Top 77 Billy Crystal Quotes

Change is such hard work.
Billy Crystal
My dad had two, sometimes three jobs. Besides running the Commodore Music Shop in Manhattan, he did jazz concerts, and he ran this great jazz label, Commodore.
Billy Crystal
As I sit here writing and look across the room at Janice, I keep thinking of the most heartbreaking question: which of us will go first?
Billy Crystal
The decision-making process was very difficult: is this how I want my career to start, with playing Jodie Dallas on this show?
Billy Crystal
In the late 1960s, I was working as an usher for the New York stage production of ‘You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown.’
Billy Crystal
I’d like to think there is a Heaven, and it starts from the happiest day in your life.
Billy Crystal
The Academy and the Oscars have been very gracious to me.
Billy Crystal
I’ve said, I never thought I rebelled. I never – I don’t think I’ve ever had that period. You know, I just had to do what I had to do. You know, I was a good kid.
Billy Crystal
I’ve known Kareem since I was kid. He lived in Manhattan, but my best friend used to go to high school with him, and he was in my house the day I graduated from high school in 1965.
Billy Crystal
When you’re 65, you’re surprised by what turns you on.
Billy Crystal
It’s like being a gym rat, but you’re a theater rat, and then that becomes your fraternity house. That becomes your extended family.
Billy Crystal