Top 66 Andrew Yang Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Andrew Yang Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

People generally think of technology simply as a spur t

People generally think of technology simply as a spur to start new businesses. But the Internet has also made it possible for more businesses to compete for any given opportunity.
Andrew Yang
In most every business, you learn by doing. The apprenticeship model is much more effective than the classroom for cultivating entrepreneurs.
Andrew Yang
Building a successful business requires a combination of human capital, financial resources, market opportunity, persistence, community support, and even luck.
Andrew Yang
All of us, and particularly young people, have a tendency to view ourselves and our natures as static: you’ll choose to do something for a few years, and you’ll still be the same you.
Andrew Yang
Overnight successes are generally years in the making. And most progress is made in isolation, far from the public eye.
Andrew Yang
A company can set off in one direction, figures out that it’s not the right way to go, and then go in an entirely new direction. Over time, the product or service improves, and the company gets better at executing and delivering.
Andrew Yang
Intellectual capital drives financial capital and growth.
Andrew Yang
Finding initial funds is the primary barrier most entrepreneurs face. Many people don’t have three or six months’ worth of savings to free themselves up to do months of unpaid legwork.
Andrew Yang
When I graduated from Brown, I had a very limited conception of jobs, careers, and what I wanted to do. Basically, I figured I should do some kind of thought work that paid well, but I wasn’t sure what.
Andrew Yang
Most Americans agree that technology is going to eliminate many more jobs than it is going to create.
Andrew Yang
It’s hard to get started as a young entrepreneur – often much harder than one would ever realize.
Andrew Yang
There is a common and persistent belief out there that entrepreneurship is about creativity – that it’s about having a great idea. But it’s not, really. Entrepreneurship isn’t about creativity. It’s about organization-building – which, in turn, is about people.
Andrew Yang
Professional services industries like finance, consulting, and legal services are, by definition, meta-industries. That is, they serve to help large companies raise money, buy and sell each other, reorganize, implement new systems, conduct complex transactions, and so forth.
Andrew Yang
If we create enough new companies, there will be additional opportunities for people at every rung of the educational ladder.
Andrew Yang
People can grow from adversity as much as they do from prosperity.
Andrew Yang
The technologists and entrepreneurs I know are generally good people. If they were given a choice, ‘Do your job and eliminate normal jobs’ or ‘Do your job and create abundant opportunities,’ they would choose the latter. Most of them would happily even take a small hit to do so. But this isn’t a choice they’re given.
Andrew Yang
Mistakes are acceptable if they’re the result of moving forward.
Andrew Yang
When I was first thinking about what would become Venture for America, I was trying to figure out how to solve a problem – that our top young people were being driven to roles that did not, to me, address the needs of our time. That VFA would be a non-profit just seemed like the most efficient way to solve the problem.
Andrew Yang
After graduating from Brown, I went to law school and became a corporate lawyer in New York City.
Andrew Yang
We need people building companies all over the country to innovate in aviation, consumer products, education, health, cybersecurity, biotech, manufacturing, and everything in between.
Andrew Yang
Freelancers generally want as friction-free an engagement as possible.
Andrew Yang
The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is push my dog off of me. He likes to sleep on top of me. I think it’s because I’m warm and breathing.
Andrew Yang
The monetary market is going to value people’s time less and less as time goes on, so you need another way to structure their day that rewards them.
Andrew Yang
Asking the government to fix our economy is like asking an editor to fix a movie, but in this case, the editor’s not even of one mind.
Andrew Yang
What was a profitable business in one era can become a public utility and a recognized public good in the next.
Andrew Yang
In 2011, I started a nonprofit organization, Venture for America, to help bring talented young entrepreneurs to create thousands of jobs in Detroit, Cleveland, St. Louis, Birmingham, Baltimore and other cities around the country.
Andrew Yang
I like most of the venture capitalists I know; they’re smart, well-intended guys who genuinely enjoy helping entrepreneurs succeed. And I love venture capital and investment capital of all categories – its economic impact is proven. The more of it the better.
Andrew Yang
We say success in America is about hard work and character. It’s not really. Most of success today is about how good you are at certain tests and what kind of family background you have, with some exceptions sprinkled in to try and make it all seem fair.
Andrew Yang
I can’t sit by and do nothing as our country disintegrates.
Andrew Yang
All you need is self-driving cars to destabilize society.
Andrew Yang
The problems that you see startups tackling are dramatically different in different cities. Silicon Valley is unlikely to produce the same set of companies as New York or Cleveland because the region has a different set of strengths and defining institutions.
Andrew Yang
If you can't pay your bills, it has a really tough effe

If you can’t pay your bills, it has a really tough effect on your mental state.
Andrew Yang
A universal basic income funded by a value-added tax, which is a tax placed on a product whenever value is added at each stage of the supply chain, from production to the point of sale, would spread the benefits of automation to a much wider group of people.
Andrew Yang
Universal basic income is not a solution in search of a problem – it is the obvious solution that has been in front of us for years. It only requires us to have the vision, empathy and courage to adopt it for the American people before it is too late.
Andrew Yang
I would not outlaw or eliminate private health insurance. But if we do a good enough job, with a robust public option, there really should not be as much of a need for private insurance in the market.
Andrew Yang
One could argue that our national university system has become a de facto talent drain for much of the country. Many states and communities send their top students away to great schools, never to hear from them again.
Andrew Yang
The best organizations are filled with people who have a wealth of choices as to what work they choose to do. We need to give them every reason possible to solve the world’s problems.
Andrew Yang
Of course, women are free to start any kind of company they want. But women sometimes identify different problems than men do and start different sorts of companies as a result.
Andrew Yang
If a new company is formed, it hires people and creates jobs in its community. As it grows, people’s opportunities multiply and wages rise. Inequality diminishes as more people get pulled into good jobs.
Andrew Yang
In my experience, entrepreneurship tends to be kind of cumulative, like a layer cake. Taking some time away can make it hard to rev up.
Andrew Yang
I never thought I’d run for president. My parents were immigrants to this country – and leader of the free world was not on the list of careers presented to me as a skinny Asian kid growing up in upstate New York.
Andrew Yang
The impending destruction of jobs due to automation and AI technologies is definitely increasing the need for – and speed at which – we have to implement big solutions, such as a universal basic income.
Andrew Yang
Automation is no longer just a problem for those working in manufacturing. Physical labor was replaced by robots; mental labor is going to be replaced by AI and software.
Andrew Yang
Silicon Valley is like Wall Street in that it will fill and pursue market opportunities to their logical extremes.
Andrew Yang
Our young people desperately want the chance to participate in and lead our nation’s economic and cultural revival. They’re up for the challenges that they’re going to inherit. It only remains for us to present the path to address them.
Andrew Yang
Venture for America operates in communities that could generally use more innovation: Detroit, New Orleans, Baltimore, and other U.S. cities. So I’m obviously a big believer in innovation and progress as key drivers of economic growth and prosperity.
Andrew Yang
If a company is growing, then people’s roles often grow and change, and opportunities abound.
Andrew Yang
The benefits of a universal basic income overall are huge.
Andrew Yang
I try not to bring my phone to the gym – it’s too tempting to play with it.
Andrew Yang
Non-profits should be looking to enlist and retain the best people to aggressively solve problems, not to perform adequately and persist. We should expect people to innovate and do the highest-quality work and then reward them accordingly.
Andrew Yang
Just about any growth company is going to need smart salespeople, account and project managers, business development, marketing, operations, customer service, content creation, communications, analytics, and social media.
Andrew Yang
Retail businesses have narrow margins. If you cut off a flow of young consumers, it’s only a matter of time before the businesses struggle and fail.
Andrew Yang
I have started or run several companies and spent time with dozens of entrepreneurs over the years. Virtually none of them, in my experience, made meaningful personnel or resource-allocation decisions based on incentives or policies.
Andrew Yang
I sometimes compare starting a business to having a child. You have a moment of profound inspiration, followed by months of thankless hard work and waking up in the middle of the night.
Andrew Yang
I’ve always taken pride in relating to the underdog or little guy or gal.
Andrew Yang
If I need a pick-me-up, I pull up a memo file on my phone and type in three things I’m grateful for. The things I’ve typed on other days are still there. It’s a long list. Always helps.
Andrew Yang
Technology companies tend to operate in winner-take-all spaces and thus adopt a very high-commitment culture.
Andrew Yang
The professors at Harvard are smarter and more world-renowned, and so your child will learn from a pre-eminent scholar who is a leader in his or her field. Some of Harvard’s professors are even famous.
Andrew Yang
When I was growing up, I’d study for days trying to get good grades. When I’d get an ‘A,’ I’d feel elation for about 30 seconds, and then a feeling of emptiness.
Andrew Yang
Millennials get a bad rap sometimes about their grit and perseverance.
Andrew Yang
The vast majority of companies don’t go public and mint dozens of millionaires. And most companies don’t go around doling out stock options; private companies tend to be very tight about ownership.
Andrew Yang
I’ve always believed that talking about something is not the same as doing something about it.
Andrew Yang
People love Twinkies, and everyone knows about them, ye

People love Twinkies, and everyone knows about them, yet Hostess went bankrupt. Attention and commercial success have an uncertain relationship in business.
Andrew Yang
Many of the scrappy young people I meet who are the first in their family to go to college feel that they have to bring home a steady paycheck to make their family’s sacrifices worthwhile.
Andrew Yang
I’m a capitalist, and I believe that universal basic income is necessary for capitalism to continue.
Andrew Yang
Every entrepreneur doesn’t need to be technical – there are plenty of opportunities out there for people who aren’t coders.
Andrew Yang