Top 710 Lord Quotes

I prefer to be a dreamer among the humblest, with visions to be realized, than lord among those without dreams and desires.
Khalil Gibran
Hobby Lobby has always been a tool for the Lord’s work.
David Green
Love is the motivating principle by which the Lord lead

Love is the motivating principle by which the Lord leads us along the way towards becoming like Him, our perfect example. Our way of life, hour by hour, must be filled with the love of God and love for others. There is no surprise in that, since the Lord proclaimed those as the first and great commandments.
Henry B. Eyring
Because I was in the business of translating the ‘X-Men’ from the very successful comics, and taking the most popular book of the 20th century in ‘The Lord of the Rings,’ and making it into three movies, I hope people realize I wouldn’t get involved in anything I didn’t think was really going to be worth their while.
Ian Mckellen
There is one Physician, of flesh and of spirit, originate and unoriginate, God in man, true Life in death, son of Mary and son of God, first passible and then impassible: Jesus Christ our Lord.
Ignatius of Antioch
I only hope that He will let me preach to those who have never heard that name Jesus. What else is worthwhile in this life? I have heard of nothing better. ‘Lord, send me!’
Jim Elliot
Lord, when the song wants to pick up and go a little faster towards the end, it’s hard for me to resist.
Levon Helm
The very essence of rationalism is that it assumes that the reason is the highest faculty in man and the lord of all the rest.
Lyman Abbott
No one is free who does not lord over himself.
Sing the songs of joy to the Lord, serve the Name of the Lord, and become the servant of His servants.
Guru Nanak
As an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, I testify to you this day that the time will come when every one of us will look into the Savior’s loving eyes.
Joseph B. Wirthlin
The earth is the Lord’s. Psalm 24 basically says the earth is God’s property. We have been given the privilege and responsibility of living on earth to see it isn’t ruined.
Allen Johnson
Your duty is to treat everybody with love as a manifestation of the Lord.
Swami Sivananda
As I was growing up, I did a lot of talent shows. I won fifteen Sunday nights straight in a series of talent shows in Macon. I showed up the sixteenth night, and they wouldn’t let me go on any more. Whatever success I had was through the help of the good Lord.
Otis Redding
New-Year’s Day arriving, and the ministers, to whom I wrote, remaining silent, I consider their silence as evidence, that they cannot prove what I said not to be from the Lord, and have therefore published as I was directed.
Joanna Southcott
When we walk without the cross, when we build without the cross and when we proclaim Christ without the cross, we are not disciples of the Lord. We are worldly. We may be bishops, priests, cardinals, popes, all of this, but we are not disciples of the Lord.
Pope Francis
I’m lucky. Lord, I’m lucky.
Carroll O’Connor
As I look back over fifty years of ministry, I recall innumerable tests, trials and times of crushing pain. But through it all, the Lord has proven faithful, loving, and totally true to all his promises.
David Wilkerson
The Lord’s Prayer is the most perfect piece of poetry. I always feel at peace and moved when I recite it.
Mary Quant
Teach us, O Lord, the disciplines of patience, for to wait is often harder than to work.
Peter Marshall
So keep fightin’ for freedom and justice, beloveds, but don’t you forget to have fun doin’ it. Lord, let your laughter ring forth. Be outrageous, ridicule the fraidy-cats, rejoice in all the oddities that freedom can produce.
Molly Ivins
Why must we love the Lord? Because as we do so, we become refined, pure, and holy.
Joseph B. Wirthlin
When our Lord says, we must be converted and become as little children, I suppose he means also, that we must be sensible of our weakness, comparatively speaking, as a little child.
George Whitefield
The 1928 Republican Convention opened with a prayer. If the Lord can see His way clear to bless the Republican Party the way it’s been carrying on, then the rest of us ought to get it without even asking.
Will Rogers
They were the books to read, ‘The Hobbit’ and ‘The Lord of the Rings.’ A rite of passage going through life.
Sylvester McCoy
Mitt Romney is a Mormon, and don’t let anybody tell you otherwise. Even though he talks about Jesus as his Lord and savior, he is not a Christian. Mormonism is not Christianity. Mormonism is a cult.
Robert Jeffress
The name ‘Seventh-day Adventist’ carries the true features of our faith in front and will convict the inquiring mind. Like an arrow from the Lord’s quiver, it will wound the transgressors of God’s law, and will lead to repentance toward God, and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Ellen G. White
I’ve been very ill. You just have to trust the Lord.
Tammy Faye Bakker
I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: ‘O Lord make my enemies ridiculous.’ And God granted it.
I am not solicitous to examine particularly everything here, which indeed could not be done in fifty years, because my desire is to make all possible discoveries, and return to your Highnesses, if it please our Lord, in April.
Christopher Columbus
Baseball is a tongue-tied kid from Georgia growing up to be an announcer and praising the Lord for showing him the way to Cooperstown. This is a game for America. Still a game for America, this baseball!
Ernie Harwell
The Lord will give you, if you ask, the feelings of the compassion He feels for those in need.
Henry B. Eyring
The good Lord made us all out of iron. Then he turns up the heat to forge some of us into steel.
Marie Osmond
Never give up on your dream... because you never know w

Never give up on your dream… because you never know what the Lord can bless you with.
Kelly Rowland
The living prophet and the apostles today are as lighthouses in the storm. Steer towards the light of the restored gospel and the inspired teachings of those who represent the Lord on earth.
Joseph B. Wirthlin
The Tolkien estate owns the writings of Professor Tolkien. ‘The Hobbit’ and ‘The Lord of the Rings’ were sold by Professor Tolkien in the late ’60s, the film rights.
Peter Jackson
For me, the Lord has opened the windows of heaven and showered blessings upon my family beyond my ability to express.
Joseph B. Wirthlin
It’s a silent witness to the Lord when people go into shopping malls, and everyone is bustling, and you see that Chick-fil-A is closed.
S. Truett Cathy
I hope, by God’s grace, that I am truly a Christian, not deviating from the faith, and that I would rather suffer the penalty of a terrible death than wish to affirm anything outside of the faith or transgress the commandments of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Jan Hus
In the time one is given, the steward must make the most of the talents one is given by the Lord.
Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
You, too, are loved by the Lord, just as were the disciples of old. You are loved more than you will ever know. He wants you to be successful in your life’s mission! You don’t have to face the experiences of this life alone, nor have you been sent here to fail.
Margaret D. Nadauld
This man is freed from servile bands, Of hope to rise, or fear to fall; Lord of himself, though not of lands, And leaving nothing, yet hath all.
Lord Byron
I will go where the Lord and the leaders of His Church want me to go, I will do what they want me to do, I will teach what they want me to teach, and I will strive to become what I should and must become.
David A. Bednar
There were few people, perhaps, more passionately fond of travelling, and seeing fresh places, and new scenes, than myself; but now, since, by the grace of God, I have seen beauty in the Lord Jesus, I have lost my taste for these things.
George Muller
May the Lord our God prepare us for every event, then comes Life or Death – it is no great matter.
Nathaniel Smith
O God and Lord, now the council condemns even Your own act and Your own law as heresy, since You Yourself did lay Your cause before Your Father as the just judge, as an example for us, whenever we are sorely oppressed.
Jan Hus
Lord of the Rings made me realize that I’m not interested in doing anyone else’s work.
Ralph Bakshi
When the Lord Chancellor violates the trust of his great office of state to solicit party donations from people whose careers he can control, and then says I’m not sorry, and I’d do it again no wonder the public think that power has gone to their heads.
William Hague
Forget not, O Lord, that I am one of those whom Thou hast created, and with Thine own blood hast redeemed. I repent me of my sins: I will strive to amend my ways.
Saint Ambrose
The human being is not the lord of beings, but the shepherd of Being.
Martin Heidegger
I was stillborn. The midwives laid me aside, thought I was really gone. I laid there about an hour, and they picked me back up and tried again, ’cause my body was still warm. The Good Lord brought me back.
James Brown
Remember, those that wait upon the Lord will rise up with wings like eagles, and they will run and not be weary. And don’t you ever be weary, because the battle goes on, year after year, and we need all of you young people to join us in the battle.
Phyllis Schlafly
‘Lord of the Rings’ was going on; like, my college years were the years of ‘Lord of the Rings,’ an awesome time to be in film school.
Evan Daugherty
If they can prove that I am wrong by that time, I will give it up to their wisdom, but not after to any one’s judgment, till I see the end of another year; for the Lord will begin with a new century; and I will see what he will do, before I will hearken to any man’s judgment.
Joanna Southcott
If you are a good missionary, you will return home with the desire to continue to serve the Lord, to keep His commandments, and to do His will.
Gordon B. Hinckley
Man is made or unmade by himself. By the right choice he ascends. As a being of power, intelligence, and love, and the lord of his own thoughts, he holds the key to every situation.
James Allen
Wait for the Lord. Behave yourself manfully, and be of good courage. Do not be faithless, but stay in your place and do not turn back.
Thomas a Kempis