Top 80 Embarrassment Quotes

I’m reasonably easygoing. Messing up my lines or making a fool of myself is where you find my fears. Like a lot of English people, I’m prey to embarrassment – the dread that everyone’s sort of sniggering at you, that you’re going to look like an idiot. I think that sort of halts us all.
Hugh Laurie
This is the thing Donald Trump is doing. He may be an embarrassment, but what he’s actually doing is reflecting back on Republicans exactly what their positions are.
Sam Seder
Roy Moore was an embarrassment.
Charles Barkley
I deeply regret those situations that have blemished the image of the University of Oklahoma, and I hope that I can rectify the embarrassment I have brought the university.
Brian Bosworth
For every musician there’s a certain point when your kids get to 13 or 14 and you become an embarrassment. They don’t want you to drop them off at school and they don’t like that you are different from the other parents, but thankfully mine are over that now, and are pretty cool with what I do.
Paul Young
I always wanted to be on a great TV show and in a Broadway show and have a CD out, and the fact that they happened simultaneously is kind of an embarrassment of riches.
Cheyenne Jackson
I don’t know – is everything the U.S. does a shocking embarrassment?
Jane Smiley
Black people have, like, this thing, and I have it, we all have it, we have this kind of embarrassment. Where we don’t like white people to find out our little insecurities and out little quirks. We don’t really like that that much. It’s kind of, we’re like, ‘Don’t let them know – that ours; that’s for us.’
Michael Che
What is it in people, or just in people like me, that would rather let a lie go by, would rather wish it away or minimize it, than point it out and cause the liar embarrassment?
Walter Kirn
One person’s embarrassment is another person’s accountability.
Tom Price
I think we always view people who make us feel uncomfor

I think we always view people who make us feel uncomfortable and appear to intrude on our middle-class cozy space, we view them with, if not hostility, at least suspicion, discomfort, embarrassment.
Ian Anderson
I’m romantic to the point of embarrassment.
Jesse L. Martin
Visitors to a future Donald J. Trump presidential library may find a whole section dedicated to his demolition of the 2015 Iran nuclear accord: ‘worst deal ever;’ ‘horrible’ and ‘one-sided;’ ‘major embarrassment;’ ‘defective at its core.’
Antony Blinken
I don’t really experience much embarrassment.
John Grant
I’m going to become the best-remembered artist of my generation by staying away from the party as often as possible. That way, people will remember me, not because I was great, but because I didn’t cause them any later embarrassment.
Julian Cope
Science has become politicized, and that’s an embarrassment.
Seth MacFarlane
For an overwhelming majority of my life, my country has been a source of pain, fear, and embarrassment.
Hisham Matar
For the government, there is the frustration of not being a full part of the anti-Isis coalition. For ministers to have their position restrained by our parliament is an embarrassment with their international colleagues.
Crispin Blunt
I often feel a discomfort, a kind of embarrassment, when I explain elementary-particle physics to laypeople. It all seems so arbitrary – the ridiculous collection of fundamental particles, the lack of pattern to their masses.
Leonard Susskind
When I was an actor, I worked with lots of men who had a bit of success early on, who were very good looking, who suddenly made a bit of money and who felt no embarrassment – and nor should they have done – about having a good time.
David Nicholls
The world is like a reverse casino. In a casino, if you gamble long enough, you’re certainly going to lose. But in the real world, where the only thing you’re gambling is, say, your time or your embarrassment, then the more stuff you do, the more you give luck a chance to find you.
Scott Adams
I used to have a silk dressing gown an uncle bought in Japan and when I came downstairs in it, my dad used to call me Davinia. There was never embarrassment about that kind of thing. My sister used to dress me up a lot. She thought I was a little doll.
David Walliams
I became obsessed with making more and more tiny things. I think I was trying to find a way of compensating for my embarrassment at having learning difficulties: people had made me feel small so I wanted to show them how significant ‘small’ could be.
Willard Wigan
I think it would be a good thing in the creative community if there was less embarrassment of this word ‘commercial’ because that’s how you make a business.
Eric Fellner
The reason to retire is to try to avoid embarrassment; you ought to do it before people are dropping big hints. You want to be the first to come up with the idea. You don’t want to wait until you trip and fall off the stage.
Garrison Keillor
I am the daughter of a Chicana and anglo. I think most days I am an embarrassment to both groups. I sometimes hate the white in me so viciously that I long to forget the commitment my skin has imposed upon my life.
Cherrie Moraga
Sarah Palin – now don’t laugh – is writing a book. Not just reading a book, writing a book. Actually, in the word of the publisher, she’s ‘collaborating’ on a book. What an embarrassment! It’s one of these ‘I told you,’ books that jocks do.
Chris Matthews
When ‘Newsies’ first came out, it just crash-landed with a thud; it won a Razzie for worst song of the year, and I felt such embarrassment. Fast-forward, and it’s a hit on Broadway, and I win a Tony for the score!
Alan Menken