Words matter. These are the best Poorer Quotes from famous people such as David Baddiel, Mark Hyman, Steven Pinker, Samuel Adams, Karl Pilkington, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.
We were much poorer than many families.
Children with obesity and diabetes live harder poorer lives, they often don’t finish school and earn much less than their healthy counterparts.
Today we take it for granted that war happens in smaller, poorer and more backward countries.
It is not infrequent to hear men declaim loudly upon liberty, who, if we may judge by the whole tenor of their actions, mean nothing else by it but their own liberty – to oppress without control, or the restraint of laws, all who are poorer and weaker than themselves.
The poorer people and criminals of Mexico who are not very religious but not quite atheists, either, worship Saint Death.
School standards need to rise a lot further if the full potential of all our young people, particularly those from poorer backgrounds, is to be realised: there is no room for complacency.
Growing up poor, I didn’t even have a lunch to take to school. Lunch was 26 cents, and we didn’t even know what 26 cents looked like. I didn’t love school because I wanted to disguise that I was poorer than everybody else.
Between richer and poorer classes in a free country a mutually respecting antagonism is much healthier than pity on the one hand and dependence on the other, as is, perhaps, the next best thing to fraternal feeling.
Leaving the single market, making communities poorer and more alienated, is not the way to deal with public concerns about immigration, most of which comes from outside the E.U.
In financial terms, my sense is that the distribution of wealth, unequal as it is, is self-perpetuating, and, especially in a linked and accelerating world, the rich get ever more quickly richer while the poor get ever more speedily poorer.
The way to turn our economy around is not by making rich people poorer, it’s by making poor people richer.
The reason that a good citizen does not use such destructive means to become wealthier is that, if everyone did so, we would all become poorer from the mutual destructiveness.
Ethnic minority women generally have poorer outcomes from their pregnancy compared to white women.
Lose the sharks, the mighty, mysterious lords of the deep, and our planet’s oceans would be infinitely poorer places.
In Britain, we need to start presenting the option of being a writer in front of black women. We need to present the idea of being a writer into poorer communities because the majority of black people in this country are working class. We need to let working-class people know that their voices are important.
We have to find a way to make the aspects of capitalism that serve wealthier people serve poorer people as well.
If the wealthy get wealthier, no one has to become one penny poorer.
My family in general – they’re troubled or poorer people.
Smoking is the now the principal avoidable cause of premature death in Britain. It hits the worst off people hardest of all. Smoking is one of the principal causes of the health gap which leads to poorer people being ill more often and dying sooner.
No business in the world has ever made more money with poorer management.
Just think how much poorer we would be today if the world would have had half as many people in the 19th century as it actually did. You can get rid of Thomas Edison or Louis Pasteur; take your pick.
For millions, Roger Ebert will be remembered as a writer and television personality who brought a sense of passion and excellence to his craft. For me, he is a man who fused joy and courage as few others ever have. My life was enriched by having such a friend; it is poorer for losing such a friend.
It wasn’t so long ago that it was not popular to speak Gaelic in Ireland because the areas that Gaelic is spoken in were much poorer areas.
Manufacturing value chains are global. Many U.S.-made goods have foreign components. Slapping on tariffs will raise prices and slow imports, but it will make us poorer and impede growth.
For all the obsession in Washington and in college faculty lounges over income inequality, why isn’t there more outrage over government policies that exacerbate the problem? There are hundreds of programs that make the poor poorer and increase poverty in America.
All the measures of the Government are directed to the purpose of making the rich richer and the poor poorer.
There is growing inequality. The families of the all-powerful Ministers are getting richer. The poor and hard-working Belizeans are getting poorer.
Industrialised countries must take the responsibility of helping poorer countries in the climate change action plan.
Must we be put to shame by much smaller and poorer countries, by Ireland, France, Austria or Sweden, who have understood that a nation’s support of its arts is a matter of both national pride and cultural survival?
Funny thing is that the poorer people are, the more generous they seem to be.
You have to build a culture of philanthropy. In a country like India, we need to be sensitive and caring about the poorer, more disadvantaged section of our country.
Poorer people tend to watch more television because they can’t afford other diversions.
People promise to stick with their spouse ‘for richer or poorer’ but it’s the ‘for poorer’ part that causes the worry. The big shock is that the ‘for richer’ bit can also cause problems.
Behavioral economists have shown that a sizable percentage of people are willing to pay real money to punish people who are taking from a common pot but not contributing to it. Just to insure that shirkers get what they deserve, we are prepared to make ourselves poorer.
It’s the poorer people in tropical zones who will get really hit by climate change – as well as some ecosystems, which nobody wants to see disappear.
You have friends, and they die. You have a disease, someone you care about has a disease, Wall Street people are scamming everyone, the poor get poorer, the rich get richer. That’s what we’re surrounded by all the time.
I probably had the most fun recording For Richer For Poorer in Nashville.
The rich are richer, and the poor are poorer, in the city than elsewhere; and, as a rule, the greater are the riches of the rich and the poverty of the poor.
Culture is something that we all share, and we are all the poorer for anyone excluded from it.
The tax code is not the only area where the administration is helping the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. It has spent $155 billion for an unnecessary war driven by fear.
I believe in the vows that I took with my wife. Through sickness, in health, for richer or poorer.
As you try to tweak your sleep one way or the other, you might be, you might be doing great – you might do better at remembering details of an event, but you might end up being poorer at abstracting the gist or the rules associated with it.
Any health care funding plan that is just, equitable, civilized and humane must – must – redistribute wealth from the richer among us to the poorer and the less fortunate. Excellent healthcare is by definition re-distributional.
The system that had grown up in most states is that wealthy districts with an affluent population can afford to spend a lot more on their public school systems than the poorer districts.
Where globalization means, as it so often does, that the rich and powerful now have new means to further enrich and empower themselves at the cost of the poorer and weaker, we have a responsibility to protest in the name of universal freedom.
No, I was two years older than the other guys. I was a war baby. My family were a lot poorer than they were. I’d had to fight too hard for anything I had in my life and to smash things up for me.
The person who does not know how to live while they are making a living is a poorer person after their wealth is won than when they started.
We had poverty in our house. Even on the council estate I knew I was one of the poorer kids. I used to go round my friends houses on a Sunday to get their Sunday dinner because my mum couldn’t cook either so I used to love going round my mates and say: ‘Can you ask your Mum if I can come in for Sunday dinner?’
The extremely wealthy have disproportionate influence on policies that impact us all. This corrupts our politics and leads to poorer people being denied the economic opportunity to flourish in life.
Tory MPs largely do not care about these poorer people. They don’t care about the NHS. And the public has kind of cottoned on to that.
The capitalist system is about taking from the Earth and from the other great commodity, labour. What’s happening with this system is that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer, and the only way out of it is supposed to be growth. But growth is debt. It’s going to make the situation worse.
The man who has no money is poor, but one who has nothing but money is poorer. He only is rich who can enjoy without owning; he is poor who though he has millions is covetous.
The poorer is a family, the greater is the proportion of the total outgo which must be used for food… The proportion of the outgo used for food, other things being equal, is the best measure of the material standard of living of a population.
The report of this made me exceedingly angry, for I could not see why information which a middle-class woman could get from her doctor should be withheld from a poorer woman who might need it far more.
In every stump speech I give, I speak about the fact that people who dream and achieve enormous success do not make us poorer – they make us better off.
If we as a society do not understand ‘the cloud,’ in all its aspects – what data it holds, how it works, what the bargains are we make as we engage with it, we’ll all be the poorer for it, I believe.
I think the world would be much poorer without religion, speaking generally.
I think in the last thirty years, the rich have gotten richer and the poor have gotten poorer. It is not something that you can see with rose-colored glasses.
I’m still a communist in the sense that I don’t believe the world will survive with the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer – I think that the pressures will get so tremendous that the social contract will just come apart.
Mom came from what has been called the poorest place in America – Lake Providence, Louisiana. She was born on the south side of the Mississippi which was mainly African American and even poorer than the rest.
Detroit is really a model for how wealthier and whiter Americans escape the costs of public goods they’d otherwise share with poorer and darker Americans.
Barack Obama destroyed the middle class. Whatever you want to say about his rhetoric, the rich got richer, but the poor got poorer, and the middle class got wiped out. That’s really what Trump appealed to and inspired in the forgotten man.
Hunger and malnutrition have devastating consequences for children and have been linked to low birth weight and birth defects, obesity, mental and physical health problems, and poorer educational outcomes.
I would take vouchers, do sums in my head just to get some eggs and bread or a tin of cheap Irish stew. I’d be starving and want two tins but couldn’t afford it. The poorer you are the hungrier you feel.
What’s interesting is that you’ve got a lot of overlap between supporters of different parties and different candidates who feel regardless of who’s been in power, the rich have got richer and half the country’s got poorer.
Advanced industrialised economies like ourselves cannot afford to go on growing, particularly if we want to give people in poorer countries a chance of being able to at least meet their basic needs.
What I quickly discovered is that our so-called new South Africa has as much material for a story-teller as the old one. The landscape hasn’t really changed. Who is in power now is different to who was in power then, but the squatter camps grow like cancer, the rich get richer, the poor get poorer.
Left unchecked, climate change risks not only making the poorest poorer, but pulling the emerging middle classes back into poverty, too.
The U.N. and other international bodies, along with wealthier nations, could manage the unavoidable migration from poorer countries if there were greater focus on stopping the larger chaos created by leaders who finance and support terrorism in the name of Islam.
I don’t mind the rich getting richer, but the poor shouldn’t be getting poorer, and there should be more people moving into the middle class.
I’ve had two callers ask, ‘Did you ever work for someone who is poorer than you are?’ Their idea is it takes a rich person to give you a job because jobs are something that are given to you, an inferior, from on high.
Most agree, whatever their party political position, that the West can and should open its agricultural markets more fully to the products of the poorer countries of the globe. They are agricultural societies that need our markets more than our charity.
Children born to teens have less supportive and stimulating environments, poorer health, lower cognitive development, and worse educational outcomes. Children of teen mothers are at increased risk of being in foster care and becoming teen parents themselves, thereby repeating the cycle.
In my youth, I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.
Theatres, along with the likes of the Ulster Orchestra, for example, are the cultural heartbeats of our towns and cities, and without them, we are much poorer for it.
It’s funny; I actually made poorer decisions when I sobered up then when I was screwed up.
The rich become richer and the poor become poorer is a cry heard throughout the whole civilized world.