Top 616 Justice Quotes

I meet many inspiring individuals who have worked hard to rebuild their lives after an attack; however, it can be hard to stay motivated when the justice system does not always reflect the severity of these crimes.
Katie Piper
To that movement, consecrated by religious principle, sustained by an awful sense of justice, and cheered by the brightest hopes of future good, all our powers, talents, and attainments are devoted.
George Ripley
There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice.
If you want to destroy the planet, you can kiss social justice goodbye. The earth comes first.
Douglas Tompkins
A bumper of good liquor will end a contest quicker than justice, judge, or vicar.
Richard Brinsley Sheridan
Because of poverty, we must adopt the capitalist means of production to develop our resources to get rich. However, if we ignore the issue of social justice at the beginning of China’s industrialization, we will sow the seeds of class warfare in the future.
Sun Yat-sen
And this we should believe: that hope and volition can bring us closer to our ultimate goal: justice for all, injustice for no-one.
Eyvind Johnson
Since the September 11 attacks, nearly 400 individuals have been arrested by the Justice Department as a result of ongoing investigations into international terrorism. Of that total, over half were convicted as a result of their actions.
Jo Bonner
I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice.
Abraham Lincoln
Mercy is what moves us toward God, while justice makes us tremble in his sight.
Pope Benedict XVI
When critics sit in judgment it is hard to tell where justice leaves off and vengeance begins.
Chuck Jones
I think about freedom as not only as the absence of oppression but also the presence of justice and joy.
DeRay Mckesson
Justice is better than chivalry if we cannot have both.
Alice Stone Blackwell
The simplest way of understanding justice is giving people what they deserve. This idea goes back to Aristotle. The real difficulty begins with figuring out who deserves what and why.
Michael Sandel
We’ll be launching the new public prosecution service in Northern Ireland tomorrow. I’ll be doing it in Belfast tomorrow. This is an entirely new era, in which criminal justice now exercised on an equal basis, not the old basis in which community division was a feature.
Peter Hain
And I spent that time working as an insurance adjuster and going to law school in the evening, and then when I left law school, I joined the Department of Justice in Washington.
George J. Mitchell
Injustice is relatively easy to bear; what stings is justice.
H. L. Mencken
It is my deepest belief that only by giving our lives do we find life. I am convinced that the truest act of courage, the strongest act of manliness is to sacrifice ourselves for others in a totally non-violent struggle for justice.
Cesar Chavez
One of the great things about young people is that they do question, that they do care deeply about justice, and they they have open minds.
Zack de la Rocha
Justice should remove the bandage from her eyes long enough to distinguish between the vicious and the unfortunate.
Robert Green Ingersoll
As long as justice and injustice have not terminated their ever renewing fight for ascendancy in the affairs of mankind, human beings must be willing, when need is, to do battle for the one against the other.
John Stuart Mill
By concentrating on what is good in people, by appealing to their idealism and their sense of justice, and by asking them to put their faith in the future, socialists put themselves at a severe disadvantage.
Ian Mcewan
The peace and justice movement has to expand and not run away from the plight of gang members.
Tom Hayden
Germany has reduced savagery to a science, and this gre

Germany has reduced savagery to a science, and this great war for the victorious peace of justice must go on until the German cancer is cut clean out of the world body.
Theodore Roosevelt
Justice that love gives is a surrender, justice that law gives is a punishment.
Mahatma Gandhi
America’s criminal justice system isn’t known for rehabilitation. I’m not sure that, as a society, we are even interested in that concept anymore.
Steve Earle
Righteousness has to do with the vertical standard that God gives us to please Him. Justice has to do with the horizontal expression of that righteous standard in the lives of others.
Tony Evans
Beauty is but the sensible image of the Infinite. Like truth and justice it lives within us; like virtue and the moral law it is a companion of the soul.
George Bancroft
I come before you to call for unity from all Argentina, to build a new social contract of brotherhood and solidarity. I come before you calling for all to put Argentina on its feet, to put the country on a path toward development and social justice.
Alberto Fernandez
I want to be a figure for prison reform. I think that the criminal justice system is rotten.
Henry Louis Gates
It is better to lose everything you have to keep the balance of justice level, than to live a life of petty privilege devoid of true freedom.
Bryant H. McGill
In the year 2010, Kenya adopted a new constitution. With that constitution, we further secured the human rights and civil liberties of our citizens and entrenched constitutional governance and justice.
Mwai Kibaki
Justice has nothing to do with what goes on in a courtroom; Justice is what comes out of a courtroom.
Clarence Darrow
In the literal sense, there has been no relevant evolution since the trek from Africa. But there has been substantial progress towards higher standards of rights, justice and freedom – along with all too many illustrations of how remote is the goal of a decent society.
Noam Chomsky
It is a maxim among these lawyers, that whatever hath been done before, may legally be done again: and therefore they take special care to record all the decisions formerly made against common justice and the general reason of mankind.
Jonathan Swift
You cannot steal somebody’s intellectual property. Law and justice protect.
Bikram Choudhury
When the United States aligns with dictatorships and totalitarian regimes, it compromises the basic democratic principles of its foundation – namely, life, liberty and justice for all.
Benazir Bhutto
Women in most countries have not achieved much, because they can’t be liberated under the patriarchal, capitalist, imperialist and military system that determines the way we live now, and which is governed by power, not justice, by false democracy, not real freedom.
Nawal El Saadawi
Justice is an unassailable fortress, built on the brow of a mountain which cannot be overthrown by the violence of torrents, nor demolished by the force of armies.
Joseph Addison
Freedom and Justice are twin sisters.
Friedrich Ebert
The absolute pacifist is a bad citizen; times come when force must be used to uphold right, justice and ideals.
Alfred North Whitehead
Justice is the truth in action.
Joseph Joubert
Operation Fast and Furious was flawed in concept and flawed in execution. The tactics used in this operation violate Department of Justice policy and should never have been used.
Eric Holder
All of the great social justice advances that we ever had in this country have come not from people with big titles and not from people at the top, but just from everyday people getting together saying ‘Enough is enough. I’m going to change this, and I’m going to get involved, and I am going to be engaged.’
Nina Turner
The law has no compassion. And justice is administered without compassion.
Christopher Darden
No matter how powerful, countries cannot rule the whole world. The world is ruled by brains, by justice, by morals and by fairness.
Abdullah of Saudi Arabia
So keep fightin’ for freedom and justice, beloveds, but don’t you forget to have fun doin’ it. Lord, let your laughter ring forth. Be outrageous, ridicule the fraidy-cats, rejoice in all the oddities that freedom can produce.
Molly Ivins
I’m rap’s vigilante. I’m out for justice.
Action Bronson
We never had money but it was never a problem. The spirit of comradeship, the commitment to gender equality, social justice and a celebration of pluralism and India’s composite culture provided the glue that kept us joyous and closely bonded.
Shabana Azmi
If the jury have no right to judge of the justice of a law of the government, they plainly can do nothing to protect the people against the oppressions of the government; for there are no oppressions which the government may not authorize by law.
Lysander Spooner
The glory of justice and the majesty of law are created not just by the Constitution – nor by the courts – nor by the officers of the law – nor by the lawyers – but by the men and women who constitute our society – who are the protectors of the law as they are themselves protected by the law.
Robert Kennedy
The earth is ready, the time is ripe, for the authoritative expression of the feminine as well as the masculine interpretation of that common social consensus which is slowly writing justice in the State and fraternity in the social order.
Anna Garlin Spencer
I think computing power is ready to do 3D justice. It was great for shooters and racing games in the past, but I didn’t think it was right for strategy games.
Sid Meier
Thus, it was to seek true civilization and true justice for all the peoples of the world, and to view this as the destruction of personal freedom and respect is to be assailed by the hatred and emotion of war, and to make hasty judgments.
Hideki Tojo
There is a time when even justice brings harm.

There is a time when even justice brings harm.
I see that the path of progress has never taken a straight line, but has always been a zigzag course amid the conflicting forces of right and wrong, truth and error, justice and injustice, cruelty and mercy.
Kelly Miller
Politics is about the improvement of people’s lives. It’s about advancing the cause of peace and justice in our country and the world. Politics is about doing well for the people.
Paul Wellstone