Top 75 Hozier Quotes

If I fall into a city, I fall into a scene, and I just don’t want to get distracted and enjoy myself too much. There’s too much work to be done.
Religion wasn’t imposed on me.
I love a good party – but I’m not all that attracted to a celebrity lifestyle.
It’s a surreal experience filming promotion with Ryan Seacrest and meeting Top 40 pop artists.
Either somebody has equal rights, or they don’t. And certainly in the Irish constitution, marriage is genderless. There’s no mention of a man and a woman.
I didn’t know what to expect of real America. What shocked me was the diversity of it and how different every city is. But also just how polite and usually good-willed and optimistic most Americans are.
I figured the songs wouldn’t make much of a splash. I didn’t think ‘Take Me To Church’ would play on the radio or get in the charts, and I didn’t think about dealing with a global audience.
I’m quite sure I don’t want legions of 15-year-old girls who call themselves, like, Broziers or something. My career isn’t going to be that kind of a thing.
I think it’s very hard to write things about being joyful. I find that quite difficult. I think when you’re happy, you don’t want to write songs; you just want to enjoy being happy.
I think it is important to differentiate between lip service towards something and actually making change.
Rarely do I finish a song lyrically before I have a musical idea there, but then again, rarely ever would I finish a song musically before starting the lyrical ideas. So a lot of the time, they come in tandem, or they just come at a glance.
I’m still finding my feet in many ways as a performer. I’m not an extrovert, and certainly the attention isn’t what drew me to it, and I find that quite jarring at times. I used to stress a lot about shows and get palpitations before shows, but eventually you learn to love it, and it is a thrill.