Top 80 Dime Quotes

In the dime stores and bus stations, people talk of situations, read books, repeat quotations, draw conclusions on the wall.
Bob Dylan
One of the things I like about a character: I always think it’s fascinating when a character can turn on a dime and go from one emotion to another. I like watching that.
Albert Brooks
I don’t invest in ideas because ideas are a dime a dozen. I could steal the idea pretty quickly.
Robert Kiyosaki
In the end, I didn't get a dime of the money I was shor

In the end, I didn’t get a dime of the money I was shortchanged.
Lilly Ledbetter
I used to literally spend every dime I had on clothes, shoes and getting fresh.
P. J. Tucker
We’re building an independent political program that can run electoral politics and then turn on a dime to hold our leaders to task, in case they suddenly develop that old case of amnesia! We’ll be there to remind them what they promised and who they promised to work for!
Richard Trumka
I can go to sleep when my head hits the pillow. When I get phone calls from my factory in the middle of the night, I can go right back to sleep on a dime.
Mike Lindell
I did not inherit a single dime from my father.
Ted Wheeler
Troubled celebrities are a dime a dozen.
Michael Beschloss
Some folks want the position of being a U.S. senator to enjoy the benefits that come with it, like foreign travel on the taxpayer’s dime – which Sen. Boozman’s done 129 times.
Conner Eldridge
Even in my comedies, I don’t take anger as a joke. I think anger and laughter are very close to each other, when you think about it. One of the things I like about a character: I always think it’s fascinating when a character can turn on a dime and go from one emotion to another. I like watching that.
Albert Brooks
The cheapest gadget – and you don’t even have to spend a dime – is chopsticks from a Chinese restaurant. I use them for everything: to toss salads, to turn a piece of meat in the pan, to flip croquettes in the Fryolator, to whisk eggs for omelets, to stir eggs into fried rice when I make that for my daughters.
Jose Andres
Mass market paperback thrillers are a dime a dozen. The trick is to find something that actually sticks to the ribs.
Michelle Dean
In pre-movie days, the business of peddling lies about life was spotty and unorganized. It was carried on by the cheaper magazines, dime novels, the hinterland preachers and whooping politicians.
Ben Hecht
There’s been not a dime spent on marketing for any record I’ve ever put out.
Your agent should be invested in the success of your book past the contract stage. After all, if it sells well, she’s going to be getting 15 percent of every dime you make. She can be your best advocate in fighting for your book – not just with editing and the cover, but with marketing and sales as well.
M. J. Rose
My maternal grandmother – she was a compulsive reader. She had only been through five grades of elementary school, but she was a member of the municipal library, and she brought home two or three books a week for me. They could be dime novels or Balzac.
Umberto Eco
Pro wrestling is pro wrestling and it’s one of those industries where things change on a dime. I’m coming up on 19 years in a business with various companies and often one day you’re there and the next day you’re gone.
Lance Archer
Some dramatic event often crystallizes popular attention, and the world turns on a dime.
Heather Cox Richardson
But let me perfectly clear, because I know you’ll hear the same old claims that rolling back these tax breaks means a massive tax increase on the American people: if your family earns less than $250,000 a year, you will not see your taxes increased a single dime. I repeat: not one single dime.
Barack Obama
I’d like to make mistakes on my own dime and not have a herd of people tell me what I’m doing wrong. and I’m also still trying to find and develop my voice as a filmmaker, and I think that’s easier to do on your own terms than trying to satisfy a bunch of people that are paying for the movie.
Katie Aselton