Top 88 Pro-Life Quotes

The NAACP was not a black-run, black-originated organization. It was run by 21 white, socialist, atheist, Marxist Democrats. It was the antithesis of Rev. Martin Luther King Sr.’s community at that time, which was capitalist, Christian, very pro-life, and pro-America.
Burgess Owens
It is well known that I am pro-life… but I would not seek to impose my views on the Canadian people.
Stockwell Day
I think at the heart of the pro-life movement is the idea that all people are created equal, endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights starting with life.
Mike Huckabee
Building community coalitions with pro-life groups and pro-business groups takes time.
Rachel Campos-Duffy
I am pro-life, but because life is complicated, that choice is between a woman and her idea of a higher power.
Meghan McCain
I was an atheist most of my life, and now I am a God-fearing Catholic because of the miracle of life. And I’m pro-life.
Gavin McInnes
I am politically pro-choice, but personally pro-life. I

I am politically pro-choice, but personally pro-life. I have my faith but refuse to force it on the world at large – especially this world, so brutal and unjust. I cannot make these wrenching personal life and death decisions for others – nor do I believe they should be made by a church run by childless men.
Julianna Baggott
We are here simply to decide whether Congress should take the taxpayer dollars of millions of pro-life Americans and use them to fund the destruction of human embryos for research.
Mike Pence
I think the Republican Party should be a pro-life party. I am pro-life. I do not apologize for that. On the flip side of that coin, the Republican Party has been big enough to allow pro-choice advocates to be heard.
J. C. Watts
If people want to change the law, they should vote so that we can appoint pro-life judges. I believe the law should be changed.
Michael T. Flynn
I consider myself pro-life, as I accept that the unborn is a human life with rights, and I do not support abortion on request or on demand.
Leo Varadkar
Fifteen years ago, while I was temporarily chairing meetings of pro-life leaders, I pleaded with the angry males to say no to interviews, and instead let beautiful pro-life women become the face for the movement.
Marvin Olasky
I’m 100% pro-life.
Tim Walberg
I’m proud of the fact that the Republican Party is the pro-life party on the issue of life.
Marco Rubio
If you’re a person of faith that is conservative, that’s pro-life, as I am, that believes strongly in traditional family values, as I do… then how we talk about them matters.
Kevin Cramer
For decades, the pro-life movement has focused on scientific evidence and ethical arguments.
Michael J. Knowles
Like the other Republican candidates, Mr. Trump is pro-life, pro-marriage and will appoint conservatives to the courts.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders
The Republicans have long had a platform of being pro-life. And I’m someone that believes life begins at conception and should be protected.
Cathy McMorris Rodgers
When I was a kid I went to Catholic school, and they used to drag us out to pro-life rallies and stuff full of crazy people.
Tim Heidecker
It’s not easy being a pro-life Democrat.
Dan Lipinski
When I left Planned Parenthood, I was extremely nervous. I was immediately thrown into the media spotlight, and I had no idea what it was going to be like to be a public figure in the pro-life movement.
Abby Johnson
When I think of those in the ‘far right’ or those who are pro-life to the extreme and at all costs protect the unborn, the thing that enrages me is you want to ask every one of them, ‘How many foster children are in your home now?’
Ann Dowd
Think about your friends on the Left – are they tolerant of people who aren’t for gay marriage? Or of people who are pro-life? These used to be just political differences, and now they are a referendum on what type of person you are and whether you can be in someone’s life at all.
Dave Rubin
I say Democrats should not be afraid to talk about the morality of life, of caring for children who are born. It seems the Republican obsession with being pro-life lasts about nine months. After that, it’s each baby for herself.
Jennifer Granholm
Protection of unborn children must be a legislative priority in the 112th Congress, and I look forward to leading this bipartisan coalition of pro-life members with Chris Smith as we continue our work to protect innocent human life.
Dan Lipinski
I’ve always been pro-life from conception to natural death. It’s important for the Republican nominee to maintain what we stand for. We are the party that stands for all of life, whether it’s convenient or inconvenient, whether it’s perfect or imperfect.
Michele Bachmann
I’m proud to be pro-life.
Kim Reynolds
I don’t believe you back off being pro-life: You don’t stop being pro-life because they say you’re mean because you’re pro-life.
Ken Cuccinelli
I didn’t want to be pro-life. I hated the pro-life movement. I had been taught to hate them. I thought they hated me.
Abby Johnson
As you know, it’s so important that we always embrace the sanctity of life. One way to do that is to vote pro-life in every election.
Alveda King
It’s laughable to claim the pro-life label while simultaneously putting people’s lives at risk because you’re too stubborn to acknowledge that Medicaid doesn’t fund abortions.
Ana Kasparian
I will say this: I’ve had more pro-life bills, I believe, I ruled unconstitutional – but I tried – than the entire total membership of Congress together.
Dan Webster