Top 80 Vividly Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Vividly Quotes from famous people such as JoJo Siwa, John Hickenlooper, John Lithgow, David Draiman, Andy Serkis, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

When I'm 19, I'll still be living with my mom, but I'm

When I’m 19, I’ll still be living with my mom, but I’m going to be doing music and acting. I can picture it really vividly.
JoJo Siwa
What I remember most vividly was the sense of always being a little behind the other kids in class – that sense of I wasn’t cut out for class or I wasn’t cut out to read.
John Hickenlooper
When I was 13 years old, I went to visit my aunt and uncle in Washington, D.C., and they just deposited me at the National Gallery. I would go from Rembrandt to Picasso – I remember that experience so vividly.
John Lithgow
There’s nothing that can lock a memory in your mind more distinctly than with a piece of music. It’s so easy to remember something so vividly and so perfectly when you score it to something.
David Draiman
‘The Hobbit’ was one of the first biggish books I ever read. I remember vividly the ‘riddles in the dark’ passage, and it meant a lot to me to finally get to play it after all these years.
Andy Serkis
The devil that stayed with me most vividly was the one from the cover of Iron Maiden’s ‘Number of the Beast’ album.
Victor LaValle
We need leaders who are able to vividly remember how it feels to experience hardship, trauma and pain, who make us feel less alone.
Stephanie Land
I probably remember the 1954 Masters more vividly than any of the others.
Dan Jenkins
January is always a good month for behavioral economics: Few things illustrate self-control as vividly as New Year’s resolutions. February is even better, though, because it lets us study why so many of those resolutions are broken.
Sendhil Mullainathan
Of all the great moments at Butler, I still remember the losses most vividly. I don’t know why. I guess that’s kind of what drives you.
Brad Stevens
I remember vividly seeing ‘Tarzan’ and Fred Astaire, the Chaplin films, Fred Astaire musicals, MGM, because of my mother. She was just interested in everything and she took me to opera and ballet, and then ballet got me hooked.
Mikhail Baryshnikov
I grew up with very little. I remember vividly using buckets of water to shower.
Dania Ramirez
When I say dirt-poor, I mean Mom made maybe $25,000 a year. I remember buying milk with food stamps. Vividly. So, growing up, I was the minority.
Jason Sehorn
I remember vividly as a 15-year-old, in 1964, seeing Derry play Glentoran in the Irish Cup Final at Windsor Park in Belfast. Glentoran were one of the two big Belfast teams, along with Linfield. Any rural team playing them was up against the odds.
Martin McGuinness
For man, as for flower and beast and bird, the supreme triumph is to be most vividly, most perfectly alive.
D. H. Lawrence
I remember very vividly what it’s like to be a child. The adults you liked were the ones who listened to you when you spoke and gave you time to say what you wanted to say and actually listened, and quite often reacted as a result of what you’d said.
Rolf Harris
Picture yourself vividly as winning, and that alone will contribute immeasurably to success.
Harry Emerson Fosdick
From the time I was thirteen, there was a constant struggle between MGM and me – whether or not to eat, how much to eat, what to eat. I remember this more vividly than anything else about my childhood.
Judy Garland
When the war started, we became refugees, and it was a really tough time. I was six years old. These were really hard times. I remember them vividly, but it’s not something you want to remember or think about.
Luka Modric
It is the gift of seeing the life around them clearly and vividly, as something that is exciting in its own right. It is an innate gift, varying in intensity with the individual’s temperament and environment.
Bill Brandt
I vividly remember my first day on the White House staff. My office, of course, was in the Old Executive Office Building. I didn’t rate one in the West Wing; but don’t try to tell me or any of the rest of us working there that we weren’t working in the White House.
John Roberts
I remember very vividly – I wrote about it in one of my books – my first IRA. I contributed $2,000 every year, and in 21 years, the funds in that IRA account grew to $260,000. Seems like sort of a miracle, but it happened.
Charles Schwab
We have as many planes of speech as does a painting planes of perspective which create perspective in a phrase. The most important word stands out most vividly defined in the very foreground of the sound plane. Less important words create a series of deeper planes.
Constantin Stanislavski
When looking through the spiritual eye, or the third eye encased within the human mind, one can see vividly beyond the ken of human eyesight, beyond the material atom, and into the future, thereby transcending the limitations of time and space.
Alice Coltrane
I remember the day of my baptism very vividly. I was baptized in the baptismal font in the Tabernacle on Temple Square. Those who were being baptized put on white coveralls, and one by one were gently taken down the steps into the water.
James E. Faust
I vividly remember my sixth-grade classroom. I remember what it smelled like, where I sat, what I could see out the window, and how I felt about things. Peel away my decrepit middle-aged exterior, and an important part of me is still twelve years old. It helps me when I sit down to write stories for kids.
Rodman Philbrick
For me, the vast marvel is to be alive. For man, or for flowers or beast or bird, the supreme triumph is to be most vividly and perfectly alive.
Al Purdy
My mother was electric onstage, and I vividly recall the extraordinary power she had over her audiences.
Lorna Luft
I vividly remember the summer of 1964 with its voter registration drives, boiling racial tensions, and the erupting awareness of the cruelty of racism. I was never the same after that summer.
Sue Monk Kidd
There were little Charlie Chaplins that you would wind up, and they would walk. I remember vividly. I was sitting in the high chair with the little tray in front of me. My parents would wind it up, and it would walk to me.
Norman Lloyd
I remember very vividly, as a child growing up in England, living through the Cuban Missile Crisis. For a few days, the entire biosphere seemed to be on the verge of destruction. And the same weapons are still here, and they’re still armed. If we avoid that trap, others are waiting for us.
David Christian
I vividly remember watching women in films when I was n

I vividly remember watching women in films when I was nine or 10, picturing them being what I’d be like as an adult. I had these real female crushes on certain actresses. And I’d watch them, thinking, ‘One day, I’ll be that. One day I’ll be a woman.’
Alicia Vikander
Most of our physical education teachers were just teachers, and they had to do the extra stuff on their own. I remember very vividly that they would hold a cane pole between two of the students down low, and we would all jump over it. And they would raise it and raise it and raise it.
Johnny Mathis
Bringing the astronaut’s nightmare to life so vividly is a remarkable accomplishment but Alfonso and Jonas Cuaron want more than just the adrenaline ride – they’re feeding our wonder and inviting us to think deeply about profound questions of existence.
Nick Sagan
I can vividly remember the first time I ate a pasty. After a busy day shopping with my gran, she treated me to one. Wide-eyed and with a watering mouth, I chomped down into the crisp, buttery casing. It yielded to my eager bite; the pastry flaked and fluttered down my front.
John Whaite
I can’t remember a picture that has expressed black attitudes and personal relationships as vividly as we’ve done in ‘Cadence.’
Laurence Fishburne
My earliest memory from childhood is of fishing with my father. And I remember vividly we were in a store, and we were buying a pup tent to go on our first camping trip.
David Suzuki
I wanted to put all my family stories down for my girls, and I remember everything so vividly. I just wanted to put everything down while I still can remember it all.
Sissy Spacek
Short fiction is the medium I love the most, because it requires that I bring everything I’ve learned about poetry – the concision, the ability to say something as vividly as possible – but also the ability to create a narrative that, though lacking a novel’s length, satisfies the reader.
Ron Rash
I remember this vividly: It was 1977, and I was in Sears with my mom. And I saw this display, and it was for ‘Love Gun.’ I bought the record just because of the look of that display. Because I really loved monsters.
John 5
The ecstatic insanity of romantic pursuit can be so enhanced by music that entire romantic conquests, victories and ruinous, crushing defeats can be tied to songs to such a degree that it’s almost unbearable to listen to them again, as they bring back the memories so vividly.
Henry Rollins
It was at a vividly bad time in Norman Mailer’s life that I met him, and a sort of water-treading time in mine. He had stabbed his wife, and I was a copy boy at Time magazine.
Dick Cavett
I vividly remember early on in my career when I was eight months pregnant, working literally around the clock, and worrying that each trip to the restroom or my need to catch the occasional catnap was causing my colleagues to question whether I could keep up.
Valerie Jarrett
All the teaching I had ever received had failed to make me apply such intelligence as I was possessed of, directly and vividly: there had never been any sunshine, as regards language, in the earlier grey days of learning, for the sky had always pelted with gerunds and optatives.
E. F. Benson
I remember all the important fights. Vividly. In detail.
Sugar Ray Leonard
If I’ve vividly laid out the narrative, the reader will come to his own conclusions.
Rick Atkinson
My particular historical vantage point is a product of my upbringing as that odd duck, a native Washingtonian whose parents were not in government. The first presidential transition of my sentient lifetime, Kennedy’s, I remember vividly.
Frank Rich