Top 635 Recognize Quotes

It is the stories we don’t get, the ones we miss, pass over, fail to recognize, don’t pick up on, that will send us to hell.
Molly Ivins
All nuclear weapon states should now recognize that this is so, and declare – in Treaty form – that they will never be the first to use nuclear weapons. This would open the way to the gradual, mutual reduction of nuclear arsenals, down to zero.
Joseph Rotblat
I have moments of darkness, of anger, and moments of rage. They do creep up at the most inopportune times. Not to recognize that in my music would give people a sense of sainthood that I don’t necessarily have or even want to have.
Design in art, is a recognition of the relation between various things, various elements in the creative flux. You can’t invent a design. You recognize it, in the fourth dimension. That is, with your blood and your bones, as well as with your eyes.
D. H. Lawrence
I recognize very much in Hopper that it does look like the United States; it looks like the 30’s and my first impressions of everything, all of which I have to deal with and which gets mixed up in my work and probably gets mixed up in everybody else’s work too.
Donald Judd
It’s a great thing when you feel that you recognize yourself, deeply and movingly, in a work of literature.
Lev Grossman
I’m against genocide. I’m against fascism. I’m willing to fight against them so that, in that sense, I think one can still be committed to justice and committed to peace but recognize the circumstances under which one does have to fight.
Cornel West
I think that we have opportunities all around us – sometimes we just don’t recognize them.
Lou Holtz
Always recognize that human individuals are ends, and do not use them as means to your end.
Immanuel Kant
Perhaps they do not recognize themselves, for a rich man is even harder to define than a poor one.
William Graham Sumner
People recognize actors that they see regularly, like people they see on the television every week.
Ben Barnes
These days I have to be extra nice in stores. It never fails that whenever I look as bad as I can possibly look or I am sort of cranky because the store is out of something, that is precisely the time when someone one will recognize me and say: ‘I really like your show.’
Lauren Graham
I went to New York for Fashion Week and girls showed up

I went to New York for Fashion Week and girls showed up waiting to see me. It’s funny because there’s a group of girls who I actually recognize because they always show up. It’s nice and I’m like, ‘Hi girls! I recognize your faces!’ It’s just like a feel-good experience.
Katie Cassidy
To say that Christ is the term and motive force of evolution, to say that he manifests himself as ‘evolver,’ is implicitly to recognize that he becomes attainable in and through the whole process of evolution.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
All of us have to recognize that we owe our children more than we have been giving them.
Hillary Clinton
If we are to succeed, we must recognize that the community redevelopment is not solely the rehabilitation of housing, or putting a mall in the business strips.
Jane Byrne
The key to good grilling is to recognize that you are setting yourself up to cook in a whole new environment. This is actually one of the main purposes of grilling – to get yourself outside.
Barton Seaver
Girls don’t really recognize me on the street. No one has tried to serenade me or rip my shirt off.
Mark Salling
You recognize a survivor when you see one. You recognize a fighter when you see one.
Elizabeth Edwards
I think the worst part about a breakup sometimes, if one could choose a worst part, would possibly be if you get out of a relationship, and you don’t recognize yourself because you changed a lot about you.
Taylor Swift
I cannot tell you what it means when children recognize. This is about the third generation for me. And when kids that small recognize me, it really pleases me, very gratifying.
Dick Van Dyke
American official policy is that Egypt is an ally of the United States. Of course, we recognize that Egypt has gone through a dramatic change in government. And what their status will be going forward in terms of the relationship with our nation is something which which I’m sure will be developing over time.
Mitt Romney
Many women assume they can’t be good mothers and have challenging careers at the same time, so they might give up trying to do both as they get to a crucial point in their career. Although it can be hard at times, it’s important for women to recognize the benefits of working outside the home.
Susan Wojcicki
When people recognize your work and want to reward you for what you’ve done, that’s a good feeling.
Dane DeHaan
Man can hardly even recognize the devils of his own creation.
Albert Schweitzer
But, I would be naive not to recognize the number of musicians who tell me they have been influenced by me and sight me – as well as Alex and Neil – as a musician who has been a positive influence on their playing.
Geddy Lee
I like individual scents on a girl, so you always recognize her and you keep her separate from other people in your head. I really love Egyptian musk. I’ve even gone to the mall and sprayed perfumes and just smelled them. I’m creepy. So creepy.
Pete Wentz
In the family sandwich, the older people and the younger ones can recognize one another as the bread. Those in the middle are, for a time, the meat.
Anna Quindlen
And gradually they’re beginning to recognize the fact that there’s nothing more secure than a democratic, accountable, and participatory form of government. But it’s sunk in only theoretically, it has not yet sunk in completely in practical terms.
Wole Soyinka
The first thing to recognize not just about Afghanistan but about any poor undeveloped country is that as big as it looks on the map, it’s much bigger when you’re there.
Robert D. Kaplan
Our bodies are at once the receiving and transmitting stations for life itself. It is the highest wisdom to recognize this fact and train our bodies to render them sensitive and responsive to nature. art and religion.
Ruth St. Denis
I don’t go there much. You’re thrilled that people would recognize what you’re doing in such a grand kind of way. But, just like you don’t know if anybody’s really going to like what you’re doing when you put a record out or if anybody’s going to pay attention to it, you can’t really go there.
Alison Krauss
Before any American points a finger at President Putin and calls him nasty names, they should recognize that a lot of Americans agree with Putin on his stance against homosexual and transgender people.
Henry Rollins
Even when I was coming up in the singer-songwriter ranks during the early ’70s, I thought that people who were stylists and stuff shoulda still been up on the pedestal. I mean, it’s fine to recognize people who write songs, but it kinda got out of hand, you know?
John Prine
Nine out of 10 people who recognize me recognize me from the commercials.
Justin Long
I try to recognize that there is no such thing as having it all – and it’s impossible to be perfect. You just have to let certain things go.
Emily Giffin
The fact that we can’t easily foresee clues that would betray an intelligence a million millennia farther down the road suggests that we’re like ants trying to discover humans. Ask yourself: Would ants ever recognize houses, cars, or fire hydrants as the work of advanced biology?
Seth Shostak
My company survives because I’ve learned to respect the ideas of people younger than me and recognize when my wisdom is obsolete.
Robert Kiyosaki
One of the topics I’m most passionate about is servant leadership – the greatest leaders recognize that they’re here to serve, not to be served.
Ken Blanchard
I recognize my limits but when I look around I realise I am not living exactly in a world of giants.
Giulio Andreotti
I walked into the wrong examination room. I’m bad enough at facial recognition… I saw more that day than I cared to. Fortunately, I didn’t recognize her from that angle, whoever it was, and I didn’t ask. I’m off to a rocky start on the road to fatherhood, but I got a free view.
Simon Helberg
What you’ve got to do is recognize that you don’t control everything for a start, you’ve got to play the cards you’re dealt, the hand of cards you’re dealt, as best you can, and that’s what I always seek to do.
Malcolm Turnbull
Aishwarya, my parent’s daughter, has been brought up with enough values inculcated where I will use my discretion in my choices. At the same time, I recognize I am an actor, I am an artist, and if I feel the need to be liberated and do the kind of work I need to do, I will.
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan
This is my sixth series, and I'm burned out wondering i

This is my sixth series, and I’m burned out wondering if a show is going to change my life. Don’t get me wrong, I love when people recognize my work. But I’ve given up worrying about whether it’ll be seen by two people or two million or 22 million.
Charlotte Ross
I go to conventions all the time. I’m not one of those actors who’s public-shy, meaning I don’t mind when someone comes up. It doesn’t happen often in the real world because people don’t recognize me because I was in makeup, but when it does, I don’t usually mind it at all if somebody says something.
Aron Eisenberg
Although I’m an atheist who believes only in great nature, I recognize the spiritual richness and grandeur of the Roman Catholicism in which I was raised.
Camille Paglia
I’m basically a dinosaur. I don’t use e-mail. But I do recognize the importance of science and the resulting possibilities.
Bernard Marcus
Every performer has a little gem, a little pearl they have done that nobody pays much attention to. And then one day, somebody does recognize it, which is so gratifying.
Johnny Mathis
While I recognize the great value and importance of prescription drugs and strongly support a continued U.S. focus on pharmaceutical research and development, our nation’s seniors cannot be asked to subsidize the drug costs of other wealthy industrialized nations any longer.
Mike Simpson
The impact of the Vietnam War on TV made everyone recognize the importance of visual media.
Mark Kurlansky