Top 675 Creativity Quotes

When I give talks, I often quote from a button I received at a Google event: Always Be Creative. I use it to illustrate how important creativity is in technology and business.
Harper Reed
In ‘The Future and Its Enemies,’ I argue that individual creativity and enterprise are not only personally satisfying but socially good, producing progress and happiness. For celebrating creativity and happiness, I have been called a fascist by critics on both coasts.
Virginia Postrel
Faith is almost the bottom line of creativity; it requires a leap of faith any time we undertake a creative endeavor, whether this is going to the easel, or the page, or onto the stage – or for that matter, in a homelier way, picking out the right fabric for the kitchen curtains, which is also a creative act.
Julia Cameron
In running my own company, I was too busy for a while, and I thought, ‘Maybe I’ll stop dancing for a bit.’ It was the worst decision ever. I just lost my creativity and my drive.
Payal Kadakia
It’s hard to force creativity and humor.
Al Yankovic
Your ego can become an obstacle to your work. If you start believing in your greatness, it is the death of your creativity.
Marina Abramovic
Extending our lives, extending our creativity, opening up the mysteries of the brain. All those things that are really exciting – that’s kind of the basis of ‘Neon Future,’ and that’s why I interviewed Ray Kurzweil and Aubrey de Grey.
Steve Aoki
The idea flow from the human spirit is absolutely unlimited. All you have to do is tap into that well. I don’t like to use the word efficiency. It’s creativity. It’s a belief that every person counts.
Jack Welch
We have no hope of solving our problems without harnessing the diversity, the energy, and the creativity of all our people.
Roger Wilkins
Almost everything I’ve done, I’ve done through my own creativity. I don’t think I ever had to listen to anyone else to learn how to play drums. I wish I could say that for about ten thousand other drummers.
Buddy Rich
I don’t think there’s anything to be ashamed of about being a woman who loves fashion. Fashion is a vehicle for self-expression, it tells the world who you are and how you want to be seen. If you use it as a canvas for creativity, then you might want to talk about it, you know? And I fully embrace that.
Elaine Welteroth
The new meaning of soul is creativity and mysticism. These will become the foundation of the new psychological type and with him or her will come the new civilization.
Otto Rank
Fundamental research is needed to make progress, which you cannot do solely by copying others. If you only do applied research, you quickly lose creativity.
Francois Englert
Wealth is only ever actually created from the bottom-up, with free people employing their distinctly human creativity and finding ways to serve and employ others.
Joe Lonsdale
I think the designs and creativity are limitless with 3-D-printed clothing.
Amy Purdy
I’m not motivated by money or fame. I’m more driven by the electricity of creativity. The idea of being one of the legends that inspired me, being like Tupac.
Vic Mensa
There are a lot of studies that suggest a higher rate of creativity in bipolars than the general population.
Kay Redfield Jamison
You don’t base records on success; you base it on creativity.
Nikki Sixx
My belief in why America has been doing so well up to now is that we have been propelled by our immigrants and our encouragement of technical innovation and, indeed, creativity across the board.
Howard Gardner
Creativity is not just for artists. It’s for businesspeople looking for a new way to close a sale; it’s for engineers trying to solve a problem; it’s for parents who want their children to see the world in more than one way.
Twyla Tharp
I believe this passionately: that we don’t grow into creativity, we grow out of it. Or rather, we get educated out if it.
Ken Robinson
Punishing honest mistakes stifles creativity. I want people moving and shaking the earth and they’re going to make mistakes.
Ross Perot
I get the best inspiration or the most creativity from real emotions.
Sam Hunt
Our current obsession with creativity is the result of our continued striving for immortality in an era when most people no longer believe in an after-life.
Arianna Huffington
Many creative people are finding that creativity doesn’t grow in abundance, it grows from scarcity – the more Lego bricks you have doesn’t mean you’re going to be more creative; you can be very creative with very few Lego bricks.
Jorgen Vig Knudstorp
A lot of artists think they want anger. But a real, strong, bitter anger occupies the mind, leaving no room for creativity.
David Lynch
Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask crea

Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while. That’s because they were able to connect experiences they’ve had and synthesize new things.
Steve Jobs
I’ve never been a very prolific person, so when creativity flows, it flows. I find myself scribbling on little notepads and pieces of loose paper, which results in a very small portion of my writings to ever show up in true form.
Kurt Cobain
My individual power is limited. I want to use my high-profile way to wake people up to take action together to do good things. I can only awake them with my performance art and creativity.
Chen Guangbiao
The Nobel Prizes are much more than awards to scholars; they are a celebration of civilization, of mankind, and of what makes humans unique – that is their intellect from which springs creativity.
Stanley B. Prusiner
There’s an inherent contradiction between appreciating the beauty of clothes and creativity and individuality, and the waste around the ideas of trends and seasons.
Lily Cole
An essential aspect of creativity is not being afraid to fail.
Edwin Land
Other than much needed infrastructure development, local administrations in Papua must encourage entrepreneurship and creativity.
Thirty-three-years-old, still creating art. It’s rage, it’s creativity, it’s pain, it’s hurt, but it’s the opportunity to still have my voice get out there through music.
Kanye West
Before my first child was born, I had nothing going on professionally really, and it’s been a very blessed period of creativity for me since he arrived. It’s very surreal. It’s almost as if the babies are out there pulling strings somewhere, deciding what kind of life they want to be born into.
Seth Gabel
Social media has colonized what was once a sacred space occupied by emptiness: the space reserved for thought and creativity.
Mahershala Ali
I’ve been trying to… Having been an English literary graduate, I’ve been trying to avoid the idea of doing art ever since. I think the idea of art kills creativity.
Douglas Adams
I want to involve creativity more in technology and business. It is obvious that for us to be successful, a healthy relationship with creativity is needed.
Harper Reed
Innovating today is about creativity; it is about the freedom to act… if you look at the big conglomerate… it’s highly regulated. It’s a lot of talk about… internal controls and this and that… so there’s a huge mindshift change to get the best of people.
Joe Kaeser
From Shakespeare to Robi Thakur, everyone has written stories about people and incidents around them. There is no creativity minus reality irrespective of how flowery or abstract you make it.
Vidya Balan
I think visually, and music videos spark my creativity.
Jay Park
The body, in ‘La Belle Noiseuse,’ was the source of the artist’s creativity.
Emmanuelle Beart
You can look at Bad Religion, and, really, almost everything I’ve ever done was an exercise in creativity. I’ve always had a desire to challenge and question authority, and that’s where the fire inside comes from. I challenged authority out of a desire to make things better, not to be nihilistic about it.
Greg Graffin
As is the case with all good things in life – love, good manners, language, cooking – personal creativity is required only rarely.
Leon Krier
If you define eccentricity as creativity, then yes, creativity is eccentricity.
Russell Smith
I would say I’ve always lived creativity, but now I – I do it with an intention that’s got a completely different power.
Abigail Washburn
Mystery is at the heart of creativity. That, and surprise.
Julia Cameron
Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way.
Edward de Bono
My early colleagues and myself helped create the life styles of Americans and, by osmosis, of the rest of the world. I found it difficult to reconcile success with humility. I tried it first, but it meant avoiding the very essence of my career – total exhilaration and the ecstasy of creativity.
Raymond Loewy
For sheer creativity and totality of involvement, ‘Rolf’s Cartoon Club’ with HTV in Bristol was an amazing show to work on, but I think the ‘Rolf on Art’ series, culminating in the painting of the Queen’s portrait to celebrate her 80th birthday, just nudges into the favourite spot.
Rolf Harris
Creativity was definitely a big part of our household, and I remember always writing stories and being encouraged to be creative.
Katrina Lake
Instead of abandoning competition and giving banks protected monopolies once again, the public would be better served by making it easier to close banks when they get into trouble. Instead of making banking boring, let us make it a normal industry, susceptible to destruction in the face of creativity.
Raghuram Rajan
I always liked creativity, whether it was to draw or sew – any creative assignment I was getting from school, or just on my own.
Moran Atias
Performance art is the ultimate in creativity. Since it has so many possibilities at creativity, it’s essence tends to become creativity.
Jack Bowman
I write a chapter, then edit it and edit it and edit it and edit it. I don’t think we mine creativity from within. It’s bestowed from on high, from God.
Ann Voskamp