Top 77 Women And Men Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Women And Men Quotes from famous people such as Alice Walker, Bettany Hughes, Thomas Sowell, Mike White, Harri Holkeri, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

In my work and in myself I reflect black people, women

In my work and in myself I reflect black people, women and men, as I reflect others. One day even the most self-protective ones will look into the mirror I provide and not be afraid.
Alice Walker
The Nile has long nourished women and men alike. On the Nile and the magical, river-island Temple of Philae, Florence Nightingale was so inspired that she resolved to follow her calling in nursing.
Bettany Hughes
The big divide in this country is not between Democrats and Republicans, or women and men, but between talkers and doers.
Thomas Sowell
If I have a male protagonist, it’s a studio movie, and if it’s a female protagonist, it’s an indie movie. That’s just how it is. It’s not about the studios. It’s about America and who goes to see movies. Women are interested in men and women, and men aren’t interested in the woman’s story. They just aren’t.
Mike White
In Finland we have equal political rights for women and men. We do not regard ourselves according to sex.
Harri Holkeri
The American economy is driven and maintained by the exceptionalism of the women and men who make up our workforce; we must do everything we can to protect them.
Jeff Van Drew
It is estimated that raising the retirement age to 70 would cut the shortfall by about 36%. But this proposal has some drawbacks. Women and men who have worked jobs that require manual labor all of their lives may not physically be able to do work until they are 70 years old.
Steve Israel
Life on a factory farm is well-nigh unbearable for the animals or birds, and it is often foul for the women and men who process the meat that results – especially in factories for chicken parts. But do not sentimentalize. Do not imagine barnyard life is a bowl of cherries.
Ian Hacking
South Africa is blessed to have women and men like yourselves who have little to give but give what you have with open hands and open hearts.
Mangosuthu Buthelezi
One of the first studies in the field of gender and language, by Don H. Zimmerman and Candace West in 1975, found that in casual conversations between women and men, women were interrupted far more often.
Deborah Tannen
In my executive advising role, my persona, which seems to work very well with both women and men, is being ‘the big brother you always wanted.’ I am fortunate to have two such big brothers, so this isn’t just a theoretical construct.
Mark Goulston
Everyone is allowed to be vulnerable. I think women and men and dogs and cats and ants and aliens can all express themselves and be vulnerable.
Melanie Martinez
Postmodernism is an academic theory, originating in academia with an academic elite, not in the world of women and men, where feminist theory is rooted.
Catharine MacKinnon
Fear has run rampant amongst our community of models. Far too many young models, both women and men, are mistreated and put at risk.
Adwoa Aboah
Women and men just aren’t that different. Oh, we’re different in some intriguing ways, and it can be fun to band together for all-gal or all-guy projects. But when it comes to the tragic mess Christ came to heal, we’re pretty much the same.
Frederica Mathewes-Green
I think it’s pathetic that women and men treat each other worse than we treat our pets. It’s love or hate.
Gene Simmons
When women and men can shed an equal quantity of tears in public, that’s when we’ll have equal power.
Madeleine M. Kunin
When she stepped out of that spumy sea Aphrodite was said to have brought fertility, flowers, life, light to a barren world. For centuries women and men went to her sanctuaries to seek her pity and protection. Her domain was originally not just lust, but lust for life.
Bettany Hughes
Most male victims of violence are the victims of other men’s violence. So that’s something that both women and men have in common. We are both victims of men’s violence.
Jackson Katz
The women and men who have served in our military deserve nothing but the recognition and benefits they have earned with their service. Unfortunately for those in the LGBTQ-plus community that hasn’t always been the case.
Sara Gideon
Agriculture needs to be modernized so as to give work to youth, women and men from the country.
Jovenel Moise
I think there are profound differences between women and men. In intelligence and creativity, there is no difference, but in what one loves, what one likes, the passions – there are differences.
Christiane Nusslein-Volhard
I want every version of a woman and a man to be possible. I want women and men to be able to be full-time parents or full-time working people or any combination of the two.
Natalie Portman
Working Wardrobes needs plus-size clothing donations to help women and men feel confident on their journey to finding a job. This is what we need in today’s world – to lift people up – and Working Wardrobes is doing that.
Ashley Nell Tipton
I hope there will be continued U.K. investment in human spaceflight to enable Britain to benefit from space travel in the longer term and that many more Britons – women and men – will travel into space.
Helen Sharman
Rural communities in Africa, South Asia and Latin America are where the majority of hungry people are and the inequality that exists between women and men in these communities is holding back progress.
Dionne Warwick
Those truly committed to liberation must reject the banking concept in its entirety, adopting instead a concept of women and men as conscious beings and consciousness as consciousness intent upon the world.
Paulo Freire
I’ve gotten to wrestle some of the best women and men in the world – Brian Cage, AR Fox, Scorpio Sky, Tracy Williams, David Starr.
Tessa Blanchard
First of all, a lot of people, a lot of women and men, have lost their children. I’m not the only one. But I happen to be blessed that my son gave me all these things to work with so that I get to work out my grief in a way that other people are not able to. So I can’t possibly be downtrodden about that.
Afeni Shakur
Our goal should be to develop work-life policies that enable people to put their gender values into practice. So let’s stop arguing about the hard choices women make and help more women and men avoid such hard choices.
Stephanie Coontz
How many shows on TV do you see young black people, both women and men, really embody a full-fledged human being, flaws and all?
Yvonne Orji
It should be common knowledge that women and men can ta

It should be common knowledge that women and men can talk about sports.
Jessica Mendoza
There is no development strategy more beneficial to society as a whole – women and men alike – than the one which involves women as central players.
Kofi Annan
There’s no shape or body type that makes you more happy or more lovable. It’s the body you’re comfortable in that makes you happier and more lovable. I look around and see how women and men of all types find the love and the life they want.
Marti Noxon
Picatinny Arsenal is essential to the safety of our women and men in the field and to delivering a qualitative edge for our military.
Mikie Sherrill
As for me, I’ve been in love with women and men. I get how people fall in love with different kinds of people, but to fall in love with God: I didn’t get that.
Stacey D’Erasmo
I was thrilled and amazed when I found out we won the Nobel Prize. The dedicated and talented women and men of the COBE team collaborated to produce the science results being recognized. This is truly such a rare and special honor.
John C. Mather
If we just allowed women and men more leeway in our culture and more acceptance, I think they would be able to make better compromises.
Tamora Pierce
Fasting is, first and foremost, an exercise for identifying and managing adversity in all its forms. With faith, in full conscience, fasting calls women and men to an extra degree of self-awareness.
Tariq Ramadan
The dynamic of how women and men are meant to interact, for those of us who are looking for a heterosexual relationship, is very broken, and it leads to a lot of really dysfunctional relationships, abusive and otherwise.
Whitney Wolfe Herd
I feel like everyone has a preference. You have women who don’t like shorter guys. You have women who like taller guys. You have women who like heavier men. You have women who like smaller men. It’s the same thing with men. You have men who prefer lighter women and men who prefer darker women.
Sevyn Streeter
Since ‘Christine’ started screening, I’m overwhelmed by the response from women and men – that it’s so rare to see something like this. We’re just not given the opportunity so much.
Rebecca Hall
Achieving gender equality requires the engagement of women and men, girls and boys. It is everyone’s responsibility.
Ban Ki-moon
I mean that I consider myself a feminist. I think anybody who thinks women and men should be treated equally is a feminist, whether or not they know it.
MJ Hegar
The biggest problem is integrating people from countries with Islamic agrarian cultures. They don’t share with us the core values of modernity and think quite differently about relationships between women and men and individual responsibility.
Pim Fortuyn
Imagine having all of your freedoms taken away, being forced to work against your will, and constantly living under the threat of violence – in short, being forced to live as a slave. Sadly, this situation is a reality for millions of children, women, and men each year as part of the global human trafficking industry.
Bill Flores
For millions of women and men around the world, the playwright Eve Ensler is a beloved figure. She represents the epitome of the politically engaged artist, someone who uses her creative brilliance to illuminate injustice and give voice to the voiceless.
Jackson Katz
How fortunate I was to be alive and a lawyer when, for the first time in United States history, it became possible to urge, successfully, before legislatures and courts, the equal-citizenship stature of women and men as a fundamental constitutional principle.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
In a world where women and men are advised to ‘lean in,’ run faster and reach higher, Arianna Huffington has courageously redefined the meaning of success.
Margaret Cuomo
I don’t know why there is a discrimination between women and men entrepreneurs. Those who are doing their job should just be seen as professionals and not women or men.
Shilpa Shetty
All women, and men of color – we were owned like tables and chairs. We spent a hundred years getting a legal identity as human beings. That’s a big thing.
Gloria Steinem
Femininity is part of the God-given divinity within each of you. It is your incomparable power and influence to do good. You can, through your supernal gifts, bless the lives of children, women, and men. Be proud of your womanhood. Enhance it. Use it to serve others.
James E. Faust
If there is one thing that the women and men of the late 20th century who have an awareness and enjoyment of history can be sure of, it is that Islam was not sent from Heaven to foster egotism and mediocrity.
Fatema Mernissi
I am the columnist who plays the would-this-happen-to-a-white-guy game because there are just too many double standards. But I’m equal opportunity with the game, including Hispanics, Asians, women and men.
Jemele Hill
Outside of America, there are many people, myself included, who champion values that in some senses could be thought of as traditionally American: The idea that everybody is equal; the idea that the rights of women and men should be the same.
Mohsin Hamid
It might seem at first surprising that when I studied women and men talking at work, I found that women ‘interrupted’ each other more often than men did – when they were in all-women conversations.
Deborah Tannen
My father was totally Irish, and so I went to Ireland once. I found it to be very much like New York, for it was a beautiful country, and both the women and men were good-looking.
James Cagney
The path to diversity begins with supporting, mentoring, and sponsoring diverse women and men to become leaders and entrepreneurs.
Denise Morrison
I don’t mind talking about my family and how to balance it all. But, in today’s world, we should probably be asking both women and men about work and family and how to balance the two.
Kelli O’Hara
For Jesus, there are no countries to be conquered, no ideologies to be imposed, no people to be dominated. There are only children, women and men to be loved.
Henri Nouwen
As the daughter of a 25-year veteran of the armed forces, I am incredibly thankful for the sacrifices our women and men have made in Iraq, and continue to make in Afghanistan.
Barbara Lee
I own works by women artists; it is hard for me to see, literally to see, how women and men differ in the quality of their work. Why are women artists less known and less admired?
Agnes Gund
The valor and courage of our young women and men in the

The valor and courage of our young women and men in the armed services are a shining example to all of the world, and we owe them and their families our deepest respect.
Bill Frist
I think a good designer can exist everywhere and anywhere and all the time. It’s all about being good, and I think that our job basically is to make women and men look good.
Alber Elbaz
We want young people to come forward with bright ideas; we want the women and men in our country to have jobs.
Cyril Ramaphosa
While white women and men of color also experience discrimination, all too often their experiences are taken as the only point of departure for all conversations about discrimination. Being front and center in conversations about racism or sexism is a complicated privilege that is often hard to see.
Kimberle Williams Crenshaw
We can celebrate how far we’ve come from our sexist past when women and men are equally represented in the pages of science fiction anthologies.
Annalee Newitz
It’s shocking to learn that thousands of men are expected to be diagnosed with breast cancer each year and that hundreds may die. Education and early detection are important for women and men.
John Bel Edwards
There are no ‘strong women.’ And men, don’t say, ‘Real men don’t try to bully women.’ If a woman attacks you, you fight back.
Jesse Lee Peterson
In popular culture, there is this notion that African-American men and women can’t get together, and we’re having these issues. I think it’s an American problem because I know a lot of white women and men who are having just as many issues trying to find ‘that person’ as anyone.
Salim Akil
Rural communities in Africa, South Asia and Latin America are where the majority of hungry people are and the inequality that exists between women and men in these communities is holding back progress. These women have a very tough time, so much is expected of them.
Dionne Warwick
When a battle for suffrage is conducted, it should only be conducted according to socialist principles, and therefore with the demand of universal suffrage for women and men.
Clara Zetkin
In high fashion, we’re always accused of doing things that are not very relevant, not the real world. I know that it’s important sometimes to do fantasy, but I felt like touching people and going back to different women and men, especially the idea of different ages and body shapes.
Alber Elbaz
I’m not sure I’m going to say that women and men are exactly the same. I think we may have different ways of approaching things, different sensitivities, and women are often better than men at picking up emotional cues.
Margaret MacMillan
Yes, women, and men, have to be open to love, because if we’re not open then there’s no way for us to find happiness. But you can be open to it and still have no control over when it’s going to happen.
Debra Messing
I can make music out of anything. Even that phone ringing, I could sample that. I grew up listening to Missy, Britney, Kelis, Lil Kim, Grace Jones, all the eccentric, out-there women. And men like Freddie Mercury, David Bowie. Those are my peopledem.
Bree Runway
My favorite thing to do is rip the covers off a script when reading for writers to hire and make everybody read without names on the covers of the script. I can’t tell you how many times my writers, women and men, will pick people of color and women much more often than they would with a cover on the script.
Shonda Rhimes