Top 695 Our Lives Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Our Lives Quotes from famous people such as Guy Finley, Marco Tempest, Eddie Vedder, Louis D. Brandeis, David Harsanyi, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

We go through our lives in a continual dance of being f

We go through our lives in a continual dance of being filled with something that needs an answer, and then going out and finding that answer… only to find out that our answer wasn’t quite the answer.
Guy Finley
Combining magic with technology is a good way to influence the trajectory of where technology is going and show people what technology could be in our lives and what it shouldn’t be.
Marco Tempest
We went from an era when rock ‘n’ roll meant wearing a bustier as a woman and these spandex things and guys trying to portray someone that wasn’t realistic. We are trying to make it seem real… relate to our lives.
Eddie Vedder
During most of my life, my contact with Jews and Judaism was slight. I gave little thought to their problems, save in asking myself, from time to time, whether we were showing by our lives due appreciation of the opportunities which this hospitable country affords. My approach to Zionism was through Americanism.
Louis D. Brandeis
My parents both defected from communist Hungary and were what most people would today call libertarian. I grew up with a general distaste for taxation and any policy that intruded on our lives.
David Harsanyi
I also think it was important for me and Freddie to be able to have a lot of time to share our lives at the beginning of our marriage rather than my coming home at 9 or 10 at night from the set. Things have really worked out for the best for both of us.
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Every time a meteor comes close to the earth, we all think about the end of the world – but our internal soundtrack doesn’t turn off. We’re also thinking about pizza or passing a slow tractor or making a turn, and for a magical instant, our lives seem to be in conversation with the stars.
Elif Batuman
It’s always the big question in our lives if you have a lot of success. What do you do with it? Buy more houses, buy more cars, buy more stuff, be wealthy and distant and unengaged? Or do you take all that good fortune that has come towards you and spread the love, do something with it?
Kevin Spacey
If I was madly in love with someone who offered the opportunity to spend our lives together, I would love to have a child or adopt a child.
Charlie Rose
Science is empirical, all about physical senses that tell us about the world. But physical senses are not the only senses we have. Nobody has ever seen a thought. Nobody has ever seen a feeling. And yet thoughts and feelings are where we live our lives most immediately, and science cannot connect with that.
Huston Smith
I think the ordinary is a very under-exploited aspect of our lives because it is so familiar.
Martin Parr
I am proud to stand with the millions of women and men who recognize that our government should legislate according to the reality of our lives – not for ideology.
Sandra Fluke
Synchronicity is basically coincidences with a meaning. That synchronicity is in our lives to help us get in touch with our loved ones and also refine our intuition.
Tyler Henry
Christ imparts the capacity of conquest to our lives every single day that we are willing to believe Him.
Walter Martin
All of us every single year, we’re a different person. I don’t think we’re the same person all our lives.
Steven Spielberg
Disenchantment, whether it is a minor disappointment or a major shock, is the signal that things are moving into transition in our lives.
William Throsby Bridges
The religious imagery and fairytales that formed our shared cultural references have been replaced by the cult of celebrity. Marilyn is the sex goddess, Camilla Parker Bowles is cast as the wicked witch, Che Guevara is the revolutionary. Celebrities have become visual shorthand for narratives that shape our lives.
Alison Jackson
A woman has many faces as she goes through her life. It’s like we need more than one hair-do. We have many, many changes in the evolution of our lives. We have, we learn, and we grow; we view life differently, and life views us differently.
Sharon Stone
I don’t see how anybody cannot be political in this day and age. There’s so much going on and you have to be aware and you have to vote. Our lives are political.
Robert Cray
I think that half of us feel fraudulent in our lives anyway. There’s that strange disconnect of not really knowing what we’re doing sometimes, or why it matters. It’s our existential crisis.
Carrie Brownstein
Naturalism says that we were not put here for any purpose. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t such thing as purpose. It just means that purpose isn’t imposed from outside. We human beings have the creative ability to give our lives purposes and meanings.
Sean M. Carroll
For most of us, the great danger is not that we will renounce our faith. It is that we will become so distracted and rushed and preoccupied that we will settle for a mediocre version of it. We will just skim our lives instead of actually living them.
John Ortberg
We are living our lives more online and you need to have different ways to capture that.
Nate Silver
You’d be hard pressed to find more drama in ‘Days of Our Lives’ than you do in an average job each day.
Ryan Reynolds
We’re so marinated in the culture of speed that we almost fail to notice the toll it takes on every aspect of our lives – on our health, our diet, our work, our relationships, the environment and our community.
Carl Honore
I think it is important that we rebuild an atmosphere of forgiveness and civility in every aspect of our lives.
T. D. Jakes
The Torah is the foundational text for Jewish law, but the Haggadah is our book of living memory. We are not merely telling a story here. We are being called to a radical act of empathy. Here we are, embarking on an ancient, perennial attempt to give human lives – our lives – dignity.
Jonathan Safran Foer
So we led our lives in nature and spent a lot of time together as a family. That’s how we picked things up and learned about life.
Akiane Kramarik
What we pay for with our lives never costs too much.
Antonio Porchia
The compassion of Christlike friends deeply touches and changes our lives.
Joseph B. Wirthlin
People come in and out of our lives, and the true test of friendship is whether you can pick back up right where you left off the last time you saw each other.
Lisa See
Writers want to summarize: What does this mean? What di

Writers want to summarize: What does this mean? What did we learn from this? That’s a very 19th-century way of thinking about art, because it assumes that it should make our lives better or teach us something.
Laurie Anderson
Never forget: This very moment, we can change our lives. There never was a moment, and never will be, when we are without the power to alter our destiny. This second, we can turn the tables on Resistance. This second, we can sit down and do our work.
Steven Pressfield
History does influence our lives – every moment. We never sort of live our lives in a linear fashion. We always have these memories and these images from our past that sometimes we’re not even aware of, and they sort of shape who we are.
Dinaw Mengestu
You know, women have a history of just being – we’ve been told all our lives not to say – in the fifties you couldn’t say birth or even be pregnant hardly on television – and then gradually things have changed.
Cybill Shepherd
Young adults in their late 20s are confronted by so many choices – there are so many different paths to choose. Sometimes I think we just fill our lives with stuff so we don’t really make any choice at all, which is certainly incredibly luxurious.
Rachael Taylor
I think the point about ActionAid is what it’s asking people to do is engage with poor people in developing countries and understand what their lives are like and understand how the way we live our lives impacts on theirs.
Emma Thompson
Democracy is not something that happens, you know, just at election time, and it’s not something that happens just with one event. It’s an ongoing building process. But it also ought to be a part of our culture, a part of our lives.
Jim Hightower
Lifetime dogs intersect with our lives with particular impact; they’re dogs we love in especially powerful, sometimes inexplicable, ways.
Jon Katz
Leadership is a mindset that shifts from being a victim to creating results. Any one of us can demonstrate leadership in our work and within our lives.
Robin S. Sharma
You come on as a guest. You don’t get the girl anymore. But that is our lives. You start off as the boyfriend, then you are the lover, then you are the husband, then you are the father, and then you are the grandfather.
Albert Finney
I love Matthew Broderick. Call me crazy, but I love him. We can only be in the marriage we are. We’re very devoted to our family and our lives. I love our life. I love that he’s the father of my children, and it’s because of him that there’s this whole other world that I love.
Sarah Jessica Parker
We live in a world where, for whatever reason, the conversations that tend to stick are the ones where ‘if it bleeds, it leads.’ But we’ve always been afraid of new technologies in spite of the fact that they’ve helped improve our lives in countless ways.
Jason Silva
I am devoted to my husband and son. I am devoted to the practices and rituals that imbue our lives with a sense of meaning and purpose, that help me to live my days in the most emotionally and intellectually productive manner. I am devoted to the idea of devotion itself.
Dani Shapiro
I think we all wish we could erase some dark times in our lives. But all of life’s experiences, bad and good make you who you are. Erasing any of life’s experiences would be a great mistake.
Luis Miguel
Cell phones tend to bring us more inside of our lives whereas movies offer a chance to escape, so there are two competing forces.
Steven Spielberg
It’s really a full-time job to manage our lives.
Sara Blakely
Indeed, there is nothing like suffering to remind us how much we need God. What good news that His purpose and plan for our lives moves in a different direction from ours!
Tullian Tchividjian