Top 75 Persecution Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Persecution Quotes from famous people such as Mark Meadows, Jovenel Moise, Hideki Tojo, Thomas Paine, John Stuart Mill, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

We have a moral obligation to assist those fleeing reli

We have a moral obligation to assist those fleeing religious persecution and to no longer turn a blind eye to the plight of our Christian brothers abroad.
Mark Meadows
Never, never will justice be used in Haitian institutions as an instrument for political persecution.
Jovenel Moise
The causes of the China Incident were the exclusion and insult of Japan throughout China, the exclusion of Japanese goods, the persecution of Japanese residents in China, and the illegal violation of Japanese rights.
Hideki Tojo
Persecution is not an original feature in any religion; but it is always the strongly marked feature of all religions established by law.
Thomas Paine
The dictum that truth always triumphs over persecution is one of the pleasant falsehoods which men repeat after one another till they pass into commonplaces, but which all experience refutes.
John Stuart Mill
Persecution was at least a sign of personal interest. Tolerance is composed of nine parts of apathy to one of brotherly love.
Frank Moore Colby
I’m not a stranger to the persecution that Muslims have faced over the years.
Mahesh Bhatt
You should read history and look at ostracism, persecution, martyrdom, and that kind of thing. They always happen to the best men, you know.
George Eliot
Sending genuine refugees to face persecution in order to dissuade others from seeking to come here is plainly illegal.
Sajid Javid
I can’t even explain to you how terrible that feels, that I equate dating a woman with punishment, shame, guilt, disappointment, reproach, reprimand, persecution. It’s a nightmare.
John Mayer
Israel is guilty of apartheid and persecution of the Palestinian people, both inside Israel and also in the Occupied Territories.
Alice Walker
Britain has always been a home to the vulnerable, and we’ve always done what we need to do to help people who are fleeing persecution.
George Osborne
The United States was built on the idea that we could create a free country that would serve as a haven for those fleeing persecution.
Ted Lieu
Polish culture has always had a strong anti-Semitic undercurrent. There has been awful persecution.
Olga Tokarczuk
In Utah, the American melting pot is unstirred. Three out of four people are Mormons, and they are all here in this bleakly beautiful sanctuary ‘behind the Zion curtain’ because of religious persecution.
Shana Alexander
Persecution of Christians is growing around the world, and Congress needs to pay more attention to it.
Elliott Abrams
The FSB’s invisible presence continued; the agency became an intangible part of my Moscow life – sometimes loudly, sometimes quietly, with someone in a back room clearly turning the volume of minor persecution up and down.
Luke Harding
When I first went to places where people were suffering from war and persecution, I felt ashamed of my feelings of sadness. I could see more possibilities in my life.
Angelina Jolie
I never experienced much outright anti-Semitism. While we learned about the Holocaust – endlessly, it felt like – no spray-painted swastika ever appeared on my childhood landscape. Jewish persecution was an ever-looming reality, but always an abstract one.
Laura Moser
In 1986, Pakistan got the blasphemy law. So, while we had just two cases of blasphemy before that year, now we have thousands. It shows that one should be careful while bringing religion into legislation, because the law itself can become an instrument of persecution.
Asma Jahangir
Protestants in France are under intolerable despotism. Although open persecution does not now exist, yet it depends upon the whim of the king, queen, parliament, or any of the ministry.
Marquis de Lafayette
People come to this country because they view our culture as the best. It is a culture free of persecution, a culture free of oppressive government, and above all… a culture of really, really cool stuff.
Steven Crowder
I talked about the persecution of Algerians and told about racism in my childhood. And it was as if, after that, I wasn’t French anymore.
Isabelle Adjani
While migration is inevitable, the fact remains that most people leave their homes to escape violence and the certain persecution that comes from it.
Richard Grenell
I think if you come from a history of persecution you have to develop a sense of humour.
Sacha Baron Cohen
Throughout history, when societies face tough economic times, we have seen democratic reforms deferred, decreased trust in government, persecution of minority groups, and a general shrinking of the democratic space.
Samantha Power
As a global society, we do not have to agree, endorse or condone the lifestyle choices of others. However, history has taught us that we equally cannot and should not excuse those who would hide behind religion or misuse God’s word to justify bigotry and persecution.
Joyce Meyer
Religions that teach brotherly love have been used as an excuse for persecution, and our profoundest scientific insight is made into a means of mass destruction.
Bertrand Russell
Every state in this nation has been made better by those who have chosen to move here to escape persecution or extreme poverty.
Jay Inslee
I do not want to be misunderstood that you need a dose of persecution in order, really, to have a sense of your identity. Otherwise, you know, there would be no American Jews. Even if you’re not strictly, fiercely Orthodox, you commit yourselves to a community of memory.
Simon Schama
The point of asylum is not to declare to the world what country you think is the pinnacle of civilization. The point of asylum is to find a country that’s both willing and able to protect you from political persecution. In no way is asylum an endorsement of a country’s politics, laws, or values.
Glenn Greenwald
Even in November 1938, after five years of anti-Semitic

Even in November 1938, after five years of anti-Semitic legislation and persecution, they still owned, according to the Times correspondent in Berlin, something like a third of the real property in the Reich.
Arthur Bryant
Jews have suffered persecution from misguided Christians who tortured the Jews for their part in killing Christ. These Christians forgot that Christ died because of the sins of all men.
Sargent Shriver
In politics, as in religion, it is equally absurd to aim at making proselytes by fire and sword. Heresies in either can rarely be cured by persecution.
Alexander Hamilton
Historically the Puritans left England to escape religious persecution, and they promptly turned around and started persecuting the people they didn’t agree with – the scarlet letter A, and the stocks and the dunking board came from that. That puritanism is still there.
Hugh Hefner
Our asylum laws were written to protect victims fleeing persecution in their home countries. By limiting the scope of these laws and refusing to acknowledge gang violence or domestic violence as a valid reason to seek asylum, we are turning away women and children in grave danger.
Sharice Davids
Religion which requires persecution to sustain, it is of the devil’s propagation.
Hosea Ballou
Our country is a nation of immigrants, who, for centuries, have come here, fleeing persecution, bringing their dreams, their fears, and their hopes for a better life.
Jacky Rosen
When I think of immigration, I want to think of families. I want to think of unity. I want to think of a safe place, you know, free of persecution, a place where we can welcome a child that is hungry.
Rashida Tlaib
It is folly for an eminent man to think of escaping censure, and a weakness to be affected with it. All the illustrious persons of antiquity, and indeed of every age in the world, have passed through this fiery persecution.
Joseph Addison
Asylum is for people fleeing persecution, not those searching for a better job. Yet our broken system – with its debilitating court rulings, a crushing backlog, and gaping loopholes – allows illegal migrants to get into our country anyway and for whatever reason they want. This gaming of the system is unacceptable.
Kirstjen Nielsen
There are about 15 million Muslims in the EU. They face ignorance, insult and even persecution. They cannot be wished away. To impose Enlightenment freedoms is self-defeating. Anyway, the Muslims have their own enlightenment.
James Buchan
Ailes built a Kingdom of Yes. That was his genius. He understood the id of many white conservatives – their sense of constant persecution and victimization; and their existential fears of an America whose racial makeup, sexual mores and gender roles were careening in the opposite direction of the country of their childhood.
Joy Reid
President Obama understands that, as a nation founded by those who fled religious persecution, freedom of religion is central to who we are as Americans. Our rights are not given to us by government, they are endowed by our Creator.
Denis McDonough
To write is a relief from life’s problems. It is a way in which you revenge yourself. In art, the writer achieves utopia. But any attempt to achieve social utopia is bound to catastrophe. If you want a society of saints, the result is hell, repression, totalitarianism, and persecution.
Mario Vargas Llosa
The white people of the South are the greatest minority in this nation. They deserve consideration and understanding instead of the persecution of twisted propaganda.
Strom Thurmond
You can easily see why the experience of Jews would be helpful if you’re looking to get action on religious persecution.
Elliott Abrams
When is constancy required, except under persecution. Are not friends then proved? If they always yield, how can they ever succeed? They must, one time or other, make a stand.
Thomas Becket
War will disappear only when men shall take no part whatever in violence and shall be ready to suffer every persecution that their abstention will bring them. It is the only way to abolish war.
Anatole France
I believe that pluralistic secularism, in the long run, is a more deadly poison than straightforward persecution.
Francis Schaeffer
My parents and I entered the U.S. legally, but when it was time for our visa extension, we were turned down. Returning to China meant imprisonment for my father and persecution for my family. We were days from being forced to live here illegally when we were granted political asylum. Other families are not so lucky.
Leana S. Wen
The advancement of all sciences, especially where there has been such a radical change, have been attended with persecution.
Daniel D. Palmer
Jewish persecution is a historical memory of the present generation and people fear it in the present day, and that’s why those references are so much more powerful. I just understand that better now.
Gregg Easterbrook
Erdogan’s persecution of his people is not simply a domestic matter. The ongoing pursuit of civil society, journalists, academics and Kurds in Turkey is threatening the long-term stability of the country.
Fethullah Gulen
One must not confuse the fight against corruption with the persecution of the rich or wealthy families.
Joao Lourenco
To punish a man because we infer from the nature of some doctrine which he holds, or from the conduct of other persons who hold the same doctrines with him, that he will commit a crime, is persecution, and is, in every case, foolish and wicked.
Thomas Babington Macaulay
I have been persecuted since I joined politics, and I have been living in persecution since then.
Roy Bennett
Journalism has a special, hallowed place for stories of its practitioners’ persecution.
Thomas Frank
Religious persecution may shield itself under the guise of a mistaken and over-zealous piety.
Edmund Burke
Continuous persecution of widows and orphans is a crime. Even the Bible says there is a specific place in hell for those who oppress widows.
Imelda Marcos
My life has been immensely enriched by gay mentors, colleagues and friends, and any discrimination and persecution of gay people is unacceptable.
Mikhail Baryshnikov
Joseph Smith was true to his calling and fulfilled his duty even in the face of severe persecution and great personal sacrifice.
Joseph B. Wirthlin
Britain has always been a good citizen in the world. We

Britain has always been a good citizen in the world. We rightly provide a safe haven for people fleeing political persecution by brutal regimes. Our legal system is often seen as a beacon for the rest of the world, with people coming from all over to study it and embed its principles into their own systems.
Chris Grayling
Bigotry and intolerance, silenced by argument, endeavors to silence by persecution, in old days by fire and sword, in modern days by the tongue.
Charles Simmons
Limiting the ability of the people to peacefully organize and partake in direct action to fight against persecution and discrimination is not only barred by the U.S. Constitution but is fundamentally un-American.
Rashida Tlaib
My family reached the United States before the Holocaust. Both of my parents emigrated from Russia as young children. My grandparents were fleeing religious persecution and came to America seeking a better life for their family.
Jan Schakowsky
As a nation, we must address the persecution of all religious minorities.
Mark Meadows
It was rare to see an Asian man and white woman together when my parents fell in love. They went through years of persecution and harassment.
Gok Wan
And at home in the United States we found continued and increased persecution, first of leaders of the Communist Party, and then of all honest anti-fascists.
Paul Robeson
The European wars of religion were more deadly than the First World War, proportionally speaking, and in the range of the Second World War in Europe. The Inquisition, the persecution of heretics and infidels and witches, they racked up pretty high death tolls.
Steven Pinker
We must remember that this nation was founded by people fleeing religious persecution, risking everything to find a place to be free to worship as they chose or not to worship at all.
Tulsi Gabbard
My ancestors had to keep their customs secret for fear of death or persecution, so it’s common to be secretive and discreet about Regla de Ocha. But it’s my family’s spirituality, so I don’t want to keep it secret.
Princess Nokia
This country has a proud history of opening its doors to generations of people fleeing personal persecution, civil unrest and war.
Charles Kennedy
Venezuela’s government must work toward achieving a true culture of democracy for our region. There’s no room for persecution based on ideological reasons or for thinking differently.
Mauricio Macri
Tolerance implies no lack of commitment to one’s own beliefs. Rather it condemns the oppression or persecution of others.
John F. Kennedy