Top 75 Devastated Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Devastated Quotes from famous people such as Brooke Shields, Kevin Brady, Jane Fonda, Louie Anderson, Ted Olson, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

My father's death, my move, and my frightening and diff

My father’s death, my move, and my frightening and difficult delivery created a tremendous amount of stress, pain, and sadness for me. I was practically devastated beyond recovery.
Brooke Shields
Whole communities have been devastated as good-paying jobs continue to leave the U.S.
Kevin Brady
I was so devastated by my second divorce that I had a nervous breakdown.
Jane Fonda
I was with a famous comedian when a young fan walked up and asked for an autograph. The comedian blew him off. I’ll never forget the look on the young boy’s face. He was devastated.
Louie Anderson
My wife had taken off on a plane. Two airplanes had crashed into the World Trade Center. I, of course, like any other person, felt potentially devastated, panicky a little bit.
Ted Olson
Writing is exhilarating, but reading reviews is not. I’ve been really devastated by ‘good’ reviews because they misunderstand the project of the book. It can be strangely galvanising to get a ‘bad’ one.
Eleanor Catton
It’s hard for me to generalize about kids and divorce. I think every family’s experience is different; some kids are devastated by it, others relieved, and so forth, no matter what generation they’re from.
Kate Christensen
‘Tango’ is very much an ensemble piece and I was devastated when I read the script.
Sarah Lancashire
My mother was very ill when I was 18. She had a brain operation and then a nervous breakdown. It’s very strange when you see your parents, who have always been your pillars of strength, suddenly become vulnerable. You don’t know whether to be angry that they are not strong or devastated.
Emilia Fox
By pouring money and goods into devastated regions, foreign aid workers sometimes compound the disruption and debauch the survivors.
James Buchan
I’ve benefited enormously from an arts education and a music education in New York. When they cut the programs for funding, I was devastated.
Peter Marino
By seeing the problem of poverty merely in terms of assistance, we overlook that our enormous economic advantage is deeply tainted by how it accumulated over the course of one historical process that has devastated the societies and cultures of four continents.
Thomas Pogge
A century ago the Spanish flu confounded scientists and devastated whole regions, but while today’s society has air travel and an enormous, heterogeneous population, we also have antibiotics, fantastic communication networks and, perhaps most crucially, more data than ever.
Hannah Fry
Because I’m a good girl, I tend to fall for the bad boy persona, and it ends up biting me in the butt. They end up not knowing how to treat me, and I end up completely devastated.
Camila Cabello
Under the Clean Air Act, the EPA has the ability to more stringently regulate dust. If the EPA determines more stringent standards are necessary, family farmers and ranchers, as well as rural economies, would be devastated.
Stephen Fincher
Hurricane Irma devastated the U.S. Virgin Islands, leveling homes, knocking out power, and turning the landscape into a ‘battered wasteland’ where some say media coverage was minimal and help was late to arrive.
Elizabeth Flock
When I was 17 or 18 I wanted to become a wine expert, and my parents wouldn’t let me drink. So I was devastated. All I could do was read, and I read and I read. And I’d read something like, you know, ‘Subtle hints of cassis.’
Gary Vaynerchuk
I’m not devastated over a baseball game. If somebody came to me and said, ‘Your wife is terminally ill.’ Or, if my kids and wife get on a plane and I got a call that said, ‘Something happened with the plane,’ that’s devastating.
Tom Glavine
After my conviction, I was devastated. I had never believed that I would be convicted.
Amanda Knox
I was devastated when I got the review for my first book. The book came out a couple years before the women’s movement broke through, and people were putting it down, asking, ‘Why does the woman in this book need to get a divorce? Why can’t she just shut up and be happy?’
Gail Sheehy
The fans know what’s happened to me over the past couple of years. I lost my family. I pretty much got devastated financially and the fans know that I’ve had some hard times – and that’s the nature of loyal fans. They want to see the people that they love and believe in get back on their feet.
Hulk Hogan
I always said I would never leave ‘Big Brother’ unless I was sacked or not wanted, so if it does go elsewhere and they want a new host then fair enough, but I’ll be devastated.
Rylan Clark-Neal
The very idea of carrying my memory into eternity devastated me, and I took refuge in atheism.
Taylor Caldwell
Back in the 1980s parts of our country were devastated by de-industrialisation. This wave of globalisation and the first fruits of technological innovation destroyed industrial jobs or exported them to low-wage economies. The loss of work had a devastating impact.
Chuka Umunna
We didn’t do anything wrong, but among the lessons learned, given the magnitude of the problems we now face in Afghanistan, a major U.S. force on the ground would convince the world we were in for the long-haul recovery of a country devastated by 21 years of warfare.
Alexander Haig
I can’t imagine TV without ‘Big Brother.’ When C4 got rid of it I rang the helpline in ‘Heat’ magazine. I was that devastated.
Rylan Clark-Neal
I tried during the 1974 campaign to show my husband not as the aloof intellectual people think he is, but the warm, passionate man I know. But the day after the election – after I’d worked so hard – I was put back on the shelf. I was devastated.
Margaret Trudeau
Housing, not buying, should be a right – and available and affordable for all. Right to buy is devastating our housing system, just as rail privatisation has devastated our transport infrastructure.
Dawn Foster
To not sing with an orchestra, to not be able to communicate through my voice, which I’ve done all my life, and not to be able to phrase lyrics and give people that kind of joy, I think I would be totally devastated.
Barbara Walters
I was caught on the freeway for hours when Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans. The entire city had to be evacuated. I observed lives threatened by catastrophes and a whole range of behaviour. What could people do during a crisis?
Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
Up until the 17th century, Germany was far more advanced, but then everything devastated by the 30 Years War began to fall apart… The culture is not innocent.
W. G. Sebald
When I was 12, I was told I couldn't play with the boys

When I was 12, I was told I couldn’t play with the boys anymore, and I was devastated.
Toni Duggan
When I was 12, I had a coach tell me I would never be a championship pitcher. That devastated me. I was crushed.
Jennie Finch
I was made redundant from a job as a PA in a shirt-making company in 1996. I was devastated. I had been there for three years, and it was a job I really liked.
Lisa Jewell
I wasn’t angry with God that I lost my husband. I was devastated; I was broken. I still am, in many ways. But I feel like God gives free will to everyone, and people who want to choose evil, they have that same free will.
Taya Kyle
Kurt and I weren’t the closest of friends, but I knew him well enough to be devastated by his death. For such a quiet person, he was so excited about having a child.
Layne Staley
One of the things that impacted me the most was in the 12th grade. I just assumed I would get the lead in the musical. Well, I didn’t get it; I got the second lead, and I was devastated… my mom said something like, ‘Often the supporting character is better.’
Carrie-Anne Moss
I watched a lot of old television growing up – a lot of Nick at Nite. I watched ‘Rhoda’, ‘Mary Tyler Moore’, and ‘I Love Lucy.’ Growing up, I loved ‘My So Called Life’ and was devastated when that went off the air.
Mamie Gummer
There’s no country in the world that’s more devastated from natural resources than Afghanistan.
Jim Fowler
I grew up in London, a city devastated by the bombing. I am, you might say, a Blitz Baby.
David Jason
The process to generate energy using the Canadian tar sands is particularly dirty, producing one of the most noxious fossil fuels on the planet and leaving a devastated landscape in its wake.
John Delaney
I had a great many sex and love cases where people were absolutely devastated when somebody with whom they were compulsively in love didn’t love them back. They were killing themselves with anxiety and depression.
Albert Ellis
It’s not that I don’t take TV seriously. I take it very seriously. But I’ve got my priorities straight. Call it my extra gift. Without it, I would be devastated every day in Hollywood.
Bonnie Hunt
I was paralyzed for so long by people’s opinions. I would be devastated to the point where I didn’t know if I could make it through the day.
Whitney Wolfe Herd
We’ve come to expect so little from online privacy measures that public displays of concern about the matter are more or less for show. Being devastated to discover you’ve been tagged in somebody else’s photo has an air of the melodramatic about it at this point.
Sloane Crosley
Many communities are already devastated by poverty. Increasingly, that poverty is born of the greed of a global trading system.
Sharan Burrow
I was devastated by Gene Wilder’s death.
Craig David
It’s definitely tough seeing your city be devastated. People always give it the most attention when it’s actually happening, but then they’re not around for all of the relief and all of the rebuilding.
Anthony Rendon
There is no excuse whatsoever for men to harass women in an abusive sexual manner. And, I am devastated that anyone should deem me capable of thinking otherwise.
Angela Lansbury
I am devastated by the loss of my beautiful wife Jane. She was my best friend.
Glenn McGrath
The Republican base – the Evangelical get-out-the-vote troops – are going to be devastated when they discover how many closeted gay Republicans were involved in policing Mark Foley in the House of Representatives.
Lawrence O’Donnell
I’m horrified to admit that I just love Salinger. I was devastated to find out that other people feel the same way.
Ethan Hawke
My ex and I were devastated in 2004 when I miscarried my second. It was the first of many disappointments to come for me after a life so blessed.
Sonja Morgan
If I got dropped tomorrow or every single I released from now on tanked, I’d be devastated, but I’d also still be doing this. I’d still be writing songs. I’d still be recording them. I was doing that for four years in Nashville. This is just on a larger stage.
Maren Morris
Writing an acceptance speech gives you the expectation of winning, and you are therefore devastated or hurt if you didn’t win.
William Shatner
I was devastated when they stopped making sailors’ pants with bell bottoms. There’s something sort of spirited about the way they affected a man’s gait. They project something good-natured.
Katherine Waterston
I’d fallen in love with a woman but she broke up with me and I was devastated. Six months later, I went into a suicidal depression from the break-up of the relationship, but I resolved to not do what my friends had done. And so I reached out for help.
Aron Ralston
Winning the title then losing it to John Ruiz… I’d be devastated.
David Haye
It is not surprising that most Pakistanis do not support America’s bombardment of Afghanistan. The Afghans are neighbours on the brink of starvation and devastated by war. America has shown itself to be untrustworthy, a superpower that uses its values as a scabbard for its sword.
Mohsin Hamid
My hometown has been devastated by a lack of access to trauma prevention and mental health services.
Cori Bush
Each of us knows a few or several young people whose lives have been devastated by cancer. I don’t mean to be nihilistic about it, but it is very much an active killer of people now.
Siddhartha Mukherjee
Field of Dreams is the only movie – and I saw it in the theater – on an afternoon when I was on location somewhere, and there were like 12 people in the theater. I was just so devastated; I couldn’t get out of my seat. And I sat and watched it a second time.
Paul Reiser
I know that the DeVos agenda has absolutely devastated

I know that the DeVos agenda has absolutely devastated our public school system in Michigan.
Gretchen Whitmer
I thought we were getting more liberal as a society, more inclusive and I’m gutted racism has come back stronger with Brexit, devastated and I feel Brexit promotes a racist attitude.
Dawn O’Porter
Surely no issue unites us more than our appreciation for our military personnel who are bringing aid to devastated countries, defending us against terrorism, and fighting to make a free election possible in Iraq.
Christine Gregoire
Being at Wrestlemania 6, I remember being completely in shock and dumbfounded when Hulk Hogan missed the leg drop and Warrior hit the splash and got the 1-2-3. I was devastated.
At the federal level, I believe we should address inequality by reforming our criminal justice system and providing restorative justice to communities devastated by the enforcement of discriminatory laws.
Raphael Warnock
German militarism and Nazism have devastated twice in our generation the lands of German neighbors.
James F. Byrnes
I have watched people who have nothing to do with the film business, but who have become part of the circle for a short period of time. They can be truly devastated when the film wraps and people leave.
Jacqueline Bisset
I couldn’t walk down any street in Britain without being laughed at. It was a nightmare. My children were devastated because their dad was a figure of ridicule.
David Icke
We are already perilously close to killing off the top of the oceanic food chain – with catastrophic consequences that we can’t begin to imagine. Let us not, in the heat of anger, reduce the already devastated population of great white sharks by one more member.
Peter Benchley
I was devastated by the loss of my job in March, although I can understand why it occurred.
Steven Hatfill
Once I started on ‘Frances’ I discovered it was literally a bottomless well. It devastated me to maintain that for eighteen weeks, to be immersed in this state of rage for twelve to eighteen hours a day. It spilled all over, into other areas of my life.
Jessica Lange
The poorest country in South America, Bolivia, had been devastated by neoliberal economic policies.
Noam Chomsky
6,000 people were killed, crippled, and wounded during the War of Independence. The economy was devastated – there was no milk, just milk powder. No eggs, but egg powder. Meat was only once a week.
Yitzhak Navon