Top 80 Enough People Quotes

Not enough people really think about the founding of our country, how it all began and what its really about. They don’t even teach it in schools any more.
Wayne LaPierre
Hairdressing in general hasn’t been given the kudos it deserves. It’s not recognised by enough people as a worthy craft.
Vidal Sassoon
It’s 103 comedians, or however many it is, and how would everyone tell it. It’s enough people of substance that it makes you think of the people who aren’t there that are alive.
Bob Saget
If you can pay enough people to buy your .99 ebook and

If you can pay enough people to buy your .99 ebook and review it positively, and crack one of Amazon’s bestseller lists, readers are going to check it out. Especially at a low price point like .99. Customers are suckers for the fallacy that the cream rises to the top.
Andrew Shaffer
I’ve learned that if you don’t have anyone opposing your work, if you don’t have anyone thinking, ‘Man, that should be me. I could do that. I should have thought of that, or they must have teams of people doing it for them,’ your work simply isn’t reaching enough people to be relevant.
Tara Stiles
We don’t have enough people going into those fields and there is a high burnout rate in some health care professions, so it is very important that we get more people into the pipeline right now.
Dave Obey
As far as writing or directing a film, I’ve worked with enough people who have done that that I know it’s just a whole other level of responsibility and chaos and murder that I could not see happening. For now, I’m just going to see what comes. I know what I like and what direction I have.
Zak Orth
But, I know enough people in that court, through the years, to know one thing: There’s always somebody who surprises you, who rises above what they thought they appointed him for, and stays with the separation of powers, and with the right of the law to decide.
Arthur Hertzberg
I mean, there’s enough people who have a job for years and are not good at it, so you should be skilled at what you do.
Bianca Del Rio
I like my parents but they are just not good parents. They are nice enough people. I’m not interested in hurting their feelings.
Adam Carolla
If you stick around long enough, people start referring to you as a survivor. Suddenly I found myself on the receiving end of several prestigious awards.
Martha Reeves
I’m not that guy who thinks I have all the answers. Writing is a means of communicating, and if enough people say, ‘I don’t get it,’ it’s worth looking at.
Noah Hawley
If you do a character that resonates enough, people are always going to see you as that character. It will just be up to me to make choices where I can flex other muscles.
Danny McBride
I think #OscarsSoWhite is about there not truly being enough people of color represented.
Mahershala Ali
Some people regard private enterprise as a predatory tiger to be shot. Others look on it as a cow they can milk. Not enough people see it as a healthy horse, pulling a sturdy wagon.
Winston Churchill
Hairdressing in general hasn’t been given the kudos it deserves. It’s not recognised by enough people as a worthy craft.
Vidal Sassoon
Someone said I wasn’t attractive enough. People say those things, but they make you stronger. Then you can win an Emmy and think, ha, ha, ha.
Allison Janney
Not enough people enjoy working with color, which delights and inspires me.
Peter Marino
In Gujarat, they may not have enough people to do menial jobs and so they need people from U.P. and Bihar. But in Maharashtra, we have enough people who need jobs.
Raj Thackeray
If you tell a lie that’s big enough, and you tell it often enough, people will believe you’re telling the truth, even if what you’re saying is total crap.
Richard Belzer
I realized some time ago that, while there are really, really high quality schools in urban India – my daughter attends one – there are very few high quality schools in rural India. And that is mostly because of the perception that there are not enough people to pay a reasonable fee in rural India.
Shaffi Mather