Top 88 Liberated Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Liberated Quotes from famous people such as Justine Bateman, Gilbert Baker, Paramahansa Yogananda, Gore Vidal, Alan Menken, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

A liberated Internet will continue to be a reality in y

A liberated Internet will continue to be a reality in your life (and in the lives of your children) if rules like Net Neutrality are in place.
Justine Bateman
Once I was finally liberated from my Kansas background, the first thing I did was get a sewing machine, because it’s 1972, and I have to look like Mick Jagger and David Bowie every single second. Taffeta jumpsuits.
Gilbert Baker
A swami may conceivably follow only the path of dry reasoning, of cold renunciation; but a yogi engages himself in a definite, step-by-step procedure by which the body and mind are disciplined, and the soul liberated.
Paramahansa Yogananda
In August 1961, I visited President Kennedy at Hyannis Port. The Berlin Wall was going up, and he was about to begin a huge military buildup – reluctantly, or so he said, as he puffed on a cigar liberated by a friend from Castro’s Cuba.
Gore Vidal
Whatever I gain from writing lyrics, I feel I lose a little bit for the musical aspect by having that lyrical burden on me. But when I’m liberated from worrying about the words, frankly, I feel I’m a better composer.
Alan Menken
Art is the means by which we communicate what it feels like to be alive – in the past, that was mixed up with other illustrative duties, but that was still its central function that has been liberated in the art called modern.
Antony Gormley
There is no doubt that, with the exception of a very small number of people close to a vicious regime, the people of Iraq have been liberated and they understand that they’ve been liberated.
Richard Perle
In so many ways, segregation shaped me, and education liberated me.
Maya Angelou
There is something about seeing rhinos and lions running free that excites you. It’s not that you feel afraid; it’s more like you’re liberated by seeing them.
Michael Douglas
I met this homeless man who had never owned a shirt in his life. He had taken his pants and worn them as a shirt and I thought it was so creative. He was liberated from the conventions of fashion.
Julia Stiles
When you’re connected to the ocean, you really don’t think about what’s going on with your email or texts or any of that. You’re just a lot more liberated.
Leven Rambin
As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence actually liberates others.
Marianne Williamson
At a certain point, the graduate school thing didn’t work out, and that meant I was liberated.
Kurt Elling
I’m happier not pretending I know anything about El Cid in Spain. He’s a Spanish national hero. I’d rather invent a character inspired by him but clearly not identical to him. And then I feel liberated creatively.
Guy Gavriel Kay
I discovered that the world frightens you with your shortcomings, but if you do not worry about it, you are liberated.
Anupam Kher
The library is the temple of learning, and learning has liberated more people than all the wars in history.
Carl T. Rowan
Working as a model liberated me from ever having to hold a day job. I transitioned from doing that to working full-time as an artist. If you’re 19 and living cheap, being an artist model can sustain you.
Molly Crabapple
La Mancha is a very macho, chauvinistic society. I saw very clearly that my life had to be in Madrid, and I liberated myself from my mum and dad after high school.
Pedro Almodovar
Things are beautiful or ugly only in time and space. The new man’s vision being liberated from these two factors, all is unified in one unique beauty.
Piet Mondrian
One must pass through the network of influence. One is obligated to be influenced, and one accepts this influence very naturally. From the start, one doesn’t realize this. The first thing to know: one doesn’t realize one is influenced. One thinks he is already liberated, and one is far from it!
Marcel Duchamp
There’s many women now who think, ‘Surely we don’t need feminism anymore, we’re all liberated and society’s accepting us as we are’. Which is just hogwash. It’s not true at all.
Yoko Ono
I like festivals of all kinds: in 1969, I made a film about the first Pan-African festival in Algiers, which celebrated the countries that had been liberated 10 years earlier. There was a tremendous feeling of kinship.
William Klein
I was raised by strong women, and the role models I had in music and cinema were strong, too – liberated and provocative.
Yasmine Hamdan
The first few days without a cellphone were difficult. I felt liberated from the static of Facebook and Twitter but feared that I had missed some email or call that someone had died.
Mary Pilon
Caution is the key to safe cycling. I’m aware that cars are bigger than me, but I feel quite safe. I’m in control, liberated and free, when I’m on my bike.
Erin O’Connor
Eating vegetarian in the past would have been a really bad choice as an athlete. Impossible. Just being able to get the amount of protein in was a mission. You couldn’t be picky. I feel quite liberated by the fact that I can now quite recklessly choose vegetarian food.
Victoria Pendleton
‘Liberation’ is an interesting word because you can be liberated from external things and also from your internal dialogue.
Goldie Hawn
Those who liberated the South from Israel must show allegiance to Lebanon.
Walid Jumblatt
While I was writing I assumed it would be published under a pseudonym, and that liberated me: what I wrote was exactly what I wanted to read.
Nicholson Baker
While men and women alike are liberated by the balance that work flexibility affords, women appear to derive greater value from it.
Julie Sweet
When I was somewhere between child and adult, my father left us. My first family broke apart, but this liberated me to create a new family as I pleased.
Rumaan Alam
Looking towards the future, one of the most important i

Looking towards the future, one of the most important issues the national community must face is the widening gap between the liberated, modern, independent women and our traditional men who are being left behind.
Kamla Persad-Bissessar
I think you feel more liberated in a foreign country. You’re more open. You understand less about the social constructs that exist in a certain place, so you take people more at face value, and you’re also taken more at face value, which makes you more able to be yourself.
During the Second World War, the Cote d’Azur as a holiday destination closed down, but once the Allies had liberated the coast in 1944, the Riviera’s infrastructure grew rapidly.
Carol Drinkwater
I’m free. So, every time you hear me, just know that I’m speaking as a liberated person.
I was not supposed to be in any way a liberated person. I was a female born in the ’40s in a patriarchal family; I was supposed to marry and make everyone around me happy.
Isabel Allende
The essence of competitiveness is liberated when we make people believe that what they think and do is important – and then get out of their way while they do it.
Jack Welch
Most people think when the world gets itself together, we’ll all be okay. I don’t see that situation arriving. I think one by one, we all free ourselves from the chains we have chained ourselves to. But I don’t think that suddenly some magic happens and the whole lot of us will all be liberated in one throw.
George Harrison
I can get away with saying a lot of ideas that are young and naive. I’m liberated.
Neil Young
Retiring can be hard but it’s nice to be in a position where I can run and feel liberated doing it.
Denise Lewis
Republicans were historically the party ever-expanding freedom to disenfranchised minorities, from newly liberated slaves to giving women the right to vote. Susan B. Anthony was a Republican.
Margaret Hoover
I am a liberated woman. And I do believe if a woman does equal work she should be paid equal money. But personally I am feminine and I do like male authority to lean on.
Julie Andrews
I’m a sexually liberated woman that earned that liberation. I am very proud of the fact that I feel comfortable in certain forums discussing sex.
Gennifer Flowers
Bolivar’s legacy has always been a part of the Venezuelan/Latin American imagery, especially in the countries that he liberated or he helped to liberate. He’s been a very prominent figure.
Edgar Ramirez
Aishwarya, my parent’s daughter, has been brought up with enough values inculcated where I will use my discretion in my choices. At the same time, I recognize I am an actor, I am an artist, and if I feel the need to be liberated and do the kind of work I need to do, I will.
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan
I feel liberated, empowered, inspired and motivated. Fear holds you back from achieving what you want in life.
Ricki-Lee Coulter
A liberated woman is one who has sex before marriage and a job after.
Gloria Steinem
Mom’s dad was in the army, stormed the beach at Normandy, fought through the French hedgerows, the Battle of the Ardennes, the Battle of the Bulge, and liberated concentration camps at the end of the war.
Mark Hoppus
History teaches us to beware of the excitation of the liberated and the injustices that often accompany their righteous thirst for justice.
Wole Soyinka
I think that New York liberated me in the sense that I moved here when I was 18, so it was a fresh perspective on life. I had been living in L.A. my whole life and I had never lived anywhere else, so being away from family and really making a name for myself was huge for me.
EJ Johnson
I was so hooked by the fight for freedom that nothing mattered to us so long as we fulfilled the dream of years and years of our people being liberated. I thought normal life would come the day after.
Winnie Madikizela-Mandela
The more you know of your history, the more liberated you are.
Maya Angelou
As a child, these colourful superheroes that could fly, or were horrifying like Ghost Rider and the Hulk, with this tremendous rage or these supernatural powers, provided an escape for me from my mundane existence, from my lack of friends or my inability to communicate well with people. They liberated me.
Nicolas Cage
My dog doesn’t worry about the meaning of life. She may worry if she doesn’t get her breakfast, but she doesn’t sit around worrying about whether she will get fulfilled or liberated or enlightened. As long as she gets some food and a little affection, her life is fine.
Joko Beck
So the bodhisattva saves all beings, not by preaching sermons to them, but by showing them that they are delivered, they are liberated, by the act of not being able to stop changing.
Alan Watts
I feel empathy for people who are trapped in a prison of self-consciousness in an uncomfortable way. We can be free, but we’re so held back. So perhaps that’s why I feel a duty to make my work. I feel liberated when I’m doing it, and I want other people to feel liberated through it.
Bat for Lashes
Let each person have a chance to be who he or she wants to be. Only then can we be considered a truly liberated nation.
Kubra Sait
North Korea is like China was 30-plus years ago. Through our contact, we are certain they will become more open and more liberated.
Lu Guanqiu
The Americans may think they have ‘liberated’ Baghdad but the tens of thousands of thieves – they came in families and cruised the city in trucks and cars searching for booty – seem to have a different idea what liberation means.
Robert Fisk
As soon as we stop trying to put boxes and labels to every relationship and dynamic, we’ll be so much more liberated and at peace.
Lucy Boynton
Within TG, we liberated the use of the lyric forever. There was no longer a taboo on what could be discussed in the conceptual format of a song.
Genesis P-Orridge
I really like acting in French. It’s actually quite different for me, from acting in English. It’s fun acting in a foreign language. You’re liberated or freed from preconceptions.
Kristin Scott Thomas
We were using Brooke as an actress; she was playing dif

We were using Brooke as an actress; she was playing different roles: a liberated woman, a teenager, a vamp.
Calvin Klein
Self-censorship has become a part of me. I think because we live in a place where community is very important, family is very important, you feel the weight of how people look at you. Even though I might seem very modern and very liberated, I still have a lot of issues to deal with. I’m scared of how people look at me.
Nadine Labaki
My problems are so miniscule compared to what’s going on in the world. In that sense, I feel liberated.
Many, many people of the Revolutionary generation, the generation that fought in the Revolutionary War, understood that slavery was somehow in contradiction to what America was saying it was. And many of those folks also, at the very least, gave land to African Americans when they were liberated.
Ta-Nehisi Coates
Young people in Brazil for a long time have been an easy prey for the Left, from communists in Brazil. Social media liberated them from that.
Jair Bolsonaro
I’m just waiting for the moment where it’s accepted that women are just as sexual as men without women having to be overtly sexy just to prove how ‘liberated’ they are.
Marina and the Diamonds
Every day, I feel like it’s the day I was freed from Daesh. Every time I speak about my story, I feel like it’s the day I was liberated.
Nadia Murad
I want women to be liberated and still be able to have a nice ass and shake it.
Shirley MacLaine
As I’ve got older, and since I cut all my hair off, I’ve felt a bit more liberated about trying different things out.
Emma Watson
We all think we’re liberated when we have more of everything, don’t we? That’s what the media tell us.
Pauline Collins
The company Liberated People represents just not liberation of different nations around the world; it can be special liberation days. It can be what the company represents and helps highlight someone’s personal liberation date.
Gbenga Akinnagbe
I was horrified when Richard Chamberlain and Rupert Everett said gay actors should stay in the closet. They were saying to people that they should live a lie and not be liberated, to live in fear of being found out.
Alan Cumming
We repeat today that we are with the establishment of a Palestinian state on any liberated part of Palestinian land that is agreed upon by the Palestinian people, without recognizing Israel or conceding any inch of historical Palestine.
Ismail Haniyeh
Christ was liberated on the cross through spiritual centers located where the nails are said to have been driven, and elsewhere.
Max Heindel
From seeds of his body blossomed the flower that liberated a people and touched the soul of a nation.
Jesse Jackson
Stewardesses were a joke to many of us coming of age in the liberated Sixties. They were no joke in the women’s movement that liberated us, however.
Cathleen Schine
My best mates when I was 19 were all in their 30s. I used to go to all their house parties, and they were crazier than the guys who were 17, 18. They were so much more liberated than the people who were apparently shackle-free.
Paolo Nutini
I think to have done ‘Titanic’ would have been a tortuous experience altogether. I feel good about where my life is, now. I feel free and joyous and happy and more liberated than I have ever been.
Fay Wray
It is always the same: once you are liberated, you are forced to ask who you are.
Jean Baudrillard
That is the best case for Bush; that, among other things, he liberated Iraq. It is good enough for me.
Boris Johnson
It’s a question of not copying the masters, to look for something, good or bad, for oneself. To enter this liberated state of mind, one cannot copy the others.
Nathalie Sarraute
‘Ordinary Grace’ freed me. I don’t have to write only Cork O’Connor novels now. I’m liberated. I can write whatever I want to write.
William Kent Krueger
It was a huge shock. I’ve never had hair that short in my life! I think the rest of the cast and crew were mourning my haircut more than I was! But after a while, I felt liberated, I learned to embrace it.
Camilla Belle
President Bush will come here and there will be new ‘friends’ of America to open a new relationship with the world, new economic fortunes for those who ‘liberated’ them.
Robert Fisk
I will never forget the moment when I was liberated by the American Army. I will never forget those very young boys coming up the hill, who had to take me a prisoner to liberate me.
Heinrich Boll
The corporate woman has been defined as the ‘liberated woman’ and I see that as the exact opposite. I think she now is more enslaved, maybe even more than the housewife was; because she’s so out of her power, and imitating male power is not female power.
Kenny Loggins