Top 636 Earth Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Earth Quotes from famous people such as Ellen G. White, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Muhammad Ali, Hedy Lamarr, Yoko Ono, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

The gospel is a message of peace. Christianity is a sys

The gospel is a message of peace. Christianity is a system which, received and obeyed, would spread peace, harmony, and happiness throughout the earth.
Ellen G. White
We’re put here on Earth to learn our own lessons. No one can tell you what your lessons are; it is part of your personal journey to discover them. On these journeys we may be given a lot, or just a little bit, of the things we must grapple with, but never more than we can handle.
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.
Muhammad Ali
I don’t believe in life after death. But I do believe in some grinding destiny that watches over us on earth. If I didn’t, the safety valve would give and the boiler would explode.
Hedy Lamarr
The human race is a very, very magical race. We have a magic power of witches and wizards. We’re here on this earth to unravel the mystery of this planet. The planet is asking for it.
Yoko Ono
The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao; the name that can be named is not the eternal name. The Nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth; the Named is the mother of all things.
Lao Tzu
We are all dwellers on this one small earth; we live one life, die one death; we have the same difficulties to contend with; we ought in common to fight the foes of ignorance and wrong.
Charles Glover Barkla
Jammu and Kashmir has a scenic beauty and I feel that the film industry rather than going abroad in countries like Switzerland and Australia, should visit Kashmir – which is the only Heaven on Earth for the shoots.
Raza Murad
Man seems to be the only animal whose food soils him, making necessary much washing and shield-like bibs and napkins. Moles living in the earth and eating slimy worms are yet as clean as seals or fishes, whose lives are one perpetual wash.
John Muir
This is Earth. Isn’t it hot?
Paris Hilton
We’re not passengers on Spaceship Earth. We’re the crew.
Rusty Schweickart
Common sense tells us that the things of the earth exist only a little, and that true reality is only in dreams.
Charles Baudelaire
Not a day passes over the earth, but men and women of no note do great deeds, speak great words and suffer noble sorrows.
Charles Reade
That sense of sacredness, that thinking in generations, must begin with reverence for this earth.
Paul Tsongas
Pouring forth its seas everywhere, then, the ocean envelops the earth and fills its deeper chasms.
Nicolaus Copernicus
Even though people may be well known, they hold in their hearts the emotions of a simple person for the moments that are the most important of those we know on earth: birth, marriage and death.
Jackie Kennedy
Nothing can beat the smell of dew and flowers and the odor that comes out of the earth when the sun goes down.
Ethel Waters
I think the biggest misconception about me is people really don’t know who I really am. They see the party side of me, they see the crazy side of me. But I also have a laid-back side. You know, I’m chill, down to earth. If you want to grab a cup of coffee and just talk about life, I can do that.
Nicole Polizzi
If a man walks in the woods for love of them half of each day, he is in danger of being regarded as a loafer. But if he spends his days as a speculator, shearing off those woods and making the earth bald before her time, he is deemed an industrious and enterprising citizen.
Henry David Thoreau
It’s important that we attempt to extend life beyond Earth now. It is the first time in the four billion-year history of Earth that it’s been possible, and that window could be open for a long time – hopefully it is – or it could be open for a short time. We should err on the side of caution and do something now.
Elon Musk
I make sure I always surround myself with good, down to earth, fun, real people, who always keep me grounded.
Sean Kingston
All places are alike, and every earth is fit for burial.
Christopher Marlowe
Having a child makes you realize the importance of life – narcissism goes out the window. Heaven on earth is looking at my little boy. The minute he was born, I knew if I never did anything other than being a mom, I’d be fine.
Jenny McCarthy
Women love always: when earth slips from them, they take refuge in heaven.
George Sand
Mathematics are the result of mysterious powers which no one understands, and which the unconscious recognition of beauty must play an important part. Out of an infinity of designs a mathematician chooses one pattern for beauty’s sake and pulls it down to earth.
Marston Morse
This Metaverse is going to be far more pervasive and powerful than anything else. If one central company gains control of this, they will become more powerful than any government and be a god on Earth.
Tim Sweeney
There is good science you can do in space. There is stuff there you cannot do on Earth and we can gain understanding from it.
Helen Sharman
All these other creatures have an equal right to exist here. We have no prior rights to the Earth than anybody else, and if they’re here, let’s give them a chance to survive.
Prince Philip
Loveliest of lovely things are they on earth that soonest pass away. The rose that lives its little hour is prized beyond the sculptured flower.
William Cullen Bryant
The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire.
Ferdinand Foch
It was a really interesting thing to explore, the strength it takes for someone to stay when they truly do not want to be on this Earth anymore.
Madeline Brewer
The Earth reminded us of a Christmas tree ornament hang

The Earth reminded us of a Christmas tree ornament hanging in the blackness of space. As we got farther and farther away it diminished in size. Finally it shrank to the size of a marble, the most beautiful marble you can imagine.
James Irwin
I make notes about things I see in films that really affect me, like the ending of ‘Jules and Jim.’ I think about how I can utilize things in my work. And I have a team of people who keep me down to earth.
John Singleton
Property is intended to serve life, and no matter how much we surround it with rights and respect, it has no personal being. It is part of the earth man walks on. It is not man.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
I could put my thumb up to a window and completely hide the Earth. I thought, ‘Everything I’ve ever known is behind my thumb.’
Jim Lovell
Punishing honest mistakes stifles creativity. I want people moving and shaking the earth and they’re going to make mistakes.
Ross Perot
No power on earth has a right to take our property from us without our consent.
John Jay
The earth is bountiful, and where her bounty fails, nitrogen drawn from the air will refertilize her womb. I developed a process for this purpose in 1900. It was perfected fourteen years later under the stress of war by German chemists.
Nikola Tesla
I think life on Earth must be about more than just solving problems… It’s got to be something inspiring, even if it is vicarious.
Elon Musk
Even after all this time, the sun never says to the earth, ‘You owe me.’ Look what happens with a love like that. It lights the whole sky.
And new Philosophy calls all in doubt, the element of fire is quite put out; the Sun is lost, and the earth, and no mans wit can well direct him where to look for it.
John Donne
The treatment of women in Muslim communities throughout the world is unconscionable. All civilized nations must unite in condemnation of a theology that now threatens to destabilize much of the Earth.
Sam Harris
In truth, we are the only developed country on earth with a constitution that recognizes the God-given right to keep and bear arms, and the human right of individual armed defense of self, family, home and country.
Wayne LaPierre
I have had the good fortune through my God that I should never abandon his people whom I have acquired in the extremities of the earth.
Saint Patrick
If nobody said anything unless he knew what he was talking about, a ghastly hush would descend upon the earth.
A. P. Herbert
Earthshaking fire from the center of the Earth will cause tremors around the New City. Two great rocks will war for a long time, then Arethusa will redden a new river.
Religion, born of the earth’s need for the disclosing of a god, is related to and co-extensive with not the individual man, but the whole of mankind.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
I would say that the fundamental question of geography is about how humans shaped the Earth’s surface and how we, in turn, are shaped by the ways in which we have shaped the Earth’s surface. So, for me, geography was just a set of tools that allowed me to ask these kinds of questions and to try to think through them.
Trevor Paglen
We’re all put on this earth to walk in His image, the Master.
Kendrick Lamar
In theory one is aware that the earth revolves, but in practice one does not perceive it, the ground upon which one treads seems not to move, and one can live undisturbed. So it is with Time in one’s life.
Marcel Proust
Look at everything as though you were seeing it for the first time or the last time. Then your time on earth will be filled with glory.
Betty Smith
Rain is grace; rain is the sky descending to the earth; without rain, there would be no life.
John Updike
Read the sacred writings of all the peoples on Earth. Through all of them runs, like a red thread, the hidden Science of attaining and maintaining wakefulness.
Gustave Meyrink
My job in space will be to observe and write a journal. I am also going to be teaching a class for students on earth about life in space and on the space shuttle and conducting experiments.
Christa McAuliffe
If Antarctica were music it would be Mozart. Art, and it would be Michelangelo. Literature, and it would be Shakespeare. And yet it is something even greater; the only place on earth that is still as it should be. May we never tame it.
Andrew Denton
To see you naked is to recall the Earth.
Federico Garcia Lorca
We need a NASA-like organization for ocean exploration, because we need to be exploring and protecting our life support systems here on Earth.
Edith Widder
No matter how vast, how total, the failure of man here on earth, the work of man will be resumed elsewhere. War leaders talk of resuming operations on this front and that, but man’s front embraces the whole universe.
Henry Miller
Yet if anyone believes that the earth rotates, surely he will hold that its motion is natural, not violent.
Nicolaus Copernicus
The creations of a great writer are little more than the moods and passions of his own heart, given surnames and Christian names, and sent to walk the earth.
William Butler Yeats
Trees are the earth’s endless effort to speak to the listening heaven.
Rabindranath Tagore
I feel no need for any other faith than my faith in the kindness of human beings. I am so absorbed in the wonder of earth and the life upon it that I cannot think of heaven and angels.
Pearl S. Buck
A black hole really is an object with very rich structu

A black hole really is an object with very rich structure, just like Earth has a rich structure of mountains, valleys, oceans, and so forth. Its warped space whirls around the central singularity like air in a tornado.
Kip Thorne
The earth was made so various, that the mind Of desultory man, studious of change, And pleased with novelty, might be indulged.
William Cowper
It was hard for me to believe. I would look down and say, ‘This is the moon, this is the moon,’ and I would look up and say, ‘That’s the Earth, that’s the Earth,’ in my head. So, it was science fiction to us even as we were doing it.
Alan Bean
Black History Month is fine, but we need more months of the year to celebrate all the people on this earth. After all, we’re all creatures of the same God.
Ruby Dee
When you start about family, about lineage and ancestry, you are talking about every person on earth.
Alex Haley
The Earth does not belong to us: we belong to the Earth.
Chief Seattle
The dearest friend on earth is a mere shadow compared to Jesus Christ.
Oswald Chambers
In times of change learners inherit the earth; while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.
Eric Hoffer
The earth is supported by the power of truth; it is the power of truth that makes the sun shine and the winds blow; indeed all things rest upon truth.
That’s the great paradox of living on this earth, that in the midst of great pain you can have great joy as well. If we didn’t have those things we’d just be numb.
Kathy Mattea
No limits whatever are placed to the productions of the earth; they may increase forever.
Thomas Malthus
Man has lost the capacity to foresee and to forestall. He will end by destroying the earth.
Albert Schweitzer
God had one son on earth without sin, but never one without suffering.
Saint Augustine
Our world isn’t made of earth, air and water or even molecules and atoms; our world is made of language.
Tom Robbins
I wouldn’t mind at all coming back to earth after my death.
Edith Piaf
You are a little god on earth running around.
Benny Hinn
Mountains are earth’s undecaying monuments.
Nathaniel Hawthorne
For we must be one thing or the other, an asset or a liability, the sinew in your wing to help you soar, or the chain to bind you to earth.
Countee Cullen
I’m down to earth; people sense that and they appreciate it.
Drew Carey
I tell you, we are here on Earth to fart around, and don’t let anybody tell you different.
Kurt Vonnegut
The power of the living God is here on the earth. The Priesthood is here.
Heber J. Grant
The bond with a true dog is as lasting as the ties of this earth will ever be.
Konrad Lorenz
We can pay the ecological debt by changing economic models, and by giving up luxury consumption, setting aside selfishness and individualism, and thinking about the people and the planet Earth.
Evo Morales
Here men from the planet Earth first set foot upon the Moon. July 1969 AD. We came in peace for all mankind.
Neil Armstrong
‘Beauty is truth, truth beauty,’ – that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.
John Keats
There is no one on earth more disgusting and repulsive than he who gives alms. Even as there is no one so miserable as he who accepts them.
Maxim Gorky
I consider the world, this Earth, to be like a school, and our life the classrooms.
Oprah Winfrey
We’re not up there in space just to joyride around. We’re up there to do things that are of value to everybody right here on Earth.
John Glenn
That is the returning to God which in reality is never concluded on earth but yet leaves behind in the soul a divine home sickness, which never again ceases.
Max Muller
If you look at it ecologically, deforestation is high on the list of things which bring devastation. You cut down trees to build homes, for fuel, and you end up with no trees left, and you have to move on. If you take the earth as a whole, eventually there’s nowhere to move on to.
Clive Anderson
Be such a man, and live such a life, that if every man were such as you, and every life a life like yours, this earth would be God’s Paradise.
Phillips Brooks
I owned the world that hour as I rode over it. free of

I owned the world that hour as I rode over it. free of the earth, free of the mountains, free of the clouds, but how inseparably I was bound to them.
Charles Lindbergh
My religion encompasses all religions. I believe in God, I believe in the universe. I believe you are god, I believe I am god; I believe the earth is god and the universe is god. We’re all god.
Ray Bradbury
Human civilization has been changing the Earth’s environment for millennia, often to our detriment. Dams, deforestation and urbanization can alter water cycles and wind patterns, occasionally triggering droughts or even creating deserts.
Jamais Cascio
A Boss in Heaven is the best excuse for a boss on earth, therefore If God did exist, he would have to be abolished.
Mikhail Bakunin
The strongest governments on earth cannot clean up pollution by themselves. They must rely on each ordinary person, like you and me, on our choices, and on our will.
Chai Jing
We have one planet in our solar system that’s habitable, and that’s the Earth, and space travel can transform things back here for the better. First of all, by just having people go to space and look back on this fragile planet we live on. People have come back transformed and have done fantastic things.
Richard Branson
It is good to realize that if love and peace can prevail on earth, and if we can teach our children to honor nature’s gifts, the joys and beauties of the outdoors will be here forever.
Jimmy Carter
Our Father which art in heaven – Stay there – And we will stay on earth – Which is sometimes so pretty.
Jacques Prevert
Traditional science assumes, for the most part, that an objective observer independent reality exists; the universe, stars, galaxies, sun, moon and earth would still be there if no one was looking.
Deepak Chopra
When you head on out to the Moon, in very short order, and you get a chance to look back at the Earth, that horizon slowly curves around in upon himself, and all of sudden you’re looking at something that is very strange, but yet is very, very familiar, because you’re beginning to see the Earth evolve.
Gene Cernan
I believe you only have one chance on this earth, and I’m just trying to live my life and do what makes me happy.
CM Punk
Before I leave this earth, I’m going to help people have a better future.
Giannis Antetokounmpo
Be at peace with your own soul, then heaven and earth will be at peace with you.
Isaac of Nineveh
I’m an extremely, extremely persistent person. Extremely. And when I believe I am right, and it is important, I will go to the end of the earth.
Bill Ackman
The Moon is a ball of left-over debris from a cosmic collision that took place more than four billion years ago. A Mars-sized asteroid – one of the countless planetesimals that were frantically churning our solar system into existence – hit the infant Earth, bequeathing it a very large natural satellite.
Seth Shostak
There is no security on this earth; there is only opportunity.
Douglas MacArthur
Each of us has been put on earth with the ability to do something well. We cheat ourselves and the world if we don’t use that ability as best we can.
George Allen, Sr.
There is no one on earth who knew you from the day you were born; who knew why you cried, or when you’d had enough food; who knew exactly what to say when you were hurting; and who encouraged you to grow a good heart. When that layer goes, whatever is left of your childhood goes with her.
Adriana Trigiani
The true scientist no longer attempts to disprove the pull of gravity, or the rotation of the earth, or the motion of heavenly bodies, or the sequence of the seasons, or man’s need of food and water, or the function of the heart.
Ezra Taft Benson
More gold has been mined from the thoughts of men than has been taken from the earth.
Napoleon Hill
All things on earth point home in old October; sailors to sea, travellers to walls and fences, hunters to field and hollow and the long voice of the hounds, the lover to the love he has forsaken.
Thomas Wolfe
I want to take my life and the time I have on this earth to try to tell others about Jesus, that Jesus Christ is God’s son who took our sins to the Cross and shed His blood for our sins.
Franklin Graham
We can’t equate democracy with Christianity because the largest democracy on earth is India, which is primarily Hindu. The third largest democracy is Indonesia, which is Islamic. Democracy and freedom are not dependent on Christian beliefs.
Jimmy Carter
Earth is abundant with plentiful resources. Our practice of rationing resources through monetary control is no longer relevant and is counter-productive to our survival.
Jacque Fresco
It is possible to become discouraged about the injustice we see everywhere. But God did not promise us that the world would be humane and just. He gives us the gift of life and allows us to choose the way we will use our limited time on earth. It is an awesome opportunity.
Cesar Chavez
No other single influence has had so great an impact on this earth as the life of Jesus the Christ.
Ezra Taft Benson
Spreading manure is a great way of bringing yourself down to earth.
Steven Ford
We live on this speck called Earth – think about what you might do, today or tomorrow – and make the most of it.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Our army is composed of the scum of the earth – the mere scum of the earth.
Duke of Wellington
The main goal of the International Space Station is to work on peaceful projects. In space, we’re all people from Earth.
Sunita Williams
What, sir, would the people of the earth be without woman? They would be scarce, sir, almighty scarce.
Mark Twain
Faith without works is like a bird without wings; thoug

Faith without works is like a bird without wings; though she may hop with her companions on earth, yet she will never fly with them to heaven.
Francis Beaumont
The 50th Earth Day was always going to be special, but the coronavirus pandemic has made it even more so. The unprecedented steps the world has taken to slow the spread of the virus have dramatically reduced the number of cars on the road, planes in the air, and oil being pulled from the ground.
Deb Haaland
The meek shall inherit the Earth, but not its mineral rights.
J. Paul Getty
The longer I live, the more I am enabled to realize that I have but one life to live on Earth, and that this one life is but a brief life, for sowing, in comparison with eternity, for reaping.
George Muller
Even more than getting married or having kids, I found losing a parent is what thrusts you into adulthood. For me it was. That was when the Earth tilted on its axis, and there was a paradigm shift, and I felt like a different person.
Paul Rudd
President Bush spent last night calling world leaders to support the war with Iraq and it is sad when the most powerful man on earth is yelling, ‘I know you’re there, pick up, pick up.
Craig Kilborn
I’m so down to earth, I’m bringing gravity back.
Tinie Tempah
America is the greatest country on Earth – and when people vote with their feet, they come here.
Michael Bloomberg
All the sounds of the earth are like music.
Oscar Hammerstein II
Try to leave the Earth a better place than when you arrived.
Sidney Sheldon
Carbon dioxide is natural. It is not harmful. It is part of Earth’s life cycle.
Michele Bachmann
Hot yoga is something that I forced myself to get into. When I first did it, I thought, ‘How on earth am I going to get through an hour and a half of this?’ because I was so hot.
Caroline Flack
If we work so hard and put all the money in the hospital to buy medicine – it will be a disaster. Why we should work? So without a healthy environment of this Earth, no matter how much money you make, no matter how wonderful you are, you have a bad disaster.
Jack Ma
Where can you look in your daily life and find ways to do it better, to be more thoughtful of the Earth, to be more thoughtful of people?
Julia Butterfly Hill
Just as I wouldn’t expect a gynecologist to have a debate with somebody who believes in the Stork-theory of reproduction, I won’t do debates with Young Earth creationists.
Richard Dawkins
And the smile that is worth the praises of earth is the smile that shines through tears.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
The RNA World referred to an hypothetical stage in the origin of life on Earth.
Sidney Altman
We people of the Earth exist because our potential was there in the Big Bang, 13.7 billion years ago, as the universe exploded into being.
Bob Brown
It’s my job, it’s what I do, it’s what I’m on earth to do and it’s who I am.
Peter O’Toole
It was the special purpose of Christ’s appearance upon earth to bring immortality to light.
John Quincy Adams
The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.
Ayn Rand
We’re on our own on spaceship Earth. So we have to solve our own problems.
Sandra Faber
There can be but little liberty on earth while men worship a tyrant in heaven.
Robert Green Ingersoll
I grew up in North Carolina, and they have a soft drink called Sun Drop. I love the diet version of it. It’s the greatest thing on the face of the earth. I always have it in my fridge – bus fridge and home fridge.
Eric Church
I’m at least smart enough to know I could never fill Billy Graham’s shoes, but I’m grateful he gave me an opportunity to help him finish his race on earth well and to continue his life’s work.
Franklin Graham
We are a plague on the Earth.
David Attenborough
Nothing is more common on earth than to deceive and be deceived.
Johann G. Seume
The earth is one big interconnected entity. If you hurt a piece, you hurt the whole. If you hurt the people, you hurt the environment.
Hannah Teter
I grew up in Boca Raton, Florida – the worst place on earth.
Eric Andre
The looters are using Google Earth, too. They’re coming in with metal detectors and geophysical equipment. Some ask me to confirm sites.
Sarah Parcak
Manned spaceflight has lost its glamour – understandably so, because it hardly seems inspiring, 40 years after Apollo, for astronauts merely to circle the Earth in the space shuttle and the International Space Station.
Martin Rees
When we drop fear, we can draw nearer to people, we can

When we drop fear, we can draw nearer to people, we can draw nearer to the earth, we can draw nearer to all the heavenly creatures that surround us.
bell hooks
Find out who you are and be that person. That’s what your soul was put on this Earth to be. Find that truth, live that truth and everything else will come.
Ellen DeGeneres
I want to create things while I have time on Earth, and the art of costume and culture has always inspired me.
Johnny Weir
I am not a creationist as the term is usually understood. I believe that the earth is billions of years old and the universe even older. I do believe that God is the creator, but that’s a completely different thing. I’ve written in defense of evolution and made arguments that are based on evolution.
Dinesh D’Souza
Humanity evolves when we realise that animals have the same rights to the Earth as we do.
Radhanath Swami
All managers are losers, they are the most expendable pieces of furniture on the face of the Earth.
Ted Williams
People get cranky when you burst their bubble. Over time, advances in astronomy have relentlessly reinforced the utter insignificance of Earth on a celestial scale. Fortunately, political and religious leaders stopped barbecuing astronomers for saying so, turning their spits with human-rights activists instead.
Nathan Myhrvold
My earliest memory is a picnic in the park near our house, which was next to Wimbledon Common. Why on earth we went to a park when we lived so near the common is a mystery, but it had formal gardens and lawns – perhaps it was that very difference that took my parents there.
Martin Clunes
Architecture is not merely national but clearly has local ties in that it is rooted in the earth.
Alvar Aalto
The last act is bloody, however pleasant all the rest of the play is: a little earth is thrown at last upon our head, and that is the end forever.
Blaise Pascal
All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest; with a Buonaparte for a commander, could not by force, take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years.
Abraham Lincoln
If I believe that I am right, I will take it to the end of the earth until I am proven right.
Bill Ackman
I see upon their noble brows the seal of the Lord, for they were born kings of the earth far more truly than those who possess it only from having bought it.
George Sand
The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart.
Robert Green Ingersoll
When man fell from grace, he lost a kingdom, not a religion. He lost dominion over the earth; He did not lose Heaven. Therefore, mankind’s search is not for a religion or for Heaven but for his kingdom.
Myles Munroe
I cannot possibly conceive of my planet Earth as the centre of a three-tiered universe. I know rather that the sun, around which my planet Earth revolves, is a middle sized star in a galaxy called the Milky Way that has over a hundred billion other suns or stars within it.
John Shelby Spong
Give me one hundred preachers who fear nothing but sin and desire nothing but God, and I care not whether they be clergymen or laymen, they alone will shake the gates of Hell and set up the kingdom of Heaven upon Earth.
John Wesley
There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.
Thomas Aquinas
The families in positions of great financial power obsessively interbreed with each other. But I’m not talking about one Earth race, Jewish or non-Jewish. I’m talking about a genetic network that operates through all races, this bloodline being a fusion of human and reptilian genes.
David Icke
Let’s face it – think of Africa, and the first images that come to mind are of war, poverty, famine and flies. How many of us really know anything at all about the truly great ancient African civilizations, which in their day, were just as splendid and glorious as any on the face of the earth?
Henry Louis Gates
Long after this wonderful event in the Earth’s history, when the human species was spread over a good deal of Asia, Europe, and Africa, migration to the American continents began in attempts to find new feeding grounds and unoccupied areas for hunting and fishing.
Harry Johnston
I am a soul. I know well that what I shall render up to the grave is not myself. That which is myself will go elsewhere. Earth, thou art not my abyss!
Victor Hugo
Let us not forget that the cultivation of the earth is the most important labor of man. When tillage begins, other arts will follow. The farmers, therefore, are the founders of civilization.
Daniel Webster
Thank God men cannot fly, and lay waste the sky as well as the earth.
Henry David Thoreau
Each black hole spins on its axis like the Earth spins. That spin creates two vortexes of twisting space, somewhat like vortexes in a bathtub or a whirlpool.
Kip Thorne
Look, there’s no metaphysics on earth like chocolates.
Fernando Pessoa
If you’re just starting out in the workforce, the very best thing you can do for yourself is to get started in your workplace retirement plan. Contribute enough to grab any matching dollars your employer is offering (a.k.a. the last free money on earth).
Jean Chatzky
Water is the key to life, but in frozen form, it is a latent force. And when it vanishes, Earth becomes Mars.
Frans Lanting
No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size. Government programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we’ll ever see on this earth!
Ronald Reagan
We are going to inherit the earth; there is not the slightest doubt about that.
Buenaventura Durruti
I want London to be the most cycle-friendly city on Earth, and I want more people to be happy and safe on bicycles.
Boris Johnson
There is a project that's underway called the interplan

There is a project that’s underway called the interplanetary Internet. It’s in operation between Earth and Mars. It’s operating on the International Space Station. It’s part of the spacecraft that’s in orbit around the Sun that’s rendezvoused with two planets.
Vint Cerf
Life on earth is such a good story you cannot afford to miss the beginning… Beneath our superficial differences we are all of us walking communities of bacteria. The world shimmers, a pointillist landscape made of tiny living beings.
Lynn Margulis
Where you have no religion, you are sure to have no government, for as religion disappears, anarchy takes place and fixes a compleat Hell on earth till religion returns.
Daniel Morgan
To see the earth as it truly is, small and blue in that eternal silence where it floats, is to see riders on the earth together, brothers on that bright loveliness in the eternal cold – brothers who know now they are truly brothers.
Archibald MacLeish
God put me on this earth to bring souls back to the Kingdom of God. You don’t need to pray ten times a day – you just need hope. My music is going to stop war; it’s the healing music. I see myself in Brazil, in Syria, in Darfur, and places where they really need hope.
Tory Lanez
Trees bear fruits only to be eaten by others; the fields grown grains, but they are consumed by the world. Cows give milk, but she doesn’t drink it herself – that is left to others. Clouds send rain only to quench the parched earth. In such giving, there is little space for selfishness.
Munshi Premchand
When explorers first encountered my people, they called us heathens, sun worshippers. They didn’t understand that the sun is a relative and illuminates our path on this earth.
Joy Harjo
Toys are put on this Earth to be played with by a child.
John Lasseter
Continents may break up, continents may emerge, but the human race is immortal in its origin and in its growth, and there is nothing to be afraid of, even if the foundations of the earth be moved.
Annie Besant
Nothing is further than earth from heaven, and nothing is nearer than heaven to earth.
David Hare
Even the people who come our way look upon us in amazement, that we run only for the healing of Mother Earth.
Dennis Banks
This Earth is our only home. Together, we must protect and cherish it.
Ban Ki-moon
For so, surely you will cast a light of gladness upon his onward journey, and contribute your part towards the building of that kingdom of love which links our earth to heaven.
Edward Carpenter
I think when people mean that Discworld books have become darker they really mean the series is growing up. In ‘The Colour of Magic’ most of the city is set alight. It’s a joke, in much the same way that the Earth is destroyed almost at the start of Douglas Adams’s ‘The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.’
Terry Pratchett
Never forget that the most powerful force on earth is love.
Nelson Rockefeller
New knowledge is the most valuable commodity on earth. The more truth we have to work with, the richer we become.
Kurt Vonnegut
Every day is a good day when you’re floating. Your whole life you spend walking around Earth and then all of a sudden you get to fly like you’ve dreamed of.
Anne McClain
I’m fascinated by beautiful scenery and what we have here on this Earth.
Matt Lanter
Every moment and every event of every man’s life on earth plants something in his soul.
Thomas Merton
There’s not a man, woman or child on the face of the earth who doesn’t enjoy a tasty beverage.
David Letterman
There is universal consensus among experts that the earth’s atmosphere is heating up – and that we are responsible for it by putting carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. We also know that the consequences of global warming are catastrophic. But how do we make sure that all countries reduce greenhouse gases?
Eric Maskin
There was something undifferentiated and yet complete, which existed before Heaven and Earth. Soundless and formless, it depends on nothing and does not change. It operates everywhere and is free from danger. It may be considered the mother of the universe. I do not know its name; I call it Tao.
Lao Tzu
Here men from the planet Earth first set foot upon the Moon. July 1969 AD. We came in peace for all mankind.
Neil Armstrong
The Lord did not people the earth with a vibrant orchestra of personalities only to value the piccolos of the world. Every instrument is precious and adds to the complex beauty of the symphony.
Joseph B. Wirthlin
What was most significant about the lunar voyage was not that men set foot on the moon but that they set eye on the earth.
Norman Cousins
Why don’t they pass a constitutional amendment prohibiting anybody from learning anything? If it works as well as prohibition did, in five years Americans would be the smartest race of people on Earth.
Will Rogers
We can be thankful to a friend for a few acres, or a little money; and yet for the freedom and command of the whole earth, and for the great benefits of our being, our life, health, and reason, we look upon ourselves as under no obligation.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Time is the most valuable thing on earth: time to think, time to act, time to extend our fraternal relations, time to become better men, time to become better women, time to become better and more independent citizens.
Samuel Gompers
Roll on, deep and dark blue ocean, roll. Ten thousand fleets sweep over thee in vain. Man marks the earth with ruin, but his control stops with the shore.
Lord Byron
Land: A part of the earth’s surface, considered as property. The theory that land is property subject to private ownership and control is the foundation of modern society, and is eminently worthy of the superstructure.
Ambrose Bierce
Behold, my friends, the spring is come; the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of their love!
Sitting Bull
Conservation means the wise use of the earth and its re

Conservation means the wise use of the earth and its resources for the lasting good of men.
Gifford Pinchot
It’s only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on Earth – and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up – that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had.
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Thou art not for the earth, nor for the Heaven the world is for thee, thou art not for the world.
Muhammad Iqbal
It’s always wonderful to get to know women, with the mystery and the joy and the depth. If you can make a woman laugh, you’re seeing the most beautiful thing on God’s Earth.
Keanu Reeves
Men of genius are often dull and inert in society; as the blazing meteor, when it descends to earth, is only a stone.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
When the last red man shall have perished from the earth and his memory among the white men shall have become a myth, these shores will swarm with the invisible dead of my tribe. The white man will never be alone. Let him be just and deal kindly with my people, for the dead are not powerless.
Chief Seattle
You carry Mother Earth within you. She is not outside of you. Mother Earth is not just your environment.
Thich Nhat Hanh
Women have been taught that, for us, the earth is flat, and that if we venture out, we will fall off the edge. Some of us have ventured out nevertheless, and so far we have not fallen off. It is my faith, my feminist faith, that we will not.
Andrea Dworkin
God created the universe in such a manner that all in common might derive their food from it, and that the Earth should also be a property common to all.
Saint Ambrose
In addressing you I feel that I am not so much speaking to the representatives of diverse States of Europe and America as to the exponents of principles and hopes that are common to us all, and without which our life on earth would be a life without horizon or prospect.
Henry Campbell-Bannerman
Marriages are made in heaven and consummated on Earth.
John Lyly
Sooner or later, we will have to recognise that the Earth has rights, too, to live without pollution. What mankind must know is that human beings cannot live without Mother Earth, but the planet can live without humans.
Evo Morales
I don’t belong on this earth. I always feel out of place – like a visitor.
Hattie McDaniel
There have only been about a half dozen genuinely important events in the four-billion-year saga of life on Earth: single-celled life, multicelled life, differentiation into plants and animals, movement of animals from water to land, and the advent of mammals and consciousness.
Elon Musk
There is no such thing on earth as an uninteresting subject; the only thing that can exist is an uninterested person.
Gilbert K. Chesterton
Earth as an ecosystem stands out in the all of the universe. There’s no place that we know about that can support life as we know it, not even our sister planet, Mars, where we might set up housekeeping someday, but at great effort and trouble we have to recreate the things we take for granted here.
Sylvia Earle
Photography records the gamut of feelings written on the human face, the beauty of the earth and skies that man has inherited, and the wealth and confusion man has created. It is a major force in explaining man to man.
Edward Steichen
Knowledge of the past and of the places of the earth is the ornament and food of the mind of man.
Leonardo da Vinci
I do agree that when it comes to cyber warfare, we have more to lose than any other nation on earth.
Edward Snowden
The most remarkable discovery in all of astronomy is that the stars are made of atoms of the same kind as those on the earth.
Richard P. Feynman
Each man is always in the middle of the surface of the earth and under the zenith of his own hemisphere, and over the centre of the earth.
Leonardo da Vinci
If you slid Pluto to where Earth is right now, heat from the sun would evaporate that ice, and it would grow a tail. Now that’s no kind of behavior for a planet.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
You know what, my faith is like this – when I die, I’m going to live with God forever and ever. But I believe He wants us to have a good life here on Earth.
Victoria Osteen
Like a welcome summer rain, humor may suddenly cleanse and cool the earth, the air and you.
Langston Hughes
Quetzalcoatl is a primal idea of the duality of human nature. The serpent is the embodiment of Heaven and Earth. It scares people in many ways.
Robert Graham
On earth there is no heaven, but there are pieces of it.
Jules Renard
I don’t care whether people like me or dislike me. I’m not on earth to win a popularity contest. I’m here to be the best human being I possibly can be.
Tab Hunter
Love is like nothing else on this earth, but only when it is shared with someone wonderful like you.
Mandy Moore
Perhaps we’ve never been visited by aliens because they have looked upon Earth and decided there’s no sign of intelligent life.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Life comes from the earth and life returns to the earth.
The divine is not something high above us. It is in heaven, it is in earth, it is inside us.
Morihei Ueshiba
We could have saved the Earth but we were too damned ch

We could have saved the Earth but we were too damned cheap.
Kurt Vonnegut
What atonement is there for blood spilt upon the earth?
In oneself lies the whole world and if you know how to look and learn, the door is there and the key is in your hand. Nobody on earth can give you either the key or the door to open, except yourself.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
What can be more foolish than to think that all this rare fabric of heaven and earth could come by chance, when all the skill of art is not able to make an oyster!
Anatole France
I say it every day – I’m the luckiest man on earth.
Marc Anthony
The House Rules Committee is perhaps the free world’s outstanding bureaucratic abomination – a tiny, airless closet deep in the labyrinth of the Capitol where some of the very meanest people on earth spend their days cleaning democracy like a fish.
Matt Taibbi
I don’t call myself a Buddhist. I’m a free spirit. I believe I’m here on earth to admire and enjoy it; that’s my religion.
Alice Walker
Freedom of choice is more to be treasured than any possession earth can give.
David O. McKay
The earth belongs to the living, not to the dead.
Thomas Jefferson
It wasn’t books that inspired me to write. For me, inspiration was simple, immediate: I got it from eating, dancing, talking. I got it from life lived, things touched, from sensuality, from love of life, from our irrefutable connection to the earth.
Laura Esquivel
The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena.
Carl Sagan
There is a side of the Moon which we never see, but that hidden half is as potent a factor in causing the ebb and flow of the Earth’s tide as the part of the Moon which is visible.
Max Heindel
Hence the saying: If you know the enemy and you know yourself, your victory will not stand in doubt; if you know Heaven and you know Earth, you may make your victory complete.
Sun Tzu
Peace on earth would mean the end of civilization as we know it.
Joseph Heller
Life is about growth and exploration, not achieving a fixed state of balance. You have a very limited time on earth to experience all that you can. Figuring out how to squeeze the most out of your family, work, and spirituality is your life’s purpose. Go do it.
Mel Robbins
It is odd that we have so little relationship with nature, with the insects and the leaping frog and the owl that hoots among the hills calling for its mate. We never seem to have a feeling for all living things on the earth.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
You get this overview effect where you realize how small we are and how fragile our planet is and how we’re really all in it together. You don’t see borders from space, you don’t see diversity and differences in people on Earth.
Anne McClain
If our love of God does not directly influence, and even change, how we engage in the issues of our time on this earth, I wonder what good religion is.
Richard Rohr
True prayer is neither a mere mental exercise nor a vocal performance. It is far deeper than that – it is spiritual transaction with the Creator of Heaven and Earth.
Charles Spurgeon
The natural liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on Earth, and not to be under the will or legislative authority of man, but only to have the law of nature for his rule.
Samuel Adams
It is greater than the stars – that moving procession of human energy; greater than the palpitating earth and the things growing thereon.
Kate Chopin
Each generation takes the earth as trustees. We ought to bequeath to posterity as many forests and orchards as we have exhausted and consumed.
Julius Sterling Morton
Clay is a very interesting and fundamental material: it’s earth, it’s water, and – with fire – it takes on form and life.
Rithy Panh
Everywhere on Earth, at this moment, in the new spiritual atmosphere created by the appearance of the idea of evolution, there float, in a state of extreme mutual sensitivity, love of God and faith in the world: the two essential components of the Ultra-human.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
I’m looking forward to coming back, back to Earth, the landing, the views.
Duane G. Carey
You see, I had been riding with the storm clouds, and had come to earth as rain, and it was drought that I had killed with the power that the Six Grandfathers gave me.
Black Elk
Opinion has caused more trouble on this little earth than plagues or earthquakes.
Being nerdy just means being passionate about something, including everyone – the coolest people on Earth are passionate and therefore nerdy about something whatever it is, whether it’s sports, or gaming, or technology, or fashion, or beauty, or food, or whatever.
Zachary Levi
The existence of life beyond Earth is an ancient human concern. Over the years, however, attempts to understand humanity’s place in the cosmos through science often got hijacked by wishful thinking or fabricated tales.
Jill Tarter
But what is after all the happiness of mere power? There is a greater happiness possible than to be lord of heaven and earth; that is the happiness of being truly loved.
Lafcadio Hearn
Nothing on this earth is standing still. It’s either growing or it’s dying. No matter if it’s a tree or a human being.
Lou Holtz
Dying is something we human beings do continuously, not

Dying is something we human beings do continuously, not just at the end of our physical lives on this earth.
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
I see a lot of damage to Mother Earth. I see water being taken from creeks where water belongs to animals, not to oil companies.
Winona LaDuke
Sustainability, ensuring the future of life on Earth, is an infinite game, the endless expression of generosity on behalf of all.
Paul Hawken
Like Confucius of old, I am so absorbed in the wonder of the earth and the life upon it, that I cannot think of heaven and the angels.
Pearl S. Buck
The earth together with its surrounding waters must in fact have such a shape as its shadow reveals, for it eclipses the moon with the arc of a perfect circle.
Nicolaus Copernicus
A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself.
Josh Billings
Here is a test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: If you’re alive, it isn’t.
Richard Bach
When you look at the Earth’s horizon and see the thickness of the atmosphere, it’s not even the thickness of an orange peel.
Gregory H. Johnson
The pain of powerlessness is excruciating. It is the most painful experience in the earth school, and everyone shares it.
Gary Zukav
We can not have equilibrium in this world with the current inequality and destruction of Mother Earth. Capitalism is what is causing this problem and it needs to end.
Evo Morales
We need someone with superb judgement in their own right because, yes, a president can hire the best advisors on Earth, but I guarantee you this: Five advisors will give five different opinions. And it is the president – and the president alone – who always makes the final call.
Michelle Obama
We would fight not for the political future of a distant city, rather for principles whose destruction would ruin the possibility of peace and security for the peoples of the earth.
Neville Chamberlain
We photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing, and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on earth can make them come back again. We cannot develop and print a memory.
Henri Cartier-Bresson
Those who know that the consensus of many centuries has sanctioned the conception that the earth remains at rest in the middle of the heavens as its center, would, I reflected, regard it as an insane pronouncement if I made the opposite assertion that the earth moves.
Nicolaus Copernicus
To become a singer requires work, work, and again, work! It need not be in any special corner of the earth; there is no one spot that will do more for you than other places. It doesn’t matter so much where you are if you have intelligence and a good ear.
Enrico Caruso
You’re on earth. There’s no cure for that.
Samuel Beckett
My vision is for a fully reusable rocket transport system between Earth and Mars that is able to re-fuel on Mars – this is very important – so you don’t have to carry the return fuel when you go there.
Elon Musk
There is no man on Earth or devil in Hell who can keep you from the very best God put in you.
Joyce Meyer
A covenant is an agreement between God and His children upon the earth, and it is important to understand that God determines the conditions of all gospel covenants.
David A. Bednar
I don’t believe that the meek will inherit the earth; The meek get ignored and trampled.
Sylvia Plath
Everything depends on our ability to sustainably inhabit this earth, and true sustainability will require us all to change our way of thinking on how we take from the earth and how we give back.
Deb Haaland
There’s nothing good that comes out of war. It’s simply hell on earth, and people survive, and people don’t.
Michael Cimino
I feel God has sent me to Earth to sing. I started singing when I was five, but I don’t think I’ve worked as hard as many other people.
Lata Mangeshkar
You can’t take sides when you know the earth is round.
Patricia Sun
For me, the Earth had always been a kind of a safe haven, you know, where I could go to work or be in my home or take my kids to school. But I realized it really wasn’t that. It really is its own spaceship. And I had always been a space traveler.
Michael J. Massimino
If Islam’s sole interest is the welfare of mankind, then Islam is the strongest advocate of human rights anywhere on Earth.
Mos Def
For a long time, men weren’t respecting women. They weren’t understanding Mother Earth, Mother Nature, the Motherland, all the motherly stuff. And now we are.
Of course God is endlessly multi-dimensional so every religion that exists on earth represents some face, some side of God.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
No two people on earth are alike, and it’s got to be that way in music or it isn’t music.
Billie Holiday
I put up my thumb and it blotted out the planet Earth.
Neil Armstrong
They claim this mother of ours, the Earth, for their own use, and fence their neighbors away from her, and deface her with their buildings and their refuse.
Sitting Bull
Man is created to be God's deputy on earth and it is im

Man is created to be God’s deputy on earth and it is important to realize the obligation to rid ourselves of all illusions and to make our lives a preparation for the next life.
Cat Stevens
Sell a country?! Why not sell the air, the great sea, as well as the earth? Did not the Great Spirit make them all for the use of his children?
The highest proof of the spirit is love. Love the eternal thing which can already on earth possess as it really is.
Albert Schweitzer
Our time on Earth is so random.
Lisa Ling
Job creation is a choice. Investing in cleaner, greener technologies that allow us to strike a more sustainable balance with the other living systems of this earth – this, too, is a choice.
Martin O’Malley
Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth.
Charles Kingsley
Our hubris needs to be downsized, thinking that profiteering on Earth, on whatever level – environmentally, economically, culturally – is unlimited and everybody should get as much as he wants or she wants. Humans need to be shrunk again to their actual size.
Christoph Waltz
But all lost things are in the angels’ keeping, Love; No past is dead for us, but only sleeping, Love; The years of Heaven with all earth’s little pain Make Good Together there we can begin again, In babyhood.
Helen Hunt Jackson
So every day I’m mindful as I watch the Bush crowd extend their sway into policies of every imaginable variety, and over almost every square foot of earth, that the control of the American state is a matter of urgency.
Todd Gitlin
Earth is amazing, it’s beautiful, it protects us, and so we should work hard to protect it.
Victor J. Glover
We cannot compromise with the earth; we cannot compromise with the catastrophe of unchecked climate change, so we must compromise with one another.
Gordon Brown
How innocent, how happy, how truly delightful, even, would life be if we were to desire nothing but what is to be found upon the face of the earth: in a word, nothing but what is provided ready to our hands!
Pliny the Elder
The earth is the earth as a peasant sees it, the world is the world as a duchess sees it, and anyway a duchess would be nothing if the earth was not there as the peasant sees it.
Gertrude Stein
Equality may perhaps be a right, but no power on earth can ever turn it into a fact.
Honore de Balzac
We ought to fly away from earth to heaven as quickly as we can; and to fly away is to become like God, as far as this is possible; and to become like him is to become holy, just, and wise.
The official version of Watergate is as wrong as a Flat Earth Society pamphlet.
G. Gordon Liddy
In my case Pilgrim’s Progress consisted in my having to climb down a thousand ladders until I could reach out my hand to the little clod of earth that I am.
Carl Jung
Chemistry itself knows altogether too well that – given the real fear that the scarcity of global resources and energy might threaten the unity of mankind – chemistry is in a position to make a contribution towards securing a true peace on earth.
Kenichi Fukui
The easiest thing to find on God’s green earth is someone to tell you all the things you cannot do.
Richard M. DeVos
Most of us don’t think about miracles that we could possibly do. We don’t have a vocabulary of how God works with the specific things that He does, and we don’t know how to align ourselves with what He is doing so that we can be His vehicle on the earth to deliver a miracle.
Bruce Wilkinson
When you make the finding yourself – even if you’re the last person on Earth to see the light – you’ll never forget it.
Carl Sagan
But God will have a people upon the earth to maintain the Bible, and the Bible only, as the standard of all doctrines and the basis of all reforms.
Ellen G. White
Heaven is on this earth. There are no angels on the clouds with twanging harps… That’s just another man’s fantasy.
John Lydon
Atlas was permitted the opinion that he was at liberty, if he wished, to drop the Earth and creep away; but this opinion was all that he was permitted.
Franz Kafka
Shall I not have intelligence with the earth? Am I not partly leaves and vegetable mould myself.
Henry David Thoreau
Weapons of mass destruction are the greatest threat to life on earth. Biological weapons are often called the poor man’s atomic bomb. Saddam Hussein is the ruler who has for decades been making the most determined and diabolical illegal effort to acquire them.
William Shawcross
The earth we abuse and the living things we kill will, in the end, take their revenge; for in exploiting their presence we are diminishing our future.
Marya Mannes
When a marriage works, nothing on earth can take its place.
Helen Gahagan
God created the heavens and the earth, the oceans and the waves for our enjoyment. Surfing is just my way of worshipping Him.
Bethany Hamilton
Shell has poured billions of dollars into offshore Arctic drilling, but no matter how much it spends, it cannot make the effort anything but a terrifying gamble. And if Shell, the most profitable company on Earth, can’t buy its way to safety in Alaska, nobody can.
Frances Beinecke
Sometimes I still worry that the next day will be the last day of the Earth.
Samantha Smith
If we really wish to put an end to our ongoing internat

If we really wish to put an end to our ongoing international and social problems we must eventually declare Earth and all of its resources as the common heritage of all the world’s people.
Jacque Fresco
If you can feel that Mother Earth is in you, and you are Mother Earth, then you are not any longer afraid to die because the earth is not dying. Like a wave appears and disappears and appears again.
Thich Nhat Hanh
To cherish what remains of the Earth and to foster its renewal is our only legitimate hope of survival.
Wendell Berry
The most important thing about Spaceship Earth – an instruction book didn’t come with it.
R. Buckminster Fuller
Individual rights are not subject to a public vote; a majority has no right to vote away the rights of a minority; the political function of rights is precisely to protect minorities from oppression by majorities (and the smallest minority on earth is the individual).
Ayn Rand
The free, independent spirit who commits himself to no dogma and will not decide in favor of any party has no homestead on earth.
Stefan Zweig
I do not believe that civilization will be wiped out in a war fought with the atomic bomb. Perhaps two-thirds of the people of the earth will be killed.
Albert Einstein
The easiest thing to do on earth is not write.
William Goldman
The earth has received the embrace of the sun and we shall see the results of that love.
Sitting Bull
I would rather wake up in the middle of nowhere than in any city on earth.
Steve McQueen
Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.
Thomas Jefferson
As barbaric is we are, it’s a miracle we haven’t blown ourselves off the face of the earth so far.
Abel Ferrara
You carry Mother Earth within you. She is not outside of you. Mother Earth is not just your environment. In that insight of inter-being, it is possible to have real communication with the Earth, which is the highest form of prayer.
Thich Nhat Hanh
For me the bare feet are grounding. I’m connected to the Earth in a way that I cannot be any other way.
Rhiannon Giddens
What the Founding Fathers created in the Constitution is the most magnificent government on the face of the Earth, and the reason is this: because it was intended to preserve the American society and the American spirit, not to transform it or destroy it.
Mark Levin
The earth is the Lord’s. Psalm 24 basically says the earth is God’s property. We have been given the privilege and responsibility of living on earth to see it isn’t ruined.
Allen Johnson
The most important thing is to stay down to earth and keep concentrating on the next game.
Arjen Robben
The time that I have on this earth should just be filled with good times.
Kyle Kinane
Live as though it were your last day on earth. Some day you will be right.
Robert Anthony
If Mars formed life, then life on Earth could have been seeded by life on Mars, making every life form on Earth descended from Martians.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
The earth of the future belongs to the people of the future.
Tulsi Tanti
From space, the earth appears predominantly blue; the clouds are brilliant white. Surprisingly, you don’t see much green, although Ireland looks green, and so do Scandinavia and New Zealand. The deserts are brick red and really stand out.
Helen Sharman
I seemed to vow to myself that some day I would go to the region of ice and snow and go on and on till I came to one of the poles of the earth, the end of the axis upon which this great round ball turns.
Ernest Shackleton
There are moments, above all on June evenings, when the lakes that hold our moons are sucked into the earth, and nothing is left but wine and the touch of a hand.
Charles Morgan
If I leave this Earth, I want to leave this Earth just knowing I’ve tried to give something back and tried to do something worthwhile with myself.
Patrick Swayze
Climate change is not just about carbon dioxide levels and melting polar ice caps. It is about our public health and protecting our Earth for future generations.
Mike Quigley
The patriot volunteer, fighting for country and his rights, makes the most reliable soldier on earth.
Stonewall Jackson
Yes, love indeed is light from heaven; A spark of that immortal fire with angels shared, by Allah given to lift from earth our low desire.
Lord Byron
I hope to see the bringing together of all the best educated people of the earth into a worldwide Congress of Scientists.
Marquis de Condorcet
How we treat the earth basically effects our social welfare and our national security.
Jim Fowler
The Internet is the last place where there is actually a free market on Earth.
Jeff Berwick
One thing I can't prove, but I firmly believe is that t

One thing I can’t prove, but I firmly believe is that two men were put on this earth – one threw a punch and a third guy came over and watched. And that happened before anybody ever threw or kicked a ball.
Dana White
There are no passengers on spaceship earth. We are all crew.
Marshall McLuhan
Geoengineering – the deliberate, large-scale manipulation of the earth’s climate to offset global warming – is a nightmare fix for climate change.
Jeff Goodell
I am just a person who is human, down to earth enjoying life… whatever god blesses you with. Enjoying life for me is just normal.
Mohamed Al-Fayed
Leadership is hard to define and good leadership even harder. But if you can get people to follow you to the ends of the earth, you are a great leader.
Indra Nooyi
I wanted to connect all people who are thinking about peace on Earth.
Willie Nelson
A teardrop on earth summons the King of heaven.
Charles R. Swindoll
You don’t have to go to the kings and queens of the earth – I think the Greeks and Elizabethans did this because it was a logical concept – but every human being is in enormous conflict about something, even if it’s how to get to work in the morning and all of that.
Lorraine Hansberry
The heart of a human being is no different from the soul of heaven and earth. In your practice always keep in your thoughts the interaction of heaven and earth, water and fire, yin and yang.
Morihei Ueshiba
On Earth, God has placed no more than two powers, and as there is in Heaven but one God, so is there here one Pope and one Emperor. Divine providence has specially appointed the Roman Empire to prevent the continuance of schism in the Church.
Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor
A captain who does not know where he wants to sail, there is no wind on Earth that will bring him there.
Ami Ayalon
The only thing I want is to awaken all humans on the planet that we are living on Mother Earth.
Afrika Bambaataa
Where there’s water on Earth, you find life as we know it. So if you find water somewhere else, it becomes a remarkable draw to look closer to see if life of any kind is there, even if it’s bacterial, which would be extraordinary for the field of biology.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
This is a serious warning cry: Surrender without reservation to the Lord who has called us. This is required of us so that the face of the earth may be renewed.
Edith Stein
The sky is more beautiful than earth, and I want the sky, not earth.
Sarah Hegazi
Find something bigger than yourself and pour every ounce of who you are into it. If that’s your family, be the best father on Earth. If you are a cop, firefighter, or a trash man, be the best.
Tim Kennedy
There are two kinds of individuals on Planet Earth who do not have beards – women and youth.
Phil Robertson
We should honor Mother Earth with gratitude; otherwise our spirituality may become hypocritical.
Radhanath Swami
On Earth, men and women are taking the same risks. Why shouldn’t we be taking the same risks in space?
Valentina Tereshkova
What was earth, we made into filth. We must at least be able to transform it back to earth.
Jaggi Vasudev
Independence? That’s middle class blasphemy. We are all dependent on one another, every soul of us on earth.
George Bernard Shaw
I like kind of natural, woodsy earth tones. I like patchouli. I like tobacco. I like sandalwood. I like tree resin. I’m not a huge fan of citrus – I like things that are kind of moodier and… more deeper base notes.
Chris Pine
I’d like to help repair the earth’s ecosystems, and to fully live until I’m fully dead.
Martha Beck
Deliver me from writers who say the way they live doesn’t matter. I’m not sure a bad person can write a good book, If art doesn’t make us better, then what on earth is it for.
Alice Walker
Life is the fire that burns and the sun that gives light. Life is the wind and the rain and the thunder in the sky. Life is matter and is earth, what is and what is not, and what beyond is in Eternity.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
We have a moral responsibility to protect the earth and ensure that our children and grandchildren have a healthy and sustainable environment in which to live.
Jim Clyburn
After death we live for some time in the astral world in the astral body used during our life on earth, and the more we learn to control and use it wisely now the better for us after death.
Annie Besant
I always consider the settlement of America with reverence and wonder, as the opening of a grand scene and design in providence, for the illumination of the ignorant and the emancipation of the slavish part of mankind all over the earth.
John Adams
The earth also is spherical, since it presses upon its center from every direction.
Nicolaus Copernicus
The aeroplane has unveiled for us the true face of the earth.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
If we could make our house a home, and then make it a sanctuary, I think we could truly find paradise on Earth.
Alexandra Stoddard
People don't even understand that every bit of our food

People don’t even understand that every bit of our food was once alive. We take another creature, plant, animal, microorganism, tear it apart in our mouths. And incorporate those molecules into our own bodies. We are the Earth in the most profound way.
David Suzuki
Environmental policy must strike a balance between the earth’s best interests and our citizen’s pressing needs.
Jim Clyburn
Somebody who doesn’t care if they live or die is the most dangerous human being on earth.
Ron Perlman
My dream is of a place and a time where America will once again be seen as the last best hope of earth.
Abraham Lincoln
Everybody’s got a puncher’s chance in this game. I mean every single person on Earth. But my whole focus, my whole style, my whole dynamic is built around taking that power away from you. So where is the logic in why you’re different from anybody else? There is no logic in it.
Dominick Cruz
Life clearly does more than adapt to the Earth. It changes the Earth to its own purposes. Evolution is a tightly coupled dance, with life and the material environment as partners. From the dance emerges the entity Gaia.
James Lovelock
Grandfather, Great Spirit, once more behold me on earth and lean to hear my feeble voice.
Black Elk
Grey cloth coaxes the lime trees of friends shadowing berries dropped by the grateful earth.
Bradley Chicho
Sunlight fell upon the wall; the wall received a borrowed splendor. Why set your heart on a piece of earth, O simple one? Seek out the source which shines forever.
Looking out at the ocean, it’s easy to feel small – and to imagine all your troubles, suddenly insignificant, slipping away. Earth’s seven oceans seem vast and impenetrable, but a closer look tells another story.
Ted Danson
Let a new earth rise. Let another world be born. Let a bloody peace be written in the sky. Let a second generation full of courage issue forth; let a people loving freedom come to growth.
Margaret Walker
When Hindustan Motors rolled out the first Ambassador Car in 1957 its sturdy body, rounded contours and Mother Earth simplicity immediately bagged it a place in our collective consciousness.
Barkha Dutt
Life on earth is more like a verb. It repairs, maintains, re-creates, and outdoes itself.
Lynn Margulis
Fill the earth with your songs of gratitude.
Charles Spurgeon
There are a lot of people very sure of themselves that need to be brought back down to Earth. As good as they think they are, they’re really not.
Drew McIntyre
The earth and its resources belong of right to its people.
Gifford Pinchot
Stress is basically a disconnection from the earth, a forgetting of the breath. Stress is an ignorant state. It believes that everything is an emergency. Nothing is that important. Just lie down.
Natalie Goldberg
We’d never have got a chance to go outside and look at the earth if it hadn’t been for space exploration and NASA.
James Lovelock
Living here on Earth, we breathe the rhythms of a universe that extends infinitely above us. When resonant harmonies arise between this vast outer cosmos and the inner human cosmos, poetry is born.
Daisaku Ikeda
Your connections with other people are important, our connection to the earth.
Tom Ford
So I took the bright red stick and at the center of the nation’s hoop I thrust it in the earth.
Black Elk
Life is tragic simply because the earth turns and the sun inexorably rises and sets, and one day, for each of us, the sun will go down for the last, last time.
James Baldwin
When you’re six years old, the word ‘poo’ is the funniest word on God’s earth, but this insults my intelligence.
Jasper Carrott
And let a scholar all earth’s volumes carry, he will be but a walking dictionary: a mere articulate clock.
George Chapman
My favourite places on earth are the wild waterways where the forest opens its arms and a silver curve of river folds the traveller into its embrace.
Rory MacLean
Earth Day should encourage us to reflect on what we are doing to make our planet a more sustainable and livable place.
Scott Peters
When you grow up by the sea, you spend a good deal of time looking at the horizon. You wonder what on Earth the waves might bring – and where the sea might deposit you – until one day you know you have lived between two places, the scene of arrival and the point of departure.
Andrew O’Hagan
We came all this way to explore the moon, and the most important thing is that we discovered the Earth.
William Anders
What region of the earth is not full of our calamities?
There is no greater power in Heaven or on Earth than pure, unconditional love. The nature of the God force, the unseen intelligence in all things, which causes the material world and is the center of both the spiritual and physical plane, is best described as pure, unconditional love.
Wayne Dyer
To gastroenterologists, the concept of a germ causing ulcers was like saying that the Earth is flat.
Barry Marshall
On the morrow the horizon was covered with clouds- a th

On the morrow the horizon was covered with clouds- a thick and impenetrable curtain between earth and sky, which unhappily extended as far as the Rocky Mountains. It was a fatality!
Jules Verne
I have an almost religious zeal… not for technology per se, but for the Internet which is for me, the nervous system of mother Earth, which I see as a living creature, linking up.
Dan Millman
If you accept my thesis that the universe and this earth are the most outrageous miracles by an infinite margin, then you will understand that simply for us to exist requires a miracle.
Eric Metaxas
As the craft re-entered earth’s atmosphere, it was coming in so fast, it heated up the surrounding atoms and molecules, and they became positively and negatively charged, and highly reactive, and began luminescing all around us.
Helen Sharman
For me, the real earth is that chosen part of the universe, still almost universally dispersed and in course of gradual segregation, but which is little by little taking on body and form in Christ.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Man is not on this earth merely to be happy, or even to be simply honest. He is there to realize great things for humanity, to attain nobility and to surmount the vulgarity of almost everybody.
Ernest Renan
I hover closer to earth than I do the clouds.
Tituss Burgess
Atheism is so senseless. When I look at the solar system, I see the earth at the right distance from the sun to receive the proper amounts of heat and light. This did not happen by chance.
Isaac Newton
Did you know that, pound for pound, the moose is the leanest ruminant on Earth? It’s true. Moose are very in tune with their natural surroundings.
Daniel Mallory Ortberg
The state of Israel must, from time to time, prove clearly that it is strong, and able and willing to use force, in a devastating and highly effective way. If it does not prove this, it will be swallowed up, and perhaps wiped off the face of the earth.
Moshe Sharett
There is nothing on earth that could ever make me want to relive certain years of my life when I was young.
Johnny Depp
Earth is the nest, the cradle, and we’ll move out of it.
Gene Roddenberry
Earth changes, but thy soul and God stand sure.
Robert Browning
Nothing makes the earth seem so spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes.
Henry David Thoreau
Revelation is communication from God to His children on the earth and one of the great blessings associated with the gift and constant companionship of the Holy Ghost.
David A. Bednar
I tend to think that cricket is the greatest thing that God ever created on earth – certainly greater than sex, although sex isn’t too bad either.
Harold Pinter
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
Jesus Christ
A virtuous character is likened to an unblemished flower. Piety is a fadeless bud that half opens on earth and expands through eternity. Sweetness of temper is the odor of fresh blooms, and the amaranth flowers of pure affection open but to bloom forever.
Dorothea Dix
Life is a force in its own right. It is a new element. And it has altered the Earth. It covers Earth like a skin.
Frans Lanting
The moon gravitates towards the earth and by the force of gravity is continually drawn off from a rectilinear motion and retained in its orbit.
Isaac Newton
After all, sustainability means running the global environment – Earth Inc. – like a corporation: with depreciation, amortization and maintenance accounts. In other words, keeping the asset whole, rather than undermining your natural capital.
Maurice Strong
For me, Jersey represents going through what you can go through and still surviving. That’s the cool thing about people from the Tri-State area. We’re fighters. We’re survivors, and we’re edgier than anyone else on Earth.
AJ Lee
The senses are of the earth, the reason stands apart from them in contemplation.
Leonardo da Vinci
Earth is the anteroom of Heaven, if we choose to see it so.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Parenting is one of the hardest jobs on earth.
Jennifer Aniston
You are a child of the sun, you come from the sun, and that is something true with the Earth also… your relationship with the Earth is so deep, and the Earth is in you and this is something not very difficult, much less difficult then philosophy.
Thich Nhat Hanh
The cast of ‘Parks & Rec’ is just a group of unbelievably nice, humble, down to earth, hilarious friends.
Rob Lowe
We are the most powerful nation on earth. No external power, no terrorist organization, can defeat us. But we can defeat ourselves by getting caught in a quagmire.
George Soros
I demonstrate by means of philosophy that the earth is round, and is inhabited on all sides; that it is insignificantly small, and is borne through the stars.
Johannes Kepler
Timidity makes a person modest. It makes him or her say, ‘I’m not worthy of being written up in the record of deeds in heaven or on earth.’ Timidity keeps people from their good. They are afraid to say, ‘Yes, I deserve it.’
Maya Angelou
I should like to think that we’ll find peace on this Earth at some point and come to a collective consciousness of compassion for each other, where we say, ‘Enough! Let us live as one!’
Pierce Brosnan
The seeds of success in every nation on Earth are best

The seeds of success in every nation on Earth are best planted in women and children.
Joyce Banda
I’m going to be the next king of the Earth.
Lil Tjay
If there is anybody in this land who thoroughly believes that the meek shall inherit the earth they have not often let their presence be known.
W. E. B. Du Bois
The philosophers of the Middle Ages demonstrated both that the Earth did not exist and also that it was flat. Today they are still arguing about whether the world exists, but they no longer dispute about whether it is flat.
Vilhjalmur Stefansson
When my time on earth is gone, and my activities here are passed, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass!
Bobby Knight
The boundary between space and the earth is purely arbitrary. And I’ll probably always be interested in this planet – it’s my favorite.
Carl Sagan
Why has not anyone seen that fossils alone gave birth to a theory about the formation of the earth, that without them, no one would have ever dreamed that there were successive epochs in the formation of the globe.
Georges Cuvier
Two out of every five people on Earth today owe their lives to the higher crop outputs that fertilizer has made possible.
Bill Gates
Our population and our use of the finite resources of planet Earth are growing exponentially, along with our technical ability to change the environment for good or ill.
Stephen Hawking
Cry, the beloved country, for the unborn child that is the inheritor of our fear. Let him not love the earth too deeply… For fear will rob him of all if he gives too much.
Alan Paton
I think if you’re a regular viewer of Fox News, you’re among the most cynical people on planet Earth. I cannot think of a more cynical slogan than ‘Fair and Balanced.’
Bill Keller
You know, if you hang around this earth long enough you really see how things come full circle.
Patti Davis
On Earth Day, we celebrate all the gifts the world and nature make available to us. We recognize our complete dependence on its bounty. And we acknowledge the need for good stewardship to preserve its fruits for future generations.
John Hoeven
You will never cease to be the most amazed person on earth at what God has done for you on the inside.
Oswald Chambers
There’s nobody on this earth who can tell you that what you’re feeling is wrong. They can tell you it’s different to what they’re feeling.
Zoe Saldana
There’s no sex in Middle Earth.
Ian Mckellen
I think – you know, I’m a guy that – I don’t live on the earth just to walk it. I live on here to make a difference.
Tracy McGrady
Venice is the perfect place for a phase of art to die. No other city on earth embraces entropy quite like this magical floating mall.
Jerry Saltz
I think I have told you, but if I have not, you must have understood, that a man who has a vision is not able to use the power of it until after he has performed the vision on earth for the people to see.
Black Elk
For every man that ever walked the Earth, except maybe the sociopaths, when it comes to talking to pretty girls… it’s just stark terror.
Chuck Lorre
We have lived long enough to experience the hollowness of earth and the rottenness of all carnal promises.
Charles Spurgeon
Being pregnant finally helped me understand what my true relationship was with my body – meaning that it wasn’t put on this earth to look good in a swimsuit.
Amy Adams
All my authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Jesus Christ
I think people who are creative are the luckiest people on earth. I know that there are no shortcuts, but you must keep your faith in something Greater than You, and keep doing what you love. Do what you love, and you will find the way to get it out to the world.
Judy Collins
Given the tendency of many to picture God’s realm as somewhere high above Earth – an idea that sounds suspiciously like the Greek stories of deities perched on inaccessible mountain tops – it may seem plausible to assume that astronomers have special insight. Well, of course they don’t.
Seth Shostak
You can be the most beautiful person on Earth, and if you don’t have a fitness or diet routine, you won’t be beautiful.
Martha Stewart
The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man.
Thomas Malthus
I love judges, and I love courts. They are my ideals, that typify on earth what we shall meet hereafter in heaven under a just God.
William Howard Taft
By the 1980s, businesses had realized that environmental issues had a price tag. Increasingly, they balked. Reflexively, the anticorporate Left pivoted; Earth Day, erstwhile snow job, became an opportunity to denounce capitalist greed.
Charles C. Mann
We have this perceived illusion of what the fashion designer does. As an industry, we make it out that this one individual changes the entire face of the earth. I have never said ‘me’; it’s always ‘we.’ I am just the big salesman.
Jonathan Anderson
Now there is one outstandingly important fact regarding Spaceship Earth, and that is that no instruction book came with it.
R. Buckminster Fuller
Let us stop saying 'white Americans' and 'colored Ameri

Let us stop saying ‘white Americans’ and ‘colored Americans,’ let us try once and for all saying… Americans. Let human beings be equal on Earth as in Heaven.
Josephine Baker
The Earth needs rebels!
David Icke
I am quite serious when I say that I do not believe there are, on the whole earth besides, so many intensified bores as in these United States. No man can form an adequate idea of the real meaning of the word, without coming here.
Warren Buffett
Every day, the people I meet inspire me… every day, they make me proud… every day they remind me how blessed we are to live in the greatest nation on earth.
Michelle Obama
The whole earth is the tomb of heroic men and their story is not given only on stone over their clay but abides everywhere without visible symbol woven into the stuff of other mens lives.
He who is only just is cruel. Who on earth could live were all judged justly?
Lord Byron
After my death, the molecules of my being will return to the earth and the sky. They came from the stars. I am of the stars.
Charles Lindbergh
It is a grand thing to rise in the world. The ambition to do so is the very salt of the earth. It is the parent of all enterprise, and the cause of all improvement.
Anthony Trollope
My soul can find no staircase to Heaven unless it be through Earth’s loveliness.
The only wealth in this world is children, more than all the money, power on earth.
Mario Puzo
The sole equality on earth is death.
Philip James Bailey
We have a responsibility to Mother Earth to protect it as much as possible.
Wes Studi
Aeroplane journeys give me quiet time to read and sleep; it’s like being unplugged from the earth.
Linda Gray
I don’t believe that the Earth’s but about 9,000 years old. I believe it was created in six days as we know them. That’s what the Bible says.
Paul Broun
Does wisdom perhaps appear on the earth as a raven which is inspired by the smell of carrion?
Friedrich Nietzsche
I like the thought that what we are to do on this earth is embellish it for its greater beauty, so that oncoming generations can look back to the shapes we leave here and get the same thrill that I get in looking back at theirs – at the Parthenon, at Chartres Cathedral.
Philip Johnson
The heart looks into space to be away from earth.
Richard Jefferies
What springs from earth dissolves to earth again, and heaven-born things fly to their native seat.
Marcus Aurelius
The earth is the mother of all people, and all people should have equal rights upon it.
Chief Joseph
If I have any lasting worth, it will be because I have tried to make people remember what the Earth is meant to look like.
Mary Oliver
Life does more than adapt to the Earth. It changes the Earth to its own purposes.
James Lovelock
Some people say I’m arrogant or cocky but I’m a down to earth, decent guy.
Chris Eubank Jr.
You have to be a bastard to make it, and that’s a fact. And the Beatles are the biggest bastards on earth.
John Lennon
No power on earth is greater than a mind and soul reawakened. Our Constitution begins ‘we the people’, not ‘us the government’.
Cal Thomas
Years of science fiction have produced a mindset that it is human destiny to expand from Earth, to the Moon, to Mars, to the stars.
Barney Oliver
I’m not physically intimidated by anyone on this earth.
Patrick Beverley
A man without ambition is dead. A man with ambition but no love is dead. A man with ambition and love for his blessings here on earth is ever so alive.
Pearl Bailey
Earth teach me to forget myself as melted snow forgets its life. Earth teach me resignation as the leaves which die in the fall. Earth teach me courage as the tree which stands all alone. Earth teach me regeneration as the seed which rises in the spring.
William Alexander
Whether one welcomes or deplores it, nothing is more surely and exactly characteristic of modern times than the irresistible invasion of the human world by technology. Mechanism invading like a tide all the places of the earth and all forms of social activity.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Heaven is long-enduring, and earth continues long. The reason why heaven and earth are able to endure and continue thus long is because they do not live of, or for, themselves.
Lao Tzu
How many desolate creatures on the earth have learnt the simple dues of fellowship and social comfort, in a hospital.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
I lost my father four years ago to what was the culmina

I lost my father four years ago to what was the culmination of a manic episode that seemingly, to my family, came completely out of the blue after 59 years on this earth with no issues that we knew about, at least – sort of a normal run-of-the-mill guy who did his job and came home and had a family.
Chris Wood
The earth’s crust has not yet stopped heaving and plunging under our feet. Mountain ranges are still being thrust up on the horizon. Granites are still growing under the continental masses. Nor has the organic world ceased to produce new buds at the tips of its countless branches.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
God grant that not only the love of liberty but a thorough knowledge of the rights of man may pervade all the nations of the earth, so that a philosopher may set his foot anywhere on its surface and say: ‘This is my country.’
Benjamin Franklin
Happiness, I do not know where to turn to discover you on earth, in the air or the sky; yet I know you exist and are no futile dream.
Rosalia de Castro
Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth, so virtue appears from good deeds, and wisdom appears from a pure and peaceful mind. To walk safely through the maze of human life, one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue.
I’m not from this Earth – I’m from Pluto. I moved to Seattle when I was 2.
Lil Mosey
Despite being such a brilliant director, Hansal Mehta is a simple and down to earth man. He is very sorted and driven by passion. So that’s a rare combination – being a good craftsman and a good human being.
Pratik Gandhi
I think that man has a fundamental obligation to extract from himself and from the earth all that it can give; and this obligation is all the more imperative that we are absolutely ignorant of what limits – they may still be very distant – God has imposed on our natural understanding and power.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
The greatest explorer on this earth never takes voyages as long as those of the man who descends to the depth of his heart.
Julien Green
The cosmos is three times as old as Earth. During most of creation’s 14 billion year history, our solar system wasn’t around. Nonetheless, the early universe still had the right stuff for life, and contained worlds that were just as suitable for spawning biology and intelligence as our own.
Seth Shostak
The longer one is alone, the easier it is to hear the song of the earth.
Robert Anton Wilson
I feel like people start to believe things that people say about them and start to think they’re really important. If you have a family that is down to earth and cool, I don’t see how you can be like that.
Amanda Bynes
The sky lovingly smiles on the earth and her children.
Henry Morton Stanley
Being a hero is about the shortest-lived profession on earth.
Will Rogers
Watching sunrise and sunset from space, which is a beautiful sight, has been a personal privilege I have attained while being there. Another reflection from within I felt was that there was nothing which was neither visible and nor with a supportive environment as to how Planet Earth is.
Rakesh Sharma
It’s only when you’re flying above it that you realize how incredible the Earth really is.
Philippe Perrin
When we recognise the virtues, the talent, the beauty of Mother Earth, something is born in us, some kind of connection, love is born.
Thich Nhat Hanh
Poetry is one of the ancient arts, and it began as did all the fine arts, within the original wilderness of the earth.
Mary Oliver
My first biography written in ’73 was not ‘Journey To The Moon.’ It was ‘Return To Earth.’ Because for me, that was the more difficult task – disappointment.
Buzz Aldrin
Hope cannot be said to exist, nor can it be said not to exist. It is just like roads across the earth. For actually the earth had no roads to begin with, but when many men pass one way, a road is made.
Lu Xun
All the gold which is under or upon the earth is not enough to give in exchange for virtue.
It’s a horrible idea that God, this paragon of wisdom and knowledge, power, couldn’t think of a better way to forgive us our sins than to come down to Earth in his alter ego as his son and have himself hideously tortured and executed so that he could forgive himself.
Richard Dawkins
Therefore, having obtained the opportunity from these sources, I too began to consider the mobility of the earth.
Nicolaus Copernicus
Very near Auch, Lectoure, and Mirande, great fire will fall from the sky for three nights. A most stupendous and astonishing event will occur. Very soon afterwards, the earth will tremble.
The proper union of gin and vermouth is a great and sudden glory; it is one of the happiest marriages on earth, and one of the shortest lived.
Bernard DeVoto
With every drop of water you drink, every breath you take, you’re connected to the sea. No matter where on Earth you live. Most of the oxygen in the atmosphere is generated by the sea.
Sylvia Earle
I am only here on this earth for a short period of time, like the rest of the country and citizens, and I want the time that I spend here on earth to matter.
Logan Browning
You don’t see any borders between countries from space. That’s man-made, and one experiences it only when you return to Earth.
Sunita Williams
We think the whole world’s going to change, and forget that human beings are still human beings; we have the same five senses, we still interact the same way, we still love and hate the same way, but marketers lose track of that. But then it comes down to earth.
Michael K. Powell
Even with all our technology and the inventions that make modern life so much easier than it once was, it takes just one big natural disaster to wipe all that away and remind us that, here on Earth, we’re still at the mercy of nature.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
If the relationship of father to son could really be reduced to biology, the whole earth would blaze with the glory of fathers and sons.
James Baldwin
The highest service that men may attain to on earth is

The highest service that men may attain to on earth is to preach the word of God. This service falls peculiarly to priests, and therefore, God more directly demands it of them.
John Wycliffe
Without the oceans there would be no life on Earth.
Peter Benchley
Surely the immutable laws of the universe can teach more impressive and exalted lessons than the holy books of all the religions on earth.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Jupiter, a world far larger than Earth, is so warm that it currently radiates more internal heat than it receives from the Sun.
Seth Shostak
The care of the Earth is our most ancient and most worthy, and after all our most pleasing responsibility. To cherish what remains of it and to foster its renewal is our only hope.
Wendell Berry
Nobody on Earth does a project by himself. So you have to make sure your team is intact.
If you have a chance to accomplish something that will make things better for people coming behind you, and you don’t do that, you are wasting your time on this earth.
Roberto Clemente
Spring has returned. The Earth is like a child that knows poems.
Rainer Maria Rilke
Take away love and our earth is a tomb.
Robert Browning
Donald Trump is a lost soul wandering this Earth. He’s been led down the Willy Loman path and believes his own hype. He’s serving his little self and his little ego; otherwise, why would he need to overcompensate so much?
Andrew Garfield
If people want to believe that our ancestors were riding around on dinosaurs or that the protracted, increasing, and devastating warming of the Earth is just nature doing its thing – I guess I feel I have more useful battles to fight.
Michael Specter
I feel like a tree. A tree doesn’t feel a duty to start doing something about the earth from which it comes. A tree just has to bear fruit, and leaves and blossoms. It doesn’t feel grateful to the earth.
Abbas Kiarostami
And, obviously as a, as one who likes to travel around myself a lot, I think the Earth is a beautiful place. And, I’m looking forward to some new perspectives.
Duane G. Carey
You need to live in a dome initially, but over time you could terraform Mars to look like Earth and eventually walk around outside without anything on… So it’s a fixer-upper of a planet.
Elon Musk
Coffee connects us in so many ways – to each other, to our senses, and to the earth that supports the coffee trees.
Rohan Marley
The pagan loves the earth in order to enjoy it and confine himself within it; the Christian in order to make it purer and draw from it the strength to escape from it.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Of all celestial bodies within reach or view, as far as we can see, out to the edge, the most wonderful and marvellous and mysterious is turning out to be our own planet earth. There is nothing to match it anywhere, not yet anyway.
Lewis Thomas
I am utterly in love with my son and my boyfriend and live in the most magical place on Earth. I’ve been in Norway for ten months now and I have loved every minute of it.
Rebecca Loos
If we do not permit the earth to produce beauty and joy, it will in the end not produce food, either.
Joseph Wood Krutch
The artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over the place: from the sky, from the earth, from a scrap of paper, from a passing shape, from a spider’s web.
Pablo Picasso
You could cover the whole earth with asphalt, but sooner or later green grass would break through.
Ilya Ehrenburg
I went on to Harvard and got very interested in computers and studying the earth’s landscape.
Jack Dangermond
I remember my first day at grammar school, being the only person who was me. Everybody else was like everybody else, and there I was, tanned, in a freezing cold playground in the middle of Middlesbrough, wondering what on earth I was doing there.
Chris Rea
We do not realize what we have on Earth until we leave it.
Jim Lovell
My goal? To test out every diet and exercise regimen on planet earth and figure out which work best. I sweated, I cooked, I learned to pole dance. In the end, I lost weight, lowered my cholesterol and doubled my energy level. I feel better than I ever have.
A. J. Jacobs
I’ve seen zero evidence of any nation on Earth other than Mexico even remotely having the slightest clue what Mexican food is about or even come close to reproducing it. It is perhaps the most misunderstood country and cuisine on Earth.
Anthony Bourdain
The earth is the very quintessence of the human condition.
Hannah Arendt
We have ground for believing that a noble form of socialism existed among the prehistoric and primitive people on this planet, the people that broke into restless groups after the ancient Deluge and went wandering over the globe. For we find a socialist tendency in all the barbaric tribes of earth.
Edwin Markham
I started EWF because I had a vision, and music was playing in my head that I wanted to bring through. What I had in mind was exactly what Earth, Wind & Fire became.
Maurice White
I believe in my race, colour. I never felt inferior to anyone. Maybe that’s why the folks who made me feel that way, may think Vivian Richards is the most arrogant guy on earth, but no. I bat for human beings, equal rights.
Viv Richards
The human brain is probably one of the most complex single objects on the face of the earth; I think it is, quite honestly.
Bill Viola
Opinion has caused more trouble on this little earth th

Opinion has caused more trouble on this little earth than plagues or earthquakes.
Pennies do not come from heaven. They have to be earned here on earth.
Margaret Thatcher
I was brought up on a farm in Southwest France, eating farm-fresh produce three times a day. It was paradise on Earth, and it shaped my eating habits and my sense of taste.
Alain Ducasse
Just under the surface I shall be, all together at first, then separate and drift, through all the earth and perhaps in the end through a cliff into the sea, something of me. A ton of worms in an acre, that is a wonderful thought, a ton of worms, I believe it.
Samuel Beckett
The only wealth in this world is children, more than all the money, power on earth.
Mario Puzo
A babe in the house is a well-spring of pleasure, a messenger of peace and love, a resting place for innocence on earth, a link between angels and men.
Martin Farquhar Tupper
Everywhere, everywhere, children are the scorned people of the earth.
Toni Morrison
Man’s sin is in his failure to live what he is. Being the master of the earth, man forgets that he is the servant of God.
Abraham Joshua Heschel
The Bible says that Christians are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. On the job, in the grocery store, even among unsaved friends and family members, God’s people are there to bring seasoning to an unsavory situation.
Joyce Meyer
Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books.
John Lubbock
The poker player learns that sometimes both science and common sense are wrong; that the bumblebee can fly; that, perhaps, one should never trust an expert; that there are more things in Heaven and Earth than are dreamt of by those with an academic bent.
David Mamet
Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you get neither.
C. S. Lewis
You probably don’t need more weapons than what’s required to destroy every city on earth. There’s only 2,300 cities. So, the United States, by that criteria, only needs 2,300 nuclear weapons – well, we’ve got more than 25,000!
Carl Sagan
God of peace, bring your peace to our violent world: peace in the hearts of all men and women and peace among the nations of the Earth.
Pope Benedict XVI
I felt obligated to change music to art, the same way that Galileo proved the Earth was round to the world and that the Sun did not stand still.
Phil Spector
My mother is the most incredible woman on this entire Earth, and she’s so giving and loving and sweet and she always raised me how to forgive and forget and move on. She’s the catalyst behind it all, my mom is. And I’m 100% a momma’s boy!
Brody Jenner
No money on earth can buy the love and affection that has been given to me by a grateful nation.
Abdul Qadeer Khan
When I get a chance to play golf or go on a boat with good people, take the boat out and put some lobsters on the grill, get the ice-cold beer and the cigars – that’s heaven here on earth.
Bernie Mac
Democracy, pure democracy, has at least its foundation in a generous theory of human rights. It is founded on the natural equality of mankind. It is the cornerstone of the Christian religion. It is the first element of all lawful government upon earth.
John Quincy Adams
We owe at least this much to future generations, from whom we have borrowed a fragile planet called Earth.
Maurice Strong
I have long known that it is part of God’s plan for me to spend a little time with each of the most stupid people on earth.
Bill Bryson
God put me on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I am so far behind that I will never die.
Bill Watterson
Humans are vulnerable and rely on the kindnesses of the earth and the sun; we exist together in a sacred field of meaning.
Joy Harjo
I do not know that any writer has supposed that on this earth man will ultimately be able to live without food.
Thomas Malthus
Water is at the center of every chemical reaction, and therefore should be the earth’s most precious gift.
Janine Benyus
Here is the test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: if you’re alive, it isn’t.
Richard Bach
Beethoven can write music, thank God, but he can do nothing else on earth.
Ludwig van Beethoven
Happiness exists on earth, and it is won through prudent exercise of reason, knowledge of the harmony of the universe, and constant practice of generosity.
Jose Marti
Singing is a way of escaping. It’s another world. I’m no longer on earth.
Edith Piaf
I’ve always been attracted to women who are assertive and have confidence – qualities older women possess. They’ve been on the Earth a little longer. They’re more seasoned. They don’t play games. They know what they want, and they’re not afraid to tell you.
Taye Diggs
Purity and simplicity are the two wings with which man soars above the earth and all temporary nature.
Thomas a Kempis
You don't live on the Earth you want, you live on the E

You don’t live on the Earth you want, you live on the Earth you have.
Jeff Rich
When a man undertakes to create something, he establishes a new heaven, as it were, and from it the work that he desires to create flows into him… For such is the immensity of man that he is greater than heaven and earth.
Brethren, let us mind our own business – that is, the calling the Lord has called us to – to do everything we can to promote the good of the Cause of Truth, and never ask how big we are, or inquire who we are; but let it be, ‘What can I do to build up the Kingdom of God upon the Earth?’
Brigham Young
It’s much more likely that an asteroid will strike the Earth and annihilate life as we know it than AI will turn evil.
Oren Etzioni
I’m the audience’s representative on earth.
Michael Caine
To dance is to be out of yourself. Larger, more beautiful, more powerful. This is power, it is glory on earth and it is yours for the taking.
Agnes de Mille
Why should blacks feel elated about seeing men walk on the moon when millions of poor blacks and whites don’t have enough money to buy food to eat on earth?
Marion Barry
So I saw many planets, and they looked just a little bit brighter than they do from Earth.
Sally Ride
There is no power on earth that can neutralize the influence of a high, simple and useful life.
Booker T. Washington
Americans don’t want immigration. They don’t want any more. Why can’t we have a home? You see on ‘National Geographic,’ ‘Oh, the indigenous people, they have a home.’ Everyone else can have a home. We are the only people on Earth not allowed to have a home.
Ann Coulter
Prayer is our invitation to God to intervene in the affairs of earth. It is our request for Him to work His ways in this world.
Myles Munroe
You might get run over; you might get hit by lightning. I mean, who knows? Each day, there is a chance you might die. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Every living being on Earth is facing that same existential rift.
Alex Honnold
Most people don’t know that I’m down to earth until they meet me.
Stefflon Don
The earth has grown old with its burden of care, but at Christmas it always is young, the heart of the jewel burns lustrous and fair, and its soul full of music breaks the air, when the song of angels is sung.
Phillips Brooks
We must accept what science tells us, that man was born from the earth. But, more logical than the scientists who lecture us, we must carry this lesson to its conclusion: that is to say, accept that man was born entirely from the world – not only his flesh and bones but his incredible power of thought.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
We are not going to be able to operate our Spaceship Earth successfully nor for much longer unless we see it as a whole spaceship and our fate as common. It has to be everybody or nobody.
R. Buckminster Fuller