Top 640 Solve Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Solve Quotes from famous people such as Alan Guth, Adam Braun, Ry Cooder, T. J. Miller, Ahmed Zewail, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

From the time I was a student, I think I was very confi

From the time I was a student, I think I was very confident in my raw abilities. I would think that, given a problem, I was as likely to solve it as anybody. But that’s not enough in science to succeed, really.
Alan Guth
Global poverty is a complex web of interlinked problems. There is no one ‘silver bullet’ that will solve global inequality. Multiple contributing factors must be tackled in parallel. Yes, education alone is unlikely to lead to employment without economic reform to address the demand side in much of the developing world.
Adam Braun
Film work is a job I like to do because I really love to solve problems.
Ry Cooder
One of the exciting things about an entanglement puzzle is there’s no end to it. Once you solve how to take it apart, you have to solve how to put it back together.
T. J. Miller
Some leaders think time will solve the problem. Their hope is that Assad’s regime will ultimately fall from the heavy toll of the horrors it has spawned. From past experience with such regimes, this scenario is unlikely to happen.
Ahmed Zewail
My philosophy has always been to try to solve problems with a smile on my face.
Roberto Carlos
In general, when moviemakers talk to scientists, they usually see them as a resource to solve particular technical problems or script problems for them. So, something like: what sort of weaponry would aliens be able to wield?
Seth Shostak
Drilling in the refuge will not solve America’s energy problem. The Energy Department’s own figures show that drilling would not change gas prices by more than a penny a gallon, and this would be 20 years from now.
Lois Capps
At least from a national security standpoint, none of the problems the U.S. and U.K. face will become easier to solve if the U.K. is out of the E.U.; on the contrary, I fear that a ‘Brexit’ would only make our world even more dangerous and difficult to manage.
David Petraeus
It takes so long to train a physicist to the place where he understands the nature of physical problems that he is already too old to solve them.
Eugene Wigner
If you want to bring change to any field, beat away at a problem until you solve it.
Leslie Dewan
The NBA is a job. Just like any other job complaining about opportunity doesn’t solve anything. The only thing you can do is control what you can control, and when you are at peace with the work you put in then you don’t have any regrets and that’s truly the main thing about this journey.
Spencer Dinwiddie
The film industry functions on fraternal feelings. If there is a problem, we solve it in-house.
Sanjay Leela Bhansali
The realization is dawning that government doesn’t work. In Silicon Valley, they already get this. And they are bright enough to be asking what we can do to solve problems.
Rand Paul
Ever since I was a kid – growing up in a small town in Iowa, going to Chapel Hill for college and then to the Bay Area – I’ve been interested in how communities come together to solve their differences. And I’ve always been drawn to politics and social change.
Harrison Barnes
The slogan ‘press on’ has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.
Calvin Coolidge
No one can solve an issue where there is no economic model yet.
Barry Diller
As grateful as we are for all the work the community health centers do, it is also important that we recognize that they cannot solve the health care crisis facing our Nation by themselves.
Jan Schakowsky
I believe that free-market principles will solve our healthcare problems.
Rick Scott
As a former EPA administrator under a Republican president, I recognize that it is easy to hate regulations in general. After all, regulatory action causes people to spend money or change behavior, often to solve problems they do not believe exist.
Christine Todd Whitman
I don’t think it is so difficult to solve the problems between Cuba and the United States; it all depends on whether there is a dialogue, a discussion, or if the prejudices and hatred of people like the extremists and terrorists from the Cuban community, who try to impose their policies, prevail.
Fidel Castro
I see every book as a problem that you have to solve. That is what dictates the form you use. It’s not that you say, ‘I want to write a science fiction book.’ You start from the other end, and what you have to say dictates the form of it.
Doris Lessing
Non-profits should be looking to enlist and retain the best people to aggressively solve problems, not to perform adequately and persist. We should expect people to innovate and do the highest-quality work and then reward them accordingly.
Andrew Yang
Man is the only animal for whom his own existence is a problem which he has to solve.
Erich Fromm
I want to show two things. One, that Democrats can solve big problems and get things done. And two, that as a public official, you can make tough choices, do the right things for the right reasons, and upset some people. And still get elected.
Gina Raimondo
While it can be overwhelming to realize how many problems there are to solve in the world, it’s always inspiring to see so many talented people willing to spend their time and energy in hopes of making a difference.
Joe Lonsdale
I grew up in an environment where it was permittable to use violence to solve a problem. But it was not permittable ever to call the police under any circumstances. That was the kind of doctrine of my household. My dad was a career-long criminal, and you weren’t calling the police for any reason.
Charlie Hunnam
We will learn together how to solve the problems of the country.
Nestor Kirchner
It will not be possible to solve the current crisis with euro bonds.
Angela Merkel
I’m beyond the point of thinking I’m powerful enough to solve my own problems.
Scott Weiland
I think probably the moments of failure have been when I didn’t really understand that other people were around to actually help me. There were moments when I thought I had to solve everything on my own, and I didn’t realize that I had resources.
Joanna Coles
If there was genuine desire on the Israeli side, even w

If there was genuine desire on the Israeli side, even without a solution, it would be possible to solve a large percentage of the problems between Israelis and Palestinians by means of simple statements from the Israelis.
Sayed Kashua
Every game gives you a new challenge, and new problems to solve.
Ander Herrera
We all agreed that violence begets violence, and you can’t solve issues with more violence.
James Wan
If you have a problem, you have to recognize it and solve it.
Mauricio Macri
It was Apollo 8 that first showed us the tiny blue marble of Earth floating in the void of space, one of the great psychological shifts in human history. From out there, we can both appreciate and begin to solve the problems of our world in ways unavailable to us otherwise.
Rick Tumlinson
Psychiatrists don’t solve anything from one day to the next.
Victoria Abril
I like to work with people that I like hanging out with, that I admire, that are really smart and talented, and we can problem solve together.
Tom Cruise
If we are to successfully build a socialist civilized country, which our people are desirous of, and ultimately solve the rural question, we should step up the cultural revolution in the countryside.
Kim Jong-un
There’s nothing in Keynesian economics that would allow you to solve stagflation. But there’s nothing in neoclassical economics that would allow you to solve stagflation, either.
Paul Samuelson
A coach needs time to get to know the players, the environment, the fans and the culture of the club. You can’t solve everything in one or two months.
Fabio Cannavaro
Intelligence is the ability to solve problems, and consciousness is the ability to feel things and have subjective experiences.
Yuval Noah Harari
Digital Asset has a talented team and technology that is uniquely positioned to solve challenging settlement issues facing global financial institutions.
Blythe Masters
When we see something as a problem, we have to try and solve it and the best way is generally through education.
Chris Hughton
Seize the moment of excited curiosity on any subject to solve your doubts; for if you let it pass, the desire may never return, and you may remain in ignorance.
William Wirt
Part of the challenge of being an entrepreneur, if you’re going for a really huge opportunity, is trying to find problems that aren’t quite on the radar yet and try to solve those.
Sean Parker
Our position is that we do not accept conditions of any kind which may affect the independence and sovereignty of our country just with the view to solve economic problems existing between the United States and Cuba.
Fidel Castro
Common sense tells us that the government’s attempts to solve large problems more often create new ones. Common sense also tells us that a top-down, one-size-fits-all plan will not improve the workings of a nationwide health-care system that accounts for one-sixth of our economy.
Sarah Palin
In the long run, with profits from piracy greater than international finance mobilised to solve the problem, we can expect piracy to increase geographically and in sophistication.
Peter Middlebrook
As Governor, I’ve worked to solve problems the New Hampshire way – bringing together Democrats, Republicans and Independents to help hard-working Granite Staters adapt to our changing economy so that everyone has the opportunity to get ahead and stay ahead.
Maggie Hassan
When you attack a problem as though it were solvable, even though you don’t know how to solve it, you will be shocked with what you come up with. It’s 100 times more worth it. It’s never 100 times harder.
Astro Teller
In science, one should use all available resources to solve difficult problems. One of our most powerful resources is the insight of our colleagues.
Peter Agre
When you can’t solve the problem, manage it.
Robert H. Schuller
We don’t have any intention whatsoever to use military force to solve the Palestinian problem. But when it comes to terror – when it comes to terror, I believe that military – the right military steps is a very, very complicated kind of warfare, where I make every effort not to escalate the situation.
Ariel Sharon
We need a lot more technically literate people. The computers are the tools that are going to solve essentially all problems, and the people who can use them better will be more effective.
Tobias Lutke
There really is no shortcut just because you have a name, or you have some kind of access or some way you can solve all the problems. And I think one of the things I learned with FUBU, you have to understand that there’s really only two ways of operating a business: more sales, or lower overhead.
Daymond John
I’ve always been a collaborator. For me, it’s, ‘What’s the issue I’m trying to solve? Who are the people we need to bring around the table to solve it?’
Catherine Cortez-Masto
We have an obligation at the local level to do everything we can with the resources we have. And we do those things. But we’re never going to solve homelessness – not here in Portland, not here in any major city in America – if we keep assuming that it is purely a local issue.
Ted Wheeler
Learning to distinguish the illegal immigrant from the legal immigrant does not solve the problem of illegal immigration.
Jan C. Ting
It’s very difficult to solve a lot of problems from the top down.
Megan Smith
It’s rare that you can solve a technology problem with more technology.
Hilary Mason
Hundreds of investors ask me questions each year about the dilemmas they confront. Their worst problem? Uncertainty. They are traumatized and become emotional or confused to the state of inaction. Even worse, they try to solve a short-term problem in a way that hurts them financially in the long run.
Kenneth Fisher
I think it is absolutely correct to solve the problem o

I think it is absolutely correct to solve the problem of terrorism in Iraq and Syria and Libya.
Matteo Renzi
The basic idea of Games With a Purpose is that we are taking a problem that computers cannot yet solve, and we are getting people to solve it for us while they are playing a game.
Luis von Ahn
You know, I’m a father. I’m a brother. I’m a son. And I’m a grandfather. So many times I have to be the intermediary, the person to referee and help solve disputes and to protect and to guide.
Ruben Santiago-Hudson
Short of a space-alien invasion or an Oklahoma tornado, there is almost no problem that a democracy can tackle in a year. But that isn’t why we have a government. We have a government to solve the problems that greedy, short-sighted businessmen like me can’t.
Glenn Kelman
I was just taught very early that if I didn’t solve problems, I was headed for a very dark path. Problems were everywhere. Now, even if there are no problems, I look for problems. I’m like, ‘You know what? I don’t like the way this spoon works. I want to design a new spoon.’
Homaro Cantu
My imagination ran 24/7, and to me, every problem was a challenge to solve and new product to create. It wasn’t until I started teaching that I realized that not everyone’s head worked the same way.
Steve Blank
MySpace is like a bar, Facebook is like the BBQ you have in your back yard with friends and family, play games, share pictures. Facebook is much better for sharing than MySpace. LinkedIn is the office, how you stay up to date, solve professional problems.
Reid Hoffman
Americans are calling for a return to common sense in how we solve problems and how the people communicate with their government.
Phil Gingrey
When you have a problem, rules don’t solve your problem. It’s caring and education.
Jim Brown
I do believe that in order to be a successful negotiator that as a diplomat, you have to be able to put yourself into the other person’s shoes. Unless you can understand what is motivating them, you are never going to be able to figure out how to solve a particular problem.
Madeleine Albright
If the Iraqis fail to implement the reforms, if they fail to get a handle on the violence, there’s nothing the United States can do, militarily or otherwise, that can solve those problems. They have to assume the primary responsibility to govern themselves.
Leon Panetta
It is incredibly powerful if you solve the problem you actually have yourself. It’s really tough to develop a good product when you don’t have very close proximity to the people who actually use your product. The closest proximity you can have to those people is to be that person.
Tobias Lutke
When I was first thinking about what would become Venture for America, I was trying to figure out how to solve a problem – that our top young people were being driven to roles that did not, to me, address the needs of our time. That VFA would be a non-profit just seemed like the most efficient way to solve the problem.
Andrew Yang
I see a future in which nature gives us a helping hand. Instead of destroying the natural world, why can’t we use it to solve the kinds of problems that we are facing?
Frances Arnold
I mean, I’m a big believer in talking to people when you can and trying to solve problems when you can.
Hillary Clinton
A lot of the evangelicals supporting Donald Trump aren’t expecting that he’s going to start holding Bible studies in the Oval Office. They just want somebody who’s going to solve problems.
Robert Jeffress
I wanted to solve every real estate problem with software.
Glenn Kelman
I have felt that there’s a lot of receptiveness to female stories now. I think some of it has a little bit – a lot of it is economically driven and driven by, just, kind of studios wanting to check that box because now they know they have a woman problem that they need to solve.
Susanna Fogel
It’s a sad commentary when children feel they can talK to a stranger better than their own parents and ask him to solve their personal problems.
Lorne Greene
It must be possible to solve the task of controlling nature and yet simultaneously create a new freedom.
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
I do not support the idea of defunding police departments. I believe that it does nothing to solve the root problems we must address and it makes our communities less safe.
Mikie Sherrill
I do not want to put U.S. companies in a position where their competitors are behaving in a way that is inconsistent with the way they are required to behave. That is neither fair, nor will it solve the problem.
Mike Pompeo
My goal is to have a simple lottery to help our people and solve a decades old problem dealing with our general fund, particularly Medicaid. Let us solve this together and allow the people in your district the right to be a part of the process with a vote.
Robert J. Bentley
I think with a lot of filmmakers, their first film is their best film because they had to think on their feet and solve problems with ingenuity.
Peter Dinklage
Always make the choice to learn. What Princeton taught me was whatever mess you are studying, pull a thread with great persistence ’til you have clarity of thought. Princeton taught me how to solve a problem. How to think – that’s what we pull out of this place.
Maria Ressa
One of the things that inspires me about working for Google is that when we solve a problem here, we can get that used by one million or even a billion people. That is very motivating as a computer scientist.
Jeff Dean
We’re on our own on spaceship Earth. So we have to solve our own problems.
Sandra Faber
Some people argue we should solve all the problems on Earth before going off the planet, but that’s like telling Lewis and Clark to stay put until the rest of the East was settled. No way.
Vint Cerf
Judgments that give an impression that we can disregard the Constitution for political expediency, or to solve what we regard as current problems, set a dangerous precedence which will make it difficult to govern in future or to make ordinary citizens to abide by the Constitution.
Jacob Zuma
As for me, I want to have fun while I’m working. Now not everyone thinks physics is fun, but I do. I think experimental physics is especially fun, because not only do you get to solve puzzles about the universe or on Earth, there are really cool toys in the lab.
Donna Strickland
My career was always about working with people, and understanding issues and problems and helping them to solve those issues and problems. How you deal with people – that’s what diplomacy is all about. So while I’m not a career diplomat, many of the skills I had seemed to directly translate into the diplomatic arena.
John Roos
If I could create a world where people lived forever, o

If I could create a world where people lived forever, or at the very least a few billion years, I would do so. I don’t think humanity will always be stuck in the awkward stage we now occupy, when we are smart enough to create enormous problems for ourselves, but not quite smart enough to solve them.
Eliezer Yudkowsky
We can all agree that government can’t solve the obesity crisis alone. It’s an ongoing issue that will require a collaborative effort across private and public sectors if we want to see some long-term success.
Marcus Samuelsson
A lot of the lyrics I write involve images that just swing the song in a way that feels really good to me and there isn’t a literal explanation. They’re not riddles for the listener to solve.
Matt Berninger
‘Generation Food’ is a collaboration between myself and author/activist Raj Patel that will tell stories about efforts around the world to try to solve the food crisis – through a documentary, a book, a website and mobile apps.
Steve James
This is a tricky domain because, unlike simple arithmetic, to solve a calculus problem – and in particular to perform integration – you have to be smart about which integration technique should be used: integration by partial fractions, integration by parts, and so on.
Marvin Minsky
Liberals like using government to solve problems in OUR country and conservatives are using our government to solve problems in OTHER countries.
Matthew Lesko
We are built to conquer environment, solve problems, achieve goals, and we find no real satisfaction or happiness in life without obstacles to conquer and goals to achieve.
Maxwell Maltz
Security is, I would say, our top priority because for all the exciting things you will be able to do with computers – organizing your lives, staying in touch with people, being creative – if we don’t solve these security problems, then people will hold back.
Bill Gates
A feeling I got from working at Google was that technology could solve any problem. Yes, it’s fantastic, but what I realized later was there’s technology, and there’s people. Google had its list ordered: Technology. People. And I think the right order is: People. Technology.
Biz Stone
I’m Irish and always will be, but America has taught me so much. Maybe it’s here in the U.S. that we find a healing, for in the broader melting pot we get to look at some of these self-destructive attributes that we bring to bear upon our own quarrels and begin to solve them in ways other than just splitting apart.
Fionnula Flanagan
For many people, being asked to solve their own retirement savings problems is like being asked to build their own cars.
Richard Thaler
If you think technology can solve your security problems, then you don’t understand the problems and you don’t understand the technology.
Bruce Schneier
If you think about the actual problems we are facing – all the crises – we have the means to solve these crises. The past has shown us we are able to do things we never imagined we would be able to do.
Neil Turok
We hope to contribute to bringing the country together as it relates to things like inclusion. But we hope to help other – solve other problems, too, if we’re asked.
Doug McMillon
Post 10th grade, I came to the northern half of the country. I realized that the usual education did not excite me at all because I felt how will understanding trajectory motions in chemistry help me solve real-life problems?
Ritesh Agarwal
Yet it looks as if the thing we use to solve our problems with is the source of our problems. It’s like going to the doctor and having him make you ill. In fact, in 20% of medical cases we do apparently have that going on. But in the case of thought, its far over 20%.
David Bohm
I mean, dear old ‘Bergerac’, or dear young ‘Bergerac’ as he was then, he had a gammy leg, he was going through a nasty divorce with his wife, he was a recovering alcoholic, it’s a wonder he can get up in the morning let alone solve any crimes. And he also had to drive that ridiculous car.
John Nettles
As a Democrat from Illinois, as a member of Congress who believes in and admires President Obama, it genuinely pains me to say that the facts show that this president has done no more to solve our immigration crisis than George W. Bush.
Luis Gutierrez
We want every human being in the womb to be safe, not have these babies be killed to solve some dilemma.
Randall Terry
Producing is the hardest of the three because there is almost no closure. Every time you solve a problem, another one pops up. Directing is second, and acting is the most fun.
Henry Winkler
To be clear, geoengineering won’t solve global warming. It’s not a ‘techno-fix.’ It would be enormously risky and almost certainly lead to troubling unforeseen consequences.
Jamais Cascio
I don’t have any hobbies. You know, I’m very embarrassed when people ask me what are my hobbies; I don’t have any hobbies. I mean, it’s just enough to keep up with the things I’m trying to solve.
Irwin Rose
A movement only takes form from that first act. Exploring a curiosity, or a real passion, and being motivated by a desire to solve something – that’s really the best way.
Reshma Saujani
Journalists were at the forefront. From the Civil War until the early 1900s, nothing was being done to solve the problems of the Industrial Age.
Doris Kearns Goodwin
Social Security’s not the hard one to solve. Medicare, that is the gorilla in the room, and you’ve got to put all of it on the table.
Joe Biden
If you’re a white candidate, it is twice as important for you to be talking about racial inequity and not just describing the problem – which is fashionable in politics – but actually talking about what we’re going to do about it and describing the outcomes we’re trying to solve for.
Pete Buttigieg
The genesis of a poem for me is usually a cluster of words. The only good metaphor I can think of is a scientific one: dipping a thread into a supersaturated solution to induce crystal formation. I don’t think I solve problems in my poetry; I think I uncover the problems.
Margaret Atwood
Getting angry doesn’t solve anything.
Grace Kelly
The best episodes of ‘The West Wing’ that dealt with policy and stuff, in my opinion, were the ones where they were in the middle of a crisis, and they were trying to figure out how to solve problems.
Michael Schur
We have to educate our communities about the immigration system and dispel the myths that have been fed to us. Immigration isn’t going to go away. A wall isn’t going to ‘solve’ the issue.
Diane Guerrero
Just because there is a problem doesn’t mean that we have to solve it, if the cure is going to be more expensive than the original ailment.
Bjorn Lomborg
I can't solve the world's problems, can't even begin to

I can’t solve the world’s problems, can’t even begin to contemplate them all. But on my little corner of Earth, I at least can try to live in a way that treads lightly.
John Grogan
If you wish to reflect credit upon your parents, accomplish more than they did, solve problems that they could not understand, and build better than they knew.
Robert Green Ingersoll
Only the supernatural love of God through changed lives can solve the problems that we face in our world.
Billy Graham
A lot of people are giving up on politics and thinking they can solve issues with technology. These kind of arrogant behaviors towards the rest of the society are a bit disgusting.
Peter Sunde
Those of us who are in the centre believe in opening up to the world, believe migration on balance is a good thing if it is managed properly, and believe that multilateralism is the best way to solve problems.
Leo Varadkar
So I think that is one of the reasons we can face some regional problems, which are very difficult, very dramatic and is necessary to have instruments to solve these problems. NATO is such instrument.
Aleksander Kwasniewski
A one-size-fits-all approach will not solve our complex border problems.
Will Hurd
Most science fiction is about white men who are 25 to 30, who are very smart, who face a physical problem and solve it.
Joe Haldeman
Mitt Romney has spent his entire life finding ways to solve problems.
Mitch McConnell
Whenever there is a big difficulty, I don’t make excuses. Instead, I say I will solve it even if everybody leaves.
Masayoshi Son
What do lawyers learn in law school? They learn to win… What we’ve got to start thinking about is how do we solve problems.
Ben Carson
I dream of the realization of the unity of Africa, whereby its leaders combine in their efforts to solve the problems of this continent. I dream of our vast deserts, of our forests, of all our great wildernesses.
Nelson Mandela
Technology will definitely solve all our problems, but in the process it will create brand new ones. But that’s O.K. because the most you can expect from life is to get to solve better and better problems.
Scott Adams
The thing is, getting rid of racism is a cultural thing that takes decades. It’s not something we can solve immediately. Structural changes have to happen in our culture.
Shervin Pishevar
I think war is based in greed and there are huge karmic retributions that will follow. I think war is never the answer to solving any problems. The best way to solve problems is to not have enemies.
Sheryl Crow
Investigation may be likened to the long months of pregnancy, and solving a problem to the day of birth. To investigate a problem is, indeed, to solve it.
Mao Zedong
Engineers like to solve problems. If there are no problems handily available, they will create their own problems.
Scott Adams
The extraordinary genius of John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie 100 years ago was their recognition that the great wealth they had amassed could be put to public good and used to solve the complex problems for which there were no other sources of capital.
Judith Rodin
When things go badly, individuals look for scapegoats. I just do not believe that barbed-wire fences or guns on our border will solve any of our problems.
Ron Paul
The rewards for biotechnology are tremendous – to solve disease, eliminate poverty, age gracefully. It sounds so much cooler than Facebook.
George M. Church
There is no question that global warming will have a significant impact on already existing problems such as malaria, malnutrition, and water shortages. But this doesn’t mean the best way to solve them is to cut carbon emissions.
Bjorn Lomborg
Let’s create a regime that makes sale of bullets to anybody not licensed to carry a gun illegal, makes resale illegal, micro-stamps bullets so they can be traced. No Second Amendment issues here. This would have a remarkable impact on both violence and the capacity to solve shooting crimes.
Eliot Spitzer
I’ve always been interested in forensics and the way they solve things.
Leslie Jordan
We cannot pretend that Messi will solve all the problems. He cannot carry everything on his shoulders.
Mario Kempes
You may not always have a comfortable life and you will not always be able to solve all of the world’s problems at once but don’t ever underestimate the importance you can have because history has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own.
Michelle Obama
Our country needs help, and I think the best way to help the country is to bring new energy, new ideas, and new leaders to solve the problems.
Eric Swalwell
The imperfections in my family made me learn to deal with things on my own and solve problems for myself.
Larry Drake
If you put one model in a show or in an ad campaign, that doesn’t solve the problem. We need teachers in universities. We need internships. We need people of different ethnic backgrounds in all parts of the industry. That really is the solution: you have to change it from the inside.
Edward Enninful
The mistake is to think that clever technology can solve everything, but it can’t solve our relationship with nature, which is where I think it’s gone wrong in that we have somehow abandoned our proper connection with nature.
Prince Charles
Anger does not solve problems – anger only makes things worse. I go by the old saying, ‘Don’t make important decisions when you’re angry.’
Lionel Sosa
I remember having this vague idea that what mathematicians did was that some authority, someone, gave them problems to solve, and they just sort of solved them.
Terence Tao
Reagonomics - a blend of monetarism and fiscal Keynesia

Reagonomics – a blend of monetarism and fiscal Keynesianism swathed in classical liberal and supply-side rhetoric – is in no way going to solve the problem of inflationary depression or of the business cycle.
Murray Rothbard
I like to solve problems. I know it is a skill set, but it’s also an obligation. I grew up with parents who believe that you don’t simply complain: you try to find solutions and fix what’s in front of you.
Stacey Abrams
The real questions are: Does it solve a problem? Is it serviceable? How is it going to look in ten years?
Charles Eames
I wrote ‘Monster’ and thought that it would solve a lot of my problems, that I’d have money in the bank, but I felt no different. I was still searching for something.
Jon Bellion
There are two real keys to winning. You’ve got to have good players: no coach won with bad players. You win with good players. That is number one. Number two is, when we are playing, let’s say we are playing Michigan, and they had a really good press: we’ve got to solve that press.
Bobby Knight
We cannot solve life’s problems except by solving them.
M. Scott Peck
I set up a laboratory in the Department of Physiology in the Medical School in South Africa and begin to try to find a bacteriophage system which we might use to solve the genetic code.
Sydney Brenner
When I applied to law school, I wrote on my application that I wanted to do two things. One was to solve antitrust law’s irregularities and problems, and the second was to solve the Arab-Israeli conflict.
Daniel Lubetzky
Every election, a presidential candidate inevitably proposes a new cabinet agency. The idea is that this is the only way to solve a particular problem. Just create more government.
Christopher Buckley
New Hampshire is moving in the right direction because we have shown time and time again that we can work across the aisle to solve problems.
Maggie Hassan
When you solve big, hard problems, problems that fundamentally improve how an industry works, financial returns follow, giving you resources to do more of the same.
Joe Lonsdale
My mum was a quintessential businesswoman. She taught me problem-solving. She can solve any problem.
Obiageli Ezekwesili
Football is an extraordinarily popular sport, and the whole game is played around this issue. The whole makeup of the game involves these subconcussive hits. I don’t know how they’re going to solve that problem. I don’t think they know how they’re going to solve that problem.
Ann McKee
Whether you were talking about Pillsbury, Burger King, Godfather’s, the National Restaurant Association, in each one of those situations, I had a daunting problem that I had to solve. And I used the same business principles to approach the problem and, more importantly, solve the problem in every one of the situations.
Herman Cain
You know they’ve come to this point where they want to blame climate change for quite literally everything now, and sorry, but the Green New Deal is not going to solve that.
Dan Crenshaw
I’ve always thought that guns are a cowardly tool in the hands of men and women trying to solve problems with each other. And cowardly in the hands of filmmakers. It’s taken so lightly in films.
Derek Cianfrance
I struggled with depression when I was in high school, and I remember thinking that if I got a record deal and got a hit song, that it would solve all those problems for me.
Mike Posner
Everybody is sitting around saying, ‘Well, jeez, we need somebody to solve this problem of bias.’ That somebody is us. We all have to try to figure out a better way to get along.
Wilma Mankiller
I think governments will increasingly be tempted to rely on Silicon Valley to solve problems like obesity or climate change because Silicon Valley runs the information infrastructure through which we consume information.
Evgeny Morozov
Art will not solve your problems. It will not enable you to live merrily.
Robert Pinsky
There’s a growing sense among large corporations that to solve global problems like climate change, the responsibility can’t fall just on the government. The business community has to be a big piece of that.
William M. Daley
An there is always the question: is it really proven that retaliatory actions solve the security problem?.
Moshe Sharett
Our goal is to solve a problem for the retailer, not to solve a problem for my ego – which is big.
Harper Reed
The way to solve problems in the world is to become scientists and technologists and build things that haven’t been built before and discover things that people really don’t know about.
Rana el Kaliouby
The government doesn’t have to solve everyone’s problem here.
Paul Kurtz
Suicide doesn’t solve your problems. It only makes them infinitely, un-countably worse.
Sinead O’Connor
Trying to solve the mystery is what I enjoy most about writing.
Jon Ronson
When we sit and think about what the world needs to looks like in order for black lives to actually matter, there is a debate: What is going to make our communities safe? How do we deal with harm? How do we solve problems that come up in our communities?
Alicia Garza
The natural instinct is to join in the chorus of conflict, to make your voice louder, your point bigger, and your position stronger. But we will not solve the significant and real problems our country faces if we cannot bring ourselves to embrace a mindset of grace.
Betsy DeVos
Physicists are working on the Big Bang, and one day they may or may not solve it.
Richard Dawkins
I personally don’t believe we ought to be raising taxes or cutting spending, either one, until we get this economy off the ground. I’ll pay more, but it won’t solve the problem.
William J. Clinton
There is this notion that is quite popular in the envir

There is this notion that is quite popular in the environmental scene that every little bit helps, or ‘Think global, act local.’ I disagree with that. I think you have to start with how big the solution needs to be to solve the problem and then reason backward from there.
Boyan Slat
The primary goal of IoT is to solve business problems, not to deliver a cool project or new technology. Focus on a business-relevant problem, and work with your customer to solve it.
Maciej Kranz
Wasting brain power ruminating about things you can’t control drains mental energy quickly. The more you think about problems you can’t solve, the less energy you’ll have leftover for more productive endeavors.
Amy Morin
If God has made the world a perfect mechanism, He has at least conceded so much to our imperfect intellect that in order to predict little parts of it, we need not solve innumerable differential equations, but can use dice with fair success.
Max Born
In many parts of the world, a man’s accusing finger always finds a woman. But I think we need women to solve the problems that men create.
Khaled Hosseini
Artificial intelligence cannot solve the problem of not knowing what the hell you’re doing and not really caring one way or the other. It’s not a solution for shortsightedness and lack of transparency.
Sarah Jeong
One of the great constraints on economic growth and employment is that the tax and benefits system has grown up over generations and does not give the right incentives. Increasing the minimum wage does not solve this problem.
Jacob Rees-Mogg
Apple’s proven to be really good at taking what we’re capable of with technology and making it useful and solve human problems.
Evan Sharp
New Yorkers have real issues, and they deserve to have a mayor that is prepared to work with them to solve the challenges they have, reduce the problems that they have, and they deserve to have a mayor’s race that is focused on them.
Christine Quinn
It would be great if I had the ability to make people’s wishes come true and solve their problems.
Hwang Jung-eum
Money doesn’t solve anything.
Danny Drinkwater
As legal residents, immigrants would contribute more in taxes, spend more at our businesses, start companies of their own and create more jobs. Immigration is not a problem for us to solve but an opportunity for America to seize.
Jose Andres
I wanted to make enzymes that would solve human problems, not just problems for a cell that makes them.
Frances Arnold
We’re extremely appreciative of all the crime lab and other civilian personnel who help solve crimes and make Missouri safer.
Mike Parson
Look at the structure of the Gates Foundation and this idea that, rather than trying to solve these huge global problems through institutions with some kind of democracy and transparency baked into them, we’re just going to outsource it to benevolent billionaires.
Naomi Klein
You can’t get a job without experience and you can’t get experience until you have a job. Once you solve that problem you are home free.
Jack Buck
Google’s architectural model around broadband and services and so forth plays very well to the powerful devices and services Apple is doing. We’re a perfect back end to the problems that they’re trying to solve.
Eric Schmidt
Our job is not to retreat when times get tough. Our job is to solve the tough problems.
John Bel Edwards
The problems that I really like to solve are our cultural problems.
Larry Wall
The successful business executive can handle challenges and solve problems at a remarkable clip.
Zig Ziglar
I mean that the function of the police is to solve problems that have law-enforcement consequences in a way that is based on a genuine partnership with the neighborhood in both the venting of the problem and the discussion of the solution.
James Q. Wilson
Miscommunication is the number one cause of all problems; communication is your bridge to other people. Without it, there’s nothing. So when it’s damaged, you have to solve all these problems it creates.
Earl Sweatshirt
Well they do have a use, but we should never believe that any international conference is going to suddenly solve problems like the condition of the global environment.
Maurice Strong
Many Latino kids should become scientists because we need scientists all over the world from all different backgrounds. We have many tough problems, and we need everybody’s help to solve the problems.
Mario J. Molina
We value seriousness and willingness to solve problems.
Abhijit Banerjee
Yeah, computers are going to take over the programming business because they have become so fast recently that they can solve the Halting Problem in five seconds flat.
Craig Bruce
I hope we’ll be able to solve these problems before we leave.
Paul Erdos
We chose more freedom instead of more government. We chose the principles of our founding to solve the challenges of our time. We chose a special man to lead us in a special time. We chose Mitt Romney to lead our nation.
Marco Rubio
Nobody has trusted the Iranian government from day one, but the idea of just refusing to have any kind of talks is dangerous in the extreme. Every administration says at least that we’re trying to have talks between Israel and Palestine and solve the Middle East peace problem.
Douglas Brinkley
In reality drilling is the slowest, dirtiest, and most expensive way to solve our energy crisis.
Lois Capps
There are a lot of services trying to solve the information discovery problem, and no one has got it right yet.
Steve Chen
Well, I think everybody is frustrated by the finances o

Well, I think everybody is frustrated by the finances of the U.N. and the inability to solve problems of war and peace.
George H. W. Bush
We reinvent ourselves to solve a client’s problem. It’s more than just tweaking. It’s rethinking what your audience wants and needs. Isn’t that what great actors constantly do?
Merrie Spaeth
When I think about privacy on social media sites, there’s kind of the usual suspect problems, which doesn’t make them any less important or severe; it’s just we kind of know their shape, and we kind of know how we’re going to solve them.
Jonathan Zittrain
The universe is governed by science. But science tells us that we can’t solve the equations, directly in the abstract.
Stephen Hawking
Be grateful for what you have and stop complaining – it bores everybody else, does you no good, and doesn’t solve any problems.
Zig Ziglar
One of the things we must do to begin to solve our hate problem is to put down our metaphorical weapons, our defenses, our special interests – and be honest about the role that guns play in this culture of hate in America.
S.E. Cupp
When we go to the store, we bring home more than food – we bring home traces of broader environmental problems. But we can use our shopping carts and dinner plates to help solve some of those problems.
Frances Beinecke
In my books, women often solve the problem. Even if the woman is not the hero, she’s a strong character. She does change the plot. She’ll often rescue the male character from some situation.
Ken Follett
I could actually be somebody that, if you showed me new gun-control legislation could help solve this problem, I might actually be able to support something like that.
Dana Perino
I love science, and I believe in it. I have a faith that science can solve problems and make the world a better place.
Seth Berkley
Machines have the ability to assemble things faster than any human ever could, but humans possess the analytics, domain expertise, and valuable knowledge required to solve problems and optimize factory floor production.
Joe Kaeser
I don’t think any movie or any book or any work of art can solve the stalemate in the Middle East today. But it’s certainly worth a try.
Steven Spielberg
My comedy isn’t going to solve problems; I’m not that deep.
Gary Owens
We spend billions on international aid annually, but we don’t find ways to connect people to dignified work. I realized that if we don’t think about ways to harness private capital to solve problems, we’re leaving large amounts of money on the table and doing ourselves a disservice.
Leila Janah
There is no panic you can’t allay, no problem you can’t solve.
Lauren Weisberger
We want to move forward in a bipartisan fashion to solve our problems.
Dick Durbin
I wrote ‘The Blue Sweater’ to inspire more people to become engaged in working to solve the problems of global poverty.
Jacqueline Novogratz
I tend to jot down moments, lines, interactions that don’t really make any sense. I try and explain these scattered notes to my close friends, and they become more and more logical. I see screenwriting as a bit like a math equation which I have to solve.
Asghar Farhadi
From a very young age, militarism and trying to solve the world’s problems through militarism is something that has always resonated with me as being a bad idea.
Justin Sane
I had noticed that many of these successful people, historical and contemporary, shared certain common traits. They had a way of thinking that was exceptionally fluid; they could adapt to almost any circumstance; when confronted with problems, they could look at them from novel perspectives and solve them.
Robert Greene
I get intrigued by a puzzle, and writing a book is the best way to solve it.
Anthony Storr
My concern about Barack Obama is he ran a campaign in 2008 where he said we’re going to bring people together and solve big problems. And he specifically talked about the need to reach across the aisle and deal with issues like the economy, which was obviously the top issue in 2008. It has not happened.
Rob Portman
We have this idealized romanticism about how love might solve all of our problems, but then it doesn’t.
Lela Loren
I love leaving the door open to good ideas. I love the collaborative swirl. I get charged by problem-solving, usually under some kind of stress – the sun is going down, and we have eight minutes, and we have to solve it. Great things come out of it.
Ron Howard
In the euphoria after the Cold War, there was a misplaced notion that the UN could solve every problem anywhere.
Atal Bihari Vajpayee
We can’t solve the issues of homelessness without more housing.
London Breed
I believe in strong civil liberties and a government that intervenes if and only if there is a structural failure that private actions generally cannot solve.
Daryl Morey
Anyone can be a moral individual, concerned with human rights and problems; but only a college professor, a trained expert, can solve technical problems by ‘sophisticated’ methods. Ergo, it is only problems of the latter sort that are important or real.
Noam Chomsky
When government programs aren’t working, those on the Left tend to support more funding, while those on the Right want to scrap them altogether. It is better to ask whether the problem is complexity and poor design. We can solve those problems – sometimes without spending a penny.
Cass Sunstein
We must recognize that all the civil rights laws in the world are not going to solve the problem of minority underachievement. Ultimately, blacks and Hispanics are going to have to see that their solution is largely in their own hands.
Richard Lamm
The easiest way to solve a problem is to pick an easy one.
Franklin P. Jones
Everybody wants to solve everybody's problems.

Everybody wants to solve everybody’s problems.
Lara Flynn Boyle
It’s much more interesting to watch someone who is ill-equipped to solve their problem fight to solve their problem than wallow in the knowledge that they’re ill-equipped to solve their problems.
John Hawkes
Successful entrepreneurs are pretty methodical about the problem they’re trying to solve.
Neil Blumenthal
Bemoaning your fate is not going to solve the problem.
Frances Arnold
The criminal is trying to solve his immediate problems.
Naguib Mahfouz
By and large we have got to find the good leaders to work with to make sure that we build the strength in these communities. Simply issuing edicts from Canberra isn’t going to solve issues on the APY lands.
Jay Weatherill
When it comes to reforming the way our skies are regulated, we must be certain that as we work to solve specific problems, we do not create others.
Mike Pompeo
Becoming a bird ecologist was just luck! I had the chance to be a field assistant for a scientist working in the Galapagos Islands, and while I was there, I saw a particular problem in behavioral biology that I wanted to solve and, in the process, made myself into a bird ecologist.
David J. Anderson
If you’re trying to solve a problem that is fundamentally important to human society, that’s really important to our mission at Indie Bio.
Arvind Gupta
We have to honor our commitments to today’s beneficiaries, but we can’t solve the growing deficit and debt problems unless we are smart, courageous, and sensible in planning for future.
Nan Hayworth
I have connected by phone with customers who have left negative reviews and had a chance to get to know them. Not only was I able to solve their problems, a lot of the customers were so happy with the customer service that they become repeat customers.
Chris Gronkowski
I had the belief that many troubles you could observe on the European continent were due to politicians not understanding economic phenomena. Even if they had good intentions, they didn’t have the skills to solve problems.
Leonid Hurwicz
As a former entrepreneur I know you have to listen to the customer to solve problems, and I’m looking forward to meeting with Hoosiers across the state about solutions that will put Indiana and our country first.
Mike Braun
Your children should know that you’re always there for them, and that they can call on you when needed. But give them the opportunity to learn to solve their own problems.
Eric Greitens
The past two decades revolutionized the way we access information. You and I can have our questions answered with the click of a mouse at any time of day. If America, both corporation and citizen alike, can use these services to solve problems, why can’t Washington?
J. C. Watts
I grew up pretty peacefully, in that Eastern way. You easily solve problems, believe in harmony. Reduce conflicts, take orders until one day you give orders.
Ang Lee
I will take a picture with anyone who wants one. All they have to do is ask. If I don’t want to take a picture, there is an easy way to solve that problem – I don’t leave my house.
Sebastian Giovinco
I saw no reason why other nations should tell Central Americans how to solve their problems.
Óscar Arias
Twenty-five years ago, the notion was you could create a general problem-solver software that could solve problems in many different domains. That just turned out to be totally wrong.
Howard Gardner
It really helps you to go through difficult situations by just thinking about it as being a big amount of work which you have to solve how to do. For example, I don’t feel very inspired when I act, I just act. That’s it.
Isabelle Huppert
We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.
Albert Einstein
We’ll never solve the feminization of power until we solve the masculinity of wealth.
Gloria Steinem
For students, understanding the separate and unique functions of each branch of government can help them understand how different kinds of government officials can help solve different kinds of problems.
Sandra Day O’Connor
The vice president can play a real role in that, in helping solve some of the biggest problems in the country.
John Hickenlooper
From the depth of need and despair, people can work together, can organize themselves to solve their own problems and fill their own needs with dignity and strength.
Cesar Chavez
Play the way you want to play. I want to give as much power back over to the player as possible. That’s where games are leaning: give me the tools, let me do what I want to do with it. Let me solve the problem the way I want to solve it – experience the combat the way I want to experience it.
Cory Barlog
I was at my wit’s end trying to solve the world’s problems. I was frustrated that I could do very little. That frustration took me to Vipassana.
Amala Akkineni
Health care is a design problem. Dependence on foreign oil is a design problem. To some extent, poverty is a design problem. We need design thinkers to solve those problems, and most people who are in positions of political power are not design thinkers, to put it mildly.
Daniel H. Pink
It’s easy to look at the things of this world to solve our challenges and obstacles in life, but when we submit our lives to Christ, His grace, mercy, peace and love will bring true fulfillment to our lives.
Bethany Hamilton
Bernie is a problem Hillary can’t figure out how to solve, perhaps because he’s not the problem. She is.
Kirsten Powers
Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are a part of the mystery that we are trying to solve.
Max Planck
My whole interest is, how do you use evolution as an in

My whole interest is, how do you use evolution as an innovation engine? How does evolution solve new problems that life faces? And to have a system that can create a whole new chemical bond that biology hasn’t done before, to me, demonstrates the power of nature to innovate.
Frances Arnold
If you have issues with family, friends, and people at work, try and solve these issues head on so you can move on and concentrate on having the life you want.
Heidi Klum
We make life difficult, and then we try to solve it. My methodology is to simplify things and share them with life examples.
Ashish Vidyarthi
The less you struggle with a problem, the more it’s likely to solve itself. The less time you spend frantically running around, the more productive you are likely to be.
Pico Iyer
If people are expecting the mayor of Portland to solve the problem of homelessness they’re going to be sorely disappointed and that’s just the truth.
Ted Wheeler
When you confront a problem you begin to solve it.
Rudy Giuliani
If you can get rid of the emotion and concentrate on the problem, you can solve the problem.
Richard Phillips
The main issue of cities is to tackle climate change and it is the issue of the current and next generations. Sustainability cannot be emphasized too much and I have designated the issue of climate change as the most important to solve.
Park Won-soon
Do I need to know about medicine to solve the health problem in Brazil? Do I need to know about agriculture to advance the agribusiness?
Jair Bolsonaro
How you solve your problems are quite different. In non-fiction, you can always go back to the research, whereas in fiction, you have to go back to yourself – which is a little bit scary.
Mark Kurlansky
I realised that you can never legislate away from piracy. Laws can definitely help, but it doesn’t take away the problem. The only way to solve the problem was to create a service that was better than piracy and at the same time compensates the music industry – that gave us Spotify.
Daniel Ek
I think that’s what fiction writing is actually all about. It’s about trying to solve problems in creative ways.
Eleanor Catton
When I look at Washington today, we need to bring us together. We need to solve problems, we need to rebuild our military so we can stand up to radical Islam, we need to get our economy growing much faster by throwing out the corrupt tax code and lowering the rates.
George Pataki
As a kid I was short and only weighed 95 pounds. And though I was active in a lot of Sports and got along with most of the guys, I think I used comedy as a defense mechanism. You know making someone laugh is a much better way to solve a problem than by using your fists.
Tim Conway
I was elected to solve problems, and I don’t think it’s conservative to have bad roads; I don’t think it’s conservative to have bad schools. I don’t think it’s conservative to have to go through budget crises every two years. So I’m taking the difficult issues straight on. That’s what I was elected to do.
Brian Sandoval
We cannot solve the problem of terrorism by asserting our will on the world.
Armstrong Williams
Many of the greatest composers and musicians do their best work in extreme confinement but we are seeing it in other fields – uses of technology to link people together in networks to solve problems and almost certainly we’ll get better ideas than we would from them just doing it on their own.
Geoff Mulgan
We mostly feel fearful because we feel powerless. We feel powerless, I contend, because of a style of thinking that splits information in two poles that makes us lose all the operative information we need to solve the problem.
Patricia Sun
I grew up. I began to think the United States had some problems that really required the help of artistic people to solve. And I gave myself permission to be a writer instead of a civil servant.
Wallace Shawn
The one thing that can solve most of our problems is dancing.
James Brown
Most zombie stories, the problems they solve are not the actual zombies. The problems they solve are the human interactions.
Stephen Graham Jones
People want leaders they can look up to, who can solve problems and actually deliver results for our people.
Gretchen Whitmer
Once you go outside of Atlanta, there are still a lot of Klan rallies and whatnot. There are a lot of conflicting elements that are trying to solve itself in that city.
Hiro Murai
It was used for decades to describe talented computer enthusiasts, people whose skill at using computers to solve technical problems and puzzles was – and is – respected and admired by others possessing similar technical skills.
Kevin Mitnick
Calm can solve all issues.
Pope Shenouda III
Great software has seemingly limitless potential to solve human problems – and it can spread around the world in the blink of an eye. Malicious code moves just as quickly, and when software is created for the wrong reason, it has a huge and growing capacity to harm millions of people.
Craig Federighi
We can’t solve modern problems by going back in time. Retreating to the safety of the familiar is an understandable response, but God has called us to a life of faith. And faith requires us to face the unknown while trusting Him completely.
Charles R. Swindoll
I knew I couldn’t solve it. Because I couldn’t figure out what made her drink when things were going well.
David Gest
I could put a sudoku at the end of every chapter and you’d have to solve it to progress through the story, but that doesn’t address what would make people want to interact.
Dave Morris
Don’t bother people for help without first trying to solve the problem yourself.
Colin Powell
We need more leaders in Congress who are willing to bring people together to solve problems and protect the American Dream for all hardworking Kentuckians.
Jim Gray
A really important thing when you come up with a concep

A really important thing when you come up with a concept is that you solve a pervasive problem for people, and you don’t try to create a new way to do something that isn’t necessarily broken.
Nick Woodman
What problem does Pan-Asianism attempt to solve? The problem is how to terminate the sufferings of the Asiatic peoples and how to resist the aggression of the powerful European countries. In a word, Pan-Asianism represents the cause of the oppressed Asiatic peoples.
Sun Yat-sen
What we need to do is to come together as a people and solve the problems facing our country. And unfortunately, Washington is just not doing enough of that these days.
Evan Bayh
The… provisional government unwaveringly believes that it can solve all the present problems together with the broad masses of Ethiopia. However, we can do this only if all the people come out in unison to implement our planned undertakings.
Meles Zenawi
I believe I can solve others’ problems. It’s great when it works, but for the most part, it’s very unappealing.
Ann Patchett
I found collaborating with congenial doctors about problems that physicists could help solve was very satisfying. I also like educating anybody who would listen!
John Cameron
Business is a string of seemingly impossible problems looking for solutions. Each problem you solve creates a new barrier to entry for your next competitor.
Jon Oringer
No amount of law enforcement can solve a problem that goes back to the family.
J. Edgar Hoover
I have a simple plan to solve the economic crisis. Give every American a $100 credit to the dog track of their choice. I have found the puppies to be a reliable source of income with a consistent rate of return.
Willie Geist
Some do design in order to try to solve others’ problems, while others make art in order to give others his problems.
Maurizio Cattelan
Remember in 1973 the same science chatter said that the coming Ice Age is going to occur, we’re going to lose millions of people. And the politicians knew how to solve it, they just didn’t have the courage to solve it; they were going to put coal dust on the Arctic.
Don Young
Whenever a theory appears to you as the only possible one, take this as a sign that you have neither understood the theory nor the problem which it was intended to solve.
Karl Popper
There’s a million leading men on TV today that are perfectly great, and their jobs are fantastic. But it’s not as interesting to me when every fight they win, every case they solve, every girl they get.
Geoff Stults
Tell me where to sing to solve the world’s problems and I’ll go.
Netta Barzilai
We’re not writing songs to solve a cultural problem. The goal for us is to express what we’re going through, and it’s great if people find commonality in that.
Ben Hopkins
In 2011, when we launched TransferWise, it was our frustration with banks not giving us what we wanted or needed as customers. The motivation was a strong desire to solve a problem and not just fix something that was broken but create a better alternative and a new system for doing things.
Taavet Hinrikus
All sciences are now under the obligation to prepare the ground for the future task of the philosopher, which is to solve the problem of value, to determine the true hierarchy of values.
Friedrich Nietzsche
We see incredible opportunity to solve some of the biggest social challenges we have by combining high-performance computing and AI – such as climate change and more.
Lisa Su
There are horrible people who, instead of solving a problem, tangle it up and make it harder to solve for anyone who wants to deal with it. Whoever does not know how to hit the nail on the head should be asked not to hit it at all.
Friedrich Nietzsche
I didn’t publish my book until I was 37. So the ability to pay my bills, pay my rent, make a life for myself, and become a working writer was a puzzle that took me a while to solve.
Leigh Bardugo
Obama is thoroughly mixed up with all these things he’s got. He’s got to solve Libya. He’s got to solve Afghanistan. He’s everywhere. And this nation, I don’t know why it’s not showing the leadership and capacity to attend different issues at the same time.
Vicente Fox
Really, we don’t look at deals as ‘big’ or ‘small’: we look at things that will solve a problem for us.
Peggy Johnson
Folks are really tired of this rabid division between Republicans and Democrats. Folks want people to come together and solve the problems and the challenges of America.
Bev Perdue
I was so fanatical about trying to save wildlife… I was unable to accept that we couldn’t solve this problem of thousands of years, of wherever humans operated, the environment deteriorated.
Allan Savory
Only the family of God can solve the problems of our time.
James Meredith
The issue of migration has played a key role in all of our member states, wherever we are. Only we, as a European Union, can convince our citizens that we do have an answer to this – not deny migration, not pretend you can solve it by building fences and walls, not pretending we can solve it by letting everybody in.
Frans Timmermans
I think it’s a little much to expect the organisation to solve the problem of racial parity. We do see a fast-increasing influx of Asians, black folks. I actually see black folks out here, unlike some of our liberal critics.
Larry Harvey
I find it strange that our children, teenagers are kept captive listening in classrooms. Earlier education was for career and livelihood. Now, it has to rise to solve the crisis facing the earth and nations have to pay attention to the education of children to save this planet.
Sonam Wangchuk
Here’s the thing Washington always misses. Washington always wants a deal. America wants a solution. Americans sent us here to solve problems.
Jim Jordan
Governments tend not to solve problems, only to rearrange them.
Ronald Reagan
How do you solve a mystery? How do you write a book? The techniques for starting both are surprisingly similar. Find an intriguing question and, pen and dagger tucked under cloak, search for clues.
Claire Cameron
The eyes of the world are fixed on the U.S. to see if w

The eyes of the world are fixed on the U.S. to see if we have the political courage and moral sense to solve our debt crisis.
Dan Coats
I don’t think that the spoken words solve everything. Sometimes silence delivers truer feelings while the words can distort the meaning in some situations.
Kim Ki-duk
Adventure games are all about details – if you happen to take this one object and use it with this other object, in a really weird place, at a weird time. If you happen to write a really funny dialogue line for that, even if it didn’t solve the puzzle, people will appreciate that.
Tim Schafer
I think that people have to reward those individuals who are prepared to work across the political aisle. I don’t see any other way; if you don’t talk to people with whom you disagree, you’re never going to solve problems.
Angus King
It’s always been a subtext of our secular optimism that you solve the economic problem, and all other things sort of take care of themselves. Well, we seem to be doing well on the economic side – we are doing very well – and the other things are not solving – they’re compounding.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
We could only solve our problems by cooperating with other countries. It would have been paradoxical not to cooperate. And therefore we needed to put an end to the Iron Curtain, to change the nature of international relations, to rid them of ideological confrontation, and particularly to end the arms race.
Mikhail Gorbachev
The aim of open government is to take advantage of the know-how and entrepreneurial spirit of those outside government institutions to work together with those inside government to solve problems.
Beth Simone Noveck
There’s a simple way to solve the crime problem: obey the law; punish those who do not.
Rush Limbaugh
I don’t believe war is a way to solve problems. I think it’s wrong. I don’t have respect for the people that made the decisions to go on with war. I don’t have that much respect for Bush. He’s about war, I’m not about war – a lot of people aren’t about war.
Avril Lavigne
We could solve all our problems if only we were the efficient, rational human beings of standard economic theory and had politicians willing to think in the long-term interest of their people rather than their own.
Jeremy Grantham
I think we should have a universal, a shared cultural or societal goal, of universal health insurance coverage. That’s completely different from saying the government can solve all of those problems, or that it can micromanage every aspect of the health delivery system. I think we know that it can’t do that.
Ben Sasse
The belief that the world is getting worse, that we can’t solve extreme poverty and disease, isn’t just mistaken. It is harmful.
Bill Gates
The euro zone was driven by the neoliberal view that markets are always efficient. That in itself is political. There was no pressing economic need that the euro was required to solve, but leaders believed that it would foster growth.
Joseph Stiglitz
Everybody runs for political office knocking somebody, and very few run on ‘This is what I stand for. This is what I believe will solve these problems.’
Norman Braman
I am grateful for the continued opportunity to take risks and learn from my mistakes as we at AMD strive to use technology to help solve some of the world’s toughest challenges.
Lisa Su
Climate change is real, it is being driven by human activity, and it is not a problem any one country can solve on its own.
Brian Deese
I’ll be involved more with Adobe overall in terms of our technology direction and the problems we are trying to solve, working across the different business units at Adobe.
Kevin Lynch
There are children playing in the streets who could solve some of my top problems in physics, because they have modes of sensory perception that I lost long ago.
J. Robert Oppenheimer
Robots have solved and will continue to solve so many human problems. Except for all the ones that they cause.
Hank Green
Research is creation of knowledge which leads to new and efficient solutions for the society. Shiv Nadar University, therefore, believes in being at the forefront of research. To create new knowledge, one needs to solve open-ended problems, which basically make one think on one’s own.
Shiv Nadar
While it won’t solve all the world’s ills – and ideas such as a rent cap and more social housing are necessary in places where housing is scarce – a basic income would work like venture capital for the people.
Rutger Bregman
We can’t solve all of our problems in a short time.
Nina Turner
The human overpopulation issue is the topic I see as the most vital to solve if our children and grandchildren are to have a good quality of life.
Alexandra Paul
We must all work together if we’re going to solve the nation’s maternal health crisis, and Democrats and Republicans agree that helping ensure mothers and babies are healthy and whole keeps our families strong and helps our communities thrive.
Raphael Warnock
Agriculture is a sleeping giant. We have so many opportunities for commercial feedlots on reclaimed mine sites, possibilities for taking advantage of our waters, and the chance to solve our forestry issues – it’s all right at our fingertips.
Jim Justice
Enhancing revenues will help us improve education and solve our infrastructure problems.
Roy Barnes
The ‘Guardian’ supports the vital work that volunteers and campaigners do to mitigate homelessness and destitution; we will also continue to report on the causes of homelessness and destitution and urge policy change that will solve it.
Katharine Viner
I found a comfort in trying to solve some poetic problems because there were human ones I just couldn’t solve.
Edward Hirsch
To solve the problem of organizing world peace we must establish world law and order.
Arthur Henderson
It’s very important to reveal the mystery of the pyramid. Science in archaeology is very important. People all over the world are waiting to solve this mystery.
Zahi Hawass
The United States strongly condemns the illegal disclosure of classified information. It puts people’s lives in danger, threatens our national security, and undermines our efforts to work with other countries to solve shared problems.
Hillary Clinton
I think the country needs to come together and solve pr

I think the country needs to come together and solve problems.
Doug McMillon
At some point, I thought that, as I got older, I’d come to terms with a lot of things. I’d solve some big problems, and eventually I’d become content. It’s almost more depressing to think that the older you get, the more your problems multiply.
Ben Gibbard
Are we going to solve the issue of poverty? Absolutely not. Are we going to have an impact? I’m committed to it, and if we don’t, I’ll have no regrets because we’re going to try everything we can.
Gavin Newsom
We don’t need to solve the problem of the rich-poor gap. We need to solve the problem of common prosperity.
Zong Qinghou
In my opinion, a master is morally obliged to seize every sort of opportunity and to try to solve the problems of the position without fear of some simplifications.
Alexander Alekhine
It’s so often that I read for the bouncy, sunny girl men fall in love with who will solve all the romantic problems in the narrative. I don’t choose to work that way.
Sarah Gadon
If there is a situation, I try to take a step back, cool down, and solve the problem. Flipping out, freaking out, and being very rude about it is not going to help.
Maneet Chauhan
Understanding of natural language is what sometimes is called ‘AI complete,’ meaning if you can really do that, you can probably solve artificial intelligence.
Oren Etzioni
I think, as a choreographer and an action designer, you’re constantly giving your characters problems to overcome. That’s what makes it fun for choreography. But it also makes it fun for the audience to see them solve those puzzles and how they are as a human being.
David Leitch
Every problem is super-interesting and has its own nuances, and you solve it today, but you try to solve it with an architecture. You build a machine to solve the problems that are like it later. And then you move on to the next.
Travis Kalanick
North Korea’s whole idea is to create a crisis to solve a crisis. They’re so poor and they’re so desperate that they realize that this bombastic rhetoric can drive the South Korean stock market down and get the U.S. in a tizzy. And it’s a game they’ve been playing for many, many years.
Barbara Demick
What I like about Bain Capital is that we have Republicans, we have Democrats, we have independents; we are a diverse firm in terms of political views. But what we do is we sit down and we try to solve the problems.
Stephen Pagliuca
Having emotional intelligence allows you to manage your emotions, show empathy, and prevent you from getting distracted. It also helps you solve problems and be a more likable person.
John Rampton
It’s true that America can’t solve every problem, but I don’t know of any major problem in the world that can be solved without us.
Hillary Clinton
The best organizations are filled with people who have a wealth of choices as to what work they choose to do. We need to give them every reason possible to solve the world’s problems.
Andrew Yang
Forest nations willing to do more than their fair share to solve the climate crisis should be rewarded through results-based payments.
Paul Polman
Throughout his presidency, Clinton made a point of getting close – physically and emotionally – to the people whose problems his administration was working to solve.
Dee Dee Myers
When every physical and mental resources is focused, one’s power to solve a problem multiplies tremendously.
Norman Vincent Peale
Most people spend more time and energy going around problems than in trying to solve them.
Henry Ford
Hero shows you how to solve the problem – yourself.
Jet Li
We don’t have a major problem right now in our country, and life is normal. Things like unemployment, which the youth are suffering from, and the rate of inflation – these are chronic conditions and we have to solve them.
Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani
Heavy handedness and entitlement goody bags are no way to solve our immigration and border crisis, but I’ve learned to expect almost nothing from the dimwits in power who feel entitled to take everything.
Lisa Kennedy Montgomery
There are mysteries which men can only guess at, which age by age they may solve only in part.
Bram Stoker
If some woman tells me how she feels about something, my immediate assumption is that she wants an answer, or that she wants me to solve her problem. In fact, all she wants to do is share, or show how she feels.
Fred Ward
It’s time to declare a cease-fire in the education arms race. We have far more to gain from collaborating to solve our common problems than competing for higher rankings.
Wendy Kopp
Throughout out history, when people have looked for new ways to solve their problems, and to uphold the principles of this nation, many times they have turned to political parties. They have often turned to the Democratic Party.
Barbara Jordan
I use my mind to solve problems and invent things.
Temple Grandin
I think that passion is the secret ingredient that drives hard work and excellence. My passion is to serve the public: to be in the arena of public policy, to have the opportunity to solve problems for our country, to be in a position where I can make a difference.
Kelly Ayotte
This is bad for policy-making – if you cover up the problems, how can you solve them? It also corrodes public trust. Government must be much more honest about the challenges facing the country, if we are to begin to tackle them. Short-term spin must give way to proper long-term strategic thinking.
Dominic Grieve
We have many big problems we need to address in this nation – saving our homes, finding jobs that support our families, plugging into new sources of energy. The way we solve them is to think, talk, debate and work to advance solutions.
Maya Wiley
I don’t believe in environmentalism as the solution to anything. What I believe is that environmentalism illuminates the things that need to be done to solve all of the problems together.
Barry Commoner
What's really interesting is the introduction of the ta

What’s really interesting is the introduction of the tablet – not just the iPad, but the Nook and the Kindle. While they aren’t going to solve all of our problems, I do think they make it easier for people to pause, linger, read and really process very important ideas.
Chris Hughes
It is evident that one cannot say anything demonstrable about the problem before having resolved these preliminary questions, and yet we hardly possess the necessary information to solve some of them.
Georges Cuvier
I think if you have a big enough wallet you can solve anything but the key is to solve it with the least amount of expenditure.
Martin Cooper
In the earliest days, this was a project I worked on with great passion because I wanted to solve the Defense Department’s problem: it did not want proprietary networking and it didn’t want to be confined to a single network technology.
Vint Cerf
There is a time in the life of every predicament where it is ripe for resolution. Emotions provide the cue to act when a problem is big enough to see, yet still small enough to solve. By understanding your emotions, you can move adeptly through your current challenges and prevent future ones.
Travis Bradberry
Oftentimes in tech, people think, ‘I’m the only one that has this.’ I call them the Atlas People. They’re like, ‘The weight of the world is on the shoulders. I’m the only person who can solve this problem.’ But you can’t do that.
Harper Reed
Don’t try to solve serious matters in the middle of the night.
Philip K. Dick
We live in an interconnected world, in an interconnected time, and we need holistic solutions. We have a crisis of inequality, and we need climate solutions that solve that crisis.
Naomi Klein
Spend time with the customers, immersing yourselves, watching. Spend time at their homes. Hear what they say, but most importantly, watch their behaviors as the indication of where the pain is. And then go solve that pain.
Scott Cook
It has to be about more than punishment. We need to rehabilitate people. We lock up far too many people in America today. We lock them up as if locking them up is gonna solve the problem. And locking them up does not solve the problem. Did locking me up make me better? No, it did not. It made my struggle harder.
Susan Burton
Pheu Thai has to find prominent party leaders that can solve the problems of the country now. If we can find those types of people, then we can win. There are many good people in Thailand but we have to recruit them.
Thaksin Shinawatra
When you have an employee who’s innovative in your organization, what are they thinking about in the shower? If they’re working in an exciting place, they’re not thinking what they’re going to do over the weekend. They’re thinking: ‘How do I solve that problem?’
Peter Diamandis
Innovation happens best when people of different backgrounds come together to solve the world’s toughest challenges and, in the process, can create new jobs and opportunities. I’m hopeful that updated immigration policies will encourage entrepreneurs from around the world to help tackle these opportunities in the U.S.
Mike Krieger
Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them.
Ronald Reagan
The best science frequently combines an awareness of broad and significant problems with focus on an apparently small issue or detail that someone very much wants to solve or understand. Sometimes these little problems or inconsistencies turn out to be the clues to big advances.
Lisa Randall
My brother is a genius. When we went to Italy, he was on the local television channel as a prodigy, who could solve very sophisticated mathematical equations. He was only seven or eight years old but he could solve mathematical problems for fourteen year olds.
Pavel Durov
I have seen that traditional approaches to charity and aid don’t solve problems of poverty. In fact, too often they create dependence.
Jacqueline Novogratz
I am happy in Bollywood, but I am contesting elections to solve problems of people, as they have trust in me.
Rakhi Sawant
The slow philosophy is not about doing everything in tortoise mode. It’s less about the speed and more about investing the right amount of time and attention in the problem so you solve it.
Carl Honore
There are a lot of things we as individuals can’t do much about. We can’t solve global warming as individuals, or health care problems, but as individuals, most of us can get our kids reading. We can do that.
James Patterson
Republicans can win if they adopt a message and promote policies of conscientious conservatism where they lay out a vision of how to solve our nation’s problems, while at the same time push for a message of responsible and efficient government that focuses on accountability and results.
Mercedes Schlapp
This is like the telephone problem – no one wants to have the first one. But we are seeing a lot of people who want some sort of technology to solve the spam problem.
Eric Allman
Regulations don’t solve things. Supervision solves things. If we could figure out that the subprime thing was a train wreck that was coming, where were the regulators?
Wilbur Ross
You can never solve a problem on the level on which it was created.
Albert Einstein
Well, some mathematics problems look simple, and you try them for a year or so, and then you try them for a hundred years, and it turns out that they’re extremely hard to solve.
Andrew Wiles
Journalists must not be made accomplices by the secret service to solve its own problems.
Hubert Burda
When I started Teach For America, I wasn’t trying to come up with an idea that would change the world. I was trying to solve a problem much closer to home: I was a senior in college, and I had no idea what I was going to do with my life!
Wendy Kopp
Hate won’t solve anything.
Stacey Dooley
I’m comfortable with bad news. I feel confident in my ability to solve the problem if I know that there’s a problem.
Joe Mantello
When I see this, you know, ‘Crooked Hillary,’ or I see the, ‘Lock her up,’ it’s just ridiculous. It is ridiculous. But I just – you know – it is beneath the character of the kind of dialogue we should have. Because we got real serious problems to solve. And look, most of us stopped the name-calling thing about fifth grade.
Tim Kaine
The scientist should treasure the riddles he can’t solve, not explain them away at the outset.
Roberto Unger
It's really easy to create a $1 billion company - you j

It’s really easy to create a $1 billion company – you just have to solve a $10 billion problem.
Naveen Jain
Heisenberg, Max Plank and Einstein, they all agreed that science could not solve the mystery of the universe.
Harry Dean Stanton
The Bible, as a revelation from God, was not designed to give us all the information we might desire, nor to solve all the questions about which the human soul is perplexed, but to impart enough to be a safe guide to the haven of eternal rest.
Albert Barnes
CNN doesn’t waste time trying to solve a crisis or educate the viewer.
Desi Lydic
One way to solve a mystery is by asking the right questions until answers start to emerge.
Brian Stelter
Film scores are complicated puzzles that you need to figure out and solve very quickly, or else you’re basically fired. You’re hired to enhance the film and you only have a couple tries to prove that you are capable of that task. I can keep trying to enhance my album ad infinitum.
Oneohtrix Point Never
People are used to watching cop shows in which the cops are very straight down the line and they solve the crimes, but I think people actually have a much more sophisticated and varied view of the police.
Jed Mercurio
The fundamental belief of CoreCause is to focus on a preventative rather than recovery stand point. Most of the worlds crises are the effects of a ‘core cause’ that if addressed would solve the problem entirely.
James Haven
As we know, lots of people working together to solve problems doesn’t happen often enough, particularly here in Washington.
Betsy DeVos
Technology can be used to make people’s lives easier, to reduce inequality, to facilitate inclusion, or to solve intractable global problems, but without dialogue and governance, it can be used against humanity – the choice on how we use technology is ours.
Sharan Burrow
Whenever you have political conflict, such as the one that we have now between Russia and Ukraine, but also in many other conflicts around the world, it has always proved to be right to try again and again to solve such a conflict.
Angela Merkel
Good education, housing and jobs are imperatives for the Negroes, and I shall support them in their fight to win these objectives, but I shall tell the Negroes that while these are necessary, they cannot solve the main Negro problem.
Malcolm X
I keep thinking, we teach children to use language to solve their disputes. We teach them not to hit and fight and bite. Then look what adults do!
Naomi Shihab Nye
As a young centre-back at Ajax, I played with Wim Jansen, and of course you learn a huge amount. I made some mistakes, because we Dutchmen want to solve situations by playing football. So we look at the ball, try to judge where it will come.
Frank Rijkaard
I’ve criticized President Bush for his failure to use his veto pen. There’s plenty of blame to go around. The question is how to solve problems. It’s not bailouts. What made America great? Free markets, free enterprise, manufacturing, job creation. That’s how we’re gonna do it, not by enlarging government.
Scott Brown
I’ve never been keen on open adoption. It doesn’t seem to solve the main problem with adoption, which is that somebody feels she was abandoned by someone else.
Joan Didion
When you have a thousand children that die a day from lack of drinking water, that’s a crisis and that’s a crisis that we – we collectively as the world – know how to solve that problem. We know what it takes but we haven’t had the will internationally to solve that problem.
Andrew R. Wheeler
I started school because I felt like, as a songwriter, I was operating solely on instinct, and I was having a hard time deciding exactly what words I wanted to use. I felt like I wanted to be a writer, and being a curious person, school felt like a way to solve the problems I was having with my own work.
Amanda Shires
There are regulators at the SEC and elsewhere who are really excited about the potential of the blockchain. They understand you can build a robust financial system – it would solve all your black swan problems. All kinds of mischief and games that are played in the current system become impossible in this system.
Patrick M. Byrne
Science, it is said, no doubt has ameliorated the material conditions of human life, but is powerless to solve those moral and philosophical questions that interest cultured people so deeply.
Elie Metchnikoff
To solve math problems, you need to know the basic mathematics before you can start applying it.
Catherine Asaro
I’m always in favor of Israel responding strongly when it’s threatened. At the same time, a response to a response doesn’t really solve anything. It just creates a perpetual-motion machine.
Steven Spielberg
The world is a horrible place, but no one worries because we have all been pacified by anodyne television in which incorruptible cops solve crimes, crusading lawyers keep the innocent out of prison, and streetwise social workers rescue children from abuse.
Jed Mercurio
If you took money out of politics, you’d solve 80 percent of all the problems.
Joe Sestak
Design is directed toward human beings. To design is to solve human problems by identifying them and executing the best solution.
Ivan Chermayeff
It was my great problem to solve: how to write a book, you know. And after you write one, you have to write another to prove to yourself you can do it again.
Philip Roth
Most policy makers embrace a religious-like belief that the market can and should solve every problem.
Eric Maskin
Facebook is really about communicating and telling stories… We think that people can really help spread awareness of organ donation and that they want to participate in this to their friends. And that can be a big part of helping solve the crisis that’s out there.
Mark Zuckerberg
Why is it that our young kids all across America can solve the most complex problems in a video game involving executive decision making and analytical thinking, yet we accept the fact that they can’t add or read?
Naveen Jain
You will never solve the American problems just by printing money.
Sebastian Pinera
Sometimes, it feels artificial to try to come up with a solution to something that none of us know how to solve.
Julien Baker
Republicans do need to communicate that we agree that t

Republicans do need to communicate that we agree that there are serious health care issues among the American people that we need to solve.
Thom Tillis
I’ve been humbled by the amount of people who have gone out of their way to reach out, mentor me on an ongoing basis, and devote time to help solve the problems Rent the Runway faces as a company – simply out of their own interest and kindness.
Jennifer Hyman
I think a lot of creative people are uncomfortable with therapy. Because you’re basically trying to ‘solve’ the unconscious. And the unconscious is where it all comes from.
Sydney Pollack
If you solve both the consumer problems and the corporate problems, you can win at this game. If you reinvent what a corporation is currently selling, it can often make the leap.
Tahl Raz
Most people have their best ideas when they take their minds away from problems they’re trying to solve.
Margaret Heffernan
A startup is a company working to solve a problem where the solution is not obvious and success is not guaranteed.
Neil Blumenthal
I love Joan Didion, but I love her writing. I don’t think meeting her could solve my problems or make me understand the world better.
John Darnielle
One of the metaphors that I use for start-ups is, you throw yourself off a cliff and assemble your airplane on the way down. If you don’t solve the right problem at the right time, that’s the end. Mortality puts priorities into sharp focus.
Reid Hoffman
Chess helps you to concentrate, improve your logic. It teaches you to play by the rules and take responsibility for your actions, how to problem solve in an uncertain environment.
Garry Kasparov
If I have learned anything from my time in Congress, it is that the only way we are going to solve the big problems our country faces is by working together.
Will Hurd
We don’t need to cure hunger – we know how to solve hunger – it’s food, it’s nutrition, and it’s really a question of access.
Lauren Bush
Letting your mind play is the best way to solve problems.
Bill Watterson
The rate of change and innovation occurring across the entire spectrum of society demands that a company like XL utilize the highest level of analytics and information to solve problems for our clients.
Mike McGavick
The ’60s weren’t my cup of tea. I never bought that philosophy that, you know, we’re all brothers and that’ll solve everything. And I never believed that music dictated the times. I always thought it reflected them.
Phil Everly
We will not solve the addiction problem in America if we don’t address social connection.
Vivek Murthy
We’re facing serious issues. We can either complain about it or try to step in and solve it.
James Lankford
My passions were an intersection between peace in the Middle East and climate change. I know how to understand a technology problem, break it into its components and solve it. I also knew I couldn’t make peace solely through technological inventions.
Shai Agassi
Architects often have a mindset where you solve a problem, so you have a set of needs that you have to address. Often I feel that my projects have to have concrete applications.
Pedro Reyes
My job in the Senate is not just to give speeches and do interviews, it’s to solve problems.
Marco Rubio
The role of the government is not to solve religious or sectarian or ethnic problems. These are age-old. I don’t think any government of the day can solve all differences. But the government of the day can deliver to our citizens and show our citizens that they are equal in front of the law.
Haider al-Abadi
Sports – especially the NBA – function as a place where American society pretends to discuss and pretends to solve questions and historical agonies that can’t possibly be solved within the realm of sports.
David Shields
I will not claim I will solve all the world’s problems by myself. If I did, I’d have to run as a Republican or a Democrat.
Pat Paulsen
Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.
Albert Einstein
We like to think we can solve everything, but we can’t always.
Doris Lessing
The thing that I was brought up to prize above everything else is the intellect. There is no problem that the intellect cannot solve, but it never had an original thought. Originality is the realm of the unconscious.
Alan Garner
When you’re starting a company, almost anything that can go wrong will go wrong, and it will probably look like and feel like you made the absolute wrong decision to start the company. If you’re not absolutely determined to solve a problem or see something through, it might not make sense to keep going.
Logan Green
The core of what I do is solve problems, whether that’s in graphic engine flow or rockets. I like working on things that are going to have an impact one way or the other.
John Carmack
People are fascinated by the darker sides of human nature, and I think they’re also interested in seeing the ability that a particular detective or group of detectives might have to solve the crime and put the world right again.
Thomas Gibson
If the political will is there, we can solve anything.
Martti Ahtisaari
Illegality will never solve the problem of political lawlessness.
Emanuel Celler
You have to be able to solve problems issue by issue. And you can’t let political dogma get in the way.
Kevin Faulconer
The U.K. government faces three choices to deal with ca

The U.K. government faces three choices to deal with carbon-heavy fossil fuels: force people to stop using them immediately; facilitate a rapid transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy; or hope business-as-usual market forces solve our problem for us.
Clive Lewis
Solving problems is fine, but it has gotten to the point of being a global obsession. We somehow have it in our heads that if we solve all of the problems, we can sit back and enjoy the easy life. But in reality, we become lazy and complacent. And that’s when we get flooded with even bigger problems.
Thomas Frey
A startup, to a some degree, is a set of those challenges of, ‘If you don’t solve this, you’re dead.’
Reid Hoffman
While closing our innovation gaps won’t solve all our problems, we have some very real opportunities to improve the quality of care that’s delivered to millions of Americans.
Kathleen Sebelius
The U.S. people have a major role to play to solve, to save this planet.
Hugo Chavez
I have a pretty friendly professional working relationship with Mr. Pai, and I told him not to walk down too much of a partisan path. I didn’t think it would be good in terms of policy. And I didn’t think it would be good in terms of the FCC’s ability to solve other problems.
Brian Schatz
I know that I’m not perfect. While we all have our prejudices and bigotries, we have to learn that it’s an issue that we have to control, that it’s part of my responsibility as an entrepreneur to try to solve it, not just to kick the problem down the road.
Mark Cuban
To solve a problem it is necessary to think. It is necessary to think even to decide what facts to collect.
Robert M. Hutchins
Some people say that I should study to become a climate scientist so that I can ‘solve the climate crisis.’ But the climate crisis has already been solved. We already have all the facts and solutions. All we have to do is to wake up and change.
Greta Thunburg
Running fills the cup that has to pour out for others. Running feeds the soul that has a responsibility to nourish. Running sets the anchor that limits the drift of the day. Running clears the mind that has a myriad of challenges to solve. Running tends to the self so that selfishness can subside.
Kristin Armstrong
Walking away from a problem is never a solution. Never. Solve the problem.
Jim Ross
There is only one way to solve the alleged crisis of the erosion of ‘family values.’ And that is to get right down to the root cause of the problem.
Mike Royko
I wanted to fulfil the unfinished agenda of my father, which was to solve the problems of farmers, daily wage workers, and downtrodden people, irrespective of their caste and religion.
H. D. Kumaraswamy
For me, running for office is never about trying to destroy an opponent, be it Democratic or Republican. It really ought to be about how can we solve some problems that we’re facing.
Mike Huckabee
It’s a very neurotic time we live in, this postanalytical period where everybody goes to a shrink to solve their problems.
Peter Riegert
There is one person who can help solve ‘writer’s block’. His name is Mr. Johnnie Walker.
Ashwin Sanghi
Clean water is a great example of something that depends on energy. And if you solve the water problem, you solve the food problem.
Richard Smalley
Many of the things we looked to solve initially were services like Internet and desk space. Then we got into the game of connecting people.
Miguel McKelvey
The invention of email evolved from a challenge to solve a real world problem.
Shiva Ayyadurai
It’s important right now to continue to have your patients contact their senators and their congresspeople to say we have a problem. We want you to help solve it, we want you to be involved.
Charlie Norwood
I’m always swimming forward like a shark. You just keep going and you don’t rest. I love waking up knowing that I have a problem to solve.
Nile Rodgers
Cooperation on the international level could help to solve the problem of sources of sharp capital flow volatility and its consequences.
Elvira Nabiullina
There is no one who is more conflicted in the Marvel Universe, in my opinion, than Matthew Murdock. Is he his father’s son, or is he the son of his father? Is he someone who is going to solve the world’s problems in a court room, or is he someone who is going to solve the world’s problems with his fist?
Jeph Loeb
The goal must be to expand ourselves beyond one field of focus and use our improved access to information to solve the very real and extreme economic, environmental, and resource challenges we face as an interconnected, global society.
Naveen Jain
We are all children of the same God, and we have to come together to solve our problems and not be fighting so much.
Ann Romney
I built a series of supporters that had my back. I never abused that trust. You can’t cry wolf. You have to solve most problems yourself.
Michael Arad
Philosophy is not just about talking or lecturing or even reading long, dense books. In fact, it is something men and women of action use – and have used throughout history – to solve their problems and achieve their greatest triumphs. Not in the classroom but on the battlefield, in the forum, and at court.
Ryan Holiday
There are always fresh problems for an actor to solve.
Van Heflin
I love ‘Braxton Family Values!’ I love seeing a strong family unit striving for success while dealing with everyday struggles like everyone else. Whatever drama they find themselves in, they find a way to solve it and get back to the importance of family. A positive show for sure.
Drew Sidora
It sets its face rightfully against the doctrines of the Anarchist and the Communist, who seek to solve the social problems not by patient endeavor, but by brutal destruction.
Henry Cabot Lodge
You’re thinking about the physical consequences about what you’re writing if you’re going to direct it. If you’re not going to direct it, then it’s somebody else’s problem, and they’ll solve it.
Kenneth Lonergan
Some problems, I believe, are unsolvable. We can't solv

Some problems, I believe, are unsolvable. We can’t solve every maniac’s determination to kill. And we can’t populate every police precinct with perfect officers.
S.E. Cupp
Locking minors away for decades doesn’t solve anything.
Jane Velez-Mitchell
If I had criteria, it would just be that I want to play active people who can solve problems, not people who have things thrust in their lap and need somebody to solve their problems for them.
Mackenzie Davis
Our brains are designed to solve some of our most complex problems when we’re distracted by routine habits.
Charles Best
To be sure, the provision of liquidity alone can by no means solve the problems of credit risk and credit losses; but it can reduce liquidity premiums, help restore the confidence of investors, and thus promote stability.
Ben Bernanke
I can’t solve a puzzle for the life of me – my brain doesn’t work that way. But I can take a very simple idea and extrapolate from it and spend time with it and pull things out of it.
David Lowery
You’ll never get progress in Washington until you have a majority, bipartisan majority, that really wants to solve problems.
Dick Durbin
Making films is my hobby. It relaxes me; it is my life, and it’s one of the best jobs in the world. I go to work and solve problems, fight robots, kill aliens, and kiss beautiful women. I’m a very lucky man.
Sam Worthington
As one can solve maths by concentrating do I focus on certain places in my body and generate heat because of it.
Wim Hof
Instead of begging OPEC to drop its oil prices, let’s use American leadership and ingenuity to solve our own energy problems.
Pete Domenici
Play exercises both your physical and creative muscles. It helps you move around, solve problems, challenge yourself, and think in new ways. Not to mention that it’s just plain fun.
Darell Hammond
Some mathematics problems look simple, and you try them for a year or so, and then you try them for a hundred years, and it turns out that they’re extremely hard to solve. There’s no reason why these problems shouldn’t be easy, and yet they turn out to be extremely intricate.
Andrew Wiles
You can do anything you think you can. This knowledge is literally the gift of the gods, for through it you can solve every human problem. It should make of you an incurable optimist. It is the open door.
Robert Collier
The things that I really enjoy doing are finding interesting problems and working together with colleagues to figure out how we can solve them.
Jeff Dean
Science has improved public health, taken us to the moon, and allowed us to understand the origins of our universe. It also has given us the tools to solve problems now instead of reacting to them after it is too late.
Bill Foster
I don’t typically have a social life, I don’t have a family, and I will stay up all night, every night, for days on end, to solve something that I think is solvable. And it’s very frustrating sometimes, because I know that I’m like that, and it’s not always a positive result.
Shane Carruth
A good engineering interview will include some set of difficult problems to solve. It might even require that the candidate write a short program. In addition, it will test the candidate’s knowledge of the tools she uses in great depth.
Ben Horowitz
Every year is a roller coaster. I’ve enjoyed the struggle of having new coaches and having to prove myself over again. Being able to figure out ways to solve problems, to overcome obstacles – that’s been fun.
Clint Dempsey
There was a time when people thought our hosts weren’t collecting and remitting taxes, and we’ve been very proactive about going out and trying to solve this.
Belinda Johnson
My responsibility as president is to take care to solve the problems we are facing now and to provide a vision and direction for how our nation should advance in the future.
Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
I remain mindful that the role of a judge is a limited one and that judges can’t solve every problem. But at the same time, judges play a crucial role in safeguarding liberty and protecting the rights of all citizens.
David Stras
Everything is pretty good in my life, and like everybody else, things happen, and you put your head down and solve challenges.
Brian France
What is the source of all this trouble? I’m saying that the source is basically in thought. Many people would think that such a statement is crazy, because thought is the one thing we have with which to solve our problems. That’s part of our tradition.
David Bohm
I started working on ribosomes when I was a post doc, in 1978, when it would have been impossible, really, to solve it. But, it was just a fundamental problem in biology.
Venkatraman Ramakrishnan
We do not know what love is. We know the symptoms of it, the pleasure, the pain, the fear, the anxiety and so on. We try to solve the symptoms, which becomes a wandering in darkness. We spend our days and nights in this, and it is soon over in death.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
It just doesn’t occur to an American that someone else will solve their problems. Americans take pride in solving problems for themselves. And if we fail, we get back up and try again. It’s what we do. It’s who we are.
Mitch McConnell
I tell you, sir, the only safeguard of order and discipline in the modern world is a standardized worker with interchangeable parts. That would solve the entire problem of management.
Jean Giraudoux
I believe in working together to solve the problems we’ve got. And we need to get rid of the venom in the political atmosphere in D.C. It’s a poisonous atmosphere.
Scott McClellan
As we have seen both in healthcare and energy, passing reckless, ill-conceived massive bills usually create more problems than we solve.
Mike Pompeo
I was able to solve enough big problems along the way that the sheriff didn’t come along and put the ‘bankruptcy’ sign up.
Fred DeLuca
I could try to incorporate or reflect in my models what it is that an employee, manager, or entrepreneur does: to recognize that most are engaged in their work, form expectations and evolve beliefs, solve problems, and have ideas. Trying to put these people into economic models became my project.
Edmund Phelps
Is it fair to have a bunch of kids help solve your emot

Is it fair to have a bunch of kids help solve your emotional issues? Of course not.
Nadya Suleman
The CDC has always been an example of unbiased and thorough medical research, both in America and around the world, and we must continue to provide the doctors and experts at the CDC the resources they need to help solve and prevent public health crises.
Lucy McBath
The work evolves when you get another part, and then you’re getting called on to solve difficult characters, to inject a note of humanity into them. It’s more interesting for me to do that than to stand around and be sunny.
Hope Davis
Don’t just analyze a problem – solve it.
Robert Zoellick
I often wonder if we could not solve the world’s problems on a similar basis of harmony.
Artur Rodzinski
If you introduce person A to person B, and then person B is able to solve a pain point in his life, then you just made a good connection.
James Altucher
Don’t stare into a mirror when you are trying to solve a problem.
Mason Cooley
Certainly, your characters – whether they are superheroes are not – should have foibles. They should have problems; they should have things that their powers can’t solve. That’s what makes them nuanced, interesting characters. They can have intense motivations. They should have intense motivations to do what they do.
Mark Waid
It’s fine to work on any problem, so long as it generates interesting mathematics along the way – even if you don’t solve it at the end of the day.
Andrew Wiles
I am a thief of knowledge, and in a survival way, I had to solve all the problems around me.
Philippe Petit
Our position is that we can sit down and talk to try to solve our problems through dialogue.
Meles Zenawi
I think, before I had money, I believed that money would solve my problems, that it would give me power and I wouldn’t have financial stress anymore, and it would completely change my life. And then, when I had money, it changed a lot of things, but it didn’t change the way I felt inside at all.
Molly Bloom
Churchill faced his own diminishing capabilities and increasing irrelevance by maintaining the sense that he was the only one who could solve whatever problem was before him. He was very often wrong, of course, but then he had spent so much of his life overcoming appalling mistakes, disasters, and rejections.
John Lithgow
Wherever I’ve been, and I’ve been to over 20, maybe 25, countries in Africa, I’ve noticed how their backbone is broken. They don’t have any confidence in themselves. They always think a white man will solve their problems from outside for them.
Bunker Roy
It might seem unfair to reward a person for having so much pleasure over the years, asking the maize plant to solve specific problems and then watching its responses.
Barbara McClintock
When you start a company, it’s more an art than a science because it’s totally unknown. Instead of solving high-profile problems, try to solve something that’s deeply personal to you. Ideally, if you’re an ordinary person and you’ve just solved your problem, you might have solved the problem for millions of people.
Brian Chesky
In Washington, you have imaginary problems, and they can’t even solve the imaginary problems.
Eric Garcetti
To solve the Cube, you need special skills and understanding. For example, pattern recognition is very important to solve the Cube.
Erno Rubik
I don’t want to be an invisible coach. I want to provide guidelines to solve problems, coming from the base I have, as I had to work a lot considering I did not play at Barca until I was 17.
Carles Puyol
I felt I had to solve everyone’s problems.
J. K. Rowling
Sometimes the challenge of beating the jet lag and getting a decent sleep can be as hard to solve as finding the right setup for the car!
Romain Grosjean
Must we wait for selection to solve the problems of overpopulation, exhaustion of resources, pollution of the environment and a nuclear holocaust, or can we take explicit steps to make our future more secure? In the latter case, must we not transcend selection?
B. F. Skinner
Incarceration and recidivism rates high? Providing people an incentive to stay out of jail while also providing them some level of economic security while they get back on their feet – both accomplished by a UBI – sounds like a great way to solve that problem.
Andrew Yang
Science has the potential to solve all kinds of problems, but it depends on what a society wants to accomplish.
George M. Whitesides
I like working with writer-directors because you can solve problems right there.
Nick Nolte
Intelligence is the ability to solve problems, whereas consciousness is the ability to feel things such as pain, joy, love, and anger. Throughout history, intelligence always went hand in hand with consciousness.
Yuval Noah Harari
Nebraskans have very strong opinions, but we sit down around a table and we solve our problems.
Dave Heineman
Mark Meadows will fight for what’s right, because he understands that higher taxes and more regulations are not the way to solve our country’s problems.
Jeff Duncan
I define socialism as the government controlling the means of production. I don’t think the answer to some of the big vesting problems we have in this country are to solve them entirely with a government-only solution.
John Delaney
When you’re not involved, other people’s unhappiness seems to be about the funniest damn thing on earth because you think you can solve it, that you are God, that you are above this, and that their unhappiness is just such useless toil and agony. If it’s you, it ceases to be a comedy.
Barry Hannah
People constantly face problems they’ve never seen before, and they have to solve them somehow. So a million people come up with a million solutions that are just a little bit different. If computing is being done by fewer resources, there will be enormous security gains by pushing things into standard practices.
Whitfield Diffie
The problem we are trying to solve is that of drugs tha

The problem we are trying to solve is that of drugs that would have never seen the light of day for reasons that have nothing to do with the inherent properties of drug candidates themselves and more to do with bureaucratic institutions within which they often sit.
Vivek Ramaswamy
We want to promote people-to-people exchanges so that China and the United States can really join together, not just to solve the problems of China or the United States, but some of the big problems facing the entire world. From climate change to famine to even terrorism.
Gary Locke
And so I think that the idea of America working with other countries to solve problems is good for us, and it is part of digging us out of the ‘my way or the highway’ approach that was evident in the previous eight years.
Madeleine Albright
And I’ve come to the place where I believe that there’s no way to solve these problems, these issues – there’s nothing that we can do that will solve the problems that we have and keep the peace, unless we solve it through God, unless we solve it in being our highest self. And that’s a pretty tall order.
Glenn Beck
My pledge is to be part of the solution to focus on governing, to put my experience to work to help solve the very serious issues we’re facing in this country.
Karen Handel
While physics and mathematics may tell us how the universe began, they are not much use in predicting human behavior because there are far too many equations to solve. I’m no better than anyone else at understanding what makes people tick, particularly women.
Stephen Hawking
Engineers have a certain mindset of how they approach problem solving. That’s basically what engineers are: problem solvers. You identify the problem. Then you design a process to solve the problem. Then you execute the process and repeat it over and over until you get it right.
Trevor Bauer
As society changes, laws have to change to protect citizens along the way. Sometimes you have to try new and different and creative ways to solve problems. You have to take some risks.
John Rowland
I write, or used to write, to explain to myself situations I couldn’t otherwise solve or understand. Meditation comes very naturally to me.
Anne Stevenson
Shakespeare did not consider himself the legislator of mankind. He faithfully records man’s problems and does not evidently propose to solve them.
Allan Bloom
We cannot solve the deficit crisis on the back of our seniors. We need all Americans to pay their fair share.
Sheldon Whitehouse
Some of the most successful products are born from a personal need to solve a problem rather than a desire to turn a profit.
Lewis Howes
We need to tell the far-right and the far-left to go away and have people in the center solve the problem.
Thom Tillis
Brexit is not going to solve the causes of Brexit.
Chuka Umunna
When you create something that is popular, when you create a solution, you’re an innovator, and you solve problems for people and they like what you have to offer, of course you automatically make money.
Kim Dotcom
The human brain must continue to frame the problems for the electronic machine to solve.
David Sarnoff
While Congress repeatedly finds plenty of time to vote on resolutions of condemnation over border security, they’ve done virtually nothing to actually solve the problem.
Katie Pavlich
All these things that we’ve contemplated, whether it’s space travel or solutions to diseases that plague us, Ebola virus, all of these things would be a lot more tractable if the machines are trying to solve these problems.
Oren Etzioni
Most people do surprisingly poorly when dealing with a relative who is hurting, depressed, or anxious – we get defensive and try to solve the problem rather than finding the truth in what the person is saying.
David D. Burns
We cannot solve the STEM gender gap without solving it for millennials. They’re our first digital natives, and they’re willing to learn quickly.
Caroline Ghosn
There’s this joy that comes from sitting down to solve a problem and standing up when it’s done and good. Building a company or managing people is never just done.
Drew Houston
PayPal’s been around forever. How do we use that platform to solve the future of commerce?
Harper Reed
My protagonists have problems that a new pair of shoes won’t solve. Retail therapy is not a bad thing, but it’s not going to fix their lives.
Mary Kay Andrews
You look at the violence that is there in entertainment, in video games, and don’t just go say, ‘We’re going to do an assault weapons ban, and that’s going to solve the problem,’ because it is not going to get to the root of the problem.
Marsha Blackburn
I do not propose to solve the Israeli-Palestine conflict. But I do think the world would be a vastly safer place – and maybe a happier one, too – if more of us learned to see beyond our biases, our preferences, and became optimists capable of letting go.
Thomas Chatterton Williams
There is no point trying to figure out who is guilty or not at un-balancing the planet. I think we need to figure out and solve the problems together and not isolate from each other.
Sarah Polley
There is no off-roading to solve income inequality for people of color. They must have broadband.
Maya Wiley
Balancing a nominal budget will solve nothing, and attempting to achieve such a spurious balance will produce much mischief.
William Vickrey
There are no problems we cannot solve together, and very few that we can solve by ourselves.
Lyndon B. Johnson
I wanted to rewrite the code of life, to make new molecular machines that would solve human problems.
Frances Arnold
I hope climate science becomes the big thing. And then what I want is electrical engineers to solve the world’s energy problems, energy distribution problems. I want mechanical engineers to make better transportation systems. I want chemical engineers to develop better solar panels, and so on.
Bill Nye
Colorado is a state that people like to be themselves a

Colorado is a state that people like to be themselves and solve their own problems.
John Hickenlooper
If you want to solve very complex problems, you will have to end up letting machines work out a lot of the details for themselves, and in ways that we don’t understand what they are doing.
Joshua Lederberg
Products are sold because they solve a problem or fill a need. Understanding problems and needs involves understanding customers and what makes them tick.
Steve Blank
Fossil fuels will run out not because of limited resources but because of the environmental impact. If I can solve that impact, I have basically increased the resource base by a vast amount.
Klaus Lackner
I think that wireless has the opportunity to solve a whole bunch of problems, including I believe world poverty.
Martin Cooper
You don’t want to make a living or habit out of trying to solve your problems with high-price pitching free agents because over the long run, there’s so much risk involved that you really can hamstring your organization.
Theo Epstein
We wanted to solve robot problems and needed some vision, action, reasoning, planning, and so forth. We even used some structural learning, such as was being explored by Patrick Winston.
Marvin Minsky
Entrepreneurs must be practical experts. They needn’t set out to be subject matter experts in what they do; they must set out to solve a problem or pursue some cause or purpose greater than themselves.
Simon Sinek
We can solve the car-bike conflict, and the solution unlocks a brighter, more inclusive economic and environmental future for Boston.
Michelle Wu
Until you solve problems like fear individually, resolve why individuals feel the need to believe in whatever, there’s really no point in organizations, in things that turn the world into a concept rather than an individual fact.
Ed Kowalczyk
We’re going to try to solve problems for everyday people.
Steve Scalise
I should not like to leave an impression that all structural problems can be settled by X-ray analysis or that all crystal structures are easy to solve. I seem to have spent much more of my life not solving structures than solving them.
Dorothy Hodgkin
The point is to solve problems, not point fingers.
Jane Harman
We begin to change the world when we stimulate long-term prosperity using technology. There is not a problem that’s large enough that innovation and entrepreneurship can’t solve.
Naveen Jain
I believe that being conservative means you try to get in to the middle of the fight and try to solve the problem.
James Lankford
Women are both talented and innovative thinkers and tend to use computer science as a tool to solve larger problems.
Kimberly Bryant
Academy Awards don’t really solve anything.
Richard LaGravenese
Marriage is an attempt to solve problems together which you didn’t even have when you were on your own.
Eddie Cantor
I see city finances within the context of an economic strategy… We are going to solve our financial problems by growing the economy, and I have rejected some corners that have called for a slash-and-burn approach, and I’ve rejected others who have called for raising taxes and leaving government as is.
Rahm Emanuel
If you ask the government to solve all of your problems, it’s a bit like asking your wife to cook and clean, to raise the children, to hold down a second job to help with the family finances, to keep her parents happy and well and keep your parents happy and well, and to also – to do the lawn and clean the gutters.
P. J. O’Rourke