Top 80 Regulate Quotes

The Transatlantic and Transpacific Trade and Investment Partnerships have nothing to do with free trade. ‘Free trade’ is used as a disguise to hide the power these agreements give to corporations to use lawsuits to overturn sovereign laws of nations that regulate pollution, food safety, GMOs, and minimum wages.
Paul Craig Roberts
But the general welfare must restrict and regulate the exertions of the individuals, as the individuals must derive a supply of their strength from social power.
Friedrich List
I don’t think they should regulate the music field. I don’t see how they can regulate the arts.
Gordon Lightfoot
You can’t regulate child labor. You can’t regulate slavery. Some things are just wrong.
Michael Moore
Under the Clean Air Act, the EPA has the ability to more stringently regulate dust. If the EPA determines more stringent standards are necessary, family farmers and ranchers, as well as rural economies, would be devastated.
Stephen Fincher
Capitalism is an evil, and you cannot regulate evil.
Michael Moore
There are some outcomes in finance we don’t want, and government should regulate that.
Andrew Ng
NAFTA will continue to regulate the relationship between Mexico and Canada.
Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal
Paradoxically, those who call for family values also tout the wonders of an unregulated market without observing the subtle cultural links between the family they seek to regulate and the market they hold free.
Arlie Russell Hochschild
About 75 percent of the crude oil marketed here is sold off the books, and they are doing trades that would be illegal if it was a regulated market, and of course they do not want to regulate it.
Peter DeFazio
I’m used to being told by society that I must regulate my body to fit the norm. I’m used to the fact that images of unaltered women are seen as unacceptable.
Petra Collins
Washington told Wall Street, ‘We’re going to let y’all regulate yourselves.’ The Republicans were in charge. They never said a word.
Ronnie Musgrove
I am not convinced the Clean Air Act was ever intended to regulate or classify as a dangerous pollutant something as basic and ubiquitous in our atmosphere as carbon dioxide.
Jim Webb
I can not regulate Daryl Turner. He’s a union official.
Ted Wheeler
In stating the principles which regulate exchangeable value and price, we should carefully distinguish between those variations which belong to the commodity itself, and those which are occasioned by a variation in the medium in which value is estimated, or price expressed.
David Ricardo
Most of us know that the hormone melatonin helps regula

Most of us know that the hormone melatonin helps regulate our sleep. But it also seems to play another role – suppressing cancer growth.
Michael Greger
You can’t regulate every lab in the world.
Stephen Hawking
Nature is not simply a technical or economical resource, and human beings are not mere numbers. To suggest that one can somehow align all the squabbling institutions of science, environmental management, government and diplomacy in an alliance of convenience to regulate the global climate seems to me optimistic.
James Buchan
Congress has broad powers to regulate and control commerce. Congress also cannot force a state to ‘un-decriminalize’ something; states’ rights are routinely upheld by the Court.
Matt Gaetz
Your body requires hydration to digest your food, to regulate your hormones, and to be able to think clearly.
Mandy Ingber
Immortality awaits the legislator fortunate enough to have a significant law named after him. Think of Pell grants or Stafford loans for students, Sarbanes-Oxley to regulate Wall Street, or the Hyde Amendment on abortions.
Jim Cooper
Supply and demand regulate architectural form.
Adolf Loos
I have mixed feelings about Napster. I like what it can do for an unsigned band. It can help them sell 10,000 records. But for an established artist, there’s already so much piracy around. They need to regulate it.
The use of travelling is to regulate imagination by reality, and instead of thinking how things may be, to see them as they are.
Samuel Johnson
When it comes to making laws that protect the public from the financial services industry, Congress has done a progressively worse job since the Pecora Commission hearings of the early 1930s, which led to Congress taking bold steps to regulate banking and securities firms in 1933 and 1934.
Gary Weiss
My job is to enforce the laws as passed by whom? Congress. They give me my authority. That’s the jurisdictional responsibilities that I have, and when litigation is used to regulate… that’s abusive. That’s wrong.
Scott Pruitt
Common sense, proportionality, and judgment are the skills we must seek in those we choose to regulate our lives.
Mark Walport
‘Bush v. Gore’ gave us a president who lost the popular vote, eventually appointed two more justices, and led us into a war of choice while failing to regulate a financial system dependent on toxic mortgage-backed derivatives.
Marvin Ammori
In the 1850s, as the numbers of Americans who were not invested in the slave system grew, the South’s leaders felt they had to entrench their power in the government or it was only a question of time until lawmakers would begin to regulate, or even outlaw, slavery.
Heather Cox Richardson
The Obama administration’s plan is to have the Federal Reserve regulate banks that might pose a ‘systemic risk’ if they were to fail.
Thomas Frank
The President’s announcement sounded less like a national energy plan than like a page from an election-year play book. This Administration’s plan to reduce obscene oil company profits is to regulate them less.
Nick Rahall
History will judge harshly my Republican colleagues who deny the science of climate change. Similarly, those Democrats who would use climate change as a basis to regulate out of existence the American experience will face the harsh reality that their ideas will fail.
Matt Gaetz
You can’t regulate a soul into a business.
Kevin O’Leary