Top 66 Channing Frye Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Channing Frye Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I don't want to say that when you're an athlete, you ta

I don’t want to say that when you’re an athlete, you take things for granted, but you do. We’re supposed to go out and think we’re invincible. We’re not.
Channing Frye
I grew up a Suns fan, I grew up a guy just wishing I could – I remember sitting up there in high seats with my parents, just watching the game.
Channing Frye
In high school, I had size and I had raw potential, but as a basketball player I was hot garbage.
Channing Frye
I think every team goes through their ups and downs.
Channing Frye
Before every game, I have this 30-second routine where I’ll pretend like I’m doing some stupid stretch, but what I am really doing is just closing my eyes and taking in the moment, imagining every arena and every city I’ve been in, smelling all the smells, seeing all the fans.
Channing Frye
I’ve been traded before.
Channing Frye
If I break your ankles you need to be over here with me… retired.
Channing Frye
With all these ups and downs, if you can stay steady through those emotions, it’ll help you out a lot.
Channing Frye
I’ve never complained about coming off the bench, not playing or not playing a lot.
Channing Frye
I had a heart issue, and a lot of it was caused by stress and anxiety. I know that my father had really high anxiety too.
Channing Frye
Everyone knows I love a good fart joke!
Channing Frye
I have no problem being wrong. I love it when somebody goes ‘Channing you’re wrong.’
Channing Frye
When you played Kobe, it was something different. When you went to L.A., you made sure your shoes were tied extra tight. You made sure you got sleep, you made sure you ate better. He just made you better.
Channing Frye
I am who I am.
Channing Frye
To be 29 and have a heart issue is very rare. Other than that, I had a clean bill of health.
Channing Frye
Bron gave me a pair of his LeBron 1s in my size, the original Air Zoom Generation ones. My favorites are Jordan 1s, 11s and any kind of Air Maxes.
Channing Frye
Every competitive person wants to go out and play.
Channing Frye
Listen, I’m a super happy guy. But some days on the court – to be honest – I just didn’t have it emotionally. There was nothing in my tank.
Channing Frye
I never asked another player for their shoes, it’s a little weird.
Channing Frye
I put a lot of pressure on myself to play a certain way.
Channing Frye
Steph is a Hall of Famer, is a multiple champion, best shooter of all time.
Channing Frye
Do I want to play basketball? You bet your dollar I do. At the same time, I have no control over what my body does. I can just give myself the best opportunity. That’s the best attitude I can take.
Channing Frye
I think the defense is going to dictate how many shots you get.
Channing Frye
Luka, he’s good.
Channing Frye
It’s just hard in general to win in this league.
Channing Frye
Different people talk different ways.
Channing Frye
VH1 is seriously competing for best channel ever.
Channing Frye
I’m really appreciating the value of a Chuck Taylor as I get older.
Channing Frye
When you do something that’s a labor of love, where you care about the customers’ trust and putting a product that’s A1 out there, you will be successful, you just have to be patient.
Channing Frye
In the early ’90s, my parents weren’t really drinking wine. They had a bottle or two laying around, but it had been a stigma where a bottle of wine had to be for a super special occasion. A bottle of wine had to go with a steak. And it was this thing that seemed so distant.
Channing Frye
I purposely don’t put my family on there, I don’t put my kids on there. Because I think these days everybody wants to share everything – and then they get upset when people judge all their stuff. So, I figure let them judge things that you’re okay with them judging.
Channing Frye
You can judge the fact that I like video games or wine

You can judge the fact that I like video games or wine or love basketball or like going fishing. You can judge all that. But there are certain things that you can’t, and I think people are figuring that out. Me, being from the old school, I figured that out early.
Channing Frye
I could do interviews all day.
Channing Frye
You have to be somewhere you’re wanted.
Channing Frye
You get drafted on potential.
Channing Frye
I don’t think you see very many losing teams working out in August with 10 people.
Channing Frye
I was a great teammate and I love all my teammates, and then No. 2 is I’m a champion. So I don’t care if anyone says I suck, because I don’t.
Channing Frye
When I was on the Knicks, and I’d have a drink – my drink would be either a Manhattan or an Old Fashioned – businessmen would be drinking only wine. As I continued to go to business dinners with successful businessmen, my drink has now also turned into wine.
Channing Frye
We get stereotyped so much. Look, people are going to think what they’re going to think of me, but if I’m myself consistently then I don’t fit into your little box of what a professional athlete is.
Channing Frye
A big thing with the heart issue is you can’t be up in here being stressed and having a lot of anxiety, so I had to do a lot of soul searching about how, ‘Why do certain things make me upset?’ and being more honest with myself. It’s actually made my marriage awesome, it’s made my friendships better.
Channing Frye
If you have guys where they don’t know what their job is every night, then you start seeing guys, they don’t give each other high-fives. They don’t communicate when there are miscues. They just kind of look at each other and try to blame each other.
Channing Frye
Some guys don’t find their niche until they’ve been on two or three different teams. It’s going to happen.
Channing Frye
It doesn’t matter where you’re drafted.
Channing Frye
I’ve been through everything in my career.
Channing Frye
What you’re getting on Twitter is me sitting on a bench, just with a lot less cuss words. Honestly.
Channing Frye
I don’t have any fear. I’m not scared to push myself and run and play and get my heart rate up.
Channing Frye
Wine culture is very white. It’s a fact. When you look at it from a cultural standpoint, you’re missing out on so many different cultural influences in America.
Channing Frye
I appreciate my years in New York, because it made me who I am.
Channing Frye
I love Chicago. The women are beautiful.
Channing Frye
If I’m a coach, let me be a coach, you know?
Channing Frye
I love using my Coravin Model Six at home to just give a glass of wine to my friends and family without having to commit to the whole bottle. It’s perfect when everyone wants something different. I also love being able to try a glass of a bottle I’ve always been wanting to see if it’s ready to drink.
Channing Frye
It’s tough to control your words and your emotions. A lot of guys will say things out of emotion at that moment when really they should be thinking: ‘Ok, what’s this going to look like tomorrow?’
Channing Frye
The Warriors getting Kevin Durant, yes you won championships, which I guess is all that matters, I think at the end, and I’m just saying this as someone from the outside, it almost looks like it diminishes everything that was accomplished before him. It takes the allure of the Warriors away.
Channing Frye
I like being the underdog.
Channing Frye
You don’t need to be a stereotypical basketball player to be successful. You can be yourself. You can kick it with artists, you can kick it with nerds.
Channing Frye
Kobe Bryant is one of those guys I never imagined being on the same court with. It was always an aspiration.
Channing Frye
If we’re more successful with me coming off the bench and we’re winning games, hey, I’ll ride with it.
Channing Frye
When you have a mix of culture, talent and discipline, wins are going to start happening.
Channing Frye
What I’ve learned is that you forget that it’s not only a blessing to play this game, but it’s an opportunity.
Channing Frye
If everyone had a superpower, Kobe would be the Hulk. Kobe could take on a whole team by himself and he’s willing to do that. So, Kobe is like I’ll go 5-1, I don’t care. I’m still going to win. I put in more work than all five of you guys.
Channing Frye
I’m a 120-over-78 blood pressure guy.
Channing Frye
I like drinking wine. Since I travel a lot in the league, I like to sit down with my wife and have a meal and share a glass of wine. We’re exhausted, especially when our kids are acting crazy, but that cheers, that connection, is what wine is for my family and my friends. It’s a part of who we are.
Channing Frye
Something I've come to really admire about Kyrie is tha

Something I’ve come to really admire about Kyrie is that he’s always computing out there – he’s logging everything that happens, and since nobody can guard him, that’s scary to think about.
Channing Frye
If your rookie can affect a win or a loss early, then his ceiling is going to be crazy.
Channing Frye
You can’t play scared.
Channing Frye
I’m pretty light-hearted for the most part.
Channing Frye