Top 95 Stephen Kinzer Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Stephen Kinzer Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Iran, in its former incarnation as Persia, created the

Iran, in its former incarnation as Persia, created the world’s first empire, produced titanic figures like Cyrus, Darius, and Xerxes, and is one of the great fonts of world culture.
Stephen Kinzer
There is much to justify Turkey’s reverence for Ataturk. He is the force that allowed Turkey to rise from the ashes of defeat and emerge as a vibrant new nation.
Stephen Kinzer
A decision by Germany’s highest court that banned the display of crosses or crucifixes in classrooms has sparked widespread outrage and protest.
Stephen Kinzer
The United States is holding hundreds of suspected terrorists in prisons at Guantanamo and elsewhere. Many are locked up indefinitely. They have not been tried or even charged with any crime.
Stephen Kinzer
If women are being oppressed in Egypt or children are being forced to join armies in the Congo, for example, it is not only acceptable but wonderful for Americans to be concerned, outraged, and active.
Stephen Kinzer
Because Iran understands Afghanistan far better than Americans do, making Iran a partner in a long-term effort to transform Afghan agriculture makes sense.
Stephen Kinzer
American oil companies – including Amoco, Unocal, Exxon, Pennzoil – have invested billions of dollars in Azerbaijan and plan to invest billions more. As a result, they have developed a strongly pro-Azerbaijan position.
Stephen Kinzer
In the past, secularists sought to challenge dogma by the use of rational argument, claiming, for example, that miracles described in the Bible are scientifically impossible.
Stephen Kinzer
The history of Chechnya is one of imperialism gone terribly wrong. In the 13th and 14th centuries, Chechens were among the few peoples to fend off Mongol conquerors, but at a terrible cost. Turks, Persians, and Russians sought to seize Chechnya, and it was finally absorbed into the Russian Empire in 1859.
Stephen Kinzer
Most Pakistani politics is conducted within a narrow spectrum. Politicians spend much time debating the best ways to fight India, or take Kashmir, or dominate Afghanistan, or punish the United States for its real and imagined sins.
Stephen Kinzer
Ataturk approved of the mevlevi dervish approach to God as being ‘an expression of Turkish genius’ that reclaimed Islam from what he saw as hide-bound, backward Arab tradition.
Stephen Kinzer
No offense to Iceland, but Latin America is where the fugitive leaker Edward Snowden should settle.
Stephen Kinzer
In his tub-thumping speech at the 2008 Republican National Convention, Romney sounded like the hedge-fund tycoon he is.
Stephen Kinzer
For many years as a foreign correspondent, I not only worked alongside human rights advocates, but considered myself one of them. To defend the rights of those who have none was the reason I became a journalist in the first place. Now, I see the human rights movement as opposing human rights.
Stephen Kinzer
By the late 1970s, repression and economic chaos were causing increasing unrest throughout Latin America. Army strongmen were forced to cede power in Peru, Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras and the Dominican Republic.
Stephen Kinzer
Archaeologists have made discoveries that challenge fundamental traditions of Judaism as well as those of Christianity and Islam.
Stephen Kinzer
Many Afghan intellectuals in the United States believe that their country is best kept together. They are encouraged by the fact that no leading tribal or political figure there has called for secession.
Stephen Kinzer
Turkey is immersed in a profound social and political conflict between secularists, who have been in power since the republic was founded, and an insurgent Islamic-based movement that seeks to increase the role of religion in public life.
Stephen Kinzer
Land ownership in Guatemala is more unequal than anywhere else in Latin America. Roughly 90 percent of Guatemalan farms are too small to support a family. A tiny group of Guatemalans owns a third of the country’s arable land; more than 300,000 landless peasants must scrounge a living as best they can.
Stephen Kinzer
Few living figures could contribute as much as Castro to our understanding of the second half of the 20th century.
Stephen Kinzer
What the United States wanted in Guatemala – and in Iran, where the C.I.A. also deposed a government in the early 1950s – was pro-American stability.
Stephen Kinzer
In fairness, Latin America’s elected civilian leaders have made progress in some areas. They have brought their countries back to international respectability, curbed flagrant human rights violations, and sought to build democratic political institutions.
Stephen Kinzer
The United States is now harbouring Luis Posada Carriles. His continued freedom mocks victims of terrorism everywhere. It also shows how heavily the ‘war on terror’ is overlaid with politics and hypocrisy.
Stephen Kinzer
Allowing a friend to careen toward self destruction is not friendship. That is a habit the United States needs to break as it pursues a richer and more deeply supportive relationship with Israel.
Stephen Kinzer
Mexico needs schools, rural development, and an independent judiciary, not high-tech weaponry.
Stephen Kinzer
One of the immutable patterns of history is the rise and fall of great powers. Those that survive are the ones that adapt as the world changes.
Stephen Kinzer
The Afghans are probably the world champions in resisting foreign domination and infiltration into their country.
Stephen Kinzer
The withdrawal of more than half a million Russian troops and dependents from Germany since 1991 is described by historians as ‘the biggest pullout ever by an army not defeated in battle.’
Stephen Kinzer
Castro has lived almost his entire life as a clandestine revolutionary. To such figures, truth is always malleable, always subservient to political goals.
Stephen Kinzer
Successive American presidents have turned a blind eye to piles of evidence that Saudi money is being used to foment holy war against America.
Stephen Kinzer
Prairie grassland once covered much of North America’s midsection. European settlers turned nearly all of it into farms and ranches, and today the prairie landscape survives mainly in isolated reserves.
Stephen Kinzer
In 1907, Britain and Russia signed a treaty dividing Ir

In 1907, Britain and Russia signed a treaty dividing Iran between them; no Iranian was at the negotiations or even knew they were taking place.
Stephen Kinzer
Afghanistan’s borders are arbitrary, drawn to meet 19th-century political needs rather than to respect ethnic or religious patterns.
Stephen Kinzer
Western powers remain imprisoned by the idea that the world is a dangerous place, that it needs to be managed, and that they are called upon to do the managing.
Stephen Kinzer
Challenging orthodoxy is a death sentence in Washington.
Stephen Kinzer
Some major American publishing houses still seek work by foreign writers.
Stephen Kinzer
Celebrating historic triumphs is a favorite pastime for many Turks. Tales of how Turkic peoples emerged from Central Asia, crossed the steppes to Anatolia, established the Ottoman Empire and ruled for centuries over large swaths of Europe and Asia are the subject of countless legends, poems and books.
Stephen Kinzer
Saudi Arabia supplies much oil to the U.S. And it is the world’s largest consumer of American weaponry.
Stephen Kinzer
In 1984, showing extraordinary courage, a group of Guatemalan wives, mothers and other relatives of disappeared people banded together to form the Mutual Support Group for the Appearance Alive of Our Relatives.
Stephen Kinzer
The long conflict between Israel and Palestine has, for better or worse, become the world’s conflict. It permanently destabilizes the Middle East, blocks the settlement of urgent crises, and intensifies looming threats to the West.
Stephen Kinzer
During the Cold War, America took sides not only in disputes between Arab countries, but also in debates within them.
Stephen Kinzer
During the Cold War, the non-aligned movement tried to become a ‘third force’ in world politics, but failed because it was too large and unwieldy.
Stephen Kinzer
Conflict with the United States is one of the overwhelming facts of Latin American history.
Stephen Kinzer
After World War II, the winds of nationalism and anti-colonialism blew through the developing world.
Stephen Kinzer
During the late 1970s and early 1980s, Latin America moved decisively away from military rule and toward civilian democracy.
Stephen Kinzer
One day, Mexico will have a leader who is nationalist not simply in rhetoric, but also in fact.
Stephen Kinzer
During the 1980s, international interest in the Nicaraguan war was intense. No conflict since the Spanish civil war had provoked such passion around the world. It was a classic good-versus-evil war.
Stephen Kinzer
Canada, Australia and New Zealand have apologised for their treatment of native peoples.
Stephen Kinzer
Mehmet was the first sultan, and one of the first Muslims anywhere, to defy religious tradition by allowing his portrait to be made.
Stephen Kinzer
Adroit geo-strategists take new realities into account as they try to imagine how global politics will unfold. In the foreign policy business, however, inertia is a powerful force and ‘adroit’ a little-known concept.
Stephen Kinzer
To frustrated Americans who have begun boycotting BP: Welcome to the club. It’s great not to be the only member any more!
Stephen Kinzer
From the 1920s into the 1940s, Britain’s standard of living was supported by oil from Iran. British cars, trucks, and buses ran on cheap Iranian oil. Factories throughout Britain were fueled by oil from Iran. The Royal Navy, which projected British power all over the world, powered its ships with Iranian oil.
Stephen Kinzer
Weapons systems the U.S. sold to the Shah of Iran wound up in the hands of Islamic militants who seized power there in 1979; a comparable scenario in Saudi Arabia is hardly impossible.
Stephen Kinzer
Sultan Mehmet had good relations with the Medici family and other powerful Italian clans, especially in Venice and Florence, and at his request, they sent him artists and craftsmen by the dozen.
Stephen Kinzer
There is very little hope that the United States or anyone else can do much to stabilize Iraq, Libya, Syria or Egypt. Stabilizing Iran, and bringing it back into the family of nations, is much more possible. That would be a ‘win’ for both sides.
Stephen Kinzer
Without Ataturk’s vision, without his ambition and energy, without his astonishing boldness in sweeping away traditions accumulated over centuries, today’s Turkey would not exist, and the world would be much poorer.
Stephen Kinzer
The difficulty that many foreign authors face in having their works translated into English has effects far beyond the United States.
Stephen Kinzer
Many troubled Midwestern towns are grasping for ways to fend off decline and, in some cases, extinction.
Stephen Kinzer
New media and mobile entertainment are revolutionizing the way people learn about the world.
Stephen Kinzer
Countries that control water are likely to be the big winners of the future.
Stephen Kinzer
Eagles rarely fail to catch their prey. They usually kill it quickly by breaking its neck with their powerful claws.
Stephen Kinzer
Iran’s most formidable modern leader, Reza Shah Pahlavi, was obsessed with the idea of building a steel mill, but in 1941, soon after he assembled all the components, Allied armies invaded Iran, and the project had to be abandoned.
Stephen Kinzer
My general view is the delivery of news is changing in

My general view is the delivery of news is changing in dramatic ways, and will continue to change into ways we can’t even predict.
Stephen Kinzer
Any country that grants asylum to Snowden risks retaliation from the United States, including diplomatic isolation and costly trade sanctions. Several don’t seem to care.
Stephen Kinzer
Human Rights Watch wants Rwandans to be able to speak freely about their ethnic hatreds, and to allow political parties connected with the defeated genocide army to campaign freely for power.
Stephen Kinzer
In the 1980s, the U.S. Army invaded two Caribbean countries, Grenada and Panama, to depose leaders who had defied Washington.
Stephen Kinzer
‘Operation Ajax’ presents history in an entirely new way. It takes a true story and uses cutting-edge technology, never before used in this way, to bring it to spectacular life.
Stephen Kinzer
As British and French imperialism ebbed following the end of the Second World War, America became the main outside player in Arab affairs.
Stephen Kinzer
As long as Iran believes that its security will be increased by having a nuclear program, it’s going to pursue its program.
Stephen Kinzer
Was Castro sincere when, during his guerrilla war, he swore that he was not a Communist? If so, when did he change, and why? Looking back, does he believe he might have chosen a better course?
Stephen Kinzer
The long-term strategic goals of Iran and the long-term strategic goals of Turkey are close to the long-term strategic goals of the United States.
Stephen Kinzer
King Frederick I of Prussia conceived the Amber Chamber in 1701 as a magnificent gift to the Russian royal family that would seal the alliance between the two powers.
Stephen Kinzer
Chechens are not ethnically or culturally Russian, and have now been fighting for generations to free themselves from Russian rule.
Stephen Kinzer
The dramatic rise of Turkey in the councils of world power was one of the main geopolitical developments of 2010.
Stephen Kinzer
Rwanda has emerged from the devastation of genocide and become more secure and prosperous than anyone had a right to expect.
Stephen Kinzer
In 1983, most Nicaraguans had still not fallen to the depths of deprivation and despair which they would reach in later years, but many were already unhappy and restive.
Stephen Kinzer
Accepting that Arabs have the right to elect their own leaders means accepting the rise of governments that do not share America’s pro-Israel militancy.
Stephen Kinzer
Iranians launched their constitutional revolution in 1906 and established their parliament soon afterward.
Stephen Kinzer
For decades, Turkey was widely viewed as a reliable NATO ally: prickly at times, but safely in America’s corner.
Stephen Kinzer
Since German reunification in 1990, historians and researchers have been free to work in the East, where the lost Nazi art collection disappeared.
Stephen Kinzer
One October day in 1976, a Cuban airliner exploded over the Caribbean and crashed, killing all 73 people aboard. There should have been 74. I had a ticket on that flight, but changed my reservation at the last moment and flew to Havana on an earlier plane.
Stephen Kinzer
The key to Turkey’s success has been its ability to reinvent itself as times change.
Stephen Kinzer
Relationships based on deals between leaders or ruling elites tend to collapse amid popular anger.
Stephen Kinzer
The idea that Arabia is best run by Arabs is no more palatable to Western leaders today than it was to Napoleon or Churchill.
Stephen Kinzer
The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers created the ‘Fertile Crescent’ where some of the first civilizations emerged. Today they are immensely important resources, politically as well as geographically.
Stephen Kinzer
As the United States shapes and carries out its policies toward Muslim countries, it should do so with Turkey at its side.
Stephen Kinzer
A few of the world’s most famous non-American novelists have large followings in the United States, among them Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Guenter Grass, who were both popular even before winning the Nobel.
Stephen Kinzer
It is never wise to discourage youthful idealism.
Stephen Kinzer
Other places are also generators of far-flung violence beyond their own borders – Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are obvious examples – but none has as long a history of war, resistance, and terror as Chechnya.
Stephen Kinzer
No authoritarian leader cedes power easily or turns it over to bodies he cannot control.
Stephen Kinzer
Pakistan is not about to crack down on terror groups or cut its military budget in order to build roads, schools and hospitals.
Stephen Kinzer
No one will ever be able to say what the comandantes would have done with their historic opportunity in Nicaragua if they had not been confronted with civil war.
Stephen Kinzer
Turkey can be a bridge to regimes and actions the United States can’t reach. Turkey can talk to people the United States can’t talk to.
Stephen Kinzer
During the 19th century, Iranians lost vast territories

During the 19th century, Iranians lost vast territories in disastrous wars, and corrupt monarchs sold everything of value in the country to foreigners.
Stephen Kinzer
No step the United States could take anywhere in the world would bring strategic benefits as great as detente with Iran.
Stephen Kinzer