Top 688 Young People Quotes

We’ve got to be delivering young people, and people that are getting reeducated, people who are getting reemployed, into the marketplace with skills to work together, to understand computers, and to be able to be a part of that 21st century economy.
Ann McLane Kuster
It’s important to me to try and expose young people to the things they believe are off-limits to them. I tell them, ‘There are no walls, only the ones we put up.’ My advice to young people looking at my life is not to follow my footprint but to go out there and make their own.
Jackie Joyner-Kersee
We have to help young people, because at the end of the day, we won’t have an economy if we don’t have them.
Xavier Niel
So, rap has that quality, for youth anyway; it’s a kind of blues element. It’s physical, almost gymnastic. It speaks to you organically. Rap grows out of what young people really are today, not only black youth, but white – everybody.
Archie Shepp
When I talk about the Internet, it’s because young people are there. TV and radio are still what moves the masses, and you can’t ignore that. But you also have to feed that monster that grows daily, which is the Internet.
Daddy Yankee
As an educator myself, I understand the profound effect that good teachers and a quality education have on the lives of our young people.
Ben Bernanke
Among young people, often a key factor in them committing suicide is the trauma of transient relationships. They throw themselves into a friendship or network of friendships, then it collapses and they’re desolate.
Vincent Nichols
My advice to young people who want to act is just to do it as much as you can! Find friends who also want to do it and have readings of great plays in your apartment. You don’t have to wait for someone else to tell you that you can do it. You can be getting better on your own all the time.
Sarah Steele
I don’t want to tell your story because you’re a insensitive, self-centered moron. I’ve told a lot of stories about young people, and I always feel there’s hope.
Joel Schumacher
There was no Congressional Club for my first campaign. There was no organized state group of Young Republicans, but there was a dedicated core of young people who volunteered to do anything my campaign needed.
Jesse Helms
Being on Disney, a lot of young people look up to me.
Tatyana Ali
I was going to be a great woman novelist. Then the war came along and I think it’s hard for young people today, don’t you, to realize that when World War II happened we were dying to go and help our country.
Julia Child
I have sat with countless patients and families to discuss grim prognoses: It’s one of the most important jobs physicians have. It’s easier when the patient is 94, in the last stages of dementia, and has a severe brain bleed. For young people like me – I am 36 – given a diagnosis of cancer, there aren’t many words.
Paul Kalanithi
He would catapult you forward, and that was his intention with the Jazz Messengers. He would take young people with a potential and help them develop a voice as a player and as a writer.
Benny Green
I have dealt with a pretty interesting mix of young people, many of whom have never been involved in any form of politics at any level who are interested in alternatives to austerity and debt, and older people who left the Labour party, mainly over Iraq, who are coming back in.
Jeremy Corbyn
Young people know how to use these social networking tools, and they know how to use them effectively.
Edward Norton
In The Lime Twig I took two very young people and made them very old.
John C. Hawkes
I believe in recovery, and I believe that as a role model I have the responsibility to let young people know that you can make a mistake and come back from it.
Ann Richards
People don’t learn science in movies. You don’t go to the movies thinking, ‘I hope I learn some quantum mechanics this afternoon.’ But on the other hand, movies are instrumental and influential in getting young people interested in science.
Seth Shostak
There are young people having babies every day that cannot possibly take care of them, and, as people who believe that every life is beautiful, we need to make them aware of another choice – to give that beautiful life up for adoption.
John Schneider
The majority of people, especially young people, know Dr. Dre because of Beats by Dre, not necessarily from him being a rap artist.
Aja Brown
A young person, or someone who’s writing in a different way – in some ways you could say, eventually someone will find them. Eventually someone will hear them. But it’s good a lot of young people persevere. Because sometimes you have to send something out a thousand times before anyone recognizes your value.
Junot Diaz
When I was twelve or thirteen, if you liked something that was outside of your friend group genre, you had to rationalize and explain it in some way. It’s totally irrelevant, I think, now. I don’t think anybody cares. Not young people, at least. Maybe journalists.
Autre Ne Veut
As more and more women, men and young people raise their voices and become active in local government, and more local leaders take action for the safety of women and girls, change happens.
Michelle Bachelet
I would tell most young people that in life you can go

I would tell most young people that in life you can go through many difficulties, but if you know what you want to do, if you can focus, and work, then in the end, you will end up doing it. No matter what happens, if you don’t give up, you will still succeed.
William Kamkwamba
When I ask the young people from California why they want to go to New York, and the ones from the East why they’re determined to go West, I hear what you’d expect: new challenges, different weather, boyfriends, girlfriends, to make a name… They laugh when I say, ‘But your poor mother.’
Susan Estrich
Young people can be disruptive and screw up classes. But even if they are being a pain in the arse it’s a cry for help – they don’t feel like they are being listened to.
Jamie Oliver
I like a book. I like to read for four hours at a stretch. I think very few are the young people who are even capable of reading for four hours at a stretch, because it’s such a bizarre thing for them to do. I am mourning this.
Lee Smith
There is an entire generation of young people who know nothing about how viciously the FBI attacked The Black Panther Party, and why.
Bobby Seale
These days, with ‘American Idol’ and all the other reality shows, young people become famous overnight, and that can be very difficult to handle, the way photographers follow you around and study your every move.
Barry Manilow
I’m a very happy university professor… the best thing about being a university professor is that you see young people as they’re being shaped and molded toward their own future, and you have a chance to be a part of that.
Condoleezza Rice
This is a broad thought, but loving yourself and having the support so that you can love yourself is the most important thing that young people in Chicago can get.
To all of the young people out there who are creating social change or even fomenting social movements: hold on to your idealism and your belief in your ability to change the world. Your lofty goals demand attention and deserve support.
Lynn Schusterman
We have to convince our youth that the nation does not need the white-collared class only. We have to find work for the rural young people in the village itself and stop the exodus to the cities.
Sanjay Gandhi
No one warns young people to follow Adam’s example. He waited till God saw his need. Then God made Adam sleep, prepared for his mate, and brought her to him. We need more of this ‘being asleep’ in the will of God.
Jim Elliot
I tell young people to prepare themselves as best they can for a world that grows more challenging every day-get the best education they can, and couple that education with real-life experience in social justice work.
Julian Bond
In securing the future of the planet, we secure happiness for ourselves. One of the aims of the Greens is to turn around the tide of pessimism amongst the young people of the world.
Bob Brown
How you define yourself is a major issue for young people and adults alike.
Jim McKay
It sounds strange to say it, but you can be in a war zone and have a lot of fun. Even though war is essentially pain on all sides, human beings have the capacity to enjoy themselves. The soldiers are mostly young people, full of enthusiasm and energy, and that’s an exciting thing for an old guy like me.
Bruce Cockburn
Shibuya is a trendy part of Tokyo where young people come to meet and have a good time.
Rebecca MacKinnon
I pick out young people and teach them in less time than it would take me to alter the methods of people from the boards, and I get actors who look the parts they have to fill.
D. W. Griffith
The universe at large is full of questions that we still don’t know anything about, and there will be always young people, brilliant, who are going to make new discoveries.
Ahmed Zewail
With young people, it’s how brassy and flashy can you be. But you get a bit older, it’s about how restrained can you be. You have to feel it all, think it all, but you don’t have to play it – it’s just gotta be there, and if the story’s good and the script’s good, people will see it.
Robert Taylor
It’s the same thing now. When I go onstage the young people scream and holler as much as the older generation.
Etta James
Growing economies are critical; we will never be able to end poverty unless economies are growing. We also need to find ways of growing economies so that the growth creates good jobs, especially for young people, especially for women, especially for the poorest who have been excluded from the economic system.
Jim Yong Kim
Young people, some of whom are not born into the faith, are being fired up by preachers using basic Islamic scripture and mobilized to wage jihad by radical imams who represent themselves as legitimate Muslim clergymen.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Keeping young people away from Shakespeare is like removing a link to their humanness.
Tim Crouch