Top 75 Fade Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Fade Quotes from famous people such as James Joyce, Mirai Nagasu, Clyde Edgerton, Hugh Mackay, Dan Schneider, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Better pass boldly into that other world, in the full g

Better pass boldly into that other world, in the full glory of some passion, than fade and wither dismally with age.
James Joyce
Figure skaters are usually young and then just fade away. But I’m not a fade-away kind of person.
Mirai Nagasu
Being a father can ‘unreason’ your worldview, or at least make it very flexible, and that can create all sorts of fun and insights. It’s sad that children’s open-eyed wonder and sense of play begin to fade as they approach adolescence. One grand function of fathering is to keep the fading to a minimum.
Clyde Edgerton
It seems inevitable that the magic of the written word will fade.
Hugh Mackay
I was 21 and thinking, ‘When this ‘Head Of The Class’ boat ride ends, I don’t want to fade off into the sunset. I want to keep working. I want to be involved in the entertainment business.’
Dan Schneider
I always loved hitting a low fade to a back-right pin with the wind howling from the right. Not many guys could get it close in that situation, because they kept it low by just putting the ball back in their stance. You see, playing the ball back turns you into a one-trick pony – you can only hit hooks.
Lee Trevino
If memories were indeed like what a camera records, they could be forgotten, or they could fade so that they are no longer clear and vivid. But it would be difficult to explain how people could have memories that are both clear and vivid while also being wrong. Yet that happens, and it is not infrequent.
Leonard Mlodinow
It looks as if the NHS will gradually fade away, and we shall go back to a great deal of private medicine.
Ruth Rendell
Any captain can only do his best for the team and for cricket. When you are winning, you are a hero. Lose, and the backslappers fade away.
Richie Benaud
Indeed, bull markets are fueled by successive waves of prior skeptics finally capitulating as their fears fade. Eventually, fear turns to euphoria, and that’s the stuff of bubbles.
Kenneth Fisher
I use fast curves, pitched overhand and sidearm, fastballs, high and inside, and an underhand fade away pitch with the hand almost down to the level of the knees.
Chief Bender
As the train rounded the curve, the great smoking stacks of the Edgar Thomson works, the flaming converters belching forth, made such a vivid impression upon my youthful mind that it will never fade. I thought I had seen the very acme of what might be accomplished in an industrial way.
Charles M. Schwab
Old actors never die, they don’t even fade away. They’re always available.
Russell Johnson
I’m not going to just fade out, I know.
Kato Kaelin
I buy new white tees pretty much every week because they fade and I like them super fresh.
Jonas Blue
No, I don’t think rock ‘n’ roll will ever fade.
Dave Clark
Your grandparents came of age in the Great Depression, when everyday life was about deprivation and sacrifice, when the economic conditions of the time were so grave and so unrelenting it would have been easy enough for the American dream to fade away.
Tom Brokaw
Even the best teams can fail. Celebrities can fade. There is only One in whom your faith is always safe, and that is in the Lord Jesus Christ. And you need to let your faith show!
Russell M. Nelson
The biographer who writes the life of his subject’s self-concept passes through a fade into the inner house of life.
Leon Edel
Never use an aluminum pot, pan, or utensil when cooking tomatoes – or any other soft metal items for that matter. The acidity in the tomato doesn’t do well with them; they create a chemical reaction that can turn cooked tomatoes bitter and fade the color, and the food will absorb some of the aluminum!
Andrew Zimmern
What is one to say about June, the time of perfect young summer, the fulfillment of the promise of the earlier months, and with as yet no sign to remind one that its fresh young beauty will ever fade.
Gertrude Jekyll
My career is a burden, but I can’t just fade out like a pathetic sore loser. More often than not, I’m just making a fool of myself for the hundredth time, and that wasn’t part of the plan, initially. I’d be happier not having any kind of public presence whatsoever and just hiding behind the sleeves of the CD.
Ariel Pink
Like the old soldier of the ballad, I now close my military career and just fade away, an old soldier who tried to do his duty as God gave him the light to see that duty. Goodbye.
Douglas MacArthur
A poet must be a psychologist, but a secret one: he should know and feel the roots of phenomena but present only the phenomena themselves in full bloom or as they fade away.
Ivan Turgenev
I think it’s better to burn out than to fade away… it’s better to live out your days being very, very active – even if it destroys you – than to quietly… disappear.
Ahmet Ertegun
Because ALS is underfunded, patients have had no option but to fade away and die. That is not OK.
Steve Gleason
Call me old fashioned, but I love songs that end. As a songwriter, I feel like you put a fade out when you can’t work out how to end a song.
Courtney Act
Alcohol is barren. The words a man speaks in the night of drunkenness fade like the darkness itself at the coming of day.
Marguerite Duras
The habit of reading is the only enjoyment in which there is no alloy; it lasts when all other pleasures fade.
Anthony Trollope
If Meekmahan ever came to the Hardy compound, I would tell Meekmahan, face-to-face, ‘You’ll fade away and classify yourself as obsolete! Obsolete!’
Jeff Hardy
Country fans need to support country music by buying albums and concert tickets for traditional artists or the music will just fade away. And that would be really sad.
George Jones
Major social movements eventually fade into the landsca

Major social movements eventually fade into the landscape not because they have diminished but because they have become a permanent part of our perceptions and experience.
Freda Adler
When MC Hammer came out, I was wearing parachute pants and patent leather shoes and a high top fade with a blonde streak in it like Kwame.
Tech N9ne
President Reagan, expanding on President Lincoln’s phrase, referred to America as ‘the last, best hope of man on Earth.’ But this last, best hope is beginning to fade.
Edwin Meese
When we allow distractions to wobble us away from ourselves, that’s when our intuition starts to fade and our focus dulls.
Tara Stiles
I like to begin every screenplay with a burst of delusional self-confidence. It tends to fade pretty quickly, but (for me, at least) there doesn’t seem to be any other way to start writing a script.
Michael Arndt
It’s one of those things when you’re down in the red area, a lot of teams double me. Two-man, guys sit underneath me, so I can’t really slant. They have a safety kind of cheated out, as far as the fade balls and things like that. But when we get our opportunities, we’ve got to make people pay.
Julio Jones
It’s an offensive foul if you go into the defender’s body, but if I fade and a guy runs into my leg, it’s a foul.
LaMarcus Aldridge
At the surface, many people’s goals are to lose weight, tone up, feel better, etc. But superficial goals get superficial results that usually fade. Dig a little deeper, and the ‘why’ is usually unveiled: to be more confident, to be more happy, to feel sexy again.
Brett Hoebel
I’m somebody who constantly wants to challenge himself, evolve, and grow. Because if you don’t, you fade. You become stagnant.
CM Punk
I once got a huge, expensive flower arrangement from a person I didn’t like, who sent it out of pure guilt. It had a hideous bird-of-paradise in the middle, and I thought it would never fade and die. I hated it.
Maeve Binchy
I remember my second year, in the playoff game in Dallas, I remember every play that happened. I remembered giving up a back-shoulder fade in the end zone, scoring.
Shaquill Griffin
The monsters of our childhood do not fade away, neither are they ever wholly monstrous. But neither, in my experience, do we ever reach a plane of detachment regarding our parents, however wise and old we may become. To pretend otherwise is to cheat.
John le Carre
Now personally, I think the president should golf every day and never have a press conference. I want the leader of the free world to be as stress-free as possible. And if golf helps fade the psychic heat from the job, by all means tee it up often, Mr. President.
Mark McKinnon
Some people seem to fade away but then when they are truly gone, it’s like they didn’t fade away at all.
Bob Dylan
There is no greater feeling than hanging out with my dogs, or just walking around the land with our horses. My rescue ranch is is where I feel the most at peace and where I’m reminded of the simple things in life and let the chaos of my crazy work life fade away.
Kelly Clarkson
I wanted to be a musician. I wanted to be a superstar. I wanted to be on stage. I wanted to perform. I wanted to be in movies. But as you grow up, those dreams kind of fade away, and you’re hit with reality, and you’re like, ‘Oh, not everyone can be Lil’ Bow Wow?’ Fine.
Lilly Singh
I got tired of going to the barber to keep my fade together, so I just cut it all off.
Andre Braugher
Politicians never fade away; they just keep carrying on, you know, their class.
Paul Keating
Fixate your love on Him, be obedient to God’s word, and don’t seek the glory of this world. In doing these things, God will exalt you in this earth and you won’t have to sacrifice your soul for earthly crowns that will fade.
Monica Johnson
All that’s bright must fade, The brightest still the fleetest; All that’s sweet was made But to be lost when sweetest.
Thomas Moore
Some people, they don’t get a few takedowns, they start getting nervous, and they fade. That’s just not in my character.
Ben Askren
Oh my goodness, they are rocking so many variations of my high-top fade. I mean, Rihanna has taken it to a very angular 21st Century thing. Miss Fantasia has it in a very seductive, you know, up-flip, and it’s just lovely, right? Oh, I think it’s wonderful.
Anita Baker
All lovely things will have an ending, All lovely things will fade and die; And youth, that’s now so bravely spending, Will beg a penny by and by.
Conrad Aiken
When memories fade, can one ever really return home?
Floyd Skloot
What’s David’s role? David looks good, that’s what David does. David looks good, and I’m the funny one, that’s what I hear constantly. But I keep telling him that looks fade.
Victoria Beckham
My weight is this permanent topic that just doesn’t fade away. Most days, I am fine with people talking about it. That doesn’t bother me as much as how people use the fact to promote their own ventures.
Adnan Sami
Part of the reason I went to college was that I wanted to fade out peacefully: show everybody I had gone through something that was quite challenging and difficult but did so with grace and poise and got an education.
Cole Sprouse
Teenagers are some of the most passionate, dynamic and creative people I know. Yet, too often, this creative spark is left to flicker precariously and sometimes fade entirely.
Malorie Blackman
For so many years, I was watching my tee shots slide hard to the right. I used to think I was hitting a draw at times, and the ball was still curving to the right! I still prefer to play a little fade, but I’ve had to recalibrate my visuals.
Tony Finau
I’ve always cared about how certain songs fade into other ones and which songs should follow others. I studied that as a consumer and fan before I even got into music.
DJ Premier
Most famous stage actors tactfully fade away.
Robert Gottlieb
The connections in the brain fade away unless used. We

The connections in the brain fade away unless used. We know that early stimulation of children leads to higher cognitive scores.
Brian Sutton-Smith
I’m not able to change the tools that I bring to the table. I’ve tried to fade into the background many times, and I just can’t do it.
Barrett Wilbert Weed
In wilderness I sense the miracle of life, and behind it our scientific accomplishments fade to trivia.
Charles Lindbergh
I think, a lot of times, bands will break up because their goal is commercial success, and most bands aren’t going to get that: it’s out of their control. If you do, you’re one of the lucky ones, but that commercial success will likely fade, and you’ll end up breaking up anyway.
Davey Havok
I wish all our Telugu artistes get more opportunities in our films. Though talent has no boundaries, we should see that our artistes don’t fade away.
Rao Ramesh
Maybe it’s like becoming one with the cigar. You lose yourself in it; everything fades away: your worries, your problems, your thoughts. They fade into the smoke, and the cigar and you are at peace.
Raul Julia
Health is the soul that animates all the enjoyments of life, which fade and are tasteless without it.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
The accolades, just like the scrapes and bruises, fade in the end, and all you’re left with is your ambition.
Nicole Krauss
Many ALS patients end up fading away quietly and dying. For me, this was not OK. I did not want to fade away quietly.
Steve Gleason
Fashions fade, style is eternal.
Yves Saint Laurent
It’s getting too late in my life to care about the small things. It’s getting too late to not be brave, to not live my life fully, to not try to be an artist. Trivial things like how nice your hotel room is, or if you have to be naked for a while, they fade away.
Helen Hunt
Some guys have one good year and fade away. I’ve worked too hard to get here and it’s took me too long to just fade away.
Matt Barnes
If you change and adapt your persona, you are seen as inauthentic; if you stay the angry young man, you fade from attention or seem tiresome.
Robert Greene