Top 77 Luis Gutierrez Quotes

U.S. v. Arizona is a landmark case not just because of the constitutional issues related to who regulates and enforces immigration, but because of its civil rights implications, too.
Luis Gutierrez
On Tuesday 26 July 2011, I was arrested in front of the White House along with a dozen other pro-immigrant advocates and clergy. We sat down on the sidewalk in front of the White House with a banner that read ‘One Million Deported Under President Obama’ and refused to move when the police ordered us to.
Luis Gutierrez
The underlying part of any comprehensive immigration bill is family unit.
Luis Gutierrez
I was the first Latino member of Congress to support Senator Obama’s candidacy. For quite a while, I was the only one.
Luis Gutierrez
We are saying that when our nation targets law enforcement efforts at someone’s appearance or what neighborhood they live in or what job they do, it is not living up to our nation’s basic ideals.
Luis Gutierrez
The American people are much more practical than Republican lawmakers on equal pay, on the minimum wage, on same-sex marriage, and on basic civil rights.
Luis Gutierrez
Democrats and Republicans agree on most of a unified, politically viable, and workable immigration reform package. Both parties agree that border security is a key part of any strategy.
Luis Gutierrez
I have never pretended to be a legal scholar, but when

I have never pretended to be a legal scholar, but when scores of lawyers are lining up to agree with the Supreme Court that the president has the power to make choices when it comes to whom to deport and whom to let stay, then I tend to agree with them.
Luis Gutierrez
According to the Privacy Rights Center, up to 10 million Americans are victims of ID theft each year. They have a right to be notified when their most sensitive health data is stolen.
Luis Gutierrez
I was arrested twice in demonstrations in front of the Obama White House in the push for DACA.
Luis Gutierrez
I was the first Latino member of Congress to support Senator Obama’s candidacy. For quite a while, I was the only one.
Luis Gutierrez
The underlying part of any comprehensive immigration bill is family unit.
Luis Gutierrez
The Congressional Hispanic Caucus has been clear that deporting young people who have lived in the U.S. for years and were brought here through no fault of their own as children should not be the targets of deportation.
Luis Gutierrez
I remember clearly the afternoon I sat down with Obama. In December 2006, he was preparing for a family trip, and the decision to run weighed heavily on his mind. As a progressive member of Congress from Illinois, I was excited and energized by the prospect of my senator, and my friend, running for president.
Luis Gutierrez
I have never pretended to be a legal scholar, but when scores of lawyers are lining up to agree with the Supreme Court that the president has the power to make choices when it comes to whom to deport and whom to let stay, then I tend to agree with them.
Luis Gutierrez
Mr. Speaker, our Nation depends on immigrants’ labor, and I hope we can create an immigration system as dependable as they are.
Luis Gutierrez
The pro-life, pro-family Republicans are now pro-neonatal detention and deportation. It isn’t enough to drive out the people not born here; now they want to drive out the ones that were.
Luis Gutierrez
Republicans will criticize whatever President Obama does because that is what they do.
Luis Gutierrez
Immigration policy should be set and enforced federally.
Luis Gutierrez
I am a strong supporter of President Obama and was the first national Hispanic elected official to endorse him, and I want him to be reelected in 2012.
Luis Gutierrez
While jobs, education, and healthcare rank among the top issues for Latino voters, immigration is a threshold issue.
Luis Gutierrez
Are we going to go out and arrest and detain and deport 11 million people? Nobody would argue that that is what we are going to do, because we have never demonstrated the political will to do that, nor have we ever committed the requisite resources to do that.
Luis Gutierrez