Top 95 Charli XCX Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Charli XCX Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I always think about fashion when it comes to making mu

I always think about fashion when it comes to making music and music videos… what the colours will look like, what the material will be, how will it work with the sound of the music.
Charli XCX
I made video art for quite a long time, and I made this video covering myself in burgers and dancing to Major Lazer and doing covers of Britney Spears songs… I can’t remember how I got there, but my teacher said he’d have to fail me because it had mild nudity.
Charli XCX
I count myself as not only just an artist, not only as a singer, but a business woman. I write my own songs; I write my own video treatments, manage other artists. I write for other artists; it’s not just about getting on stage and singing a song.
Charli XCX
If there’s intelligence behind an opinion, then I’m all for expressing it, but I would never just start a fight with someone for the sake of it – that’s just not me.
Charli XCX
I think the process of ‘I Love It’ becoming such a big song opened my eyes to sides of the industry that I’d never been aware of, which I wasn’t so into.
Charli XCX
I do this weird thing in studios where I climb stuff when I get nervous.
Charli XCX
I think what women think is sexy is what is sexy. Girls eating pizza are massively sexy.
Charli XCX
Just because I might be bored doesn’t mean I have to look boring. I’d rather look fabulous, like I’m having a great time.
Charli XCX
I feel like I’m a pop star without being a diva.
Charli XCX
To me, ‘X Factor’ is like Vegas. Fake, twisted, but kind of wonderful. Maybe I’m sick, but I find the whole thing quite funny sometimes.
Charli XCX
I never dress for the occasion correctly because I hate fashion rules. They’re so boring.
Charli XCX
My favorite video of all time is ‘Say You’ll Be There’ by the Spice Girls. That’s the best styling ever. If I could dress like that every day, I would.
Charli XCX
I’m very scruffy and messy in the way that I am and always have been.
Charli XCX
I’m not good at being a picture-perfect pop star, happy all the time. If I’m having a bad day, I can’t pretend. I’m always a bit unhappy, but that’s just me. I like dwelling in my sadness.
Charli XCX
I’ve always played it my way. I failed media training, for example.
Charli XCX
I always Google myself. It’s horrible.
Charli XCX
I see music in colours. I love music that’s black, pink, purple or red – but I hate music that’s green, yellow or brown.
Charli XCX
My family is average. I didn’t have a crazy life as a kid.
Charli XCX
I want my music, whether it’s sung by other people or sung by myself, to affect the way the Top 40 radio sounds. I want to heavily influence it with things that have come directly from my brain.
Charli XCX
I definitely went through a phase where I wanted to be a fashion designer when I was younger… But I certainly wasn’t very good at it.
Charli XCX
I’m lucky I have really cool parents.
Charli XCX
I think debate is good. Everyone has an opinion, and it’s definitely healthy to voice those.
Charli XCX
I’m not interested in the idea of celebrity.
Charli XCX
The fashion of the ’90s is a massive inspiration to me. My favorite video of all time is ‘Say You’ll Be There’ by the Spice Girls. That’s the best styling ever. If I could dress like that every day, I would.
Charli XCX
Obviously, getting a number in the charts is a nice thing but the cherry on the cake rather than the main cake.
Charli XCX
I know when I’ve written a good song when I can imagine the video. If I can’t imagine the video straight away, I’m not gonna put it on my album.
Charli XCX
A sold-out crowd is better than a number one. But being in the studio is better than all of that.
Charli XCX
I love that ‘…Baby One More Time’ video, to be honest; it’s amazing.
Charli XCX
I feel like the U.K. is a better breeding ground for pop, partially because the radio play is more broad and open to new ideas and sounds.
Charli XCX
When you’re growing up, I think there’s this idea that the coolest people are the ones who are really rude and feverish. But I’ve come to realize that isn’t cool.
Charli XCX
I think big brows are pretty cool.
Charli XCX
I love karaoke and totally hog the mic when I go out an

I love karaoke and totally hog the mic when I go out and do it with my friends.
Charli XCX
I’ve never conformed to what my record label has said and, yes, that has meant that it’s been a long journey for me.
Charli XCX
I really love Grimes, Niki & the Dove, stuff like that.
Charli XCX
I’m not super easy to talk to a lot of the time. I’m just kind of weird.
Charli XCX
I’m very selfish in that I make music for myself, not for other people; I kind of only think about other people afterwards when it’s out.
Charli XCX
To be honest, for me, my main workout is when I’m on stage. Even though I make pop music, I don’t think I perform in the classic ‘pop star’ sort of way. I’m very active on stage; I always end up dripping in sweat afterwards. It’s always like a full-on, wild performance, so that’s pretty much like my exercise, I would say.
Charli XCX
If you’re in control of everything, then no matter what it is, you can make that feminine.
Charli XCX
I’ve been really inspired by Paris Hilton, small dogs, and a glitter, luxe lifestyle.
Charli XCX
I feel like, throughout ‘True Romance,’ I was unsure of myself in terms of songwriting. Even though it was my voice, I feel there were a lot of other voices on that record, too.
Charli XCX
When I was younger, I was addicted to the idea of becoming a rapper.
Charli XCX
Being nice is awesome. You have more fun; you meet more people.
Charli XCX
I actually think it doesn’t even matter what age you are or what sex – though that does play into it sometimes – you always have to fight in any kind of creative world because nobody knows your own brain and your own creative ideas better than you do.
Charli XCX
’90s fashion is awesome. Best of both worlds – you had power pop, like the Spice Girls and Shampoo. But then you had Nirvana and Hole. And you also had ’90s dance music like N-Trance, who kind of blended both.
Charli XCX
I want to share the experiences I’ve had.
Charli XCX
I’ve wanted to write good pop music, beautiful pop music – not just throwaways. I’ve always wanted to make it sound luscious and beautiful and cinematic.
Charli XCX
I started writing my own things when I was about 8.
Charli XCX
There are days where I can go into a room full of people, talk to every single person, and feel completely at ease, and feel like making every single person laugh, and feel like everyone’s having a great time. There are other times where I go into a room of people, and I literally want to run and hide.
Charli XCX
I make pop music, but I do it on my own terms. I’ll never play the game, so to speak, just for success. I’ll always follow my heart and make the music I want to make.
Charli XCX
To be honest, my usual makeup is the same as in my music video looks.
Charli XCX
I was 15 when I started making music properly.
Charli XCX
The first show I did with Coldplay was really scary.
Charli XCX
My philosophy is to treat people how you want to be treated.
Charli XCX
My dad always used to encourage me to dress weird.
Charli XCX
I know some people are like, ‘I’m depressed, and I’m a struggling artist,’ and that really works for some people, but that doesn’t work for me. I have to be really happy, even when I’m writing my depressing songs; I have to come through that stage before I can write.
Charli XCX
I’m not good at dressing up fancy; I always just do my thing, which is whatever I’m in the mood for.
Charli XCX
Females should stand by each other, especially in an industry which seems to try so hard to pin us up against each other and make us fight. It’s not about that for me. I refuse to be sucked into a twisted world of insecurity and lose who I am.
Charli XCX
I know how to win people over if things aren’t going my way.
Charli XCX
The XCX really stands for ‘kiss Charli kiss,’ which is unbelievably crap.
Charli XCX
Fashion is instant. It makes you feel something the second you see it on a body… whether you love it or hate it, or it offends you, or it makes you laugh or cry.
Charli XCX
I get on with people. I don’t hang out with people who aren’t nice. It’s like, be real or go home.
Charli XCX
Some people think of feminine as just being pretty and quiet and sweet, but I also think being feminine is being angry and also being sexy and aggressive and passionate.
Charli XCX
I used to worry about being cool. Now I realize that I

I used to worry about being cool. Now I realize that I genuinely don’t care.
Charli XCX
I’m inspired by artists like Robyn, just because she writes amazing pop songs, and they’re not throwaway. When I listen to a Robyn pop song, I don’t feel like she’s just kind of saying something and not thinking; I feel like it’s really emotional.
Charli XCX
I loved Justice and Uffie and everyone signed to the label Ed Banger. They were really influential to me when first started making music.
Charli XCX
When I was younger, I was a rave kid trapped inside a singer/songwriter’s body. But I kind of figured my way out because I started making these really terrible beats on this Yamaha keyboard that my parents got me for my 10th birthday.
Charli XCX
People would always ask me how I came up with my music and what it felt like to make music, and I would always see colours, and then I found out that that was synaesthesia. It helps me understand songs and what I like.
Charli XCX
Pop music is getting so emo. It’s great. Emotional girl for life. I see myself in the centre of that.
Charli XCX
I just feel like the songs I write lend themselves to this girl-power feeling, and those are the artists that I looked up to when I was younger.
Charli XCX
I don’t feel embarrassed by any of the music that I like. I think it’s all genuinely clever, good music.
Charli XCX
I’ve actually done a cover of ‘Train in Vain’ by The Clash with Viv Albertine – which was originally written about her.
Charli XCX
When I first started, I wasn’t really aware of anything in the industry or aware of who I really was. I just put my music out there and tried to get as many people to hear it as possible. I hadn’t really thought about the kind of music I wanted to make.
Charli XCX
I do appreciate the ’80s as an era, the general sounds and aesthetics of the era. The Cure, that whole kind of image is really kind of amazing, I think. The power ballads and how everything sparkles and words are really dramatic. Huge drums, things like that. I do really find it inspiring.
Charli XCX
If I’m really honest, I can’t cook. I’m, like, the worst, worst, worst cook in the world.
Charli XCX
‘True Romance’ was definitely, in part, still me finding my voice as a writer. I was nervous, and I was a lot more shy. The album sounds bruised.
Charli XCX
I wish I could rap! I wish I could rap like Azealia Banks or Lil Wayne or someone like that… Twista. He’s super fast.
Charli XCX
I’m going to build an empire. I’m always writing for someone else. I want to be someone who has her fingerprints all over the pop charts.
Charli XCX
Whether I’m writing for myself or someone else, I’ll always write a song that I would feel comfortable singing.
Charli XCX
I like befriending my collaborators because I’d rather make music with people I like than people I pretend to like.
Charli XCX
Making my first record, I was really inspired by all the color palettes Sofia Coppola has in her films.
Charli XCX
I had this dream to be a rapper when I was younger.
Charli XCX
I love Tinashe.
Charli XCX
I was in the playground, like, ‘Let’s imitate the Spice Girls and form a girl group!’ I would go home and sing into my hairbrush and act like Britney Spears. I was no Mozart.
Charli XCX
My hair is naturally super curly. But I really don’t do so much to it. I just sleep on it and see what happens.
Charli XCX
Sometimes I feel like I was born in the wrong year – I think it would have been cool to be alive in the ’60s.
Charli XCX
I think the best people are the ones who are just as nice and fun. This is really cheesy, but you only have one life – why spend most of it pretending to be cool?
Charli XCX
I feel like I can be six different people in one day sometimes. Which is fun but also really strange in my own brain.
Charli XCX
Most of my youth I spent being obsessed with Baby Spice, so she was my favorite for a really long time. Now that I’m older, I actually really like Posh Spice the best. Nineties Victoria Beckham is perfection, I think.
Charli XCX
I always see my songs in colors, and I’m often more inspired by movies and photographs than I am by other songs when I write my music. I’m also inspired by fashion, and I want my music to be a visual painting of what’s in my mind.
Charli XCX
You should respect the people you are around.
Charli XCX
I think it’s awesome when a woman is in control of everything she’s doing, especially in an industry like this where people think that doesn’t happen often, but it really does – well, from my knowledge and how I manage my own project.
Charli XCX
The scenes in ‘The Virgin Suicides’ where Elle Fanning is ice skating are really amazing.
Charli XCX
I believe I deserve everything that could maybe happen. And I don’t think that’s a cocky thing to say because I’ve worked really hard, and I’ve never bitten the hand that fed me, and I’ve always been really respectful.
Charli XCX
My real friends are definitely the people I grew up wit

My real friends are definitely the people I grew up with – the people who don’t care about my music career at all.
Charli XCX
I love the Nineties because more than any other period of time, there was such an eclectic mix of styles going on. More so than in the Sixties and Seventies, when there was an overriding look and sound.
Charli XCX