Top 70 Famous People Quotes

I’m really not for famous people who design a line for a company, when you know it’s not really them creating it but a team of designers, especially when there are so many talented people who’ve taken the time to go and study fashion.
Bonnie Wright
I don’t like the idea of famous people.
Kristin Hersh
Famous people feel that they must perpetually be on the crest of the wave, not realising that it is against all the rules of life. You can’t be on top all the time, it isn’t natural.
Olivia De Havilland
I like famous people!
In a lot of aspects it’s cooler that we don’t have a lot of really overly famous people in the band.
Neal Schon
I remember being superyoung, like nine or ten years old, and thinking, ‘Man, I wonder what famous people eat for breakfast. They must have some special kind of cereal!’ My mind was so warped by the idea of fame.
Bo Burnham
Celebrities and ‘famous’ people are just regular folks. I know, it’s a shocking and potentially dangerous statement.
Adam McKay
There were some great tunes played between '67 and '73.

There were some great tunes played between ’67 and ’73. The Beatles were everywhere in those days, the most famous people in the world. You couldn’t avoid them if you wanted. Not that I did.
Shaun Ryder
When you’re married to someone famous, people know you, but they’re not really seeing you.
Patti Scialfa
When you become famous, people can have a powerful yet illusory idea of who you are. You want to live your life, but still, you don’t want to let anyone down. I know Ed Vedder, Kurt Cobain, Jerry Cantrell, all those guys felt it. They’re smart, real, and all of a sudden, they’re put on a pedestal.
Ann Wilson
Have I ever been to a party with a ton of famous people in it? Yes, several times, so I guess that’s a Hollywood lifestyle.
Michael Keaton
We all want to be famous people, and the moment we want to be something we are no longer free.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
I’ve gotten books published. I’ve met famous people that are very nice. I look back and I say, ‘Wow. Thank you, God, for giving me this gift. And thank you for helping me to keep going.’
Mattie Stepanek
George Harrison was also a pleasure to work with. He was one of the most famous people I’ve ever known, but in spite of that fame, he was such a nice and friendly guy.
Alvin Lee
I look at other people my age in this industry, other famous people my age, and they’ve just got famous friends. Which is cool, but I love being normal and just chilling at mine.
Maisie Williams