Top 70 Maryse Mizanin Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Maryse Mizanin Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Well I still have my Patrick Roy jersey from when I was

Well I still have my Patrick Roy jersey from when I was a kid, so he’ll always be my favorite.
Maryse Mizanin
It was super stressful at first because it is my first child. The first minute I saw her and the first minute I heard her cry is really when things kicked in. You just become a mom and you roll with it.
Maryse Mizanin
I always say karma is a thing that is real.
Maryse Mizanin
We got broken into our house three times in five years in L.A., so I wanted to find somewhere where I feel safer, and where my whole family would feel safer.
Maryse Mizanin
Austin is great but it’s just not home for us. L.A. is definitely where we want to be.
Maryse Mizanin
I do the best I can do and I’m passionate about it. If people like me, they like me. If not too bad for them.
Maryse Mizanin
You need to be able to build a character, you need to have time, you need to have a microphone and be able to talk so people can relate to you.
Maryse Mizanin
Let me put it this way, I lived in L.A. for 10 years and did not know my neighbors.
Maryse Mizanin
L.A. is home for us.
Maryse Mizanin
It’s funny that everyone talks about Women’s Revolution and I’m the first one to be behind all of them and be with them, but you can’t forget that behind every Women’s Revolution, there was a pack of women before them and before every single generation fought for something.
Maryse Mizanin
I’m really proud to be French and I’m really different.
Maryse Mizanin
I love seafood.
Maryse Mizanin
I’m a business woman.
Maryse Mizanin
French girls, especially those from Montreal, are known to be the most beautiful women in the world.
Maryse Mizanin
I knew in my heart that I wanted to leave WWE for a long time.
Maryse Mizanin
It’s difficult, it’s a fine line when you’re a mother and a career woman because that’s what we do, we do it all.
Maryse Mizanin
I always wanted to be a princess like Cinderella.
Maryse Mizanin
There is no one more ‘rock-n-roll’ than my mom.
Maryse Mizanin
I love people that can talk and have personality.
Maryse Mizanin
I love chocolate cake. I’m French. I also love cheese and bread, so I could just live on that. But I can’t do that to myself, so I have to moderate.
Maryse Mizanin
People may see us on TV for only five minutes – but there’s a lot going on behind that five minutes. There’s 15 hours of work around it.
Maryse Mizanin
I had a really great career, a long run.
Maryse Mizanin
I developed a heel persona and everything about Maryse was presentation, facials, gestures.
Maryse Mizanin
I love John Cena. I love his charisma, he’s so cute.
Maryse Mizanin
I’ve been on television for so long.
Maryse Mizanin
I am a natural beauty. I can wear sweatpants and running shoes and I stop traffic on the street – people have accidents when they drive and they spot me.
Maryse Mizanin
Wow, my parents are frickin’ cool.
Maryse Mizanin
The mom guilt is really something that not many moms talk about. You leave your house for an hour and you feel guilty about it. That’s something I wasn’t aware of before I was pregnant.
Maryse Mizanin
I’ve seen every bad or mean comment related to what I do for a living, and I’m used to it.
Maryse Mizanin
Eating is 80 percent of everything. Working out for an hour is really easy, but the rest of the day is 23 hours and that’s the hardest part.
Maryse Mizanin
My best physical quality is that I’m flexible.
Maryse Mizanin
Our lives are really hectic, and I think that's challen

Our lives are really hectic, and I think that’s challenging.
Maryse Mizanin
One year with WWE seems like five years, because you’re on the road 280 days a year.
Maryse Mizanin
I have everything I want in life.
Maryse Mizanin
The best designers are French – we all know that. That’s a fact, I’m not inventing anything.
Maryse Mizanin
You know, that women are main events of Wrestlemania. It’s grown so much and I think that it’s amazing. I mean, and I think it’s just going to keep growing.
Maryse Mizanin
When I had Monroe, I was back in the ring four months after giving birth. Five months after giving birth, I was main eventing Smackdown Live in a singles match, which has never really been done before, ever.
Maryse Mizanin
I love boating in the summer.
Maryse Mizanin
We don’t know how many kids we want, but I think we’ll keep trying until we have a boy.
Maryse Mizanin
I am from Canada, and it is really hard for us to go to the United States and prove what we are able to do.
Maryse Mizanin
I’m playing a character in the WWE, but people think that’s really us.
Maryse Mizanin
I’d like to get my character to point where people really, truly want to fricking kill me.
Maryse Mizanin
I love playing a character.
Maryse Mizanin
I have a good sense of humor. I’m confident, passionate and honest. I’m a people person.
Maryse Mizanin
Fans know my hair is my thing – I flip my hair every time I get in the ring – and believe it or not some spit in my hair. They can’t touch to you so they spit on you.
Maryse Mizanin
I really love taking a girl who has no idea how to wear makeup and teach her everything, and show her the difference at the end. The smile on their face is just amazing. It’s like they won a million dollars.
Maryse Mizanin
I believe that Maryse’s persona was the best female persona in years within the WWE.
Maryse Mizanin
I love filet mignon. I love French and Italian cuisine.
Maryse Mizanin
I love partying with my friends.
Maryse Mizanin
I remember the first time I met Hulk Hogan was at a hotel somewhere in Cleveland. My bags were really heavy and he walked over and helped me. He even knew my name, so that was a big thrill for me.
Maryse Mizanin
FHM magazine is one of the cheesiest magazines in America. I’m not talking about Vogue, Elle, Cosmopolitan… FHM is the lowest. FHM? Come on!
Maryse Mizanin
A HITT workout is basically three to four complexes and a complex is about three exercises that you can do about three to four times with no rest. Your heart rate is always up and you’re lifting weights.
Maryse Mizanin
I was born and raised in Laval and my first memory of the Canadiens was their rivalry with the Nordiques and that series in the 1993 playoffs. I was only in grade school but I remember everyone going crazy about the Canadiens that year.
Maryse Mizanin
When I see fans in the street or at meet-and-greets, it’s great. Sometimes they want me to be that person they see on TV, take a picture with a hand in their face or ask me to ‘be mean like you do.’ But I can’t play that character 24-7.
Maryse Mizanin
Our favorite thing to do is stay at home. We’re always on the road doing something, so being able to have one night off at home is perfect.
Maryse Mizanin
I eat a lot of Chicken McNuggets, which are full of protein. No, seriously, I train probably two or three times a week. I’m also lucky that my parents have good genetics – so, thanks, Mom and Dad!
Maryse Mizanin
If there’s one thing I don’t care about, it’s what people say on the Internet.
Maryse Mizanin
I always wanted a cheese wheel.
Maryse Mizanin
It’s like Hollywood movie stars – you can say they lead a glamourous life, but it’s a lot of work. They’re on set for 16 hours a day, then they go home and they still study. They have a nice paycheque at the end, but they do work a lot. WWE is very much like that.
Maryse Mizanin
I just push away everything negative. Just do what you want to do and believe that you can do it and you will do it.
Maryse Mizanin
I was a lifeguard for three years, when I was around 16-years-old. So for my first job, that was awesome, working on the beach.
Maryse Mizanin
Yea, I still get the ‘I used to hate you when you were on WWE. I used to despise you.’ And now I get ‘I look up to you, I have kids too and I want to see what you’re doing.’ And now they are just interested in my life.
Maryse Mizanin
I think the warm weather is perfect for love.

I think the warm weather is perfect for love.
Maryse Mizanin
I was away from my husband for many years when I wasn’t with WWE, and that was the hardest thing.
Maryse Mizanin
Sleep deprivation is something very serious. I didn’t think it could kill you, but I think it can.
Maryse Mizanin
I always knew I wanted to work in TV or be an entertainer. Even though in 2006 I couldn’t even speak English yet, I was determined to work in the WWE so I auditioned.
Maryse Mizanin
I never say never.
Maryse Mizanin
Trish Stratus is a cassette player and I am the newest version of the iTouch. iTouches keep improving. Technology gets better and better. Cassettes are collecting dust.
Maryse Mizanin
I like Lita because she is very feminine but aggressive.
Maryse Mizanin
My pregnancy craving is truffles. I like the smell and I like the way it tastes but they’re very very expensive, rare mushrooms.
Maryse Mizanin