Top 66 Dessert Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Dessert Quotes from famous people such as Holly Madison, Georges St-Pierre, Kenneth Cole, Martin Brodeur, Adam Clayton, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I love chicken fingers, I love French fries. I love des

I love chicken fingers, I love French fries. I love desserts. I’m not just into dessert or just into savoury food. I love it all. I’m a pig. I love food. So it takes a lot of discipline to eat healthy.
Holly Madison
I still eat my ice cream if I want to. I like dessert, of course.
Georges St-Pierre
I work out with my trainer at 5 A. M. three times per week and I also skip dessert – most of the time.
Kenneth Cole
Getting into the Hall is such an honor. It’s like the dessert of your career. The Hall is the top of the mountain.
Martin Brodeur
Fame is like the dessert that comes with your achievements – it’s not an achievement in itself, but sometimes it can overpower the work.
Adam Clayton
My kids have always been allowed to have dessert. My husband thinks I’m too free and easy about that kind of stuff, but my kids will throw out a half-eaten ice cream cone if they’ve had enough, which I’ve never in my life been able to do.
Julianne Moore
My favorite dessert for me to eat at home is Milo and ice cream.
Adriano Zumbo
Thus the public use of reason and freedom is nothing but a dessert, a sumptuous dessert.
Johann Georg Hamann
My diet doesn’t change regardless of whether or not I’m competing. It’s not that strict, either. I try not to eat too much dessert or too many sugary things, like bread or pasta. But I’m not crazy, and I’ll eat pasta if that’s what someone if making. It’s all about trying to find a balance and eat healthy.
Gus Kenworthy
I look out the chair while eating my pillow. I open the wall, I walk with my ears. I have ten eyes to walk with and two fingers to look with. I put my head on the floor to sit down, I put my bottom on the ceiling. After eating the music box, I spread jam on the rug for a great dessert.
Eugene Ionesco
I never serve a dessert on Passover that I would not serve the rest of the year.
Gil Marks
I learned that the hardest party to pull off successfully is Saturday night dinner. This meal is expected to be elaborate: appetizers, first course, dinner, dessert, and coffee. People arrive at 7:30 or 8 p.m. and stay for hours – definitely past my bedtime – and they all go home exhausted.
Ina Garten
I was an infamously picky eater as a child but also had an infamous sweet tooth. All I wanted was dessert for every meal of the day.
Christina Tosi
Of course I treat myself every now and then. Once a month I might have pizza and red wine and maybe a dessert, but that’s it.
Ricki-Lee Coulter
It’s so difficult. Sometimes if I have dessert, I think, ‘Well, I blew it.’ That’s something I need to work on and control. But still there’s nothing like a buffet.
Donna Dixon
Sticky toffee pudding is my favorite dessert in the U.K.
I’ll immediately gain, like, 5 pounds even just by thinking about cutting out dessert. It’s a nightmare. I decided, for me, the healthiest thing was to eat what I want and just exercise. Some women can watch what they eat, but I just can’t do that.
Gwyneth Paltrow
I would be lying if I said I cut out all dessert. When I’m training, I try to satisfy those cravings with a slightly healthier dessert, like a piece of dark chocolate or whipped cream and strawberries. Those are two of my favorites!
Josie Loren
I’m like a kid: I love dessert.
Victoria Azarenka
Being a great baker and pastry chef requires the upmost open mind. I try every dessert that comes my way!
Christina Tosi
I’ve prioritized taking care of my mind, having fun, and doing things that make me laugh. And eating well – as in, really good food, like steak or pasta or fresh vegetables or an amazing dessert. You know, ‘treat yo’self.’
Phillipa Soo
I love to eat and go out to dinner with friends and family and order all kinds of things. I love dessert.
Denise Austin
People seldom think of soup for summer, so they are unusual – an interesting, unusual touch for the first course or for dessert. I find cold soups very refreshing. I serve them in cups rather than in bowls, usually, and let people sip them. You don’t really need a spoon for soups that are all one consistency.
Ruth Glick
My freezer is a labelled-and-dated marvel of soups, stews, braises, cooked grains, bread, and the occasional half-eaten dessert. Any of them can be defrosted and ready to eat in under 25 minutes.
Chris Morocco
I hope to be working and eating dessert at 93 just like my grandma.
Rachel Boston
I had a little epiphany when I was a writer at ‘Chicago’ magazine. I sat down to dinner at the Ritz-Carlton. Somebody poured a white dessert wine with chocolate cake. It was a wine I would never have expected to make sense. The idea of any wine tasting fabulous with chocolate cake was fascinating to me.
Ted Allen
On Christmas Eve, we have a duck or roast pork with caramelised potatoes, braised red cabbage and gravy. For dessert, we have ris a l’amande, a rice pudding, and whoever gets the whole almond in it wins an extra present. Then we dance around the tree and sing carols.
Birgitte Hjort Sorensen
My favourite dessert is tarte Tatin.
Marco Pierre White
I try to be healthy. I train three days a week with a trainer. But I do like to eat, clearly. And I do eat dessert every day. If I cut that out, yes, I would lose weight.
Rebel Wilson
No dessert. I don’t do dessert.
Ronnie Coleman
Absolutely eat dessert first. The thing that you want to do the most, do that.
Joss Whedon
There is a dessert dish in Austria called Kaiserschmarr

There is a dessert dish in Austria called Kaiserschmarrn – it’s kind of like a sweet raisin pancake with eggs and sugar. It’s definitely not something I can eat often, but if I’ve done well at a race, sometimes that’s my celebration treat!
Lindsey Vonn
I have a sweet tooth problem. On tour, in catering, the dessert was always so good. When we started the tour I was in the best shape of my life, but by the end of it I was horrible.
Kevin McHale
My family always ate dinner at the table, and we would chat about our day while eating. My parents like to have a few glasses of wine and linger after the meal is over, peeling oranges for dessert while talking. It’s lovely.
Lisa Hanawalt
I’m a really good cook. I bake a lot. I cook dinner most nights. I cook everything from Italian food to Mexican food. But if I’m going to some place and it’s a potluck, I’m always the one to bring dessert!
Amanda Schull
Despite my strict, healthy diet when mired within my regular routine, when I venture in a explorative fashion for a meal, it’s all out, no-holds barred, dessert, and drinks, the whole nine.
Gabe Kapler
Sugar brings happiness. Eating it once or twice a week in a dessert, that’s what life is about. There is nothing wrong with it.
Adriano Zumbo
I grew up always having dessert after dinner. Always. It’s such a hard habit for me to break. It’s fine to have dessert every once in a while, but not seven days a week!
Alex Morgan
The most I ever ate? In one sitting? Maybe four big plates of fried chicken, biscuits, chitlins, gravy. Then dessert. Apple pie, sweet potato pie. My mother cooked that stuff, good Southern food, and when I was 300 pounds, I never missed a meal.
Bruce Smith
It’s fine to eat dessert when I want to eat dessert because that will give me the peace of mind I need. I’ll know that if I ate chocolate cake, maybe I won’t the next day.
Camila Mendes
I don’t want the World Dream Orchestra to be like a dessert whose taste is instantly forgotten as soon as you leave the restaurant.
Joe Hisaishi
Serve as a sweet brunch treat or with tea in the afternoon. No one would turn it down as dessert after a big holiday meal, either. You’ll find there’s no bad time for babkallah.
Claire Saffitz
Walt’s idea was that – as soon as the people who were dining got through their main course. They were supposed to all be seated, served at the same time, when they got into the dessert.
John Hench
I was raised to believe you eat hamburgers, mashed potatoes and gravy, and cheesecake for dessert. In California they eat tofu burgers, fat-free applesauce and cake with no sugar. Hopefully, in between, there’s a happy medium for me.
John Pinette
I never want to be that guy at a dinner table saying, ‘I wish I could have dessert.’ I actually went through a stage when I would order dessert first.
Ryan Kwanten
Comedy just pokes at problems, rarely confronts them squarely. Drama is like a plate of meat and potatoes, comedy is rather the dessert, a bit like meringue.
Woody Allen
My secret indulgent food is dessert. I have an incredible sweet tooth – chocolate pudding with vanilla ice-cream or trifle and pavlova. I do love dessert.
Deborra-Lee Furness
You’d think skiing wouldn’t be strenuous – all you have to do, after all, is start at the top and let gravity pull you to the dessert bar in the lodge. But at those elevations, you’ll find about as much oxygen as you’ll find kindness from your children. It’s like spending six hours holding your breath.
W. Bruce Cameron
I really enjoy making breakfast and dinner. But breakfast is a good excuse to have some dessert before dinner.
Tia Mowry
I eat as much as the next girl, but I work my butt of in the gym every morning! The key is moderation. I splurge on the weekend. A big bowl of pasta and a delicious slice of cake for dessert are my favorites.
Giuliana Rancic
Whenever I over-indulge – usually by eating too much dessert – I see the results in my thighs. The backs of my thighs begin to lose their smoothness as the hints of cellulite threaten to turn them into ‘cottage cheese.’
Denise Austin
Martin Scorsese was being given an honorary doctorate, and one of the tutors asked if there was a student film he particularly liked. He mentioned our film. There was a dinner after the final show just for the tutors, but I was smuggled in to meet Scorsese over dessert.
Asif Kapadia
The first thing I wanted to be growing up was a solicitor, because all the people around me needed solicitors! But I never really followed it up. Then I wanted to be a dessert chef because I liked the presentation.
If I wasn’t a pro-athlete, I would probably eat any dessert dish every day!
Zach LaVine
I was raised by a gaggle of women who all loved to bake. Dessert always existed after any savory meal. I was raised with cookies on the plate, brownies in a Tupperware container, and so on.
Christina Tosi
Once a month we have ‘dessert for dinner’ night. I’ll make four separate desserts. They’ll come home from school and eat as much cake and custard and ice cream as they can physically get in their guts. Because sometimes I think, let them just be children.
Nadiya Hussain
I love dessert. All kinds. But there’s something about ice cream that makes me happy. I am drawn to its simplicity. I am perplexed by the endless supply of constantly growing flavor options. And I am always in the mood for sprinkles and a sugar cone.
Rachel Nichols
I take medications every morning and night – they’re my breakfast, and they’re my dessert. I love them.
Chris Gethard
I don’t eat four-legged animals, but I eat birds, I eat cheese, I eat dessert. I eat everything.
Gwyneth Paltrow
I am crazy for dessert. I eat everything. No one should be denied anything… just don’t eat the whole thing.
Keri Russell
There is no right or wrong way to pair or prepare a dessert. Follow your instincts, edit, and taste-tweak-taste until you get it just right!
Christina Tosi
The most classic French dessert around the holidays is the Christmas log, with butter cream. Two flavors. Chocolate and coconut. My first job in the kitchen when I was a boy was to make these Christmas logs.
Alain Ducasse
I'd never scan the starters and main courses on a menu

I’d never scan the starters and main courses on a menu in a restaurant as a child. I’d want a dessert for starter, for main course and for dessert.
Dervla Kirwan
I don’t eat a ton of pasta or bread. But I eat dessert almost every night, and I drink. You need a bit of balance, and I’ve found mine.
Misty Copeland
I don’t think it’s a good advert for any restaurant, a fat chef, and secondly, who wants to eat a dessert when the chef’s a fat pig.
Gordon Ramsay
I adore summer entertaining. For a dinner party at the farm, I might prepare homemade fettuccine with porcini mushrooms, soft-shell crabs, spinach from the garden, and lemon tarts with fraises des bois for dessert.
Martha Stewart