibility and solidarity.
Francois Hollande
My interpretation of the word ‘ugly’… I like ugly beauty. That can happen. In France, we have phrase ‘jolie laide.’ We like certain women who are not pretty or cute – it’s the opposite in France of pretty. It’s more strange and interesting.
Francois Nars
In France, I would like to worth with Patrice Chereau, who made ‘Queen Margot.’
Louis Garrel
If we went to the Tour, I’d have to think, what would our purpose be? Would it be to win the Tour de France? I’m not sure I want that pressure.
Bradley Wiggins
Yes, I met with Arsene Wenger, who is a great coach. He has a great reputation here in France, he’s well-respected and knows how to develop young players.
Kylian Mbappe
At my home in the southwest of France, I grow oak, hazel, and lemon trees in my backyard.
Alain Ducasse
I have no intention of going back to France, except for yearly visits to meet my family.
Francois Gautier
I don’t know if you can hear me, but I have heard you. I heard your willingness to change. Your force, your hope… and I want to tell you how grateful I am. Thank you, thank you, thank you, people of France.
Francois Hollande
Everything bad about France was transferred to Quebec.
Jacques Villeneuve
People don’t see very often their death coming… Look at the French Revolution: The king of France was thinking in the 1780s, ‘We’re doing rather better than my father in the 1770s.’
Norman Davies
Ours is a country built more on people than on territory. The Jews will come from everywhere: from France, from Russia, from America, from Yemen… Their faith is their passport.
David Ben-Gurion
I always loved Japanese movies. And they had an enormous impact in France – the Nouvelle Vague took so much from them. It taught us how the camera was placed in the centre of the action.
Jacques Perrin
‘The Discovery of France’ by Graham Robb is teaching me lots about a country I’ve long loved but realise I didn’t really know.
Diana Quick
I decided to return because of Zidane. One day Zizou called me and asked if I’d be prepared to play for France again. I just laughed because I thought it was a wind up.
Claude Makelele
The phenomenon of university creative writing programs doesn’t exist in France. The whole idea is regarded as a novelty, or an oddity.
Marilyn Hacker
I've done an awful lot of skiing all over Europe: I've

I’ve done an awful lot of skiing all over Europe: I’ve done Italy, Austria, France. I skied loads in New Zealand – I did pretty much every ski slope I could find.
Richard C. Armitage
The first experiments on the biological properties of radium were successfully made in France, with samples from our laboratory, while my husband was living.
Marie Curie
Every sentence spoken by Napoleon, and every line of his writing, deserves reading, as it is the sense of France.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
In America it’s good to show people you are fine, you’re healthy, you’re sporty, you’re happy to do things, to live. And in France it’s more like you don’t have to show you have success.
Lea Seydoux
It is in order that France may find her place in the new Europe that you will respond to my appeal.
Pierre Laval
France on its own cannot impose its point of view. But neither should it give up on its demands. With a clear vote for change France will be in a strong position.
Laurent Fabius
I scored my first goal with the national team against France.
Stephan El Shaarawy
France is delighted at this new opportunity to show the world that when one has the will one can succeed in joining peoples who have been brought close by history.
Francois Mitterrand
Our own CIA has a storied history of interfering in elections. In the late ’40s, we shoveled cash into France and Italy after World War II to defeat the Communists who had been part of the wartime resistance to the Nazis and Fascists.
Pat Buchanan
If Macron thinks there is no immigration crisis in Italy, he should open his doors to the 9,000 migrants France agreed to welcome from Italy in accordance with signed European agreements.
Matteo Salvini
I’m a woman specialist now. I’m going around the world to challenge all the woman champions. England, France, Czechoslovakia, everywhere.
Bobby Riggs
Sometimes, but the year I lived in France I started to write songs.
Carly Simon
France wants Britain to remain in the E.U.; indeed, how can we imagine that friendly nation that is our ally and played a role on the international stage could be outside the E.U.?
Francois Hollande
For many progressives, 2016 will go down as a year of electoral shocks and profound disappointment. In the U.S., France and many other parts of Europe, the right enters 2017 with newfound confidence while the left recoils in fear of the future, unsure how to get back on the front foot.
Keir Starmer
I grew up a little bit in Germany and then in Switzerland, then in France, the United States and in England, and so it is weird.
Alexander Dreymon
I played golf competitively as a teenager. I actually took a year off after high school and just played golf and went to a university in France for maybe a month and dropped out.
Stephanie Szostak
In France, we have a mania for meetings that start very early and finish very late. It wastes time and creates rigidity in schedules. Everyone knows I hate long meetings.
Isabelle Kocher
France has been very good for me. It has given me a very worldly-cool attitude.
Marianne Faithfull
To be influential in tomorrow’s world, to defend our values and our development model, France needs Europe and Europe needs France.
Francois Hollande
One of the greatest joys in my life was giving a lecture in French at the College de France.
James Cronin
To be a nutritionist in France, you must be a doctor, seven years studies, and then three more years in nutrition.
Pierre Dukan
Germany’s Angela Merkel exudes an atmosphere of elderly exhaustion and pooped-out pessimism. Britain’s David Cameron, though by nature exuberant, feels he has to look and sound glum. And France’s leader, Francois Hollande, seems determined to drive every successful businessman out of the country.
Paul Johnson
One of the maddening things about being a foreigner in France is that hardly anyone in the rest of the world knows what’s really happening here. They think Paris is a socialist museum where people are exceptionally good at eating small bits of chocolate and tying scarves.
Pamela Druckerman
Soon after Donald Trump was inaugurated, I got a letter from France’s interior ministry informing me that I was now French. By the time it arrived, I’d been French for nearly two weeks without even knowing it.
Pamela Druckerman
When I could choose which national team to play for, I could choose between Luxembourg, France, and Bosnia, and I chose Bosnia because I felt it was important to demonstrate, especially to the young people, that a dream can become true.
Miralem Pjanic
It’s funny, I started by making fake American movies, ‘The Transporter’ and stuff like that. I was shooting in France, but everything was in English. But then afterwards, I was looking at real French movies like the Jacques Audiard movies.
Louis Leterrier
The first condition of success for the League of Nations is, therefore, a firm understanding between the British Empire and the United States of America and France and Italy that there will be no competitive building up of fleets or armies between them.
Arthur Henderson
I’m very Belgian, and I will die Belgian. I just have my house in the north of France because I began my career in Paris, even though I don’t live there anymore.
Cecile de France
The difference between the extras here and in France is the French extras read books. Actually, they hide the book and pretend that they’re acting. Here, you can see everybody wants his break.
Berenice Bejo
The great majority of men, especially in France, both desire and possess a fashionable woman, much in the way one might own a fine horse – as a luxury befitting a young man.
My heart has always been truly convinced that in serving the cause of America, I am fighting for the interests of France.
Marquis de Lafayette
Although all new ideas are born in France, they are not

Although all new ideas are born in France, they are not readily adopted there. It seems that they must first commence to prosper in a foreign country.
Sarah Bernhardt
France turned a deaf ear to the demands, but Ho had succeeded in attracting great publicity in progressive French circles to the situation in Indochina.
Wilfred Burchett
France is a strong, wealthy country.
Emmanuel Macron
When you’re the oldest rider at the Tour de France, you really feel it.
Jens Voigt
When you are 14, 15, 16, you can train every day in France, and sometimes you can train twice a day.
Patrick Vieira
I can imagine the writers of China, England and France, crippled and unsure of themselves when they feel that the ghosts of Confucius, Mencius, Chaucer and Shakespeare and Victor Hugo are looking over their shoulders.
F. Sionil Jose
Without a policy restricting immigration, it becomes difficult, if not impossible, to fight against communalism and the rise of ways of life at odds with laicite – France’s distinctive form of secularism – and other laws and values of the French Republic.
Marine Le Pen
Honestly, the dangerous situation in which Jews in France live is such that those who walk with a kippa are in any case a minority, because they are afraid.
Marine Le Pen
We have a complicated intelligence relationship with France. We have a complicated intelligence relationship with other – with other allies.
David Ignatius
There is nothing nicer than playing in a World Cup against France, England, or Spain. There is nothing nicer than instead of playing a friendly, you can play a game where, if you win, you can make history.
Edinson Cavani
France is a pretty stable democracy, but incidents occur. And I was pleased to have police accompaniment.
James Douglas
It’s my country but I don’t want to know about France – I was born there but I feel English.
Eric Cantona
I’ve always been clear – I feel good at Chelsea. Every week, I repeat the same on PSG. It’s a big team but an inferior league. I don’t want to return to France, because I’ve won everything over there – the league title, cup, best player, best young player.
Eden Hazard
In the literature of France Moliere occupies the same kind of position as Cervantes in that of Spain, Dante in that of Italy, and Shakespeare in that of England. His glory is more than national – it is universal.
Lytton Strachey
My first trophy in France was the Young Player of the Year. I was 17. Chelsea is not just one player. It is not only me. We have signed a lot of players. Now we have some good signings like Cesc Fabregas and Diego Costa.
Eden Hazard
It was one thing to contain the Soviet Union in Europe because Britain, France, and Germany were all willing to join in. But will Japan and other Asian countries be willing to join in the containment of China?
Samuel P. Huntington
I hoped that, you know, France wouldn’t mind about, you know, the wife of their president to having a job.
Carla Bruni
If it were not for the government, we should have nothing to laugh at in France.
Nicolas Chamfort
There was no studio involved when we made ‘Stargate.’ It was financed through Le Studio Canal+ in France and, after the film was finished, it was sold to MGM. When the film was a success, MGM decided to do a television series based on the movie.
Dean Devlin
Faced with terror, France must be strong, it must be great, and the state authorities must be firm.
Francois Hollande
The King of Prussia is innately a bad neighbor, but the English will also always be bad neighbors to France, and the sea has never prevented them from doing her great mischief.
Marie Antoinette
I have contacts with the Tour de France which keep me close to cycling.
Bernard Hinault
My first act as president will be to reinstate France’s borders.
Marine Le Pen
France has been an American ally for about 250 years. It is a key member of NATO. But President Obama never stood shoulder to shoulder with Hollande and asked for a declaration of war against ISIS.
Lawrence Kudlow
If D-Day – the greatest amphibious operation ever undertaken – failed, there would be no going back to the drawing board for the Allies. Regrouping and attempting another massive invasion of German-occupied France even a few months later in 1944 wasn’t an option.
Douglas Brinkley
Though little known in the U.S., the Dakar is a sports juggernaut in Europe, where France’s state broadcasting company runs more than 25 hours of coverage, and the leading drivers and riders are accorded the same status we give to Super Bowl quarterbacks.
Jonathan Miles
Two European nations emerged with credit from the Iraq disaster: France and Germany. Both had the courage to withstand the Bush administration and oppose the U.S.-led invasion.
Martin Jacques
Being Human clothing was first launched in France, Belgium and Spain, where the brand’s philosophy of look good, do good is connecting with people and not just Salman Khan.
Salman Khan
In February 2004, the two traditional torturers of Haiti – France and the United States – combined to back a military coup and send President Aristide off to Africa. The U.S. denies him permission to return to the entire region.
Noam Chomsky
There’s something I will say: In the U.S., people are very patriotic. Their patriotism is obvious. In France, for many years, you had to fight to be patriotic. People are pushing us from loving our own country.
Marine Le Pen
I was born in France. I grew up in Africa.
Benjamin Millepied
In France, I guess there's something like a tyranny in

In France, I guess there’s something like a tyranny in mentalities – we accept success badly, beauty, money. People are certainly envious, and this creates negative energy. This is annoying. I suffered a great deal at one time. I had to fight harder than others. Add to that my marriage to Polanski.
Emmanuelle Seigner
Loving the country, wanting to preserve the culture and identity – protecting the interests of the Americans in America, of the French in France, of the Israelis in Israel – seems to me perfectly legitimate.
Marine Le Pen
On a visit to Cologne in March 1945, after a heavy bombing, I met hundreds and hundreds of deserters who were squatting in the rubble, many in the deep cellars left from Roman times. They had been hiding there after the retreat from France.
Heinrich Boll
When a garment is in sync with your body and its proportions, it looks and feels amazing, and in France that is something that all women know from a young age.
L’Wren Scott
Yes, the Masters is too stylish to be an American icon. It’s as out of character for Uncle Sam as a McDonald’s is for France.
Frank Deford
I love as you come into Paris, you’ve got the Arch de Triomphe and all that crazy traffic. Then I love the drive from Paris down to Antibes and you veer off east in through the Alps and you come into the south of France on the mountain road as opposed to the freeway.
Luke Goss
In America, they are very respectful of your work. People are not judgmental. They like difference – to be different is a force. In France, you have to be like the girl next door.
Lea Seydoux
What matters to me is to find rational solutions for those that are facing difficulties so that France preserves jobs and its ability to innovate.
Emmanuel Macron
I remember when the Bic pen was controversial. They came from France. They were cheap, and when one was out of ink, you threw it away; you didn’t dip it into more ink.
Patti Smith
‘Into the Blizzard’ follows the author as he traces the footsteps of the Newfoundland Regiment during the First World War: where they trained in Scotland, where they fought in Gallipoli and where they died at the Battle of the Somme in France.
Michael Winter
Creating a top team and being in a position to win the Tour de France will give me a nice feeling. But I know it is not easy to create a top team from zero. You need good riders, good staff, a lot of preparation and, most important, a lot of sponsors.
Fernando Alonso
The single currency should allow the European Union, and therefore France, to balance its monetary strength with the United States. It should help us adjust to the development of China.
Laurent Fabius
My name, my origins, my background and my experiences are what leveraged my success. The angle of the immigrant, through which I examined the reality in France, distinguished me.
Gad Elmaleh
France, mother of arts, of warfare, and of laws.
Joachim du Bellay
I think my best work has been in France with great men. It’s been my great fortune to work with really great men – with Olivier Assayas, Raoul Ruiz, Jacques Rivette. I am tutored by them.
Emmanuelle Beart
Even the earliest cave paintings in France and Spain had natural motion.
Gerald Vizenor
Although it is hard to see why any sensible authority would feel threatened by the peaceful expression of one’s point of view, there is a long history of trying to repress subversive depictions of political figures – back in the 19th century, for example, France’s King Louis Philippe was depicted as a piece of fruit.
Nazanin Boniadi
Having played in U.S.A. in 1994, in France in 1998, as well as the 2002 World Cup in Korea and Japan – the first on the Asian continent – I have witnessed the excitement and passion unleashed in those different parts of the world.
Gabriel Batistuta
It’s true that the training and mentality in Spain is totally different to how it is in France.
Antoine Griezmann
The new age of terrorism isn’t on the battlefield: it’s in your own backyard. Whether it’s at a concert in France or a restaurant in the United States, terrorism doesn’t have to happen in a military installation by any stretch of the imagination.
Bill Goldberg
It is in the interest of France that the United States and Russia speak to each other and act in good faith against the scourge of terrorism in Syria, and contribute with our country to stabilizing a region where uncontrolled migrant flows begin today.
Marine Le Pen
When France was the only reference for chefs to learn, you could go everywhere in the world, and they would copy dishes directly because they didn’t have much expanded imagination or technique or knowledge.
Daniel Boulud
On landing at New York I caught the yellow fever. The kind man who commanded the ship that brought me from France took charge of me and placed me under the care of two Quaker ladies. To their skillful and untiring care I may safely say I owe my life.
John James Audubon
When I want to know what France thinks, I ask myself.
Charles de Gaulle
With Lille, we could have gone to the South of France, and people wouldn’t have recognised us. But at Chelsea, the players are at another level. Everything has changed – the language, the country – but it is up to me to adapt.
Eden Hazard
I wanted to get far away from those who believed in cruelty, so then I went to France, a land of true freedom, democracy, equality and fraternity.
Josephine Baker
Between France and Senegal there’s a history. There’s a language that we both speak. There’s a culture that we share and to which both of our peoples have contributed. But beyond our history, beyond our language, beyond the links that have united us for so long, what unites us today is the future.
Francois Hollande
I like going to France, because no one knows who I am.
Tracey Ullman
One thing is that you won’t get climate action without equity, and Greens around the world have always understood this. This has been the dividing point between the green party of France and Emmanuel Macron: You can’t get climate policy without equity.
Elizabeth May
Must we be put to shame by much smaller and poorer countries, by Ireland, France, Austria or Sweden, who have understood that a nation’s support of its arts is a matter of both national pride and cultural survival?
Theodore Bikel
France no longer has any borders because of the E.U.
Marine Le Pen
France desperately needs to work on its competitiveness

France desperately needs to work on its competitiveness and attractiveness.
Alain Dehaze
In France, sometimes, you have some players or coaches say, ‘If we go there, and we come back with one point, it’s okay.’ Here? No chance of this! Everybody wants to win. I think every team is playing to win matches, so the game is hard and fast, intensive. I really like the Bundesliga for that.
Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang
The revolution breaks out; they form this group of swordsmen called the Black Legion. Alex Dumas is there at every moment, protecting the revolution and protecting France, and he rises to the equivalent of a four-star general.
Tom Reiss
France needs to find something that makes it stand out. It’s not enough for it to do almost as well as its neighbors.
Bernard Liautaud
France is the country with the highest taxes in Europe along with Sweden… something of which I am not proud.
Nicolas Sarkozy
It was a mistake. I was wrong, but I discovered this many years later. I was acting on the basis of this mandate given me by the most important leaders of the world: President Bush’s father, prime minister of France, President Mitterand, the Chinese, everybody.
Boutros Boutros-Ghali
England against France is such a massive match; you can’t get much bigger than that in European football. It’s a huge rivalry.
Danny Welbeck
Brexit wasn’t the European people’s first cry of revolt. In 2005, France and the Netherlands held referendums about the proposed European Union constitution. In both countries, opposition was massive, and other governments decided on the spot to halt the experiment for fear the contagion might spread.
Marine Le Pen
Mass prosperity came with the mass innovation that sprung up in 1815 in Britain, soon after in America, and later in Germany and France: It brought sustained growth to these nations – also to nations with entrepreneurs willing and able to copy the innovations.
Edmund Phelps
We have a saying in France. A dog doesn’t make a cat.
Yannick Noah
In France, a woman may forget that she is neither young nor handsome; for the absence of these claims to attention does not expose her to be neglected by the male sex.
Marguerite Gardiner
I think I’m a global citizen. My parents came from China, were educated in France and emigrated to the United States. And I think that opened up my mind to be able to live and work anywhere.
Anna Sui
Quebec City is the most European of any city in North America; they speak French all the time. There is a part of town called Old Quebec which is really like being in France. The architecture is just gorgeous, food, shopping. I’d say Quebec City is the most beautiful city in North America I’ve seen.
Sebastian Bach
I am against the Islamisation of France.
Brigitte Bardot
I love France. France is a nice place.
Bubba Watson
In France, you’re with the crew, and you have lunch with them. It’s more like a family.
Charlotte Gainsbourg
There were ten concentration camps in France from 1939 on.
Martha Gellhorn
I did grow up in France, and even though I didn’t go to the school or dance with the Paris Opera Ballet, I absorbed similar ideas in my training. I understand the scale of a big company. I danced for one for almost 20 years.
Benjamin Millepied
Marseille would be the only place that I’d like to play in France, but I think it’s not realistic.
Samir Nasri
There is a scene in the movie with DJ Cutkiller, one of the biggest European DJs from France, and he was scratching like crazy. When I saw that, I was 14, and I was like, ‘Yo that’s what I want to do. That’s crazy.’
DJ Snake
Of the love or hatred God has for the English, I know nothing, but I do know that they will all be thrown out of France, except those who die there.
Joan of Arc
There wasn’t anti-Semitism in France.
Jean-Marie Le Pen
France is very welcoming to foreign writers.
Israel Horovitz
It’s fine to discuss money in France, as long as you’re complaining that you don’t have enough, or boasting about getting a bargain.
Pamela Druckerman
I wish I could say that Carla Bruni’s Guess campaign at age 16 led to her current role as First Lady of France, but that might be a stretch.
Paul Marciano
Eventually I was saying to myself, maybe it would be better, instead of trying to become an American comedian in France, to mix those two styles and those two genres. Because of course it’s good to be efficient and sharp, and to have a joke every twenty seconds, but it can be a little cold and dry.
Gad Elmaleh
When you grew up in France in the 1970s and 80s, the Vel’ d’Hiv wasn’t part of the history program.
Tatiana de Rosnay
I’ve lived in England, France, Spain, Portugal and Germany in the ’80s. I don’t like being settled. It’s not really healthy.
Denny Laine
We need the help of other member countries and leaders who, like us, want to see a change in Europe’s direction. That’s also my logic when I tell voters that electing me president will not only shape France’s future, but also initiate change across all of Europe.
Francois Hollande
I grew up in the Alps and France, and Barbie was my first exposure to the American woman. For me she was blonde, she was free and she was fun.
Catherine Malandrino
France cannot be destroyed. She is an old country who, despite her misfortunes, has, and always will have, thanks to her past, a tremendous prestige in the world, whatever the fate inflicted upon her.
Pierre Laval
When I left to go into apprenticeship in 1949, it was o

When I left to go into apprenticeship in 1949, it was only four years after the war, and people don’t realize, we still had tickets for butter, meat and so forth in France until 1947. It’s not like the end of the war, everything was plentiful – it wasn’t.
Jacques Pepin
I am not shy. I am for an open society. I am for a progressive world. I do not propose to reform France; I propose to transform it at its deepest level.
Emmanuel Macron
In Holland and Spain and France, where so many of us come from, people aren’t interested in the sex lives of their players. We don’t hear these stories – even in Italy where the media is right on top of football.
Dennis Bergkamp
In France, where Franklin had lived from 1776 to 1785, he had won an extraordinary place in the public mind. The French had lionized him to the point of absurdity – or so at least his colleagues in the American mission thought.
Edmund Morgan
I can train harder and put myself through more punishing efforts now than I used to do, having done the Tour de France, and come off the road now.
Bradley Wiggins
France, for example, loves at the same time history and the drama, because the one explores the vast destinies of humanity, and the other the individual lot of man.
Alfred de Vigny
France needs to improve training and education and the level of skills of its workforce.
Francois Hollande
The role of Italy and of Austria has diminished as has that of France and Britain; Germany and Japan have suffered catastrophically.
Emily Greene Balch
Being from Israel and a Jew is complex already, but with France, there is a freedom and a mix of culture. I have met musicians from all over the world.
Yael Naim
Have we so soon forgotten those four years of terrible carnage, the greatest war of all time; forgotten the millions of men who gave their lives, who made the supreme sacrifice and who today, beneath the soil of France and Belgium, sleep the eternal sleep?
Frank B. Kellogg
If you weren’t a risk-taker, you were always going to be a step behind. You could be the best cyclist in the world, but if you weren’t a risk-taker, you weren’t going to win the Tour de France.
Tyler Hamilton
Thanks to the Tour de France, riding the Champs-Elysees has a great cycling history.
Marianne Vos
You know what? I’ve won the Tour de France, and now I feel ready to talk about it.
Bradley Wiggins
The whole action around a carbon pricing mechanism, or carbon tax, is what you do with the money. Both France and Washington state proposed solving climate on the backs of workers. And that’s a bad strategy.
John Delaney
The U.S., France, Germany and Canada have all responded to the financial crisis by boosting rather than cutting their science funding. The U.K. has not.
Martin Rees
Sugar is more present in America or England than it is in France. I think there is an addiction to sweetness.
Pierre Dukan
I spent another six years in Europe covering sporting events such as the Tour de France.
John Tesh
The quality of life is so different in France. There is the possibility of living a simple life. I would never contemplate raising my daughter in LA. I would never raise any child there.
Johnny Depp
France and Italy have not yet signed this treaty or agreed to naval limitation as between those nations, but I have confidence that in time they will do so.
Frank B. Kellogg
I stay in France. Better to be the queen of a village than a servant in a kingdom.
Emmanuelle Beart
Forty percent of my portfolio is in the U.S. In the rest of the world, most of the places I invest in or invested in are Brazil, Russia, Germany with a little bit of Turkey, China, India, France and Israel sprinkled in there.
Fabrice Grinda
If countries were people, England and France would be old men. Italy would be dead. Compared with them, America is in its 20s.
The D-Day moniker wasn’t invented for the Allied invasion. The same name had been attached to the date of every planned offensive of World War II. It was first coined during World War I, at the U.S. attack at the Battle of Saint-Mihiel, in France in 1918.
Douglas Brinkley
Do you know how rare it is in parts of America to actually see ‘an outfit’? France? I don’t want to be anti-French, but there isn’t a more unattractive group of people on the streets.
Tom Ford
After the liberation of France, I went to the movies all ihe time.
Jean-Paul Belmondo
It’s really weird when we’re out of the country, whether we’re in Brazil or Greece or some crazy place like France or Germany. When you hear your song on the radio or in a store, and you’re in a different country, it’s really freaky and surreal.
Gary Rossington
I would like to tell our American, British and Spanish friends that the Iraqi crisis is not a problem between the United States and France, but between those who want to move forward in the logic of war and the international community.
Dominique de Villepin
In France, history is paralyzing.
Jean Paul Gaultier
Every country in the world protects its economy except the E.U. We would restore economic sovereignty and decision-making to France. We would protect strategic industries, and we would protect vital areas such as the energy sector. But we would not cut ourselves from the world. There could still be trade.
Marion Marechal-Le Pen
Altogether apart from that, it would be a disgrace to us to make this bargain with Germany at the expense of France, a disgrace from which the good name of this country would never recover.
Edward Grey
My parents sent me to Montreal because I kept getting kicked out of school in France.
Emmanuelle Beart
My father-in-law, Barney Rawlings, spent a couple of mo

My father-in-law, Barney Rawlings, spent a couple of months hiding out in France in 1944, frantically memorizing a few French words to pass himself off as a Frenchman, but his ordeal had not inspired in me any action until I started taking a French class.
Bobbie Ann Mason
Near Marseilles in the south of France, bouillabaisse is a cult food. In Toulouse and Carcassonne, the bean-based stew cassoulet is a cult food. Spain has paella and a number of others. Italy has so many, its cuisine is practically defined by them.
Nathan Myhrvold
There are high hopes of France and what they’re trying to achieve there by liberalising the labour market and other reforms. You lose some, you gain some.
Kersti Kaljulaid
I fell in love with New York. I moved here 25 years ago in 1984 after I lived in Paris for six years. In the 1980s, it was the place to be. Here I was able to create NARS, which I would not have been able to create if I stayed in France.
Francois Nars
France has to reform, to recover, and get more competitiveness.
Emmanuel Macron
We have a lack of growth in Europe, in eurozone, and in France, and we are struggling hard to recover and restore this growth.
Emmanuel Macron
My life is OK. I live in France. It’s a very cool country to make films.
Michel Hazanavicius
The Tour de France would make a great movie. Drugs, corruption, political chicanery, guys risking their lives – everything you need for a great sports drama.
Asif Kapadia
This programme would only really make sense and work properly if it was also broadcast on France’s international television channel TV5. So I ended up with a double production, on France 2 and TV5.
Bernard Pivot
In France, it’s really different the way you live. It’s a non-religious country. The public space is not religious; religion is a private thing.
Michel Hazanavicius
When I was 16 and on a tour of Europe, I fell in love with Le Corbusier’s Notre Dame du Haut chapel in Ronchamp, France. I’d quite like to live in it.
Roisin Murphy
I hear from non-Afghan immigrants – Africans, Indians, Pakistanis, Arabs in France – all the time. These people have had to redefine their lives, which is what my family went through when we came to the U.S. in 1980.
Khaled Hosseini
A few years ago, kids from poor areas in France were asked to draw items of food. For a chicken, they drew a drumstick. For a fish, they drew a fish stick. Those are extremes, but there is a lot that needs to be done to help children discover good food.
Joel Robuchon
My kids miss me when I’m away, but I don’t mind living out of a suitcase. The U.K., U.S., France, Germany, Iraq… it’s such a thrill meeting people of different cultures, learning about and from them. It’s changed my perception about life, humanity and spirituality.
A. R. Rahman
Perhaps the biggest boost to the LePenization of French politics came from Nicolas Sarkozy. As president of France between 2007 and 2012, he actively courted FN voters and helped dismantle the ‘Republican pact,’ under which the two main parties had pledged to work together to defeat the FN at a national and local level.
Mehdi Hasan
There are two projects facing each other. There’s Marine Le Pen’s project of a fractured, closed France. On the other hand, you have my project which is a republican, patriotic project aiming at… reconciling France.
Emmanuel Macron
Babies are born bow-legged in South Dakota. By the age of 12, they can purchase guns. At 14, they can take their driving test. Fortunately, since the geographical area of South Dakota can accommodate both France and Germany, but has a population of only 750,000, the chances of hitting anything are pretty slim.
Clive Sinclair
There is a painful joke that Europeans often tell of their Gallic neighbors: God created France, the most beautiful country in the world with so much good in it, and ended up feeling guilty about it. He had to do something to make it fair. And so, he created the French people.
Janine di Giovanni
Otherwise, to be a movie star, it’s a lot of compromise and also a lot of headaches. You can’t do what you want. You become a prisoner of your fame. This happened to me in France and I don’t want it.
Olivier Martinez
If you look at Germany and France, a couple other countries, those are really kickboxing markets.
Scott Coker
There isn’t a country I ain’t touch in Africa. I just came back from South of France, I toured China, Japan, wherever you name, 60,000 people come out to see Fat Joe.
Fat Joe
The youth of France do not want a new neo-liberal contract.
Peter Hall
I’ve performed in China, France, New Delhi, and Indianapolis, and everybody just allows themselves to go at it and have a good time. I think that’s what I’m doing through music. It’s not about ‘I’m from here and you’re from there.’ It’s about unity.
Ricky Martin
To be a gourmet you must start early, as you must begin riding early to be a good horseman. You must live in France, your father must have been a gourmet. Nothing in life must interest you but your stomach.
Ludwig Bemelmans
I’ve always felt more at home in the UK than in France.
Jean Paul Gaultier
France has always had a special place for Apple. This is the best place to discover and chat with all musicians, graphic designers, designers, or photographers who use our products. There is such creative energy.
Tim Cook
You cannot transpose the U.S. system on Turkey, and the Turkish system on France etc. You have to understand the people and their culture. That’s leadership.
Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa
France is back.
Emmanuel Macron
There’s a big difference between France and the U.S. In the U.S., immigrants must work to live. In France, they’re taken care of by public finances. In France, there are millions of unemployed people already. We cannot house them, give them health care, education… finance people who keep coming and coming.
Marine Le Pen
We, the French, are viscerally attached to our laicite, our sovereignty, our independence, our values. The world knows that when France is attacked, it is liberty that is dealt a blow.
Marine Le Pen
I have an intense dislike for artificial society. In France, one could lead a free life – to do what one wanted to do without interference or criticism from one’s neighbors.
Robert W. Service
Prince was not scared. The first time I heard someone s

Prince was not scared. The first time I heard someone sing about AIDS, it was Prince: ‘In France, a skinny man died of a big disease with a little name.’ He was not afraid of taboos.
Edward Enninful
As long as Didier Deschamps is coach, I have no chance of getting back into the France team.
Karim Benzema
I think America and Britain have a different culture from France. They discovered marketing and consumerism before France.
Pierre Dukan
I have friends in France who are artists. I go to gallery openings and things like that.
Anthony Geary
I owe everything to France.
Ingrid Betancourt
We find ourselves in a difficult situation in Europe. There’s a crisis, weak growth, unemployment… my duty is to ensure that by the end of my mandate France is in a better state than it was at the beginning.
Francois Hollande
I’m going to tell you the story about the geese which fly 5,000 miles from Canada to France. They fly in V-formation but the second ones don’t fly. They’re the subs for the first ones. And then the second ones take over – so it’s teamwork.
Alex Ferguson
I am opposed to those who have an ideological vision of immigration, and I think that, given the situation in France, it must stop.
Marine Le Pen
The Tour de France is ridiculously hard.
Mark Cavendish
You train far more in France than in England. Here, we still see football as a game. Football is a job. There is still the mentality where training is at 11, you come in at 10:30, and when it is finished, you leave straight away.
Patrick Vieira
I’m definitely drawn to stories of just regular folks, just generally in some kind of horrific situation. I keep saying I want to do a love story in the south of France with a boy and girl and some wine. Then I always end up in an oil rig with four hundred guys or on a mountain with guys shooting at each other.
Peter Berg
If I would use anything from ‘The Little Prince,’ even some little quote, it’s all copyrighted in France. Like Walt Disney in this country, it’s a national treasure.
Peter Sis
I was praised in the U.S. and heavily, brutally criticized in France.
Christine Lagarde
The concentration in my book on Marie Antoinette’s childhood and on her family influences. It is surprising how some books actually start with her arrival in France!
Antonia Fraser
King of England, and you, duke of Bedford, who call yourself regent of the kingdom of France… settle your debt to the king of Heaven; return to the Maiden, who is envoy of the king of Heaven, the keys to all the good towns you took and violated in France.
Joan of Arc
The home is the planet. Unless you’re a Martian, you know, we’re sharing the planet. And – and the emissions don’t stop and CO2 doesn’t stop with the border between France, Spain or between Canada and the United States.
Jose Angel Gurria
My stepfather gave me a Kodak camera when I was 17 years old. I started working at a local photo store in Le Havre, France, taking passport pictures and photographing weddings.
Patrick Demarchelier
I also had this mistaken dream, fantasy really – perhaps because I’m good at languages – of being able in both Italy and France to become someone else through my fluency in the language.
Harry Mathews
I don’t know a writer who doesn’t feel some sense of glamour and magic and a complex, wistful sadness emanating from the expats of the twenties in France. Some of the sadness, of course, is that we weren’t there.
Guy Gavriel Kay
I loved France, although I initially thought they were stubborn for always speaking French.
Olivia De Havilland
As a graduate student at Oxford in 1963, I began writing about books in revolutionary France, helping to found the discipline of book history. I was in my academic corner writing about Enlightenment ideals when the Internet exploded the world of academic communication in the 1990s.
Robert Darnton
I don’t really consider myself an immigrant, because I was born French; I have always spoken the language. I never had the feeling of being a foreigner. I was very lucky: I came to France, and I had enough money to study and to rent a studio. So, for me, it was not difficult.
Leila Slimani
Here in France, what we love is Life. And all the pleasures that go with it.
Michel Hazanavicius
I think kids in France, and certainly in my household, don’t necessarily stop interrupting when you tell them, but they gradually become more aware of other people, and that means that you can have the expectation of finishing a conversation.
Pamela Druckerman
I went from 198 pounds to 109 while I was in prison in France, and I had to tie my clothes on with rope.
Frank Abagnale
Like the Devil, the Norway lobster is known by a variety of different names: cigala in Spain, langoustine in France, Dublin Bay Prawn in Ireland. And in Italy, as well as the U.K., scampi.
Tom Parker Bowles
In France, everyone speaks French ’cause they think it’s cool. Gives ’em, gives ’em an excuse to smoke.
Scott Thompson
Nothing is impossible. Lassana Diarra did not play for France for five years and then returned.
Didier Deschamps
In France, the people were the sport of a king’s caprice. Everywhere was the shadow of the Bastille. It fell upon the sunniest field, upon the happiest home.
Robert Green Ingersoll
My grandma is kind of a rock star. She goes to France and all over.
Brandon T. Jackson
I spent a lot of time in a small town in France, growing up.
Timothee Chalamet
I don't want to return to France; France doesn't tempt

I don’t want to return to France; France doesn’t tempt me at all. I like England.
Riyad Mahrez
In France one must adapt oneself to the fragrance of a urinal.
Gertrude Stein
Actually, today I had to defend the Bush Administration in France again. They refuse to accept, because of their political ideology, that he has actually done more than any American President for Africa. But it’s empirically so.
Bob Geldof
Up to 1870, it was equally said of France and of Italy that they possessed no folk-tales. Yet, within fifteen years from that date, over 1000 tales had been collected in each country.
Joseph Jacobs
I had been living with my family in France as COVID was starting to spiral out of control in Europe. I said to my wife that maybe they should come back to the States with me because I was worried about getting separated.
Aaron Dessner
Extensive analysis was conducted before deciding whether consumers would respond better to a male or female imprisoned in their phone. Almost every country in the world had a female Siri programmed – but not, initially, in the UK and France.
Sara Pascoe
Francois Hollande is an intelligent man. I do not have a problem with him. The only thing is, he has never held office at the state level. Honestly, can you imagine Francois Hollande as president of France? Imagine it!
Nicolas Sarkozy
My son loves the Hotel du Cap, in the south of France.
Diane von Furstenberg
I’ve published a couple of short novels in France that I didn’t want to publish in English because I loved the characters too much to subject them to American critics who were not exactly favorable toward my work.
Michael Cimino
I use a retouching varnish which is made in France, Libert, and that’s all the varnish I use.
Edward Hopper
The people have spoken. Their decision is sovereign. We all respect it… I wish good luck to those who will now govern France.
Alain Juppe
I have memories of watching the Champions League as a kid in France. We all supported different teams and they were intense moments. Great memories.
Raphael Varane
Workers of France, it is for the freedom of the prisoners that you will go to work in Germany! It is for our country that you will go in large numbers!
Pierre Laval
In France, I am the fifth artisan to produce his own chocolate, and the others have been doing it for a long time.
Alain Ducasse
Usually in France we prefer to say bad things about the Nouvelle Vague, but I’m always impressed with its freedom and the fact of not making a film to give your opinion but just as a piece of art, which to me means the Nouvelle Vague.
Arnaud Desplechin
I had two family members involved in World War I: two great-uncles. One of them is on a memorial in France. And the other was a trench runner who survived the war. The average life span of a trench runner was 36 hours, but he survived the whole war.
Ben Barnes
When I played for the first time against France, I wanted more.
Kieran Trippier
When I heard Edward Snowden’s story, it reminded me of my mother in a strange way. She was in the French resistance from early on, 1941. At that time, the Resistance were considered troublemakers – even traitors – in France.
Jean-Michel Jarre
In 2003, the Royal College of Surgeons of England, and a year later, a national ethics committee in France, said that face transplantation would be going too far. The risk of complication would far outweigh the benefits.
Jeanne Marie Laskas
My wife and I have spent most of our lives in France, and we are both pretty well bilingual, my wife more purely than I, since as a little girl she went to school in French Switzerland.
Patrick O’Brian
I have recently started acting lessons in south France, and I intend to commence acting lessons at Rada.
David Ginola
But as the Pope has a long arm, which might reach me in France, I have gone a little out of the way to tell him the plain truths contained in these pages.
Edmond About
Now since France has three times in sixty years failed to obtain practical results from Political revolutions, all Europe is apt to press forward into new Social doctrine to regulate the future.
Lajos Kossuth
Acting is our job, not talking about it. In France, they know me like I belong to their family. I go somewhere and I feel like I’m sometimes the aunt, the grandmother, the mother, the sister. They all know me. But it’s not supposed to be that way.
Carole Bouquet
What is very interesting when talking about electronic music is that – I would say that rock and roll is called the ethnic music born in America that invaded the world. Electronic music is certainly kind of ethnic music born in countries like Germany and France that has invaded the world.
Jean-Michel Jarre
We back Hinkley Point project. It’s very important for France; it’s very important for the nuclear sector and EDF.
Emmanuel Macron
Americans don’t like puns and plays on words, which is totally opposite in the comedy world to France or even Italy and Germany.
Gad Elmaleh
I might have had trouble saving France in 1946 – I didn’t have television then.
Charles de Gaulle
Heads of France lead from a palace, and traditionally they retire to a cloud.
Rosecrans Baldwin
I don’t live in France; I live in myself.
Alejandro Jodorowsky
Only in a popular war against France… do I see a misfortune.
Ferdinand Lassalle
I've been to Paris France and I've been to Paris Paramo

I’ve been to Paris France and I’ve been to Paris Paramount. Paris Paramount is better.
Ernst Lubitsch
In the south of France the phones cut in and out, the electricity isn’t particularly reliable. I think many people would get very irritated with that life.
Peter Mayle
Tyrrells crisps are one of the top sellers in France. I don’t know if you’ve tasted crisps in other countries, but I really think British crisps are world leaders. I went to China and they told me there is only one type of potato available there.
Liz Truss
The funny thing in France is that writers are not allowed to retire, because the French government say you are still earning money from books you wrote 20 years ago.
Peter Mayle
I’ve got fans and letters from Israel, France Germany, Sweden, London, Africa. They all saying pretty much the same thing, ‘Yo, we love you, we need you, put some more music out, please!’
In America, people know there are always 10 people better than them who are after their job. In France, they know that too – but no one is going to get their job till they go to their grave.
Janine di Giovanni
The relationship between France and its ‘foreign’ players – blacks and North African Arabs – has always been troubled, particularly with Algerians.
Rabih Alameddine
As a mother, the things that I wanted for my own four children, I want for all the children of France.
Segolene Royal
There is no reason why the Louvre should be your favourite gallery just because it has the grandest collections in France, any more than Kew should necessarily be a favourite garden because it has the largest assemblage of plants, or Tesco your chosen shop because it has the widest variety of canned beans.
Jim Crace
Power is the main difference; it’s more powerful in England. Referees are less strict than in France, teams like to play low and in counter-attack, and defenders in general are stronger than in France.
Alexandre Lacazette
Even though I studied in New York and I know the American system, I come from France where I learned that with movies in France where the director is king. There’s no such thing as a studio edit. It’s the director’s cut, period.
Louis Leterrier
I would love to live in India or in the South of France, but Roger Vivier doesn’t have offices yet in New Delhi or Jaipur.
Ines de La Fressange
‘Chocolat’ was a sort of statement of my own childhood, recognizing I experienced something from the end of the colonial era and the beginning of independence as I was a child that really made me aware of things I never forgot – a sort of childhood that made me different when I was a student in France.
Claire Denis
No one is attacking Islam, as such. We accept that there is a large French-born Islamic population in France who have a right to be here. The FN is not a racist or Islamophobic party.
Marion Marechal-Le Pen
But do you know, I shall not be sorry to die. I shall be glad, Monsieur. And why glad, you ask? Because I love France and hate the Germans who have put this war on us.
Philip Gibbs
Kristin Scott Thomas is terrific. She has a career in France and a career in England: how cool is that? I wouldn’t mind that.
Rachael Stirling
I don’t want to mess with my face. So I’m becoming fluent in French so I can go to France and make French films when I’m 60.
Laura Dern
Is France a completely open market to G.E.? No, of course not. I think we’re more discerning about China because it’s China, and they’re big, and they’re more concerning. But the best global companies are ones that are nuanced.
Jeffrey R. Immelt
In Europe, we will work towards having a common stance, while in France, we will strengthen our protection for asylum seekers whose lives are in danger because of their sexual orientation.
Najat Vallaud-Belkacem
Now, I had been drawing all this time – especially in France of course – so, when I came back, my father gave me the chance to do a cover for one of the books he published.
Dick Bruna
Just watch the interlopers from all over the world come and install themselves in our home. They want to transform France into a giant squat.
Marine Le Pen
I spent seven years in France. Then, I went to Asia for five years. I came to London in 1984 and then America in 1985. In 1991, I opened my first restaurant in New York City.
Jean-Georges Vongerichten
There will always be nations. The United States will last a long, long time, I believe. France and Germany and Japan, China, other nations, they’re going to exist. But they’re losing their significance and ability to deal with certain matters.
Alan Cranston
We have some worse scenarios for which we need to prepare as companies. For the moment, we’re planning for the worst, and the worst is now, and the car market is down more than 15 percent in France. There is so much uncertainty.
Carlos Ghosn
I realized how far-reaching the effect of hip hop was when I walked by a jewelry store named Bling in a small, rural town in France. Hip hop has made a huge impact on urban culture. Yet many brands still don’t speak to young people in a tone and manner that’s representative of them.
Steve Stoute
On the field, I got to play with some of the best players in the world, from Germany, Sweden, France – I can name five more countries.
Lindsey Horan
I lived in France during the ’60s. I was there from the early ’60s until 1970, so my view of the ’60s is more global. It was a time of tremendous transition, not only for America but for the whole world.
Jane Fonda
At the beginning of the twentieth century, every single leading Muslim intellectual was in love with the west, and wanted their countries to look just like Britain and France.
Karen Armstrong
Living in France while the Falklands War was going on, I felt a profound sense of shame and betrayal, just as I did by the war in Iraq. People have asked why I don’t talk about that directly in my plays. Well, politics needs to be articulated in many different ways.
Simon McBurney
France generates a significant part of its energy requirements from fission reactors and these have achieved a perfect safety record. We build ours all differently.
Wilson Greatbatch
The strategy we must follow is to defend the special relationship between Great Britain and Europe and, more specifically, between Europe and France.
Emmanuel Macron
Compared to some of our neighbours, it's not frowned up

Compared to some of our neighbours, it’s not frowned upon to be a mother and work in France.
Najat Vallaud-Belkacem
France can certainly accommodate foreign people on its soil long-term, those with foreign citizenship… as long as they respect French laws and French values, which is often a problem on the immigration issue. It’s not really a problem with Israel on this topic.
Marine Le Pen
A few regular troops from old France, weakened by hunger and sickness, who, when fresh, were unable to withstand the British soldiers, are their general’s chief dependence.
James Wolfe
When Ronald Reagan was elected I was on a bus traveling with a band in France. I wrote a little arrangement of The Star Spangled Banner in a minor key.
Carla Bley
If I become president, France will not continue with the same policies as under Nicolas Sarkozy – both in domestic policy and in foreign and European policy.
Francois Hollande
I think that in France, we should do like the French people.
Marine Le Pen
I’m much better known in France and Germany and Spain than I am in the U.S. When I go to Russia, I get mobbed; I have groups of fans waiting for me out in the hotel lobby, waiting for me to come down off the elevator. In China, I almost got beat up because people were trying to get me to do a drawing for them.
Bill Plympton
I was disrespectful everywhere: U.S., Italy, France.
Logan Paul
I’ve got lots of good friends. I could have affairs. I can read a book all night, put the cat on the end of the bed. I can pick up my passport and go to France. I don’t have to ask anybody.
Joanna Lumley
I was 14 when I arrived at Real Sociedad. No team wanted me in France. I trialled for around eight clubs, and then Real came.
Antoine Griezmann
In France, you can sell a lot, but nobody outside of France ever hears of it.
Alan Parsons
There is only one thing that matters to me: the France team.
Aymeric Laporte
France has to accelerate in terms of reform.
Emmanuel Macron
Going to war without France is like going hunting without an accordion.
Norman Schwarzkopf
If the Chinese can’t buy U.S. products, they’ll buy them from European countries and then develop stronger economic ties with France and Germany and perhaps side more with those countries when international issues flare up.
Gary Locke
I have defended the interests of France at the G8 in Washington; afterwards I was at Chicago to announce the withdrawal of French troops from Afghanistan; I have participated in two European summits, so I have fully respected the engagements I made to the French.
Francois Hollande
As young cook, especially in France, they’re very tough in the kitchen. The idea is to make you humble and learn fast.
Eric Ripert
When I was operating as one of President Reagan’s economic advisers, an early assignment was to analyze the federal government’s landholdings and make recommendations about what to do with them. This was a big job. These lands are vast, covering an area six times that of France.
Steve Hanke
I’ve had gay friends who grew up in small towns in France who had to lie for most of their lives, even to themselves. But eventually such lies become stronger than the people, and they have to face them.
Guillaume Canet
When I was first writing, I was writing mostly about sporting events, which was really what my assignments were. I was working on the Tour de France bike race and the Barcelona Olympic Games, and those songs tend to be very big, very bombastic-type music, which is the type of music that I love to write.
John Tesh
Unfortunately, terror is now linked to immigration, and anyone with dark skin or a beard or a Muslim name is suspect. Russia, France, then the United Kingdom, and now even Germany have no qualms about going far beyond their borders to strike at the enemies of their countries.
P. Chidambaram
I eat healthier than you think. I eat grains and vegetables when I’m home – and I eat in courses. My wife, Lori, thinks it’s because I don’t want foods to touch. That’s not it. If you eat courses, you slow down your meal and eat less. It’s a trick I picked up in France as a kid.
Guy Fieri
I think it’s less common in France that a man at the age of 50 buys a Porsche and gets a young girlfriend.
Carine Roitfeld
I am the president of the youth of France.
Francois Hollande
Here, you go to the supermarket and you have wipes to clean your hands before shopping. No, we don’t have that in France, but we recycle.
Berenice Bejo
France and Germany have to send a strong signal to the Commission that we need to negotiate a pragmatic and sensible outcome that protects jobs on both sides of the Channel because, for every job lost in the U.K., there will be jobs lost in Europe as well if Brexit goes wrong.
Jeremy Hunt
The Tour de France is a wicked sport in the way that it’s not just man against man or woman against woman; it’s not flesh against flesh. It’s flesh against machine.
Ben Foster
Having viewed Europe as an extension and projection of itself, France now finds Europe developing a mind and identity of its own which embraces France but is not controlled by France.
Peter Mandelson
The excitement of automobile racing did not compare with what I knew must come with aeroplane fighting in France.
Eddie Rickenbacker
In France they don’t think I’m difficult.
David Bailey
We were saving, saving, saving then going to France and blowing the money eating. She was a nurse and had never experienced fine dining but she loved it, too. Our mates thought it absurd.
Heston Blumenthal
In America, you look at food as bad and guilty. In Fran

In America, you look at food as bad and guilty. In France, we love food and we enjoy food; food is pleasure.
Mireille Guiliano
In France and other European countries, film stars are more celebrated. In Germany, if we are good at what we do, we are respected but not acclaimed. And, of course, we are not paid like Americans are.
Barbara Sukowa
I can’t think of a specific meal, but my favourite country for food has got to be France. I love those restaurants in the middle of the village squares.
Giles Foden
France loves American cinema because when an American remake is successful, it makes us money to produce more French films.
Clotilde Hesme
In France, they call the beauty of youth ‘the evil beauty.’ You don’t have it because of you but because you’re born with it. The other kind of beauty is your own work, and it takes forever.
Monica Bellucci
It had never been a decision to choose between the French national team or the Senegalese national team because I was growing up in France and playing in the French youth national team, so it was something really normal.
Patrick Vieira
I’m going to France, I’m going to Germany, and I’m going to go wherever God sends me and gives me the strength.
Reinhard Bonnke
I still have agents in France, Los Angeles and Amsterdam who call and suggest parts. I’d love to keep on doing both painting and acting until the end of my days.
Sylvia Kristel
When you make a movie, you really have to be clever and smart, find something new for the worldwide audience because you aren’t making a movie for just France or Germany; it’s for everyone in the world.
Olivier Megaton
France and Britain have large culinary differences, but one thing they do share is a relatively low tolerance for modernist cooking.
John Lanchester
I am more than proud to be European. I love Europe, I love France, but I have an American mentality, and I don’t know why. The way I see things, the way I talk, I’m the kind of person who, if I want to say something, I will say it – sometimes in Europe, it’s not always what you need to do.
Thierry Henry
How rich our German life is compared to France or England: what an abundance of social types and customs with completely different origins… Germany is a world, whereas England and France, with their stereotypically divided three social classes, are but enlarged villages… what a stage for a Balzac.
Harry Graf Kessler
In France, I learned about wine and cheese.
Walter Wager
France isn’t just any country in Europe, and its president is not an ordinary leader in the world. Sometimes directing or leading the way is not enough, he has to initiate policies, as Nicolas Sarkozy was able to demonstrate during his term.
Francois Hollande
For the jihadists, Muslim women who embrace Western mores, and wear tight jeans or mini skirts, are hated symbols of corruption that need to be eradicated. For the ideological mentors of Breivik, a similar disturbance comes from the burqa, which is banned in France and Belgium, partly thanks to their efforts.
Mustafa Akyol
I played for four different clubs in France; I played for Marseille, which is one of the biggest clubs.
Dimitri Payet
I’m pretty good with languages. I know a bit of French and actually want to live in France some day so that I can get fluent. I think it’d be tragic to go through life only knowing one language.
Juliana Hatfield
Everyone in London, Wales, and France made the ‘Merlin’ experience a very, very special one.
Colin Morgan
I am opposed to a multicultural France. I think that those who have a different culture and who arrive in France have to submit themselves to French culture.
Marine Le Pen
There is an Islamic population in France, most of which comes from the North African countries.
Jean-Marie Le Pen
My dream was to play for France. It’s been my dream since childhood.
Aymeric Laporte
From the material point of view the proposal is unacceptable, for France, without further territory in Europe being taken from her, could be so crushed as to lose her position as a Great Power, and become subordinate to German policy.
Edward Grey
Men take much more notice of older women in France, so I might move there. I think I’m a good bet.
Deborah Moggach
My father-in-law was a pilot. During World War II, he was shot down in a B-17 over Belgium. With the help of the French Resistance, he made his way through Occupied France and back to his base in England.
Bobbie Ann Mason
Paris Saint-Germain is the biggest club in France, which continues to progress, and who plays to win all possible titles.
Ander Herrera
In France, successive waves of Gaul, Visigoth, and Frank have swept over the land and have dominated it. But the fair hair and blue eyes and the clear skin of the conquering races have been submerged by the rising and overflow of the dusky blood of the original population.
Sabine Baring-Gould
I was born in Poland, and then I was six years in France. I returned to Poland, and then, at the age of eight and a half, we came to Germany.
Miroslav Klose
The quality of life of European cities and towns of almost any size make life in America look not just like a joke, but a sick joke, a horror movie. But I’d rather stay involved and do what I can to make this a better place than move to the south of France and enjoy the good life.
James Howard Kunstler
Useful as a war against France, undertaken by the Government against the will of the people would be for our revolutionary development, just so dangerous must be the effect upon our democratic development of a war supported by blind popular enthusiasm.
Ferdinand Lassalle
France will insist on the need for updated and responsive institutions.
Jacques Chirac
As well as being my doctor, Mohammad Jawad is so kind and caring and we have a father/daughter relationship. When I left hospital he found out about a revolutionary rehab centre in the south of France and spent his August bank holiday taking me there in 2008 to see it – such a happy time.
Katie Piper
France, land of human rights and freedoms, was attacked

France, land of human rights and freedoms, was attacked on its own soil by a totalitarian ideology: Islamic fundamentalism. It is only by refusing to be in denial, by looking the enemy in the eye, that one can avoid conflating issues.
Marine Le Pen
If I were bombing with my jokes in English, I would go back to France. Maybe do that mime thing.
Gad Elmaleh
France, because it was attacked cowardly, shamelessly, violently, France will be merciless against the barbarians of Daesh.
Francois Hollande
Food can be very transformational, and it can be more than just about a dish. That’s what happened to me when I first went to France. I fell in love. And if you fall in love, well, then everything is easy.
Alice Waters
Germany stands in the fight against terrorism at France’s side, united with many, many others. I am convinced that, despite all the difficulties, we shall win this fight.
Angela Merkel
I Knew why I felt at home. The spirit of freedom was hovering over that play yard as it did all over France at that time. A country was free again.
Audie Murphy
I was in the South of France. I saw a Brownie on a school trip. She was holding up a book. It said on the front ‘rough guide’. I thought: ‘Yeah’ she’s not a looker.
Jimmy Carr
Genetic studies in Iceland have found that many of the women who were the founding stock of Iceland came from England and what is now France. Some were probably captured and carried off in Viking raids only 40 generations ago.
Keith Henson
I condemn what happened in Madrid, but it is suspicious. If tomorrow there will be another bombing, in France for example, who will gain power? Of course not Jacques Chirac, but Le Pen.
Walid Jumblatt
I travel pretty regularly throughout the football season with Arsenal and England, but we don’t really get to explore. In the summer months, I get about four or five weeks off, and then I’ll jet away to either the south of France, Dubai, or Italy.
Theo Walcott
Fifteen years ago, France was the promised land of cooking. So I looked at a map, found five restaurants and faxed them to ask for a job. Within five minutes, I got a reply from the then three- star Le Jardin des Sens in Montpellier.
Rene Redzepi
In real life, I feel tiny and quite embarrassed all the time. But when people come up to me in France and want to talk to Christine, it’s okay. It’s cool. Because they’re really talking about themselves, their own Christines.
Christine and the Queens
It was what I’ve always wanted, more than anything: to be an Olympic hero rather than a Tour de France star, something I had from childhood.
Bradley Wiggins
As an adolescent I was convinced that France would have to go through gigantic trials, that the interest of life consisted in one day rendering her some signal service and that I would have the occasion to do so.
Charles de Gaulle
My wife and I were actually driving in the south of France when we got the word that Kelly Clarkson had come out that ‘The Plant Paradox’ had changed her life. I’m a big fan of hers. I like her music and I would love to work with her.
Steven Gundry
France has a very important relationship with Germany. But that does not mean that we agree about everything or that two of our universities or companies are not going to compete.
Jean-Pierre Raffarin
Nobody in France would ever say ‘He’s a Jewish novelist’ or ‘She’s a black novelist,’ even though people do write about those subjects. It would look absurd to a French person to go into a bookstore and see a ‘Gay Studies’ section.
Edmund White
When you see it from the outside, then you see just how great the Tour de France is.
Bradley Wiggins
Protestants in France are under intolerable despotism. Although open persecution does not now exist, yet it depends upon the whim of the king, queen, parliament, or any of the ministry.
Marquis de Lafayette
I just love France, I love French people, I love the French language, I love French food. I love their mentality. I just feel like it’s me. I’m very French.
Olga Kurylenko
France always had this balanced position that in so many conflicts was the voice of peace. I intend to maintain that. De Gaulle was pleading for a multipolar world.
Marine Le Pen
I’m speaking in very broad brushstrokes, but in France, there’s generally this idea that you should look like the best version of the age that you are.
Pamela Druckerman
We’ve been back since July, but I spent some time with the family in the south of France over the summer. We rented a house with another couple and took it easy.
Laura Innes
We need to go faster on structural reforms in France.
Emmanuel Macron
In France the music schools are a bit old fashioned. I was more excited about doing my own stuff or to play with my friend in my band, than studying the piano.
Yann Tiersen
I was born near Bucharest, but my parents came to France a year later. We moved back to Romania when I was thirteen, and my world was shattered. I hated Bucharest, its society, and its mores – its anti-Semitism for example.
Eugene Ionesco
The only decent daily paper of record in France is the online ‘Mediapart,’ which exposes graft and corruption in high places and is feared by the establishment.
Tariq Ali
When you succeed, at a certain point, you want to challenge yourself. Otherwise, you become boring. You become a has-been. It’s not very interesting. I don’t want to be this guy who has only succeeded in France.
Gad Elmaleh
For France, anything is better than Hillary Clinton.
Marine Le Pen
The Narrator of ‘A Sport and a Pastime’ is an American photographer living in a borrowed house in what he calls ‘the real France,’ Autun, a small town where he hopes to take some career-changing photographs in the spirit of Atget.
Alexander Chee
France has lost the battle but she has not lost the war.
Charles de Gaulle
Most of my holidays are with wonderfully generous frien

Most of my holidays are with wonderfully generous friends with houses in the country or the South of France.
Patrick Cox
I just went off for two months traveling around Europe on a motorcycle and pretty much turned my phone off. I did 5,000 miles with my dad. We went through Holland, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Italy… and then I did Spain and France by myself.
Michael Fassbender
In America, sex is preached; in France, it is done.
Fritz Lang
America thrives on identity politics, left and right. But France is opposed to the idea. Since the Revolution, the French have enthroned the idea of universalism. All of us must be equal before the law as abstract individuals, and that extends to the arts.
Edmund White
I think cinema is taken a bit more seriously in France.
Ken Loach
At 17, I went away to Pau in the south of France for a few months to study domestic science – including cleaning windows with newspaper and water – while living with a Catholic family with 10 children.
Mary Berry
The first play I did was a funny one called ‘The School for Wives’, by Moliere. We were wearing the ugliest wigs and the worst costumes you can ever imagine to try to recreate 17th-century France in Singapore. But I got my first real pay cheque from that. I was very happy taking that cheque to the bank.
Ng Chin Han
I do not have the slightest bit of racism in me. I do not judge people with regards to the colour of their skin, their origin, or their religion. I defend them all, because I defend French people. And, of course, I defend the interests of France, the interests of French people.
Marine Le Pen
I don’t think that France is responsible for the Vel d’Hiv.
Marine Le Pen
In France, cooking is a serious art form and a national sport.
Julia Child
German predominance is not all-encompassing. In foreign affairs and military matters, for instance, France and Britain still play a much bigger role. But across a large swathe of European policy, Germany has become much more than a first among equals.
Zanny Minton Beddoes
Europe’s budget plans are better designed: countries from France to Greece are raising retirement ages; others, from Britain to Germany, have created new organisations and rules to encourage fiscal probity. But Europe risks overkill.
Zanny Minton Beddoes
You’re thinking of Europe as Germany and France. I don’t. I think that’s old Europe.
Donald Rumsfeld
If you think back to the days of Phil Anderson, when there were very few Australians to now when you have a Tour de France winner in Cadel Evans, a professional team in GreenEDGE, and classics winners in Stuart O’Grady and Matt Goss – the sport is bigger and bigger in Australia.
Eddy Merckx
France is a place where the money falls apart in your hands but you can’t tear the toilet paper.
Billy Wilder
That period afterwards, just hating being the winner of the Tour de France, hating cycling, hating the media for asking me questions about Lance Armstrong.
Bradley Wiggins
The biggest markets for my books outside the UK are France and Italy, and those are the two countries where I also have the closest personal relationships with my translators – I don’t know whether that’s a coincidence, or if there’s something to be learned from it.
Jonathan Coe
I had to inspect all fighter units in Russia, Africa, Sicily, France, and Norway. I had to be everywhere.
Adolf Galland
I consider that France and the Republic were in London during the occupation and that the Vichy regime was not France.
Marine Le Pen
What Marie Antoinette was to eighteenth-century France, Mary Pickford is to twentieth-century America.
Frank Crowninshield
I’m the most Colombian of the Colombians, even though I’ve lived 47 years outside of Colombia. I’ve lived 13 years in New York, and I never did a painting about New York. I’ve lived in France more than 30 years, and I’ve never painted Paris.
Fernando Botero
I am working as public relations director for the Tour de France and maintaining my farm.
Bernard Hinault
I just did in my early twenties what most did when they were teenagers, being free and exploring and making mistakes, but I did it in France. I did it privately.
Molly Ringwald
Cavani has been a historical figure for PSG. He’s scored so many goals. He’s a winner; he’s a leader. He’s very much respected in France as a player but also as a man because of his values.
Hugo Lloris
I’ve never quite worked out how to do holidays. I’ve got a house in France which I suppose is a kind of holiday house. But it’s really only so I can go on drawing when I get there. I’m never far away from the feeling that I want to be getting on with something.
Quentin Blake
If the Philippines secure their independence after heroic and stubborn conflicts, they can rest assured that neither England, nor Germany, nor France, and still less Holland, will dare to take up what Spain has been unable to hold.
Jose Rizal
I taught a master class in film in France, and that was a great experience because I got a chance to study the French film culture and the French film history, so to add… just to expand myself just personally and professionally was really helpful.
F. Gary Gray
We have the sort of beautiful older woman here in Paris. People like Loulou de la Falaise and Betty Catroux, all these beautiful looking women over 60… So there is culture here in France that even if you are older, you can stay beautiful.
Carine Roitfeld
Islamist terrorism has declared war against us, against France, Europe, the entire world.
Francois Hollande
One must be aesthetically long-termist in selecting a man – it’s like purchasing a farmhouse in the south of France. Sure, it’s beautiful to look at, but will the roof stay on?
Robert Rinder
France is the only place where you can make love in the afternoon without people hammering on your door.
Barbara Cartland
I backpacked through France and Italy in my teens, and

I backpacked through France and Italy in my teens, and then I was at Cannes with the first movie I did in ’84.
Colin Firth
I find the stuff that is exciting to me are the films coming out of Taiwan and Iran and France. So I have the feeling I’m not making the films that American distributors want to make.
Ira Sachs
I have worked with this red all over the world – in Japan, California, France, Britain, Australia – a vein running round the earth. It has taught me about the flow, energy and life that connects one place with another.
Andy Goldsworthy
I always had a lot of fun in America, with much more freedom than if I had tried to cook in France. I wouldn’t have the same motivation or inspiration, and I wouldn’t have cooked for the same kind of people in France, so it wouldn’t have given me this edge I had in America.
Daniel Boulud
In France they spend six months training policemen, then they give them a gun and put them on the streets, and I don’t know that that’s enough. The film’s not against the police – although I think that if someone wants to be a cop there’s got to be a problem.
Mathieu Kassovitz
Still, American composers working in France have had a pretty hard time.
Gavin Bryars
Socialist ideology is making France go to pot, and the French language with it.
Maurice Druon
I chose PSG because it’s the biggest club in France and, for a young guy like me, a chance I couldn’t turn down.
Timothy Weah
I knew it to be very doubtful whether the Cabinet, Parliament, and the country would take this view on the outbreak of war, and through the whole of this week I had in view the probable contingency that we should not decide at the critical moment to support France.
Edward Grey
When something favors France, I say so. When it doesn’t, I say so, too.
Marine Le Pen
I want to specify that I pay my own taxes in France, for all my income.
Kylian Mbappe
When I did win the Tour, I felt I was feted more in the U.K. for being an Olympic gold medallist… Then I come back to Europe to race, and they’re not interested in the Olympic gold; it’s about being the winner of the Tour de France – here he is.
Bradley Wiggins
As a kid, I wanted to be part of the Lost Generation who came to France.
William Klein
From my own country of France, I commit to pursuing the path of liberty – to be a free people.
Marine Le Pen
France, famed in all great arts, in none supreme.
Matthew Arnold
We talked with PSG, but quickly, I knew that it wasn’t where I wanted to go. In France, for me, it was only Lyon. PSG could have enabled me to make progress because they have great players, but I wanted to experience another league.
Alexandre Lacazette
All the evils of France have been produced less by the perversity of the wicked and the violence of fools than by the hesitation of the weak, the compromises of conscience, and the tardiness of patriotism. Let every deputy, every Frenchman show what he feels, what he thinks, and we are saved!
Marquis de Lafayette
My goal is to put France back on its feet. I have to put this country back on its feet.
Francois Hollande
Me and my sister made up a game called ‘Milky Cow’. We were on holiday in France when I was 12, and there was a kid who had bovine features, and every time we went past her, we’d say, ‘There’s Milky Cow’.
Greg Davies
WhatsApp provides phone-number-based messaging, and people asked, ‘Isn’t that what SMS is?’ Yes, but SMS is expensive, antiquated, and what WhatsApp did was modernize and level that playing field. For example, in Europe, if France wants to talk to Belgium, it’s extraordinary costly because of border and telecom charges.
Brian Acton
So many of Spielberg’s films inspired my imagination growing up. And then there are British films like ‘The Full Monty’ and ‘Waking Ned Devine’ that took me to places I really loved, with characters I just thought were amazing. But the films of Luc Besson showed me France – a really cool side of France.
Doug Liman
For years, the place I really lived – the world I watched, the one I thought and wrote about – was 15th-century France.
Kathryn Harrison
Believe me, I’ve done my time travelling the world in cramped conditions and carrying my own luggage. Now my leisure is summers in the south of France or the Hamptons, walking in Connemara, and year-round shopping in Manhattan and Paris.
Anne Robinson
In France you cannot not have lunch. If you stopped the French from having lunch, you will have a second revolution, I can tell you this. Not going to work – it is part of the French privilege.
Christian Louboutin
In France, I’m not going to say the audience will laugh for nothing, but you could compare the response I get to the response Louis CK or Chris Rock would get if they go up in a club in Denver tonight.
Gad Elmaleh
I’m stuck somewhere a small island in the middle of the Atlantic where I’m alone. Because in France, they’re like, ‘No, you’re not like us, you’re not a French guy.’ And in America, they’re like, ‘You’re not like us.’ I’m really alone in my little thing.
Louis Leterrier
In France, in Europe, the young artists of any generation always act as grandsons of some great man – Poussin, for example, or Victor Hugo. They can’t help it. Even if they don’t believe in that, it gets in their system. And so when they come to produce something of their own, the tradition is nearly indestructible.
Marcel Duchamp