Top 625 Road Quotes

The only difference between a dead skunk lying in the road and a dead lawyer lying in the road is that there are skid marks around the skunk.
Patrick Murray
Yeah, I think we have to. If we want our shows to be – if we want the quality of the shows to be good, and we want the energy to be high, and if we want to be in good enough physical shape to do them, and not exhaust ourselves on the road, and not get stale, we have to pace.
Jerry Garcia
I’m on this road for the rest of my life.
Dennis Banks
The thing that was fascinating and frustrating about Pac was that he clearly knew better than to go down the gangster road that he went down. Pac knew – and he was right – that thug energy could be redirected into fearless positivity.
Cheo Hodari Coker
O public road, I say back I am not afraid to leave you, yet I love you, you express me better than I can express myself.
Walt Whitman
Don’t order one for the road, because the road is already laid out.
Flip Wilson
I spent well over a year on the road with Sarah Vaughn.

I spent well over a year on the road with Sarah Vaughn. That was amazing.
Jan Hammer
I worry about 10, 15, 20, 25 years down the road. Where are we going to be in this age of nuclear weapons, where there is no margin for error?
Lincoln Chafee
And since I just turned 32, I’m thinking about getting married, having a family, and that’s very difficult to do on the road as a correspondent.
Linda Vester
It is the end of the road for antibiotics unless we act urgently.
Tom Frieden
I was brought up in industrial south Lancashire, down the cobbled road from where LS Lowry (1887 – 1976) lived and painted.
Ian Mckellen
Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don’t complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don’t bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. Wake Up and Live!
Bob Marley
The road to success is always under construction.
Arnold Palmer
Theatre is a series of insurmountable obstacles on the road to imminent disaster.
Tom Stoppard
I know she would want me to still do what I’m doing, because she kept me going a lot of times when I’d almost lose interest in getting out on the road.
Earl Scruggs
Wherever you get to is better than where you started. To stay on the road is a massive achievement.
Anthony Joshua
All my editors since Malcolm Cowley have had instructions to leave my prose exactly as I wrote it. In the days of Malcolm Cowley, with ‘On the Road’ and ‘The Dharma Bums’, I had no power to stand by my style for better or for worse.
Jack Kerouac
You look at driving down the road, night after night, tryin’ to make a town, getting $25 – that’s hard times. It’s our duty to make it good times for the fans that pay their money to see us perform each and every night.
Dusty Rhodes
I love being on the road, I love playing.
Ben Harper
So it’s been kind of a long road, but it was a good journey altogether.
Sidney Poitier
The animals that depend on instinct have an inherent knowledge of the laws of economics and of how to apply them; Man, with his powers of reason, has reduced economics to the level of a farce which is at once funnier and more tragic than Tobacco Road.
James Thurber
Your goals are the road maps that guide you and show you what is possible for your life.
Les Brown
I understand how every healthy child, every new road, puts a country on a better path, but instability and war will arise from time to time, and I’m not an expert on how you get out of those things.
Bill Gates
I saw a picture of Elvis in blue lame, and thought that if I could recreate that suit and walk down the King’s Road in it, someone might pick me up and take me off on a crazy adventure.
Malcolm Mclaren
One of the most important things that I have learned in my 57 years is that life is all about choices. On every journey you take, you face choices. At every fork in the road, you make a choice. And it is those decisions that shape our lives.
Mike DeWine
People create their own questions because they are afraid to look straight. All you have to do is look straight and see the road, and when you see it, don’t sit looking at it – walk.
Ayn Rand
Kane is a band I formed with my best friend Steve Carlson. We just got together and started playing guitar. He was playing some old school rock and roll, and we got together and thought, ‘Hey, let’s take this on the road.’
Christian Kane
A passenger on a road journey is in the hands of a driver; a reader embarking on a book is in the hands of a narrator.
Romesh Gunesekera
Think of it this way: If you got a flat tire, what would you do? Change the tire? Or get out of the car and slash the other three tires? No! Get back on the road. Don’t dwell on it; don’t beat yourself up. That gets you nowhere.
Jillian Michaels
There’s always going to be bumps in the road. There’s always going to be this and that, adversity. You just overcome it. It’s what I’ve done all my life.
Odell Beckham, Jr.
Once you go down a road, you take it through to the end.
Peter Jackson
One way to find food for thought is to use the fork in the road, the bifurcation that marks the place of emergence in which a new line of development begins to branch off.
William Irwin Thompson
I do stupid stuff like that: I’ll call my wife from the road, send her pictures of glaciers.
Adam Ferrara
The road to success runs uphill.
Willie Davis
Osama Bin Laden was found hiding in a house compound in Pakistan by American forces. Muammar Gaddafi was captured by rebel militia while hiding in a drain underneath a road in Libya. And Pakistani starlet Veena Malik was found by the Indian media hiding in a suburban hotel in Mumbai.
Rakhi Sawant
If I had it my way, I never would have left San Francisco, but things change and that’s the nature of this business. We have to move on. We hopefully get opportunities down the road that we take advantage of.
Jeff Garcia
A lot of people don’t like the road, but it’s as natural to me as breathing.
Bob Dylan
I have a little history. I met Stone Temple Pilots, and

I have a little history. I met Stone Temple Pilots, and their guitar player was a huge Extreme fan. Somewhere down the road, Extreme made its statement.
Gary Cherone
Composing is like driving down a foggy road toward a house. Slowly you see more details of the house-the color of the slates and bricks, the shape of the windows. The notes are the bricks and the mortar of the house.
Benjamin Britten
There comes a turning point in the life of every person when he reflects on his journey and work and ponders on the next road to take. Is this the pinnacle, the ultimate? What next?
I was on the road with my buddy Alex – he’s my guitar player – and we watched the movie ‘Click’ by Adam Sandler. And I don’t know why, but me and him just got in our feelings. And then we ended up calling our girls, and we were like, ‘We’re so sorry. We wish you were here!’
Kane Brown
There are some times I’m really busy and other times I’m not, but I prefer to be really busy because I generally don’t know what to do with myself when I’m not wrestling or on the road.
Adam Cole
I have not been a good father, but no father has loved his children more. Like my father, I decided the best thing I could do for my kids was work and provide. Fortunately, I’ve been able to do that. Unfortunately, my work was on the road, and that’s meant a life of one-nighters.
B. B. King
One is sorry one could not have taken both branches of the road. But we were not allotted multiple selves.
Gore Vidal
I couldn’t get a job to save my life. That’s why I wrote ‘Road to Paloma.’ That got into Sundance and got into that scene, and that’s how I got the role in ‘The Red Road.’
Jason Momoa
If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.
Lewis Carroll
I think that taking night trains or meeting someone on the road is pretty romantic. I’ve done a couple of things like that. I’ve surprised someone in Paris. And hopefully, when you surprise someone, they’re happy to see you.
John Cusack
I think a lot of the Mothers stuff that we recorded was written while we were on the road.
Jimmy Carl Black
We’re at the crossroads. Down one road is a European centralized bureaucratic socialist welfare system in which politicians and bureaucrats define the future. Down the other road is a proud, solid, reaffirmation of American exceptionalism.
Newt Gingrich
It took five days to drive to Los Angeles by myself. I listened to Abbey Road for six hours at a time and watched the desert open up before me again and again. I saw the sun set and rise at the Grand Canyon, and I sang out over the cliffs, picked up tumble weeds along the way and threw them in the back of my car.
Madi Diaz
Nothing is more useless in developing a nation’s economy than a gun, and nothing blocks the road to social development more than the financial burden of war. War is the arch enemy of national progress and the modern scourge of civilized men.
Hussein of Jordan
Same-sex marriage is not the final nail in the coffin for traditional marriage. It is just another road sign toward the substitution of government for God. Every moral discussion now pits the wisest moral arbiters among us – the Supreme Court, President Obama – against traditional religion.
Ben Shapiro
I guess after college, I just got really into food. I also think going on the road doing stand-up makes you more into food. Because when you travel like that, one of the things to do is find really good places to eat.
Aziz Ansari
I run in practically every single road race in my country, 5k, 10k just to promote the sport.
Alberto Juantorena
There is a set of religious, or rather moral, writings which teach that virtue is the certain road to happiness, and vice to misery in this world. A very wholesome and comfortable doctrine, and to which we have but one objection, namely, that it is not true.
Francois Fenelon
George Bush was for me the most important ally on the road to German unity.
Helmut Kohl
The road is a nasty place and lonely.
Propaganda must appeal to mankind’s better judgment and to the necessary belief in a better future. For this belief, the valley of the shadow of death is but a war station on the road to the blessed summit.
Christian Lous Lange